Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After a moment of contemplation Chet had finally come to a conclusion. He wished to be a better leader than he had been as of late. That meant that he didn't want any more harm to come to his boys than necessary. And so he decided to leave the edge of the clearing of Lovers Haven as quickly and as quietly as he and his boys could. Chet motioned with his right hand towards the woodland trail whilst keeping a finger on his lips with his left hand. As dutifully as ever the other members of the Salt Bay Turbos turned in the heels and snuck away from the clearing. They hoped against hope that they would not get noticed. It was then that it happened. A fallen tree branch crunched beneath Chets feet. The crunch itself was quite audible, even amongst all the racket the Slicks were causing. Chet hoped against hope that nobody heard it. He had screwed up more than enough lately. His ego couldn't take bearing the mantle of a screw-up.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The slicks were too busy chanting about the end of the Turbos to notice the crunch. Except for one little slick. He seemed a little too young to be around these kids, but they didn’t seem to mind. He turned around and slipped away from the rest without being noticed. The young one tugged on Chet’s shirt as he was trying to slip away. The boy had blonde hair and his eye was swollen shut. Like he had been beaten up recently. The boy looked no older than 10.

“H-hey, where are you going? Are you gonna play slicks with us?” He asked quietly, his eyes beaming with innocence. The poor child didn’t realize what group he was hanging out with.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Chet noticed a tugging on the back of his shirt. He swung around abruptly, ready for a fight. What he found was the most innocent looking kid he had ever seen. The sight of the child shocked Chet deeply. What business did the little guy have with such slimy people, Chet could not surmise. He suddenly felt a pang of empathy for the child with the innocent puppy dog look on his face. Chet bent over and whispered into the childs ear.

"Hey kid. You gotta get out of here now, real quiet like. Come with us, we know how to play Slicks for real. Not like these losers." whispered Chet as he motioned towards the gathering of Slicks in Lovers Haven.

"So kid, what do ya say? Wanna play with the cool kids? You gotta keep it a secret now so keep quiet, ya dig?" Chet whispered again.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The kid nods happily and smiles. “Yeah! I wanna play with you! Let’s play!” He said, grabbing Chet’s hand and following him down the path. The child was being taken away from a very bad decision.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Chet smiled happily. It was the first genuine smile he had made in a while. He walked hand in hand with this young child through the increasingly darkening woodland trail. The usual sound of the woodland creatures had mysteriously returned. With all the chirping and scurrying about that is expected of the denizens of the woodlands. It was almost like the mountain itself was relieved that the Salt Bay Turbos snuck away safely. Once the Turbos were far enough away from the clearing of Lovers Haven did Chet finally spoke.

"So kid, what's your name?" he asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

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“T-Toby... What’s your name? Do you live in the forest?” His blue eyes shot through Chet’s soul. They had an innocent, yet sad and mysterious demeanor. Like he knew something. Something important.

“Where’s your family? Do they know you’re here?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Chet was slightly taken aback by all the questions this child laid down before him. At the same time though, he felt genuinely flattered that someone was interested in who he was without knowing about his status in the school nor his recent and rather grandiose mistakes. Chet felt that he rather liked this child a lot. He wanted nothing bad to happen to him, neither now nor ever. Chet released Tobys hand and turned to face him directly. He then knelt down a bit so as to be eye level with this lost youngster.

"Look kid, I mean Toby. Those guys back there are not good guys. They do nothing but bad things to good people. And they don't do it for fun. They do it because they're mean. They're mean because they are too weak to be nice. Do you understand me kid?" Chet asked the rather mesmerized child.

"Of course you do, you're a smart kid." he stated.

"Those Slicks are totally lame anyway. I heard that their leader pissed his pants in front of a girl he liked. We'll take you to get some ice cream if you promise not to hang out with those losers ever again." Chet bargained.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Toby nodded and and his face lit up. Who could say no to ice cream!?

“I want chocolate! With a cherry too!” Toby thought it was a pretty good deal. But he had to leave the slicks. That’s was going to be a bit of a problem. But like the smart kid achey said he was, he could weave his way and find a loop hole in the deal. He agreed and followed Chet down the mountain.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Chet issued forth a peal of laughter. It was the first time in a long time that he'd laughed like that. Chet felt that this kid, this Toby, was like the little brother he never had. His spirit was lifted and for that he was grateful. He cared not for the consequences of not showing up to one of Charles' creepy little fittings. All Chet cared about was making sure that Toby was safe and well taken care of. And that he hoped that he would never fall in with the Slicks again in the future. Unfortunately though, such a decision was out of Chets hands. As much as he cared for Toby, Chet was not his mother.

"You got it kid!" Chet exclaimed excitedly.

A few moments later the Salt Bay Turbos returned to their parked bikes on the fifth hairpin turn. Chet then mounted his hog and ignited the engine. It roared to life like a caged bull. And intense amount of power and aggression locked inside a metal cage that is the engine. Chet then flipped the kickstand back up into the bike.

"Get on kid, and hold on tight. I hope you aren't afraid of speed. Because we're gonna go fast." announced Chet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“That’s ok. I’m used to motorcycles. Let’s get ice cream!” He said, climbing onto Chet’s bike. He gripped tightly onto Chet’s back. Toby clearly knew what riding on a bike was like. “Drive, drive! Vroom!” He kicked his little legs and giggled.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"You're late." greeted Charles icily. His voice echoed off of the walls of the foyer of Lancaster Manor.

"We kinda ran into some trouble along the way. Nothin we couldn't handle but ya know." Chet explained dismissively.

"What!? What do I know!?" pressed Charles.

Chet sighed deeply before replying."It was the Slicks! They were at Lovers Haven doin some shit. We checked it out and it looked pretty lame so we decided to split. But there was this little kid. He shouldn't have been there. We took him home and stuff..." explained Chet. His explanation petered out when Chet noticed that same impatient and exasperated look that Charles wore whenever something began bothering him.

"As much as I appreciate your concern for the innocent youth of this fair town Chet you should've put your sworn duties ahead of whatever fanciful little whimsies you may entertain. Translation: Fuck that little shit, you should've been here on time. Now I'm pissed." said Charles threateningly.

Chet gave yet another deep sigh. As much as he sorely wanted to, he couldn't retaliate against Charles' rudeness and hostility. After all, he had the entire Salt Bay Turbos by the balls at the point. Chet knew that such a confrontation was going to happen though he cared not for he had much greater concerns at the fore. The kid, Toby, reminded Chet so much of himself at that age. Tagging along with the bigger and meaner kids. Getting dragged into things that he had no business dealing with at that stage of his life. Chet couldn't help but aid Toby in any way he could. Their trip to the malt shop was one of the happiest and most uplifting trips he had taken in a while. Doing a good deed while having a genuinely good time with friends was exactly what Chet needed. Whatever penalty Charles could throw down due to his tardiness was worth for that trip to the malt shop with Toby. And so there Chet stood, gritting his teeth whilst barely containing his rage.

"Well, it can't be helped. You came so late in the evening that I had to send the tailor home without any work being done. And you know how much I hate to bother humble tradespeople beyond their capacity. So I guess it can't be helped. I'll just have to take your measurements for you." said Charles a little too jovially.

"Sure, whatever you want. And the other guys? I sent them home. And don't worry, they don't need measurements or nothin. They're all pretty much built like Divo anyway." assured Chet.

"Whatever, you guys have probably never worn a fitted suit before in your lives anyway." dismissed Charles.

And so seemingly out of nowhere Charles took out a tape measurer, a small notepad, and a pencil. He then ordered Chet to adopt a wider than average casual stance whilst holding his arms straight out to his sides. Strangely enough for Chet, Charles began by squatting down and measuring his legs. Much like the old tailor himself, Charles took forever to take those measurements. Charles brushed up against Chets crotch more than a few times. Chet couldn't help but notice that Charles did it a little too slowly and forcefully for it to be an accident.

"Hey! What the hell you fag!" exclaimed Chet.

"Shut the fuck up! I'm trying to concentrate!" retorted Charles.

Chet was about to respond with "yeah, concentrate on my dick" but then he wisely decided to hold back. He didn't want to annoy Charles anymore than he needed to. And what seemed like an eternity of awkward silence and crotch brushings later, Charles finally finished measuring his legs. He then stood up and began to measure Chets torso and arms.

Charles then suddenly stopped in his tracks. "Your shirt's dirty and it stinks. It disgusts me. Take it off. he ordered.

"Wha.." Chet began to question.

"You heard me!" snapped Charles.

Even though Chet had never been to a fitting before, no doubt even he knew that it was a strange request. This request in particular though Chet was more than willing to fulfill. He was a little sweaty from all the stuff they did that afternoon and black leather wasn't exactly the most breathable material. Besides all that Chet always jumped at the chance to show off his athletic body to anyone. As much as he hated the horrible morning drills his father put him through, he did take pride in how strong they made him. And so without further delay. Chet removed his shirt. He sported a rather well developed set of pecs as well as a set of four pack abs that were burgeoning on a six pack. Chet had some body hair as well but it was sparse enough to not hide his physique.

Charles froze in his tracks. He couldn't help but stare at Chet in all his glory. A slight smile curled at the edge of Charles' lips. Without another word he began to measure the dimensions of Chets upper body. Yet again he took an eternity in taking his measurements and once again his "accidental" brushing wasn't very subtle. At long last, Charles order Chet to drop his arms to his side.

"About damn time! My shoulders were killing me!" Chet complained.

Charles stood up from the stooped position he adopted while he took Chets measurements. He stood face to face with him, almost nose to nose. They stood there in such close proximity for just a moment, though for Chet that moment stretched into eternity. A look of hunger and greed slowly spread across Charles face.

"You're a fine specimen Chet. I can really use you." commented Charles.

"What do you mean?" asked Chet rather nervously.

It was then that Charles grabbed the waistline of Chets pants with his left hand and pulled him closer. With his right hand Charles then reached around the back of Chets head and pulled his face closer to his. Their lips met and soon they were locked. Charles' tongue danced in Chets mouth like a seductive serpent at a very fiery soiree. At first Chet felt alarmed at these turn of events. A instant later though he felt calm, then
passionate. Chets tongue then danced with Charles' well into the night.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Toby sat at his little toy desk, coloring with his crayons. He was drawing a picture of his family. Toby was on the left, his brother was next to him, his mother next to his brother, and his father...

His father...

Toby scratched out his dad with the black crayon he was coloring his mother’s hair with. It was a shame he had left his family. He seemed such a nice dad, Toby thought as he colored the sun yellow. He decided to venture out into his mothers room to see her again. He walked by the piles of garbage bags and the overloded dishes in the sink.

Toby slowly opened the door. His mother was sleeping peacefully on the bed. He was dumbfounded how she could sleep with all the beeping her machine made. He climbed ontop of the bed and laid next to her.

“Mama, today, I met a nice person who took me home and bought me ice cream.” He snuggled closer to her.

“I wish you could wake up an meet him. Maybe he’ll buy you ice cream too. Hey mama, I heard that if you get kissed by someone whos magic, youll wake up. Is that true?” There was silence. “I hope its true. Then you can wake up and play again. Big brither misses you too. He’s taking good care of me!” Toby yawned and wrapped his mothers arm around him.

”I’m going to bed... night, mama. Maybe you’ll wake up this time.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It was yet another bright and sunny Saturday morning in the town of Sea Salt Bay. It was almost too bright for Rolos' liking. He trudged along the footpath at a snails pace. His legs burned from the brutality that Charles had put him through all week. Never had Rolo ever been made to do so much exercise before. The closest thing he had ever gotten was those times in which he had beaten up rival gang members whenever they were made noise and acted the fool. Never before had Rolo felt such hatred for a mountain before. It mocked him worse than Charles ever could. The road stretched on for what seemed like an eternity at the time. But it was the sweetness of Corinne that kept him going then. And it was the sweetness of Corinne that kept him going on that footpath next to the bay. For you see, Rolo voluntarily pushed himself to run that fine Saturday morning. The waves barreled and crashed in the clear waters of the bay. The gulls flapped here and there whilst issuing forth their calls. The seals barked off in the distance. A picture perfect day on the bay. But Rolo wasn't there for pleasure, he was there for business. This time, it was personal.

It was after the second time that Charles made Rolo run down then up the mountain road that a startling revelation occurred. Rolo noticed that even though he was made to run the same distance, he felt slightly less tired and sore after the second time. It was like his body was starting to get used to it. That Rolo was getting physically stronger. The change was so slight that he may have imagined it at the time. But it was a challenge nevertheless. To Rolo, a challenge was a fight. Nobody ever had the balls to challenge Rolo to a one on one fight before. No way in hell was he going to back down from nor lose to that pompous little weiner. And so with gusto, Rolo made himself run along the foot path on the side of the road next to the bay. The look of utter anger and frustration on the pompous little wieners face when Rolo refused to break under the strain motivated them both. It motivated Rolo to be stronger and it motivated Charles to be more cruel. And thus a manly cycle of strength, determination, and mutual hatred was born. A cycle that Rolo himself intended to perpetuate alone. For he was going to break Charles' ego before he was going to break his face. The next time they will tangle, Rolo promised himself that he will be a stronger man. He was going to beat Charles at his own game.

The boardwalk was coming right up. Rolo hoped that none of the guys were there to watch him waddle like a fat chicken down the street. He knew though that it was unlikely for none of his friends ever woke up before eleven in the morning on a weekend. One thing Rolo wished more than anything though was for Corinne to be standing there at the boardwalk, cheering him on.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Corrine had gone to the bookstore with Oliver to pick out something that she wanted. Every few weeks, Corrine would run out of stuff to read in her personal library, and re reading books wasnt her favorite thing to do. She had her eyes on a certain book since her discussion with Rolo.

The moment the two got home, she dashed to her room and locked the door. She jumped onto her bed, landing on her stomach and turned to the first page. “How to Be a Good Detective! For adolescents!” If Corrine was going to save her boyfriend and his friends, she needed to know how! What better way to learn how to look for clues than from a book?

As she read more and more of the book, she began writing notes in her notebook. Not only could she use this for saving her friends, she could use this for anything! Corrine felt more independent the more she read on. She could do more for herself now. Something she wasnt really allowed to do growing up. Such a small thing made Corrine so happy and powerful.

Once she was done reading, she hugged to book tightly. She kissed it and placed it on her shelf. A few moments later, Charlie had called Corrine down to eat. She happily ran down the grand stairs to the dining hall to tell her brothers what she had learned.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I thought I'd find you here. Where ya been short stuff?" greeted Switch upon his discovery of a very tired and frankly disheveled looking Divo.

Divo sat up from where he lay upon the sand beneath the boardwalk. It was about midday on a very sunny and pleasant Saturday. The sound of the waves crashing upon the shore was punctuated by the shrieking laughter of children playing in the waters. Truly it was a perfect day to be at the beach. Divo himself wasn't exactly dressed for the occasion as he was still in his full riding leathers. A cascade of sand fell away from him as he sat up. He didn't even bother dusting himself off which he was oft inclined to do. Instead he stared at Switch with an obviously frustrated expression. A thin film of sand still covered his shades.

"Wha do you wan?" slurred Divo irritably.

"Just checkin up on you dude. Things have been real weird and fucked up these last few days. Honestly dude I have no idea what to think anymore. Hey, just how long have you been sleepin down here anyway?" asked Switch out of curiosity.

"I dunno, last night or some shit. Why the fuck do you care anyway? What are you my mother? I hope not, she's such a psychotic old whore. No way was I goin home to that shit." rambled Divo.

"Hey, did you get wasted last night dude? asked Switch before squatting down and having a sniff.

"You really reek of the good stuff. Why didn't you invite me to your little party? I wanted to get wasted too! You greedy little teeny weenie..." said Switch playfully.

"Shut the fuck up!" Divo snapped.

"Whoa man, you know I'm just playin! Just chill alright!?" placated Switch.

"I know I know. It's just that I, I'm not in the mood for anythin ya know? I'm just so sick of it all. I don't give a fuck anymore." said Divo bitterly.

A look of concern played across Switchs face. It wasn't like Divo to act this way. It wasn't like him to act so bitter and defeated. In fact it was usually Divos job to cheer everyone else up whenever the Salt Bay Turbos found themselves in a dark place. Whatever was eating Divo up inside Switch could only guess. Sure, Switch and Divo joked around at each others expense all of the time yes but that was mainly because they wished to entertain the other members of the Salt Bay Turbos. In truth though, Switch and Divo considered each other best friends. They cared about each other more than most people realised. And so with all the concern in the world, Switch decided to sit down next to Divo and have a real heart-to-heart chat.

"Alright buddy, spill the beans. What's been eatin ya?" asked Switch jovially.

"Where do I even begin?" replied Divo in feigned exasperation.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

High above the lighthouse, where the big should have gone, Spoon and Ralphie were having a date. It was more so to calm their nerves after what happened at the mountain pass. They had never seen their leader so fired up. It was truly scary. Not only that but he was sobbing once they were done. He was speaking incoherently so no one understood what he was saying. Something about loosing something or someone.

”Hey spoon, what do you think is going to happen to the slicks? People are talking about leaving. What do you think?” Ralphie asked. Spoon thought for a moment and shrugged. Ralphie sighed.

”If it gets too dangerous, I think I wanna leave. Will you join me?” Ralphie asked. Spoon sighed. As much as she loved the danger and the rush of being in the slicks, she knew she couldn’t leave her Ralphie behind. She nodded and Ralphie kissed her on the cheek.

”Thank you. Now here’s a big question. Are we going to tell the boss what we saw and what we know about the Turbos?” Ralphie asked one more time. Spoon knew that they had to report the information, but she didn’t want to lose her new friends. Spoon remained silent.

”Spoon, please answer.” They begged. Spoon hugged her knees.

”Spoon, answer.” Ralphie’s voice became more stern, But shaky. Spoon still didn’t answer.

”Yukina, please! I can’t make this decision on my own! I dont want to lose Corrine or Rolo but we have a job to do! So do we do it at the cost of them, or not at the cost of our reputation? No, our lives!” Tears streamed down Raphie’s face. Spoon was shocked Ralphie used her real name. He never used her real name. No body did. Not even her parents or teachers. Ralphie must have been extremely torn. Spoon gave Ralphie a hug and made her decision.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I just feel like we've been distant lately. It's almost like you're a different person. Someone I don't recognise. I think we're growing apart." explained Kirsten.

"No baby that's not true at all. Things haven't changed between us. I'm still crazy about you and stuff. It's just that well, I've been busy." Chet trailed off weakly.

"Busy with what!? We never get to spend any time together anymore! You never even call me! What's a girl supposed to think!? I know your type. The tough, cool James Dean kinda guy with a new girl every week. Well I am not just a girl Chet! I'm not just a girl!" Kirsten exclaimed almost hysterically.

The other diners began to stare at them with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. Murmurs bubbled all around the young couple and their lovers tiff. Sweet and Sour Diner wasn't very busy when Chet and Kirsten came in earlier that afternoon. Over the course of half an hour though did that change. The diner filled with patrons very quickly and became very busy. Chet was kicking himself for taking Kirsten there. He had no idea just how popular that new diner really was. All he wanted was some quiet time with special girl but instead he got drama and public humiliation. This was not Chets day.

"Can you just keep it down please!? No need to air our dirty laundry okay babe?" whispered Chet loudly.

"I can't believe you! Here I am, on the verge of tears, and all you care about is what other people think of you!? You're not a rebel at all! You're not even cool! You're just a..." Kirstens tirade was suddenly cut short as Chet tried to defuse the situation.

"Baby please don't say what you're about to say." Chet pleaded.

"Goodbye Chet! Goodbye forever!" yelled Kirsten before getting up from the booth and storming out of the diner in tears. Her sobs were cut off as the diner door closed behind her.

All eyes were on Chet now. Never had he ever felt like a bigger loser than he did in that moment. Well, except for that time he was caught betraying the Salt Bay Turbos. That was a shame that would never leave him for as long as he lived. Chet felt like such a square though. All he could do was sit there and bear all that public scrutiny. Sure, he could chase after Kirsten and attempt to apologise though the sad truth was that she was right. She and Chet had been growing apart. In fact Chet was almost certain that he no longer had feelings for her anymore. Perhaps, he surmised, that he only decided to court Kirsten simply for the thrill of the chase. The night at the clubhouse was so cool and Chet wanted to have as much fun as he could at the time. Perhaps she was just a girl after all.

"Bill please." Chet said to a passing waiter.

The waiter gave a squeak of confirmation then scampered off to calculate what was owed. As Chet sat there, awaiting his bill, his mind drifted off to the night before. A smile crossed his face as he fondly remembered that night of passion.

Things were all going according to plan. Charles couldn't help but grin with genuine satisfaction. For the first time in a long time he had everything he wanted. As of that moment he was the most powerful person at Salt Bay High. Soon, he'd be the most powerful person in the the town itself. And if that wasn't enough, he was finally able to conquer his rival in every way possible.

As Charles gazed out at the town Sea Salt Bay upon his usual spot at the marble fence, his mind drifted back to the night before. The warm breeze of that sunny Saturday afternoon teased his impeccably groomed chestnut hair as he reminisced about the red hot steaming passion between himself and his greatest conquest yet. Being with Chet was like taming a wild stallion. Tough and demanding yet majestic and beautiful at the same time. It was all so very intoxicating. Even a mere memory of that night made Charles dizzy with ecstasy. He began to feel himself become aroused to the point where it became visibly noticeable. Nobody else was around though so he felt neither shame nor the social calling to hide it. And so there Charles stood, in more ways than one, at the marble fence overlooking the town of Sea Salt Bay.

Charles was suddenly shocked out of his reverie by an unceremoniously loud noise. It was one his butlers clearing his throat. The sound of which made Charles fidget noticeably. "Excuse me sir. Terribly sorry to bother you this fine afternoon but your honoured guest has arrived." said the butler with dignity and aplomb.

Before Charles could berate the butler for unintentionally humiliating him he was suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. Charles had never been shocked twice in a row before until then. There she stood, with long and straight raven, large dark eyes, ivory skin, and a very flattering hips to bust ratio. She had bright red lipstick yet the rest of her makeup was very subtle. She wore a red beret and a tight horizontally striped black and white shirt with long sleeves. She also wore a tight black skirt, black stockings, and a pair of black shoes with slightly raised heels. Each of the shoes sported a cute little red bow. Truly she was a vision loveliness by any mans estimation. Charles was lost for words.

"I present to you miss Yoshida Kimiko. Heiress of the Yoshida family fortune." said the butler with subtle grandiosity.

"Please, just call me Kimiko." she said in a surprisingly squeaky voice.

"G-g-greetings miss uhh Kimicho?" Charles said in response. It was the only response he could muster in the moment, as shocked as he was.

Kimiko then began to giggle uncontrollably, almost hysterically. Charles looked down to see that he was still standing at attention. He promptly hid his excitement with both of his hands. Charles began to blush very brightly at that moment. Never had he felt more embarrassed. That particular butler was lucky that he was a very good friend of his father or else Charles would have fired him on the spot for humiliating him so. Charles surmised that they were going to have words later on concerning his conduct.

"S-sorry." Charles apologised sheepishly.

End of season two

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Season 3

Corrine awoke to the sounds of rain pitter-pattering against her window. She yawned and slipped on her otter slippers, walking to her window and openning her curtains. Her face lit up as the window and ground below were soaked from the rain. Rainy days were Corrine’s favorite. She scrambled to get her uniform and rain coat on. She ran down the stairs and to the dinner table to be greeted with ‘good mornings’ from her brothers and oancakes on the table.

”Well, aren’t you happy today?” Charlie said. ”You must have looked out your window, didn’t you? Well, I’m sure you’ll have fun today. Rain is always good luck.”

”Luck, huh? Don’t you know that luck isn’t real? Its just hydrogen and oxygen mashed together and thrown to the ground.” Oliver commented.

”Oliver can we go one day without you giving anyone a snarky comment!? Its just a nice thing to say!” Charlie scolded Oliver.

”Then how about tell her to have a nice day? Corrine clearly doesn’t need luck anyway. She’s too cute to be unlucky.” Oliver rolled his eyes. Corrine giggled and finished her breakfast. She kissed Oliver, Charlie, and the rest of her brothers at the table, and left for school.

Umbrella in hand, rainboots on her feet, and raincoat around her, Corrine skipped happily to school. She jumped in puddles and picked up snails from their leafy, wet homes. Rainy days were always her favorite. It reminded her of Caramel Cove and how it would rain almost everyday after October. She loved getting wet and playing in the mud. Maybe she could convince Rolo and his friends to play with her after school!

As she finally reached campus, a few girls were giggling and gossiping near the girls bathroom. Corrine snuck over to the bathroom and by the water fountain to eavesdrop. She couldn’t help but drop in on any gossip, no matter how untrue or mean the story was. She took a drink and listened in.

“Did you hear? There’s a foreign exchange student here!” The blonde girl with the rack giggled.

“Really? Who is she?” The brunette asked.

“Apparently, she’s from somewhere in Asia. I don’t remember where, but apparently she’s super rich and super cute~! She may even surpass us in popularity!” A dark haired girl with a scarf said.

“She better not. I’ll make sure of it.” The blonde with the rack said.

Corrine stopped drinking and left to walk to her locker. She pondered the information she hsd heard. A new girl? Maybe she could make friends with her! Rich and cute and not from the area? Sounded like Corrine herself! But from Asia? Not her. She hoped she would have a few classes with her. As she gathered her band music and her books, she shut her locked and bumped into someone, dropping everything.

”Omigosh! I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to bump into you! Are you ok?” Corrine gathered her books and sheet music and looked up.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

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"Hey watch it you klutz! Oh, it's you Corinne baby! What's up!?" greeted Switch.

It was quite the coincidence that out of all the people he would run into it was the one he was thinking about the most lately. Corinne was the hot topic of conversation during his heart-to-heart chat with Divo. Why Divo seemed to care so much about the new chick Switch could only guess. It came as a surprise to him that just how much she seemed to mean to short stuff. But then again, Switch surmised that really it was no surprise at all once he thought about it a little. The way that Divo starred at Corinne sometimes in that subtle yet intense way. The look of jealousy that passed over Divo's face whenever Rolo spoke fondly of her and whenever he saw them together. Those looks left as quickly as they came but they always returned like clockwork. Of course these signs were so subtle that perhaps Divo himself was not aware of them. Suffice it to say though, Switch couldn't blame him for feeling the way he did. Not just about Corinne but about everything that was going on with the Salt Bay Turbos. The future was uncertain for them so of course one would desire what one wanted just a little bit more. The one thought that kept returning to the forefront of Switchs' mind though was perhaps maybe he desired the same thing. Whether that same thing was love or merely friendship was the very conundrum that Switch mulled over when he collided with the little lady herself.

"Here, let me help you with your books." Switch offered as he squatted down next to Corinne.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rhythmloid
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Rhythmloid Executioner

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Corrine looked up to hear a familiar voice. It was Switch!

”Switch! I havent seen you in forever! How have you been? You know, since after you know what...” Corrine sighed and began organizing her sheet music.

”Rolo told me everything about Charles. How have you been hanging? Actually, I havent really seen any of the Turbos lately...” It was true. The only person she had seen was Rolo and they would sit together during lunch. She was curious as to what happened to the rest of them.
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