Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Apple
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Apple Principality Observation

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"We are sailors in service of the Yathon Corp. We are here to deliver a gift of weapons and open Trade Relations with this Nation." One of the sailors swiftly but calmly responds. "We hope this minor incident can be resolved swiftly as Yathon wants to open relations swiftly and efficiently so trade can start at it's soonest."

"Very well you will be let off this time. But what do you want to trade?" replies the rude man.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Apple
Avatar of Apple

Apple Principality Observation

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Veilletes Republic exploration fleet have set its sail to the coast of a newly founded coastal land. They have started to claim those well-positioned territories as their first footstep to colonize the rest of the southern territories, which is unfortunately a highly risked decision as those newly founded territories are dangerously close to a nation of an ambiguous, overly-strict, police state as the Veilletes were likely to call them all the time because mostly their merchants and explorers were 'magically' reported missing ever since when attempting to cross beyond those foreign conflict of ocean-lake territories.

"Unidentified outpost. Designate yourself."
a radio transmission is broadcast on most frequencies on repeat.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CmdrAlfieq


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Unidentified outpost. Designate yourself."
a radio transmission is broadcast on most frequencies on repeat.

"We're the Veilletes Expeditors, and we're here to take a strong claim on this inhabitable area of the southern continent in the name of the Republic." transmitted back by the broadcast of same frequency.

Apparently, the Veilletes seems to put most of their jobs with '-ors' at the end of the word as to distinguish their cultural language by the Veilletes people.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hokum
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Hokum The man in the moon

Member Seen 28 days ago

Three Days Later

Zandorian NE Military Base, Zandor Territory


Commander of Civil Defense Deployment, Elstric Flac, sat in her office beside her computer terminal eating home-baked cookies and sipping hot chocolate from her flask when the transmission came in from her superior officer, SOC Flax Elter.

She just about spilt the hot chocolate down the front of her black and grey standard issue uniform when the alert sounded; a sharp high-pitched tone that lit up the displays secondary communications array beside her monitor, which also came alive with text scrolling across the screen:

𝙸𝚗𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚂𝙾𝙲 𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚡 𝙴𝚕𝚝𝚎𝚛

With a quick adjustment of her station and setting the flask aside, she promptly sat to attention and pushed the yellow button to open a channel.

“Elstric Flac present, sir!”

“Commander.” Flax replied in his usual flat tone. “We have a problem.”

“A problem, sir?” She asked, wiping a crumb from her mouth with her thumb.

“A Code Green emergency.” He replied, “This is the situation: Thirty minutes ago Orbiter 7 detected 226 Zandorian civilians on the Badlands. Extrapolation indicate they crossed onto the Badlands from the NE boarder of Zandor twenty two hours ago. Readings also indicate these civilians are both trekking on foot and by motorized vehicle. We are currently unsure as to the reason for this activity.”

“What the hell??” Elstric replied, looking out the window as if observing the military training field outside might help to gain some understanding on matter. “How did it take over twenty hours for orbiter 7 to detect a group of people that size? And more importantly, sir, what possible purpose would over two hundred civilians have for entering the – “

“Pointless questions, Commander.” Flax cut her off. “You know the drill. Get on it.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll order a retrieval Squad immediately. How many Centuries of troops would you recommend?”

There was a moment of radio silence before Flax came back with an unfitting tone of severity, saying; “One and half Centuries, Commander. Type X.”

“Type X, sir? Aren’t Type X troops reserved for Level 5 Covert Operations? This is only a Level 1.”

“You’ve got your orders, Commander, now get on it. You will be receiving Orbiter 7 tracking telemetry within a few seconds.”

Elstric scrunched her face, completely confused. She knew damn well X Troops were reserved for non-civilian and highly classified operations, but she wasn’t about to argue with her superior. “Uhh… Yes, yes sir. As you wish. I’ll get right on that then.”

“Flax out.”

Elstric severed channel communication then launched herself across the room, the wheels of her chair rattling as she coasted to the primary communications station. She immediately initiated a call to the Zandorian Civil Military Deployment, which was actually just two building away from her own, and waited for someone on the other end to open a channel. She tapped her foot impatiently while waiting, looking back over her shoulder and wondering if maybe she had time to grab her flask of hot chocolate –

“Yeah, what?” Coming through from the other end was Coordination’s of Deployment Officer, Beazdic Shnat. “This better be good, Elsy, I’m in the middle of getting my di – “

“Don’t, please, just don’t tell me what you were doing, you sick little man.” Elstric said, and sighed regrettably. The hot chocolate would have to wait.

Beazdic snickered. “So what do you want, hot stuff?”

She planted her face in the palm of her hand and shook her head. “Please, Beezy, don’t call me that. This is important.” She sat straight in her seat as then the monitor in front of her opened telemetry form Orbiter 7, displaying tracking coordinates of the 226 civilians now over twenty miles into the Badlands.

“As important as… last night?” Beazdic replied with a sleazy whisper.

“I just received orders from Flax.” She said, ignoring his comment and punching out directives in the keyboard. I’m sending you Orbiters 7’s coordinate telemetry as we speak.”

“What are you talking about, Elsy?” Beazdic became abnormally serious. “We actually have an order from Flax?”

“That’s what I’m telling you.” She replied, and hit Enter. “You should be receiving the telemetry momentarily.”

Radio silence took over while Elstric waited for Beazdic to absorb the information she sent. Close to a minute later he returned, sounding considerably suspicious. “Errr, over two hundred people in the Badlands…. Why though?”

“My thoughts exactly.” She replied. “But apparently there’s no answer to that question as yet.” She takes a breath before delivering the next bit of unbelievable news. “I’m hereby ordering a one and a half Century retrieval Squad. Type X. Effective immediately.”

“Wait…” Beazdic pauses to garble something under his breath. “Are you joking with me right now? Type X? Are you on drugs?”

“This isn’t a joke, Beezy. Get on it now. I’m serious. Flax sounded different. I mean, for a minute there he actually sounded like a real person. So don’t fuck around with this one. Understood?”

“Uhh, yeah, sure.” He said, after another short spell of silence. “It’s all good. Already made the deployment application. A few minutes from now and the troops will be on their way out there.”

“Thanks. Flac out.”

Twelve hours later

Tower of Meth, home of Her Eminence Goaldinhoe


“Are you crazy?” She whispered, trying not to unduly disgruntle any nearby guards. “It’s two in the morning, I can’t just wake her up!”

Basal Troven, the sovereigns First Minister and closest advisor, had an almost unnatural sheen and soft body to his black, wavy coiffure that complimented the finest black leather cloak he was, as usual, adorned in, unclipped at the waist to reveal the silk folds of his violet pullover top, the glimmering gold chain hanging low from his neck, and thick layers of grey-patterned bombazine trousers that accentuated the firm curves of his thigh muscles. Not at all pleased by the denial of his request, his intense blue eyes peered down at the young Tower Damsel with unwavering severity, as the perfectly maintained skin of his nostrils flared to accentuate his disdain.

“You will do as I say,” He told her, speaking boldly and without care for the guards within ear range, “Or I will see to it that you are cast from this castle and down-ranked to work in the Commoners district if Alin City…. The choice, you see, is yours.”

The young Tower Damsel looked as though she were about to cry, flickering a glance toward one of the guards in the shy hope that maybe they would intervene and save her from this ghastly dilemma. But instead of being spared by the guards, a soft sounding click echoed almost eloquently though the hallway, causing the guards to then fall to one knee as the door to the sovereigns’ bedchamber gently opened several meters behind the Tower Damsel. The young Damsel gasped in petite surprise, turning to witness her eminence Goaldinhoe step out from the threshold and wrapped snuggly in a royal, crimson night gown.

With a gracious wave of her hand, Goaldinhoe dismissed the tower Damsel who bowed quickly before departing down the hallway. The sovereign then regarded Basal Troven with a small yet curious smile, before tilting her head to one side, inviting him to follow as she returned to her chamber. He bowed his head respectfully and complied.

The bedchamber was large and spacious. The walls were decorated with fine art and draped hangings of the highest quality silk designs. The bed itself was enclosed by a curtain of fine netting, while the whole room flickers with the pleasant ambiance of firelight chandeliers. Goaldinhoe herself gracefully crossed the room and stood by the foot of her bed where she turned with unfaltering patience for her friend and held out one hand for him take in his.

She spoke quietly, sensually; “What is so very important that you come to me at this hour, my friend?”

Basal took her hand in his, gently caressing it with his thumb while he stole a short while to admire the golden locks of her hair, the iridescent green tints of her eyes, the youthful glow of her face, and the supple contours of her pink painted lips.

With his voice forlorn, making known his sad sentiments with a lowly drop of his brow, and confessed; “I come with sorrowful news, Your Eminence. I regret having to deliver this information to you at this hour, but it is of the upmost importance that your response on this matter be made public near after dawn.”

“No matter,” She replied, solemnly meeting his tone, “I wasn’t tired on any accord. So speak, deliver the news to my waiting ears.”

“The news is of the Badlands, Your Eminence…. Yesterday, over two hundred of your people took venture there. We yet do not understand why. A Retrieval Squad of over one Century was sent to their rescue. Before the Squad could get there, our satellite lost contact with all said citizens. Their life signs and heat signatures simply vanished from radar. Upon the squad’s arrival at the civilians last known coordinates, images were transmitted back to our military base of what they found. …However, soon after this our troops also vanished from radar. It would appear we have, in the period of merely one hour, lost near four hundred Zandorian’s to the Badlands, both civilians… and military personnel.”

Her hand had slipped from his grasp half way through his speech and swung listlessly by her side while her eyes, weighted with grief, almost shut as if to sleep in the closing of his words. A deep, mournful groan was heard to escape her slightly parted lips before she again found the will to speak:

“The images our soldiers sent back before they too vanished. What did they reveal?”

He stared back at her, unwilling for the moment to say.

“Tell me, Basal, tell me what they revealed.”

“Blood.” Basal swallowed hard and dry. “A great deal of blood, Your Eminence.”

Her eyes began to visibly strain in the battle against tears.

“Our sate…” He choked on his words, clearing his throat to continue. “Our satellites are currently processing more images of the area.” He dropped his face shamefully toward the floor, as though blaming himself for what happened. “They should be ready for viewing at your request.”

Her Eminence Goaldinhoe, slowly extended her hand once more, lifting Basal’s chin with one finger as she stepped in close and drew her face near to his. A tear broke free from her eyes and defiled her face as the heat of her breath washed over his face in the slow spilling of her words;

“You will find out why this has happen to my children…. And those responsible will pay with their very lives. Do you hear my words, my friend?”

Basal raised his eyes, focusing on the newly opened door to the darkness in her soul.

“Yes, Your Eminence.”

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by TiredKhajiit
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TiredKhajiit Khajiit has wares if you have coin.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The newly established nation of Khalor is in distress. They have just broken away from their country, and they are struggling to set up a government of their own. They make it known to all other nations that they are in distress and looking for allies. They are in need of supplies and/or protection from other nations. They promise good trade in return, as their country is very plentiful in resources.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Carnelian
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Carnelian Viscountess

Member Seen 1 mo ago

<Snipped quote by Aceofreality>

The ship docks at one of the piers, and starts unloading several crates of cargo using an on-board crane.

<Snipped quote by Aceofreality>

She is greeted by a person wearing a captain's uniform, but with a white, featureless mask covering all but their mouth.
"Good Afternoon. The weapons come with instruction manuals, anyone possessing the skill of 'reading' should be capable of learning how to operate these weapons for purpose that include, but are not limited to, killing their opponents." The 'captain' says, with a dull, monotonous voice. "As for payment, the definition of a gift states that the gifting party does not expect something in return, which applies here as well. Yathon does not seek to be paid for this gift, but would like to establish non-hostile trade relations between this nation and Yathon itself."

"Damn! We can't get in there!" The leader shouts in rage to the other soldiers that were with him.

"How about we wait until this thing opens up?" a soldier suggests.

"That may be what we have to do..." The leader rolled his eyes and huffed in annoyance.

"I do not want to wait, I want to fight!" another soldier shouted.

"I want to fight too, but...perhaps the reward is best saved until later." the leader suggests.

The soldier nodded in reply. They waited for any possible doors to open. Soldiers talked amongst themselves to pass the time, and others practiced fighting moves and stances as they waited.


The 2nd commander nods. "Sounds like a good plan. We would like to establish non-hostile relations too. These weapons will help us, greatly against the northern barbarians of the Yahupi. We would also be willing to set up an embassy in your area, and we would would expect an embassy here aswell." she says in reply.

She orders some of her officers and soldiers to go distribute these weapons across as far as possible, they will give the Federation an edge against the Yahupi.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by jorcool


Member Seen 11 mos ago


James was about to tell his name when he hestitated. As a member of an organization that was at least supposed to be theoretically classified, he couldn't tell anyone who he was or where he was from, or else crucial classified information could leak out and spread to the rest of the world. He wasn't going to tell his name to a random anomaly he was supposed to get rid of somehow. After a short amount of silence, he answered "You can call me Sentinel, he said with his signature Polish accent." It was a code name from a system that Phalanx Alpha had decided to implement for situations like this one, where civilians or sentient anomalous entities such as the Lima-type humanoids could not know their real name, but they had to make up something to avoid danger.

The man next to James, Martinez, picked up his walkie-talkie as well and said. "Command, this is Phalanx-2, according to itself, the entity is omnipotent, and has powerful shapeshifting abilities. We have yet to see any proof or conformation that this is true, although the meteor story the scientists shared earlier would definetly be proof for this idea."

"Acknowledged, " Command replied, "Moving entity up to threat level orange. Evacuate immediately if it turns hostile."

"The man has a point. Can you prove your supposed abilities?" James asked the woman.


General Anderson put her hands to her mouth, and shouted as hard as she could: "We don't like you either! And we'll shoot you too if you ever get back here!." She jumped off the top of the dune to where Khan Lanist, General Yun and Diplomat Michel were. She was visibly excited they were going home, while it was still very late in the night and she was still very hungry. "I have to be completely honest," Stephen said, "I had no idea what that guy was saying. Didn't even catch his name. Did any of you understand what he was actually saying?" "No, and you did not catch his name because he did not give it" General Nurzhan said calmly, trudging from the summit of the dune, trying not to fall in his heavy power armor or else he probably would not be able to get up, "He did say something about 'militarist army' or something. And I think he did not think he appreciate the flag General Anderson planted."

"Well, we worked together well this time didn't we Arman?" Katie said, as she punched Arman friendly on the shoulder.
"Definetly Katie" and he did the same, but he forgot that he was wearing a full suit of power armor, and his punch hit her so hard she ended up one meter away in the sand, her body armour preventing a dislocated shoulder.
Katie Anderson stood up again, getting rid of some of the sand on both her face and in her hair. "You don't have to punch so hard asshole. Now that I think of it, it was definetly your fault the man was so angry. If you hadn't threatened them immediately, they would not have responded in kind."
And as soon as they both were walking back to the inland fortress, the feeling of camaraderie they both had on the hilltop was gone, and the endless bickering continued.

"They're both around thirty years old, but they always act like children when they are near eachother." General Yun said with his gravelly voice. "Well, we got the job done, but I wish we could've done it better," he continued.
"I agree," came from Stephen, "It's not a good idea to immediately make enemies with people we do not know. I will order a plane to immediately fly to the west, as that seems to be the most probably point this mystery nation is at. Wait, did you just say both are thirty years old, but General Nurzhan already has white hair"
"I don't know how he accomplished it, but he is the same age as General Anderson, even though he looks much older than her." Xun replied.
"Well, blame those" came from Khan Yuri,"They come onto our territory, build a military encampment there, and then they act all surprised when we want them to leave. I would've just gone away. And I think Nurzhan's stoicness may have something to do with it. It makes you look older when you don't smile."
They started walking back as well, following the two angry generals.

Finally, after what seemed like a lot longer than a day of travel and hostile diplomacy, the party of five arrived back at the Khaganate's capital.
"Well, I hope you did not completely screw over this nation while we were gone." Said Yuri to the few members of the Kurultai who were lingering in the government building for some reason. Extreme fatigue had set in the party of four men and a woman, so everyone had fallen to being informal.
"No Sir," The minister of Science, Isaac Plant replied, "However, while you were gone, an interesting event had taken place right outside our nation. A meteor had impacted onto the planet right to the east. I had authorized an expedition with military escorts to take a look at the impact site, but all they found was a woman with wings slowly coming towards our nation."
"I see, is Phalanx Alpha on the job?" Yuri asked. Even though he was the Khan, he like many others in the Khaganate saw the Omega Order as heroes for the important work they protecting the Khaganate against alien threats and the like.
"Yes, " said Isaac, and it was all Khan Lanist needed to hear. "Alright everyone, listen up," he said, interrupting the minister, "The daily kurultai meeting for today will be scrapped, and instead everyone has earned themselves a day of rest." As he finished those words nearly everyone that had been to the beach went their separate ways, too tired or hungry to stay with the others for that moment.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Carnelian
Avatar of Carnelian

Carnelian Viscountess

Member Seen 1 mo ago

<Snipped quote by Aceofreality>
James was about to tell his name when he hestitated. As a member of an organization that was at least supposed to be theoretically classified, he couldn't tell anyone who he was or where he was from, or else crucial classified information could leak out and spread to the rest of the world. He wasn't going to tell his name to a random anomaly he was supposed to get rid of somehow. After a short amount of silence, he answered "You can call me Sentinel, he said with his signature Polish accent." It was a code name from a system that Phalanx Alpha had decided to implement for situations like this one, where civilians or sentient anomalous entities such as the Lima-type humanoids could not know their real name, but they had to make up something to avoid danger.

The man next to James, Martinez, picked up his walkie-talkie as well and said. "Command, this is Phalanx-2, according to itself, the entity is omnipotent, and has powerful shapeshifting abilities. We have yet to see any proof or conformation that this is true, although the meteor story the scientists shared earlier would definetly be proof for this idea."

"Acknowledged, " Command replied, "Moving entity up to threat level orange. Evacuate immediately if it turns hostile."

"The man has a point. Can you prove your supposed abilities?" James asked the woman.

"If intended on harming you all I could just...swipe you away but what would be the point in that?" she asked 'Sentinel', shrugging slightly. She took a second or 2 to think about this question. "I prefer weather and air abilities. The other ones just don't suit me..." she said and a green orby ball appeared in her hand.

It seemed to have a glowing effect to it with slightly darker green swirls and lines inside of it. She rose her hand, the one with this ball into the air. 4 different streams of clouds converged upon this ball, the ball started to have a greyish dampening on the green ball. She then threw it up into the air and it exploded a good ways up, causing a dark stormcloud to form. Thankfully it didn't start raining on them.

What she does next is she flies into the air, and flies around this cloud and sticks one of her arms into it as she does so, cutting this cloud in half somehow. She fired a few beams of lighting out into the sky, before landing where she was before. She melts down into a greenish goo, and the same green cylinder forms out of it, and a few seconds later she reverts to her human form.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Fairyfloss
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Fairyfloss Warning: Friendly

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Upon reaching to the capital of the Veilletes Republic and headed to the Ministry of Foreign Relations & Intervention Office, the secretary of that particular ministry has given a greeting and telling him on why he was at the Ministry of Foreign Relations & Intervention Office.


"Good afternoon. Very well ambassadors, come and sit down to discuss about it." said by the relation officer while everyone were at their seats. "What did you plan to propose the opening of our trades? Do you have something that we usually don't have? Eh?" question by the relation officer about their trade relations.

"Simply put, we'd like to development and make weapons for your nation. Yathon specialises at doing so, and we already have large stockpiles we are willing to sell to your nation. If you are interested that is, of course."

"Very well you will be let off this time. But what do you want to trade?" replies the rude man.

"Weapons, weapons and more weapons. Yathon specialises in the construction and development of weapons, and we are willing to trade them with your nation, if you are interested of course."

The newly established nation of Khalor is in distress. They have just broken away from their country, and they are struggling to set up a government of their own. They make it known to all other nations that they are in distress and looking for allies. They are in need of supplies and/or protection from other nations. They promise good trade in return, as their country is very plentiful in resources.

A short while afterwards, in Yathon

"So you're saying there's a nation to the south that's requesting assistance?" Arrae said, sighing.

"Confirmed. We have received radio distress communications." The person Arrae is talking to responds. They too wear a featureless, white mask. "What should we do?"

"...send some supply ships. If we can get there before the others we'll be more popular in the eyes of said nation."

"Understood. Sending a convoy right away."

"And let them know we are coming."

Khalor soon receives a response from a nation identifying themselves as the Yathon Corp
"Greetings. We have received your distress call and are sending supply ships carrying food, building materials and weapons. They should arrive shortly."

"Damn! We can't get in there!" The leader shouts in rage to the other soldiers that were with him.

"How about we wait until this thing opens up?" a soldier suggests.

"That may be what we have to do..." The leader rolled his eyes and huffed in annoyance.

"I do not want to wait, I want to fight!" another soldier shouted.

"I want to fight too, but...perhaps the reward is best saved until later." the leader suggests.

The soldier nodded in reply. They waited for any possible doors to open. Soldiers talked amongst themselves to pass the time, and others practiced fighting moves and stances as they waited.

After unloading several crates, the ship uses the same crane to unload a single person wearing a black suit and a featureless, white mask covering most of their face while leaving the mouth uncovered.
"Good Afternoon." The person simply states. "Who's in charge here?"

The 2nd commander nods. "Sounds like a good plan. We would like to establish non-hostile relations too. These weapons will help us, greatly against the northern barbarians of the Yahupi. We would also be willing to set up an embassy in your area, and we would would expect an embassy here aswell." she says in reply.

She orders some of her officers and soldiers to go distribute these weapons across as far as possible, they will give the Federation an edge against the Yahupi.

"Negative on setting up an embassy in Yathon. Our land is too few in numbers to permit the construction of an embassy, any available land is currently in use. We do however wish to set up a structure to serve as either an embassy or at the least a trading post of sorts."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Carnelian
Avatar of Carnelian

Carnelian Viscountess

Member Seen 1 mo ago

After unloading several crates, the ship uses the same crane to unload a single person wearing a black suit and a featureless, white mask covering most of their face while leaving the mouth uncovered.
"Good Afternoon." The person simply states. "Who's in charge here?"

<Snipped quote by Aceofreality>

"Negative on setting up an embassy in Yathon. Our land is too few in numbers to permit the construction of an embassy, any available land is currently in use. We do however wish to set up a structure to serve as either an embassy or at the least a trading post of sorts."

"Damn!" one of the soldiers shouted, frustrated that they couldn't board this ship.

"He ruined our plan..." an other one growled.

"Shut up! Shut up!" the leader hushed the soldiers, and they then went quiet from then onward. The leader turned towards this person.

"I am!" he shouted, somewhat proudly and pridefully, stepping forward towards the person.


She nods. "Alrighty then. Just know that you people are always welcome here and that the people here will aid you in unloading your cargo to us. You may set up an embassy near to here, or if you would like us to build one for you that would be acceptable."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by CmdrAlfieq


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As the Third Expeditionary Fleet have done its mission of exploring from the east, they have returned back to their home port of an island lake, AA's home base of operations. The reconnaissance reports from the Kronfurter has given the Commander a surprising mood and tell his subordinates to bring the expeditionary leader, aka the Kronfurter to his office at once!

At the scene of the Commander's office and after the Kronfurter has entered though a door.

"You're wishing to speak with me, commander?" said by the Kronfurter while standing tall with a salute.

"Yes." reply by the Commander without any elaborate introductory. "Do you know why I'm putting you here for today, officer number 11?" said the Commander.

"To my understanding sir, I think you are talking about my mission, right?" said the Kronfurter.

"Correct, officer number 11. I was going to discuss about this.. familiar faction.. called the Lanist Khaganate." said the Commander.

"What? Do you have the knowledge about them more than we do?" surprised by the Kronfurter.

"Yes... Even more intriguing that this report has stated the Lanist Khaganate forces were opening artillery fire at our third expeditionary force. Either those time has been changed from our own eyes, or this is just a false and misunderstood information, officer number 11." grudged by the Commander.

"Sir, this is a correct and up-to-date intelligence information that we're foreshadowing at the eastern segment. There's no deprecation of any wrongful information under my watchful command." objected by the Kronfurter.

"In that cases, there is something wrong with Lanist Khaganate chain of command." doubtful by the Commander. "I will sending the adversaries to the eastern portion for diplomatic reasoning to gather as many senses as possible! You'll be there as well, officer 11! If you came back here with no resolutions of the Militarian Army, you'll be demoted to a Sargent, nonetheless of those cases!" proclaim by the Commander.

"Yes sir, I will try and not let you down sir!" said by the Kronfurter while trying to impress his commander despite it will be his terrible consequences for the first act of his mission.

The ships at the AA home port are beginning to prepare their diplomatic mission to the Lanist Khaganate, and currently has yet to voyage from there.


<Snipped quote by CmdrAlfieq>

"Simply put, we'd like to development and make weapons for your nation. Yathon specialises at doing so, and we already have large stockpiles we are willing to sell to your nation. If you are interested that is, of course."

"How good was your quality of weapons comparing to our local ones if you have decided to open trade with us?" - Relation Officer.


[Waiting for a response at the Veilletes Ministry of Foreign Relations and Intervention]


Another chunk of territories from the western part of AA has been integrated into their cause, and their canal project was going smoothly as planned.

The Veilletes Republic have made some progresses at the south and thus beginning to expand their region in order to exploit more resources for competing with their old rival, the Militarian Army. However, as their explorers and settlers have started to encroach deeper into the south-eastern proportion of the continent, they've stumbled across as some sort of a newly discovered civilization. It's seems that the Veilletes Republic colonization of the south were started to wane by that point, after finding more unknown nations than anything but a hindrance to a plan of establishing the 'Dominion of the Republic'.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TiredKhajiit
Avatar of TiredKhajiit

TiredKhajiit Khajiit has wares if you have coin.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A short while afterwards, in Yathon

"So you're saying there's a nation to the south that's requesting assistance?" Arrae said, sighing.

"Confirmed. We have received radio distress communications." The person Arrae is talking to responds. They too wear a featureless, white mask. "What should we do?"

"...send some supply ships. If we can get there before the others we'll be more popular in the eyes of said nation."

"Understood. Sending a convoy right away."

"And let them know we are coming."

Khalor soon receives a response from a nation identifying themselves as the Yathon Corp
"Greetings. We have received your distress call and are sending supply ships carrying food, building materials and weapons. They should arrive shortly."

Khalor responds "Thank you very much. We look forward to associating with you."

As they're preparing for the incoming supplies the make-shift government starts planing out what to do in terms of defenses. They decided that once their supplies arrive they will setup a navel blockade around the island, and start training a military.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by jorcool


Member Seen 11 mos ago

<Snipped quote by jorcool>

Phalanx Alpha was not impressed by what they were seeing, which was not that surprising considering the fact that this was their life on a day-to-day basis. Martinez continued talking into the walkie-talkie "Command, here Phalanx-2 again. Entity confirmed non-hostile. Anomalous properties entity was talking about earlier confirmed, although according to herself she only uses weather and air abilities. Possible AD-scenario if it does become hostile. Also apparently she calls herself 'Ashnah'"

"Alright, Ashnah, I'm going to need you to listen very well, alright?" James said "The direction where you are headed at the moment is the Lanist Khaganate where I am from. Millions of people live there, and we can't have you going into that area with those powers. So if it's possible, we would like you to turn back now so no one will get hurt. Understood?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Carnelian
Avatar of Carnelian

Carnelian Viscountess

Member Seen 1 mo ago

However, as their explorers and settlers have started to encroach deeper into the south-eastern proportion of the continent, they've stumbled across as some sort of a newly discovered civilization.

These Explorers come across the nation of the Federation, who appeared to be ready for battle for someone. The Federation soldiers pointed their muskets and rifles at these explorers and then lowered them. Realizing they weren't of the Yahupi confederacy. A few soldiers walk up to them, followed by their Officer. The Officer looks at these explores as the Soldiers part way for the Officer to approach these explorers. The soldiers wear all decked out in green and white uniforms. Rugged and tough uniforms. The officer wore a more finer, elagant uniform yet it was still like the others, an orange line across his collar marked his rank aswell as his hat, which was like a standard commander hat.

The soldier took a good hard long look at them. "Who are you?" he asks.

<Snipped quote by Aceofreality>
Phalanx Alpha was not impressed by what they were seeing, which was not that surprising considering the fact that this was their life on a day-to-day basis. Martinez continued talking into the walkie-talkie "Command, here Phalanx-2 again. Entity confirmed non-hostile. Anomalous properties entity was talking about earlier confirmed, although according to herself she only uses weather and air abilities. Possible AD-scenario if it does become hostile. Also apparently she calls herself 'Ashnah'"

"Alright, Ashnah, I'm going to need you to listen very well, alright?" James said "The direction where you are headed at the moment is the Lanist Khaganate where I am from. Millions of people live there, and we can't have you going into that area with those powers. So if it's possible, we would like you to turn back now so no one will get hurt. Understood?"

Ashnah sighs. "But I wanted to be with people..." she said, almost like a child however she nodded in agreement to this, however she didn't leave yet.` She looked a little sad, but not by much.


With the weapons the Yathon have gave them, the Federation makes some very steady encroachment into the Yahupi territories, specifically the northern ones. Slaves working in the plantations and facilities there are freed from their Yahupi oppressors. The Yahupi fight back as best as they can however the bullets from the Yathon's weapons shatter their shields and kill these soldiers quickly. Others do ritual suicides, and the rare few surrender and are taken into custody. This leaves the Yahupi spirit defeated, somewhat. As this happens the Federation begins industrializing and improving their technology.

Meanwhile, in the capital city of Meradon, Cheif Tutanabo has just learned of the news that his northern territories were taken from him.

His arms shake as some of his generals just told him the news. He growls and looks at each and every one of them in the eye for a few seconds each.

"HOW??! HOW COULD WE LOSE TO THEM!!!?"he shouts at the tops of his lungs to these generals, who take a step back and don't know what to say for a little while.

"They...they...had weapons..." one of the generals said meekly, very meekly.

"WHAT SORT OF WEAPONS!!?" Cheif Tutanabo asked, in rage.

"Pierced through...shields...slaughtered many..." the same general says.

"HOW??!" he asks, even angrier.

"We...don't know...how they...got these weapons...our northern territories...are gone..."

"I KNOW THAT!" Cheif Tutanabo shouted and then went silent.

"We can...form a defensive line around what we have currently...around the areas currently in open combat...improve our shields maybe...and execute the slaves and prisoners...so they can't be freed." another general suggests.


With that said, the generals were dismissed and these orders were carried out, as swiftly and quickly as possible.

Updated map:

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by jorcool


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Lanist Khaganate, Shipyard Alpha

It was a week after the Western Beach Incident, as it was called now. The landship had finally been finished, and its ceremonial launching was today. Yuri Lanist checked himself in the mirror, adjusting his brown tie. He was wearing a tailored suit, one he had specifically requested to be made for the occasion. As much as he hated it, he couldn't really show up to one of the most important days for the Lanist Khaganate wearing jeans and a T-shirt. He combed his black beard and hair, and thought he looked good enough. He got out of his luxurious penthouse appartment right in the middle of the Khaganate's Capital city, Avarga, and took an elevator straight down to a classified metro station, part of a larger network underneath the capital designed to transport government officials such as members of the kurultai to and from the places they needed to go. It was laid underneath the normal metro network, and connected several important building all throughout the city, there were even some tunnels that lead far outside the city, to various other places in the Lanist Khaganate, although those required stronger vehicles than metros to get there in a reasonable amount of time. Coincidentally, Yuri was about to use on of those vehicles. The Maglev train arrived at the exact time it was supposed to, and he boarded it. In less than a minute, the train was already across half the city, then it stopped. Some more government people, none important enough for Yuri to personally know, got into the train. The train continued to the Shipyard Alpha, the place where the finished landship was. It had been built there by the AIR together with a few humans to oversee the process.

Ten minutes later, the train exited the tunnel, and Yuri could see the shipyard from far away already. It was the afternoon, and the shipyard reflected the yellow light like a beacon, very visible over the vast tundra and taiga the Lanist Khaganate had its territory in. The shipyard was titanic, and it was getting bigger every moment as the maglev train got closer. As it kept growing, Yuri started to see more and more details, from the Khaganate flag painted on its side, to the bow of the landship already sticking out from the massive facility it was built in. Eventually, the maglev arrived at a station that seemed tiny in comparison to the rest of the building. Yuri exited the train, and was immediately greeted with both a crowd of people standing in the reception area that had been specifically built for the day's event, and the smell of delicious food. There were all sorts of people there, members of the Kurultai, but also soldiers, workers, and many more. All of the people in the room were formally clothed, just as Yuri was. Along the way to the buffet, Yuri came across General Nurzhan, who was telling stories about his time down in the south of the Khaganate, where he was sent to fortify the area by General Yun after the WBI, to a group of junior officers. The junior officers gasped in amazement as he told stories of how he built fortresses and bunkers in days rather than the weeks it would normally take, due to his, as he called it 'surperior skill at the construction of fortresses'. He also passed along Stephen Michel talking to General Yun about the whole diplomatic situation with that strange military army from the east. "Oh yeah, " He heard Stephen say from a distance "I should still give the orders to send those planes out to explore the rest of the world, I'll do it as soon as we get back from this stuff." Near the buffet there stood Isaac Plant, the minister he talked with about the strange meteoric object a week earlier. Isaac walked together with Yuri towards the buffet.

"Sir, I think we should start considering starting up a space program." The minister of Science said "It would be nice to support our men in the field with actual intelligence from satellites, we've also already found multiple foreign-made objects in orbit, suggesting that either this new nation we discovered, or rather that discovered us a week ago, has made those satellites, or more likely that there are multiple nations on this planet."
"I agree with the idea of having a space program," said the Khan "Very well. After the launching ceremony is over, I want you to contact scientists you know that are familiar with the field of aerospace engineering. I also want you to set up grants for people who can do research towards rocketry."
While they were walking towards the buffet, they came across General Anderson, who was wearing a red evening gown, nicely complementing her red hair. "General Anderson, you are looking lovely today," Yuri said, "What do you think about the idea of satellites as support for our troops."
"I think it's a very good idea," she replied, slightly blushing "It will help a lot when deciding on where to expand. I think it will help us reveal the location of that weird army we say last week as well."
The three finally reached the buffet. Yuri got a plate and picked up some food, carefully tasting it first. It was delicious, and he told a waiter that was passing to send his compliments to the chef.

After an hour of eating, drinking and talking to various government officials and officers from both the Kurultai and not from the Kurultai, it was time to pass on to the main event of the day, the ship launch. The crowd of people slowly walked towards the next area, which was a large chamber, missing one wall. The chamber was about as high from the ground as the middle of the ship, and it was right at the end of the shipyard, near the bow of the landship. There were a lot of tiered seats near the wall opposite to the missing wall, and there was a small podium next to what essentially the landship itself for the important people to stand on. Everyone took their assigned seats. General Anderson had been placed far away from General Nurzhan, Yuri noted as he was walking towards the podium in front. Good, He thought, wouldn't want their bickering to ruin anything. He stood on the podium, where there was a small lectern with a microphone on it. He started talking, his speech being sent on television all over the Khaganate:

"Greetings, Khanians. Today is the day we celebrate an amazing achievement in the history of the Lanist Khaganate on this planet. We have managed to succesfully build, and we will succesfully launch a landship in the span of a few months. As you might know, the succesful completion of such a massive-scale project is extremely costly, and many sacrifices have been made by everyone, although most have been made by you, the average worker, sitting at home watching this speech right now. With this landship, we will be able to protect our nation, the glorious Lanist Khaganate, and secure more resources for our people that have made so many sacrifices to get to this point. This landship is a living example of how we, mankind, is capable of rising above our internal conflicts, of rising above strife. That we can take any blow and shrug it off, and that we can conquer anything that faces us if we want to. The brave men and women that will fight beside this vehicle will gaze upon it and will see: this is hope. That is why I would now like to introduce the captain of this vessel, Jord Artac." Jord stepped forward from his seat on the front row and walked towards the podium. "And I would like to ask General Anderson, who will command the landship as its general, to throw the traditional bottle of vodka against its bow." General Anderson stepped forward and walked towards the podium, where she received a bottle of vodka. She stood on the edge of the room, and threw the bottle of vodka. It was a perfect hit, and as soon as the bottle hit the landship and broke apart from the impact, the Lanist Khaganate's anthem started playing. All of the people in the room held their right hand over their heat, and as soon as it was finished they all started clapping, Yuri included as he clapped for the people who build the landship. He ended his speech with the classic, "I have been Khan Yuri Lanist, thank you," and walked off the podium.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
Avatar of Dinh AaronMk

Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Deparmon fo Aubre, Celemsville

Gates clanged shut down distant halls, and dim lights shone from the ceiling. Stepping over to the police desk, Hox exchanged words with the officer on duty. Asking for papers, the correct paper work was passed along to him. The man at the desk nodded, and calling to another had the gate opened with the clang of a heavy metal key. The gate opened, and the young lawyer was let into the holding facility.

The air here was musty, heavy with the smell of mold and mildew. The walls were no less ancient than anywhere else, and under the ground they glistened with water that leaked in through the cracks or porous stone. The temporary holding facility for the police was close to the river-side, alongside the ferry terminal for Clemsville and the small river port. This close in and in moist ground, it was not entirely unusual. It peeled away the plaster from the wall in large chunks over a short length of time.

The smells intermingled with the common smells of man, the sweat and musk of unclean or unperformed prisoners waiting trial, or drunks sleeping off their excess wine or beer. In one cell Hox passed, a misty eyed middle-aged laborer starred blankly through the rusty old bars of his cell, apparently half comatose from narcotics. He was here to recover through his eye and after effects; a doctor would be called later to take him off their hands. For now, like the drunk tanks he was merely tucked away to keep him to the side and out of sight, to prevent interruption in Celemsville's streets.

The space the cells were kept was a long hallway with a single bank along one side. Benches lined the others and a single table at the far end kept an officer on duty. Is white uniform was the cleanest thing in the underground. The lapels of his uniform folded back to his shoulder to show a ruffled light-blue undershirt. Black holster straps kept his baton close under his arm. He rose, seeing the lawyer and his escort.

“Cell five, the kid's counsel is here.” shouted the officer. The other nodded and headed to meet them at the cell in question. His black hobnail boots drumming heavily on the cold gray granite of the floor.

They came to him as he shifted through a collection of heavy iron keys on a large ring. The young man in the cell was fully alert, and looking up at him. His eyes met with Hox's, but he showed no joy.

Seated on a plank bench the man there looked to be no more or less remarkable than anyone else. Dark, coffee colored skin, narrow nose, small shrew-like eyes. His hair shaved back and course like steel wool. But there was a sharp alertness deep in his green eyes, a thinking look far more expressive than the drunk or the stoned. He showed no reverent respect for the lawyer as Hox stepped in, but neither did he make any clear indication of dis-respect.

Dressed in the plain gray jumpsuit of a prisoner with a bright pink stripe across is waist and down his arms, his full well-fed form filled the one-size uniform well. He was a large man, that was clear.

“Good evening, Mersaul Clairmon. I'm Hoxua Lisseur.” said Hox, introducing himself.

Mersaul looked up at him. And simply nodded, empty of any enthusiasm or even pain. “I figured as much.” he said, his voice flat and unwavering. He had a still emotionless rattle. Hox found it unnerving, like speaking to a robot.

“So listen, I'm here you're in deep trouble and I'm here to help. I was hoping t-” he began to say.

“I don't need help.” Mersaul said.

“What do you mean?”

“I know exactly what I did, and I know exactly why I did it. I will not turn around and say I didn't do it, because I do not regret it.” Mersaul answered, holding the mono-tonal inflection.

“Are you really sure about this? This is murder after all? You killed a man, that's life in prison at the least?”

“How does it really matter whether I get life or not?” Mersaul asked, “I am a doomed man either way, whether or not I confess makes no difference, the police have all the proof they need. Whether or not I am defended will not change anything going ahead. Neither will where I live for the rest of my life.”

Hox sighed indignantly. “I don't even want a lawyer.” Mersaul added.

“Whether or not you want one is out of the question, because someone asked.” Hox told him, “We – I – was requested to defend you by your girl friend.”

“Elise?” Mersaul asked. But he did not seem to change his tone, even for her. The same sort of dead indifference carried itself between the subjects. Hox wondered if he even cared. He nodded, and Mersaul leaned his head back against the cool wet brick and sat silently. He thought for a while.

His chest rose and fell in a long dry sigh, “This isn't her problem. She should not have.”

“Well, listen. Either way I'm contractually obligated at this point. So the least you could do is have the interview. If there isn't going to be any fighting or pleading from you then this'll be as simple as the end of week.”

Mersault nodded, he understood. “Could you tell me one thing, though,” he began, “Why'd Elise send for a defense? The state would have provided one for free. Now though, it'll go through court for sure.”

“You're saying you just want this over with?” Hox asked.

“It would be for the best. I have no qualms, therefore I should not need to speak for myself or have an advocate speak for myself. There is no guilt in my heart or desire to see I pay less for my actions. I know what I did, and know well the full price. If full price is what I have to pay, then full price is what I will pay. But Elise, Elise I guess wants to get the deal out of it.”

“She must love you.” Hox said.

Mersaul nodded. “Well listen,” Hox said, “I take it I can reduce your sentence. If you're going to in the end plead guilty then I can get some time shaved off. You won't die in prison, you'll come out eventually. I hear it's awful to be an old man in prison, and at least this way I give you clemency for the end of your life.

“So to begin, why don't you just repeat to me what you told the police?”

“What for?” Mersaul asked.

“To make sure if there's anything different between what the police know and you, I can use this in the trial. It's not a crime to leave out details, but it is wasteful to do so on your lawyer. I can use them to convince the judge to lessen sentencing even after the jury convicts.”

Mersaul blinked, and nodded. “I killed a man with a .45 pistol on the bank of the river. I left his body on an open sandy beach a hundred meters from the Emalais Parg outside of town.

“The man was Pierre Forge, a tourist from Amôn. He and I had gotten drunk and wine, and debated life after death. We both agreed that there was a place the soul goes after death, but disagreed as to what. He believed in reincarnation, and admitted he was willing to depart this life. I told him I can help him confirm this, and I shot him.”

Hox looked at him stunned. He looked over at the police man standing guard and he only shrugged indifferently. Squatting down on his haunches he leaned in close and asked, “Have you ever felt the inclination to violence before?”

Mersaul shook his head, “I have never so much as hit a man before.” he told him, “This is the only time, and I bear no guilt for it. I will see its consequences through. That is all.”

“You realize what you're telling me is highly irrational – absurd even.”

“Is the rest of life not irrational, absurd?” Mersaul asked, “What do we do every day but defy our own personal inspiration, desires. That is all I allowed myself to do, expressed myself as a free man. I made the conscious decision that if I was to do anything, it would be to him who was all ready to go. The blame of his death is all his, as is the blame of me eating a sandwich, or drinking wine. I was merely the instrument of its execution; and do hammers feel guilt for when they build a house, kill a mouse?”

Hox sat baffled. He shook his head, and attempted to bring the conversation back to rationality, “This man, Pierre Forge, have you had any encounters before. Did you have a fight before you sat down to wine?”

“We had met earlier that day.”

“And did you have a fight, any underlying reason you might have killed him?”

Mersaul shook his head. No he had not. “There was no grudge you could have held before against him, that you acted upon until then.”

“No, there was none. If there was anything I would say he was too cowardly to commit to his own suicide.”

“And this, you stand by this as the reason for your actions?”

Mersaul nodded.

The situation Hox found was far more straight forward than he anticipated. It terrified him, to see down the full length of where this was headed. What Mersaul was doing in the end was pleading guilty at the get go without much in the way of finding clemency. He did not imagine he would even appeal, even if given the chance. This would normally not be an issue, a case that was decided before it began, all that would need to be finished was the paper work. But without so much as a turn in the road it felt as if this was a train headed for the cliff, and Hox found himself riding that train to its disastrous conclusion.

This did not excuse that in many cases the defendant was generally found guilty anyways. That his job as lawyer was to lessen the sentence, give options for appeal and probation. In the little time he had been practicing, and all the time researching and performing discovery, he hadn't ever witnessed what was a civil train collision about to begin. It shook him, and he was part of it now too.

“Listen, I can plead insanity for you. Best case then is you are interred at a mental institution. Be far more comfier there. Is this something you would like?” Hox asked.

“I'm not insane.” Hox answered, dead pan.

“Yes, yes. But still, this is the option I'm taking away here. And it's not so much for your benefit: But Elise's.”

“Either option is poor for her, and equal to me. You could send me to the Blade and I would not worry. In the end I feel no guilt for what I did, and in the end had I the option for another life I would not want to forget this.”

Hox sighed, and stood up. “Then very well. If I need to speak with you again, I will. I'll need to go and collect the court dates.”

“It was a pleasure.” Mersaul said, as Hox left the cell. His persistent level tone inclined him to question whether or not Mersaul meant what it is he said.

Walking back down the long hall the escort said to him, “He's quite the character.” as Mersaul's cell door was locked further down.

“I never thought someone like him could well exist.” Hox said, “I've always...”

“Though killers would plead? Or be tough? Well perhaps, but he is a first for us too. Don't feel like you're alone on this.”

They came back to the check-in station for lock up, and the officer on duty let them through. The escort joined his companion in the little side room, sitting down to read a book.

“I hope your talk with him was productive, counsel.” said the desk officer.

“We'll have to see about that.” Hox said, “Is there any limits on seeing him?”

“Given how he doesn't try to start anything, and is content to sit and meditate away his hours, I don't think there'll be a problem. He seems to pose no risk.”

“Alright, thanks. I might have questions later.”

Outside again, Hox breathed in deep the sweat clean air. The smell of flowers and of distant farm fields was adrift on the warm breeze blowing in over the hills, and the fresh aquatic aroma of the river blossomed from the reeds along the river to meet it.

With the police station – white faced, and blue shingled – behind him, Hox reached into his pocket for his phone. No longer among the police, he could turn it on. He noticed he had a message, someone had tried to call. He recognize the number and walking towards his bike returned the call. It rang a couple times.

“Çoix.” said a voice finally, answering.

“Armon, you called earlier?” Hox asked.

“Yeah, I did. But you had your phone off. You still up for your share of the cognac?” Armon Çoix asked.

“Ah- what time is it?” Hox asked.

“A little after 13:00.” Armon answered.

“Then I go out on lunch. You want to meet at Fibbiro's?”

“I see no reason why not. I'll meet you there.” replied Armon, “Should I invite Sailie along? You should get Daphne. How long you got, a little over an hour?”

“It doesn't matter in the end. As long as I come back with case notes and in time to do anything else.”

“It's settled. I'll see you there.”

“You too.” Hox answered, as the line went dead.

The court in front of the police station was like a small garden, and the limited parking area was shaded by three large oaks. Squirrels darted about the grass and into the bushes as Hox walked passed, going into his contacts. He made another phone call. The recipient answered quickly. “Floer.” said a woman's voice.

“Hey, my winter lily. Are you up for lunch?”

Daphne Floer laughed giddily on the other end, “Damn you and your timing. I was about to make lunch! I was wondering if you'd call today. Where at?”

“Fibbiro's, next couple of minutes. I had to interview a client at the police station. Armon and Sailie are going to be there.”

“Then I see no reason why not!” the woman said excitedly, “It'll be a double lunch date then. I'll get a jacket on and meet you there.”

Hox smiled, “Me too. All the stars to you, m' amore.”

“And you too.” she replied, hanging up.

Hox breathed lighter, and mounting his motorbike fired it up. Backing out of his spot he headed towards the road, and sped off.

Fibbiro's was a small cafe across from a park. In the shadow of two larger buildings on either side it sat along a road slopping down to the river. A patio up front sat risen from the street, accessible by a set of stairs only a few steps high. Its orange face glowed in the hot afternoon sun, its red shingles a dull flame. The front windows, tall and broad were opened out onto the world, they were only wooden shutters. Inside a lunch crowd, their voices trailing out to the street.

Hox's bike pulled up along the curb, several blocks down. Down the streets, a couple was walking the opposite direction, and recognizing them they raised their hands and waved. “How goes the day?” the man said as they drew closer. He was the proprietor of last night's race. He was a tan-skinned man, out of the night's long cold shade. Portly, but handsome. His partner was a darker skinned lady, and her long black hair was brushed along the back of her ears, flowing the back of her dress, capped by a broad flowery bonnet.

“It goes as well it does, so far.” Hox said, “You just arriving?”

“Around the corner.” Armon said, waving back behind him. A man on a horse trotted past. “By the way, here's your cognac.” he added, holding out a bottle he had been carrying on his way up.

“Ah, mercy be!” Hox laughed.

“Don't get too excited for me, you will need to thank Carli the next chance you get. She's the one who deserves the happiness.” said Armon, as they began walking up into the cafe.

“Believe me, I will.” Hox said, holding the mostly empty bottle tight. The waiter didn't seem to notice as they were escorted to their seats. Or he did not seem to care. “How are things at the Vineyard?” he added, asking.

“They are doing well.” Armon's woman, Sailie said, “The quality of the grapes this year is wonderful, and they have a bolder flavor. It's up in the air with my father whether we'll have to cut them down to produce more of the same, or turn them into a special vintage.”

“How is the fungus?” Hox asked.

“We believe we have it beat. It's been receding the past few years. We have it more or less confined to a few odd vines.” Sailie announced gleefully, “Is Carli here?”

“I assume she's on her way.” Hox said. They were being seated.

“Would you like any coffee?” asked the waiter. He was a tall man, the tail of his red coat falling long down his thin white troisers and culottes. The hair on his head tied back into a pony tail.

“How does Carli like hers, creamed?” Sailie asked.

“I believe so.” Hox said.

“If that is fine with you guys, I will go for it creamed.” they agreed. The waiter nodded and disappeared.

“So what happened later last night?” Hox asked.

“The usual, you didn't miss out. We went to the bar, had a few rounds and left. That new kid couldn't do much, he had a round and I insisted the others buy him ginger beer. He left when the rest of us went out, about midnight.”

“So you buy the bottle at the bar, or elsewhere?”

“No, we got it at the bar.” Armon said, “It ended up being the third cheapest brand they had. But oh well.”

“My, Carli splurged.” Hox laughed.

Armon laughed, “I suppose she did.”

Sailie rose unexpectadly, half out of her seat to wave at someone behind Hox. He turned to see Daphne coming up. She came up to the table, and bowed down to kiss him on the head, and took her seat. “I'm not late, am I?” she asked. She produced a fan from her bag and began fanning herself with it.

Compred to Hox, she had a darker complexion, a soft sweet caramel that glower. A white dress hugging the soft round curves of her body, and a satin vest from her broad shoulders.

“No, you're not.” Sailie said, “Coffee was just ordered, creamed.” she added.

“Oh, thank you.” Daphne said, beaming. Moment later the waiter returned with a platter consisting of the effects to serve coffee, the cups, the copper pot, spoon for sugar. He spread it all out on the table, and left behind some menus. There was pleased 'thank yous' as he left.

“So what have you been up to?” Daphne asked the table as she let her hair free from the bun she wore. It fell about her shoulders, wavy, light, and dark.

“At home.” Armon said, “Working on my bike. I wasn't needed into work at all. Sailie was working with her father to figure what to do about the vineyard.”

“I had a new case.” Hox said.

“Oh, is that why you called in the middle of the afternoon?” Daphne teased.

Hox smiled, “Yes, and it's quiet the unusual one.”

“Do tell, or- er, what can you say?” Sailie asked.

“Well it turns out it made the morning news today, so I can say what I know.” Hox began. “It's a murder case, I went to see the client today in the holding cells.”

“Oh wow, a murder. I didn't know you handled criminal proceedings.” Armon said.

“Apparently I do now.” Hox said, reaching out to the pot to pour a cup, “The man's a strange one.”

“How so?” Daphne asked, taking the pot next. Placing a cube of sugar on the spoon first though, she poured the coffee over it. Letting it melt the cube away and drip down through the holes in the bottom of the spoon.

“Have you ever known a man comfortable being guilty for being a killer?” Hox asked.

“Well, in a book.” Daphne said, leaning closer to her boyfriend as she gently held the cup in her hand, “I was read Jean Mierre's Dark Night. The killer in that book is totally remorseless. The client is someone like him, is it? He deserves to be locked away, don't even try.” she advised him, in partial jest.

Hox smiled and laughed, “No, he's far from it.”

“How can you be far from something like that?” Armon exclaimed, “That's... absurd.”

“That's what I told him. But it turns out he's completely comfortable. I get the impression he doesn't care what I do.”

“So why'd you take it?” asked Sailie.

“Because I'm being paid. Turns out it's not the man himself that hired out to my boss for help. It's the man's girlfriend.”

“Really? Have you met her?”

“No, I haven't. I didn't suppose it was the point to be honest.”

“It seems strange.” said Armon.

“The whole thing is.” Hox agreed.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hokum
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Hokum The man in the moon

Member Seen 28 days ago

The Following Dawn

The conference room was simple; an elongated room with no windows, a thirty foot table with chairs in front of a twenty foot display screen and a dim, blue aura shed by a small circled array of ceiling lights. At the table sat twelve of the most elite of the sovereign’s advisers, and the sovereign herself taking the center chair.

All members of the conference at first said nothing in response to the new image received from Orbiter 7 on the twenty foot monitor, presenting a detailed, if not disturbing aerial view of the Badlands, specifically the area where the two hundred and twenty six civilians and one hundred and fifty X Type soldiers were presumed to have been slain. The atmosphere in the room was duly thick with that of dread and repulsion.

Her Eminence Goaldinhoe was the first to speak, though unable to take her eyes from the bloody mess displayed in front of her, her expression one of slight bemusement in the breaking of the deathly silence:

“Am I the only one seeing this?”

Hix Forson, Zandorian’s leading psychological counsellor, took the sovereigns question as the perfect excuse to shift her attention from the massacre, swiftly turning her wide-eyed look to the sovereign, and replied; “I suspect that’s a rhetorical question, Your Eminence?”

“It is not,” Goaldinhoe said frankly, and now turned her sights away from the view to heed SOC Flax, who was also present in the room. “SOC Flax!”

Flax flinched a little at the Sovereigns snappy alert, yet he maintained his ever flat expression while his index finger tapped lightly on the table. “Yes, Your Eminence?”

“Is it not true,” She asked, “that your report on this incident mentioned two hundred and twenty six civilians in the Badlands, some of which were driving motorized vehicles?”

Flax nodded, agreeing. “Indeed it is true, Your Eminence.”

“Then tell me, SOC Fax, did your report also mentioned that each of these citizens were naked?”

There was a small snicker in the room among several members in response to Goaldinhoe’s question, while Flax regarded the sovereign with an almost humored change of expression. “That is not in the report, no, Your Eminence. I am certain the civilians were clothed.”

“Then my next question is this,” She said to him; “Were the one and half century of troops you ordered to retrieve these civilians wearing their uniforms, or were they possibly without attire of their own?”

“A assume they were attired fittingly.” Flax answered, as his finger slowly stopped tapping the table.

“And did not our troops enter the Badlands by means of military air and land vehicles?” She asked.

Flax cleared his throat and straightened in his seat, glancing about at the other members in the room who now had their eyes fixed on him. “Of course, Your Eminence,” He said, taking his eyes back to her. “All troops were appropriately clothed and entered the Badlands by military vehicles.” The new no-longer-flat look on his face suggested he knew where the sovereign was going with this line of questioning, but he dared not speak further, as doing more than answering her questions at this point would have undoubtedly come across as disrespectful.

“Then where are they?” She spoke bluntly as she then turned her attention to the leading military technology and science adviser and coordinator, Bolstic Thak, seated directly beside her. “I see no vehicles, military or civilian. I see no clothing. No uniforms. No corpses. No body parts. No flesh. I see not even so much as a stray shoe amid this distasteful display. All I see…” She concluded, turning her eyes back to the image, “…is blood. Nothing more. Am I mistaken?”

“Not at all. You are not mistaken.” Bolstic Thak confirmed. “I find the lack of practical items equally questionable. But I assure you, Your Eminence, I will be doing everything within my power to discover a reason for these obvious discrepancies.”

“And be sure that you do. Quickly.” She told him, and addressed Sharsha Malin, Senior Ground Operations Manager for Orbiter 7, enquiring; “Sharsha Malin, am I to assume the other images from Orbiter 7 are no more revealing than this… picture?”

Sharsha Malin, a woman in her mid-thirties and wearing a face of cold stone, confirmed the sovereigns query with a firm nod. “That is also true, Your Eminence.”

Goaldinhoe stood from her seat, regarding each face in the room before making her formal announcement:

“It is of my very own opinion that the information we have thus far is inconclusive. What we are looking at here is an artifice, and a weak one at that. I see no substantial reason to believe that these two hundred and twenty six civilians and one and a half centuries of soldiers are, without doubt, dead. As of this moment I am declaring these people missing and am hereby launching a Level 10 mission of retrieval.”

At that, an uneasy stir broke out among all present members, most of which taken by shock at the sovereigns command. A Level 10 mission of retrieval had never before been issued in the history of the Zandorian Empire. Though they murmured among themselves, not one of their comments were directed at the Sovereign while she patiently awaited their reaction to settle. When quiet finally returned to the room, she ended the meeting with a clear elaboration of the command she had given them:

“Any and all costs to resources in the efforts to accomplish this mission are hereby rescinded. All ranking and use of personnel restrictions, so long as doing so serves in direct aid to this cause, are hereby waved. You have no limits. By any means necessary you will solve this mystery, you will seek out, obtain, and bring to court those responsible… and you will return my children to my Empire. My command is effective immediately.”

While all members now sat in stunned silence, Her Eminence Goaldinhoe, and in the company of Basal Troven who followed in her wake, made her way to the exit of the room where she paused to look back at SOC Flax, and spoke with the utmost sincerity:

“Congratulations on your success.”

Thus, it was so. One and a half years prior to the present day, Her Eminence Goaldinhoe sanctioned a movement that changed the course of Zandorian technological development. The efforts made in the search and rescue of the missing soldiers and civilians in the Badlands paved way for a whole new era of scientific and industrial advancements.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by CmdrAlfieq


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by CmdrAlfieq>

These Explorers come across the nation of the Federation, who appeared to be ready for battle for someone. The Federation soldiers pointed their muskets and rifles at these explorers and then lowered them. Realizing they weren't of the Yahupi confederacy. A few soldiers walk up to them, followed by their Officer. The Officer looks at these explores as the Soldiers part way for the Officer to approach these explorers. The soldiers wear all decked out in green and white uniforms. Rugged and tough uniforms. The officer wore a more finer, elagant uniform yet it was still like the others, an orange line across his collar marked his rank aswell as his hat, which was like a standard commander hat.

The soldier took a good hard long look at them. "Who are you?" he asks.

The explorers glanced over those people surprised and confused for a moment, then suddenly one of them has given a response of their arrival.

"We're the Veilletes Expeditors of the Republic. Who and where are you from, strangers?" said by a Veilletes explorer from the south.


An wild Undefined Veilletes Battleship has arrived at the strait of Yahupi Confederacy. Nicknamed the VNMS (Veilletes National Marine's Ship) Triotanor, a modernized version of an old battleship class Erksterm was currently on a mission to scout the whole area by the orders from a provisional government of the Veilletes Republic (newly established southern colony). Armed with three triple-barreled 16.7 inches main guns and 8 dual-purposed secondary cannons at both of its sides, it would have been more than enough to threaten any city centers and ports near the coast. Equipped with one of the best rangefinders for a cannonade ship, making Triotanor the one of the most accurate cannon ship ever improvised and also can be effectively against any other ships of its class.

During Triotanor's modernization, it is also fitted and reconfigured with a more powerful propulsion (hence a bigger smoke stack was easily presence at the ship) but sacrifice armor for becoming a fast & mobile battleship so they can relocate much faster if the situations were needed elsewhere. Additionally, few of the old AA guns were replaced with the CIWS turrets to protect against even moderate ships, combat patrols and jets that are armed with a targeted, tactical missiles & torpedoes.

Unfortunately in its process of modernization, the VNMS Triotanor's seaplanes are reduced from 3 to 1, mainly because of replacing the seaplane hanger to an engine room for requisitioning a faster speed on its ship.

The captain of the VNMS Triotanor has ordered his crew to deploy a reconnaissance seaplane for overlooking through inland of those islands within the vicinity of seaplane's service range.

"Recon Airborne!" yelled by the petty officer at the deck close to the seaplane's catapult.

"Take off successful! Proceed to do our intelligence report, over!" radioed by the recon pilot

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Carnelian
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Carnelian Viscountess

Member Seen 1 mo ago

<Snipped quote by Aceofreality>

The explorers glanced over those people surprised and confused for a moment, then suddenly one of them has given a response of their arrival.

"We're the Veilletes Expeditors of the Republic. Who and where are you from, strangers?" said by a Veilletes explorer from the south.


An wild Undefined Veilletes Battleship has arrived at the strait of Yahupi Confederacy. Nicknamed the VNMS (Veilletes National Marine's Ship) Triotanor, a modernized version of an old battleship class Erksterm was currently on a mission to scout the whole area by the orders from a provisional government of the Veilletes Republic (newly established southern colony). Armed with three triple-barreled 16.7 inches main guns and 8 dual-purposed secondary cannons at both of its sides, it would have been more than enough to threaten any city centers and ports near the coast. Equipped with one of the best rangefinders for a cannonade ship, making Triotanor the one of the most accurate cannon ship ever improvised and also can be effectively against any other ships of its class.

During Triotanor's modernization, it is also fitted and reconfigured with a more powerful propulsion (hence a bigger smoke stack was easily presence at the ship) but sacrifice armor for becoming a fast & mobile battleship so they can relocate much faster if the situations were needed elsewhere. Additionally, few of the old AA guns were replaced with the CIWS turrets to protect against even moderate ships, combat patrols and jets that are armed with a targeted, tactical missiles & torpedoes.

Unfortunately in its process of modernization, the VNMS Triotanor's seaplanes are reduced from 3 to 1, mainly because of replacing the seaplane hanger to an engine room for requisitioning a faster speed on its ship.

The captain of the VNMS Triotanor has ordered his crew to deploy a reconnaissance seaplane for overlooking through inland of those islands within the vicinity of seaplane's service range.

"Recon Airborne!" yelled by the petty officer at the deck close to the seaplane's catapult.

"Take off successful! Proceed to do our intelligence report, over!" radioed by the recon pilot

The officer hesitated for a second. "We are from the Federation. We are in an armed conflict with the...barbarians to the south of us, the Yahupi confederacy. My name is Edward Horward, I am the Officer of the squadron stationed here." the officer replies. "Tell me of this...Veilletes republic." he said.


The Yahupi Confederacy spot this vessel as it arrives through one of the nearby straights. They can't really do anything about it until it makes landfall, however they believe it may be from the same origin as the other Ferry that has arrived in another location. The Yahupi prepare for battle incase this might be another new thing the Federation has come up with, or just prepare for battle anyway.

The plane flies over these islands, discovering they are inhabited. There is plenty of various buildings and structures and what seem to be troop movements down below. There are various dirt roads, and no airfields or anything that would signify they are advanced beyond basic industrialism.

"FIRE!!" a Yahupi officer shouts, upon seeing the plane. He directs his soldiers to fire at this thing to the best of their abilities.

A trebuchet fires off a few flaming cannonballs in the direction of this plane, they miss but others start firing at this plane. It is certain the Yahupi do not like to be flown over, if they even know what a plane is. They probably don't.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gittarackur
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Gittarackur Me spooky

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Bangor Confederacy, Outskirts

"Sir, Is this training exercise necessary," asked Kan, looking at the commander Elmer J. Pelker."For the last time Lieutenant, it is as is General Staffers Orders" The Commander replied clearly irritated "Sir, yes sir" Kan screamed. He then went back to his regiment, the 8th magic infantry company. Kan continued to do his training, which was casting a mass incineration spell to combat basic infantry. "damn it, why can't I get through to him, we don't need magic our tech is advanced enough" Said Kan to his commanding officer. "I don't know, maybe its because he's higher class than you" Jake yelled into Kan's ears. " And I will not have you use this type of language under my authority as your commanding officer" Jake continued "now drop and give me 20... thousand push-ups" Jake commanded "sir, yes sir" Kan mumbled

Next day

"All troops come to Outside for today's training exercise" The Announcer blasted through a microphone
"Boy's were going hunting today, hunting orcs is that clear," Said the Commander "Sir, yes Sir" the soldiers yelled. The soldiers then marched to the Khai Forest a place infested with orcs. The soldiers used their laser rifles to cut down the orcs but they were still too many. Some orcs started using basic magic. The soldiers were shocked and the orcs used to there advantage getting really close. But Kan in the nick of time to use an incineration spell to cut down the remaining zombies. " And that boys are why you use magic," The commander said with a smirk. Breaking the simulation telling the soldiers to rest.
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