Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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Senna growled like an animal as she felt the hand on the back of her neck. "You're not the only one who's been working on tricks!" She spat as she threw her legs off the ground and upwards. Her feet flew into the air, moving behind her, and then over her as Senna back flipped out of Lacy's grasp. With her one perfect sai and the other damaged sai, she sprinted over the corner. She threw her weight around, running a couple steps up one wall, then kicked off that one and on to the other. She kicked off the second wall and threw a flying roundhouse kick at Lacy. In mid air she threw the damaged sai toward's Lacy's right thigh. Even though it was not as sharp as it was a few moments ago, it still could penetrate flesh at the speed and strength Senna had thrown it. But because of how dull it was, the pain would be increased because it would rip the flesh rather than slice it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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Lacy had to let go of Senna's neck as she flipped over her. And as the short girl ran up the wall, Lacy began to lower herself closer to the ground in preparation for the next attack. Right as Senna's foot was about to be smashed into her head, she caught her leg and twisted it so that she was spun around in the air. But before she could alude her grasp, she took an incredibly strong strike to her knee, breaking her leg. It was going to take awhile to heal but she didn't permanently damaged it. Lacy was boiling with her adrenaline that she didn't notice the dulled sai embedded into her leg.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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Senna snarled as she moved through the air. She landed on the ground and jumped back to feet. "Senna, STOP!" Dick shouted from the doorway, starting to come in. Senna's crazed eyes moved from Lacy to Dick. "Bite me." She hissed, taking her other sai and throwing it at the wall next to her. She charged Dick, who clearly wasn't ready for this dramatic change in events, and struck him in the chest with a balled fist. "Sorry, but you can't get mixed into this anymore than you already are." She said, taking her hand back. There was a strange look in her eyes, her expression was a twist of pain and guilt.

Dick had been too shocked at first, he hesitated, and that was all the young fighter needed. He suddenly felt a sharp pain where Senna's hand had been. He looked down and saw what looked like a flash drive sticking out his of chest. A couple of drops of blood dripped down his shirt as a wave of nausea and utter exhaustion hit him. He looked up at Senna with hurt in his eyes, the same hurt that was in his eyes as he watched his parents fall to their deaths all those years ago. "S-senna...why...?" He started before falling backwards, his eyes closed.

Senna quickly turned back to the wall and ripped her sai out of the rotting wallpaper. "Back down, Lacy," Senna warned, pointing her sai at the snake woman, "or more people who don't need to get hurt will get hurt." She promised, her words as poisonous as Lacy's blood. "Stand. Down."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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Lacy's eyes were wide as she watched her husband fall to ground at the hands of someone he cared about. A low, deep growl rose in her throat as if she were an animal. "Code B612, release," she snapped. Senna's mechanical arm, the very arm that Ace had slaved over days to create especially for her, sprung of the amputated part with sparks flying. "Forget about that, didn't you?" She hissed with a grin. Lacy ripped the blunted sai out of her leg, hardly feeling a thing. Then, she flung the weapon at a high speed at her, but instead of hitting Senna it hit the wall.
One might think that she missed, but Lacy threw intentionally at the wall. Her overly sensitive hearing could hear the humming of a pipe underneath the wall. From the place where the sai's point hit, a blast of hot steaming gas blasted Senna. Lacy took her moment and pounced forward, slamming the girl's head into the wall with intentions to knock her out, and at the very least stun her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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Senna's eyes widened as her eyes looked to her fallen arm. Her eyes snapped to Lacy, her upper lip curled back. "How could I forget-" She started as her stolen talon hit the pile. She cried out as scalding gas hit her face, causing her to loose her balance. "Damn yo-" She started again as Lacy launched her back into the wall. Senna clutched her last talon as her head made contact with the decaying wall and she heard the crack of something that didn't normally crack. She cried out in pain as she fell forward, face to the ground.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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RedBalloon Nonbinary Queen

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Lacy stomped on Senna's last hand then kicked the remaining sai away from her. The snake woman took out her golden claw to prick Senna's arm with one of the heads of the snakes. It was sleeping venom, a very potent one at that. It would take a moment for the poison to settle in, however. All the while, Lacy had the strongly bite down the urge to just end the nuisance's life right then and there. She was taking long, heavy breaths with her lips curled back in a snarl. She loomed over Senna with a foot on the sai, in case she made an attempt, and watched her with intense green eyes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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Senna laid there, silently and not moving. Dick groaned in his unconscious state. Senna had put a venom in his system that would temporarily paralyze him and put him to sleep. It was supposed to wear off in about an hour. She had to make sure he wouldn't interfere. After a long time of stillness, something broke the silence. "I've always wanted to do this." And just like that, Senna got to her feet and reached into her shoe, pulling out one of her throwing disks. "Either you get me or you save Dick. We both know who you're gonna choose." Senna explained as she ran for the window, turning around and throwing the disk at the wall on the other room. The wall exploded, revealing her utility pouches on the other side of the wall. Her pouches began to beep like crazy from the first explosion. "You got 10 seconds before this stupid build explodes, you better get Dick out or it's on you!" Senna screamed as she broke out the window not so gracefully, shattered glass falling down several stories. Lacy's venom was starting to kick in as she started to feel a little dizzy. The glass decorated the ground like a thousand, tiny, filthy diamonds.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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Lacy roared in exasperation. She hesitated a moment as Senna jumped through the window, leaving behind only shattered glass. She snapped her gaze towards her husband and slung him over her shoulders. As quickly as possible, she glided down the stairs, barely touching the ground half the time before dashing out the door. Once they were outside the building, the bombs exploded and Lacy shielded Dick from the debris that fell. Her thigh was beginning to throb from the stab wound and now her strong back was being pelted with sharp pieces of brick and glass.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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Senna stumbled away from the explosion, slowly loosing mobility with every step. "f***...f*** my life..." She growled as she kept moving. The heat behind her started to die down, but there was a red and orange light on the ground. Senna couldn't help but smile at the thought of that building finally being gone as she disappeared into the city.

"Lacy, Dick!" Tim cried, out of uniform, as he jumped off of his bike and sprinted for the married couple. Damian was with him as well. He didn't say anything but his expression was nothing but concern. "What happened, Where's Senna?" Tim's blue eyes were wide with worry as he crouched down next to Lacy and Dick. His eyes widened as he saw Lacy's back, it was all scratched up and was covered in scales of glass.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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"The b*tch got away," Lacy growled. She had a hand on the wall by Dick's head, the other gently pulled out the flashdrive that Senna had stabbed him with, placing it on the ground. She tried to move away from bending over Dick but she sucked in a breathe at the fiery pain shooting across her back. "Oh, f*ck me." The snake woman pushed herself down so that she was sitting with her injured leg sticking out, but not without hissing in pain. She cursed something under her breath in her native language.
"She stabbed Dick and blew up the building," she explained. "But I managed to get her with some sleep venom, thought."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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"Sacker did what?" Damian asked. That didn't sound like the Senna he knew. He looked down at what Lacy had pulled out of Dick's chest. He bent down and picked it up, looking at it. "She stabbed him with a flashdrive?" He asked in an questioning tone.

Tim looked up at the burning building, the sounds of sirens had already started. "Let's get you two to a hospital. You can play the victim, but Gotham is a little ways away and there's no way Dick or you can ride motorcycles back." He was really worried about Senna, but even more worried about what she was going to do next.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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Lacy peeled back her lips in an irritated expression. "That loon is off her the rails, of course she stabbed him with a flashdrive," she muttered in response to Damian. She tried to stand up while beginning to say, "I'm fine", but was cut short as the fiery pain tingled across her back and thigh.
"Ok, maybe we should go to a hospital," she agreed with Tim. She looked back over to her husband and touched his leg, shaking it a little. Whatever Senna had coated the flashdrive with should be wearing off, she could smell the effects subsiding.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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The sirens came closer and closer until Tim and Damian saw the lights and the approaching vehicles. Suddenly they were surrounded by people in uniforms. Tim and Damian stepped back from Dick and Lacy as paramedics loomed over the injured couple. "They got caught in the explosion, they said they were just walking by when it happened." Tim lied to the hospital workers. "We were down the street when we heard the bomb and saw the flames and came to help when we saw them on the ground. We're actually friends with them."

A couple of paramedics came down and helped the sleeping Dick up into a stretcher. They checked for a pulse. "He's alive, just unconscious, get him..." They started to treat Dick's chest wound as they brought him into the ambulance. Dick groaned again, his eyes cracking open for a split second. "...se...nna..." Escaped his lips. "...Lacy..." And he was suddenly under the spell again.

A few more paramedics came over with a stretcher for lacy. "Please, you need to lay down on your chest here. We're going to take care of you, Ma'am." One of them looked over Lacy's back, observing her wounds.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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Lacy worriedly watched as they carried Dick away, hearing the words that escaped his lips. She obeyed the paramedics demands and settled herself on the stretcher with her back facing up. It hurt her to move, she could feel the shards of glass shifting underneath her glass, and the pressure of her stab-wound on her leg was a burst on pain. She hoped that her blood wasn't poisonous anymore, least the paramedics get a surprise.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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Tim watched as they loaded Lacy into another ambulance. Both sets of paramedics looked to Tim and Damian and shut the doors, and went on their way to the hospital. The fire fighters fought the fire while the police sealed off the area. A cop came over to Tim and Damian, but before she could say anything, "We were just leaving." Damian answered, knowing that the cop was going to ask them to leave the premises.

As Tim and Damian walked back to Tim's bike, the unmasked Red Robin looked back at the building. "Senna was the one who called for backup, not Dick or Lacy, she called us here." He said. "Yeah, your point, Drake?" Damian asked, putting his helmet on and the flash drive in his pocket. Tim was silent and shook his head. "I don't know, Damian." He answered, talking his own helmet. "I don't know."

Before arriving at the hospital, Tim and Damian had looked and studied the flash drive. They looked at what was on it, after cleaning off Dick's blood and any of the serum that was left on it. They found articles about a young girl's abduction several years before, sex trafficking, and some weird voodoo stuff. Obliviously it was Senna's research on Z.

Upon arrival, they were led up to Dick's and Lacy's room. Because they were married, they were able to room together. Dick was awake but he still seemed out of it. The last of whatever Senna put into his systems was still flushing itself out. All he needed injury wise was a bandaid on his chest.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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Lacy was stationed in a bed next to Dick's, but she was fully awake and sitting on the edge of the bed with her phone to her ear. She had been changed into hospital shirt and shorts so that the wounds on her back and leg could be treated. Her back felt worse now that it had been treated than before. The doctors had told her to lay on her stomach and restrain her tensing her muscles but the only doctor she would ever listen to was her mother. She was talking in quick, hush tone in her native language without taking a breath between sentences. She looked up when Tim and Damian walked into the room, and ended her phone call abruptly with a short goodbye.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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Dick looked over at Lacy's back as the other two Robins entered the room. His deep, blue eyes moved from his wife to his family. "Did you find her?" He asked, sitting up in his hospital bed.

"No, Grayson, we did not." Damian replied, then glanced at Lacy. He just realized he now was addressing both of them. Stupid marriage rules. Oh well, they knew which one he meant. "The flash drive he stuck in you has nothing but info on Z. None of it is even encrypted or coded, so it's nothing too top-secret."

"How are you guys feeling?" Tim asked, his hands shoved into his pockets. Where were they going to go from here? Obviously Senna was still after Z, but if she might be somewhere still processing Lacy's venom. Tim still didn't like the situation they were in, but he had already basically forgiven Z for what she did. It wasn't her fault, but it didn't mean he was over what happened. However, it didn't give Senna an excuse to act the way she was, to do what she was doing, to hurt who she hurt. At least with her new arm missing, she'd be a little slower and easier to manage in the future.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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Lacy had a calm expression but her rigid posture was anything but relaxed. "Ba tid-" she started to say before cutting herself short and closing her eyes for a second. She muttered "English" under her breath before opening her eyes again. "Other than the burning on my back, fan-f*cking-tastic," she told him. None of her anger was directing towards them but she was still livid nonetheless. Leaning forwards, she propped her elbows on her knees and put her head in her hands. "Was there anything about Z's parents on the flashdrive? Anything mentioning her father specifically?" she asked, keeping her head in her hands.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LarayiaHunter
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"Well, there were a lot of files on sex trafficking, missing child reports, and newspaper clippings..." Tim started as he looked at the shut hospital door behind him. "...But there is one file on here that does have some information on that topic." He started as he pulled out a small file reader out of his pocket. What was on the flash drive appeared in the air as a hologram. The young adult swiped at the screen until an Agent report came up. It was the most secure file on the drive, but when it came to any member of the Batfam, hacking into any agency was a piece of cake. Even when it came to stealing files on agents of the CIA. "I'm guessing this is probably her father, or at least an uncle." Tim deduced, showing Lacy the screen.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RedBalloon
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LACY looked up from her hands towards the holoscreen. “That’s her father alright,” she confirmed. “God, He’s going to be p*ssed it finds out his file has been stolen.” She stared at the screen as she scanned through the information. “Doesn’t say anything about what property he owns. Do you think Senna could find a unlisted house in the middle of nowhere with the information she found?”
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