Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

R i n

Personal Dossier

Kishimoto Rin


Okayama, Japan

Physical Description
Rin stands a short 5 feet tall, her weight is a light 90 lbs. Her looks mostly hint to her mothers side of the family with a few small hints of her dads family. Her frame is slender and small yet a hint of muscle can be found on her arms and legs from hard physical labor and training. Rin is a flat chested girl with fairly long well kept hair tied with a ribbon at the end. Her hair color is hazelnut brown. Her front bangs cover her face slightly past her forehead, her side bangs are slightly longer reaching at least her shoulders. She has brightly colored green eyes and a perky small nose. Rin has slender lips together with a small mouth. Her short and small chin makes her face seem even more childlike. Rin her body has black lines over it on the places of her joints separating the skin of the body parts. She covers those lines with her outfits as she usually wears dark blue pantyhose under her skirt and long sleeved outfits. The lines on her hands and neck she covers with makeup because she finds them embarrassing.


Personal History
In the more offset parts of Japan was a small farming village, the closest big city was Okayama. The farm village was producer of many different flowers and vegetables aggravated by a hand full of different farmers that lived near the village. It was a fairly isolated community that did not accept much newcomers into their circle. Yet a baby was always a joy to welcome. Rin grew up in the village as the second kid. There was one other family that had a few months older child named Anna. They got along great and got thought home teaching by a combination of both their mothers getting them extra attention where they were lacking. Her quirk had already formed before she was born making it quite a usual feat for her her to live with it. Many of the different farmers had quirks that they used to aggravate their crops but as of now Rin did not find a fitting purpose for her quirk to be used as. She had tried many different things but never found herself to be of good use or helpful. She was good at removing weeds or anything that had to do with the plants but that was without her quirk. As kid of a farmer that was a little upsetting for her and her parents but no harm done.

In a town where nothing happened except for playing with each other it would eventually start to grow somewhat boring. Rin would often help out on the land with her dad but also had the habit to just shut herself in her room to do her own things like drawing or reading. When she was not in her room she would do the daily like watching television or play outside near her base. Play superhero with her friend to put yourself in different shoes for once. The shoes that you admired. Something that gave your quirk a purpose perhaps. Rin had off course found a somewhat taste for many different superheroes and started becoming a little too obsessed with them as she hung posters around her room and drew her heroes or super suit. Like any other kids she dreamed to become like one of them later on.

Her parents started noticing her odd behavior and her words about wanting to leave the village, there was a severe disconnection with the family and town, she started pushing herself away from them as she felt like she didn't belong here. She tried to be different, she wanted to be different. Rin didn’t want this boring life in the village, she did love this village but nothing ever happened. She found herself useless in comparison to the others she knew, ever her friend had a super awesome water quirk.

That night when she was staring at the long stretching farm fields she noticed for the first time a shaded blur that zoomed over the farmland. Her eyes could barely catch up to the figure. It had immediately gotten her attention as she dashed after it through the hall and living room. She ran through the farmland as fast as she could with her nimble legs. She felt excited for the first time in a long time. Once she had caught up with the shadow she softly approached and dove into the bushes in no time. From between the branches she watched the person help a trapped foxy escape from being stuck under a fence. The man was masked and wore a suit just like the ones she had seen on television. In awe she stared at the man as he treated the poor thing and gave it food, just before he could get away she jumped out and confronted the hero.

The hero definitely was surprised after he had been caught off guard. Rin talked to him for a long time about her own scenario and about how she thought he was wonderful and eventually had gotten to the conclusion that all crime and problems were already being solved by the masked night hero. Rin was instantly won over by the first hero she had ever seen in real life and made a pact with the hero to train under his supervision during the nights. She put all her work into becoming a true hero even if it was with her weird quirk. Her teacher learned her the ways of using her quirk to use it in fighting. After her training had been completed her teacher had pointed her to the academy he had been too in the past. She came to know about the old retired hero after having spoken ato him many times. He did not show his face or tell much about himself but she knew he lived in the village and did this as hobby now. Doing tasks in his hero suit during the night. Rin wanted to follow into his footsteps with no second thought. She worked as hard and as much as she could for the new school year to participate in the new semester. Just to follow up to her favorite hero.

Character Development & Conceptualization
Rin is like any of my characters a cutesy relaxed girl that interacts with others by her weird personality. I enjoy to do fun things with others like weird challenges or do the most random things with my character to open up others to her so they can have cute and fun moments. Rin is a bit of a weirdo but does put all her hard work into her training in order to do the thing she loves. Right now Rin believes the way to go is to train her body in order to help others by fighting, she has to learn that there are others things to being a hero as well.

In order to be strong she has to learn to work together with others as well just as opening herself up to others. Rin finds it hard to catch up with others from the city as she originally came from the sticks. She get embarrassed when others laugh at her for her accent and finds it a big must to try and talk like the city folks at least, her ultimate goal is to be thought of as normal and to fit in with others.

For the concept of her quirk there is the simple feature of using her joints in order to give swift hard blows and use wrestling and judo moves to 'break her opponents' in many different grips she learned with her own powerful joints. For development I like to let her make use of her flexibility more despite Rin her embarrassment of her own quirk. Right now she only uses her quirk for fighting like a normal human instead of some nightmare horror that rotates her limbs like a helicopter.

Quirk and talents

Quirk Type
Living Doll

Quirk Description
Rin can fully rotate any joint in her body. Instead of the normal connection between the bones any human has, Rin has special parts between her bones that she is free to control like normal joints. Her new joints can be seen on the skin by a thin black line that separates the skin parts of her body between the joints. Although the body parts can rotate, anything internal that is connected through her joints is rotated as well. The arteries and nerves are flexible than most people due to her quirk but rotating her joints too much can cause pain. More to her quirks is that she can train her joints the same way as her muscles, she can train her joints to put more force behind her quirk. The after effects of using her quirk is cramps in specific parts of her body when she rotates or uses these parts too much.

Abilities & Talents
From her training in the nights with her teacher she learnt the essentials of Judo and Jiu Jitsu to defend herself from villains. Rin teached herself some moves from the internet as well that she found fitting with her quirk.

Generally she is physically fit from playing, training and working outside over the years due to bad internet and boring television. After she had met her teacher she started doing a lot more cardio as well as requirement to keep up with training.

Furthermore she knows a lot about vegetable plants and flowers from having worked with her parents on the land all the time.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 7 days ago

F u y u m i

"Die, r*t**d"

Personal Dossier

Asakura Fuyumi


Roppongi, Tokyo

Physical Description
Fuyumi is a shorter than average student, standing at only 4'9''. Despite this, she manages to look rather imposing, in no small thanks to her beautiful looks, and somewhat exotic features, such as luscious silver hair and haunting blood-red eyes, bringing her close to an albino, but actually being a byproduct of the awakening of quirks among the populace. Despite her rich doll-like idol looks, Fuyumi does pack quite compact muscles underneath the baby fat and curves. Her voice is also sweet and singsong, like that of a songbird. But that's where the cuteness ends. Fuyumi tends to dress in a delinquent, aggressive fashion, has bad postures and manners in overall, and quite a foul mouth.

Fuyumi radiates a highly prickly and cynical persona, always sizing up people and delivering verbal lashings to anyone who catches her attention. She is by self-admission a lone wolf sort of person because people are scum and are not to be trusted at all. She loves to defy expectations and more than often, the best way to make her do something is to tell her not to do it. She also likes to tug people's strings and cause mischief for her own amusement. She also can be quite ruthless when it comes to trading blows, as she considers everything fair game, and being throughout a norm. Beneath this rotten attitude, lies dormant a champion of justice, someone who will do whatever it takes to uphold the weak with all her might, and who will do the right thing just because she has to, not because of the potential reward and fame. She also has a soft spot for freaks, little children and injured animals.

Personal History
To explain Fuyumi's personal History, one must trace back at both of her parents. It was like the old tales of love. A well-off citizen met with a lady of the night, and they decided to brave all hardships together. However, it did not go like the tale. After Fuyumi was conceived, her father suffered a severe mental breakdown. Unable to cope with the stress of his work and seeing how many heroes and villains clashed in the streets only for people like him to have to sort out the wounded and the dead, he snapped. And then the murder incidents began. One after the other. Quirk individuals corpses flooded the news in Roppongi. More was the shock when her father was uncovered, a seemingly mild mannered, run of the mill doctor, who had seemingly executed at least a dozen of serial killings.

When Fuyumi was born, her father was already in prison. Her mother could never marry him, and she had to take up her former job to pay the bills of the baby girl. Young Fuyumi spent her early baby years among drugs, night-life, gangsters and debauchery, up until her mother, who never gave up on her father's innocence caved in and gave her away... But by then she was old enough to remember.

Thus, her first years , little Fuyumi experienced loss and abandonment, and when the rumours reached her fellow orphanage dwellers, despite the administration efforts, she experienced rejection and bullying. A bad seed. A cursed child of a prostitute and a serial killer. Fuyumi's heart dried little by little. It also didn't help that unlike her colleagues, nobody could figure out what her quirk was, adding "quirkless trash" to the long list of insults she suffered. Others would've been destroyed and reduced to apathetic shells of themselves, but Fuyumi would not tolerate such a thing. She wanted to live, to feel alive. And she fought back with all her might and wits. It was then when she realized. Her quirk. No matter how grievous the injury, she would always bounce back.

A golden thread appeared before her, and she seized it with all her might. She used her regeneration skills to wear down her bullies one by one in a scuffle of attrition, as her newfound confidence and defiance found that her grades soared. Then, at some point, her handlers asked what she would do later in life. They advised that given her quirk, she could have a good shot at being a heroine and erase all doubts people had about her.

Fuyumi didn't want to be a hero. She didn't want to become that which had driven her father to madness. Like him, she wished to be a doctor and help alleviate people's suffering. But she had little choice. Swallowing her pride and putting her best face, she lied through her teeth, declaring that her dream in her life was to be a hero. Hook, line and sinker. She wasted no effort and aimed for the top, and her choice was Ishin Academy. She wasn't even deterred the slightest when she learnt about the hard line the institution had. It was all for the better.

Character Development & Conceptualization
Well, to be fair, the character was made with the idea of a cynical person who was exposed to a lot of things that are... well, not ideal for minors, and as a result developed a rather thick coat of cynicism. She was based probably on the concept of some sort of immortal princess kind of time, like Evangeline mashed up with Wolverine.

Her development will of course show that even if the world is imperfect, and many people indeed are wicked and twisted, many others are good people when given half a chance to prove themselves. I also toy with the idea that heroics come from within rather than being taught from outside, and that sometimes, all it takes to be a hero is to be in the wrong place at the right moment.

Abilities & Talents

Quirk Type

Eternal Blossom
Eternal Blossom is simply put, super regeneration. Seems boring? Yes. Looks plain? Yes. Is it useful? HELL YES. This ability to bounce back from grievous injury and grow back body parts in minutes, leaving no blemish nor scar in the body guarantees that Fuyumi is very hard to put down, short of massive injuries like blowing her into tiny pieces or decapitation. Furthermore, her regeneration seems to have also tampered with her telomeres, granting her potential eternal life. (She has inherited her quirk from her mother, and she doesn't look past 20 in any regard). However, regeneration can be temporally spent by suffering a lot of injuries in a short period of time, and it can send her into a state of unconsciousness or death. Fuyumi, much to her chagrin, can't control her regeneration at all.

Her blood is also imbued with regenerative properties, and upon topical application or ingestion, it will quickly heal someone's elses wounds. Abuse of this miracle drug can however, lead to temporary quirk loss.

Other Talents & Attributes
Peerless all rounder
Fuyumi's hostile upbringing has made it so she wouldn't neglect neither mental nor physical development and aggressively taken her to the next level. As a result, her grades are excellent on average despite her delinquent reputation, as well as she picks up new skills and talents with frightening ease, both inside and outside school. There's little she cannot learn or do if she puts her mind into it, and while many others may best her in their respective fields, few can claim that they are the same as her.
The Doctor is In
Her true calling. Fuyumi is a medical otaku, and she can deal with most injuries a student usually has. She is skilled enough to perform emergency surgeries, although this is more of a last resort kind of thing, since she obviously has no medical license or equipment. Furthermore her knowledge in anatomy gives her some leverage in fighting opponents.
But nobody has heard her singing voice yet...
Street fighter
Fuyumi knows none of fancy schmancy moves of Karate, Jiujitsu, Sumo or Turbo XXL MMA Vale Tudo, but she has picked a mashup of dirty moves in her life, as well as knowing how to use the varied urban terrain to her advantage.

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