Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 1 day ago


Location: Forest, Kindred territory.

Naaji woke up in a very, very strange location. Filled with strange people, the hall was filled with strange music and vibrant colors. Immediately standing up and looking around, to his dismay, he realized that there was a muzzle on his face and his ankles were chained to the ground. Naaji tried to roar, hiss, pull at the chains... He tried everything he could with no success. How had that happened? His memories from before he woke up were hazy... It almost seemed like the majority of the things that happened were somehow... overwritten by that strange dream he had... something about a task... the fate of the world & etc. He didn't really understand that, but... as crazy as it sounded, it seemed to be important.

The only thing he remembers a weird man holding something, getting close to the cage they were. His memory was fuzzy, and it was somewhat hard to remember, but he remembered a few things... Anger... The strange man opening the cage door... He trying to jump on the man and being sent flying back with a strange power...

But there was one thing that was very clear on Naaji's mind. Taiah's kind words and her promise. She was there for him even when he was almost giving up... He remembers promising her that he would protect her... and yet... he failed...

"Taiah..." Naaji repeated her name...
"Taiah?" Naaji called her name, looking around, desperately trying to find her. After a few seconds, he found her, laying down unconscious on the other side of the throne, chained and muzzled just like him.

Naaji could feel his blood boiling, rage and anger filling his being.
Two humans were nearby them. A tall one and a woman wearing a strange dress...

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER?!" Naaji yelled, trying to jump and bite them, being thrown to the ground again due to the chains.

"Why have you done this to us?" Naaji asked, still looking towards the woman and the tall man with a stare filled with rage.

@Demonic Angel @BlackPanther

Aisha Najm

Location: Heketah’s Castle Hyall-Terreille

Mikahiel was kind enough to make a dress for her, even going as far as to accepting her request to make it exactly the way she wanted, just like those she used to wear when she was still a teenager. It was a really beautiful dress, made with the finest silk they could find. Courtesy of the queen, of course. It was indeed a beautiful dress.

A delicate, light, violet veil covered her mouth, decorated with small golden coins on its border, making an almost perfect contrast with her blonde, almost silver hair and sun kissed skin. Made of a very delicate silk, with a vibrant red color, her top exposed part of her shoulders and showed a somewhat generous amount of skin on her belly. Its sleeves started from her biceps, going down to her wrists. Normally, her sleeves would be completely loose, but she strapped it with a new set of chains she bought in a jewelry, giving her top an entire new charm. This intricate set of silver chains ran across her arms almost like a spiral web, ending in a simple ring on her middle finger.

From her waist downward, a beautiful skirt, with its color matching her veil, only a bit lighter and made of the same light, delicate silk covered her hind legs going all the way to her ankles. Decorated with small, thin golden lines forming a discreet, but beautiful pattern on the very beginning of the skirt and on its end.
Due to her being a centaur, the waist part had to be modified a little bit, and so, the skirt was longer near her hind legs, becoming much shorter, only enough to cover her side, along the body and being a longer on her hind legs. Along her back and the side of her body, a simple, thin golden chain decorated with small golden coins ran through her sides, making a discreet, but rather pleasant sound every time she moved.

Looking at her dress a bit better, it really reminded her the dress her mother used to wear on the celebrations they went with the other centaurs, back when she was still a child. They were nostalgic, but pleasant thoughts. She couldn't say she wasn't nervous after she saw the queen. She was really imposing. Beautiful, but imposing. It was... strange. Her blue, skintight dress and her appearance were really delicate, but the way she moved, the way she talked all passed an imposing feeling. Maybe it was the two tigers near her throne, or maybe it was the beautiful unicorn horn and the jewelry she wore... Or it could be even all that, carefully organized so it would make the queen look really well that night. Aisha couldn't really tell. To her, it was everything so... different, so luxurious and strange she felt a bit uncomfortable being there.

The queen's voice as she greeted her guests interrupted Aisha's thoughts, making her pay attention at the queen and all the guests.
The stares she was receiving were very noticeable. Although she normally would just ignore them, the fact that she was on a ball made those stares even more uncomfortable. She was a warrior, she wasn't meant to be there... And to make things worse, she was feeling almost naked without her bow and glaive, that she had left on the inn she passed the night, hiding it very well on her room before she went out, heading to the castle. Those weapons were really important to her, and she had them with her for the most part of her life, they never failed her once. But since she was going to a ball, on the queen's castle, maybe it wasn't the best idea to bring them there.

Uncomfortably looking around a few times after delivering her invitation and entering, Aisha simply stood still, uncertain on what she should do now, where should she go & etc.
"Well... I'm here... What now?" Aisha thought to herself. Mikahiel said that it would be a good opportunity to have fun and enjoy herself... But she really didn't know what she should do. Instead of going where the other nobles were and talking with everyone, Aisha choose to stand away from the crowd, simply looking around. Despite her looks, she acted more like a guard than a guest...

Aisha was aware that the queen was the one that invited her. When she received the letter, she thought that the queen wanted something with her, but after seeing the other guests, the other nobles and everyone else, Aisha was almost sure that the queen just wanted to have her there on her ball because of how rare it was for a centaur to appear in a city, so instead of going nearby the queen, which could possibly be something offensive, Aisha preferred to simply stand there right where she was, since she had no clue about that thing the nobles talked about all the time when they were around normal, not crazy people... What was it...? Etiquet... Etiquette...

"Etiquette?" Aisha repeated the word on her mind in a very low tone. It sounded so strange to her. So different from the reality that she was used to... Again... Everything at that ball was very, very different to the reality Aisha was used to...

@Rai @BlackPanther
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Faeril Ashkevron
Gen Saroth

Location: Hayll - The Throne Room
Snaketooth Counter: 23 days left

Location: Hayll - The Throne Room

Faeril handed her coat off to the bored looking boy there for such a thing. Long sleeves that fell to her knees were made of a thick dark purple velvet. The lining was detailed in silver and blue embroidery that matched the decorated belt of matching color. The low cut on her back showed the acute muscles of a Eryien with her elegant form. Something that would draw a few eyes- along with her low cut front. Making it very clear she was not flaunting what she did not have. Her wings flickered off the annoyance of the dratted coat Gen had forced her into, before folding graciously against her back. Striding past the man checking invitations- her own briefly flashed before him along with the plus one for her 'escort'. A sultry smile merely added to the image she was building. A woman, proud and cold. Who was so very used to getting her way. The Ice Healer at her finest.

Gen smirked slightly, though he hid it well in his lazy look of a man who had a easy life. It was a role he had played before and would still after this. It made the Aristo of the Blood step aside and note the woman who he escorted and made a man think twice before stopping the avalanche that was Faeril Ashkevron. A beautiful avalanche it was too. The necklace of black and sliver that looped about her neck- so easy to break. It would give no trouble if someone tried to strangle her with it. But about her neck was the artistically crafted choker. The subtle hints of conjoining loops and swirls was something of a abstract. In the place of honor was her Blood Opal. Her real jewels neatly hidden in one of the folds of her dress, secured in a pouch. His own armor was a fancy suit with armor scattered about it. Typical of any Eryien.

Glancing over the throne room with her head held high and proud. A haughty look upon her solemn face. Gen took up his position as her shadow. Eyeing up other women and the ale. Playing his role, as the Ice Healer played hers. It was a dance they had danced before. Graciously taking a glass of champange from a passing server, she sipped at the drink. Watching the crowds move in their own elaborate dance of discussion and political intrigue. Faeril smiled mentally behind her mask as she watched the queen float about the room. She would not go to the royal- let this monarch come to her. After all, would it not be presumptuous to be so daring to speak so forwardly to such a grand and marvelous woman as she? She nearly chuckled at the thought.

But her attention was captured by the man standing and checking weapons. She had given him a knowing smile- something anyone else would take as a flirtatious woman eyeing a handsome man. But should he remember her, it was a smile of knowing. So 'Queen's pet' was a very good sniffer dog. She banished that thought quickly as it came. He was not deserving of it. Not while he dealt with this nest of vipers. Gen had nearly had a fit when the Sadist had taken his six daggers and sword. But he played his part as was his orders. To grumble and glower. Acting insulted that he-he!- was to be disarmed so! But he had moved on. So too had she.

Now Faeril watched him moved about the room while keeping her eyes moving. As though she was feasting on the various fashions and music of such a fine festive event. Her story slowly coming together as she wove her own web of lies and truths. Or rather- distorted truths. Truths so true, but missing key parts. Missing little elements that would make all the difference. It was always amusing to watch people put those elements together, and often wrongly.

Ravyn Ghosteye

Location: Hyall - The Throne Room

After a day spent, reviewing countless manners and so many times of being told not to stray Ravyn stared at the throne room with large eyes. She was completely under prepared for this. For the multitude of colors and the seamless music that blended into it all. It was like a fairytail she had been told long ago before her mother took ill or became so vicious about her learning how to survive on her own. 'Just in case.' A shame it had turned out to be useful. She stuck close to Glacien, looking nervous as she felt. She glowered at the dress, the stupid foolish thing. The only good thing it did was keep her from sticking out like a sore thumb. Turning her attention back to Arsenio, the tiny Dea Al Mon nodded. "Apprentice, right." Her voice was quiet, her tone nervous as she drew closer to the man.

This was most certainly not the place for her. But she doubted she would be able to not come. Not without getting in a very large amount of trouble. Glancing about she noted the man taking weapons as the man who had saved her earlier. Perhaps he would be a useful ally in this function, but Ravyn wasn't about to press her luck. People weren't to be overly relied upon. So why did she depend so on the actual Glacien Ambassador? She didn't know but some inner sense trusted him and as that sense got her out of trouble more often than not she tended to listen to it. However she did give a started a jolt as the dagger she had slipped in under her dress. Slipped out and flew to the chest along with Arsenio's. Fear followed it as she shadowed her apparent teacher's footsteps to speak about his sword. Without her weapon she felt naked, and in incredible danger.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Deos Morran
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Deos Morran I am the Adorable!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rathe Grey & Chiya!
Location: Realm of Terreille, Hyall, The Nosey Needle

Interacting With: @Mega Birb@BlackPanther

Rathe was simple in his garb. It was just his usual armor and his weapons. After all a true warrior and defender is eternal in his vigil so that he may protect those under his charge at all times. His entourage had made an effort to mix the two, dressing in assorted suits and dresses, but also making sure to keep their weapons at the ready. It was what Rathe taught and they would live by it as faithful pupils. However the suits and dresses didn't particularly compliment the armaments. However, they weren't the only ones who had gotten dressed up. Chiya had scampered along side Rathe and he was dressed to impress. A suit jacket was wrapped around his front paws that held up around his front shoulders and draped on with coat tails. To top it all off was a bow tie that was cinched up to his scruff under his snout. Looking daper and feeling it too he strut along the path that led to the castle, actually silent for once as he tried to look good for the ladies. Or at least that's what he claimed.

As the party got closer and closer to the castle Chiya noticed somebody standing around and was quick to run up to her. The Nice Lady was so pretty looking and he was so handsome it was like... awesome! "Hi Nice Lady! I thought we would see you here! I just wanted to let you know that you look good and that's good! The long gloves are like my suit! They go down your paws! Only you don't have paws! You have hands! Which is just as good don't worry! You're still nice and good. Are you ready to go and play with the ball?" He question towards teh end of his ramblings.

Rathe was also shortly behind and while he watched Chiya run off to Isadora he didn't make a particularly great effort to speak or address her. Instead he just nodded to her in greeting as Chiya did seem to like her, so while it was simple it actually meant a lot by Rathe standards. Even if she didn't know that. Still yet he was addressed next by the gate keeper. A tall and clearly weathered man that Rathe did not recognize. When he asked for weapons Rathe voluntarily offered his bastard sword and the two daggers that he had on him, but he didn't offer Harbinger. His men and women were told to give up their weapons as well, knowing that they'd have enough skill to handle themselves without them, but he still didn't offer Harbinger. When the man insisted he spoke up to say, "This is part of me. While it does have a blade at the end, I use it to walk and maintain my appearance. If it will help set your mind at ease. I give you my Warrior's Honor that I shall not use it for harm during the ball. On that I offer my word." He finished by holding up Harbinger in some semblance of a salute, just to drive his point home.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: Ballroom

“Taiah why don't you ever stay?” A familiar voice asked after the strange dream ended? She didn't need to turn her head around considering the voice belonged to someone dear. Someone who had been added into the tigeress’s family so long ago and forced back into the human world without a second thought. ”What do you think Theoden? Silly girl. Not every human is welcoming to my kind as you are. Most would like us destroyed but some tend to do horrible things to us.”

“It's not fair!” The young woman pouted. The animal couldn't help but chuckle at this child. So young to their realm yet so old in her own. There was nothing that could replace this human within Taiah’s heart. As if she was some sort of blessing for the family survivors. ” I never said these facts were fair little sister. Granted that this is how life works." She remarked before the memory ultimately ended with Naaji’s voice wafting into her head. The tigress's eyes slowly opened, throbbing headache beginning to know at her brain, as her figure stood. The clattering of chains only made the pain more vibrant as did the loud voice. ”Naaji please lower your voice. You sound like Theoden when nothing is going her way."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mikahiel Zephyros

An odd dream one would not forget. This day at the ball felt like an important one, more so than his own earthly desires. Wiping his face with a towel after a hot bath whilst staring into a fogging mirror Mikahiel looked at his freshly shaven face. He turned to a room with a large bed with silk sheets. He wiped at his ears and cheeks which were moist and he stopped at the end of the bed. He tossed over his towel and waved his hand as the door to his attire was opened. He stepped inside and grabbed his clothes before getting dressed. He looked to another eerie sky that never changed since he stepped foot into this area. An area unknown to him and his cares till now. His art was to be shown near where the Queen will rest her eyes.

The male attire he chose was simple and elegant. He always had a desire to have his chest open a trait likely picked up being at sea. He attempted to enter the castle with the usual line of guests whose attention was immediately seized by guards and told to lay down all weapons. Having anticipated this Mikahiel had already left his weapon within a wrapped lining within his tools which were being escorted inside by young movers along with his project he had been working on for this very occasion. So in he went with little eyed batted to other guests who were near he went inside and found the place to be much more elegant than any place he has entered within this land.

He looked over where his project was likely being rolled in from. It was behind the guests sight as to not be an eyesore. He strolled behind the walls of the castle where chefs, curators and more were maintaining the place he found a few guards and assured them of his status. "Why yes I am Mikahiel Zypheros the one and only artist to grace this fair land with such a height none could mistake me. I take pride in it." He thanked them for their kindness and cursed the authoritarian rule while behind their backs. A trait of an artist. He looked at his project from up close behind the veil.

After a moment he returned to the main ball room and noticed from afar a rather large figure dressed in something he recognized. He came to Aisha from the front whilst carrying a black cane in hand. He strolled over with a gentle smile. He was not wary of what the other guests would think speaking to a centaur so openly. "Aisha I see you truly do like what I've made for you. I'm glad you're here. As it seems I have no friends here yet. Haha." He chuckled playfully.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Onyx Bright

Onyx had woken up hours ago- not that she hadn't wanted to. Early morning was one of the best times to draw, when no one else was awake enough to bug her. As she watched the sun rise through her room's window, the pen in her hand scratched away at one of the newest drawings in her sketchbook. It was a woman, one that Onyx had seen in her dreams but didn't recognize from anywhere in her waking memory. As she sketched, words that had been spoken in the strange dream echoed around in her mind. It was surreal, the silence in the room broken only by her thoughts and the noise of pen on paper.

After few more minutes the drawing was done, and Onyx set the sketchbook aside as she stood and stretched her arms up over her head. She yawned, and that small vocalization was all it took for the Scelt that had been curled up on one of her pillows to start waking up. Kirara's head lifted up slightly as he turned to look at her, the fur on the left side of his face sticking up in a bunch of directions as he too yawned. "Morning big sister..." She smiled at him as he stuck his tail in the air, stretching his front legs before climbing over the blankets to sit on the edge of the bed next to where she stood.

"Good morning little brother!" She replied cheerfully as the Scelt yawned once again. He shook his head to try and fix his fur, but all it really did was make him look more poofs. Onyx couldn't help but laugh as she reached down to smooth out his fur herself. Kirara licked her hand as she finished this before jumping down of the bed and immediately shaking again, restoring the poofiness and making him look like a grey and white walking marshmallow. Onyx heard him sigh as he sat down and began licking as the fur on his chest, holding back a laugh of her own as she walked over to her dresser and grabbed a hairbrush from its surface. Mornings were always like this with him. "Should we brush your fur out before we go get our outfits for the ball?"

His ears perked up as his tail started wagging happily. "Yes please! I'm gonna be the prettiest boy there!"

She narrowed her eyes at him skeptically as she knelt down next to him and began to run the brush gently through his fur. "Don't you mean 'handsome' little brother?"

"No, I mean pretty." Onyx laughed as Kirara puffed out his chest in pride. "I will be pretty, because everyone else will be trying to be handsome." A goofy grin came over his face as she finished brushing out the fur on his one side and moved on to the other.

"Ah, so there's less competition in being pretty?"

"Yeah!" He stood and bowed playfully to her as he continued. "If I'm pretty, I only have to compete with you!" He jumped away from her as she tried to reach for him, trotting in circles around her as they both laughed.

"Hey! Who said no one else at the ball would be pretty?"

Kirara stopped walking in circles and went back to standing next to Onyx where she sat on the floor. "Well, maybe angry Prince will be pretty too."

"Angry... you mean Prince Dujae?"


"Oh dear..."

Kirara sat back down and Onyx finished brushing out his fur while they continued to chat about the party. He wasn't poofy anymore, or at least, not so poofy. Freshly-brushed, he was soft and very handsome-looking in that moment. Of course, Onyx didn't tell him that. She just smiled before gathering up all her things and leaving the room.


After picking up their outfits from Deja at the Nosey Needle, Onyx and Kirara began making their way to the castle. They had decided to stay at an inn in town, after debating for over an hour on whether or not to just go home yesterday. Onyx was still sad that they hadn't, but she'd sent her godparents a letter explaining about the ball so they wouldn't worry about her. Honestly, she still didn't want to go- social interaction was draining and unnecessary. But, what if she didn't? She sighed as the two of them now walked up the street towards the castle. Words from the dream repeated themselves in the back of her mind. If you misstep it will result in your demise...

Walking into the ballroom, Onyx recognised a few people already. She nodded a greeting to Faeril as she passed, and smiled politely at Dujae and Queen Hektah from across the room. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do yet- so she stuck to the edges of the room as she simply watched the rest of the people there, wondering just how long she had to stay.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Faeril Ashkevron & Gen Saroth & Queen Heketah & Dujae

Dujae nodded at the look that he recieved from Faeril and also found himself rolling his eyes in response to Gen. These two...they may either survive or die horribly. His attention quickly pulled back to the entrance as he focused on weapon checking.

Heketah meanwhile, moved toward Faeril with a friendly appearing smile. Her walk being over done wtih swaying of the hips she stopped before her. Her hands clasped in front as she waited for Fae to do the proper formal bowing to show respect for the queen. There was a certain deadly sweetness about her, as if at any moment she could decide to stab the person in front of her.

After giving a scowl down her nose at Onyx, her icy gaze snapped to the woman before her. A presumptious woman bearing a title that did suited her as much as ale suited Faeril. Only in pretense. Knowing what must be done however, Faeril dipped low, flairing out the sides of her gown in a curtsey. Her dark wings remained still, as if she was worried about knocking into something or someone. Ashkevron was well aware of exactly how far she could open her wings, she simply chose not to. This was not her Queen. Her gaze lowered slightly as she flickering thought of the childern this woman most likely could have alive and well. Poor things with such a cold woman for their mother. Playing herself- and her own reactions- like a flute. Greed flickering slightly in her eyes as she looked over the dress, and the womb that could bear the living. "A pleasure to make it to such a fabulous event, Queen Heketah. Courts far from here must look on in envy." She spoke, her words careful and hinting at her own envy but for a different reason.

Gen had followed suit in a bow, though he had noticed the Queen long before she stood before them. Letting his gaze follow her briefly as he seemed to admire her beauty. In reality he was judging a threat, albeit lazily. Surely courts did look in envy. But what price had she paid for all this glamour and glee that surrounded her? Gen's eyes drifted elsewhere and flickered back every so often. Not wanting to stare, yet not able to help himself. Did this woman know nothing? You didn't flaunt everything unless you really had problems.Then again that explained a few things, he noted to himself.

Heketah gave a pleased smile and dipped her head quickly in response to the praise and the curtsy from Faeril and then another head nod aimed to Gen. "I am pleased that you were able to arrive. I do hope you enjoy the festivities. She then sighed. "Before I leave you to it...I do have a proposal for you" She seemed to be ignoring Gen completly for the moment because well...that one was an escort and not as important as the main individual. To her Gen was like a limb, there but not as important as the head. "My proposal was for you to join one of my circles. I would be very pleased to have a healer such as yourself in my ranks." In her mind this woman could not say no. Though, there were some that would attempt to...but she always got her way.

Faeril smiled, her eyes alight with the prospects. Prospects of being in this court to possible tear this woman down and toss her to the wolves. Her mind gone and body ravaged by the tortureFae could impose upon it. But that was not likely. This Queen seem clever and to have eyes. She needed more information- details- and allies before she would attempt such a feat. But it was tempting, so tempting! A sorrowful look flittered across her face as she pursued her lips in annoyance at the thought she could not rid this world of the horrid skank that stood before her. "You honor me, but I fear I cannot accept at this current point in time. I am a Healer and thus, I do not believe you would want for a Healer who abandons her studies half way through only to turn about in time and find a disease she dismissed now ravages the land." She sniffed comtemptously. "I found a dismal hermit a while ago who seems infected by some strange parasite. I would rather rid him of it than risk it beginning to infect the long lived races." A short lived Queen was dangerous but a long lived one would ruin lives for generations potentially. Let this woman think her of being imperious about the long lived races being better, or disgusted by those poorer than she. "I do see a job through, one way or the other. Leaving it undone and a potential harm to your society would be a deteriment to this potential offer." Faeril shook her head with sadness, allowing disgust to show on her impassive face. "Sadly to take the job then treat him... I fear he has some misconcieved conception about your fair Court and Courts in general. Foolish being." Oh she was sure her patient had misconcieve perceptions, because of this court. This woman. It only cemented her resolved to heal him. To do as should be done.

Heketah listened patiently. So she was being denied, but she did not see through the lie...luckily. She sighed sadly and nodded. "I understand completly fair healer." She lightly adjusted her necklace before nodded as if she had made up her mind about something. "My offer will remain until you are able to join of course" he then finally looked at Gen. "And of course the offer extends to you. After all, a healer should not be without her escort" She gave a small smile and began to walk away the same saunter to her steps. She called over her shoulder, "Please do enjoy the rest of the ball at least" She had her next target in sight and was already headed toward them.

Healer and escort inclined themselves to bow as the Queen walked away. Both breathing slightly easier. They had dodged a arrow there. Now they just needed to dance through the ball a little bit longer. Then, they would be off. Gone to the wind. Already Faeril was plotting ways out for her, for Gen, and for his kin. Kin who had been so good to her and had taken her as their own. Despite-or rather because- of her little secret.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Deos Morran
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Deos Morran I am the Adorable!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rathe Grey & Chiya!
Location: Realm of Terreille, Hyall, The Queen's Domain

Interacting With: @BlackPanther

Dujae nodded and then looked toward heketah who gave him a look that he knew all too well. There was a sigh before he looked back at Rathe. ”I do believe you, and I wish to not offend, but the queen decrees no weapons of any sort.” He slowly held his hand out. ”I can guarantee that your...walking stick will not be harmed. You have my word.” Which meant that it would not be harmed, he was not one to lie when it came to things like this. ”And I also apologize for this. I personally do not which to do so, but I must”

Rathe looked to the man present in his path with his usual single toned face, but through the stoic gaze he knew what was being told to him. Part of him would not be passing by and that was against his morals and personal values. ”I do believe your word, but I must insist. Not only is this a personal effect of mine, but it is a symbol of my office. The queen requested an audience with the Eternal Warden and his vigil is just so. If it would set your mind at ease I can hide the blade with a powerful illusion.” He added, looking for ground to stand on to get this part of his soul in with him.

Dujae tilted his head and studied the man in front of him. The guy was determined he would give him that much. ”It would probably displease the queen to know that I allowed this, but that makes it all the more...fun on my end so if you illusion the blade then I would be more then happy to allow it through” His outstretched hand retreated into his pocket.

Rathe nodded at the man’s words and his final relenting of the rules. True to his end of the bargain to reach up and passed a hand over Harbinger to shift and twist the air about it until suddenly the appearance of the Dragon’s Blade vanished in lieu of a knotted and carved piece of wood. Making it look like a very blunt and elegantly carved staff of wood. Like something someone of the clergy or a craftsman would carry. In truth it fixed his dilemma and appeared to appease the guard of the gate. Determined to still forge on his path he gestured for his men to continue on as he turned to the stranger and said, ”Thank you for your concession. I will keep my word.” Giving him another nod of affirmation before making his own way inside with his delegation that now included a giant, 4 Guardsman, a wolf pup, and a beautiful woman. What a way to travel…

Dujae nodded and moved out of the way. Mentally he wondered how long they would last...would they be able to handle the pretty poison or would they succumb to it. He had no idea, and honestly, he did not want to be the one to cause any form of injury to well...anyone, but how was one supposed to help that when they are forced to do so. It was something that always bothered him...and with that he moved away, the chill in the air ever so cold.

As Rathe and his party moved in, Heketah moved to get Rathe to her and away from the group. She looked as expect of him as she did anyone else. She expected a bow and they typical treatment of a queen if not more. She always got what she wanted after all. Her hands became clasped in front of her as her sweet, but expectant smile graced her face. ”I am pleased to see you made it safely to my ball” It was said casually, but any doubt of her being the queen was wiped with that one simple statement.

Rathe’s delegation walked through the ornate halls of her majesty’s castle, being kind to make little impact given their current state and just who they were. After all the most powerful walk softly and keep close their mighty stick. Yet he wasn’t prone to spreading out and as his men did so he made sure to keep Chiya close. Despite him wanting to strut his stuff and wander about meeting new friends. Yet this was the viper’s den and that meant he was to keep his friends safe.

A stranger who called herself queen came up to him, giving her address and clearly looking for more, yet Rathe was left to have none. He came for one reason and currently he did not view the woman before him as royalty, just someone who had to answer for a crime. ”Queen Heketah I presume.” He gave curtly, with a gentle head nod. keeping her in view the entire time. One could see it as a bow, but it wouldn’t be very deep or what she was used to. Then again where he was from you don’t bow, you salute. So the concept was even more foreign to him. ”I am grateful for the hospitality, but we must talk about recent events. I have twelve bodies that you had an apparent hand.”

Chiya was a lot more aloof and probably gave the queen what she wanted. Skipping over to her and bowing low, sticking his hind high in the air in his best attempt at a bow. It was sloppy and silly, but he meant well. He was just a tad out of practice. ”Hi! I’m Chiya! You must be the Queen! I wanted to meet you and I’m glad I could. When I heard about a castle and Queen I knew we were gonna leave the fort! I wanted to see all the new things and you too!” He started to ramble happily, jumping and baying at Heketah’s feet, all while Rathe maintained a deep and dark stare at her. Not sharing in Chiya’s excitement. ”My big brother isn’t happy with you. But he’s really never happy… And besides! You’re a Queen! You couldn’t be that bad! But he still wants to talk about stuff!” He finished, sitting down beside Rathe, still wagging his tail happily.

Heketah gave a head nod in return to Rathe and then tilted her head causing the gold dipped unicorn horn earrings to dangle to the side. He was bold, but she was devious. A spider with her victims. She looked shocked, completely caught off guard even. ”twelve bodies? Oh my. I truly apologize for your loses I had no idea.” She then looked down at Chiya and gave a small smile. ”Hello Chiya.” She looked back at Rathe. ”The earth mourns for those that have been lost.” She paused head tilted downward before she looked back up at the man. ”This does put a damper on the things I wished to discuss with you...I wished to invite you into my court, but you are likely still mourning for those that have been lost” Oh she was ever good at her games.

Rathe studied the woman as she acted through her skit. Something flashed in her eye at first, but it faded when he told her of the bodies. She seemed to be in great remorse, but that didn’t mean she was any less guilty. Remorse was an affliction from guilt, and guilt was a sign of action. ”The world shall mourn the loss of these brave and dedicated souls, but that does not leave them at rest. The ones who slew them have paid, but the one who sent them must answer for their actions. I hold no assumptions or hatred for anyone, including you my lady. Yet somebody in your court sent me a message that resulted in the death of twelve men. They must see the Warden’s Justice.” He stated, giving her title some rank, namely in an effort to gain her cooperation. Though he had the continued effort of her requesting he join her court. It was an honor to join a queen’s court and something more for her gain, yet he couldn’t join what was currently a den of vipers. ”You give me a great honor, but you are correct. I must mourn my men and I cannot at this time join your court. Not until I find who is responsible for these deaths.” He finished, hoping to get some sort of light from her if he gave a way for her to help him. Yet still it was a gamble and one he didn’t like to do. All this court crap was testing his patience.

Heketah merely nodded and mentally made her move. Oh she knew what she was doing, after all, she would not be who she was if she did not twist things in her favor. ”I understand fully and I assure whomever used my name to murder will be brought down. I do not tolerate imposters” Of course, there was no imposter...she simply saw a way to gain his favor. ”I will make sure they will harm no one else with their twisted ways” She sounded sincere, mournful, even a bit horrified from the whole thing...almost like she had done this before. She straightened and looked at Rathe with saddened determination. ”Now, I hope that you may still enjoy the ball. After all, I would hate for you to have come all this way and not enjoy some festivities”

Rathe looked at the small woman with continued stoicism, not giving her even the slightest look into his mind, yet that wasn’t out of anything more than habit. ”I wish to see this guilty party before me. they must answer for their crimes as I have tolled them. That will bring me peace my Lady.” He stated clearly, finally giving her a title that she had most likely been looking for all this time. Regardless he held his stance and finished by saying, ”I shall endure and remain as I always have. Though I must see justice before my mind will be at rest.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Heketah prowled about the room and spotted the other individual that had toyed with her own toy. She swayed her way to her and gestured for Isadora to follow her away from the group. Once a bit aways she gave Isa a small gentle smile that was full of expectations. She was to be bowed to after all.

Isadora caught sight of the gesture, and recognized the face behind it a little quicker than she would’ve liked to. She willingly followed Heketah away from the group and bowed when she stopped, arms folding under her bust and her weight shifting to her left leg as per usual. ”The Queen of Hyall has graced me with her presence, to what do I owe the honor?” There wasn’t a hint of sarcasm in her voice, meaning that she was completely sincere… or that’s how she seemed at least.

Heketah gave an approving look and nodded her head in return of the bow. ”Well before we go into business I hope that your travels were well met.” The same sweet, but not fully sweet smile was on her face. ”As for business, I would like to extend to you an offer of joining my court. I could use someone like you there.” She once again did not expect a no to arise from this. After all, no one said no to her.

Her right thumb moved over to her middle finger, picking at the nail idly as she thought. Quickly, though, an answer came. ”I’m humbled by your offer, but my work as a zoologist is too important for me to abandon. I apologize, though I would like to know, why? I’m just a girl lucky enough to be invited to a grand ball.” She smiled innocently, giving off an air of calm as she looked around the beautiful foyer. In truth, she was trying to get Heketah’s mind away from her refusal and onto why she was invited to begin with.

Heketah gave a small smile and a slight headshake. ”My dear you helped do some very interesting work to one of my toys. I would very much enjoy knowing how you and your friend did such things, but if your work is that important and may prove to give you more knowledge in certain fields than I shall leave you to it” She gave a small bow and turned before walking off.

As soon as she was certain Heketah was out of earshot, Isadora allowed her composure to break as she let out a sigh of relief. ”I need to find Fae and Gen…” she muttered under her breath, heading off in whatever direction with a certain hastiness.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Arsenio Graves & Ravyn Ghosteye & Queen Heketah & Dujae

Dujae raised a brow and crossed his arms. ”That is unfortunate for you, but I must insist” His hand then went out as he waited to be handed the sword, his expression unrelenting. A “walking stick” was one thing, but an actual sword...no. Topaz eyes were as cold as the frost coming off of him. ”I require you to hand over the sword.”

Arsenio’s gaze didn’t drop as he kept a hand on his weapon, squaring his stance to Dujae. Following a tense silence, his left hand left the hilt and dexterously undid the buckles that kept the scabbard attached to his belt and caught it with the same hand before it hit the ground. His arm came out with the beautiful sword held level, waiting to hand it off to the man that would keep it for the duration of the party.

Dujae took the weapon and in moment it floated next to the chest where it stayed upright. He proceeded to nod and moved out of the way once more wishing that he did not have to deal with these things.

Heketah meanwhile spotted the Glacian and made her way over with her soft smile firmly in place. Once fairly close she clasped her hands in front of her and like always looked expectant. ”I am pleased that you could arrive.”

Ravyn’s eyes had not been idle while Arsenio and the Black Jeweled man had argued over the sword. Spotting a woman dressed like living gold- a rather foolish thing to do, she was a beacon to thieves and the like- the streetwise girl had slipped away. Between two closely knitted groups to be precise. Her gown was a pesky thing, but she moved through the crowd, hoping to avoid the woman that left a bad feeling in her gut. Her knife wasn’t on her, which was bad enough. This woman? Screamed troubled. After a bit of idle wandering, and polite listening- ahem, eavesdropping- she eyed the two tigers behind the throne. Curious they were like that. Curious there were tigers at all. Ravyn only knew what they were as they were valuable. And values- were something best known.

Arsenio watched his sword float to the chest with a stone-cold expression. This was like losing an arm to him, that weapon was a part of who he was, but he at least knew he would be getting in back within a couple hours. He then noticed two things, one being that Ravyn was missing, and the other being that Heketah herself was coming to greet him. Unfortunately, that meant he wouldn’t be able to find the scamp before they met.

As she approached and greeted him, Arsenio bowed at the waist to the Queen, then stood erect and clasped his hands behind his back. ”I’m honored to be here, Your Majesty. Might I ask why you’re hosting a ball on such short notice?” His gaze softened to a practiced politeness, gazing straight across at Heketah. In his peripheral vision, he caught sight of Ravyn eyeing the tigers by the throne. His heart skipped a beat as he realized what a recipe for disaster this was.

Heketah smiled brighter with the elaborate bow and the title. ”Your majesty? I am honored to be called such” She gave a deeper head nod than normal in response. ”As for why a ball, well it felt like the correct thing to do given so many new arrivals” She gave a small shoulder shrug. ”But that is not as important as what I wished to discuss with you. I would like to propose to you an offering of joining my court” She gave no hint to any evil will, just clasped her hands and looked patient.

The gears in Arsenio’s head were turning rapidly, his eyes scanning over the woman almost like a thief would for any valuables. While he couldn’t detect any ill will, he still had to shake his head. ”I am truly sorry, but I would leave Glacia without any proper ambassadors if I were to join your court. I’m sure can understand how disastrous that would be, Your Majesty. As such, I must respectfully decline your offer.” His tone was official, that of a man used to navigating the often rough and hostile waters of politics. His gaze looked past the Queen again towards Ravyn, pale eyes watching her every move.

Turning away from the tigers, the ’urchin’ doubted her ability to steal any tigers. They were large, growling creatures which would probably bite her. The servants circling about with small bites of food, however was her next target as she sought one out through the crush of people. Asking- and politely too!- for several of the entrees, Ravyn wandered about the room. Politely and quietly avoiding people. Acting as though she was indeed a student and following another’s lead. Which she was suppose to be doing, she reminded herself. It would be best if she returned to Arsenio. But there's so much, and she was rather curious about getting out of the party entirely. Arsenio surely would make an excuse for her absence? As she had arrived after all? She wasn’t sure, but she had come and shown her face. So surely leaving was viable now. Noting the guard at the back of the large Throne Room, she decided on a side door. One without a guard. No guard meant it was innocence. Thus it probably led to the kitchen or some servant quarters. At least that was the general gist she understood. But if it was a kitchen… A kitchen had more than one door and would offer a exit. Thusly Ravyn made her way through that portal.

Arsenio watched as Ravyn made her way from the tigers, keeping track of her with the edges of his vision as he drummed up an excuse to go get her. ”You’ll have to excuse me, I sent my apprentice to acquire some drinks when we entered and she isn’t back yet. I should go find her.” He turned to leave, laying a roundabout route to the young girl’s location in his head.

Heketah sighed, but nodded. ”Of course, I understand. The needs of Glacia are greater than my own.” She gave a gentle smile and then tilted her head at the mention of an apprentice and raised a brow before nodding once more. ”I hope she is not finding any trouble” With that she turned and walked away.

Dujae meanwhile saw this and sighed before following her with his eyes. At seeing where she was going he soon found himself rubbing his face and debating how he should go about this. Hopefully she would not see anything too traumatizing. Hopefully.

Ravyn took a casual glance about and fled down the corridor. Hoping to escape the fiasco of a banquet. This entire thing was not to her tastes. Thus her kitchen escape plan was being enacted. Polishing off the tidbit of a food. She slipped down the hall, though the lack of servants was unnerving for her. Shouldn’t they be more? Rushing to and from the party? Or was that a different hall? Ravyn frowned slightly. She didn’t know much of noble houses. Preferring to rob the merchants and stores. The nobles had guard and powerful protects. Her Rose jewel would do little against such things.

Instead of seeing the escape she so wanted, the hall seemed to start to slowly creep lower as the light got dimmer. Small oil lamps lit the way down before her and a sense of foreboding washed over her. A cold much different from the one produced by Dujae swept an odd metallic smell to her nose. Blood, and a lot of it. Wherever she was headed, it was not a good place to be.
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