Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Alexis jumped at Elias' departure from the bed and she saw him put on a tunic and she tossed him a pair of pants and looked up at the ceiling with pinkened cheeks. "The doctor will be here in a few moments so we will have to hurry otherwise we won't be able to see her for hours. You really shouldn't using that arm too much yet." When he got to her she took his hand in hers and guided him through the hallways without being seen to Sophie's room and there were a bunch of people in and out of there.

Addressing the entire room she spoke up. "Can I have the room for a moment or two? We need to speak with Sophie in private please. It is urgent." Alexis closed the door after everyone but Elias and her aunt left the room. She turned to Elias. "Aunt Jean knows everything as of a couple of hours ago."

"Sophie? Tell us about the attack? We need to know everything about the attackers and what they said."

Sophie reiterated the story of how they attacked her near the alleyway and then beat her up. "One was Vetala and the other was some kind of Hybrid of Vetala and Wesen I think. I think they were related, both were male." She said the same things she had previously said and the doctor came in and she immediately shut her mouth. She didn't like him and she wasn't fond of the idea of him treating her.

"I don't need a doctor!" She said to Jean. Jean looked to Alexis and she shrugged her shoulders. Sophie was already healing somewhat. Alexis had not known that she could do that. Jean got up to get rid of the doctor who was staring at Alexis and Elias with so much hate he was almost gloating about being right.

"I'm sorry doctor we should have checked her out before sending for you. It appears that she is alright after all. Of course I'll pay you anyway." She maneuvered him out of the door but not before he said something else.

"She holds his hand! See! I told you that niece of yours is a whore!" Alexis' breath stopped and she let go of Elias' hand and she looked away.

Sophie glared at the doctor. Alexis was having a difficult day. The doctor's handprint was still on her face from earlier.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

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The doctor’s accusation was far too disgraceful to ignore. The first time he had struck Alexis, Elias had been in the throes of intense sickness and disorientation. Now, however? He was more than capable of handing this insolent pig’s ass to him.

Calmly unlocking his fingers from Alexis’ hand, Elias concerned demeanor for Sophie was replaced by a steely cold gaze, freezing still whoever was unfortunate enough to come under its scrutiny.

With an iron will and unwavering expression, Elias slowly pivoted on his heel and turned to face the doctor, taking two long strides towards the doctor to close the distance between himself and the aggressive medical practitioner near the doorway. Elias’ face was mere inches from the doctor’s when he stopped, glowering down at the older man’s enraged face.

”The perceived freeness of the Lady Alexis of yours is misplaced and unwarranted,” Elias began, continuing to look over the doctor. ”You speak without knowledge and without finesse. You foolishly choose to run your mouth and embarrass yourself most publicly. The Lady Alexis is among the highest order of refinement and capability. She is aware of what is and isn’t acceptable to decrepit old men like you and acts accordingly, with the knowledge that she is being watched and held to a certain standard constantly. I am aware of these expectation as well, and would never tempt her in such a way, and I am disgraced that I am forced to witness such an atrocious accusation towards a lady of such high respectability.”

Elias began to slowly walk forward, forcing the doctor to backpedal towards the door. ”You will do better in the future to never accuse a Grimm of such things, knowing full well that the man you believe her to be sleeping with is her partner in assisting her to find an acceptable courter so that one day she may be wed to a suitor far more gracious and tactful than one such as yourself. You will remember our family name’s influence stretched far and wide, from the eastern shore to the western coast. We hold positions of power across these isles and you will do well to remember who it is you accuse of disgracefulness.”

Elias shut the door in the doctor’s face, turning calmly back to face the rest of the group. ”Now, Sophie, how are you doing?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Alexis turned her head back around when Elias moved towards the doctor. Sophie sat up in her bed a bit. Elias put the blustering doctor in his place while defending Alexis' honor and the Grimm name. His statements of the power that the family wielded made Alexis smirk a little. Jean's jaw dropped to the floor in shock at first. When the door closed on the red faced doctor Alexis' mouth was covered and Jean burst into a fit of giggles.

Sophie had a headache and she was enjoying Elias' speech but her head was hurting. Worrying about her partner she wasn't sure if he was okay or if the entire thing had been a setup for them both. Was he alive? Did he even know she was on her way to see him?

Alexis didn't know what to say to Elias so she wrapped her arms around his neck hugged him and kissed his cheek. She stumbled over her words a little. "Thank you cousin." She felt so restricted when they were in a public setting. To everyone else he was her cousin and nothing else. To her, he was her entire world. She needed a little time to herself. She felt like she might burst. It had been a rough day already. She walked over to the door and opened it and left the room. Alexis walked into her room and leaned out of the window taking in some fresh air.

She had to get her head on straight. She was worried about their future as hunters, did she even have the right to make that promise? Her stomach was in knots. She knew if she were to have to marry someone else she would not survive her own wedding night. She had to find a way to gain control of her own future and her own fortune. She hadn't bothered to close her door when she had entered it and she paid no mind to those passing by her room. To anyone else she looked incredibly sad sitting at her window.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

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The man's quiet footsteps quickly led him to an impression mansion in the upper class district, where houses were interspersed between gardens, stables, and other agricultural areas that allowed for a good amount of privacy. By keeping to the alleyways behind houses and weaving his path in and out of various gardens and smaller buildings, he was able to circumvent the entire area unseen, finally coming to a stop at the back entrance to the house. The two pairs of footsteps he had been following disappeared into the residence, offering no option but to sneak in.

While he was perfectly able of picking the lock, other options seemed far more lucrative to the agile Wesen. Stepping back from the door, Wayne spotted a woman sitting on a window sill, gazing peacefully out into the sky. Her sharp features and fiery hair were impossible to forget: She had battled and slain the Manticore that night in the woods. She was a Grimm, but as Sophie has informed Wayne, she was a friend.

Muttering a string of curses under his breath at who he had to converse with, Wayne stepped forward, his fingers easily finding grips in the wood and stone exterior of the building. Within seconds, he had scaled to the second story and refused to slow down, quickly making his way past the gazing woman's level and onto the roof. With a controlled rate of breathing and silent footsteps, Wayne prowled forward until he was perched directly over the woman, gazing down at her troubled expression. If she had detected Wayne, she showed no sign of it.

In a single fluid motion, he bent over, turning his body as he fell from his perch, keeping on hand on the edge of the roof to support himself as he spun and landed with a soft whoosh on the window sill next to the woman. Wayne's hands were raised in peace, displaying that he held no weapon in his grasp.

"Be calm, I'm not here to harm you," The Wesen spoke quietly, his dark blue eyes serious. "I'm here for Sophie."


Elias stepped aside, letting Alexis pass him without resistance. His focus was solely on Sophie; if Alexis desired to step away, it was her concern. She most likely had things to attend to regarding another attack.

"Sophie," Elias repeated as he stepped forward, inquisitively eyeing the woman. "What exactly happened?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Collaboration post

Alexis watched the wesen without showing any signs of distress. Sophie had described Wayne before and Alexis was half expecting him although not quite the way he was entering. Besides that she smelled him as soon as he turned the corner and figured out who he was.

"Nice to meet you Wayne. I'm Alexis. Sophie has mentioned you a few times. You must be her...partner. Is that partner as in husband or boyfriend or just fighting partner? That she didn't clarify but she seems to have feelings for you so I imagine it is something more than just fighting partners."

Wayne kept a stone cold expression as he stared the Grimm down, his gaze unwavering. ”Where’s Sophie.”

The Wesen entirely disregarded the statement, intent on finding Sophie before any pleasantries could be exchanged. His voice didn’t raise in pitch at the end of his sentence, indicating a command for information rather than a question.

Sighing already knowing her question would be dismissed Alexis stood up fully and waved at him to follow her. "Come on, I'll take you to her." Alexis left her room with him and wondered if Sophie had these troubles. When they got to her room she stepped aside to let him by.

Wayne kept his peripheral vision sharp, eyeing the second Grimm as he entered the room. His shoulder was clearly bandaged from the spine that had impaled him during the Manticore attack, but he was uncertain how recovered he was.

Without a word, he crossed the room towards Sophie, taking her hand and looking her over, his sharp eyes noting her skin tone, complexion, the redness in her eyes, and anything else that indicated internal damage. Once he was satisfied she was safe, he smiled, sighing as he bent his head forward and touched his forehead to hers. ”You worried me.

Alexis walked in behind him and looked at him with Sophie and smiled softly at Sophie's expression. As she watched the two she slipped her hand into Elias'. "Looks like I have my answer." She said softly.

Sophie seemed relieved to see Wayne. She raised her head up and smiled brightly as he came close to her. "Wayne! I am so glad you are okay. I thought there was a possible setup for you as well as my attack." Sophie looked at Elias' face and explained. "Elias this is Wayne, my partner. Wayne this is Elias Grimm."

Wayne turned and stared Elias down, both men sizing each other up. There was no hostility in their actions, but it was clear they were assessing each others strength. After a long pause, Elias smiled. ”It’s a pleasure to meet you, Wayne.”

In traditional Wesen fashion, Elias places two fingers on the bridge of his nose and bent his head forward, greeting the Avian with respect. Wayne followed suit before extending and shaking hands with Elias.

”It appears our last introduction was interrupted,“ Wayne spoke softly, nodding towards Alexis. ”It’s my great pleasure to make your acquaintances.”

Alexis nodded and smiled. "We are pleased to meet you. Now I know how Sophie knew what happened at the fight. I am glad you were there. Your information saved Elias' life. I am in your debt." She didn't look at Elias afraid of what might be in his eyes.

Wayne smiled gently and met Alexis’ gaze with kind eyes. ”It is most certainly my pleasure to help you. I’m hoping that perhaps we can come to an understanding about our place in each other’s lives.“

He turned to Sophie next, resting his hand on her forearm. ”So, tell me, Sophie, what happened?”

Sophie reiterated the story of how they attacked her near the alleyway and then beat her up. "One was Vetala and the other was some kind of Hybrid of Vetala and Wesen I think. I think they were related, both were male." She hesitated and said, "They told me to kill the Grimm's or else." Sophie was a bit upset by this and it showed on her face. "Don't go after anyone on your own Wayne."

Sophie looked from Wayne to Elias and Alexis and she reached for Alexis' hand and held onto it. "Alexis came looking for me and got me home. What are you going to do now Wayne?"

The veteran’s brow furrowed, his mind visibly working. As far as he knew, only one source knew of the Grimm’s presence. They hadn’t been actively hunting, and that had kept them under the radar. “I need to speak with Johann, the Wesen that informed me of your presence in the city. He must know something about it, as he’s the only seer in the province. Either he told someone else, or thy somehow got the information from him.”

Sophie nodded and Alexis wondered who Johann was but knew better than to ask. She was half surprised that Elias hadn't removed his hand from hers yet. She looked at Wayne and asked him something she expected a resounding no to.. "Since our respective partners are down for the moment shall I accompany you so you aren't alone and worrying Sophie?" Sometimes her own brilliance surprised her.

Wayne’s piercing eyes found Alexis, his expression slightly amused. ”While I assure you I’m perfectly capable of distancing my worry from my craft, it isn’t a half bad idea to get your feet wet in the city.”

Grinning from ear to ear she said, "I'll be right back. I need to change." Alexis ran off and didn't say a word to Elias about it and Sophie seemed thrilled about the idea.

"I think that is a fantastic idea!"She quipped. She seemed a little surprised that Wayne agreed to it.

A few moments went by and Alexis reappeared in full gear with a cloak on covering most of her attire. Wayne was not used to Alexis and wasn't aware that she was carrying a ton of weapons.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

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Wayne moved towards Sophie and clasped her hand in his, nodding down at her with solemn eyes. He knew that being a Wesen and not a human, she would heal much faster. While every single creature in Wesenkind healed faster, Sophie was special. Not only did her species heal faster than most Wesen, but she was always unique in her recovery time. She'd be back on her feet in no time.

"No time like the present, Alexis, let's depart." Wayne quickly strode out of the room, turning left and walked to the end of the hall, silently making his way down the stairs with Alexis in tow. While they weren't even close to being familiar with each other, they were both highly trained fighters and tacticians. Non-verbal communication was all that was needed to sync up the pair, letting them immediately set off for their destination: Vidalia's underground (I figured we could name the city Vidalia).

Wayne led her through back alleys and out of the upper class district, moving towards the slums of the city. Where shadows were, criminals congregated. If he needed to speak with Johann, it was usually a good idea to go to his place of work. While Johann was a dear friend, there was no question as to the unsavory businesses Johann turned a blind eye to. As a fence and a dealer, the Wesen was privy to many of Vidalia's secrets, and he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut about it.

As the pair passed the city gate that marked the changing of districts, Wayne glanced over at Alexis, taking in her features. "So, I have to ask: You aren't a Grimm, but you hunt like one. What's the story?"


Elias gently squeezed Alexis' hand before she departed, flashing her a quick smile. "Don't gut too many Bauerschwein (pig Wesen) without me. Stay safe."

Once the other two were left, Elias pulled up a chair and turned it around, straddling the object as he sat down next to Sophie's bed. "Here, let's have a loot at you."

Elias gently pushed the Wesen's hair away from her face so he could more clearly look at the gash on her forehead. "Tell me, Sophie, what kind of Wesen are you? I've met many kinds of Wesen, and studied many more, but I can't seem to place what lineage you claim. Care to share? I don't want to try to bandage up a wound that you'll heal before I can get any stitches in."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"No time like the present, Alexis, let's depart." Wayne quickly strode out of the room, turning left and walked to the end of the hall, silently making his way down the stairs with Alexis in tow. While they weren't even close to being familiar with each other, they were both highly trained fighters and tacticians. Non-verbal communication was all that was needed to sync up the pair, letting them immediately set off for their destination: Vidalia's underground.

Alexis kept her eyes and ears open and watched Wayne's every movement. She was so focused on the mission itself she forgot to worry about Elias. She knew he was safe and for once she wasn't worried about his welfare.

She was not quite prepared for the question that Wayne asked her first.

Wayne glanced over at Alexis, taking in her features. "So, I have to ask: You aren't a Grimm, but you hunt like one. What's the story?"

Alexis smiled and shrugged a little. "My adopted father is a Grimm by blood and as for my real parents all I know is that they were close to Marcus and Elinora. Before that? I have no idea. I vaguely remember seeing a picture of my grandmother but she was very old and I was very young. Come to think of it I should ask Aunt Jean that when I see her."

She watched and stayed with him as they came upon a building shaded in darkness and Wayne opened the door and motioned her to follow.

Jean looked at a picture of her mother and father on their wedding day. It seemed like it was such a long time ago. For a long time it was thought that her mother Elizabeth, was barren. Once she finally had gotten pregnant in her late thirties she had had three kids in twelve years Marcus, Marissa and Jean. Pulling a picture over from her night table she looked at it. It was a picture of Alexis' mother and their brother Marcus. "Is it truly time that she know?"

Jean bit her lip and swore to tell her niece as soon as she saw her next. Jean climbed into her bed and looked at her loudly snoring husband. He really did look dead. If not for the incessant noise she would have thought that he had passed. She whacked him with a pillow and he rolled onto his side and she lay down and went to sleep.

Sophie Weston

Sophie was indeed special and she knew it. She smiled that he recognized that she was different so quickly. "Yes, There is some Witch on my mother's side and it has given me some extra ability to heal quickly. Other than that I don't think there is anything all that interesting about me." Sophie thought a moment and then asked him. "Have you told her yet? Does she know that you return her love? I can see it when you look at her when she is not watching you. You should tell her before her uncle makes her marry someone else." She said. The look on Elias' face was enough for her to realize he may not have realized it himself yet.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

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Entering the shady building silently, Wayne prowled forward on soft feet, keeping his eyes peeled for any hint that something was amiss. The desolate hallway stretched on for what seemed to be a larger distance than the building itself could contain, with periodically placed alcoves every twenty feet on each side.

Motioning for her to follow, Wayne strode down the hall, casting his gaze into each alcove as he passed it. Inside was a small, 5 by 10 room that stretched into the shadows. Out of reverence to the dead, he was sure not to directly make eye contact with the coffin indented into the far wall of each alcove, containing the body of a fallen combatant. The dead were not to be trifled with, and these particular deceased were not entities Wayne had any desire of tangling with.

Once they were almost halfway down the hallway, Wayne turned into the alcove on the left and walked towards the back, this time fearlessly gazing upon the coffin. Wayne took off his right glove and placed his hand on the insignia at chest level on the engraved wooden box. He hissed as a small metal spike shot out of the coffin and withdrew a single drop of blood from his skin. The coffin's ornate metal decoration made a slight click as it detected the presence of Wesen blood.

Satisfied, the Wesen pushed his right hand into the insignia, watching as the ornate decoration sunk deeper into the coffin, triggering a mechanism that swung open the lid of the coffin to reveal a stairway down into the underground.

Turning to look at Alexis over his shoulder, Wayne nodded at her. "Put on your hood. We don't like foreigners down Under, and these people aren't the friendliest crowd."

With that, the Wesen stepped into the coffin and descended the stairway, pulling his glove onto his hand as he did. It was only a matter of time before they reached Johann, and then Wayne would know exactly who hurt Sophie.

As the pair descended the stairs, the Wesen took it on himself to explain the inner workings of the city to the hunter behind him. "The Wesen world isn't exactly civilized in most areas, however, in Vidalia, we pride ourselves on a more... cunning approach to society. Only Wesen can open an entrance to the Underground, and the same goes for leaving. Pay the price, and the doors open. If you're a human, you just get a prick. If you're a Grimm..."

Wayne trailed off as he reached the bottom step, turning back to face his companion. "Remember, this is a Wesen city. Keep your head down, and let me do the talking. No one should have a bone to pick with you, but if they find you out, its over for both of us."

Without another word, Wayne turned and stepped out of the stairway onto a rocky shelf that overlooked a massive cavern. On the cavern floor, roads, buildings, and structures dominated the area, painting the image of a very real city; it was almost as if there wasn't half a mile of stone above them. Flames contained in glass orbs littered the area, placed on metal stands, attached the sconces on the outside of buildings, hanging from the ceiling by chains. The light level was almost identical to daylight, except it came from everywhere. The city was even separated into districts, spreading out for over a mile. The cavern wasn't circular, but rather shaped like a cylinder, stretching off to the right and to the left.

The entire city was a magnificent sight, having been excavated, formed, and built by master craftsmen of the Wesen species. The variants in hue of the rock truly brought the city to life, from shining marble to ominous obsidian.

Wayne turned off to the left and made his way down the rocky path that protruded from the wall, leading the pair into the city. On the left side of them, a fall of a few hundred feet threatened to quickly end their lives, however, it was quite easy to avoid.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Alexis stayed close to Wayne and kept her footsteps light and agile just in case. As they entered the building she realized how much she was putting her faith in Sophie's opinion of Wayne. She was quite aware that the wesen could be leading her into a trap. If he so chose he could have her killed in an instant by just saying the name Grimm while in the wrong place.

She watched and followed him into a small room with a coffin in it. It appeared to be a secret staircase leading to what seemed to be almost another world underneath their own.

Turning to look at Alexis over his shoulder, Wayne nodded at her. "Put on your hood. We don't like foreigners down Under, and these people aren't the friendliest crowd."

Nodding, Alexis raised her hood and followed him while watching to make sure they weren't being followed. She wanted to make sure they were safer than she felt at that moment.

Listening to his words she was more fearful. She was quite literally stepping into the lion's den. If you're a Grimm... He had said. She felt lucky in knowing that she was only one by adoption, or so she thought.

Alexis made sure to keep her head down and she followed Wayne closely but behind him just a little so as not to look presumptuous as an equal. She knew that many species looked at the male as number one and the female always followed so she did that now. Figuring it was safer that way she kept her eyes open and was startled to find that there was an entire city underneath the one above ground. Her eyes took in the buildings and the sconce lighting. There was even cobblestones on the walkways. It was astonishing to her that all of this was here and that none of the human world had any clue about it.

Wondering how far they had to go to find this Johan she started to ask Wayne but thought better of it. She would learn more by keeping quiet she decided. It was a few minutes later that they entered a building that looked a little like a pub she knew of on the seedier side of town. The place was crawling with different types of wesen. It dawned on her at that point that her scent would be that of a human and she grabbed Wayne's hand in panic. She allowed him to see her eyes and then Alexis felt a hand on her shoulder and her body stiffened. "Wayne?" She said quietly as she squeezed Wayne's hand and she felt him turn seeing the wesen's hand on her shoulder. Right at that moment she was beginning to regret coming along. She could die down here and no one might ever know what happened to her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

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Elias paused, considering Sophie's words carefully. Unfortunately, the Wesen's statement had forced into his consciousness a concept that he had been quite adeptly avoiding. The odd romantic feelings he and Alexis were developing for one another were a complication, a problem to be hopefully circumvented. They needed to focus on hunting for the time being. That was Elias primary purpose in the East, and everything else was of much lesser importance. Or perhaps he simply just wanted to avoid any hint of emotional connection where he could lose another partner.

Elias sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, walking over towards the window before running his weathered hands through the soft locks on top of his head, leaving his hair disheveled and messy. The wind from the open window ruffled his hair further, blowing it gently out of his face.

"Alexis and I have more pressing matters to attend to than worry about petty trifles of romantic affection, Sophie," Elias huffed, propping his arm up against the frame of the window and allowing his forehead to rest against his wrist, gazing out into the upper districts bountiful gardens. After a moment, he let out a small chuckle, an odd kind of smile breaking out on his face. "Or maybe I'm just trying to avoid my feelings, trying to avoid getting attached. I will admit, Alexis certainly is unique. It takes quite an adept individual to survive in a world of Wesen and magic, monsters and creatures beyond one's own imagination. Yet she does incredibly well on her own. My old partner would've been proud of her."

With that, Elias turned back to Sophie, an unmistakable glint in his eyes. "However, you are not the only one who's curiosity has been piqued. While you do not seem to be lovers, you and Wayne seem remarkably familiar with one another."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



Wayne's eyes pierced the pair of viridian orbs staring back at his own, noting the panic in their appearance as the girl's eyelids pulled away from each other to further expose the whites of her eyes. Quickly removing his own hand from her grasp, Wayne leaned in close, his words no more than a whisper. "You're safe, your smell is of humans. Many here carry that scent."

The streets were scarce of people, due to the odd dynamic of time under the earth. With no sun to dictate day and night, the city operated on districts. Certain districts kept their lights on every single moment there was; other districts forbade the light of a torch. Each district operated on light levels differently, and those light levels typically dictated time. They were in the Fonroe district, where twelve hours of the twenty four were lit. The sconces had only roared to life minutes before they had arrived, and people were slowly rousing themselves, resulting in only the early risers to be out and about.

Not wanting to draw attention to themselves by hovering in a darker part of the street where few people tread, Wayne merged back into the crowd, ensuring that Alexis was following. He led the her quickly to a gate connecting two districts and into a side tunnel within the district walls, pulling her deeper underground.

A wide variety of catacombs spiderwebbed out from the center of the city, placing Alexis and Wayne in the outskirts of the upper levels of the catacombs. Wayne led the pair through various turned for almost half an hour before they reached the entrance to Johann's cellar.

Before they entered, Wayne stopped Alexis and turned to her, speaking in a hushed voice so as not to allow the sound waves to carry through the tunnels. "This is Johann's abode. He is an odd man, but I would not trifle with him. Speak to him only once he addresses you. Once he and I have conversed, he will desire to speak with you, but hold your tongue. It is not wise to enrage the Tintenfisch."

Wayne inhaled deeply and nodded to Alexis, pulling off his hood and allowing himself to Woge. His eyes immediately transformed from a dull yellow hue to a dazzling gold, distracting from the rest of his transformation. His hair wove itself together and turned to rich brown feathers, accumulating together around his face, marked heavily by an ebony black beak protruding forward from his face, standing six inches long.

Turned the corner, Wayne followed a tunnel for almost twenty feet before it opened up without warning, expanding into a dark, perfectly circular room with a radius of fifty feet. The other end of the room was impossible to see in the gloom without enhanced vision. The center of the room was a dark layer of water, perfectly still. The water's surface reflected the expansive half-globe ceiling, forming the illusion of a gigantic orb. The dark liquid covered the entire floor except for the stone brick rim that circled the edge of the room, protruding six feet from the wall. The dimensions of the room were exact and perfectly cut, suggesting intentional design.

A small three-foot wide bridge extended over the water, arcing upwards until it was almost ten feet above the water in the direct center of the room. Two circles of stone broke the uniform line pattern of the bridge, one at the very end and another one placed a third of the way into the bridge. The entire room was lit only by the faint torchlight of the sconces in the adjourning tunnels.

Wayne stopped at the mouth of the bridge without railing, holding out a hand to stop Alexis as well. Opening his beak, he unleashed a piercing cry, starting at a low-pitch that quickly shot up in octaves, fading away slowly as it echoed through the room.

From the direct center of the water, a single pulse pushed out, rolling the surface of the water to the edge of the cellar. After giving a quick glance to Alexis, Wayne opened his beak again. "Deep Seer, I seek an audience."

A long moment passed.

And another.

And a third.

A fourth...

Instantly, the room became illuminated with a deep aquamarine hue, the light emanating from the depths of the water. A small, relieved sigh escaped Wayne's beak before he nodded to his partner, stepping forward onto the bridge. Once the two reached the first platform, Wayne stopped and shook his head, giving an ominous warning not to approach the center platform farther along down the bridge. Another moment of silence passed before a deep, sinister voice echoed through the cellar.

"You have brought a mate."

Wayne chuckled, addressing the disembodied voice. "Certainly you know she is not mine, however, I would not be opposed to one as fair as she."

A deep thrum vibrated the cavern, portraying an odd form of communication that Wayne had learned to identify as Johann's laugh.
"It would be wise not to pursue her, as her heart is sought after by another. A far more violent mate."

The water was once again still, flickered, indicating that the source of the light was shifting. The room became much brighter, however, due to the angle of the shaft of water beneath them and the depth of the pool, Wayne could still not see into the depths of the water. He was aware that the only way to gaze upon Johann would be to stand on the center platform and look down, however, each individual that laid eyes upon the seer... Demise. Demise was the result.

"Come closer, Alexis. I desire to cast my eye upon you."

A pang of dread filled Wayne stomach as he gave an almost-indiscernible shake of his head, allowing his beak to morph into a human face to mouth the word No.

If she approached Johann, she would perish, but Wayne couldn't verbally defy the Tintenfisch.

"Do not dissuade her, Wayne."

After swallowing, Wayne stared at Alexis with dread in his eyes. He could not speak again. It was up to her.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sophie Weston

Sophie watched his face transform as he thought about their situation. She smiled softly at his realization. When he asked her about her and Wayne she brightened.

"Wayne and I are..." She stopped unsure of how to proceed in her description. Thoughtfully she resumed.

"We are not romantically involved but we are closer to each other than most romantic relationships and yes we love each other in a way. I guess you could say we are as close as twins. Our relationship transcends the physical, we protect one another and fight together and at the same time we can almost read each other's mind sometimes. There are times I think he is literally the other half of me. We have been together a long time. That's really the best way I can describe us. I hope it makes sense to you."

Sophie had not tried to explain her and Wayne's bond before and she wasn't sure she did it justice. She bit her lip subconsciously for a moment.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Alexis had followed Wayne and the sight of all of the streets and catacombs and the lighting changes and the scents were enough to overwhelm the senses. She finally just worried more about keeping her face covered and not losing Wayne. Death was a real concern for her in this place. One wrong move and that would be the end for both her and Wayne.

When Wayne woged she was fascinated by his transformation. It was almost serene. Most of the wesen transformations she had seen were almost violent but not his. She smiled at him in awe. Following him into the large cold room she felt danger, she almost couldn't breathe because it was so strong.

She listened to this voice that seemed to emanate from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It almost reverberated off of the walls around her. After a moment she heard it ask her to come forward. Her heart almost stopped and she was sure it knew that. Alexis saw Wayne's face telling her no and the fear for her in his eyes was not lost on her. His words came to her again.

"...he will desire to speak with you, but hold your tongue. It is not wise to enrage the Tintenfisch."

Alexis hesitated. She stepped up next to Wayne but no further. She wondered how it knew her name but she dared not speak. The aura of danger only increased by the second and she had never faced a giant squid before. She was at a terrible disadvantage due to it's size alone and she knew it.

Alexis kept her eyes downcast but pulled her hood back since he seemed to know who she was. Her auburn curls were visible as they spilled down over her shoulders. She was hoping to project courage and respect instead of the fear she felt in that place. From where they stood she couldn't see anything of the tintenfisch which comforted her a little. It must be further back in the darkened cavern. She thought to herself.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

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A small sigh of relief exited the Wesen's nostrils as Alexis came to a stop by his side, refusing to approach the center circle of the bridge. A small pulse traveled through the water, indicating the Tintenfische's disappointment, however, nothing else occurred to indicate that he would lash out.

"It is quite wise of you to heed his advice, Little One. That will serve you well in the months to come."

After a brief pause, Wayne deemed it safe to speak again. "Deep Seer, you know why we seek council. Who were Sophie's assailants and how did they come to be aware of the Grimm presence in the city?"

An unearthly chuckle echoed through the cavern, indicating Johann's amusement.

"Wayne, my child, certainly you know that my answers are not quite so easily obtained."

Bowing his head, Wayne nodded, frustration clear on his Woged features. "Surely after our many years together perhaps I would be able to return my dues to you at a later-!"

The soft blue glow of the water beneath them intensified for but a moment, causing a visible flinch to register through Wayne's body. Little caused visible fear in the man, however, an Alpha Wesen was among the few items on the list of things that would strike fear into his heart. As the shining light returned to its original glow, Wayne's breathing resumed.

"A task. Very well. What must we accomplish?"

While there were no physically observable changes in the cavern, a sense of dark satisfaction washed over the two bipeds standing on the bridge, overwhelming them as Johann invaded their thoughts with images of two pearls standing upon gleaming pedestals. Red velvet cushions lay under the treasures, holding them aloft in a sealed stone room. No words were spoken as the telepathic communication shut down all other senses, transmitting the raw, unfiltered thoughts of the Tintenfische to the lesser Wesen and human. Once all had passed, Wayne and Alexis were left standing in a dark room, the blue light gone. How long they had been standing in the dark, Wayne was unable to recall, however, it was clear that Johann had left their presence.

"It would appear we must perform a heist, Alexis," Wayne said, reflecting on the telepathic message. The meaning had been clear: steal the pearls and Johann would inform the pair of the identity of Sophie's attackers. "If we do not complete the task within a day, I fear that Johann will commission others to pursue us. Have you any experience as a thief?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Alexis listened to Johann and when the Tintenfische transmitted his message to them Alexis felt her mind automatically trying to push out the invader. It felt quite similar to when the magic had been used on her by the hexenbeist. It caused sharp pains in her head and she felt her eyes stinging as she stood as still as she could while her mind adjusted to the images that were being shoved into her mind's core.

Upon hearing Wayne's words she brought herself back to the reality in front of her. Her breathing had become shallow and she was rather pale. Her dry throat made her voice rather scratchy and low. Trying to suppress the nausea in her stomach she took a deep breath. "Yes, I've had some experience in thieving. Not a lot mind you, but ...enough." Pulling her cloak tighter around her as the cold, damp air in the cave gave her goosebumps.

While she thought on the visit with Johann she followed Wayne out. She wasn't certain why it had hurt her head so much and wondered if it was because she was human or if there was another reason. She still felt weak from it but she wouldn't tell him nor anyone else that. She felt incredibly unsafe being in the wesen world with only Wayne to keep her alive.

Alexis followed closely and suddenly felt a presence that caused her to look up and stop in her tracks. Her eyes searched all around them and when they landed on a female figure she darted towards her and followed her at a distance. Alexis could sense that this was a Hexenbeist and it's magic could kill her but there was more than that to this female. She knew it, there was a scent of familiarity to her. The female entered what appeared to be a residence and Alexis carefully followed her up to the building. Her sense of fear seemed to have abandoned her.

Alexis opened the door and slid in stealthily. She had forgotten all about Wayne and she hadn't looked to see if he was behind her or not. She felt drawn to this female. Alexis was almost positive that she knew this person. She heard talking down the hall and she tread quietly.

"...I swear I felt her." The female voice said.

"Marissa you know as well as I do that isn't possible." A male voice declared. "She is well guarded by the Grimm family and she can't get in here on her own." The woman next to him put her head on his shoulder and nodded solemnly.

Alexis forgetting that she should be cautious and more than a little afraid that there was both a Hexenbiest and a wesen merely a few feet from her stepped into the room blades drawn and asked her, "Who can't be here and why do I feel you as if you are blood to me?"

The Hexenbiest and her male companion looked up and the man jumped up and his form changed almost immediately. The female kept herself from transforming and she grabbed his arm and stayed his hand. The woman stared at Alexis in shock. Fighting back tears Marissa looked at her grown daughter for the first time. "Alexis?"

Alexis stared too stunned to say anything. She was looking into a face that was without a doubt that of her mother. The resemblance between the two women was astounding. Her heart was pounding so loudly she couldn't hear much of anything else. She could see the man's mouth speaking to her mother but she knew he wasn't her father. Her mind raced putting the pieces of information together.

Finally gathering her thoughts about her she formed a sentence. "You are my mother." Marissa nodded and offered a seat with a waive of her hand.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

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Wayne's mind mulled over the vision, considering where the pearls may be. In the past, any vision that Johann had transmitted to him had come with hidden memories that were only unlocked if he went along the right path. In any case, Alexis would be crucial as she most likely had hidden memories as well. They would need to-

Wayne became suddenly conscious that Alexis was no longer by his side, but was off deeper into the tunnels. It was sudden, and the distance she had covered was extreme. Swearing under his breath, Wayne took off after her, gaining ground on her but not before she disappeared into a building, seeming to chase something.

"Alexis!" The Wesen hissed, quickly scaling a rocky outcropping and following after her, intent on catching up to her before she walked into a Wesen's den.

Faint voices could be heard deeper into the residence, where torches softly lit the room. Alexis' indiscernible words filtered into his ears, accompanied by acknowledgement by the other individuals in the house. Without a second thought, Wayne slithered into the room, recognizing the Hexenbiest standing opposite the Grimm. If Alexis was going to be attacked, Wayne didn't have a moment to waste.

Sliding fluidly past her, Wayne produced his twin daggers and allowed himself to Woge, screeching as he planted himself between Alexis and the Hexenbiest. He could take quite a few more spells than Alexis could, as magic ran through his Wesen veins and Uhranuti were no strangers to magic. If he needed to fight, he would. But he wouldn't let Alexis off easy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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"Wayne! No it's okay!" Alexis grabbed his arm which had turned into a wing and Alexis watched her friend try to warn her mother and her boyfriend to back off. "Wayne...she is my mother." She waited for him to return to his human self. Alexis sat down and looked at her mother's boyfriend who was doing a bit of male posturing. "What happened? Why are you here and why did you leave me? And who is this guy? He is clearly not my father?" Alexis glared at the man drilling invisible holes into him with her eyes.

Marissa walked closer to her daughter and put her arms around her in a hug. Alexis wasn't sure what to do but she let her mother hug her. Then she looked at her and said, "When did you become Hexenbiest? I've killed your kind before." Alexis stared at her mother as Marissa glanced at her boyfriend and started to speak to her daughter.

Marissa sat forward and took a deep breath. "When I was pregnant with you, before I found out about you I was attacked by a hexenbiest but my partner saved me. She had bitten me and used magic on me. It did something to me and I lost a lot of blood. We did transfusions and when it didn't work my partner went and got her. She was knocked out and tied down and we transfused her blood into me. After that my partner let her go and she killed him. I found out I was pregnant with you two weeks later. The first time I transformed I accidentally killed your father." Marissa stopped and let the information sink in. She stood up before continuing.

Alexis felt sick and numb all over at this news. She looked at her mother and she couldn't believe this. Alexis was by all means Elias' enemy and they had had no knowledge of it. Alexis was sure her pallor was gray and getting worse. She stared at her mother as if she were on a train going over a cliff.

"I had no idea if you were going to be okay or not. I couldn't control myself and it ended up taking me a long time before I could. I gave you up so that I wouldn't hurt you while I was learning how to be what I became. I gave birth to you I had your uncle and aunt take you to raise." Marissa stopped to wipe her cheeks and eyes at this point in the discussion. "They raised you as a typical Grimm, which is what I would have had you do." She looked at her daughter and stated, "Apparently you got some of the hexenbiest in you."

Alexis thought about her reaction to other hexenbiests and how her senses were heightened even higher than Elias'. Alexis wanted to know about the magic. If she had any she didn't know how to use it at all. "If I am part Hex shouldn't I be able to use magic? And why does it hurt my head so much when they start their spells?"

Marissa looked down at her daughter and got teary eyed. "I'm so sorry that you have been effected. You have at least some magic but I don't know how much. I can work with you."

Alexis had heard enough. She wanted to ask so many questions and at the same time she couldn't handle anymore news. This explained why her aunt looked at her so badly, why she felt so different. She was a Grimm and Hexenbiest hybrid. Likely the only one in the world. She stood up and Marissa reached for her and stepped a little bit closer. "No! I'm leaving. I've had enough."

"Alexis! Please don't go. There is so much I need to tell you." Alexis turned back to her and yelled.

"NO! You don't get to do this to me and then cry about being sorry!" Alexis couldn't help but think about what kind of reaction Elias was likely to have. She would be lucky if he never spoke to her again...he could just kill her and be done with it. She was both family and foe. She couldn't help the feeling of being ripped apart.

"Come on Wayne, we have a job to do don't we?" Alexis walked out of the house in a barely controlled rage with her cape drawn down letting anyone in the place recognize her and challenge her. She was ready to fight anyone that got in her way.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

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Wayne silently observed the situation unfolding, his brow furrowed in worry. How hadn't he sensed her magic? How had he not sensed her Wesen nature? Granted, she was an anomaly, the first of her kind, a mutated hybrid of Hexenbiest transfusion and Human, however, it was still quite odd he hadn't been able to notice her. The Wesen had detected she was not a trueblood Grimm, however, that didn't reveal her true nature.

As Alexis burst out in anger and confusion, Wayne was taken aback. Wouldn't she want to know what had happened? Who she was? Then again, she was a Grimm, at least by tradition, and to discover oneself to be a Hexenbiest was a curse most foul indeed. While they were remarkably powerful magic users, they were immensely vile, and even Wayne had a distaste for them.

The instant Alexis left the house, dread sunk into Wayne's stomach. If she was going to go out in that manner, there was every chance they would be stuck in the lion's den with no escape as every Wesen hunter her. There was no way for them to become aware of her dual heritage.

Slipping out of the house after her, Wayne quickly slid past her and wrapped his arm around her waist. Pivoting his foot for support, he hurled the girl into a small alleyway and forced her to collide against the wall with enough force to banish the wind from her lungs.

"What the hell are you doing?" His voice was harsh and commanding, reprimanding her for her actions. Yes, she had most likely received traumatic news, however, that didn't excuse her getting both of them killed.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Alexis' first instinct was to fight him but she calmed down just slightly. She knew that down here he was the only one who could get her out. "Fine!" She put her hood up and glared at him. Anger was raging inside of her and her entire body shook with it. "Let's just get this done. I have to figure out how I'm going to..." She gasped in emotional torment and looked away.

"I have to leave Elias...he'll never accept this. How could he? Wayne? What am I going to do? She ruined everything! She just took everything I ever thought I could have and she took who I was and killed it all! I don't even know who I am anymore. I just know I can't let myself hurt Elias." Alexis could only see his face in her mind and it made her heart ache so, it was unbearable.

She wiped her tears and said, "I hate her. She cost me Elias and our future together." With that she burst into tears and sobbed into Wayne's chest. After several moments she leaned back and wiped her red face on her sleeve. "Let's get this done. I want out of here." Covering herself up fully she waived him onwards and she followed.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

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Wayne decided to heed her outburst and paused for a moment, considering his options. After glancing around to make sure they had no unwanted audience, he sighed and met her gaze, his hand resting lightly on her shoulder. If she was going to be with him, he couldn't afford her to be emotional. She needed a cold, precise warrior with lethal accuracy, not a conflicted soul tormented by her heritage.

"Elias is a Western Grimm," Wayne began, making sure she was looking into his iridescent eyes. "They are more understanding than their Eastern brethren - you know that - and he has proven himself to being willing to cooperate with Wesenkind. From what I have heard of his family, they have been known to even partner with Wesen from time to time. The only reason Elias would have to hate you is if you were to become as vile as most Hexenbiests choose to act; unlike the Eastern Grimms, the West doesn't operate off of racism, but justice."

Pulling away from Alexis, Wayne strode off into the streets, quickly moving through the crowd, not glancing back to see if Alexis was behind him.

The pair navigated the streets of the underground city until they came to a massive gate that could easily have allowed passage for twenty men broad. Traffic slowly milled through the entrance to the aquatic district, slowing the duo's pace to a crawl. The crossing of the quarter mile tunnel took almost ten minutes, a period of time filled only with shambling, chatter, and claustrophobia.

The recent revelation of Alexis' bloodline brought an odd sense of peace to Wayne. She was no longer in any immediate danger in the underground. If anyone discovered them, while it would be quite odd, they wouldn't desire to interrupt anyone traveling with a Hexenbiest. While some were disliked for their cruelty and dark magic, the vast majority of the the Hexenbiest species were respected and feared among the commonfolk of Wesenkind. Akin to Barons, most Hexenbiests wanted for little and garnered the loyalty of those under their rule. They would be left alone, allowing for the freedom of dialogue between the pair.

"We're in a safe environment, Alexis," Wayne said, glancing over at his companion. "If you have any questions, now would be the time, and I would be the person to ask."
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