Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Vivienne listened to the young girl's response, and a look of sympathy appeared on her beautiful, coy-looking face. The pirate is more surprised at this girl's courage, and the last thing she wanted, was to make tensions go higher. So she was quite impressed with her wit. Speaking of this said-wit, Abigail willingly turned around to face the woman, and Vivienne allowed the girl to do so, but still kept the silver blade at her neck. "Once again, I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Abigail", she lowly, and softly responded in confirmation.

The pirate had to admit that she felt a slight bit of fondness for the girl before her, and she did feel a tad bit regretful to put her in such a position. But she was her ticket to get out of the hands of authority right now, so she kept up the act in this very dangerous game.

Abigail was only at least five-foot five or so, and the task at hand wasn't hard. The pirate perked her eyes up in a challenging way with a coy smirk towards the English, before turning her attention back to the girl before her. "It’s been a pleasure. A young woman, who has a whole life ahead of her, does not deserve such an early fate”, she simply said, with that grin again. “I appreciate your concern, but I’ve come prepared”, she added with a wink, before carefully turning her back around.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd love to stick around and chat, but I have some business to attend to!", the brunette announced as she walked backwards slowly, with Abigail still in her grip. Suddenly, she let her go, pushing her back to them, before grabbing a rope behind her that was tied to a tall gantry. Kicking a belaying pin nearby, and allowing a counterweight to fall, she was being lifted up to the top of the structure.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Facing her uncle and the others, Abigail kept her chin up. She could make out Elizabeth out of the corner of her eye. Her cousin looked extremely worried. It was touching a bit but honestly, she didn't feel like there was any danger. Feeling Vivienne slowly pull her along, moving backwards, she did her best not to trip as that would work against Vivienne.

If she was trying to escape, that would have been ideal. A slight trip backward, use her weight to push back against the woman behind her. She might get nicked but all in all, she'd probably come out alright. But Abigail couldn't - wouldn't - do that. If the woman was captured again, she'd be hanged and that was something Abigail couldn't stomach.

She had seen a few hangings in her time. The daughter of a lord and governor of a province, she had been required to go to a few public executions. Thankfully for her, most of her time was spent in London or here at Port Royal. The former - justice was carried out by others and thus she didn't have to go. The latter, she was spared due to the fact her uncle was a bit more tender toward her and Elizabeth and tried to shield them. Still, the few that she had seen had left her a bit sick. The snapping of the neck, or worse - the death from suffication, where the body twisted and turned trying to get air - even now the thought of it made her have to swallow.

She would not let her rescuer get that fate.

So when she was surprisingly pushed forward and released, Abigail quickly thought on her feet and took the off-balance push and letting it fall into a more clumsy fall that put her in the pash of the soldiers. It wasn't obvious as it happened quickly and no one but her and Vivienne had known how much force had been in that push.

As she was grabbed and handed out of the way, Abigail felt her cousin's arms engulf her in a hug, even as she watched the woman flee.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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“Now will you shoot her?!”, the governor demanded of the Commodore, and the order was made by the man himself, as the muskets began to blaze. “Open fire!”

They were shooting at her now, and a shot grazed one of her bare legs, as she used her strength to jump from the tall structure, and on top of another. Wasting no time, Vivienne snapped the manacle chain over a line before her, and zip-lined herself down from the structure, eventually landing on her feet upon the ground of dirt, a few yards away from the dock, and running. Running as her organza bustle gently waved behind her in the wind, keeping herself low from the bullets of the muskets. A few women screamed in terror as a few of the men's shots ricocheted, and came perilously close to them as they whizzed by. Vivienne ran through the gunfire, sprinting across the bridge and passed the terrified ladies.

Clearly, she had no idea where she was going. Vivienne may have been to many ports, but Port Royal wasn't one of them. Not to mention that the British now use it as a non-pirate port. For that, she had no direction on where she was going; only ending up at the port's market. Trying hard to steer clear, it was now becoming difficult on where to go. Coming out of her hiding spot behind the smithy's statue. So far, there was no where beyond the smithy for her to go; 'red coats' were everywhere, looking and searching.

Slipping herself into the working smithy, Vivienne figured that there would be something in there that could get the stubborn manacles off of her. Not to mention that she had an injury to tend on her leg. Seeing the fire nearby, she placed her wrists inside the fire pit, so the blazing heat will allow her to break the iron. Wincing a bit in pain, she gave her wrists a mighty tug, until it snapped, making the chain break. With that out of the way, and placing her pistol nearby on the work bench, she ripped off a parchment of her dress to wrap it around the spot where one of the British soldiers grazed her. It was bleeding, and the bullet had to be removed, but with time being an ass, Vivienne couldn't. Not until proper treatment. For now, she just wrapped it around her right thigh.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Abigail watched as the woman made her escape. It was amazing. Brilliant. Still, she bit her lip slightly as the muskets went off. Thankfully nothing hit the other woman. She didn't get to watch much more as Elizabeth pulled her away from it.

"I'm fine." Her insistence was ignored, as had been her earlier pleas to let the woman go. That was one disadvantage for being young and female. Nobody seemed to take her seriously.

After Elizabeth ensured she was fine, then her uncle, and finally the Commodore - Abigail found herself whisked off with a safe escort back to the governor's mansion. She glanced over at Elizabeth.

"Sorry I fell off during the wedding. Had you said the vows yet?" She asked. She figured it probably wouldn't be good idea to bring up that they just let Vivienne go. Especially with her uncle across from her.

Still, her mind was slightly distracted as she wondered if the woman made it.

~ ~ ~

He should have been back to the blacksmith shop by now. But honestly, Will hadn't been overly eager to head back. His master was probably drunk and the streets had been fairly deserted what with everyone up at the wedding. It gave him some time to think. Time, he probably shouldn't have used as it had just made the whole situation more depressing. The girl he loved was marrying another. It would have never worked but that didn't make the pain any easier. He felt like someone had punched him hard in the gut and then jabbed a knife or two into his heart before leaving him.

And the solitary walk hadn't helped any.

Entering the shop, he glanced over toward the corner. He made a disgusted noise in his throat and shook his head. Sure enough, his master had been drinking and was out drunk. "Right where I left you." He shook his head. He moved forward and then stopped. Looking down at a tool he frowned. "Not where I left you."

He looked up. That's when he saw her. She was very attractive and in her current position, a bit immodest. But that quickly slipped his mind as he saw the shackles, the weapons and realized who she was.

Lightning fast he drew a sword and held it out toward her. "You're the one everyone's talking about," he said. "The one that kidnapped the Governor's niece."

He had picked up the news on his final leg back. He would have gone to check on if Elizabeth and her cousin was ok but he figured they were now. No doubt heavily guarded and his going over there would not be appreciated. Especially as he'd then have to explain why.

But it worked out. Because right here was the woman who had threatened the life of Elizabeth's cousin. And that meant she brought grief and stress to Elizabeth. Something he would not tolerate.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Elizabeth could only feel glad that her young cousin was out of the hands of that pirate woman. As much as she and Abigail daydreamed about the whole pirate image, the elder now knew that neither of them could be fully prepared, if they were ever to get caught up, in a bad situation. Quite literally.

Having to follow with Abigail back to the manor, she had to really go back and think about her cousin getting caught in such a bad spot. Not only that, but back to the vows that she had made. “We did”, she simply responded, to hitch sounded like a mix of worry, and almost regret. Commodore Norrington was not the man she had wanted to marry, but another of whom she couldn’t have.


Tying the last knot with the loose parchment, Vivienne gave a few winces once the bandage was in place on the wound of her thigh.

Damn those sentries and their guns.

She thought to her inner self as the pain hit her, the randomized bullet rubbing against the flesh of her leg once she tightened it. The brunette tried her best to stand up, but it was proven difficult once again with her wound, making her lean against the workbench near the pit of fire. Taking a few breaths, she didn't hear the latch being fiddled with. From the outside! The brunette didn't move from her spot and she froze, once she heard what seemed to be one of Port Royal's blacksmiths. She didn't need to get herself caught by the public, but honestly, this new arrival sounded interesting, and a hint of curiosity hit her.

Despite this curiosity, Vivienne kept herself in a collected fashion once again, as if she was expecting a visitor; the same way she expected one of her crewman to enter her quarters back on the ship. She didn't look at him, though, just kept her head down, while keeping herself leaning against the bench. The only thought she had was: Really? Really? But this thought was on a pause once she heard him take a few steps towards her. Smoothly, by sucking up the pain, Vivienne stepped away from her leaning position, and looked upon him with her youthful visage; her expression cold, but soft while examining him up and down with her blue eyes, only keening a little. She stalked a few steps towards him, even as he pointed a recently-sheathed sword in front of her.

"You're an interesting specimen", the pirate observed, as her eyes scanned him a little more. "Yet almost familiar", she curiously asked him. Keening her blue eyes a little, she felt this action to be pathetic: challenging/threatening a pirate with said weapon. "You sure you want to cross blades with a pirate?", Vivienne half-teased with curiosity, before sheathing her own sword, allowing it to grind against the steel of his own to tease him a bit, while slowly putting herself into a defensive stand, her eyes boring into his own. "A woman?", she added.

Kidnapped? It wasn’t exactly as such. But rather an action performed to make an easy escape. “I think you mistaken me for someone else, love. I’m just passing through.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Will watched as the woman rose. There was just a slight hesitation, a shift from one leg to the other. She was slightly injured. Though seeing any woman injured wasn't something he usually was glad for, she was a criminal and that meant the guards had been able to graze her. Which in turn would make her capture all the more easy - or easier.

"I've never met a pirate before," he said in response to her comment about familiarity. "So there really shouldn't be any familiarity."

He moved slightly to the left, his gaze never leaving her. All those years of studying, all that practice - all of it coming down to his first fight with a real pirate. Woman or not. It was a bit odd but Will wasn't going to dwell on it too long. She was a pirate. She had the look. The manacles indicated she was the same person the guards were looking for and even now her own admission indicated as such.

"I'm a firm believer that a woman should be defended but seeing how you accosted a young woman yourself and seem more than capable of handling yourself, I'll make an exception. You're a pirate and woman or not - you'll face justice for that."

His blade hit hers, the sound of metal hitting metal filling the room. He pressed against her. She was skilled. Undoubtedly she had been in more than one fight and that was in her favor. However, she was also injured. That combined with his strength and his own training would give him the edge.

"I should thank you," he hit her sword again. "I've been eager to take out pirates."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Vivienne's eyes bored into his own, and gave a half-coy smile at his statements. She remained silent as he went on and on about facing a pirate. "You wouldn't hurt a lady; I can see it in those eyes. They tell a story", that was when she let her sword be swiped in his direction; starting high, then low. High, then low. Low to high. The patten went on: parries, dodges, blows, then repeat. In the beginning, the pirate advanced on the male with her strikes. But when she noticed him advancing in retaliation, Vivienne had to reconsider that he was, most definitely, not an amateur.

Backing up, while dodging and parrying with his strikes, she made a hiss of pain with a grit of her teeth; the injury upon her high-leg flared. It was enough to make her lose her balance a little, until she knocked her lower back into the workbench next to her. Maybe if she played around with this man, Vivienne could easily decide whether or not he would potentially be trusting, and even worth sparing. So, with that, she waited for his next move. With the table behind her, it could get fun.

Obviously in a spot that had no easy route, she decided to take a detour; as he strikes, practically aiming for a part of her body, the Vivienne slid down to the floor, forming a split with her legs, allowing herself to duck, while letting his sword hit the wood of the workbench. He was pushing it, she thought while letting herself roll away from him, and towards the huge forging mechanism nearby, which seemed to be holding all of the newly-forged weaponry upon its belt.

Standing just a few feet away from him, Vivienne gazed at him. "I can see you know what you're doing. Fantastic footwork", she complimented him, before looking at him challengingly, mainly to intimidate him. "But once again, love: you are between me, and my way out", it was true, he was in the way. She keened her blue eyes, and put herself in a defensive stance, smirking mischievously. "Shall we dance?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Will raised an eyebrow and parried another shot. "A lady? You're right, I wouldn't. But you and I both know you probably don't fall under that, now do you?"

He met every strike she did. He realized she was probably baiting him - trying anyway. She wasn't succeeding but at the same time he did get the feeling she was testing him out. Striking out at her, he jammed the sword hard into the wood. He pulled but it was fairly stuck. He attempted to pull it out but only for a moment before seeing that she was going to leave.

Quickly leaving it, he moved forward, yanked a weapon out of the massive forging platform, he quickly moved to block her. He held up the sword and pointed it at her. "You'll find I'm full of surprises," he said refusing to let her go. "And honestly, you're not my dance partner type."

He lunged at her intent to get her off balance. He didn't go too fast. That would be risky and have higher chance of making a mistake. Yet at the same time, he had caught her wince from earlier. He had seen how she slightly favored her one side. She was injured and undoubtedly in pain. The harder he pushed her, the better chance he can capture her alive. For despite everything, all he said, she was still a woman. And though he did plan to kill pirates one day, killing a woman - pirate or not - was not something he really had the stomach for. So instead he'd need to capture her. That in turn required skill, wit, and using her injury against her. All of which he was more than capable of doing.

"I not only make swords," he told her as he continued to press, "but I practice five hours a day with them. That way, when I do meet a pirate I would be able to kill or capture him. Or in your case, her." He smiled.

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Sparks flew as she hit high and low, while he strikes back in equal measure. All in all, it was the same pattern...although the pirate grabbed one of the small forged blades nearby. Vivienne threw it at him with force, but missing, with him being able to dodge the incoming projectile.

"You made all these?", she curiously asked him, somewhat amazed, while keeping up with his strikes. Five hours a day?, the brunette thought, internally groaning. "You really need to find yourself a girl, love", she remarked with that grin again, playful. However, internally, Vivienne was slightly getting frustrated to not lay a mark upon him, but in admittance, his skill was cutting. Vivienne knew that the more she pushed it, the more she could get inside his head, and find out what makes him tick. That last comment she made probably went a little too far in the young man's boundary. The pirate almost got herself struck, once she dodged a rather powerful swing.

Vivienne's blade unexpectedly locked with his own, surprisingly feeling his strength from the performed action. Her hand suddenly snatched itself onto the tied-collar of his shirt, to make her face closer to his own, while their blades were in an x-formation between them. "Or, maybe because you already found one, but can’t woo her?", Vivienne was practically taunting him again, although it was meant to be a curious question. Who was the girl?
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She was a bit desperate. Or so he figured as she tried to throw a few things at him to distract him. Will moved quickly and effectively, avoiding the knives thrown at him. Knives he had made.

"Yes," he said as she threw out the question.

He had spent years mastering the craft. Making each one better than before. The sword he completed for the Commodore was his crowning achievement to date. It was the apex of all the swords he had created, each one better than the last. That said, the other swords weren't bad and were well designed and balanced. The ones that were completely off or useless he had destroyed. There was no point keeping something that was worthless around.

You really need to find yourself a girl, love.

Little did the pirate woman know how much that stung. Striking hard, Will had to catch himself from letting his anger show. Thoughts of Elizabeth and how she'd never be his filled his mind. Fueling him. Pushing him.

He stiffened slightly as she locked blades and grabbed his shirt. The taunt was too much. With increased vigor he pushed her hard, striking out, blocking every blow. Using a technique he learned, he managed to de-sword her. Of course, it didn't help she had a pistol.

"That's cheating," he said lifting his head glaring at her, despite having a pistol pointed toward his head.
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Vivienne knew he would be angry, so she let the question go, and let go of him, practically allowing herself to be pushed back by his strength. However, her injury didn't help, and the brunette stumbled a little, but she stubbornly ignored it, keeping herself composed once the male advanced upon her again, following her in this uneasy acquaintance of a game. Time and time again, the pirate was using her body language to taunt, or distract him: winks and smiles, toying with him in this scuffle of a dance.

Her smile was still there as Vivienne advanced on him with swings of her sword, jumping away to dodge his strikes, and block them every time he came close. Swiping, the pirate tried to aim for any part of his body, but every time she made a strike, she grew annoyed by his uncanny skill, even after he managed to knock the sword out of her hand, causing her blade to hit the wall, piercing itself there. Vivienne's confident grin faltered, almost dumbstruck when he flashed the same expression back to her.

Damn me and my arrogance

She clearly underestimated this young man; he wasn't lying. Looking from her propelled sword, and back to him, the pirate needed to think outside the box. Before he could advance, she quickly threw loose dirt in his face, temporarily blinding him. If he had his vision back, there would be a gun cocked to his face.

"Sometimes cheating helps when there are no rules", the brunette stated, until she heard banging coming from the front door. They found her! She needed to leave. Now! Getting up quickly with the pain of her wound still there, she kept the gun aimed at him. Noticing that he was blocking the path to the backdoor, the brunette was getting impatient. "Move away", she told him, almost desperate.

Vivienne was putting her finger on the trigger, and she figured that she would just shoot the young man anyway. But like before, the brunette didn't seem to have it in her to kill an innocent person. It only reminded her of the girl she just spared. She hardened her gaze towards him, and flicked the switch. "This shot is not for you", she confessed to him. "You don't deserve it", she added with sympathy showing on her beautiful features. What she didn't notice was someone hitting the back of her head. She did feel herself getting a bit ditzy, before falling forward at the blacksmith's feet; the pistol falling out of her hand.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Will blinked quickly, rubbing at his eyes to get the dirt clear. It was a dirty trick but one he should have expected from a pirate. Not that it mattered. The gun leveled at his head practically ended the duel. Which, though unfair and completely cheating, was something he would expect from someone without honor. His jaw clenched slightly as he stared at the woman waiting for her to fire.


If his refusal shortened the amount of time she could escape than it would be worth it. She'd get caught and justice would prevail. True, he'd be dead but did it matter? Elizabeth had married someone else. There was no one waiting for him. No one who would truly miss him. His master wouldn't. The town might miss a decent blacksmith but who cared about that? If his life brought the end of a pirate, bringing justice to Elizabeth and her cousin, then he would die willingly. And with dignity.

He lifted his chin, straightening slightly as he waited for the gun to fire.


He was a bit surprised as the woman seemed to decide not to kill him. Was she crazy? She was about to be captured and she had sympathy for him. For him? That made no sense. Still, if she felt like that would change anything she was wrong. But before he could do anything, the glass bottle hit the pirate on the head and she crumbled just as the soldiers broke in.

Will frowned staring down at her and then looking up. His master stood there with a broken rum bottle, a bit dazed, a bit happy with himself. Of course, the soldiers congratulated the man for his 'quick thinking' and capturing the criminal. Both of which disgusted Will. If it hadn't been for him the woman would have been long gone. In fact, if it hadn't been for him, his master would probably be dead or thrown out of the blacksmith shop for his terrible work.

Will watched as they dragged the woman away. Then with a shake of his head he turned. Ignoring his master he pushed out the front door and away from the blacksmith shop, the soldiers, and in the opposite direction of the prison.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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Vivienne was out cold; up to the point where she found herself waking up within one of the cells of Port Royal's brigs. She growled in frustration, even after finding that her effects were removed from her figure; searched her throughly it would seem, if she was ever gonna slip a tiny blade from her boot.

Looking at the window that was above her, Vivienne slumped down upon the floor, leaning against the cell door, and registered that the young man she fought was uncanny, and the brunette did admit that he even had such skill to fend her off. Was he absolutely sure that he didn't have any familiarity with pirates?

The brunette chuckled in amusement at the thought, eventually letting herself stare at the window before her. She just wished that one of these days, she would let herself go mad on such thoughts.

The brunette didn't have much else to do, but she was leaning against the bars of her cell. Not that there was even much else; just a sitting place made of rock, and dirt covering the wooden floor. No doubt about the cell size. Not too big, not too small. It was probably large enough for a one-on-one fight, or perhaps hold a capacity of five, maybe six prisoners. For Vivienne, it was big enough, nonetheless; lying on her back, in the middle of the floor with her hair fanned out, and the light of the moon shining upon her youthful face. One of her legs crossing over the other.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Abigail felt like she was smothered the remainder of the day. She was fine but her family didn't think so. Of course, the guilt of taking Elizabeth away from the Commodore was also there. This was Elizabeth's wedding day. She shouldn't have spent a portion of it freaking out for her younger cousin. But the older woman, kindly, had stayed with Abigail for a bit ensuring she was safe before very reluctantly leaving with the Commodore.

Which was alright with Abigail. She loved her cousin and was grateful for the concern but she was fine. And it didn't help that the governor hovered slightly as well. No doubt he was already planning on telling her parents.

Which begged the question - with Elizabeth married now, was she going to stay here in Port Royal or head back? Though Elizabeth probably would have no issues with her staying, the Commodore might not be overly pleased to have his honeymoon cut into by her. Her uncle might let her stay but with Elizabeth tied up it wouldn't be the same. He might just send her back. Especially with a near death experience.

She was not going to like that.

Her thoughts turned to the woman that had saved her. She had managed to hear from one of the servants that they had captured the pirate and locked her away. Abigail had winced at that. She had hoped the woman would have managed to escape. The Commodore was not going to show leniency, in fact, there was a rumor that the woman would be hung first light as an example of swift justice.

Justice. Right. Where was the justice in executing someone who saved her life? For despite whatever markings the woman had or whatever crimes she may have committed, she had saved Abigail's life. And for that the young girl was indebted to her.

Deciding she couldn't stay in her room without at least seeing the woman, Abigail snuck out her window, grateful that the governor never realized that the tree there was a great way to get up and down. OF course, he probably never figured them to sneak out as the dresses they usually wore would have made it impossible. And it probably was except Abigail was stubborn and she and Elizabeth had figured out how to do it. OF course, it helped not wearing the exuberant outfit. What she slipped into was modest - a servant's dress really. Without the full trappings.

Sneaking into town was the easy part. The jail was a bit more difficult but the guard on duty was not really paying attention (something undoubtedly would get him in big trouble if/when the Commodore found out).

Entering she made her way down into the cells. Her eyes had to get accustomed to the room. For despite it being night outside, there was a full moon and that had helped. Here, there wasn't as much.

Spotting the pirate, Abigail hesitated suddenly questioning why she was here. What was she supposed to say? Guilt gnawed at her slightly as part of the reason the woman had even been captured was because she had stopped and saved Abigail.

That was enough to give her the courage to move forward. Stepping into the light, she spoke softly - almost afraid the guards above would hear her. "Hello." She twisted her hands in front of her a bit nervous.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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A few sighs of boredom, and somewhat tiredness, came from her as the brunette just stared at either the moonlight or the ceiling. However, her time of loneliness didn't last for long. With a small voice coming from the brig entrance, the pirate's attention was caught as she turned her head to the side, and frowning to see the girl she just held captive a few hours ago.

“Have you come to say ‘thanks’ and ‘goodbye’?”, the pirate asked, almost amusingly, before sighing miserably yet amusingly, closing her eyes for a moment, then looking back to the ceiling. In all honesty, she did wonder what Abigail's intention was. Is she starstruck? Was she attracted to her?, it would be amusing if it was the last one.
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Abigail wasn't sure exactly what she'd find here. What Vivienne would say. She hadn't expected the prison to be this bad. She had never been down here before and even know was a bit afraid of getting caught. But that didn't stop her from remaining. At the woman's question, Abigail winced slightly. Another reminder that the person who saved her life would end up dead because of her. If she hadn't fallen in the woman probably wouldn't have been noticed by the Commodore and in turn wouldn't have had to run.

Abigail wondered how she did manage to get captured. She had a head start and had seemed clever enough to get away. She also hadn't appeared worried when Abigail had given her a spot to hide too. Which meant, she had a plan. Or had. Somehow it backfired. Unless this was part of it. If it was, Abigail couldn't see how it was helpful.

"I'm sorry you're hear." Her voice was quiet and she moved a lot closer to the bars so Vivienne could hear her without giving away her own presence to the guards. "I wish I could do something but my uncle won't stand to hear of it. He thinks you're a pirate. It doesn't matter if you saved my life." There was a bit of anger in her tone at the injustice of it all. It was unfair and injustice.

Pirate or not, a life for a life. The woman had saved her life - the niece of the governor. That had to have counted for something - right? But no, when she had attempted to explain it, her uncle shut her down. Even Elizabeth - who had listened patiently - told her that there wasn't much that could be done. And that, yes - the woman had saved her - but undoubtedly for ill intent. She had used her as a hostage. And that move right there had made Elizabeth immediately dislike Vivienne.

Abigail could tell, even though her cousin tried to hide it, that Elizabeth did not feel bad that Vivienne was going to hang. In a way, she was almost glad. She too seemed to overlook the fact that Abigail would have drowned.

Something that the young girl could not forget.

"Why did you save me?" She asked curiously. "You could have left me alone and never been accused of being a pirate. You would be free right now." The woman couldn't be a pirate. They were ruthless. Not kind. And definitely not one to risk their neck for another.
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Vivienne overheard the girl as she revealed her inner thoughts and feelings on the scenario. She couldn't agree, although she took it a lot more calmly. "Can't expect more than that, love", the woman simply responded with a frown, before sitting up, and gazing at her from where she sat. "As much as you want to disagree, your uncle is not too far from that assumption", she clarified before revealing the pirate tattoo on her shoulder; the moonlight making it easier for Abigail to see.

She also arched an eyebrow at the girl's question of why she would risk her life for her own. "Come now, Miss Abigail", she said, before a smile appeared on her beautiful features. "Just because I am a wanted-buccaneer, doesn't mean I don't have it in me to let someone die so young. A life is ahead of you. It would have been unfair if fate met you that early. Wouldn't you want to have an adventure before letting the light fade out?", she asked, more in casual curiosity.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

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Abigail frowned slightly. Her gaze went down to the mark on the woman's wrist. Wait, she was a pirate? That made no sense though. The woman wasn't like any pirate she had read or heard about. They were all men, evil, vile, and would have thought nothing twice about killing her or leaving her to die. Her questioning gaze looked up.

Vivienne must have read her mind or was referring to her previous question because she came back about not letting someone as young as her die. Adventure? She was going to be married off and enter the stage where her main purpose was to bear an heir and support her husband. There was no major adventure in that. Still, she was glad to be alive. For despite what her family had planned for her, she still wouldn't want to miss out. There was undoubtedly some good ahead, right?

She moved closer to the bars and sat. Absentmindedly she adjusted her dress covering her ankles. She had been lectured enough that it was almost ingrained. Though not fully. She shrugged. "I'm grateful, yes. I just don't know about the whole adventure aspect." She looked up. "My parents are arranging my marriage. I guess that is an adventure. Marrying a man I've never met." She smiled weakly.

The smile quickly faded as guilt hit. Here she was talking about marriage and her future when the woman was going to be executed. She looked at the bars briefly before back to Vivienne.

"I wish there was a way I could save you," she said grieved. "It's the least I can do."

Ironically though, the very thought of stealing the keys and letting Vivienne out briefly crossed her mind. It wasn't something she ever did before. The most she did that was 'wrong' was sneak out, wade in the ocean - minor things. Nothing major. Breaking someone out of prison - now that was serious. No, there had to be another way. A way that was law-abiding yet still provided justice. Justice for saving her life. There was no justice in executing someone who had just saved another.

"Maybe I can ask them to give you a lighter sentence?" She straightened up a bit, hopeful.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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The pirate had her eyebrow raised, once she heard Abigail whisper to her about what seems to be her future. She kept eye contact with her, slightly frowning at what seems to be distress. Although Vivienne wasn't sure whether if the young lass was glad about it, or if she was pretending to be. It made the woman looked the girl over, before giving her a small smile. "Not probable, sweet-cheeks. And I get it: Privilege never stroke me fancy, either. You feel restricted; limited. If you ask me, those chains should come off, and they should give you freedom. Isn't that what you want? To be free?", she asked, again, in curiosity.


Deep within the night, a dark ship loomed over the calm sea, like the spirit of death, as it glided ever so closely to Port Royale and its unsuspecting inhabitants. On another ship, that was hidden behind the two rocks, a few yards away from the dock, the lights upon it were doused to make it appear dark. An eyeglass unfolded, just in time to see this other ship drift in. The ship's quartermaster watched with a good eye as this other ship moved past them, towards the dock.

Come on, Vivienne...



The brunette heard the yell outside of the brig, just until the thundering sound of a cannonball hit the room, blowing a giant hole in Vivienne's cell, and creating a disturbance on the stone walls. Vivienne made a yell of surprise as the dust brushed over her and her saloon-like dress; however, the noise of stone crashing down didn't go unnoticed outside of her cell: the debris of rock that the cannonball hit near the girl, propelled an explosion of its debris to go flying.

With much effort, Vivienne managed to push herself up, and take notice of the girl on the other side of the bars, laying nearby; either unconscious or dead, the pirate wasn't sure. Just by looking at her, Vivienne's sympathy came back, showing pity...and a little confusion. She didn't tell her ship to fire, nor to advance in any way. Plus, the ship was concealed behind the rocks, so the current blast range way out of its depth. Was it another ship?

Using all the strength she had to stand, Vivienne looked out of the hole to peek outside the prison, which was clearly not big enough for her to go through, though took notice upon a sight she didn't expect to see: The nightly view of the harbor...with a ship blowing projectiles upon the town.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

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Abigail looked up. First off - sweet cheeks? The name seemed...strange. Very weird, making her feel a bit uncomfortable not really knowing if Vivienne was mocking her or not. What did that even mean? The daughter of an aristocrat, she didn't have a lot of knowledge of lay terms. And this one was one she had never heard before.

She bit her lip at the question. "Freedom?" She shook her head, a slight scoffing sound escaping her lips. "One can't leave." She glanced up. "You have the family honor and name to support. Besides, it's not my call. My father decides my fate. It's the way of life - at least for someone of my status." She winced as that seemed to come off haughty though she hadn't meant it too. She quickly amended: "I mean, the daughter of a lord, the niece of a governor," she shook her head. "My fate was sealed the moment I was born a girl."

She held up her arms, looking at her wrists. In her mind's eye she could see the chains Vivienne spoke of. "Would I like to be truly unrestrained?" She shrugged, letting her arms drop. "What does that even mean? What is true freedom?" She looked a bit lost, unsure. "If I'm not who I am, do what is expected of me, then what?" She rose. "Social requirements might not be ideal and the thought of marrying a stranger terrifies me, but....there is a reason we have rules and guidelines and societal norms. I can't function on my own. And the very idea of a woman attempting to do so is... unimaginable."

She paused as she realized that the woman there before her probably had. Her brow furrowed slightly as she moved closer to the cell. "But...but you have. How?" There was a bit of curiosity mixed with a hint of desperation. "How did you do it without being ostracized?"

She paled as if she realized she was speaking of things she probably shouldn't have - on her end. Things that she might have thought of but hadn't dared to voice. It was crazy and not her.

"I'm...I'm sorry. No. I don't. I'm fine with who I am. I might not be happy but there are reasons why life goes the way it does." She turned and moved slightly away. "I'll...I'll try to do what I can to save you."

Her moving away was what saved her life. The canon ball blasted into the cell causing damage. Because she had moved, Abigail was spared the worst of it though she was knocked out as a chunk of wood hit her alongside the head. Her body slumped to the ground.
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