Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Weapon X Lab, Northern Canada - 1 week ago

A facility somewhere in Northern Canada. This is the location of the Weapon X program, a place that a very select few know of its whereabouts. Though there are a few who know, but have never been back there. Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr had each been to the facility once, but that was all it took, and how the two met. They had been pulled into the program, over 40 years old each, but when the two worked together to escape, they looked to be more in their 20s. They had a mutant there who could control the age of a person, manipulating it to the one preferable for the experiment. When they escaped, the two became close friends, and went to try and find others, in order to make sure the program was shut down completely. However, what they didn't know, was that there was someone else who had been in the facility with them, who was as much a prisoner as they had been.

"So, think he will survive the procedure? It has killed others in the past."

"I think so, his healing factor will probably save his life, preventing him from dying because of it."

"If you are sure, but don't say I didn't warn you, we have so many different experiments to go through, remember, this is number 10 in a long line of different ones. This could fail just like the others..."

"Or get away from us?"

"Yes, that too!"

The two scientists were over looking a room, where a man was locked in a very secure cage. They were preparing to move him to another part of the facility, in order to prepare him for what was to come. What they were planning on attempting was not going to be an easy task, especially since the only one who they could do the test on wasn't exactly the most cooperative person in the world. He had used to work with them 20 years ago, as a member of what had been known as Team X, and he helped out the CIA numerous times after that. Those days were long in the past, as now they had found what they believed to be a better use. Experimentation on mutants had been going on for years, and they finally had the chance of having a successful one to show their financial backers.

Problem was, they knew they needed more subjects, there were other experiments and tests aside from the adamantium skeleton one, and they planned to get as many people as possible for them, by any means necessary.

"Any idea where we can find more mutants?"

"No, not yet, but we have found several promising candidates."

"Alright, we just need to be prepared, those two that escaped, I doubt that they will lie down and do nothing."

"Don't worry, we'll be ready for them."

"Alright, let's move him to the lab, and get this "test" over with. We should find out rather quickly if he'll survive the procedure, and then we can show them that we know what we are doing. That all of their support has made this program possible."

Juneau, Alaska - 4 days ago

Miranda Fay still lived in her hometown of Juneau, since she was still working on saving up the money to move away from her family. It wasn't easy, she lived in a very small apartment, working as a waitress, and trying desperately not to use her powers, which was seemingly impossible. She had a reputation as a klutz because she would go into a trance or see something at random, and run into others or they ran into her because she stopped walking. Her other power was a lot easier to hide, but there wasn't much else she could do about it. She was working at the restaurant, and she didn't even notice the two men who came to her section of the room, sitting down at one of the tables. Someone else let her know, and she immediately went over to them, handing them their menus.

"So, anything I can get started for you two? Anything to drink?" she asked them, looking at the somewhat odd pair. They didn't look too much older than she was, maybe 10 years at the latest, but this was the standard way for her to greet people, she generally wasn't too much for all of the chit chat.

"How's the coffee here?" one of them asked, looking over at her. She was unaware of the conversation between the two that was happening telepathically, but she was still slightly afraid that she might accidentally trigger her powers.

"It's alright, I mean it's coffee, not the best around, but it definitely is not the worse," she replied, giving him a smile.

“Well I would like to try it. Strongest coffee you have.”

"I'll have a cup of coffee as well," the other one said, finally speaking up for once. The two were definitely strange in her mind, but she wrote it down and nodded.

"Well then, I'll be back in a few moments with your coffee," she said, before turning her back and walking away. She was a little surprised that they had asked for coffee, most people usually asked for some food or something first thing when they walked in, but she thought nothing of it.

A few minutes later, she returned to their booth with their coffee. As soon as she set the mugs down in front of them, she glanced up at the one who had asked about the coffee first. Images flashed through her mind, parts of his life played like a movie through her mind. The images she saw made her realize that maybe this pair weren't what they seemed, at least age wise!

"Are you alright?" the other said, looking at her with a concerned expression, she probably had looked like she was going to pass out or something right then.

"Yeah, I'm fine... Just got a little bit lost in thought there for a moment, can I get you two anything else?" she asked, looking at the two of them. The one whose memories and past she had seen just smiled, before without touching the spoon, stirred his coffee. Miranda just stared at him. "How did you do that?"

"You probably can guess how," he said simply with a smile, and his friend just shook his head.

"My name is Charles Xavier, this is my friend Erik Lensherr, we are people like you, people with abilities. You went into a sort of trance I'm guessing?" Charles asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"...Yeah, I did... I can see into the past, people's history or the history of an object..." she responded, confused as to what this was all about still. These two had powers too, which made her realize that she might not be as alone in the world as she thought she was.

"We were wondering if you would like to help us... Help us potentially stop the killing and experimentation of people like us, mutants," Erik said, still smiling.

"Wait, really? Isn't that sort of thing illegal? And how do you two know so much about this program? And why do you two look to be in your twenties, early thirties maybe, when his history tells me you've been around since World War II?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"Because we escaped it, two years or so ago, how we met actually. We've been working on a way to find the new facility and only recently did we find a way to locate other mutants..."

"Not to mention that this program is funded by several people in the US government... There was another mutant who worked within the program, as one of the scientists. He has the power to manipulate your age, make you as young, or as old, as he wants, they wanted us to be younger, so that's how that happened... Also, where are my manners, what is your name?"

"...Miranda, Miranda Fay..."

"So Miranda, will you help us?"

Miranda had to think about it for a moment. These two were offering her a chance out and away from Alaska, and to be in a group where she might actually belong, and not feel too badly about everything she could do. If there were others who had powers too. "Alright, I'm in..."

Xavier's Mansion, New York - Present Day

Miranda was sitting in the parlor area in a chair, reading a book, and waiting with the others for Charles and Erik to show up. The group hadn't exactly been there at the mansion for very long, a week, maybe two for some of the others. She hadn't shown up until 3 days before, so she still didn't know them all too well. Though she was thinking of ways to make that change, the oldest guy in the group looked like he was older than Charles and Erik, despite the fact that she knew he was younger than them.

After a few moments, Charles walked in, looking around the room, letting out a sigh. Erik still hadn't shown up yet, and he was wondering what was taking his friend so long. He glanced down at his watch, before he sent a message out to Erik to join them in the parlor. A moment later, Erik walked in, looking at everyone else, "So, this everyone then?" he asked, and Charles nodded. "...Guess I'm the last one here then. All yours Charles."

"Very well Erik," he replied with a sigh, before turning to address the others. "As I'm sure you've all been told, but our mission is to destroy the Weapon X facility entirely in hopes of being able to shut down the program. However, there are a few things that need to be addressed before we can do this. We need to see just how much information we can gather about the program and the facility before we do anything, and the other being everyone's abilities. I thought I'd ask this flat out, but do any of you feel like you might need help controlling your powers or any other concern. Since I know some of you don't exactly come from places where mutants were welcomed... Making it difficult to learn how to control your abilities..."

Miranda nodded slightly, "Yeah, I could use a little help with mine so I don't accidentally pass out or something because of all the images I see," she said, looking around the room at the others. Her powers weren't exactly combative, but they could prove to be useful, problem was, she still wasn't too sure what triggered her visions or something. Every now and then, it would just happen, or others would be able to trigger it without her having any control.

Xavier nodded, "I will gladly help those who feel like they might need it. Anyone who does not wish for the help can go with Erik to see just what we can find out about the Weapon X program, and any and all information pertaining to it's whereabouts. We need to be extremely cautious in everything we do, as we do not want to draw too much suspicion. As there are people in the government who back the program, we do not want them to feel threatened for whatever reason."

"You worry a little too much there Charles," Erik said with a small laugh, "I believe that we will be fine."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Katalina Johnson

Location: Xavier's Mansion

Katalina about a week ago thought that she was alone in the world actually, and didn't think that there were others like her with strange powers like she did. So she certainly jumped at the chance to actually go and with Xavier and Erik, she of course put her job working at a drycleaners aside for now. It didn't really even pay well enough for her at all either so she decided to just simply put in her two weeks, well it was more like her just taking off her nametag and then left. She sat in the parlor of the mansion as she stared at Xavier and the girl who went by the name Miranda she didn't know her at all, but then again she did quit and came here about a day or so ago after thinking everything over.

Katalina leaned forward as she listened to Xavier speak about a place that was experimenting on them which didn't sound good at all, she didn't want to end up being experimented on either which made her cringe slightly at the thought. She didn't know really how well to control her powers were, there was that constant feeling of everyone's emotions around her which didn't even seem to help one bit either. Her other ability she seemed to have decent control over which could be a bit useful. "I think i'm good to go." Katalina said towards Erik she was curious what he had in mind and what they were going to do. She didn't really like the idea being cooped up in the mansion all that much either.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by burnski
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Logan Butler

Location: Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C. - 3 days ago

Butler started coming down the steps of the Lincoln Memorial when he saw Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr. They were the only two people there. There was no one there, not even around the entire Reflecting pool as it had already gotten dark. When he saw them and they looked like two guys that just recently got out of university. He thought they were tourists who were lost and wanted to ask for directions. As Charles started to speak, Butler thought he confirmed from his accent that they were indeed not from the States.

They immediately started to tell him who they were and why they were there. Straight and direct. Butler liked that they didn't beat around the bush, but he didn't buy a single thing they said. So, he started to leave them when Charles quickly communicated with him telepathically. This stunned Butler. That one act brought credence to everything they said about the systematic experimentation and killing of mutants. He was in.

Location: Xavier's Mansion, New York - Present Day

The mansion was nice. It seemed quite extravagant but Butler wasn't complaining about that. What was really bothering him though was the fact that he was surrounded by a bunch of kids who were all supposed to go into a life and death mission. He thought that these kids were not ready for a job like this. Did he just step into a weird version of Neverland? It didn't help that his two recruiters looked young enough to be the Peter Pans of this story. It all just seemed a bit ridiculous.

Butler was waiting in a room with the rest of the recruits when Charles walked into the room and immediately seemed annoyed. He seemed to be quite the stickler, the man of routine, the guy who's never late, and the one who always had a plan. It seemed obvious that Charles annoyance was because his buddy Erik was running late. Then Erik finally made it and they started to brief the team. They asked if anyone needed help controlling their powers. Butler chimed in, "I don't need any help controlling my powers. Their just always on, which is a good thing I guess. So, I'm ready to go."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mythri Naidu

Location: Xavier's Mansion

Mythri had always known she was different.

Sure many people say that, but she knew it. As long as she could remember, she knew she felt different. It wasn't like she was exploring new things either. It was a feeling. And sure enough, it manifested itself with her powers. From that point onward, Mythri knew her life took a new turn.

So when two men came up to her asking for her help. She, of course, told them no. Well....she told them other things than no, but that's not good viewing for small children. However, they slowly convinced her. Not only could she master her powers, she could help others like her in doing so. Others who were in very similar situations as her. So, despite her level of distrust in these men, she followed. Albeit tentatively.

So she sat in the room with others she barely knew. Listening to two men she did not trust. Things were, so far, looking very much bleak. "I suppose I could use help too, but what would that entail?" If it meant experimentation, she would be out quicker than lightning. That was always her worry, or rather her mother's worry. Too many science fiction books. Still, concern was there.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Eliette Theriot

Location: Xavier's Mansion

Ellie was standing in the corner, tossing a marble up and down. As it went up, she'd speed it up and cause it to nearly hit the ceiling, slowing it down just in time to prevent it from doing so. She'd then give it an incredibly slow descent, throwing another marble up in the process until she was practically juggling them. Today was a good day for Ellie. Or in her mind, a positively brilliant day. She had been one of the longest ones living at the mansion, having arrived exactly two weeks ago. She noticed that Charles was irritated sometimes with her grammar - or lack thereof - and that Erik was amused by Charles' irritation.

She also had figured out all of the best places to go sock sliding in the mansion and had found that if she jumped on Charles' bike and gave it a subtle push in momentum, she could control its speed in order to do trick riding. It had resulted in her crashing into a tree and being covered in scrapes and bruises, but she hadn't cared. It had been fun! She couldn't help but roll her eyes - which were currently a brilliant red - as Charles suggested people would need help with their abilities. That didn't apply to her. She had learned how to control her powers the hard way on the streets, using them in order to get by.

"Bien sûr, mon ami, mutants ain't gonna feel welcomed when they're treated like shit," Ellie pointed out. Her tone was light despite the weight of her words. She herself had nearly been burned at the stake by her brothers. "And I'lls be goin' with Erik, think I've got a handle on my powers."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Miranda Fay

Charles nodded, though he looked a little bit nervous that Eliette wanted to go with Erik, however, the first thing he needed to deal with was Mythri's question. It was a good one, and it made sense for someone to ask, after all, how were they to know to trust them in helping them out, since his own powers were so simple in comparison. "The main way would be to figure out what exactly triggers your abilities, and see if we can find a way to help you control it that way. Once you know what causes your powers to go off without warning, than we can work on getting them to trigger when you want them to."

Miranda nodded, her own powers went off without warning, no matter what. It was annoying, especially since she could go into a trance at any given time, the main reason why she wanted help. The holograms, or illusions, were easy to handle, but the visions and the trance were just about impossible to predict, no matter what she tried. Charles then turned his attention to Eliette. "I believe it would be best if you stayed here Eliette."

"Let her be Charles, she'll be fine," Erik interjected. They both knew that Ellie had some issues mentally, though in Erik's opinion, Charles was a little too harsh on her. He believed that she'd be fine, but Charles almost took on a father like roll to the Cajun girl, which Erik found to be a little strange.

"She isn't exactly the best person for this sort of thing Erik... Not exactly the most careful person around and you and I both know it."

"She'll be fine Charles, just let her be," he said again, before he headed towards the exit of the room.

Charles let out a bit of a sigh, knowing that there was almost no use in arguing with his friend, Erik was a bit stubborn. "Alright, fine, she can go with you Erik..."

Lensherr turned to face him, giving him a bit of a smirk, "Great, anyone wanting to come with me and see what sort of information we can get about the program and the government's involvement, follow me," he said, giving a smile to the others as he headed out of the room for real this time. He knew that Charles would finally come to his senses about Eliette. He needed to let her live a little after all.

Miranda stayed where she was, since she was planning on sticking around with Charles to try and figure out how to control the visions. They were way too much of a problem for her, she didn't want to end up in a coma again or something, she did not want a repeat of the incident that happened when she had discovered her powers. That had definitely been the worst years of her life. New York was still a little warm for her, definitely not like her home in Alaska, where it was kind of cold almost year round.

She didn't know any of these people, but she did like Eliette, the girl tended to make her laugh a little bit, and it was funny watching her zip around at top speed. The others, she wasn't too sure about. Miranda didn't know what to make of the group in general, at least as a whole. Nothing really made sense to her, like why it was this specific group of people, why not a different mix? Xavier was able to find mutants... So why didn't he find others, or even more to add to the group? She had so many questions running through her head, but she was pretty sure no one was going to tell her the answers.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Katalina Johnson

Location: Xavier's Mansion

Katalina looked around at the others, she didn't know anyone else all that well yet as she turned her attention towards Charles as he explained to Mythri on what the training would entail. She had a basic grasp on one of her powers already, though she wasn't sure what the limits to them were yet either. "Actually i'd like to stay and train, I cant really keep the whole emotion feeling thing off it does get really annoying and stressful as well and somedays I really cant concentrate either." Kat said as she looked towards Eliette, the girl certainly did have a personality that she kind of enjoyed she was feisty. She watched the girl toss the marble up into he air and watched it fall down slowly, that ability did look really interesting.

Eliette seemed that she wanted to go, with Erik and the older guy also seemed to want to go as well, she assumed that Mythri was going to stay by the sound of her question. She however really wasn't that sure about the other girl Miranda had been pretty quiet for the most part, Kat watched as Erik started to leave the room and then turned her attention over towards Charles.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mythri Naidu

Location: Xavier's Mansion

It seemed kind of stupid to be splitting the team up. Especially if they had such an important mission to accomplish. This is why she hated groups, leaders always thought they knew what was best and often found themselves disappointed with the results they helped cultivate. Still, Mythri wanted help with her powers, she always did, but she wasn't sure what to make of the man called Charles. What was his motivation? Was it purely out of concern for them and others or was it something more sinister.

As some got up to follow the other man out of the room, she remained seated, waiting for training to begin. "So basically, we are going to be poking and prodding our abilities to jumpstart them and their cause, leading to potentially disastrous results given how powers can be manifested, and this is all to see if we can control them, knowing full well that some, perhaps all, cannot? Sounds safe and well-thought out." Mythri spoke with an eye roll. This was going to end badly, she had a feeling, but at least she made herself known.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Eliette Theriot

Location: Xavier's Mansion

Eliette rolled her eyes, catching the marble and they returned to their normal blue shade. She hated it when Charles and Erik talked like she couldn't hear them. Sure, she looked more like she was sixteen but she was an adult. She was twenty years old and she wished that they'd treat her like it. "Je ne suis pas une fille, Charles. Je suis une femme," she corrected him in rapid French, knowing that he'd understand it. Erik spoke the language as well. It was a nice change compared to the rest of the American population, which seemed to only understand French if it was followed by the word fry. "Et je vous entendais assez bien," Ellie added with a smirk.

Ellie then tossed the marble over her shoulder to Charles, her eyes flashing red as she manipulated it so it'd fall in slow motion, that way even Xavier would be capable of catching it. Ellie then turned and laughed at Mythri as she left, blowing the older woman a kiss as she then spun around again and caught up to Erik, skipping as she did so. "So, what's the plan, mon ami?" Ellie asked. She had pulled another marble out of her pocket and was playing with it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Morose Erik laughed slightly as Eliette caught up to him. She had a bit of a sense of humor in his mind, and it was definitely better than the seriousness that was Charles. "Charles through an old friend of his managed to get us access to some files on the program from back when it was initially created, this person apparently owed him a favor or something... Anyway we are going to go see if we can get anything from them... However, we do need to be careful as there are still people who fund the program in the area we are going. So we need to be on guard," he said in response to her question as he headed to a car that was in the driveway.

Miranda Fay

Miranda watched as Erik left with the others, and she remained there, her powers always went haywire, and she did not want risk losing any sort of control over it. She didn't like splitting up, but it made sense if it meant that they could complete this job quickly, in order to stop what was happening. She looked over at Charles, who let out a sigh at what Eliette said before she had left. She acted more like a child than she actually was, that was true, but there wasn't much that could be done about it. He looked at the three who had remained, while he just simply caught the marble that Eliette had tossed.

"Alright, so, the three of you all have one power that could be considered more of a mental, or similarly telepathic, ability, which should make things a little more simple. Katalina, your power is a little more simple than the others. Feeling others emotions can be a great thing, and eventual you might even find a way to manipulate emotions in general, however, for now, figuring out how best you can control them is the main thing to focus on. You will likely be able to feel others emotions for the rest of your life, it is entirely possible that you might not be able to be rid of that, however... There might be a way for you to use your own emotions to overcome the ones coming from other sources. Block out the excess emotions, and be able to move on that way..." he mused, he wasn't too sure about that though.

To her, she wondered just how much Charles knew about what he was doing. Sure, the guy was technically older than them, buy quite a bit actually, but still, he only knew about his own powers, and not anyone else's. He knew about Erik's technically, but that wasn't much else to go on since the two of them hadn't exactly known each other for very long from what she knew, a year, maybe at most. Miranda wasn't too sure what to make of the entire group still, as they were virtually strangers, but she had to trust them somewhat.

"Mythri, your powers are more of a protective variety... Force fields are very useful when it comes to defenses... Odds are that yours could potentially be triggered by two different emotions if you are having difficulties with them, and both would be able to appear easily during any sort of fighting that might occur. Anger, and fear. Anger towards those trying to harm you, while fear over the possibility of being injured. Learn how to get those emotions to work in your favor to the point of being able to call them forth whenever you want to, and you will likely be able to control it. Your other ability is more simple, and will likely be able to be easily controlled as you grow older.

"...What about me? My powers are visions that can be brought on by just about anything, and could end badly if they get used too often..." she said, finally speaking up about it. Her powers were whacked out, and she had no idea what to do to control them. "My powers have caused a lot of problems for me, ever since I got them... I know they could be useful, if I could control them even just a little bit..."

"You will likely never be able to fully be able to control them Miranda, the visions will come and go, and you likely won't be able to determine when they will come, however, over time the visions will likely become less frequent. Actually odds are you will be able to eventually show people the memories and bits of history that you see. However, for now, from what you've mentioned, a lot of it is more of when you touch an object correct?"

"Yes, most of the time, sometimes I get flashes just by looking at someone, but much of it is when I touch an object..."

"Then what might be best, for you, at least for now to slow down those visions, would be to wear gloves or something similar to prevent you from getting most of the history images, though you might still get some on occasion due to you seeing someone, or seeing an object... Your power is not something that can easily be controlled, but I will try to help you the best that I can."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mythri Naidu

Location: Xavier's Mansion

Mythri gave a subtle smile as the girl walked away, blowing her a kiss. At least one person here seemed cool and relatable. The others she was unsure of, but that was often the case, wasn't it? She rarely opened herself up unless there was a good reason. Being here, was not one of those times.

Charles spoke and his points made some sense, but that was also part of the problem. Yeah, she could harness anger or fear and use her powers effectively, but to what end? "But what if I want to use my power offensively? If I am going to be playing the hero, I can't sit back and put up shields all the time. That's what my concern is." She knew her other power would be useful as a tactical thing, but even then, she wanted practice. If this man was offering such a thing, she wouldn't mind learning.

But as soon as things seemed to be going sour (as they so often did) she would be out.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Katalina Johnson

Location: Xavier's Mansion

Katalina looked over her shoulder towards Eliette as she spoke in French, though she didn't know or understand a word she said in French Kat assumed that it was a jab towards Charles. Then she and Erik started to head out of the door and left them, she leaned back in her seat as she listened to Mythri speak, about her powers forcefields were actually really useful and lifesaving as well from anyone really. Then Charles started to go down her first power. She nodded slightly, on a daily basis she could feel just about everyone's emotions around her which always got debilitating somedays which caused her to call off from her job. Controlling others emotions would be useful at some point as well.

"And my second one, it sort of just happens at random whenever I am in danger. When it first happened was during a high school dodgeball game. Time just slowed down for me, and I was able to dodge everything, but it felt like I was a lot quicker but it only happens with my reflexes. I have somewhat practice but it's not the best." Katalina said as she leaned forward as she listened to the others speak a bit more while looking over at Mythri for a moment and then towards Miranda.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Eliette Theriot

Location: Outside Xavier's Mansion

"So mon copain, we's gonna go hit up the person for more information, then?" Ellie mused. She didn't see why they wouldn't have gotten all of the information in the first place, but whatever. The Mansion was super stuffy in her opinion and she had already tired herself out sock sliding that morning. Of course, she then realized she had been staring at a gorgeous butterfly and she easily could have misunderstood Erik entirely. She didn't have the best attention span and she lost control of the marble, sending it speeding up rapidly before she suddenly stopped manipulating its kinetic energy. It then fell down, completing its arc, and hit one of Charles' windows, smashing it.

Ellie couldn't help but giggle as she got into the car. "Oops," she commented with a smirk. She started messing with the radio, trying to get some decent songs playing. She was worried Erik would want to listen to something ancient, like Bach or Beethoven. He assumed that was what old people liked listening to - or knowing Charles, he'd probably consider it too modern still. "This is waaaay too slow," Eliette added, despite the fact that the car hadn't even started yet.

She was impatient and wanted to be at their destination already - in fact, yesterday would have been better.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Miranda Fay

Miranda listened to what the others said, it all made sense to her, as they had powers that would be a little more useful in a combative situation. Literally, one girl could create force fields, while another one could see everything in slow motion almost. She found it a little unfair that they could do something like that, while she was stuck with a power that could put her into a coma, and the others wouldn't be able to pull her out very easily.

Xavier contemplated what the two said, before turning to look at Mythri. "With practice, you likely will be able to. You probably will be able to, eventually anyway, be able to use it almost like telekinesis. Creating a force field around an object, or another person, and being able to throw them, releasing the object or person from the shield before they hit something in order to potentially use it in a combative situation," he responded, before he turned to look at Katalina, after contemplating it for a moment.

"Yours, it would most likely be beneficial to try and see just how fast of an object that you are currently able to dodge, and work up from there. Actually..." he said, pondering for a moment, before looking back over at Mythri. "Perhaps we can see about working on that now, Mythri, try and create a force field, using the emotions that generally would bring them forth, around this book," he said, grabbing one and setting it down on a table. "And throw it at Katalina, and we will see just how fast of an object she can see in slow motion and dodge. Miranda, you might want to stand back slightly." he said, backing away slightly from Katalina and Mythri.

Miranda did the same, saddened by the fact that she was literally being told to do nothing. She was starting to wonder why Erik and Charles had even approached her about this, when she didn't have a power that was useful in a combative situation. She was virtually useless, and she hated it, maybe she should have gone with Erik and Ellie, since she wasn't able to do much here.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mythri Naidu

Location: Xavier's Mansion

Mythri stood up, unsure of just what was being asked. He wanted her to use her powers to throw something at the other girl. What if things went wrong? Wasn't that why they were here anyway? To prevent this and learn about their powers. It seemed silly, but Mythri was dying to do something other than sitting around and talking.

She concentrated, focusing on anger. How angry she felt at people, and generated a force field around the book. It wobbled slightly as she maintained concentration, but she could feel herself getting too angry. Too worked up. Calming herself down now would force it to go away so she moved her arm, flinging the book across the room towards Katalina.

However, the force behind it wasn't strong enough. It went towards the girl, but even Mythri could see it wouldn't land all the way there and she was filled with nothing but contempt. This whole exercise was stupid anyway...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Erik and Ellie

Ellie continued to fiddle with the radio, wishing that she had a stick of gum or something to chew on. Everything was so boring and slow and she couldn't help but be irritated. "Ya got any kids, mon ami?" Ellie asked, figuring they might as well strike up a topic of conversation. "'Cause Charles, he seems t' think that I need a dad or somethin' - I swear he'd correct my grammar in my diary if I had one," she mentioned with a laugh.

"No, I don't have any kids Ellie," Erik said with a laugh as he drove. They were going on a little bit of a drive. There was some Scottish friend of Charles' who worked for the US government in some division or another, Moira McTaggert was her name. They needed to meet up with her first, before they did anything else.

Ellie pulled out a cigarette and lit it, taking a drag and then blowing out the smoke, pretending that she was a dragon. She always loved stories with dragons in them, though her brothers had told her that dragons were the devil's dog - which always made them sound secretly more amazing to her, but she knew what they had meant. It was something against their lifestyle and religion, so it needed to be destroyed - just like her. She shuddered slightly as the still fresh memory of Olivier and Henri trying to burn her at the stake came to mind. "Ya ever want kids?"

"To be honest, I never really thought much about it... Especially since technically, I am in my 40's, though because of a bit of meddling I'm a lot younger now. I don't know if I want to have kids. I'm not against the idea, but I'm not sure if I want any..." he responded. He wasn't too sure about having kids, especially since despite how he looked, he was in his 40's, and most people didn't really think about having kids of any kind at that age.

"For what it's worth, connard, I think you'd be a bang up dad," Ellie commented, taking another drag from her cigarette. She was trying to resist the urge to ask how long it'd be until they arrived at their destination, since in her opinion, it was already taking way too long for them to get there.

Erik chuckled slightly at that, "I'd have to agree with you, doubt I'd be a good father, but it doesn't matter much now does it? Having a family in a world that tries to harm mutants? Not exactly one I'd want to raise kids in."

Ellie laughed. "Ya really don't know any slang, do ya mon amie? Bang up is a good thang - like bitchin'. Like - like I think you'd be a bitchin dad, Erik," she explained, giggling. However, her smile abruptly faded as her thoughts once more went towards the violence mutants faced. Her moods could swing like this and she tossed her cigarette out of the car. "They don't just try to harm mutants....They kill us."

"Which is why we are doing, what we are doing, to make sure it ends, so no one else has to deal with that hopefully. Make a better future for everyone," he said, reassuringly, "Though sometimes I wonder if we should try a more direct approach to everything, fight back as opposed to sneaking around."

"Honestly, mon copain, je pense que...eh, I think we'd be better off killing these people. They already want us dead. Don't see why we should turn the other cheek."

"We need to try out different options first, then we can see about that..."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Katalina Johnson

Location: Xavier's Mansion

Katalina looked over towards Charles for a moment as he started to speak about how Mythri would be able to use her powers and then watched him grab a book and set it down on the table. Kat decided to stand up and then took a few steps closer, as Mythri used her powers and started to produce a shield around it, it would be a good way to help practice anyway as the book was then thrown forward towards her. Katalina stood still for a few seconds before she watched everything around her started to slow down, seeing the book's trajectory it wasn't going to hit her.

But it was going to be just short of her anyway and once it was close enough she quickly stepped to the side as the book landed right near her feet where she stood there just a few moments before. Kat didn't really think it would be a waste of time, though it could have probably been something a little bit faster since it was an object that could easily be seen. Katalina looked over towards Miranda and Charles. "Is there something a bit faster that could be a bit harder to dodge anyone would have seen it coming." Kat said giving a slight shrug.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Miranda Fay

Xavier thought for a moment about what Katalina had said about wanting to try dodging something a little faster, Miranda was way ahead of him though. She was tired of feeling useless, so she decided to pick up a book. "Well, let's see if you two can protect yourselves, give me a moment," she said, before wandering off. A few moments later, she had a large stack of things, from books and pens, to plastic mixing bowls that she had found lying around the house.

"Miranda, I don't think throwing things at them would help very much," he said, eyeing what looked to be some sharp knives in the stack of things she had brought over. This was not going to end well, especially if she got lucky with a few of those shots, it could seriously injure them, but he also knew that the odds of talking her out of it were slim, as there wasn't much else she could do right then. "Just be careful, alright?"

"Don't worry Charles, it'll be fine... Probably... Don't worry, odds of me actually hitting them are slim, I don't generally throw things at people at all. So I probably won't actually hit them or anything, at least anywhere vital," she said, before she started throwing things. The first things she started throwing were sharpened pencils, and threw them right at Mythri, at quite an alarming speed. One seemed to be heading straight for her head, with the pointed end heading straight for her, other pencils were flying quickly as well. She didn't stop there to see if she had blocked them, before she sent a few things flying at Katalina. Several objects were thrown her way, namely books, and like with the pencils, were coming at her at an alarming rate. The last one she threw seemed to be heading a lot quicker than the others, straight for her head.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Katalina Johnson

Location: Xavier's Mansion

Katalina looked at Miranda for a moment as she got up and started to grab various things from around the house, she started to shift around slightly nervous. When Miranda did come back seeing the various stacks of pencils, books and Kat leaned forward slightly as she went to get a better look at what else was brought there. There were a few plastic bowls and then what looked like a few knives as well, and then Kat took a few steps backwards. She didn't want to get hit by any of the sharp pointy things however Katalina did end up asking for it as well, and took a deep breath and sighed.

Miranda then started to throw things at them without even a warning either as Katalina got ready things started to slow down, she focused more on the book which was the closest one coming for her. Her reaction time was pretty shitty as the book nearly hit her in the head when she dodged. Then she groaned loudly as two books hit her in the arm, then another hit her in the gut causing her to groan even more and held her stomach slightly. The last one hit her in the leg which stung quiet a bit as Kat leaned herself up against the couch, she looked over at Miranda. She didn't have any anger towards her, she did ask for it after all, as she rubbed her sore arm slightly and took a few deep breathes. [color==#87bff2]"Well I can say you are a good shot."[/color] Katalina said softly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mythri Naidu

Location: Xavier's Mansion

Mythri watched as Miranda picked up the various objects. Maybe the girl felt left out? But still, books were one thing. Knives and pencils were another matter entirely. And Xavier wasn't about to stop this. Before Mythri could voice her concern over someone throwing sharp objects at her in hopes she could defend herself with a power she hasn't had much practice in, Miranda whipped around and threw the objects at her and Katalina.

Mythri was pissed now and tried to throw up a field. It sputtered and didn't form. "Shit, not now!" She tried again, forming the sphere around her just as the pencils were mere meters away from her face. The pencils bounced off, clattering to the ground below her. Mythri clenched a fist as she held it up, holding the field, less the girl get more ideas about throwing things at her.

Once she felt it was safe, she pushed her field away before storming over to Miranda. "Are you out of your fucking mind? I could have gotten seriously hurt and you did hurt her! Is this how training is going to be here?" she asked Xavier that last bit. The very fact the man allowed this to happen already spoke volumes to Mythri.
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