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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
Avatar of Love Dove

Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 6 days ago

Jo looked up at Alex has he spoke about his second period being so bad and the fact that everyone who annoyed him was in it with him. She really wished that she knew a way to make it better, even though there was nothing she could do about the class. He just had such a horrible day yesterday. “You know, I have a way to feel better if you need before we study. Seeing how stressful that class sounds.” She offered smiling up at him after a moment of quietness. “It’s not as good as alcohol but it relieves stress really quickly.”

Jo laughed light and nodded her head at what Alex said about the realms teacher. “It almost seems more fun to be stuck in one of the realms that having to hear him talk for half of a class.” When Chambliss brought the colorful vials in into the classroom, Jo was kind of happy that Alex just gave her control over the assignment. She nodded at Alex when he said that he didn’t realize how much the enchantment of his glasses had worn down. “I hope the arch mage can fix them easily.” She whispered to him before Chambliss pulled the attention to her.

Luckily the class wasn’t a hard one, or well not as hard for her to understand at least. The assignment however was going to be a lot harder. Some of the new years asked a lot of questions that took up have of the class before Chambliss took the voices away so she could finish the class. It had been about how to identify potions and the ingredients used to make them. Taking a simple healing potion she showed them how to tell by texture, color, consistency and taste of the potion what plants were used to make them. At the end of the class Chambliss handed each student a different vial of different colored liquid. Each student was to figure out the properties and use of the potions, and the ingredients used to make it. They can work on the assignment as partners but tomorrow they had to make the potion on their own.

Jo sighed a little grabbing her bag and books, she wasn’t the most happy about the homework, being able to tell the ingredients by the taste was something that she had trouble with. “I don’t know how much help I will be with this, I failed this part last year.” She said frowning at Alex as they headed for the door, before shaking the vial of bright orange liquid looking at it before slipping it in her bag and taking his hand. “Yellow are usually enhancers though.” As Alex walked her to the next class she leaned her head on his arm a little as they walked without really thinking about it and smiled. “You know, I didn’t say it, but I had fun hanging out with you last night.


Heather hadn’t really been paying attention to the guy beside her, or even noticed the fact he had been watching her. However, his mumbled voice called her eyes towards him and she smiled a bit rolling her eyes as he said the chair didn't look like it could keep its balance. “It’s not like I’m that heavy, love. It will be fine.” She said before closing her eyes and listening to her music, this class was so boring.

She was only half paying attention as the class went on. They were going over anger based shifting, but hers was caused by water. She sighed adjusting a bit to uncomfortable chair. Only for the chair to lose its balance. Her hand grabbing at the table as she did her best to both not yelp out and try catch herself.

Unable to do the latter, her back and head hit the floor roughly and Heather groaned rubbing the back of her head. “Fuck.” She hissed before hearing the teacher still talking, she had no doubt the blonde beside her saw it but hopefully no one else saw her embarrass herself.


Logan couldn't help the smile he gave Ez when she said that they should catch up. Partly because in this high state of mind, well it was hard not to smile and find everything a little funny. Partly though it was because he had always liked Ez, a lot, and the idea of hanging out with her sounded like a good idea. “Alright, sounds like fun. You know my room is. Come by tonight. Bring booze, I drank all of mine last night.” He said before winking at her ignoring the light growling behind them from Jackie.

Despite the fact that everyone was laughing, Logan still believed his answers had been really good. Better than Ez’s answers, anyway. Even if he didn't say it, he was sure Ravenwood was just jealous he got the answer right on the first try. When Ez said something about food, that was about the time that Logan had stopped paying attention to the class at all. His mind focused more on the fact that he was fucking STARVING, maybe he would skip his next class to get food. Oh Billie was in that class though. He would get food and bring it to Billie, she had to be starving too.

Ez’s mutters brought his attention half way back to her, as he muttered back. “You could alright turn into a dragon and fly out the window, you know.” He said still staring at the blank notebook in front of him.

“Or just show up for the tests.” Zach muttered on the other side of Logan, hearing it too.

Logan frowned a bit. “Dragon would be cooler though.” And as the class continued on it only seemed to get more and more clear that Ravenwood was going through the basics of curving the stages of blood lust for the newbies that advanced to this high of level for their first set of classes on the subject. As the class let out Logan made it his objective to get out of the class before Jackie and Devin could talk to him. Starting his way to the cafeteria instead of towards his next class.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
Avatar of SirensCall

SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alex looked over at Jo when she said she had a way to help relieve his stress before they studied. When she continued on in her statement he gave a small nod, "Alright, I would appreciate that, thank you." he said, "But uh... It's not going to make me loopy or anything is it? A friend of mine told me that once, and I ended up being so high they had me convinced my name was Adam for a good two hours." He kind of chuckled at the memory, but shook his head before it formed.

He statement about Morgan's class made him nod. "It's one of the few times I wish I were actually in Hell, and I've grown so accustomed to earth I don't know if I could do that anymore." he said, half joking. It was true though, the man was an excellent teacher when it came to explaining what questions you had, but he was just so boring! Alex was almost certain that the poor guy taught more people through diffusion while they were asleep over them actually paying attention.

Once Chambliss began the class, Alex was trying his very hardest to take notes and absorb what she was saying. The in class assignment, he was glad Jo took care of, but he would definitely need his glasses done to do the actual homework assignment. Texture, smell and taste were all things he could do, but the whole color thing was crippling him. He knew he could always ask someone what the color was, but he knew that he'd need to compare and he couldn't always rely on people for that.

He turned to Jo when she spoke, and he just gave her a small grin. "It's alright, I'm sure we can figure it out together." WHen she said the bit about enhancers, he nodded. "Good to know." Then she leaned against him and he smiled a little more at what she said next. "I had fun too, babe."

The next thing he saw made him laugh. Devin was trying to stuff his now bright blue hair into a hat and though Alex was not as fluent in Faelish as he could have been, he knew the symbol on his forehead. "This class might not be half as bad as I thought it would be." he chuckled, removing his glasses briefly to wipe the small tear forming from the laughter. He had no issues in letting himself laugh at Devin at all. "You want me to walk you to your class, babe? It's not too far off from here." he asked her, seeing Devin walk into the classroom.


Cain listened to the girl beside him say that she wasn't that heavy and that the chair shouldn't give out and he shrugged. "I seriously doubt that it won't fall. The one leg is really off from the other." he mumbled a bit, but she seemed insistent on going through with sitting on the two legs of the chair. He gave his head a gentle shake and went back to lying his head on the table. He had shut his eyes, drifting into a very light sleep when he heard a thud beside him. He saw the girl on the ground, and he sighed.

"Here." he said, lowly, offering her a hand to her, and when she was up, he got up and moved his chair behind her and he picked up hers and moved to sit in it. He looked over and saw the teacher was still droning on and he sat up now, opening his book and notebook. He rolled his head slightly and looked to Heather. "You alright there? That sounded a bit painful."

After she answered him, he gave a nod, "I'm Cain by the way." he told her before the teacher called out to them.

"Hartford! Tell me one way to prevent anger based shifting." he demanded and Cain gave a lazy look.

"You avoid things you know that make you angry enough to shift. In hybrids especially this has to be followed because given the type of hybrid, anger based shifting can turn lethal quickly." he answered.

"And how do you avoid the triggers?" he said.

"You purposely avoid them. Say you can't stand a specific type of person, you all around avoid them. You always set yourself up to succeed." he said, and once the teacher turned back around, Cain rolled his eyes and laid his head back down.


Ez gave Logan a sidelong glance when he actually agreed to playing catch up, and she laughed a little when he winked. "Alright, Lo, but how about this. You come by my dorm, I'm still unpacking, plus you know, I'll get you dinner too for sitting there while I unpack." she offered, and winked right back at him. She was kind of enjoying how it was pissing Jackie off. It was a little fucked up, how Jackie was still in charge. All it would take, if push came to shove and they ever needed it, was for Ez to step down from leading the dragons and putting Jackie in her place to take over female lead of the vampires. However, it had always been known that Ez wasn't much for her vampire roots, as her dragon was more dominant. Plus, she knew she had a mess to deal with.

Ez had been taking notes when she had muttered to herself, and Logan's response had her stifling a laugh. "Honey, you do know everyone would be in the way, right? I mean I can partial shift, but my wingspan, even partially shifted is still about 20 feet." she mumbled to him before she kind of nodded her head to what Zach said. "That is true."

Logan still knew how to make her laugh. He had always been such a good friend, even after her and Alex broke up and she was gone more. He had stayed a good friend through it all. She was glad for that, but she had hated how it felt after. So awkward, the only real good thing about that was that she didn't lose Erin and Maggie as her best friends, especially considering that they were good friends with that group. I mean, neither her nor Alex lost friends, but it still was a possibility she had considered happening.

Once class let out, Ez had to rush to catch up to Logan and she waved to Zach, seeing Logan head off quicker than she anticipated. "Nice meeting you." she said, and she quickly looped her arm through Logan's and began steering him away from the cafeteria. "Come on, Lo. You have to go to class. Where are you heading?" she asked him. ALD wasn't too far off from the Bloodlust classroom, and once he said he was in realms she half chuckled to herself. "Oh, I hope Morgan is ready for you today. Tell me someone we know is in that class with you." she said to him.

This would definitely be interesting.


"Alright, class, your assignment is on page 56, and you need to start looking deeper into the accent parts of the language tonight, tomorrow we will start annunciation." Harlow said, and he dismissed the class, seeing Billie start setting the board up for his next class before gathering her things.

"Hurry up, B!" Randa's voice came from the other side of Harlow's desk. "You take much longer, I'm going to ditch walking you to class so I can get breakfast."

Billie laughed, and she saw that their class had filed out and the next one was filing in. The moment Devin walked in, as Billie and Randa were getting ready to head out, Harlow turned to him. "Lively, you know the dress code. Take off the hat and place it on my desk." he said, and as soon as the hat was off, Billie and Randa both giggled. Randa took up her camera and caught another photo of him and then grabbed Billie's arm and started pulling her off as she walked with her towards Realms.

"Dude, this one captures the essence of pissed off!" Randa laughed, and Billie looked over her shoulder and laughed too.

"Randa. I want a super-size of that shot, put it on his door." Billie laughed, and Randa threw her arm around Billie as they walked.

"Now, B, you better not flake on me tonight. I need my B time tonight." Randa said, and Billie nodded.

"No worries, not going to flake on you tonight babe." she said. Randa waved to Billie as she left her. "See you in gym."

Randa nodded and watched as Billie headed into her class. Billie took her seat in the back of the class, and looked to the seat beside her. Logan wasn't there yet. Well, that was... odd. With a sigh, she opened up her notebook and textbook and waited for class to start.


When Randa left Billie off to her class, she sighed and made her way towards the cafeteria. She needed something to eat with the headache that she had, and with a sigh, she brought her bag strap over her shoulder a little bit better. A small smile came to her face though as she thought about what Kane had said yesterday in class... Garret would be back soon and so would Erin. That alone already made the year get a little better. She wouldn't have to deal with all the bullshit of this feud alone anymore because Lucifer knew that Justin was no fucking help. That and Billie and Alex always seemed to have their hands full with something going on.

She sighed, "Wait a minute, Long has a free period now." she mumbled to herself and after she headed into the cafeteria and got a doughnut, she headed towards Long's office. She hadn't been in his office in a long ass time, but she knew that of any of the teachers, aside from maybe Aren, he would know when the Scottsons would be back. Her mind kind of wandered a bit as she headed down the hall towards Long's office though. A conversation her and Maggie had had last year.

Randa sighed and took a long sip from her bottle of tequila as she looked over to Maggie who was staring at her. "What?" Randa asked,
and Maggie just kept staring at her. "You may be my sister, but I will hit you if you don't stop staring at me."

Maggie gave a long sigh, pulling her dark burgundy hair into a ponytail before she took the bottle from Randa and took a swig herself. "You know what I'm staring at you for." she said, and Randa rolled her eyes. "You rushed yourself into saying goodbye because you didn't want to say goodbye at all, you came back here and didn't come out of your box for damn near twelve hours, and then you stop me from sending that letter. Something is bugging you and has been for a while now."

Randa shrugged. "I didn't want to say goodbye because it felt too real. Plus, I would have said it sooner, but he was saying goodbye to Clary when I went to. I didn't want to bother them."

Maggie gave her a look and shook her head. "Were you going to tell him?" she asked, and Randa got up and took another long drink of her tequila. "You were?"

Randa looked down and shook her head. "Yeah, until I saw Clary saying bye. I love the girl, I do. She's one of the best people I think I'll ever know, but every time I saw the way he looked at her, it was a sobering reality. I'm nothing like that, and obviously that's what he's into."

Maggie rolled her eyes. "He could be into you too. I mean, you and him did get into it over that dumbass decision you made last year. None of the other guys got as pissed as he did."

"That's because Tony was the stupidest thing I've ever done and I couldn't see it because the little weasel worked his way into my head.
Remember?" Randa said, and she sat back on her bed and shook her head. "I don't know, if Billie and Alex didn't need me so bad with him gone now, I would say let's just pack up and go see them for a while."

"I'm game!" Maggie exclaimed, and Randa gave her a look. "Oh come on! I know you miss him just as much as I miss Erin."

"Billie and Alex need me though. Even if I don't exactly want to be around Alex right now because he's with that scumbag bitch." she hissed the last part and Maggie shook her head and a knock came to their door. She opened it and she saw Billie standing there and she let her in.

"Randa, can I come in, Devin and I got into it?" Billie said, and Randa nodded, moving over on her bed so Billie could sit down.

"What's he bitching about now?" Randa asked, taking another swig of her tequila.

"Someone walked up to him and asked him if it was true that me and Logan had a thing going on the side." Billie said.

Randa scoffed a laugh. "Oh? So he questioned your loyalty then? And then you being you, got defensive and told him he had his head stuck up his ass? And then he got butt hurt because he's a pussy ass bitch?" Billie nodded a bit, and Randa sighed. "Break up with him. You're fucking miserable, and there is nothing you get from him. He gets to have you on his arm, so he automatically wins."

Billie looked to Maggie and Maggie spoke. "We were just talking about the her and Tony thing."

Billie nodded. "Ah, I see."

Randa rolled her eyes. "Why do we all make shitty decisions? I should have just grown a pair and told him how I felt before he left."

Billie looked at Randa and took the bottle of tequila from her and took a drink. "You're smashed."

Maggie gave a gentle nod to Billie, but Randa went on. "Ugh. This is so fucking frustrating! Everything is so much harder to deal with without him sitting there and calling everyone on their fucking billshit. No one listens to me on it until it's too late, or just don't listen period." she said, and she started mumbling and then Billie spoke.

"Hey, Randa, want me to go get some food since this looks like an all nighter?" she asked. Randa tossed Billie her keys and Billie headed off after a second and Maggie walked over and sat by Randa.

"You should send him the letter." Maggie said, and Randa shook her head.

"No point now." she said, and she shook her head.

Randa snapped back into reality as she looked up Long's office door and went to knock on it, but she sighed and turned away. She'd just go back to her room for a bit and sit there and wait for her next class.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
Avatar of Love Dove

Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 6 days ago

Jo couldn't help but laugh a little bit, at the image of Alex high enough to think his name was Adam. It was a little cute though. “Oh, no.” She shook her head a bit. “I can't smoke that stuff like Cole does. It's to loud. I was just going to use...um...I’m not sure how to explain in english, you’ll see, it won't hurt.” She said before smiling up at him. Soon the subject changed to the Realms class and she chuckled a bit at his joke about going back to hell.

Chambliss’s class wasn't to hard for her, though she could only imagine how hard it would have been on Alex. She had no issues with taking over for them. Though the homework was going to be very hard for her. She was just horrible at telling this from the taste. Though Alex’s smile and his words made Jo feel better, and she nodded with a small smile leaning against him as they walked. When he called her babe she couldn't help the blush that came with the weird overwhelming feeling of happiness. She smiled up at him.

Jo laughed as they caught sight of Devin, even though she knew what she had done. It turned out better than even she expected. She was really happy that Alex was enjoying it so much. She watched him wipe his eyes from laughing so hard and she smiled proudly to herself. When Alex asked if she wanted him to walk her to class Jo shook her head. “No, that's okay babe. It's just a few rooms over. I’ll be fine go enjoy that, I’ll see you in the library.” She said with a smile before kissing him, and heading off to her next class. She felt much better knowing she had made Alex’s day better.


When she saw the guy beside her look down at her, she was sure that he was going to start laughing. She would have if it was him. Instead he just sighed and offered her, his hand. Heather blinked at him before taking his hand and getting up, she watched him switch the chairs and smiled a bit sitting down. She was a little caught off guard how nice he was being. “Thanks.”

Looking towards the professor, she was glad to see he was still droning on and hadn't noticed what happened. Nor the other students. When he asked if she was alright she nodded a bit, hand coming back and rubbing the back of her head. “Yeah, I’ll be alright, love. It's not the first time I’ve landed on my back.” She said with a small embarrassed laugh.

“Might have to get a ice pack for head after this though.” She muttered rubbing where it had hit the ground. At least if she went to the infirmary though she would have a reason to get out of her next class. She glanced at at Cain and went to respond, but the professor interrupted her first. She rolled her eyes a little as she listened to Cain answer the question, laying her chain on her hand listening to them. It was a bit impressive how smart Cain seemed, for someone who literally had been asleep for most of the class so far.

She looked at Cain as he laid his head back down, before leaning a bit closer to him, her voice lowered. “I’m Heather by the way.” Putting her headphone back, she continued to pay half attention to the rest of the class as it dragged on. Once class was over she sighed a little to herself as she gathered up her stuff, and stood from her seat before glancing at Cain. Taking the eraser end of her pencil she nudged his arm to wake him. “Hey Cain, the class is over.” She said sweetly before heading out the door towards the infirmary.


Logan thought for a moment before he grinned a little bit and nodded, as Ez offered for him to come to her room instead. Honestly though, he would agree to anything that had to do with food at this moment. He zoned out a little, bored of the subject Ravenwood was droning on about. He already knew how to avoid blood rage triggers, everyone in this class did, you couldn’t this high in this class without being able to control yourself. His attention going to Ez as she muttered to herself. Logan was glad that she was back to stay now, he had missed his friend and even after she and Alex broke up he kept in contact with her. Alex knew of course, he didn’t hide it from him, Alex seemed to understand that he refused to pick one friend over the other.

Logan chuckled a little bit as shook his head. “That isn’t very far, that’s like.” He held his fingers like he was trying to measure it out, but instead he couldn’t help but get distracted by the closeness of his fingers. An almost confused look on his face as he held the fingers of his other hand close together before chuckling at it, forgetting completely what he was saying. Once class was out Logan took off out the door wanting to go to the cafeteria to get some food. Zach blinked a little and waved back to Ez as she ran after him. “You too.”

Logan had almost made it to the cafeteria when he felt an arm loop through his, he frowned a little sadly at Ez as she steered him away from the cafeteria. “But I want food.” He pouted a bit at her before she asked what class he had, he had to think a little. “I have Realms.” Logan answered frowning a bit, but this time it was because that class was sooo boring! He didn’t want to go to class, he wanted to get food, he wanted to bring Billie food. He smiled over at Ez happily, as he nodded. “Yeah, Billie is in the class with me.” Logan didn’t fight with Ez the rest of the way to class. “You know, I would have had time to get food.” He muttered to her before they stopped at the classroom.

Logan stood in the doorway of the classroom for a moment, looking around the room before he caught view of Billie in the back of the back row. Making his way other to the chair beside Billie, he smiled great big as he put his bag down by the chair. “Hello, beautiful.” He said happily before poking her nose when she looked at him. Laughing a bit he sat beside her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
Avatar of SirensCall

SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alex gave her a smile and nodded. "Oh. Okay, as long as I'm not going to have a crisis where I can't remember what my name actually is, we should be good." he chuckled a bit, and when she said that what Cole smoked was too loud he gave a look. He hadn't ever heard anyone say anything like that before, but she was a fae and they are very naturally intoned. Class on the other hand was another story. His eyes hurt from the strain and he was glad that she would meet him in the library so he could go see Aren about redoing the enchantment on them.

Once class was dismissed and the assignment was given, they began heading to their next classes, and he saw her face tinge a different color briefly when he called her babe. It was a natural thing for him though, and even though it had been a day and a half maybe, he cared for her. Being called babe just came with the whole dating thing. Still, it didn't stop the smile from coming over his face when he saw her blush. It was cute, and she smiled up at him which just made him happier about the whole thing.

Her next statement when he asked if she wanted him to walk her to class made him quirk a brow. Oh! This had to have been what she was talking about earlier. She seemed a little surprised herself at first though, but he just smiled. He kissed her back and waved her off with a nod about the library after this class. He entered Harlow's classroom and he saw Devin grumbling about having to take his hat off, and when Alex went to go take a seat he spotted a girl waving him over.

"Alex, I saved you a seat." she smiled to him, and Alex sat next to her. Her hair was long and a burgundy color and her eyes were dark too. He knew her as Maggie Martin, and he took his seat beside her.

"Hey Maggie. What's up?" he asked, and she just shrugged.

"Not much, I just called you over so I don't get stuck beside Darren." she said, motioning her head over, and Alex leaned forward and saw another empty seat beside her, but he didn't say anything. "He won't sit next to me if you're around. Plus, with Garret and Erin coming back he won't bother me at all. He'll be too busy dodging Garret."

Alex nodded, "Have you heard when they're supposed to be coming back? I know sometime this week."

"Either tonight or tomorrow. You know, it takes them a while because Erin can't stand flying." Maggie said, and she smiled at the next person who walked in the door. She seemed almost as happy as she would have if Erin would have walked through that door... Which meant... He looked up and he caught sight of Ez. "Ez!" she exclaimed, getting up and she hugged the girl who just smiled. Ez gave a laugh and set her things down on the desk beside Maggie after they let out of their hug. "I didn't know you were back."

"Got in last night, spent it unpacking and having Drake catch me up on the latest drama." she said with an eye roll. She leaned forward and offered a small wave to Alex. Alex returned it and he sat back, catching a small bit of sadness in her eyes.

"It's good seeing you again, Ez." he said, "Glad you're back."

"Thanks Al." she said, but after that he just left her be, seeing her and Maggie start catching up. His eyes traveled around the room again before they landed on the eyesore that was Devin and he chuckled to himself. He had no clue how Jo did it, but he was really enjoying this. He wondered how long it would last because this would never NOT make him happy.


Damn Logan being so childlike when he was high. Ez just chuckled. "Honey, you can't be late to class, especially to Morgan's." she said, and as they headed towards the classroom she was glad to be informed that Billie was in the class. There was no way, even with this retarded feud that those two were going to keep from each other. They were too close, and that just made Ez nod. "Good." she said, and she heard him mumble his little bit. "You're worse than Josiah when it comes to food." she said, shaking her head with a chuckle.

She waited until he was in the classroom before she headed back towards the ALD classroom and she sighed. She almost didn't want to go in when she saw Darren was going in a bit before her, and she knew that she had a few other people she couldn't stand in there, but the moment she entered and heard her name she smiled. "Mags!" she said, walking up to the girl and hugging her. Her heart sank a little when she noticed Alex when she set her things down and after a quick conversation she turned her attention to Maggie. "So, when is Erin going to be in? You of all people should know."

"Tonight or tomorrow. I got to talk to her when she called up here before school, she had to talk to Harlow and I was helping him rearrange his office. I'm so excited!" she said, and Ez nodded.

"Me too. I've missed you both so much. Josiah keeps asking about Erin. And then there's little Leo who asks about you too." Ez said, and Maggie smiled.

"How are your siblings? Getting adjusted to their school?" she asked and Ez nodded.

"The triplets will be a handful for sure though. Cadence and Josiah still gang up on Brandy." she said, and Maggie nodded.

"Oh! You should come with me tonight to see if Erin is back." Maggie said, and Ez gave a soft smile.

"I totally would, but I have previous arrangements. Catching up with another friend. How about tomorrow night? She'll definitely be back then, and we could have a girls night." Ez suggested.

Maggie nodded. "Works for me."


Billie sighed a bit, finding herself unable to focus on anything really as she sat in Morgan's room waiting for class to begin. She was really beginning to wonder if Logan had remembered what happened while they were drunk last night and was regretting it now because he wasn't there yet, and he was closer to this classroom than she was so he should be there before she would be. However, it wasn't long before someone spoke to her. She looked up and when she saw Logan he poked her nose and she gave him a look. "Hey."

He was high. She could tell that for a fact, and it was kind of cute how happy he was. She couldn't help the smile that broke over her face when he sat down beside her and she continued to look at him. "Having a good day I'm guessing?" she asked him, looking up towards the front of the class. It hadn't quite started yet and Morgan had seemed to have popped out of the room for a moment. Well, this class definitely just got a whole lot more interesting for sure, Logan being high would make it a little more entertaining and perhaps it would make the fact that Morgan could put someone to sleep who had been given straight adrenaline less noticeable.

"Oh, you'll be seeing me sixth period. Clary told me before class started last period you have Harlow sixth period. He has a meeting today, so I'm stepping in for him." she told him with a small smile, her pendant glowing a bit of a softer grey than usual.


Adrian groaned as he looked over the ALD homework on his way to history. It wouldn't be hard, but anytime that he tried to speak demonic, he tended to have issues. Sure, he was half demon, but he was more accustomed to dragonic than demonic, and demonic was hard to learn for him. Not the written part, but the spoken was for some reason. He never could quite get the annunciation right. He got to the history door and he held it open for Molly who wasn't much behind him. They had gotten separated in the shuffling between classes, plus Adrian had hung back to get a good laugh from what had happened to Devin. Whatever fae did that was clearly aiming to embarrass Devin and was succeeding and then some.

When Adrian finally entered the classroom he set his assignment on the corner of the desk where everyone else did and then took his seat beside Molly as he had yesterday. His mind wandered a bit to the man who came into the classroom rolling up his seats a little as he wrote something on the board. The black cat on his desk perked its head up and he studied him a moment. It was curious that a familiar was with a skin walker, and he turned to Molly. "So, I know familiars are usually bound to witches... Is it possible for them to be unbound? It's not often I come across one that isn't without them being dead or close to it." he whispered to her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
Avatar of Love Dove

Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 6 days ago

Jo gave a light laugh, as she shook her head. “But Adam is a nice name. It could have been worse. Like…...Abraham.” She noticed the weird look that her words about what Cole smoked being too loud earned her. Biting her lip a bit she looked at him. “I'll explain it later, when we're alone okay.” She said quietly before changing the subject. It was one of those things that other races didn't know about faes and she didn't what to explain it where others could hear. Not to mention it made feel like it made her sound like a crazy person.

Once they were finally through there first class she was enjoying the walk to their class. Actually it was the leaning against Alex and being called babe that she was enjoying. She knew it was a thing that english speakers used as a term of endearment to their girlfriends. She couldn't help the blush it brought, in a weird way she had been waiting for this not to be real. Someone like Alex dating her after all, she was unable to stop herself from being happy about it. Or the way he smiled down at her when she looked at him.

Then Devin showed his face, and she was surprised by how well it worked. The blue was a bit more neon than even she thought it would be. She was pretty pleased with herself. After giving Alex a kiss she and assuring him that she would be in the library she headed towards her next. She was almost to the room when Tiffany caught up to her.

Jo looked out of the corner of her eye at her older sister, to see her studying her with a small smirk. “You look like you're in a good mood little sister.” Tiff said and Jo smiled a little blushing down towards the floor. Tiff chuckled softly and shook her head. “You know I've already seen that you’ve made a pet out of the hellhound. When are you going to introduce him to us?”

Jo frowned glaring a bit at Tiff. “He isn't a pet sister. And we haven't been dating that long.”

Tiff rolled her eyes. “Have you met his sister?” Jo stopping talking at the question and looked at her. Tiffany gave her a look. “So his sister gets to meet you but your two sisters, who literally have put you back together doesn't get to met him? How is that far Jordyn?” She said following her into the classroom and taking a seat by her.

Jo sighed a little bit, she was leary for a good reason. She didn't want Alex to be scared off, and while he said he wouldn't be, he didn't know Tiff. “You have to be nice Tiffany. I really like him, he is so sweet.”

Tiffany laughed. “If he is a big boy he can handle being told how things are.” She got a pleading look from Jo and she sighed. “Fine, I will be nice….ish.”

Jo sighed knowing that was going to be the best she was going to get. “Alright, if we have time before gym. Okay?” She got a smile and nod, and she sighed, she really hoped that he could really handle meeting her sisters.


Logan chuckled a bit as she said he was like Josiah when it came to food. “But….I’m starving, I would have bought you food.” He protested to her as they got to the classroom. He stood in the doorway for moment, part of him wondering if she had put him in the wrong. He didn't see Billie, he really wanted to see Billie. Once he saw her it the corner towards the back he smiled going over to her. Poking her nose as he said hi and sat down.

He could feel her staring at him and Logan looked towards Billie and smiled. She asked if he was having a good but wasn't looking at him, and he looked at him. She was talking to him right? He looked the way she was looking for a moment before looking at her again to see her looking at him. “Oh, I thought you were talking to her.” He whispered leaning towards her a little bit more than he needed to. “I am having a wonderful day, Angel Skirt had me smoke to calm me down about classes with the fuckfaces today.” He frowned a little bit. “I was going to bring you food but Ez wouldn't let me. She said I couldn't be late.” He said pouting a bit.

She said that she was going to be teaching sixth period and Logan chuckled softly. “There goes me paying attention in that class. It's hard enough to pay attention when people talk around you.” His voice a little soft and he shook his head. “I don't figure that there is any chance you could forget about homework.” He said with a little chuckle.

Logan was drawn to the front of the class as Morgan cleared his throat to get the attention of his students. Logan leaded up in his seat and narrowed his eyes a bit. “Billie? Has long he been standing up there? Is class over?” He looked around quickly before whispering. “I think he is restarting the class.” Logan frowned at Morgan as he started talking before one of other students distracted him. Logan stared at them for moment before shaking his head and looking at Billie and smiling. “You know, I enjoyed you coming over last night.”


It was a bit surprising that the day so far was turning out to be pretty enjoyable. She almost expected for something to pop out of to ruin her pleasant mood. Though that shit with Devin’s hair and the symbol calling him dickless? Oh that had been so wonder! She had almost walked into a desk trying not to laugh her ass off. Whatever fae had did that, had clearly made their point.

At the moment she wasn't even paying attention to where she was walking, her eyes down on the notebook in her hand looking over the notes in purple ink from ALD class. She knew the way to her next class and after so long having done this her whole first year, she could likely still make her way through the whole day with her nose on her notes. Ticking her tongue a bit, she smiled to herself. The spoken demonic was so much easier for her then written, a lot of races had simple markings as demonic, but speaking it was so different.

Glancing up she stopped herself from walking straight into Adrian, as he opened the door for her. Wasn't he behind her? She blinked a bit staring at him before smirking and closing her notebook before heading into the room. Molly followed suit with the others, sitting her assignment on the corner of DuPage’s desk and sat down. Adrian seemed be in his own world, sighing to herself she took begun digging in her bag and pulling a blue pen out making a symbol on the top of a blank page.

She looked over at Adrian for a moment before looking at the black cat familiar, smiling a little when it looked at her. She a small noise at it and petting mention with her finger before looking and Adrian. Big surprise...she liked cat familiars. “Yes it's possible, during the witch trials a lot of witches unbound their familiars. Though it's pretty rare now days, it makes both parties pretty weak. It's usually only used to need the familiar from dying.” She whispered before sighing a little, shaking her head a bit. “It can still die though if no one can nurse it back to health and keep it safe until they find another.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Billie couldn't help but to wonder two things as Logan sat with her. One was what the fuck did Cole give him, and two was how the hell did he make it to class this high? Her second question was answered quickly and she rose a brow. "Ez is back?" she asked more rhetorically than not. That was a good thing though. That just meant that the dragon crowd would definitely not be a problem this year. Drake tried, he really did, but no one really had control over the dragons like she did. Billie just shook her head, "You know, she wasn't exactly wrong. You shouldn't be late to Morgan's class. I think the only student in the school he hasn't given detention to is Clary."

Probably an exaggeration, but it certainly seemed like it. She also knew how much sympathy Morgan held towards Clary after finding out how she died. Morgan had died in the plague or something from what she had heard, and he had just decided to stay on earth rather than go off and find peace... Clary's situation had been a lot more fucked up and she never had the chance to choose. She shook the the thought from her mind when Logan said something about it being hard to pay attention in sixth period. She chuckled at the homework thing, "Sorry, Lo. Harlow wouldn't like it if I didn't assign the homework. Would help you with it, but I promised Randa she could have me tonight." she said to him, quietly.

When Morgan started class, Billie had to try not to laugh at what Logan was saying. He needed to be high more often, she was enjoying it. But then he said something else and all she could do was turn and look at him. He did remember last night... Well, obviously, they weren't smashed the entire night, but still... maybe he had forgotten about their kiss. She tried not to show that something was on her mind, and allowed her face to turn quickly into a small smile. "I enjoyed it too. I'm really glad we don't have to go this year without each other." she whispered, and she took down a few notes as Morgan talked some more. "Kinda wish I wouldn't have had to get up this morning, it was nice not freezing half to death." she chuckled.

That wasn't the only reason she didn't want to get up. She enjoyed being cuddled up to him. She had enjoyed everything about the night before, even if there was that small awkward moment after Clary had caught them kissing. She had honestly been surprised that Clary hadn't brought it up to her yet, and she was almost certain she hadn't said anything to Logan either. But that was good. They could save the lectures for another day. If only they could do that with Morgan too.


Adrian was very curious suddenly as to the odd relationship between the familiar and the skin walker at the front of the class. He watched as the cat hissed at him before Molly seemed to take attention to him. He seemed to lower his head down and he laid back on the desk, curled up like he was going to go back to sleep. Molly's answer made Adrian wonder even further. He knew a lot about witches and familiars, for the most part anyway, he had come across plenty of settlements for them. He had seen a place called Sanctuary when it was built, and the old man who had built it had told him this tragic story about his wife and her familiar. They had been killed, and he had decided to settle after that. Do what he could to help others on the run. He didn't stay there long, and when he had heard about the destruction of it and New Salem, he had went to see the ruins. Mostly to pay his respects.

He nodded a bit to Molly and whispered. "I guess it's just odd to see." He turned his attention back to the board when he saw that DuPage had written a few things. They were briefly going to cover the night before's assignment, but then they were moving on to the angel and demon wars.

"As you can see class, we aren't spending a lot of time on the vampire-werewolf wars at the moment. I had to move a few things around in my curriculum last night and we will be circling back and covering them in a couple of weeks. For the time up to that, we will be covering the Angel-Demon wars." he said, and Adrian found it odd.

Sure, the Angel-Demon wars had been running much longer and the times between them were shorter and each were getting more violent as it went on, but he wondered why the shift in gears. There was a lot to cover with those wars, and it would be easy to get details confused. DuPage didn't seem too pleased with the change either, so perhaps it was a change he was forced to make. Still, Adrian shrugged. He hadn't fought in them directly, but he did know that there had to be people here who had. Plus, he had known so much about them through Azrael that it would be easy for him anyway.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 6 days ago

Logan nodded a bit at Billie's question about Ez. “Yeah, or someone that looks like her. Said it was her though.” He said with a small smile before something distracted him. It really hard to stay concentrated on one thing when every moment was catching his attention. When she spoke he pouted a bit at her. “I know, but I'm literally starving to death Billie.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “This whole class thing is really just torture and the reward for not running away is food. It's why they make us take four classes before lunch. I'm on to them.”

He sighed overdramatically when she said that Harlow wouldn't be happy if she skipped the homework for sixth period. “Oh well, was worth asking.” He chuckled a bit. “ Well we can't leave Randa out. I'll have Ez help me with it after I help her unpack tonight.” He shrugged a little before realizing that Morgan was restarting the class again. He was sure of it, Morgan was restarting the class because no one else was looking. He wasn't going to sit by and….that guy had the same notebook as him. Once he finally cleared his mind again he brought up last night.

Logan grinned a little bit and nodded as she whispered that she was glad they didn't have to stay away from each other this year. He was glad to, last year had been hell on him, if it hadn't been for Clary he would have left half way through the year. “I am too, I don't think I could handle another year like that.” His eyes went to the front of the class for a moment before Billie spoke again, and he couldn't help but stare at for a moment before his whole happy attitude was shuddered. “Yeah…” he said his voice was a little quieter, and much sadder than it had been all day. “scared the shit out of me too. Another reason why Clary needs to start using doors.”

He couldn't help it though, he had actually got up the nerve, with a few drinks, to make some kind of a move. Of course it had to be one of the few times she was too drunk to remember it. One of the only really good things that had came yesterday, and only he remembered it. He turned his attention to the front of the class, going to quiet.


It was pretty weird, she wasn't going to lie. To see a skinwalker with a familiar, but now all she could think about was how much she wanted to pet that familiar. She nodded a bit looking at Adrian. “It's very odd, maybe it's another teachers familiar and its helping him. They can go off on their own sometimes.”

Molly couldn't help but let out a loud groan along with the other students aside from Adrian. Every year in history the first thing they went through was either creation or the angel demon wars. Nobody wanted to go through this all over again. Especially after a promise of something else.

She looked at the demon beside her as they raised their hand as DuPage turned. “If we were part of the wars can we be executed from having to go through this again this year?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Logan was being so damn cute. Billie couldn't help but to think that, but seriously he was. It was one of the few times she wished this wasn't Morgan's class, and she would have just skipped with him, but she hated getting detentions from Morgan. She could deal with them more than getting them from a few other teachers, but his were always so quiet, and they drove her up the fucking wall. When he said he was literally starving to death, she stopped herself from laughing. She couldn't help the small chuckle at his notion about classes. "Makes perfect sense to me." she said, "It's also why they make us have PE before we eat too."

Billie looked at him when he sighed overdramatically and shook her head. She gave a nod to his plan though, "Yeah, you know I'd help you any other time though. Ez will be a lot of help. She only has to retake it because she missed so much of it last year." Billie turned her attention forward after that as Morgan was starting class. Why was his voice so damn monotonous. He was a good enough teacher, but fuck his voice killed it every time. And then Logan brought up last night. She could see how happy he was when she had answered him, but then noticed his mood suddenly fall.

He went to looking to the front of the class and he got really quiet. She kept blinking between the front of the class and Logan, and she saw Morgan still reading from his book. She rolled her eyes slightly, and she scooted herself slightly closer to Logan. She hated seeing him this sad, and though she wasn't exactly sure why she was about to do what she was going to... Damnit she was going to. Finally Morgan turned around and started writing what she hoped would be a fair bit on the chalkboard. "Logan." she whispered, and when she finally got him to look at her she leaned over and gently kissed him. When they broke away from each other she noticed Morgan wasn't at the front of the classroom anymore, and she about jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Miss Sanders, Mr. Smith, I believe you both need to pay a little more attention to the lesson and less attention to each other." he said, looking between them. "Detention. Both of you."

Billie gave a gentle nod before rolling her eyes as he made his way back to the front of the class. Billie looked at Logan out of the corner of her eye and she smiled. She could see him smiling a bit too, and she mumbled. "Totally worth it."


Adrian gave a nod to Molly's answer, but something told him that wasn't the case. These two were close, he could tell, and it made him wonder what happened. His thoughts were cut short though as the switch to the Angel-Demon wars was announced. There was a collective groan that ran over the classroom and some other buzz about it being bullshit. Well, Adrian supposed that it was, but it was history. History classes were notorious for going over the same topic over and over again. He didn't care, he usually learned something he hadn't known before each time they went over them anyway.

Adrian looked to the person who asked to be excused before looking about to DuPage. "No." he answered, flatly. "If I let everyone get away with that, I wouldn't have much of a class." he said as he began writing a few things on the board. "Now, will I ask you to answer questions or to correct the information in your books, no, I will not. I will ask you, however, to cooperate and do the assignments. If you decide to skip classes of your own free will, know it will hit your grade hard."

DuPage turned and looked at the class before lazily walking over and sitting on the front of his desk. "Look, I get that the Angel and Demon wars are probably drilled into your brains by now, and they're probably going to continue to be drilled in as long as you guys are here, but it was a change I had to make, so, if we can cover the material quickly and there are no hiccups, we can move on quicker. Do you guys understand what I am getting at?"

Adrian raised a brow. So basically DuPage was saying they could speed run through them if they cooperated. That was something he could understand. At least the other wars that had gone on throughout history had something other than just blind hatred pushing them, and they were often times more complicated than that. Adrian raised his hand and spoke. "So can't we just cover what details you're supposed to in this class? I mean honestly, if it's done right, you can cram it into a week and we can do something else." he said, and Adrian felt other eyes on him. "What? I'd rather not go over everything we all already know, so if we can just skip it and move on, why not?"

DuPage sigh and got back up, going over to the board. "Alright everyone, we're going to start going over last night's assignment, please let's get through this quickly."

Adrian found it kind of funny how DuPage didn't even try and hide how irritated he was with having to switch around his schedule. He saw the familiar get up off the desk and start walking around the classroom and when he walked passed him, he heard him hiss. Adrian rolled his eyes again and heard DuPage start speaking again.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 6 days ago

Logan smiled as Billie said that his theory on classes made sense. Of course it did! Everyone who was smart like him and Billie could see it! “Exactly. They do that so they can wear us out and can't run away after we eat.” He hadn't really thought that she would be able to make them not have homework for Harlow’s class, but it had been while asking. She said that Ez could help him, and that was true. She didn't know as much as Billie but even still, did anyone?

He had been so happy when she answered back about last night, but then she skipped past the kiss they had shared. He couldn't believe it, it was heartbreaking, what did it take for her to realize how he felt?! Logan didn't even realize he was staring off, he was starting to come down from his buzz now and was stuck in his own head. Then Billie said his name and he hesitated before looking at her. Much to his surprise she reached over and kissed him. It was gently and he kept it as gentle, a hand coming up to her cheek.

The hand placed on his shoulder made him jump a little, his eyes widening as he looked at Morgan. Oh he was just a sneaky fucker, wasn't he. Logan drowned but nodded at the detention, that made for two days in a roll. He smiled looking at Billie out of the corner of his eye, she mumbled the words right out of his mind. “Definitely.” He said before mumbling. “That's twice now.”

The rest of the class went by so slowly that Logan found himself zone out a bit as his buzz slowly faded away. Which honestly sucked, he would have been happy to stay high all day long. Or at least until the classes were over. Looking over at Billie as he gathered up his stuff, he leaned a little closer whispering. “I know you said Randa had you tonight. But tomorrow if I get dinner, you want to go to our spot?”


Molly couldn't help but roll her eyes at the demon who asked to get out of the class. If she had to suffer through this shit again then everyone should have to. At least DuPage didn't seem happy about it either, so that was a plus. Hell, even he was saying that they would try hard to get it out of the way quickly. Even her eyes went to Adrian when he spoke. It was actually a great idea, and she looked at DuPage hoping he would agree to do that.

Instead of agreeing he started to go over their homework and started on the demon angel wars. Sighing softly Molly started scribbling in the notebook in front of her as she listened. Maybe it had been any other war it would be better. At the end of class she glanced at Adrian who didn't seem bored by this at all while she gathered her books. She would definitely be asking him for help with her homework later.


The light brunette demon didn’t even better looking up from his book as he walked through the halls and around the other students, to get to his second class. His green eyes only looking away from his book as he got to the classroom door, making sure it was open so that he didn’t walk into it. Using his fingers to mark his page, Hoyt used his other hand to dig into his bag for notebook as he made his way into the room.

It was still really early to get in the class, only the teacher and a few other students were here. Though that was the good thing about having second period off. Taking a seat up towards the front of the class, he set all of his stuff up neatly, before starting to read his book some more quietly as the classroom filled up around him. Feeling someone sitting beside, he glanced out the corner of his eye at the guy sitting there. When he spoke Hoyt looked up from his book and gave a smile nodding to him before letting his eyes flash black and back again.

Seeing that he didn't like talking unless he felt it was worthwhile, he always did this when he met new people. Almost like a warning of what he was. Sometimes it scared people off, sometimes it gave him a reason to want to talk to them. He looked down at his book again before asked his name. Picking his notebook a bit he showed his name.


The second day was going so much better so far. Kajun thought to himself as he made his way to class. He managed to get up early enough to avoid his sister, but to get breakfast too. “What the fuck Kajun?! Can't enough wake me up. You made me miss the first class.” The angry females voice came from behind him before he felt a sharp elbow in his rip. He rolled his eyes moving a little away from her. “You should have set an alarm Elizabeth.” He hissed back at her. Alright scratch that, it had been better. “Besides can't your mole get your notes?” He said talking about her boyfriend.

The hiss he got in response made him grin as he turned into the classroom before she could say something. The class was pretty full by now, and the teacher was in the middle of explaining how the beautiful brunette at the first with her was her TA. He smiled a bit ashen she looked at him and he didn't even notice the fact that he started quietly purring as he smiled back.

“Take a seat Mr. Matthews.” Kajun blinked hearing chuckles from the others, blushing a bit he headed to one of the last open seat beside one of his friends. “Smooth move man. You're still purring by the way.” Kajun groaned a bit quietly putting his forehead on his side of the table.


Sighing a little as her sister complained about the fact they had to take this stupid class, Jo was even more glad that she had plans with Alex for this period off. “Well it's kind of understandable why we have take this class of all of them.” Tiff rolled her eyes at Jo when she said that.

“If anyone should have take it, it's the humans. So fucking scared and pathetic they freak out about anyone not human and try to shoot it.” Tiff shot back, and Jo nodded her head at her sister, sighing a bit more. It was after all a good point.

“Yeah, but they would care for it even less than we do.” Jo said because stopping realizing they were headed the wrong way for her. “Anyway, I have to leave, I set up a tutor for this period.” She saw her sister raise a brow and nod a bit. “Want me to walk you really quick?”

Jo gave her a look. “No, I'm a big girl Tiff. What's with the wanting to spend time with me?” She got a look back and sighed. “Seriously, I'll be fine. And if not you'll be like the second or third person to know.” Seemly okay with that answer, Tiffany headed the other way as Jo turned and headed the right way. Since her class had let out early, that was a chance she might get there before Alex even still. The other classes had just started letting out. Walking pass Devin and a few other vampires that were still laughing about what she had done, she did her best not to laugh again herself. She was actually proud of herself for how good it had turned out.

The walk started to get quieter the closer that she got to the library. Past the classes and closer to the dorms. It was nice and made Jo glad she took the little bit longer way. “Hey, where are you going?” She jumped a bit at sudden voice cutting through the silence, looking over her shoulder she frowned seeing the Devin guy smirking at her. Not even answering him, her kept walking, she wanted nothing to do with him. Only to be forced to stop as he came around and was in front of her. “What? Can't even answer a simple question?”Jo frowned as he stepped in her way trying to get past him. “What do you want? I want nothing to do with you, go away.” She snapped a bit loudly getting annoyed that he of all people were holding her up. Devin smiled a bit as he took a step closer to her, making her glare at him as she stood her ground.

Before she had time to really react, she felt him grab her arm and push her against the wall, the pain from her still sore side making her wince. “How about I show you what a real man feels like.” Those words whispered in her ear made her snap back to attention in time to feel him going in to bite her neck. The first thing she could think of was to bring her knee up into...whatever was there.

“Delae S'heama” She muttered walking away and heading towards the library again. She didn’t get very far though before she felt herself being pulled back by the hair, a hand grabbing her throat as Devin slammed her back against the wall. The pain from her side making her cry out a bit.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
Avatar of SirensCall

SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Detention two days in a row, that was totally going to suck, but it wasn't like Billie hadn't ever had that happen before. And plus, hearing Logan mumble in response to hers, even if she could barely hear it, was enough. Though when he mumbled the part she let her eyes look towards him before they went back to the front of the class. So he did remember. Well, at least it seemed like a good thing and she smiled a bit. She refrained from saying anything else to him, especially once Morgan's eyes fell back on them. Oh this class was going to be annoying.

Once it was over, which seemed to take forever, Billie began gathering her things before hearing Logan. She smiled and nodded. "That sounds good to me." she whispered. "But I'll see you later, I'm probably already running late." she said, finishing taking up her things before she headed out the door. To her surprise Alex was heading that way, so she stopped and waited for him a moment. "You okay?"

Alex gave a nod. "Yeah, just have to talk to the Arch Mage about redoing the enchantment on my glasses. It wore off." he said as they began walking in that direction. "Did you know Ez was back?"

"I just found out myself." Billie said, and she readjusted her books in her arms. "But that's a good thing. It means the dragons will be back in line. Drake does well, but no one does better than Ez."

Alex nodded and he held open the door for Billie when they got to the Arch Mage's office. "So, you have lessons?" Alex asked, seeing the Arch Mage wasn't in yet, but he had left a note on his desk for Billie.

"Yeah. Not looking forward to them, but at least I didn't have them yesterday." she said, setting her things down. "What are you doing?"

"Got to help Jo with her Coexistence with Humans work." he said, and Billie gave him a look. "We're meeting in the library."

"Ah, okay." Billie said as she sat down when the Arch Mage came in.


Adrian sat and listened to the history lesson as best he could. He didn't always like going over the Angel-Demon wars, but even he couldn't deny that they were a huge part of supernatural history and other things had stemmed from them too. He appeared to be the only one in the class that wasn't complaining about it at the moment, but he really didn't care. He understood why it needed to be covered, even if no one wanted to cover it now. At least it was getting out of the way.

Once class was over, he gathered up his things and headed towards his shifting class. That class was a total waste of time for him. He didn't have any problems with his shifting but he supposed that it was required since he could. He took a seat near the front and he saw the guy beside him reading. Had he been there yesterday? He probably had, but Adrian still decided to address him. "Hey." he said, and once his eyes went from black to back to normal it piqued him. What the hell was a demon doing in a shifting class? He hadn't seen any of the other demons, unless they were hybrids that shifted, in here. "I'm Adrian, what's your name?"

The guy held up his notebook and he saw his name was Hoyt. Adrian just nodded, seeing the class continue to fill up before the teacher took the front of the class. There was a brunette girl standing at the front, her blue eyes looking them over and Adrian rose a brow. "Good morning class," the teacher began as the others continued to file in. "Today, I am pleased to announce that my Teacher's Assistant will be joining us this class. This is Ezria Hollow, and if you have any questions and you cannot find me, you should feel free to ask her."


Ez was glad to be out of ALD, and she and Maggie walked down the hall. Their classrooms weren't too far from each other, and Ez was glad that she and Maggie were walking together. "Be glad you weren't here yesterday." Maggie said, and Ez looked to her. "It was chaotic for a first day. Alex almost lost his shit, Billie did lose hers, and then so did Logan. It was a mess." she said, and she sighed. "This feud is really making things hard."

Ez nodded. "I could imagine. Seriously, if Drake hadn't told me that the dragons needed my help so bad, I would totally try and help." she said and Maggie nodded.

"Yeah." she said, and seeing that they were alone in the hallway she sighed. "I just feel bad for Randa. With Garret being gone and Justin being Justin a lot has fallen on her. Hopefully with him and Erin coming back she won't be so super tense."

"How is Randa anyway? When I came to visit last year she didn't seem like she was doing too well." Ez asked, slowing down a bit and Maggie shrugged.

"It's Randa, I don't think any of us actually know how she's doing, but better in a word." Maggie laughed a little. "She just hated that when this feud started she couldn't really talk to a lot of people she did. You should ask her how she kept herself occupied. You'll laugh."

"I totally will when I see her." Ez said, and they waved each other off. Ez headed into the classroom and put her things down at the table near the teacher's desk, and as the people coming in slowed, the teacher introduced her. Her eyes caught a brunette guy who had walked in the classroom and she smiled a bit at him. He had smiled back and started purring? Oh that was great! Ez's smile only grew a little brighter, although when the teacher called him out, she felt a little bad at how everyone sort of chuckled at him. With one look, the dragons in the class seemed to stop, and the rest of the laughter died out.

The teacher handed Ez a stack of papers and she began walking around handing them out. Once she got to the back of the class, she purposely walked on the side of the table his head was facing and placed the papers down. She gave him another gentle smile when he looked at her before she continued passing out papers, seeing a tall, tattooed guy staring at the guy next to him. She placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned down and whispered. "If I were you, I'd pay attention. Those who fail this class have to retake it." she said, and he looked up at her as she finished passing out the papers and took her place at the front of the class.


Maggie sighed a bit as she waited outside of the history classroom for Randa. People were filing in and soon she saw her sister running towards the classroom, shaking her head. "Hey, what's up?" Maggie asked, and Randa shook her head.

"Nothing, nothing, I took a nap, thought I overslept and started heading towards the gym. I saw Joe and he told me it was just starting third period." Randa said, yawning a bit as they sat down in the class. Maggie sat down next to her, about three seats behind Darren and they were just barely in front of the vampires that were sitting near Logan yesterday. "Did you see Devin?" Maggie whispered and Randa shot her a look.

"Did I see him? I got hella good pictures of him." Randa said, looking around. "Speaking of, where is the little weasel, I needed a good laugh." she said, and she saw there was a blond guy handing out papers. Randa sighed a bit and saw Maggie get up. "Hey, if you're putting up your assignment will you take mine?" She said, handing Maggie her assignment before Maggie placed them on the desk and she sat right back down.

"Oh, Ran, before I forget. Wanna do a girls night tomorrow night? Erin should be back and me and Ez thought it would be a good idea."

"Not tomorrow. I've got to help Morgan with a thing tomorrow after classes. Why not the next day? Then we can actually get a group of us. Plus, I mean, a girls night before a full weekend of partying would be nice." Randa said, and Maggie nodded as the class began.

Maggie leaned over and whispered to Randa. "Wasn't Devin in this class yesterday? I was enjoying laughing at him."

"I thought he was." Randa said, and she looked to the door. "I hope there isn't going to be an incident. You know who has off this period, right?"

Maggie gave her a look. "You're joking." she said before shaking her head. "Would solve a few problems with no one to stop him though."

Randa gave a small nod and leaned her head against her hand as class fully began.


The dark haired vampire-demon walked out of Harlow's classroom with a long sigh. Well, at least the assignment should be easy enough for him, and if he needed help he could always ask Maggie or Randa for help. Joe sighed as he sunk down in the shadows to avoid the major crowds of people as he headed towards the gym. It was the one thing he liked about having third period off, as long as he asked, Long usually let him weight train during his free period. He noticed Randa was heading that way too and pushed himself out of the shadows and he looked at her. "Where are you going?"

"Gym. It's fourth period isn't it?" she asked, looking like she just woke up.

"No, Ran, it's third." he said, and she groaned.

"Thanks Joe." Randa said, and Joe sighed. The hallways were quiet enough now, so he just continued walking down the hallway but stopped when he saw Devin grabbing a girl by the hair and grabbing her throat. His eyes turned over black, and he used the shadows to quickly come up next to them and he pulled Devin off of her. "Fuck off! She's clearly not interested." Joe growled, his eyes fading back to normal. Joe cocked back and punched Devin hard across the face, and when he said something about him only doing it because he was demon, Joe let his eyes redden. "I'm both, genius. You should get to class before you end up in the infirmary again." Joe spat, looking over to the girl and gently taking her arm as they walked off. He kept looking behind them to make sure Devin hadn't been dumb enough to want to start a fight, although something told him he might be.

"You alright?" he asked her, "I'm Joe by the way. Come on, I'll walk with you." he said, looking back again. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Where are you heading?"

When she said the library, he nodded and let go of her arm as they walked. He still kept his eye out for Devin though. That fucker was dumb sometimes when it came to shit like this.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 6 days ago

Molly was so glad once the class was over, gathering her things quickly, she watched Adrian and a few other people leave the classroom but shrugged. Walking to the front of the class, she saw the cat look at her before DuPage looked up at her. “I was just going to ask him if I could pet him.” She said looking at Kingsley instead of DuPage as she held a hand out palm up. Smiling as he let her pet him, she stretched behind his ears and under his chain a bit before people started coming in. Making a small sound at him, she stopped giving a small wave at DuPage before heading out of the class.


Well that was embarrassing as hell. Kajun kept his head on his table for another moment, wishing that hadn't happened in front of everyone. He couldn't help it though, she was just pretty. Letting a sigh from his lips he lifted his head trying to pay attention to the class. Only to feel the papers being placed beside him, his hand twitched a bit, about to knock the papers off the table before stopping himself.

When he looked up taking his hands off the table, he said the pretty TA smiling at him. Smiling back at her, he could feel himself let off a loud purr before he could help himself. She just had an effect on him and he wasn't sure why. His friend reached over and took his paper elbowing him a bit, and Kajun blinked a bit looking at him before clearing his throat to stop the purring. Still Kajun couldn't help but cock his head a little as he watched her walk away.

Hoyt really wasn't paying that much attention to the class either, he was to a good point in his book, and she was just talking about what they had covered yesterday. Which really he should have been paying attention to, because all the way in the back, he hadn't yesterday either. He heard someone whisper behind him, looking he saw the Ezria girl whispering to the guy beside him.

With a bit of a sigh he closed his book marking the page. Yeah, he probably should pay attention too. The professor was talking about the ways transforming could affect your body. It was something he knew well, something he had studied on when he first found out what he was, and his book was so much more interesting. His eyes kept looking between the professor and the book.

Finally he shook his head and closed his book, looking back towards the front of the class. After a moment he noticed his partner staring at him a bit. Hoyt raised a brow staring back at him before frowning, flipping through his notebook he wrote something down and showing it to him. ”What? Why are you staring at me man?”


Heather made her way towards the cafeteria to meet Clary after dropping her books and bag off in her dorm. Her blonde hair up in a messy bun to get the hair away from her neck. She wasn't even trying to look pretty, it just sort of happened that even messy her race made her look pretty. When she got to the cafeteria she saw that Clary wasn't there yet and she just shook her head, she must have gotten caught up. Getting in line she got herself a sandwich and ice tea, she got Clary nachos and a drink before sitting down and waiting for her.


Logan couldn't lie, he was a little disappointed that he was back to feeling like normal. If it wasn't for the fact that he had not only kissed Billie once, but twice, he would be in such a bad mood again. Granted that he wasn't really used to getting high off of something other than blood. Usually the only time it happened around Garret, and those were harder things that he didn't care for. He couldn't help but smile and the thought of when Garret got to try what Cole gave him. It would be funny to see him high out of his mind for once.

Given the walk from the Realms and History and the fact that he was taking his time, the class was already almost full by the time he got there. But it only took him a few moments to notice who wasn't there, and he should have been by now. What the fuck was Devin fucking with now? He really hoped that he wasn't off starting another fucking fight. Walking past Maggie and Randa he gave a slightly tense smile towards them before taking a seat by Zach, getting a look. “You good now man?”

Logan nodded a bit. “Yeah, I'm not gonna lie though, I wish I was still high. This is going to be a long ass class.” He said before the class started and he frowned looking around. “Did you see Devin on the way here?” Zach shook his head and Logan hissed a bit. “Fuck.”

The whole class groaned as DuPage said that they were going to go over the angel demon war again. He couldn't help but feel a little bad for DuPage, the look on his face said that he had to deal with this a lot today. Looked like he was the only one going to have a long day. Half way through DuPage explaining that he was wanting to get the angel demon wars over gone through as quickly as they could, Devin came through the door with a new black eye. Handing his homework to DuPage before taking his seat.


Jo couldn't help but gasp for air as Devin was pulled off and forced to let her go. His grip had strong enough to cut off her air supply, and it still felt like his nasty ass fingers were on her throat. Her hand went down to her side as she watched the other guy punch Devin in the face.

Devin hissed a bit as he got punched in the face. “Fuck you! The reason you're protecting this whore is because you're a demon!” He yelled, before he saw the guys eyes go red and he said he was both. He had no doubts that he could take this guy, back turned like an idiot. But no, he would figure out who he was instead, and make whoever he cared about sorry that he stuck his nose in something he shouldn't. “Bitch isn't worth it anyway.” He hissed before heading to his class.

Jo looked to the guy that saved her as he took her arm, though she kept her other hand a little above the pain in her side. He asked if she was alright, mother she had been asked that some many times over the last day in a half, it was ridiculous. She nodded a bit, a voice gentle. “I am now thank you. I just wish that jerk would leave me alone.” She glanced down at her side. “This from yesterday.”

He said his name and she smiled a bit at him. “Me too, well actually Jordyn but everyone calls me Jo.” When he said that he was sorry she had to deal with that, she sighed and nodded a bit. “I'll just have to be more careful. I'm headed to the library to meet my boyfriend.” He let go of her arm and used it to rub her throat, it was sore and there were likely to be bruising. She was trying to pretend that she was perfectly fine, but really that was terrifying and if she knew Joe better she would being hugging him right now.

When they got to the library she looked at the tables, only to see that Alex wasn't there yet. She was really hoping that he would be there before her. With a slightly shaky hand she pinched the bridge of her nose. It was so stupid to feel like she was about to start crying just because he wasn't here but her nerves were so shoot now. Letting out a shaky breath she looked at Joe. “I hate to ask, but….could you maybe stay with me until he gets here? It shouldn't be that long.”

Whatever his answer was, Jo sat her bag on the table and started pulling her notes out, along with the book and graded paper from last night. It wasn't that much longer before she saw Alex walking towards the table. Before she really thought to stop herself she walked over and wrapped her arms around him crying a little against him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ez was glad to see that the guy who had been purring at her smiled back at her before he let out another loud purr. It made her smile a bit more, and she closed her eyes a little as she continued to hand out the papers to the class before taking her place at the front of the class, taking the chalk and writing a few things on the board for the teacher as she began the lesson.

Adrian, however, after being warned by Ez, couldn't help but to keep looking at Hoyt. He was a demon, but he didn't show any signs of being mixed with anything else like most did. Especially if he were mixed with a dragon or a shifter. Even he knew they all had their tweaks, even if the demon was more dominant. He knew that. He didn't realize he had been staring that long until he saw the guy show him a note and he sighed and looked forward.

"Sorry, just hard to see a demon in a shifting class without showing what else they are." he mumbled a bit, doodling on his page before his name was called.

"Mr. Desmond, can you answer the question?" the teacher asked, and he shook his head, and she seemed a bit annoyed when he did.

"Depending on your mastery of shifting, you can either elect to not shift at all or learn to partial shift." Ez spoke, absent-mindedly as she finished writing down the things on the board. "Anyone in here who heard the question would know that."

"Partial shifting?" Adrian asked. "That's not exactly easy to do, even with mastery."

The teacher smirked and looked to Ez. "That is correct, Mr. Desmond. It requires a lot of discipline." she said, "Demonstrate."

Ez nodded and walked to the front of the class and watched as her hand started to scale over and her talons grew a bit. "Discipline, hard work, and focus." she said, willing her hand back to normal before the teacher began again.

"Who here can name the three parts of the body that are usually most affected in any form of transformation?" she asked, seeing Ez go back over to the chalkboard.

Adrian rolled his eyes a little at the lesson as he began taking notes again. He didn't want to deal with this today, and somehow, now seeing that the girl at the front was at least half dragon and commanded quite a bit of respect from the other dragons in the class, he knew she was their leader. That meant that it must be who he was meant to deal with.


Kingsley was a little glad he had allowed the girl, Molly, to pet him before the next class came in. He purred a bit before watching her wave and leave. He stretched a bit and took the little bit of time to go and shift back into human form. The third period class was usually more rowdy than the others, aside from maybe fifth period, but he knew he'd need to be in human form for it. When he returned to the class, he saw the two Martin sisters who had been relatively quiet the day beforehand seemed to be chatting as he went around the class.

Randa sighed a bit as she and Maggie sat there, watching everyone file in. Her eyes caught Logan when he walked past and when he gave a tense smile she quirked a brow, but she gave a small smile back, seeing Maggie wave a little. It had been really weird since the feud had started with him. As much as she missed talking to him, considering he had been one of her first friends at the school, she knew it was tough. She sighed, and looked to the empty seat in front of her. It was the only one left, so if Devin did show, she would at least have some entertainment.

She had brought her camera up under the table a bit as DuPage began talking before she felt Maggie nudge her when the door opened. Seeing Devin made her laugh a little, and she brought her camera up and snapped a few more photos before she put it back.

"Mr. Lively, I don't appreciate tardiness. If you can't be on time, you will start receiving detentions." he said. It caused a few people to 'oooh' as Devin took the empty seat in front of Randa. Randa looked to Maggie and nudged her. Maggie looked as Randa leaned over and whispered.

"You gonna be able to see with that shiner?" she whispered and Maggie saw DuPage turn to look at them and pulled Randa back in her seat as they both pursed their lips together to try not to laugh.

"Randa." Maggie whispered. "You're going to get us in trouble."

Randa tossed Maggie a look. "Only if we get caught." she whispered back, and she took a page from her notebook and wrote something on it before she tossed it. It hit the back of Devin's head and she rolled her eyes and kicked it to where Devin could see it.

"Miss Martin." DuPage said, and both Randa and Maggie looked at him.

"Which one?" Randa asked, and Maggie nodded.

"You've got us both, Professor." Maggie said, and he sighed.

"Miranda, then. How long have the wars been going on?" DuPage asked.

"Continuously or just in general? The last war ended about 75 years ago, but overall the wars have gone on over the course of about 1000 years, at least the notable ones." she answered, and he nodded a bit before going back on about the lesson and Maggie just smiled to her.

"Sometimes I really hate that dad bored us with this stuff, but then there is times like this where I appreciate it." Maggie whispered and Randa nodded, seeing the little note she threw at Devin was finally off the ground. "What did you even write?"

Randa just gave a grin. "Asking him if he wanted some nuts since apparently he has none." she whispered back, and Maggie put her head on the desk and giggled a little before feeling Randa nudge her. When she looked up, she saw DuPage was still going on but was now looking right at them. They both smiled at him and Maggie wrong something in her notebook.

Imagine if Erin is in this class too. she slid it to Randa who began writing back to her, still waiting for Devin to react to what she wrote. There had been quite a bit of bad blood between the two since before the feud even, and Randa sort of zoned out thinking about it.

"Thanks babe." Billie said as they walked down the hall. A tall, very well built guy with dark blond, almost brown, hair was walking with them. "I really appreciate you finding someone to do this double date with."

"Yeah, yeah, you owe me though." Randa said, and she watched as Billie headed over to the table where Devin was in the cafeteria when she felt the guy put a hand on her shoulder before he could follow.

"You sure you want to do this?" he asked her and Randa nodded.

"B is my best friend, and as much as I hate Devin being with her, I've got to be there for her. Especially with how she says they've been fighting lately." she said, "Thanks for doing this, Abs."

They began walking over and he gave her a gentle nod. "You know I'm here when you need me." he said, and she nodded with a smile, sitting down across from Billie. Randa felt Colten sit beside her, and she saw Devin looked less than please with her being there. It was nice for the most part, when they were all talking, and even Colten tried to include Devin in the conversation, but he never said too much really. Randa sat there, feeling Colten's arm come around her as they sat there, and when she saw Billie get up to get something, she heard Devin speak. She chuckled at his question.

"What's my problem with you?" she scoffed and she clicked her tongue. "Well, lets see... You're not even in the same league as Billie, you shouldn't be with her at all. She's clearly just slumming it with you, and once she's done getting whatever kicks she's getting with you, you're never going to have a chance in Hell with anyone else."

What Devin said after that made Colten look at Randa, who looked away. She went to say something else, but Billie came back and Randa stood up. Colten did as well, and she looked at B. "Come by later, B. I have a thing I got to do." Randa said, "Totally forgot about it until just now."

Colten looked to Randa, seeing her wrist glowing a little before he put his arm around her. "Thanks for inviting us, Billie."

"No problem." Billie said, looking to Randa. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah." Randa said, looking to Devin. "Bye Fuckface." she said, shrugging as they left, and Colten looked down to Randa as they got out of their eyesight and ear shot.

"You alright?" he asked her and Randa looked up at him.

"Yeah. Totally fine. I just finally get why everyone was the way they were when I was with Tony. Devin may actually be worse thought, but I can't say shit because she dealt with me with Tony." she said, and as they walked he saw her scratching at her glowing wrist.

"You know, Randa." Colten said, and she looked up at him. "You shouldn't take anything he says with a grain of salt."

"Yeah, I know. He's just always irritated me." she said, and she leaned against him as they walked more. "Wanna stay tonight? Maggie is hanging out with Joe anyway."

"Sure." Colten said."

Randa snapped out of her thoughts when Maggie nudged her, and she looked to her before looking forward.


Joe sighed a bit, watching for Devin still as he walked with Jo. He nodded when she answered him, and he spoke again. "Okay, I saw you rubbing your side and had to ask." he told her, and as they walked to the library, Joe noticed Devin hadn't followed them. That could both be a good thing and bad thing, especially knowing how Devin got. He wasn't above hurting girls, which made him a bitch, but it also made Joe wonder what he'd do now. He sighed a bit, holding the library doors open for Jo as they headed in.

When she asked if he would stay with her while she waited, he nodded. "Sure, I don't mind." he said. It wasn't long after that though, he saw Alex come in and he saw Jo walk over to him and hug him.

"Hey." Alex said, looking down at her and gently putting his arms around her. "What happened?" he asked, bringing a finger under her chin and he saw her throat was a little red and he saw Joe standing there.

"Devin had her pinned against a wall, I took care of it." Joe said, and Alex took a deep breath and nodded.

"Thanks man." Alex said, rubbing Jo's back a little. "I'm glad you were there, Joe. Really, thanks."

"You know I don't mind it." Joe said, patting Alex's shoulder a little. He looked to Jo. "Nice meeting you, wish it would have been better circumstances. And if you ever can't find anyone and don't feel comfortable, I'm usually around. I'll sit with you so you're not." he said, sinking into a shadow and leaving.

Alex looked to Jo, walking with her over to the table and setting his stuff down. "I'm so sorry it took me so long." he said to her. "If you want we can wait until after classes and I can help you with your stuff if you're not feeling up to it right now."

He looked around and he let out a small whistle, seeing Blaze appear and she walked over and stood by Jo, nuzzling her hand a little. Alex was trying very hard not to get too mad and he sighed. "I should have waited to have Aren redo the enchantment on my glasses until after classes. I'm sorry."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 6 days ago

Hoyt couldn't help but smile a bit at his paper. Good, I'm hoping for that. He wrote before tapping his own paper to get Adrian's attention. He was actually pleased with what Adrian said, as weird as it might have sounded. He had worked hard not to show signs of what he was. His long term goal was to learn to avoid shifting all together. Though it was more likely that he still was and Adrian didn't see it. He probably wouldn't have any idea what he should be looking for. Really though, either way it was good.

He barely heard the question Adrian was asked either, mostly because he was in his own mind. Though the answer to the question was an interesting one, and he couldn't help but sit up a bit watching what Ezria was doing. It was really impressive and he wished there was a way to do something like that, though it would probably be more pain than it was worth.

Kajun couldn't help but smile as he watched the pretty TA girl’s arm turn scaley. It was definitely interesting that she could do that, he wouldn't be able to. Hell, he couldn't even keep himself from purring like a idiot. He actually liked the dragons though, they pretty nice, even if they a little easy to offend. He raised his hand at the question, though the teacher didn't call on him, picking someone closer to the front.

The girl she picked was, kind of right, the parts were part of the body. Raising his hand again he smiled as he was picked this time. “Shifting affects your bones, skin, and brain. Namely the left hemisphere, which handles language.” When she said he was right he smiled purring a bit as he wrote down what had been written on board.


Devin rolled his eyes as the professor said the next time he was late, he would get detention. Like he gave a fuck what the professor of the most useless class in the school thought. He frowned a bit as he took his seat in front the bitch Martins. Everyone seemed to like the little one, he didn't see why. She was just as much worthless trash as her older sister.

Randa whispered in his ear, and he hissed at the feeling of her breathe on his neck. Great, he would have to shower after gym to get that filth off of him. He was trying his best to ignore the little bitches behind him, when he felt something hit him in the back of the head, he rolled his eyes imagining it. Though he saw the piece of paper get kicked into his eyesight.

DuPage was to busy talking about the stupid wars to pay attention as he bent down to pick it up and look at it, just to frown at the paper. You need some nuts to replace yours? Glenn might have some, a little big for you though. Yeah? When DuPage turned to write something on the board, Devin tore the paper up turning and flipping the scraps at her. “Why don't you use them to go fuck yourself trash.” He hissed quietly at her.


Jo nodded a bit though her hand stayed on her side. “Thank you, but I'll be fine.” She said reassuringly, it wasn't like it hurt as badly as yesterday, it was just still really sore. Honestly she didn't think about the fact that Devin wasn't following them as weird. Why would he? He had just got punched in the face. Still she was happy when Joe said he would stay with her, and she smiled a bit at him before setting her stuff out.

Though it wasn't long until Alex got there and she went straight to him, unable to keep herself from crying anymore. Just having his arms around her made her safer, and calmed her a little bit. She didn't have a chance to answer before Joe did. She able to stop the little bit of crying she was doing as Alex rubbed her back calming her down. It wasn't really that she was hurting other than her side. It was the shock of being grabbed by the neck.

She managed a small forced smile at Joe as he spoke again and she nodded. “Thank you Joe, so much.” She said before he slipped into the shadow and she blinked a bit as he was just gone. Alex walked her towards the table and she sat at the table and looked at him as he spoke. “Why are you sorry? It's not your fault.” The thought of not doing her class was tempting, she couldn't lie. All the while she didn't want to think about what happened anymore.

“No, I still want to do it. It will get my mind off what happened. Let me just calm down a bit more.” She said looking at him for a moment before leaning her head against his shoulder. She just….she needed him right now. He whistled and she smiled a bit at the sight of Blaze, petting her after her nuzzled her hand, head still on Alex’s shoulder. This was helping a lot, she was calming down and didn't feel like she was going to start crying anymore.

She moved her head and looked at him when he apologized again. Gently she put her hand through his hair getting him to look at her. “This isn't your fault Alex, he is a gross prev. If anything I should have known better than to think he would take long to recover.” She said frowning and as she looked down at Blaze. “He said something about showing me a real man. Like he half the guy you are. And then tried to bite me. So I kicked him between the legs, and I thought it would hurt him more it did.”

When she looked at Alex, she was able to see him getting mad, she frowned a bit lacing her fingers through his, thumb rubbing his wrist as a yellow light shot up his arm almost like her dust. It was a nymph trick to calm people and ease their muscles. What she had been planning on showing Alex anyway.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
Avatar of SirensCall

SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Clary was officially in a rush. She bounded back around the corridor after realizing she grabbed the wrong notebook when she was exchanging her things after class. It didn't help that she had stayed behind a minute to ask a couple of questions either, but she was really glad this was her free period. She was also happy that she and Heather were doing an early lunch, but she suddenly felt bad for running so behind. She got to her dorm and phased in, grabbing the correct notebook out of her desk before she began heading towards the cafeteria.

"Excuse me?" A voice came from behind her, and she stopped and turned to see a guy with light brunette hair standing there, and she smiled. "Can you help me? I'm supposed to be meeting with Professor Kane and I can't figure out which way her office is."

"Oh! If you follow this hall," she said, pointing in the direction he just came from. "Take a left and she's at the very end of that hall on the right."

"Hey, thanks. I didn't catch your name." He said.

"I'm Clary. Nice to meet you..." she paused for his name, and he just smiled a little.

"I'm Miles. Thanks again." he said as he headed off, and Clary shook her head as she began heading back towards the cafeteria. When she got there, she spotted Heather and waved before she got over and sat with her.

"Oh! Thanks. How much do I owe you?" she asked, looking at the nachos as she put down her notebook. "Sorry I am so late. I had to ask a couple of questions about my assignment from last period, and then I grabbed the wrong notebook, and then some new guy couldn't find where he was going. So busy!" she laughed a little. She gave a small sigh before taking a chip and putting it in her mouth. "SO how's your day been so far?"


Ez couldn't help but to be slightly annoyed with this class. Half of them weren't even paying attention, and when they finally did it was because she was partial shifting. Very few people in the school could do it, if the ones she knew were still even there. It took a lot of hard work and discipline for her to learn, so it honestly didn't surprise her that others couldn't. And then some races would have had a hard time learning it anyway.

When the person answered the teacher's question, she rolled her eyes before she heard the boy at the back of the class answer it correctly. Even going into detail about the brain. She sort of smiled to herself at that, a lot of people didn't fully realize that. It wasn't like in movies where shifted people could still speak in English or other human languages. No. Dragons could only speak in dragonic, and shifters couldn't really speak at all except for in the ways they communicate in animal form.

She finished up what she had on the board and she looked through the teacher's notes as she began covering the effects of rage shifting and how it affected everything in similar ways as regular shifting, it had other less desirable ones as well. Ez sort of rolled her eyes at the thought. Rage shifting wasn't something she had done in a long time, but she knew that the effects could be bad.

"And what is the longest lasting side effect of rage shifting?" the teacher asked.

Adrian actually answered this time. "It affects psyche. It tends to make the person more temperamental and the possibility of rage shifting again higher. Though, some people can get over it quickly, most don't." he said. Ez sighed a bit and looked at the notes again before she wrote something else on the board that she missed. Sometimes she wished all the teachers were organized like the veteran teachers. This shifting teacher had only started about three years ago, she knew because she came in when she did, but she liked her all the same. Just hated trying to understand her notes.


Randa couldn't help but to fuck with Devin. He was such an easy target, especially with how he looked right now. When he turned around and started flipping the scraps of paper at her, she chuckled a little before Maggie shudder a bit. "Ew... He'd enjoy that if you did, Randa." she whispered, and Randa had to cover her mouth and nudge her.

"Mags, you know he wouldn't get to attend that show even in his dreams." she whispered, and Maggie giggled a little. She nudged Randa when DuPage looked at them again, and they both stopped for a moment. When he turned away again, Maggie wrote another note to Randa before sliding her notebook to her, and Randa looked down at it before she looked to Maggie.

You know Garret and Erin should be back tonight. You going to go see him tonight?

Randa shook her head a bit and wrote something underneath it. Me and B are hanging out tonight. As much as I want to, I kind of need her help with some of my work.

Maggie gave her a look and Randa just shrugged it off. Whatever.

"It's true." Randa mumbled, and Maggie gave her a look. "What are you doing right after classes anyway? I've got to wait on B to get out of detention."

Maggie leaned closer to her. "Joe kind of needs me after classes today. He's still having some issues after he went and saw his mother this break." she whispered lowly to her and Randa nodded.

"Only cause it's Joe, I'm not mad. Just letting you know that." Randa whispered to her, and she started writing down what DuPage had written on the board. "I guess I'm just going to see if I can't find some trouble to get into while I wait for B."

Soon a black cat appeared on their table and Maggie smiled a bit, but she noticed he looked to the board and she sighed a bit. She saw Randa move again and she saw a few little wads of paper hit the back of Devin's head. Apparently she was bored, but she couldn't blame her. This class was going to be boring until they were done with the Angel-Demon wars, so she guessed that it was better Randa was throwing paper wads at him rather than lighting him on fire like she normally would have.


When she had asked him why he was sorry, he sighed. "It really shouldn't have taken that long." he said, and when she said, she still wanted to do the work, he nodded a bit. He knew it was probably better to get her mind off of it rather than let her sit there and think about it more. Still, Alex couldn't help it though. Devin was only really doing this because of who Jo was to him now.

However, when she told him exactly what happened, he couldn't help but to feel his blood boiling a little. A small place in his wrist started glowing a bit. Before he could got a word out, he noticed yellow dust going up his arm, and he relaxed a little. He took off his glasses a moment and pinched the bridge of his nose. He took a deep breath before he put them back on and he kissed her temple. "I don't know what you just did really, but thank you. It was very relaxing." he said to her with a small smile, seeing the small glow leave his wrist.

"Alright. So are you ready to work on this?" Alex said, moving her book between them and looking at it. "So, where are you having the most issues now so we can start there?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 6 days ago

Heather couldn't help but wonder what was causing Clary to be so late for their early lunch, it wasn't really like Clary to be late unless something was going on. Though the longer it took the more Heather started to wonder if maybe she had just gotten really excited about something and forgot about it. Frowning a bit at her thoughts Heather started to pick at the bread of her sandwich. After a few more moments Heather sighed, decided that clearly Clary had gotten distracted and she should probably at least find her. If nothing else to give her, her nachos.

She turned to get her bag, to see Clary waving at her and she smiled a bit waving back to her. Heather shook her head, waving a hand at Clary’s question. “You don't owe me, love. Just get me next time we have lunch.” She said with a small chuckle, she didn't mind buying lunch for her friends from time to time. What were friends for? She couldn't help but smile as Clary talked a mile a minute before chuckling. “You're fine, love. I thought maybe you got excited about something and forgot. Was the new guy at least cute?”

When asked how her day had been Heather rolled her eyes a bit. “Well coexistence with humans is sooooo boring. I swear I'm going to end up falling asleep and failing it again.” She said before shaking her head and taking a sip of her drink. “Oh, and I embarrassed the shit out of myself and hurt my ass at the same time.” She said rolling her eyes a little as she laughed. “My two guys in Shifting didn't save me seat so I had to sit with some cute guy in the back. I think he said his name was Cain or something.” She waved her hand a bit stopping from her story to take a bite of her sandwich and swallow it. “My chair was crappy and couldn't handle being on two legs and tipped on me and it hurt like hell. I kind of have a headache from it. But the cute guy gave me his chair.” She ended the story smiling a little.

“You know we should totally make time to hang out this year still even though we only have like two classes together and I'm not dating Logan.” Heather said before offering Clary one of her chips.


Jo couldn't help but give a small frown at Alex’s reason for why he was sorry, she shook her head slightly. “It wouldn't have affected it if you hadn't taken so long though babe. My class let out early anyway so I was already on my way here when you got out.” She said trying to be reassuring. She didn't blame him, even if he felt like it was his fault it really wasn't. Jordyn smiled a bit when he nodded at her staying she still wanted to work on studying. One of the things she had figured out when she started coming here, if her brain was screaming because of studying to much. It blocked out whatever was bugging her at the time.

So yeah, maybe she shouldn't have told him about what Devin had said to her. More or less it had came out without her really thinking about how mad it would make him. However, she quickly worked to trying to calm him down with a little trick that nymphs could do, and do to being half of one she could do. She smiled a bit as it calmed him down, the smile only widening a bit as Alex placed a kiss to her temple. “You're welcome. That is the quiet relaxing thing I was telling you about either.”

Jo nodded her head a bit when he asked if she was ready. “I got a B on the paper from last night by the way.” She said proudly before looking through the book trying to find the parts she was having trouble on.


“Seriously, Professor Kane, thank you for talking to Professor Wilson and Long for me about switching class periods. I mean I feel like Wilson likes me enough, but like he would think I was just trying to get out of classes.” Iris said with a small laugh as she started to fix a stack of books in Kane’s office.

“Honestly he might have thought that. Though it's really no problem, Wilson owes me a few favors.” Kane said as she was looking through the papers from her first class of students, there was simply to much go over in her little bit of free time between classes. Though if she let it wait she would be up half of the night. “I appreciate you switching periods so that Melody can have next period with her sister. Just be sure to get your make up work from Wilson and let Long know who you are, in gym.”

“I won't.”

Kane heard Iris say before the loud crashing sound of books falling filled her office, and she looked up to see Iris surrounded by books. Blinking a bit before chuckling Kane snapped her fingers muttering, the books stacking themselves. “Are you alright there Cormac?”

Iris frowned a bit rubbing her wrist, before nodding a bit. “Yes, sorry professor. I tried to catch them. You know, if you have some of those little dividers for notebooks. I could organize this by race like your other shelves and then label them for you better.” She suggested before looking at Kane was quietly looking at her. “Or not, I mean it's just an idea.”

“No, that is actually very clever.” Kane said glancing down at the papers before setting them aside inside her desk. “I think that I might have a few in the room. I’ll be right back.” She said before leaving to head to her class leaving Iris in her office to finish sorting the books. It didn't take her very long to get to her classroom, finding the dividers in her mix of a classroom closet was a whole different matter. After a moment she frowned and made things move themselves around until she found the stack of them. As she locked her classroom up she saw Aren walking towards his office and stopped and waited for him.

“Aren.” She smiled a bit as he stopped and looked at her. “Sorry I know that you're busy. I just really wanted to apologize for losing my temper yesterday. I was just upset to think straight at that moment. Sore subject and everything.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Clary gave a smile and a nod. "Def. I totally at least owe you lunch." She said as she took up a nacho, and when Heather asked if the new guy was at least cute she gave a nod. "I mean, for a guy. He was totally cute, plus he seems really nice. But I mean, I did only talk to him for like a minute." she said with a small laugh before listening to Heather. She pulled out the notebook that Heather needed to borrow while she listened. "Oh ouch. Sorry babe."

When she said the name Cain, Clary thought for a moment. She'd heard the name before. That had to be the one that Cole had been talking about last night. "Oh! Cole knows him. He's an ice drake, I think she said. She knows him because of Drake. I could always find out more if you wanted me to." she said with a wink and when Heather brought up making time to hang out this year she smiled widely and nodded very quickly.

"Totally do! We need to have girls' nights with all of us. Those are always fun! Especially when we all get to drinking." she giggled, taking the chip and offering Heather some of her nachos. "Oh! And we could totally invite more girls to join in. Ez is back, and Erin will be back, and when you put them with Maggie they're a total riot. And Randa should be game. It's always fun to have us all together. And plus then, the more girls nights we have, the easier it will be to plan on more hanging out!" she bounced a little in her seat before she phased through the bottom and giggled as she caught herself with the edge of the table.

"Looks like you're not the only one with chair issues today." she laughed.


Alex was grateful for what Jo was trying to do, but there were some things she would just have to learn along the way with him. He gave her a gentle nod as she spoke. And then after she said what Devin had said to her, he could only feel himself get more mad. When she explained what she did, he nodded and smiled. "That really is useful. Thank you." he said to her. He smiled a little more when she told him about the paper and he gave a nod. "That's great! I'm glad that you did." he said.

It had been a while since he had taken the formal class, but the teachers that taught it had been sending students to him for tutoring ever since. He couldn't take all the credit from them though, he had been on earth and in human society for so long that he was forced to learn how to coexist with humans early one. He was one of the better integrated ones. He looked at her work and asked her what she was looking for before chuckling a bit. "Sorry... This just made me think of the first person I tutored for the class. She had issues all around with the class."

He looked at where she was looking after a second and he started reading over it. "It doesn't help that they have all this worded funny. You may need to look on the next page for it."


Miles was very glad to have finally found someone to help him who didn't seem rushed. This place was huge and he hadn't had a lot of time to look over the map he had received. He followed her directions and when he got to the door she was talking about he gave a knock before poking his head in and looking around. His eyes caught a dark haired woman with pretty eyes and he smiled. "Hi, I'm sorry to barge in Professor. The Arch Mage told me I should come and talk to you while you had a free period and..." he trailed off when he finally got a better look at the woman before him. She looked young. Sure, witches were known for appearing much younger than they were, like most, but she just had a young feel to her even.

His eyes wandered around the room for a moment and he was astonished at the amount of books and stuff. He looked through his things that the Arch Mage had given him, looking for the page that he was told to show her when the thought came to him.


Aren sighed a bit as he headed out of his office after the new arrival stopped in and left to put his bags in his dorm. Then after dealing with Alex Sanders, he had Billie start reading through a few things he needed her to know for their lesson today before he went off to find Kane. He was getting tired of all of the new arrivals changing the schedules. At least Harlow had let him know that come the weekend his nephew would be coming, but all he would need was a dorm assignment. And then he had gotten word of another new arrival coming next week too. He was just glad that the angel girl had called last night to let him know she would be here after classes ended for the day. And then the Scottsons were due back today. Today was going to be the end of him.

However, it seemed there was a bit of luck on his side when Samantha stopped him in the hall. She apologized to him and he waved his hand a bit. "No worries, Samantha. I understand, and perhaps I should have told you sooner, but you know how it gets." he said. "Just like today. One of the new arrivals got here a little earlier than expected and I had to send him to your office to meet with you. I was just on my way to let you know because he said he wanted to drop a few things off at his dorm first. So I thought I had a few minutes. Sorry that this keeps stacking up."

He sighed a bit. "The girl will be here this evening, but she said she could always meet with you whenever is best for you. She knows she's coming early and doesn't want to disrupt you if she can avoid it. Then I just got word of another new one coming next week as well. And Julian's nephew will be coming in this weekend, but at least him we won't have to worry too much about." he said, shaking his head and rubbing a hand over his face. "And I am also sorry about all the changes going on, but these tests became necessary far quicker than anticipated."

Aren looked at his watch. "I have to run, I'll try to come by later and talk more." he said, waving her off.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 6 days ago

Heather couldn't help but chuckle a little at Clary’s reaction to her asking about if the new guy was cute and she nodded a bit. “I'll have to figure out who he is, so I can check him out.” She sighed slightly and shrugged as she took the notebook that Clary handed her. “Its okay, I'll live. Just fucking embarrassing. Then having to go get ice for it was even worse.” At the offer to find out more about Cain, Heather smiled a bit at her. “Well I mean that would be great. Just um….if you could..” She kind of played with one of her fries. “Not tell him I was the one that asked about it. Cause that would just be fucking embarrassing.”

Heather was glad when Clary took the change of subject and ran with it, and she chuckled as Clary excitedly talked. It took some talent to keep up with her when she got this excited. As she had learned in the first week of their friendship. “I have totally no clue who Ez or Erin are, but sure the more the merrier. Just not that Jo girl okay, I really don’t like her. She’s annoying.” She said rolling her eyes and making a slight face. “A girls night would be so fun though, I don’t get to hang out with Randa enough.” Heather laughed a little bit as she reached across the table and helped pull Clary back through the seat. “Careful Clar, I think getting you not of the seat will be harder.”


Samantha gave a small smile when he said that he understood why she had gotten so upset. It was a slight relief, seeing how she had been a little rude last night. She nodded a little bit at Aren’s words about the new student being sent to her office to meet her. Which she hoped that if she missed him Iris would have him wait. She smiled a little as he apologized. “It’s alright Aren, really I’m used to students before classes. Tell the girl that she can meet me after classes tonight any time before midnight. My room number is on my office door if I’m not there.” She nodded about Julian’s nephew coming in, it was something that he had told her last night while they were drinking.

She did frown a little bit at the subject of the changes going on. Mostly because the subject changing. “I understand, I’m not happy that I have to once again make Angels and Demons all important and shove the other races again. But I understand that times call for it.” She said sighing a little bit. When Aren said he had to leave she nodded a little bit. “Alright I’ll talk to you later.” She said waving him off a bit before liking out another sigh and heading towards her office.


Iris hadn’t really been expecting there to be a meeting in Kane’s office and she couldn’t help but blink when she turned to see a handsome blonde with a nice smile looking at her. “Hello.” She couldn’t help her smile widening a little as he went on. It was kind of cute that this guy thought that she was Professor Kane. Clearly no one had actually told him what Kane looked like. When she saw him start looking through his papers she cleared her throat. “As flattering as it is that you think I’m Kane, you have the wrong person.” She said before putting the book she had down in a pile and walked over holding her hand out. “ Nice to meet you, I’m Iris. I’m one of Kane’s teachers assistants.”

“Kane should be back in a few minutes, she had to run to her class room real quickly. You can take a seat if you want.” She said gesturing towards the chairs in front of Kane’s desk. She started sorting the books into the piles she was making before she smiled to herself. “So have you been shown around the school yet? I know it's kind of huge compared to the smaller schools. I can show you around after classes if you want.”


Jo couldn’t help but be a little nervous as she walked into the gym, and without really thinking about it she told Alex’s hand as they walked in. There were a few things to worry about, Long seemed cool so she really doubted he would have an issue with her sitting the class out since she was sore still. Even still there was the fact that Devin was in this class. Or worse yet Tiffany wanted to meet Alex this class.

“Hello, there.” Jo was so in her own thoughts she didn’t notice that Willow had saw them first and decided to come meet Alex before Tiffany could scare him off. Willow offered her hand to Alex with a gentle smile. “Nice to meet you Alex, I’m Willow. The middle sister. Jo has said some good things about you. It’s cute.” Smiling a little bit at Jo when he answered, who was blushing before her eyes caught the bruise on her neck and frowned a bit her eyes taking on a slight pink sparkle.

Jo didn’t get to say anything before Tiffany made her way and she smiled at Alex and offered her hand trying to be on her best behavior. “Hello, I’m Tiffany, Jo’s big sister. Nice to meet you.” She said and when he shook her hand her grip tightened slightly. “So Jo likes you, and you seem fine. So I’ll make it quick. If you don’t hurt her, I won’t drown you, deal?” She said before before smiling happy and letting go of his hand. Though the smile was gone as soon as she looked at Jo. “What the fuck happened?!”

“It wasn’t Alex!” Jo couldn’t help but spit out right away so they didn’t blame him.

“Well yeah his hands would have left a bigger mark.” Willow said earning a small smirk from both Jo and Tiff to which she blushes a bit and rolled her eyes.

“That asshole Devin tried to make a move on my in the hall and didn’t take it kindly when I said no. I...I don’t want to talk about it. Alex is going to go to Aren with my after Kane’s class.” Jo said before looking at Tiffany who was still nodding slowly her eyes comply sparkly purple. “Tiff?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She said blinking it away as Long blow his whistle and Jo sighed and headed over to Long. “Professor Long, I was wondering if I could sit this class out, my side is still sore and bruised from yesterday.”


It was taking Tiffany all she had to think straight at the moment, and she knew that she shouldn’t make it worse in class. She already had detention today for choking this asshole yesterday. Clearly he wasn’t getting the fucking picture though, and everything in her screamed to teach him a lesson. She ran her group like they did in their flocks. This school was different…..then all logic as she saw him walk past Jo and Alex smirking. The next thing she knew her feet where moving her behind him. She gently and calmly tapped Devin on his nasty fucking bloodsucking shoulder, and when he turned she punched him as hard as she could in the the face.

There were a few laughs and “oohs” as he hit the floor. “No means no parasite, keep your motherfucking hands off my little sister!” Complete silence. She turned to walk away and before Long even had a change to say anything she felt a tight grab on her arm. “Listen here bitch..” A muffled voice from having his lip busted said. He didn’t get much more out before Tiffany turned and kicked him between the legs. Making him let go to double over, and her hands came together to make a hard stream of water. Pinning him against the wall on the closet wall of the gym.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Clary just gave a small giggle to Heather when she said to not let Cain know that she was the one asking about him. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I'll let you know what I find out soon though, I might be able to get you something before actual lunch period." she said as they continued on with their early lunch. She was glad that Heather wanted to do a girls night too. It would definitely be super fun!

"Okay." she said when she mentioned not inviting Jo. Clary wanted to ask, but at the same time she knew better. She didn't like to press anything like this because she knew it could possibly cause issues. "I don't think anyone really gets to hang out with her enough except for Billie anymore. She got to be better at being ghost-y than me over the last year." she laughed, "Plus, I mean, girls nights are always fun. Full of chocolate and drinking and games andandandanditsbeensolongsincewe'vehadonethatIcan'tevenrememberwhenwediditlast."

Clary was beginning to get more excited, but once Heather helped her get back on the seat instead of in it, she took a deep breath and gave a small nervous laugh. "Yeah, and I don't think Morgan would appreciate having to be pulled away from class again to help me out." She took one more deep breath and ate another nacho. "Oh! I can totally do that thing to your hair I did last year when we have girls' night too! I found my hot curlers last night."


If there was one good thing about Samanatha, it was that she was a very understanding person, especially given the circumstances. "I know, and I am sorry that you are having to shuffle around your lessons again. Reginald was not too happy with it either, but with things becoming more and more unpredictable it is best to prepare now. I do hope that with the amount of Demons in the school that will make that part of your lessons shorter." Aren said, and he gave a nod. His head was going faster than he intended, and as he walked away he called to her.

"But I will be sure to tell the girl that she can find you anytime before midnight!" he continued on his way off, his mind relatively heavy still. So much going on, and so little time. "If I make it to the end of this year, I am going to Tahiti for the next decade." he mumbled to himself.


Miles felt an immediate rush of embarrassment flood over him, but he was glad that this girl, Iris, seemed to be a good sport about it. How was he supposed to know though?! Not exactly like there were pictures of the teachers on his class list. He took a seat when she gestured to them, and he looked around the room. Her voice caught his attention again, and he shook his head. "Not exactly anyway. I was given a map, but as I have come to notice, it is not exactly easy to use." he gave a soft chuckle, "But I would definitely appreciate the tour. I will definitely need help learning the grounds here. The only place I have been to that I can even use as a comparison is Buckingham Palace, and even then, that was just a tour."

He had to admit, it would be nice to be shown around this school, especially since he would need to have to plan out his routes to and from classes, and that would take a little time in and of itself. Especially with how large it was and how, according to the map, spaced out his classes were. The only good thing was that some of the classes would be easy, and that they hopefully had at least five minutes to get to class from their previous one. "So, how long have you been at this school? It seems like its a good place to be."


Alex sighed as he and Jo entered the gym. She was really wrapped up in her thoughts, he could tell from how she was staring out into space, but before he could say anything someone came over to them. Alex gave a gentle smile and shook the girl, Willow's, hand. "Pleasure to meet you as well." he gave Jo a sidelong glance and he smiled a bit at the blush that tinged her cheeks.

It wasn't too long after that when a girl with black hair approached them and introduced herself as Tiffany, Jo's oldest sister. Alex shook her hand and instinctively when she tightened her grip on his hand, he made his hand shake firmer. "As is nice to meet you, I'm Alex." he blinked only slightly at Tiffany's words before he gave a soft smile and a chuckle. "You sound like you would get along with my sister, Billie." he said. He watched the small interaction between the sisters, but he nodded when she told them he was going with her after classes to talk to Aren.

He watched a moment as Long walked a little past them, and he looked to Jo when she spoke to him. "Of course you can. If you have any other classwork you need to work on, feel free to. If you need anything else, just ask. Right now, I do need to grab something out of my office though." he said as he walked off.

Alex rubbed Jo's shoulder a little, but when he saw Devin, his whole body tensed. He couldn't act again today, but he did scoff a laugh at the bruised eye he had. Apparently Joe hit him pretty damn good, which was comforting. His eyes traveled briefly over to where Joe had walked into the class with Maggie, and he felt himself look over to Devin again. He knew how that weasel was, and he knew he was going to have to not only say something to Joe about it, but Maggie too.


Billie and Randa walked into the gym after they changed, arm in arm, as they continued on talking. "But I totally pissed him off. It was so awesome. He's got a hell of shiner now too, so not only is he like a homing beacon of attention for his hair, his eye is going to get him some attention too." she laughed a bit and Billie chuckled and shook her head.

"I hate that I don't have history with you and Maggie this year. It's always fun when we're all together. Wonder if you two will have Erin. That will just make that class even harder to control." Billie said. She laughed a little, but soon her attention was drawn to the girl who had choked up Devin yesterday. She was now definitely showing him why she shouldn't be fucked with, but her words sent a cold chill down her spine. She looked over to Alex and Jo and she saw the bruising on Jo's neck and it made her eyes go over black.

"Now that girl definitely knows how to make an impression." Randa said, and she looked over to Long who blew his whistle. She could see him pretending not to notice what Tiffany was doing, and Randa smirked at that. This was why Long was one of the cooler teachers.

"Everyone front and center! I'm assigning your class partners for the year. Now, I want you to know that today will be a little different than the rest as not everyone is here yet and we have more new students arriving. So, for the purpose of today, all those of you whose partners are not here or are sitting out, please pair off with someone else. Today is essentially a free day with the weights. You can also run laps or spar over there on the mats I have set up." Long said, looking at his clipboard. "Alex, I will need to speak with you in my office before you begin. And Devin, I will speak with you once I am through speaking with Alex. All the rest of you may go on as usual."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
Avatar of Love Dove

Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 6 days ago

Heather was glad that Clary said she wouldn't tell anyone that she was the one that asked about Cain. Normally she wasn't worried about flirting with some guy, if they were with someone or not. However, this was...weirdly different. Then Clary got on the subject of a girls day.

It was so adorable how excited Clary got over the fact she was down with it. For a second she thought she was going to go through both the bench and the floor again with all the bouncing. And Heather chuckled a bit and her words once she stopped bouncing. "No, I really doubt he would. But I mean you are one of his favorite students. So you never know." When Clary said that she found her hair curlers, Heather smile grew a bit. "Oh we totally should, that looked so good the one time! Just don't let me fall asleep with them like last time. That really hurt to get out." She couldn't help but get excited a bit, but Clary was really good with doing hair. She put Billie to shame even.

Heather looked at her watch as she finished her lunch listening to Clary planning their girls night. Somehow she get talked into agreeing to bringing her makeup bag too just in case. Though she knew Clary just wanted to play make up artist, once everyone was too drunk to argue. After Clary was done with her lunch, and they threw everything away, Heather smiled to Clary as they walked towards the gym. "So…..Cole hmm?" She couldn't help her smile from growing a bit at Clary's reaction. "I think you two are cute together." She added as they got to the gym.


Iris couldn't help the smile as Miles face turned bright red, before sitting where she gestured. It was adorable. She nodded slightly. "It's a shame you didn't come Sunday morning when they were showing new years around and stuff." She said with a small chuckle, before offering to show him around after classes. After all, she couldn't just leave the poor guy to wander around lost. Well she could, but it would be mean. The fact he was up for her showing him around made Iris happy. Plus it gave her something to do after her classes. Though his comparison made her look away from the books and look at him. "Really? I've never been to Buckingham Palace."

Iris went back to working on Kane's books, her mind drawn back to getting them sorted, before Miles asked how long she had been here. "Um…" She said having to think for a moment, while she finished up what she was doing. "Three...three and a half years. Yeah it's been about three and a half years now. Because when Samantha got me in here, it was half way through the school year." She said before nodding to herself a bit, and giving a soft chuckle as she came over and leaned on the other chair a bit. "It took a bit of thought because for now I stay here all year."

She couldn't help her curiosity getting the better of her as she tilted her head looking at him. "Are you transferring or is this your first time in the schools?"


Samantha gave a slightly tight nod when he said that hopefully she would be able to get through the demon race quickly. Yes, she probably could. But that wasn't the issue. The issue was that even class that dealt with things involving other races. We're focused to deal with them as the most important, that wasn't what her class was about. "Yes, hopefully so."

She could tell that a lot was on Aren's mind from the way he simply walked off. She nodded a bit as he called back about the other angel. The hallways were starting to crowd up again, and Sam sighed softly as she started back towards her office. As she got closer she could hear Iris talking to someone else. Taking a deep breath she readied herself a bit before headed in. Iris smiled a bit towards the door as she came in. "Cormac, you're going to be late for gym."

"Oh motherfuckballs!" Iris said and grabbed her things. "Nice meeting you, see you later." She said to Miles before heading towards the door. "I'll finish the separators later, bye Sam." She called heading out the door.

Samantha sighed sitting them down and muttered before looking at Miles. The markers started labeling the dividers and they started placing themselves. "I assume you're our new angel student?" She said making her way over to the desk, and offering her hand with a smile. "Professor Kane." She introduced herself, before taking the papers he handed her. "Now Mr. Hughes, seeing that we don't have an angel advisor, I'm going to be your advisor. If you have any issues with other teachers, classes, ect. You are welcome to come talk to me and we can figure it out. Also if you get in major trouble with other teachers they will come to me." She sighed

"And blah blah, other things I would hope are common sense." She finished, by now glancing through the papers before sitting them aside. "I'll read those here in a moment. Is there any questions about the school, your subjects, or in general? I know I have a few of my own."


Jo was able to relax a little bit after her sisters and Alex seemed to get along pretty well. Even Tiff. She smiled a bit when Long said that she could sit out of gym class and work on homework. Which she was thankful for. Because honestly, she wasn't sure how well Alex would take her getting hurt again. Not to mention, she really couldn't do much physically at the moment. She smiled a bit and relaxed a bit as Alex rubbed her shoulders. "Not going to lie, I could get used to these." She said looking back at Alex. Though she felt his body tense behind her, and when she saw who he was looking at, her whole body tensed. "I think I'm gonna go sit down." She said before going to sit in the stands. Though….she had to admit seeing Tiff force Devin against the wall made her feel better.

Tiffany knew she was going to get in trouble for kicking Devin's ass, but she didn't care. It was worth it. Though it was nice that Long let her get it out of her system. Once the whistle was blown, Tiff stopped the water and lined up with the rest of the class.

Willow was both glad that she had Jo for a gym partner. And a bit annoyed before she got her, while she had to sit out. Looking at the others, she saw that there was another girl without a partner, Maggie she thought the name was. "Hi, would you like to partner with me? Mine is sitting out." She said gesturing to Jo who had started working on her homework.

Zach signed a bit as people started heading for with their gym partners. It hadn't been until just now that he had noticed, that of course Logan wasn't here. He was probably still high out of his mind somewhere. He glanced to the guys standing next to him, still talking about what they were going to do. Though he hadn't really hung out with either of them, he had class with both of them at least once before. "Hey, you guys mind if I tag along with you? My alternative is…" He glanced towards Devin and his partner.

Kajun's eyes followed Zach for a moment, before looking at Colten. "Yeah sure, we are going to lift weights. It will be nice not to be the only one looking like a weakling." He chuckled a bit before they started towards the weights.

"At the chance of embarrassing myself, how much can you bench man?" Zach asked Colten as they started towards the weights, passing a couple girls. The loud purring on the other side of him caught him a bit off guard, and he looked towards Kajun before smiling. The purring kind of echoed, as they got closer to where Ez and Cole was.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Clary couldn't help the excited bouncing, but she had managed to calm herself a little when Heather pointed it out. "Yeah, but honestly, Morgan is a really awesome teacher. He finds me wandering the halls at night sometimes and has tea with me. We did coffee one time, and he regretted that for two days." she laughed a little, but soon it was time for them to head to gym. When Heather brought up Cole, Clary blushed a little and looked to the ground. "Thanks, I mean... We just really met, but I really like her. She's so... calm." she smiled a little. "You know, not typically what I go for. Remember the last girl was more high strung than even me."

Once they got ready for class, Clary frowned a little when she noticed that Logan wasn't in the gym. She missed out on all of his high! She knew he was probably passed out back in their dorm and she would just go bring him some lunch after class. However, her attention turned towards Devin, and she stood a bit closer to Heather when she saw what was going on. "That girl knows how to put a point across." she whispered to her. It wasn't long before Long assigned partners, and while Clary was a little sad that she wasn't with Cole or Heather, her face immediately lit up when she saw her partner. Ryan came over, pulling her long locks of brunette hair up into a ponytail and she smiled to Clary. Clary hugged her a bit and squealed. "Ryan! I didn't know you were coming back!"

"Well, yeah, I got in late last night. Was supposed to have been in two days ago, but flights got delayed, you know." she smiled. Ryan waved a little to Heather. "Heya! I'm Ryan. Nice to meet you."

Clary bounced a little bit. "This was my partner in Realms last year." she told Heather. "Oh! We have to catch up! We just have to!"

"Then let's do the laps. Stretch first and then we'll do the laps." Ryan said with a laugh.

Clary smiled. "Okay! Let's stretch!"


Miles kind of shrugged when she brought up Sunday. "I wish I could have, but this was sort of an abrupt turn of events, you know? Would have loved to have been here for that though. But I really appreciate you offering to show me around. That will help so much, I can't thank you enough." he told her, and he sort of chuckled when she said she hadn't been to Buckingham Palace. "It's beautiful. You should make time to go and see it. I'd offer to go with you, but that might sound weird." he said.

Three and a half years. That stuck with him. So she would know a lot of the ropes around here, even the ones that the teachers wouldn't, so she would be a good person to stick around. Then when she asked him if he was transferring, he blinked a minute. That took him off guard. "It's my first time in a school like this. I've been to school, sure, but in Heaven things are way different."

IT wasn't long after that when Professor Kane came in. He waved to Iris as she left and he listened to Kane for a moment, nodding when she asked if he was the angel student. So she would be his adviser, he was pretty sure Aren had that in some of his paperwork so he wouldn't forget it, but he was glad she said it to him because it would make it easier to remember. She asked him if he had any questions, and his mind went blank. "I do have one right off the top of my head. How many other angels, or angel breeds are in the school?"

He had a feeling that if there were others, there weren't many if at all, but there was also a part of him that wanted to know that he wasn't alone. When this assignment came to him, he had to admit he was a little confused by it, but Michael wanted eyes here for some reason. Reasons he could guess at, considering there had been a lot of talks about Hell lately, but why he would put him here... That was what he wanted to understand. "What questions do you have for me?"


Randa and Billie both sort of snickered at the display TIffany gave. They would definitely need to talk to her, but it could wait until after they stretched. "So, we sparring?" Randa asked, and Billie nodded.

"Yeah. We do good sparring together." Billie said, and she began helping Randa stretch out. She could see Maggie coming over to them, but a red head stopped her and was talking to her. She raised a brow a little.

Maggie smiled to Willow and nodded. "Sure. My partner isn't back in school yet." she said, "I'm Maggie by the way, what's your name?" she asked. Her eyes had followed the gesture up to Jo and she nodded. "So, what did you want to do? I know my sister and Billie are going to end up sparring. They always do." she motioned her head over to Randa and Billie. "And that's generally where me and Erin would end up too."

She saw Randa looking over and waved at her, only to see her wave back. It was a minute later that she felt a hand on her shoulder and she jumped a bit. "Shit! Joe! Don't do that!" Maggie said to see him chuckle.

"Sorry Mags, just figured I'd say hi." he said, and he moved close to her ear. "And to tell you if you don't put a leash on that thing you're shacking up with, I'm going to knock him out."

"Oh come on! Nathan is better than most of the guys I've dated." Maggie said a bit loudly and covered her mouth after she did. "But what's he doing?"

"He keeps looking at me funny." Joe said, patting her should. "But I'll catch up with you later."

"Okay." Maggie said with a small wave, and she looked to Willow. "Sorry about that."


Colten sighed a bit as he got into gym class, barely paying attention to anything going on around him. He ran his fingers through his hair and heard a few girls giggle as he walked passed them. He shrugged a bit and when he finally caught eyes with someone he knew, he smiled and waved to her. Randa. They had dated for a while, and while they broke up, they were still good friends. She took care of him and he did the same for her when she needed it. It wasn't long after Kajun came up to him and he smiled. "Hey. Man, you wanna lift weights?" he asked him. It wasn't long after that, the guy near them asked to join them.

Considering his alternative, Colten just nodded. "By all means, man. I wouldn't wish that on anyone." Colten said, a small growl in the back of his throat. It quickly left and he rolled his eyes at what Kajun said. When Zach asked him how much he benched, he just chuckled, "About 450 for reps. I can do more in single lifts though." Colten was taken a little off guard by Kajun's purring and he turned to see the girls. When Cole caught sight she waved and Colten waved back. They were talking to Drake and Sal now, and he decided he wouldn't call them over. But when they got over to the weights, and he sat on the bench he about jumped out of his skin when he saw Randa there. "Damnit Miranda!"

She chuckled and leaned on the bar before he laid back. "Hey. Good to see you too." she said. "Just wanted to ask a favor, if your buddies don't mind." she said, waving a little to Zach and Kajun. "If Maggie and her partner end up over here, will you make sure Maggie doesn't hurt herself like she did the last time... and..." Randa's eyes were watching somewhere else, and she patted his shoulder when she looked back at him. "Sorry, Beatrice was hardcore eyeballing you, so I figured I'd get her off your back before she wanted you to get her on hers."

Colten rolled his eyes a little and nodded. "Thanks Randa. You and Billie aren't going to lift?"

"Nah, we're going to spar. But I would more than happily sit pretty on the bar for you." she winked, and soon Billie walked over.

"Baaaabbbee..." she whined. "Let's go."

Randa rolled her eyes a bit. "In her defense, Billie, Beatrice was hardcore staring over here, and you know how Randa gets with that one." Ez's voice came with a chuckle.

"Hey." Billie said, and she waved to Cole a bit. "Nice to see you back." Billie said.

"It's good to be back." Ez said. Her eyes flicked over to Kajun and she smiled a bit when she heard the purring. "But I figured I'd come over and say hi. I haven't seen you in a while."

Randa sighed a bit, watching Billie and Ez just stand there talking for a minute and once Colten started lifting the weight on his bar, Randa hopped up on it and looked down at him. "Too heavy for you yet?"

"I'm not maxed out, Randa. Plus you're light anyway. Get tired of standing?" he asked her and she nodded.


Alex came out of Long's office after their talk. He was to completely avoid Devin while in class, and he rolled his eyes a little and met up with Justin who was also in need of a partner. "Hey man, ready to go?" Alex asked, and he looked over to where the weights were and saw a crowd of girls around a few of them. He recognized the one as Colten. He had dated Randa for a while, and he saw her sitting on his weight bar at the moment. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Come on, let's go run laps."

"Sounds good to me." Justin said. He heard the whistle blow.

"Ladies! Get to your activities!" Long shouted. "Lively! Office now!"

Alex's eyes watched as Devin went into Long's office and he rolled his eyes. "I swear I'm going to kill him one day." he said, and Justin shrugged.

"As long as you let Billie record it, I don't think anyone will care." Justin said.


It wasn't long after Long blew the whistle and told everyone to get to it a second time that Billie and Randa finally made their way over to the mats set up for sparring. Billie was stretching a little more when Randa tapped her arm. "There's Tiffany. Why don't we go over and say hi?"

Billie nodded and soon she and Randa walked over to Tiffany. Billie was quiet for a moment, but Randa broke the ice. "So, I'm Randa and this is Billie, and I just have to say, I'm sorry that you had to stop. Watching that piece of shit get a taste of his own medicine was nice."

Billie nodded. "Yeah. It really was." she agreed. "You guys want to spar with us? Its usually easier to do in bigger groups."
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