Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

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Shadow walked around the forest wondering if what she heard was in her imagination. Living out in the woods killing anyone that approaches you can't really be good for your sanity. She held both her axes tightly in her hands keeping her eyes peeled.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

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@Doc Doctor

It wasn't her imagination. As she drew near, the sound became more defined.


A horrific passing of the gas, a fart that could stampede a barn, cheese cut with a zweihander. And it came from a colossal animal of a man lying on his back, staring up at the stars as he lightly puffed on a long curved pipe. Every several seconds he let one loose, a barely muffled wind baby. On each of the goliath's arms was a ridged bracer, each as thick as a barbell plate.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

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If it were possible right now for the thing to think in human terms, it might have said something like "Good lordy, that one stinks!". However, it was neither over-the-top in expression, nor could it speak at this time. Maybe in its original form, and maybe after processing enough of the words spoken, for itself. Maybe it would be interesting to speak words, though...maybe not with so much smoke and odor involved.

It was downwind. That was how it came to find the scene unfolding right now. The mist of the woods concealed it from immediate view, as it sported a rough gray-brown pelt and was hunkered down low to the ground. It could see, though. It could see perfectly fine, especially after the third eye opened up. It observed for the moment, quietly. Waiting...

@Winter Star12
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Winter Star12
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Winter Star12 The Guild's Nightmarish Shapeshifter

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"JESUS CHRIST WHO DID THAT!?" she yelled out absolutely disgusted. She reminded herself why she lived out in the woods alone and killed anyone who came near her. She held her axe tighter as she looked around only seeing the eyes and the man of course.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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@Winter Star12@FalloutJack

The lounging warrior gently waved a hand the size of a catcher's mitt at the killer, craning his head back and upside down to look at her with a fatherly smile, rotating the pipe in his lips so the contents didn't fall out. When he spoke, it was with a voice of such heavy timbre that it made timber rattle, reberberating off the surrounding trees and punching through the gloom.

"HRAH! Who be this, that calls on the Christian faith in rebuttle to butt of Gonad!? Come!! Rest beside Gonad and partake of much ale, for a night to rest one's bones this be! Be at ease, and speak to Gonad of tales told long ago."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Winter Star12
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Winter Star12 The Guild's Nightmarish Shapeshifter

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Shadow relaxed a bit she might as well since she had nothing to do. Since he wasn't attacking her which was what most people do when seeing her for the first time she wouldn't attack him. She sat next to him laying her axe on the ground next to her just in case.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

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With two creatures present, it was difficult to suppress the instinct to leave well enough alone. Wolves hunt in packs, coordinatine against the enemy. This was two, and they were strong. It had to think clearly, had to think... Think... It would have to use its full strength to fight these creatures. It could Facinate them if it had eye contact, but that wasn't guaranteed. It could distort and magnify sounds throughout the area, and that would confuse them. Yes... That showed promise. And if it could focus the redness upon them, they would grow progressively weaker, as though willing the body to give up for ghost. That took time, though, and it would start to regain strength if it were distracted.

Such abiilities were good, but not always enough. It needed cunning. It needed to beat them, maybe separately. One could always blindside it if it were busy with the other. Which one would be first...? The beast's three eyes began to gleam with an eerie green light in the distance, watching. Over where Shadow and gonad were, some very strange sounds could be heard...from all around. Disjointed noises, which sounded like breathing at different volumes and directions at random, followed by the sounds of stalk-walking as the Trygon began to circle the area. The sounds were coming from all over. Can anyone tell where the beast would be coming from?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

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@FalloutJack@Winter Star12

Gonad seemed to blissfully ignore the noises as he continued his story, finally getting to the good part.

"-and so then did Bjorl Thunderspunk reach into the arse of the Greatwolf of Farsnommel, and extract the mighty blade Keenloin from its resting place! When stuck in kidney with Keenloin, blood poisoning did King Splirnip die of, for still was shite of Greatwolf on the sword! This be how Bjorl Thunderspunk, cousin twice removed of Gonad, became royalty."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Winter Star12
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Winter Star12 The Guild's Nightmarish Shapeshifter

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Shadow noticed the sounds and seemed to go on alert. She pulled her axe closer to her but was still showing a surprising amount of calmness. She even started humming a lullaby she was sung when a little girl. She was clearly trying to calm herself completely.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

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Wow, the loud one didn't even notice. It just kept on with its inane wordings while the other one seemed to remain still. For a moment, it considered just trying to weaken the big one from all the way over here. Maybe that was good for a second move... This first move needed to go as planned, about as planned as it could manage with these raging instincts. They needed to be channeled. They needed direction...

They needed blood in the teeth.

There would soon be a sound of running from all around, this distorted array of sound coming from all directions, though there was only one attacker. And where it was approaching was in the direction of where Gonad's head was pointed as he lay on the ground. With lupine speed, it darted forward, and leapt... We're not sure if Shadow noticed at this point, but since the large man had been lying on the ground, he would notice things differently.

From the top of his vision, he'd see what looked like a wolf at first, but the limbs seemed to lengthen and thicken, with the paws elongating and growing two saber-claws each, grown from different digits on each paw. He saw the wolfen body expand into something that was at least partially humanoid, but definitely not human. And he definitely saw this weird three-eyed wolf face expand its jaws, gain some needle-like teeth, and grow in some mandibles.

This would be shortly before the strike that was attempting to tear him apart.

Now, from Shadow's perspective... If she happened to notice where this thing was coming from, it had done that sudden transformation mid-leap. It had been a wolf just a second ago. A wolf with three glowing eyes, but a wolf, nonetheless. Now, it was this monster, and she could also see the two saber-talons on its feet with four or five side-toes on said feet. It was also bigger than a wolf, stronger than a wolf. And judging by the leap it had made, it was moving to tear into the prone Gonad and then leap away into the night, a cutthroat maneuver.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

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@FalloutJack@Winter Star12

The human was on his back, virtually unprotected, and judging from the way he acted, a few eggs short of an Easter basket.


When the Trygon got close enough, the barbarian wouldn't be regarding him with either surprise or fear. The hulking berserker's single eye stood out like a beacon, flat and hard, almost melancholy in its calm inspection, following the creature like one of those trick paintings in a haunted mansion that always seem to stare at you. The look an ex-SAS officer may have when you push his drink over in a bar, and you can tell he almost feels bad about what he's about to do. Twin skeins of smoke steamed from the barbarian's nostrils. He still hadn't set his pipe down.
Could the creature feel it? Oily fingers running cold up the back, a premonition of death icing over spine-marrow. It wasn't too late, not just yet. He could change targets still, or veer off.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Winter Star12
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Winter Star12 The Guild's Nightmarish Shapeshifter

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Shadow held her axe. She was ready to attack the Trygon if it went for her. She was in flat out defense mode. "What the heck even is that thing?" Shadow asked, "It was a wolf a few minutes ago." These words made it clear she saw the transformation.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

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Icy feeling of whatnow? Gonad had no special powers of intimidation. He was just naturally intimidating, and the predator wasn't having any of it. It was fast, its move had been carefully considered, and it was committed to it. You don't tell a monster 'Hey, buddy. I wouldn't do that if I were you' mid-leap and get any reaction worth mentioning, except...you know...the one it was going through with already. With Gonad not even moving, he left himself open and was unprepared for the attack. Even if he hadn't been ignoring it, the point of the noises was to disrupt the abiility to figure out where it was coming from by ears alone. So, without even taking a defensive posture, he was open.

All of this was just fine for the Trygon. The other was standing, wary, and taking no action to defend the big one, the big one whom its saber-claws would tear into. With not even a flinch from the prone figure, the hybrid beast's attack would carry through. The long, curved claws of its forepaw hands dug right into stomach, pushing its weight and velocity into the tear, blood flying free as Trygon came down upon him. The back legs came down swiftly, digging into the chest of the man, and pushing down hard as it then pulled free the claws with its next leap to return back to the gloom of the woods.

In the time that it took Shadow to ask what the heck the Trygon was, it was there and gone again. It had gone from a speedy wolf to a leaping horror, and was now loping itself out of range, letting out a screeching growl that echoed from all directions.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

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Untelegraphed, a straight-line blow combining Gonad's stiff-armed thrust with the Trygon's momentum at the point of no return. No flare of the elbow to give his counter away, no hints until it was too late, point A to point B. One moment the monster was pouncing upon a victim with a steely gaze. The next sight harkened visions of Dante's Inferno, flashes of drooling crimson hellfire and pitch black oblivion drenched in chill salt water, Satan's sub-arctic lake embracing the creature's midriff in an eternal emrace of Old Testament hatred. The warrior's pipe may have been potentially thrust soundly and with phantasmagoric impetus through the Trygon's left eye and into its brain with so little preemption that the thought of catching the blow in its mouth or on its forehead would be a sweet fantasy for the disembodied soul after death. Its arms were born for Gonad's torso and thus had no hope of defending the head even if the neurons had time to transmit the sentient notion to safeguard its mortal existence. If the potential flying corpse carried through with its threat, the warrior's left bracer would have simultaneously struck both limbs and perhaps have broken/powered them harmlessly aside like chocolate straws with naught but a multi-kilo'd mace-weight combined with the diabolical timing of a man who lived for nothing but wrestling with Death's embrace alone in a flamberge festival of feeling. All this was completed with the the brainless speed of a martial artist who had transcended the need for contemplative thought, who made such notions of a flawed effort die screaming in the inferno of his transcendental passions. Could death truly be painless? This creature was be a contender to find out.

In short, Gonad struck with such unexpected speed, power, and precision that death seemed to cling to his blows like hot tar. Not reacting was far and away from being unprepared, for at the heart of all combat lies deception.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Winter Star12
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Winter Star12 The Guild's Nightmarish Shapeshifter

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Shadow looked at Gonad. Though hard to tell with her mask it was clear she was in complete shock of what she just saw. "Umm note to self don't mess with you." she said calming herself down.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

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@Winter Star12

Gonad shrugged the body off to the side, withdrawing his pipe as he did so.

"Hruh... Not before has Gonad seen this beast."

He sucked its blood off the butt of his pipe and smacked his lips, nodding.

"Strange, but not bad it be."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

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@Winter Star12

"Hruh... Want to try some, does Axe Girl? Good cooked it may be."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Winter Star12
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Winter Star12 The Guild's Nightmarish Shapeshifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Sure I wouldn't mind to try something new I guess." Shadow said. She was surprised at how nice he was being towards her. She placed her axe down on the ground.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

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@Winter Star12

"HRAH! Feast will we have then! Start fire, and Gonad will clean and prepare meat. Able to make cooking fire, is Axe Girl?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Winter Star12
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Winter Star12 The Guild's Nightmarish Shapeshifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shadow gently nodded. She started a fire surprisingly quick. "Maybe I should get some more wood," she said calmly. She grabbed her axe and went off to get more firewood.
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