Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

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Edwyn leaned back in his seat, relieved that he had gotten Tim to relax a little when the boy responded. Deciding that it was a good time to take a break from the conversation, he looked up, just making eye contact with a new passenger - a girl in an archer's hat who looked a little too young to be enrolled at the academy. She said nothing before taking her seat.

The next to board was a whimsical, boisterous individual who began with greeting everyone and then addressed Tim directly while jabbing him in the face. Edwyn glanced over at the boy, who seemed to be retreating back into his shell as 'Irah' continued with a rather detailed introduction about themselves. He was slightly annoyed, as he had only gotten Tim to calm down not too long ago, though, he did not let it show as he kept his relaxed demeanor. He also held back from responding to Irah's possibly flirtatious wink at him and the prince beside him with a playful eye roll.

Irah's gender identity was obviously something really important to them, considering how it took up the largest chunk of their introduction. Naturally, Edwyn knew that showing respect for what meant a lot to someone was a convenient way to get on their good, and possibly, generous side.

"I'll call you whatever you want to be called, Miss Hightop," Edwyn replied with a smile. Personally, he found other aspects of Irah to be way more intriguing. He then stood and extended a hand. "Edwyn Spriggins, it's a pleasure."

While all of that was going on, Edwyn found himself partially distracted by the abnormal movement of the shadow cast by the girl who had also just introduced herself, his eyes occasionally shifting to observe the strange phenomenon. However, he mentioned nothing of it.

@Crimson Flame @Secrethood @baraquiel
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AnyAlex
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AnyAlex Cursed Insomniac

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Annabeth waved to the newcomers with a smile before glancing out of the window again. The carriage moved slowly across a wooden bridge and straight into a village. The buildings looked nothing like those back at her village. It was obvious that people around here were rich. No wonder why the school seemed so fancy- people who opened the place must've lived there.

@Crimson Flame @Secrethood @baraquiel@Raptra@sassy1085
The golden carriage came to a sudden halt, as the towers of the academy came into view. The heavy doors slowly opened, revealing a tall gate surrounded by exotic flowers on which small fairy-like creatures resided, singing songs of days gone by. Behind the gates, an elderly woman could be seen talking to an older man in a hushed whisper. The carriage's driver ushered the children outside, making them leave their backs inside the carriage, ordering them to wait on the yellow path until someone came to collect them.

Annabeth scoffed and wandered off to inspect the flowers. They couldn't even unpack their things or check out their dorms. What a great first impression!

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

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Finally, the carriage came to a stop. Once it stopped, the carriages driver ushered them off, making them leave their bags behind. They were told to wait there until someone came to collect them. Why they couldn't get their own stuff Tim didn't understand, but he didn't dare question it.

Tim wandered off from the others to look around. There were beautiful flowers, and fairies sitting on them! Real fairies, singing songs. Tim immediately felt much better than he did on board the carriage. If there were flowers and faires, there had to be cute woodland animals too, right?

He sang a few notes and held out his hands. Immediately birds in the trees flew in, and perched themselves on his fingers. The sight made him smile, and he sang a song he learned from his mom.

♪"With a smile and a song
Life is just a bright sunny day
Your cares fade away
And your heart is young♪

♪With a smile and a song
All the world seems to waken anew
Rejoicing with you
As the song is sung♪

♪There's no use in grumbling
When the raindrops come tumbling
Remember, you're the one
Who can fill the world with sunshine♪

♪When you smile and you sing
Everything is in tune and it's spring
And life flows along
With a smile and a song"♪

As he sang, various woodland animals came out of the woodwork. Squirrels, rabbits, even a couple of deer. The birds also started tweeting, and the other animals squeaked in tune with the song. Tim happily petted a few of the animals that came around. The young prince had a big smile on his face. He always felt better around animals than people.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Secrethood
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Flynn waved at Annabeth back a childish smile present on her face, so far everyone seemed nice even if she had'nt spoken much yet some of her worry left her. Once out Flynn checked behind her before looking around franticly her shadow was no longer in it place, she started wondering around looking for it knowing that it could'nt of gone far she would'nt notice as it left the carriage behind the few that remained after her. "Where could it be?" Flynn wispered as she kept looking around the area.

She looked over at the sound of someone singing seeing animals come out of the woods surronding a young boy. The scene made her completly forget about her little problem as she watched on amazed by the sight, she walked over to the flowers looking at the fairies they reminded her of home as she reached a hand toward one of the small creature allowing it to sit on her hand. She sat down close to the boy scanning the area once again.

"Y-Your an amazing singer" Flynn stutted slightly looking towards the boy, the small fairy was still singing in her hand, her shadow was know exploring the area staying out of veiw of its owner.

@Crimson Flame@Animera
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 2 days ago

I was daydreaming for a bit while our ride to the academy until we pass village, I was getting the feeling we're close. I pop my out of the window to see a beautiful castle that is Fairytalia Academy "Wow" i said under her breath, when carriage ride over a bump, I almost fall out of the window but I push myself back in the carriage.

When the carriage finally stop at the gates of the academy, I step out of the carriage. I was excited and amaze how big and beautiful the Academy buliting is. I bet some very royal family use to live but I guess they turn it into a Academy when the family got older.

"Can't you believe it, An?!" I say excitedly to Annabeth "I know you don't care about the academy but you got to admit, building looks beautiful and big like in person."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

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Gray was rushing around, trying to pack her bag as quickly as possible. As much as she didn't want to go to this school, going on time was better than having to be driven in the family carriage. When she finally had all of her stuff together, she ran out the door to try and get on the carriage, but when she got out the carriage was miles away. She let out a sigh and went to go find her mother to ask for the carriage.

Fast forward a good hour, and the carriage pulled up in front of the school, right behind the carriage that she had missed. She stepped out in time to hear the message about leaving their bags in the carriage, so she quickly dropped her's off in the other carriage and ran to join the other students, hoping to stay unnoticed.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

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Irah replied back to her newfound peers, shaking each other's hand, giving back polite laughter when she needs to, all the usual stuff. She did notice some of the group who chose not to join in the conversations some of them were having and just looked on the window to see the ever-changing landscape as the carriage made its way to the academy. She decided to let them have their peace for the moment. After all, there will be plenty of time for chit-chatting later, perhaps over a good cup of tea. Irah will try to sneak that into her schedule for today.

A couple of moments later, the carriage did indeed came to a halt. The driver of the carriage opened the doors and ushered the children outside, ordering them to leave their luggage inside the ride.

Irah marveled at the scenery around her. "Hmmmm. Not bad, I must say. Still, Wonderland is better", she told herself before wandering off from the group. Well, some of them already went on on their own so she just shrugged and did the same. Irah didn't see them earlier but fairies were sitting on the flowers and singing some songs in their language. Then Irah heard a beautiful male voice singing and woodland creatures came surging out from the forests coincidentally towards the same guy whose face she poked earlier.

Irah smirked and giggled mischievously. "Interesting", she quietly said to herself. "Very interesting".
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AnyAlex
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AnyAlex Cursed Insomniac

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"I suppose the flowers are nice," Annabeth responded with a shrug. She pulled out a small dandelion with its roots out of the ground which grew hidden away by the patches of blue bell tunicates. "however the building is too extravagant for my taste. But I can see why people would be impressed by this palace" The girl fiddled with the flower before planting it closer to the yellow path, so the sunlight would reach it. "Do you think we will be able to go out into the forest? I saw some pretty, normal, flowers near a stream when we passed it."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The carriage picked up nobody else after its stop at Wonderland, and the rest of the journey was mostly silent after everyone on board was done with introductions. Edwyn looked out at the grand exterior of the academy as the carriage pulled up at the front gates, expecting nothing less than the splendor he was seeing. He found it suspicious how the students were instructed to alight without their belongings. Were their bags going to be searched? That was fine, he'd let that happen, though, if anyone tried to steal from him, that sentient harp in his bag was going to give them a really hard time.

He shook his head slightly, smirking as the rest of the students started to wander off after being told to wait at where they were. Well, that is what happens when a group of teenagers are told to stay still. He did not miss the tiny singing fairies. In fact, making friends with a few of them might prove beneficial in finding out about the academy's residents and occurrences. Their size would make it easier for them to eavesdrop on anything, would it not?

While he lingered behind for a little longer, his gaze subtly followed the latecomer as they emerged from the carriage in front, knowing that they had not been on board the whole time. He took a glance at the vehicle behind, concluding that it must belong to the white-haired individual. Another royal? Highly likely, and probably another good connection to have.

"That's a nice ride," he said to them, meaning to start a little conversation.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

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Tim blushed when he realized someone had heard his singing. "Oh gosh you heard that? Um... uh... t-t-thanks..." He stuttered while rubbing the back of his head nervously. Usually, when people heard him singing, they usually made fun of him and say he sounded like a girl, or something else that was meant to be insulting. It's why he made an effort to stay away from people when he did this. "I get it from my mom...." He continued petting the animals that were nearby. "Please don't laugh at me..." The young prince mumbled under his breath.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Secrethood
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@Crimson Flame

Flynn got closer to the boy a few more fairies know sitting on her still singing their song "W-Why would i laugh at you?" Flynn questioned glancing around a few more times looking for her lost shadow before looking back at the boy, taking a deep breath she spoke again "Your great at singing theres no need to be embarrassed about it, Plus the animals seem to enjoy your singing, the fairies dont seem to mind it either" She would say looking at the animals around him and the fairies that where resting on her. She was trying her best to keep her voice level and possibly help the young boy feel better about his singing skills.

She looked him up and down trying to guess who his mother was and came to a conclusion that she was'nt going to share instead she introduced her self "I-Im Flynn by the way, Flynn Pan daughter of Peter Pan..." she said in a quiet voice streching the hand that didnt have a fairy on it towards the young boy for him to shake, a smile on her face.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

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Gray heard the boy talk about the carriage and she blushed, hard. "Yeah, I missed the school's carriage so my mom had to give me a ride. Or rather make somebody give me a ride." Figuring she'd been awkward enough she stuck out her hand. "Gray Arnadalr. She/her currently if you please. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

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"Oh... well... people have laughed at me for this before..." Tim's voice trailed off. That was a time in his life he did not like thinking about. "But... um... thank you..." The girl offered her hand, and introduced herself as Flynn Pan, daughter of Peter Pan. Tim was surprised that Peter Pan even had a child, considering what he knew about him never wanting to grow up. Then again, he knew from experience that the stories weren't always completely accurate. Tim nodded, and shook her hand. "Tim White. Son of Snow White..."

Tim took a deep breath, and looked around trying to think of something else to say. He had just arrived at the school, and already met two potential friends, and no bullies. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. "So... I guess that means you're from Neverland then? That's probably why the fairies are so used to you... What's it like there? I mean... I know what the stories say but... They're not always entirely right..."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Hmmmm, I don't know. I'm not sure we allow to go out into the forest." I say to Annabeth, I look at forest and it remind me of the stories that my dad told me about him and his father hunting in the forest when he was a kid. "I saw some pretty, normal, flowers near a stream when we passed it." "We can go get the flowers if you want to" to ask An @baraquiel "Very interesting". I turn to see a student with a unique hat, I finally someone that thinks they find the building interesting, I wave at the hat fellow.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Secrethood
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@Crimson Flame

Flynn listened as Tim spoke her smile never fading "Nice to meet you Tim, the animals also make more sense know" she said as he introduced him self as the son of Snow white proving what she thought to be true.

"Y-Yeah I am" she took a moment to think looking up into the sky before looking back at him "Neverland is the home to all sorts of mythical creatures like fairies, mermaids, never-birds and gnomes only naming a few. It is also the home to the indians and me, my dad and the lost boys who choose to stay as well as the pirates, but the story did get it right on how it looks give or take a few details, Overall its a great place to live and fun to explore" Flynn ranted slightly as she spoke about her home she was really missing Neverland. "S-So what about your home Tim?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Edwyn looked over the androgynous-looking student's carriage once more as she explained the circumstances that led to the presence of her personal vehicle. Before he could think of anything, she had introduced herself, seeing the need to mention her gender. This led him to wonder if this was a similar situation to the Hightop child he had met earlier on.

"Oh, but of course. Would that be Miss Arnadalr, or Princess Gray? Edwyn Spriggins, it's a pleasure too," he responded, giving 'Gray' a firm handshake.

He then glanced around, reminding himself that they were the only two left at the assigned spot. The rest were either out of sight or could be seen some distance away doing their own things. He turned back to Gray.

"So, should we be wandering off as well?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Gray is perfectly fine. Please no Miss of your Highness or Princess." She had enough problems with that back in Arendelle, she didn't need it here.

After hearing what Edwyn had said about moving she looked around and saw that they were in fact the only people left where they were told to be. She saw the others by the woods and she thought this was a good a time as any to meet her classmates.

She nodded, "I suppose we should. And, nice to meet you Edwyn.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

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"My home? Um... well..." Tim rubbed the back of his head, and fidgeted his feet. Talking about his home life was always nerve-racking because he didn't want to sound like he was bragging. So many people would love to live in a castle and he couldn't care less for it. "Well... We live in a big castle. My mom and are a queen and king so I guess it comes with the territory... We have servants and stuff, but my mom still insists on doing some things herself, like cooking. We visit the seven dwarves in their cottage in the woods like all the time. It's practically our second home, and the dwarves are like part of our family. In a way, I kind of like the cottage better than the castle. The cute woodland animals live there, and mom makes her famous apple pie!" Tim's mouth watered at the thought of that pie.

"Um... Anyway... Um... that's enough about me. You said they had mythical creatures in Neverland? Any interesting animals? Dragons? Unicorns? Griffins? Phoenixes? Something rare magical creature no one has ever seen before?" His eyes widened as he got excited talking about animals. Then he immediately calmed down, and fidgeted nervously when he realized he was starting to ramble. "Oh, um... sorry... Being an animal lover kind of runs in my family..."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"Ah, I see, very well," Edwyn replied with a light smile.

He had asked thinking there was a chance she might have revealed a little more about her background and where she was from. It was not much, but from her insistent tone and the additional mention of 'Your Highness', he could confirm that it was something she was probably used to and that she was in fact a princess.

To her second response, he let out a chuckle. "Time to fit in, I guess."

He gestured towards the greenery where the others had headed before leisurely making his way there along with Gray. A couple of the small fairies circled around them as they approached, and Edwyn held his hand out to one of them. Examining the winged creature resting on his fingers, he wondered how one bonded with them. Should he ask for its name? What do they even like?

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Secrethood
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@Crimson Flame

"I've never been in a castle before..." Flynn said quietly as she wondered how confusing it must be to navigate around with all the different rooms and halls in the place. Her home back in neverland was hard to get lost in with all the different entrance and exits if you didnt know your way around, But it was deciened to keep pirates out so she understood why. She wondered if everyone who lived in a castle knew how to navigate around or if they just got lost all the time.

She took a moment to think about Tims question "Neverlands a big place... I have'nt explored it all yet, there could be a lots of animals hidden in unsearched places... though my dad did tell me about a time he met a Hippocampus and Never Birds are a intresting sight they are big skeleton birds with red, blue and yellow wings they are one of my favorite animals on Neverland, Also you dont have to apologise you where just being curious" Flynn would say with a smile that faded as soon as she catch sight of her shadow again.

As it got closer to the two of them as they spoke, unlike her dads shadow hers just wanted to play it enjoyed being chased, Flynn reached out and grabbed hold of it when it was close enough putting it back in its place with a bit of a struggle, she then looked at the ground embaressed "S-Sorry about that... So umm... whats you faviort animal if you had to choose...? and have you ever got lost in you castle...?" The fairy in her hand would look up at her seeming to say something in its native laungage that put a small smile back on the girls face.
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