Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A large Crowd of reporters stood at the entrance to UA awaiting the new students that were to enter its doors. As they waited they readied their cameras, recorders, and microphones while also conversing with one another on the number of students this year would see since Quirks were becoming scarce. However, what the group of reporters didn’t realize: the time that was leaked was a decoy so the new arrivals weren’t bombarded by the media like years before. Instead, while the media waited. The new arrivals had already entered the academy and were awaiting their teachers in their designated classrooms.

One such classroom was 3-B which had Kowa Mizuki, Makoto Shimizu, Seth Rush, Isana Mishima, and a small hand full of other students. The classroom looked to be large enough to house at least 200 students, but at that moment it wasn’t even filled to half capacity. Their teacher, the pro hero Tremor was an elderly man in his mid-sixties who wore a button-down plaid shirt that was tucked into his tan khaki pants. Both his hands rested on his cane as he surveyed the class. He let out a sigh as he saw the number of students in 3-B before he began.

“Before I begin, I’d like to address the elephant in the room: as you all might have noticed. This classroom is very scarce with students. That is because of the recent development with Quirks and how few people are being born with them. Where those with Quirks where the norm now we are the minority. However, UA feels that we can still teach those few with Quirks how to be pro heroes. So with that said,” Tremor said before he continued, “I will be one of your teachers. While many know me as Tremor, you all can simply call me Arthur. With that out of the way, I’d like to explain a few things before I introduce you to your other teachers.”

Arthur stopped for a second to see if there were any questions thus far. When there wasn’t he continued, “As you got your acceptance letter, you were also asked to bring any belongings you wish to have with you. This is because several years ago we had an incident were UA felt the students were not safe off campus grounds. So they built the dormitory several feet away from the school to keep the students safe. UA decided to use these dorms from then on. This is where your belongings are at this moment. As for the dorms: each dorm is like a 1 bedroom apartment. Within the dorm building there is a common area should you all wish to get to gather.” Arthur stopped again to see if there were any questions. When there still wasn’t, he then continued once more.

“Now, let me introduce you to your teachers for 3-B,” Arthur said as he motioned towards the door.

“It’s about damn time, “a man said as he walked through the thresh hold and into the classroom. He looked like he was in his mid-thirties. He stood around six foot two with short brown hair. He wore a simple gray button down shirt that was unbuttoned to show off the plain white shirt underneath, His jeans were ripped at the knees and his black work boots seemed to have metal on the bottom of them as they clanged with every step. He stood in front of the class and introduced himself, “Names Zack Rogers.”

“And,” Arthur said a little annoyed. Zack sighed before he continued.

“And my pro-hero name is Metal Work,” Zack added before he looked at Arthur and asked, “are we done? I had to pause my game to be here."

“It will still be there when you get back,” another voice said as a second man walked into the classroom. He was a little bit older than Zack and wore a black work suit with a blood red tie. He walked with a cane but seemed he didn’t need it and only used it for show. He stood next to Zack and bowed to the class as he introduced himself, “Drake Sydell. Pro-hero name is the Illusionist.” He stood back up and looked towards the entrance of the class, but no one walked in. Arthur cleared his throat loudly as to try and indicate whoever was outside to walk in. when nothing happened, Arthur sighed in frustration.

“Chad!” Arthur yelled.

“Wait what?” a voice said from outside the room before the voice began to say, “Sorry, sorry.” A much younger man walked into the room that looked to be in his mid-twenties. He had on a brown jacket with a purple shirt underneath. His brown pants seemed to be scuffed up like he had just crawled through the dirt. He rubbed the back of his shaved head and apologized, “Sorry about that wasn’t paying any attention. Names Chad Cross. Pro-hero name Deleter.

“Maybe if you slept, you’d be on point,” a female voice chastised. She was a weird looking woman with Pink hair and Pink Lipstick. She had on a white dress, white slipper looking shoes, and a massive snake tattoo that went from her right ankle up her dress, through her cleavage, and ended at her left wrist with the snake mouth opening up like it was going to devour her hand. She turned her attention to the students and said, “Momo Yamato, but most people call me by my hero name: Viper.”

"We've been over this Viper, I have insomnia, so it's hard for me to sleep," Chad Argued. Arthur cleared his throat again to take control of the situation.

“These will be your teachers this year, as for the dorms I mentioned earlier. I’ll let Chad explain what will happen since he’ll be the dorms R.A.,” Arthur said.

“Yes, well,” Chad began as though he had been put on the spot. He cleared his throat and began, “Due to an incident were a student slept-walked and used his Quirk to almost destroying the dorms. I’ve been assigned to watch over the dorms. My Quirk is called Room. I create a dome where everyone who is inside said dome. Become Quirkless. One of our support teachers has isolated my Quirk and set up a device that acts like my own Quirk. So if you try to use your Quirk in the dorms, don’t freak out when it doesn’t work.”

“And with that, I’d like to move the class outside for a bit,” Arthur said before the teachers led the students outside the school and onto the track field that was between the school and the dorms. Arthur turned to the students and smiled before he tapped his cane on the ground. The earth under their feet shook before hands made of rock, dirt, and clay exploded out the ground behind the teachers. Standing behind the teachers were earth soldier looking like suits of armor made of the earth.

“We’d like to see your Quirks in action. So these will be your test dummies. All you’ll need to do is show us your Quirk and after that, we'll place you into groups,” Arthur stated.

“I’m sure Arthur faltered on this, but to ensure our students are safe. We’ve decided to place you in teams during your stay at UA,” Viper interrupted.

“Good catch, I forgot about that,” Arthur praised before he continued, “now, first up is.” Arthur said as he scanned his attendance list and added, “Makoto Shimizu. Show us what you’ve got.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Compulsive86
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Compulsive86 The obsessive

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Makoto had been fixing his uniform’s tie when the teacher entered the room, instantly straightening his posture as the older stood in the center of the room. Was that really Tremor!? How amazing! To think that such an exceptional hero would be willing to teach Makoto and his peers, how few there were, made the blonde flood with excitement and pride; and as more and more teachers flooded in the teen could not help but wiggle in his seat with excitement. Was he really worthy of all of this?

They were gifting him with so much: a place to learn, a home where is quirk couldn’t hurt or be abused, and community where he could create friends and be with people like him. Makoto was already eager to prove himself worthy or all that he was being given.

Making sure to be the person leading the group of students, the teen stayed close to Arthur. Almost running into the old man when he stopped in the middle of the field. Realizing that he was probably too close to the teacher Makoto quickly went back to the small group, hoping his little blunder didn’t get noticed.

When the teacher asked to see his quirk however, Makoto became less excited and more concerned. His quirk wasn’t exactly something you could use to fight with unless he...Makoto scrunched his face in displeasure, however before anyone could notice such a ghastly face the teen quickly turned it into a bright smile. “Of course Arthur-san! With pleasure!” He sauntered towards his target, but instead of it being the soil soldiers, he walked towards one of the other students; back straight and appearing ready to perform in a musical rather than a fight. “However I do suggest that before i begin, that the teachers all hold their breaths; after that he sent one last reassuring smile to his target, a girl with white hair, before unleashing his quirk.

Suddenly the area was saturated in a sickly sweet scent, clogging and almost suffocating all who breathed it in. He stared at the girl for a while, still smiling as she began to fall under the control of his quirk. When she seemed ready he cut of his pheromones and began speaking once more.

“Why hello my dear,” he took her hand into his own while speaking softly, “I am in need of assistance, would you be willing to aid me in taking down those test dummies made by Arthur-san?”

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 1 day ago

Isana was growing more and more restless the longer she stayed within the classroom.

Bad enough that she's hesitant even in the thought of using her Quirk, but to go to the one place where they can teach you how to be improve it?

She gulped, feeling a droplet of sweat at the back of her neck. Her dad's been away ever since she was a little girl, ever since her Quirk first manifested, but what if he chose this day to go back home and find out that she enrolled in UA? Unconsciously, her hand went to her necklace. It was her grandparents' final gift to her before going to UA, a reminder that whatever problem or obstacle she's facing, everything will be alright in the end.

Gradually, she was surprised she wasn't that nervous anymore and can now breathe easily. With her mind focused, she can listen to her teachers more attentively as they're introducing themselves one by one. She found their unique personalities very interesting, along with their field name. They say heroes chose their names that are suitable with their Quirks. Some even chose to use the name of their Quirk.

After their introductions and details regarding the dormitory they'll be staying in, they ventured out into the field for them to have a first-hand look on their Quirks. Isana can't help but nervously look around for any signs of her Father. She knew it was ridiculous but she can't help but fear him whenever her Quirk was being involved.

The earth rumbled a bit and out emerged soldiers made entirely of stone, complete with armor. They all marveled at Arthur's Quirk, then he announced who will be the first one to present his or her Quirk. It was a boy with long-blonde hair tied in a ponytail and blue eyes. He seemed nervous at first then suddenly smiled and seemed to make his way to... her?

Isana suddenly felt self-conscious. Whatever this guy's planning, she's got a bad feeling about it. He ordered the teachers to hold their breath for a bit and... what was that smell? She didn't notice it before but the whole area seemed to be filled with a fragrant aroma. When she looked at him again, she was surprised at how good-looking he was. How has she not noticed it before? He's so good-looking!

Little did she knew she was under the influence of his Quirk: Attraction. Isana smiled as the boy took her hand and ordered her to attack the stone soldier assigned to him. She walked towards the soldier, happily smiling as if she's in a dream-like trance. She raised her hand pointing at the soldier and-

Wait. What of her father? What if the reason why she couldn't see him was he assigned one of the teachers to spy on her? Then when she used her Quirk, he'll be-
No, that's impossible. He didn't even care for her. He did leave her alone after all, so why would he bother putting up a spy for her? All that matters now is-
But he'll be mad! She knew it. She knew enrolling into UA was a bad idea. If only she wasn't persuaded by her grandpar-
They were only looking out for her! It was her mom's last gift for her before she die-

Her smile faltered, heart raced, breath quicken, as these thoughts completely filled her head. Everything was going dark even if it was daylight. Her chest was tightening, she couldn't breath. Her legs were weaken as if she can't stand anymore, yet her arm was still stretched out, a violet sphere of force-field around her hand. Her mind was telling her to stop it yet her heart told her to go all out, causing her extreme confusion as her thoughts were clouded in doubts and fear.

The violet sphere blinked, disappearing and reappearing as Isana doesn't know herself of what to do. She eventually put her hands on her head as groaned, unconsciously surrounding herself in a force-field dome. Like the sphere, the dome blinked, unsteadily growing and shrinking in size.

Her head hurt, she just wanted it to end. She didn't know what to do. Her Quirk became more and more unstable, now spinning rapidly and destroying the earth around her. Finally, she snapped. Isana let out a scream and forcefully waved her hands downwards in front of her, releasing a violet wave as it rapidly approached the earth soldier and disintegrated it into pieces, so powerful that the shrapnel to flew out and damaged the other soldiers.

Isana collapsed on all fours, head facing the earth as she tried to catch her breath. She looked up at the place where the soldier once was, then at her teachers, her classmates, then finally at the boy. Tears started to form on her eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry" She weakly said as she stumbled to stand and ran back to the building where they came from.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Zack whistled as he saw the Rock Soldier be destroyed before he said, “Hot Damn, now that’s something else.” While Zack marveled at how Makoto used Iasana to destroy the Dummies. Arthur was more concerned with his students than anything else.

Arthur placed a comforting hand on Iasana stopping her from running and said, “It’s all right. Don’t worry. You did great.” Arthur understood her fears and added, “We all started out like you: scared of our Quirks and not knowing how to control it. Hell, my first time I caused a 6.2 Magnitude earthquake. It will be all right Ms. Mishima. We’re all here to help you.” After reassuring her Arthur turned to Makoto and said, “That’s a very interesting Quirk you have there, but if I may ask: please ask for permission before you want to use it on your classmates.”

“Why?” Zack asked before he added, “He creates some type of aroma to control people. I highly doubt he should walk up to a villain and ask for permission.” Viper let out a sigh as he walked up behind Zack and smacked him on the back of the head.

“That’s not the point,” she lectured.

“Indeed, now that both Makoto and Iasana have shown us their Quirks. How about we try another pair,” Arthur said before he went down his list and said, “Seth Rush and Kowa Mizuki, show us your Quirks”

“Um? We really didn’t intend on this being a pair showing Arthur. Are you sure?” Chad questioned.

“Stop your worrying, it will be fine,” Arthur said before he tapped his cane and more Rock Knights grew out of the ground.

Seth had been silent throughout the whole introduction of his teachers and the incident with Iasana. He had had his head down and was looking at a trail of ants heading back to their hill. When his name was called he jumped and stuttered, “O-oh. Is it my turn?” he started rubbing his right arm nervously before he added, “Why not let Kowa go first. I’ll go after. If that’s ok?”

“Don’t be shy, we won’t judge you,” Viper said smiling.

“I’ll be judging you,” Zack said to which Viper shot him a glare. Zack put his hands up in surrender and added, “Kidding, I was just Kidding.”

“How about this: I’ll go next so you all don’t feel so scared,” Viper said before she looked over at Arthur and asked, “Is that ok?”

“I think that’s a wonderful idea, but don’t show off,” Arthur joked.

“Little old me? Show off? Never,” Viper retorted before she walked towards the Rock Knights. While she did so, white fog began to slowly seep from her body. The fog swirled around her right arm as she brought it up to her face and said, “Go on little one and show mama what you got.” She kissed the fog before it suddenly shot towards the Rock Knights. It began to take shape and soon it resembled a large 12-foot boa constrictor. The boa slithered around one of the Rock Knights and began to constrict. Even though the snake was made of fog, The Rock Knight started to crack and crumble like its fog body had actual mass. As it continued to constrict, its white fog body changed to a ruby red color.
Viper lifted her hand up and smiled as she snapped her fingers. The boa suddenly exploded in a dome of bright red flames as Vipers silhouette stood there watching. As the bright light faded she turned to the rest of the class and asked, “Next? As her forked tongue flickered from her mouth.

"you were supposed to keep them from feeling scared, not show how inferior they are to you," Zack said

"What did you say," Viper said as she stormed towards him.

"Ok, ok. calm down," Arthur said before he tapped his cane and more Rock Knights rose up from the ground. Arthur then said, "all right MR. Rush, Ms. Mizuki. your turn.

"Um...o-ok," Seth Stuttered as he slowly moved towards the Rock Knights. he was still rubbing his right nervously before he asked Kowa, "do you want to go first?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

.wrong button
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Compulsive86
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Compulsive86 The obsessive

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Makoto could only watch in horror as his quirk faltered due to unknown emotions inside the girl. This, his quirk wasn’t supposed to hurt people! It was meant to make people feel good; have them forget all the bad things in the world and only focus on one thing, if only for a short time, it was supposed to let Makoto make people happy.

The teen desperately wanted to go towards the fallen girl but could only bite his tongue as Arthur-san got to her first. Makoto could only stand with his hands clenched behind his back as he watched mournfully from his spot a few feet away. Would the teachers be proud of him at the very least?

When Arthur-san turned to face him again Makoto could only nod solemnly at the others words. “Of course Arthur-san, I wouldn’t dream of defiling any of my peers privacy like that again. It was only for demonstrative purposes.” He didn’t make eye contact with anyone as he spoke, looking squarely at the ground instead of at the rest of the group.

However when he heard such an anxious voice come out of the other boy, Makoto couldn’t help but look up. Putting aside his own guilt for a time, he would deal with it later, Makoto couldn’t help but want to give the other boy a great big hug. It wasn’t fair for him to be so nervous, this was supposed to be a great day for all!

Not even Viper-san’s spectacular show of power could take his thoughts away from his two upset classmates. He watched nervously as the other walked up to the stone soldiers.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

When Mizuki arrived at the campus it was with both her moms and the help of sister Shuffle (Tang Mei) the sisterhood’s transporter. They had at least chosen a secluded place that was secluded and therefore unlikely to embarrass her before her new peers; on the school’s rooftop.

Okaa Ani kissed her cheek and hugged her for so long that okaa Miyuki had to pry her away making her pout as she was forced to release their daughter so she could grab a quick kiss from the other and then run to the stairs before she was once more captured.

Mizuki flew down the flight of stairs utilizing her parkor training her auntie Gladiatrix had given her knowing her quirk needed physical conditioning to back it up. She was by no means as good at it as her mom’s or aunties but she wasn’t as serious about it considering it more a fun sport than a combat art so when she finally landed on the ground floor she was slightly winded but giggling.

She was so happy to be at the Academy because it was the last stage of her training before she would be allowed to petition the Sisterhood of Steel which unlike her appointment to the school was still an uncertainty; the sisters were hard on their applicants. She was soon sitting in 3-B among a few other students listening to Tremor an Earth elementalist type who was to be her homeroom teacher.

The elder hero told the class the cause of the small size of the class telling them his handle and giving them permission to call him Arthur- sensi which sent a thrill through her body as she had never been granted such permission in her other schools.

The Arthur-sensi introduced Metal Works who it seemed was more interested in whatever game he had been playing than the introductions to the class making Mizuki wonder if it were a bishojo type. Then came someone who was a surprise to her and one of her few male role models, Illusionist (Drake Sydell). Following him was the quirk thief Deleter another male Pro she admired for his work in bringing quirk battles to an end with an exercise of his hated quirk; few Villians and Heros liked being reduced to a baseline.

Quirk Demonstration

A pale haired boy named Makoto was first to demonstrate his Quirk and he began warning the sensi to hold their breaths which was an clue that his quirk was airborne so she took the advice and held her breath as well. His quirk was fast acting and a girl Mizuki didn’t know with platinum hair was his target and his control of her telling.

“Why hello my dear,” he said when she got close before making a request that she use her quirk to take down the stone target statues ”I am in need of assistance, would you be willing to aid me in taking down those test dummies made by Arthur-san?”

Her Quirk was impressive but it’s side effect on her body a demonstration she needed more conditioning.

Another girl who had of all things a snake tattoo whose quirk was to say the least impressive as the snake tattoo revealed it’s connection to her quirk; then suddenly she found herself the center of attention.

I don’t mind going first but please keep an eye on me Deleter-sensi in case I lose control she said looking at Chad but her true focus was on Arthur as she set the mood.

Her horns began to glow as well as her eyes hopefully focusing attention on her as her Quirk expanded to cover an area the size of a football pitch with she in the center circle and standing on the center point. Once it had reached its limits she threw her head back and screamed as if in pain as huge gouts of flame erupted from her eyes like twin fountains magma ejected from a volcano.

Next came the transformation of her body as she seemed to melt and grow taller her body becoming more like a voluptuous
Demoness her horns growing into into large obsidian weapons as flames formed a reaper’s scythe.

She began laughing maniacally her voice no longer her own the tone chilling and mingled with what sounded like the screams of the damned.

With a flash of energy a wave of flame which felt like the open door of a blast furnace to the observers and transforming the area around her into a Hellscape as she pointed her scythe at the targets and they began to glow then melt.

She laughed as her ersatz foes became puddles of glowing silica turning the weapon on her classmates threatening to make them her next targets.

Then as a final show of power a circle of flame opened under her feet and a clawed hand reached up and grabbed her dragging her down into the primal abyss as all the effects of her quirk vanished as if flowing into the hole as she erased her image from her teachers and classmates disappearing.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Arthur and the other teachers watched in awe as Kowa demonstrated her Quirk. None of them spoke after she finished. They all stood there for several seconds before Viper made the first move. In a flash she was in front of Kowa, then her side, then behind her, and finally back in front of her. It felt like she was examining Kowa as she did so. A smile formed on Viper’s face before she placed an arm around Kowa and said, “I like her. Can I keep her?” Chad and Arthur both sighed simultaneously while Zack rubbed his eyes.

“No Viper, you can’t. She’s not a pet,” Chad said.

“Pleeeeeeeese,” Viper wined before she continued, “I Promise to take care of her. I mean look at her. She’s the spitting image of me when I was her age.”

“Now that’s an insult if I’ve ever heard one,” Zack retorted. Viper puffed up her cheeks and glared at him before she sighed and patted Kowa on her back while saying, “Great job. You put on a wonderful show.”

“Indeed,” Drake said with a smile.

“You did wonderfully Kowa and just like the others. You’ll do great things here,” Arthur stated before he turned to Seth and said,
“Looks like you’re next.”

Seth jumped at Arthur talking to him before he nervously laughed and stalled, “Um isn’t it getting late. I’m sure you all are tired and those who have gone probably need to rest…right?” he nervously rubbed his right arm.

“It’s like 11:30…..in the morning,” Zack said a little annoyed.

“Calm down Zack, remember how you were back in the day,” viper teased.

“Please don’t remind me,” Zack said with a sigh. Seth saw that no amount of stalling would stop them. He took a long breath in before slowly releasing it and walked towards were the Rock knight were.

“Here goes nothing,” Seth said to himself before he lifted his right arm up as black ooze started to seep from his skin. It bubbled and churned as it began to coat his whole arm. Suddenly it hardened into a gauntlet with ruby red claws at the tips of the fingers. He took another long breath in before he charged at the Rock Knights. He swung at the closest one and his claws carved long, deep fissures into the Knight's body. He was only going to attack one and then stop, but something told him to attack another one. He hesitated, but soon charged at another rock Knight. This time he pierced the claws into its chest before quickly ripping them out. This is…kind of fun. Seth thought before he charged at another Rock Knight. A playful smile started to form on his face but soon turned to a crooked smile as he licked his lips.

He lunged for a third Rock knight. the two tumbled on the ground before Seth was able to get on top of it and started pounding his fist into the Rock Knights helm. However, as the helm crumbled he continued to pound into the ground as though he was trying to break the ground underneath. His Crooked smile had changed to a sadistic one as he continued to pound the helm into dust. Where is it? Where is it? Seth thought as he screamed into his mind, where’s the blood! He lifted his arm back ready to strike again when he stopped. His demeanor turned from crazed to fear as the gauntlet liquefied and the black ooze quickly seeped back into his skin. He stared at the Rock Knights crumbled helm and began to hyperventilate as he realized what he had done. He quickly crawled away from the Rock Knight like it was a dead body, all the while visions of his Grandfather losing control flashed in his eyes.

“Wow, someone needs some anger management,” Zack joked, resulting in Viper slapping the back of his head.

“Can you be any more of a jerk?” Viper Scolded.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Compulsive86
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Compulsive86 The obsessive

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Makoto could only stare in awe at the girl, Mizuki-san, obvious power. Such a display of physical power and illusion work was simply stunning to see. Makoto could not help but clap for Mizuki-san as she finished her display. A small golf clap along with a bright smile. “Oh how marvelous!” The teen hoped that she could hear him over the teachers praise.

Mizuki-san, Makoto thought, would make a great partner in heroing. There combined powers could easily subdue most targets. However, her chaotic nature while in such a demonic state could prove problematic to the strategies Makoto had been constructing as he watched the performance; not to mention the savage nature of her form startled him in a way he did not want to admit. But they were here to learn weren’t they? So perhaps her illusions could be tamed in a way that would be less frightening to him and more productive when paired with his quirk. But of course, before he could even attempt to ask for a team up, he would need to befriend her first. A solid friendship would not only make their team up stronger but friendship was always the main goal when in school!

However just because he was impressed by Mizuki-san didn’t mean Makoto wasn’t any less concerned for the boy taking center stage. Why was he so afraid of using his quirk? For the blonde, he had always been wary of his powers due to his lack of control, why would this boy this boy be afraid though? Did he experience a similar lack of control. He found out soon enough.

Makoto gasped out loud at the pure violence displayed by the once timid boy. He shielded his face as quickly as he could; turning away from the chaotic scene before him as debris hit him. He only looked back when he could no longer hear the destruction but rather the hyperventilating sounds of the boy.

Without thinking much besides the thoughts of, panic attack, protect, and fix racing through Makoto’s mind he sprinted to the others side. “Oh my goodness! Are you ok? Is there something I could do to help?”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Vega
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Vega A Wolf

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shin trailed behind his classmates as the group entered the main UA building. His movements were sluggish, as he was unused to being awake at such an early hour. In an attempt to make his parents more comfortable and reduce the amount of time he was around them, he had adopted a nocturnal routine suiting his quirk’s namesake. He had developed a severe distaste for sunlight as a result, so he kept his head lowered and his back hunched as he walked, blood red eyes staring blankly at the ground, pale face hidden behind the hood of his oversized black sweatshirt. He had his hands in his sweatshirt pockets and black headphones over his ears, rock music blasting through his skull from the phone held loosely in his right hand. He kept the headphones on until they reached the classroom, pulling them off and putting them around his neck as he took a seat. He paused his music before laying his head sideways on the desk and closing his eyes.

Even though it looked like he was sleeping, he was listening closely to what the pro-heroes were saying. When the mini-lecture was over and it was time for them to show off their powers, he let out a soft groan at the thought of having to get up again. Nevertheless, he stood up and stretched his arms above his head, the sleeves of his sweatshirt so long that his hands remained covered. He adjusted the straps of the small black backpack resting on his shoulders before following his peers to the training ground, once again bringing up the rear of the group. He winced at the bright sunlight that stabbed through his eyes once they were back outside, quickly ducking his head and focusing on his black combat boots, his black skinny jeans tucked neatly into them.

Shin’s expression remained impassive as he watched his classmates demonstrate their abilities, his eyes oddly lifeless. He stood completely still in his hunched position while Makoto and Inasa showed off their quirks, but began moving once it was Viper’s turn. He slipped his backpack off of his shoulders and allowed it to drop onto the ground with a soft thump. He crouched next to it and pulled the zipper on the front pocket, which had been modified to function as a cooler. He pulled out a medical blood bag and a juice box straw, then closed the pocket and stood, shrugging his backpack back onto his shoulders. He stabbed the top of the blood bag with the juice box straw and began drinking from it as he watched Mizuki take her turn. He was almost finished with his drink when Seth was up, and it was while watching Seth that a spark of interest lit up his eyes.

He fights like me, he thought as he sucked the last of the blood from the blood bag, licking his lips once he was finished. Shin also suffered from a monstrous alter ego that sometimes took control, and music was his coping mechanism. He loved singing, and was very good at it, but couldn’t play the electric guitar like he wanted to because of his claws. He had tried cutting them before, but they grew back almost instantly. He ended up painting them black after that, deciding that if he was stuck with them he might as well make them look nice. It had taken a lot of nail polish.

It’s my turn next, I should get ready. Shin took off his backpack and dropped it on the ground next to him, then placed his phone and headphones on top of it. He pulled down his hood and shook out his straight, jet black hair, which was wild and messy, the bangs falling into his eyes and the side strands covering part of his ears so that the pointed tips just barely peeked through. He pushed up his sleeves to his elbows and flexed his hands, the black nail polish on his claws glinting in the sunlight. He worked his jaw a bit as well, running his tongue over his sharp fangs. He usually fought just using his claws, but sometimes a well-placed bite was necessary, especially if he was running low on blood. I wonder if drinking blood from your enemies is allowed when you’re a pro-hero, he thought as he stood with his hands in his sweatshirt pockets, waiting for the signal to begin his demonstration. It’s probably fine as long as I don’t kill them.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“I’m…..I’m fine,” Seth told Makoto before he got up and walked back towards the group, head down trying to make little eye contact with anyone. He went back to rubbing his arm and soon started nervously scratching at the scared skin on his arm from when he scratched too hard a few times in the past.

“See what you did Zack,” Viper scolded.

“How is it my fault?” Zack asked. Arthur said nothing as he tapped his cane on the ground and more Rock Knights rose up from the ground.

“I think we should just move on to our final student,” Arthur said before he turned to Shin and added, “All right Shin, let’s see your Quirk in action.”

“Yeah, and don’t worry what Zack says. He’s just jelly about how awesome your Quirks are,” Viper cheered. Zack just rolled his eyes and paid no attention to her. Seth just slowly walked towards the back of the group and waited for the next student to go. He just wanted to find a hole to crawl into and hide.

"Indeed, however," Arthur said before he turned to Viper and said, "do you mind telling me where the actual Viper is?" Viper cocked her head to the side in confusion at his question.

"I was wondering when you'd address the issue Arthur," Drake said with a small laugh. Drake had been simply watching the students quietly show off their Quirks while assessing their strengths and weaknesses.

"I had figured I'd amuse him for a while, but now as the day goes on. I've decided to stop the game," Arthur said.

Viper cocked her head to the other side in confusion before she looked up in the air to think. She then giggled, "Viper asked me to take her place so she could sleep in."

"Slacker," Zack said.

"Wait...what's going on?" chad asked. He was unsure of what was even happening. He looked from Arthur to Zack to Drake, and finally Viper.

"Well, if you're going to be here. you might as well show the students your true self," Arthur said a little annoyed.

"Oh, but I like this form," Viper wined.

"Now Luke!" Arthur ordered. Viper puffed up her cheeks before she exploded into a cloud of white smoke.

"Happy now?" a voice asked. when the smoke cleared, Viper was gone and in her place was a young boy no older than 13. He wore a colorful t-shirt with a Grinning cat that was dancing on its own severed head, jean shorts that had the same grinning cat stitched into its fabric at different intervals, and brown sandals

"Really Luke?" Chad said now understanding what happened. he sighed and introduced the class to their new arrival, "This is Luke Lookingglass. His hero name is Cheshire Cat."

"Yep, yep, yep!" Luke said rapidly before he smacked Chad in the leg and added, "and my Quirk is this!" Luke exploded into a cloud of white smoke and when it faded. A second Chad stood net to the original. Then, the second Chad exploded into another cloud of white smoke before Luke once again stood in front of the class.

"His Quirk is called Copy Cat. He can look like anyone he touches and even use their Quirk," Zack said as he sighed again before he asked, "Do you want me to wake up Viper?" Arthur simply nodded and Zack walked off to retrieve her.

"Are you sure it's a good Idea to send him to wake her up," Chad asked.

"It will be fine," Arthur said before he turned towards Shin and said, "sorry for the delay. Please proceed."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Vega
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Vega A Wolf

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shin had been fiddling with his earrings while waiting for the go-ahead to demonstrate his quirk’s abilities. He had a black circular stud in each earlobe, and three black rings running up the sides of both ears. He had a bad habit of tugging on them when he was bored, but the pain was grounding to him, so he continued to do it even when told to stop.

“All right Shin, let’s see your Quirk in action.” Shin looked over at Arthur and nodded, but was interrupted by Viper, who turned out to be a young boy named Luke. The vampire watched the interactions with a blank expression, patiently waiting for them to finish so that he could begin.

"Sorry for the delay. Please proceed." Shin turned his gaze to the Rock Knights. His red eyes flashed, and he suddenly vanished, a harsh wind left in his wake. He reappeared next to one of the Rock Knights and slashed at it, his claws slicing through the stone like a knife through butter. He was not actually teleporting, but rather moving so quickly that it was impossible for normal eyes to track his movements. After cutting down the first Rock Knight he spun around to face the second, curling his right hand into a fist and punching a hole straight through the rock. The skin on his knuckles ripped open, blood trickling down his hand, but he paid it no mind. Instead he moved on to the next Rock Knight, jumping abnormally high into the air and aiming a kick at its head, knocking the body part clear off its shoulders and landing in a crouched defensive position when he came down. It was clear that he had been practicing his fighting skills even before coming to UA.

The vampire took out the rest of the Rock Knights in a similar fashion, though he decided to show off when it came to the last one. He leapt at the final Rock Knight, tackling it to the ground, and dug his fangs into its neck, ripping out its earthy flesh so hard that the head crumbled. If it had been a human, they would have died from blood loss almost instantly, as he had aimed straight for the jugular.

Shin stood up and spit the dirt from his mouth before licking the blood from his knuckles, the injury knitting itself shut as he did so. Despite having bitten into solid rock, his fangs were undamaged, glinting slightly in the bright sunlight as he licked his hand clean. He said nothing as he returned to his backpack, his expression impassive once again. He hadn’t noticed it, but while fighting the Rock Knights, his blood red eyes had been shining with excitement, and a gleefully cruel smirk had twisted his lips. It was an alarming display of ferocity, but Shin had no experience controlling the animal within him, the creature that takes over when he uses his quirk. He would need careful guidance in order to keep from accidentally hurting someone.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Compulsive86
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Compulsive86 The obsessive

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Makoto followed the other as he made his way back to the group, not all convinced by the others assurances. He stood by the other, bordering on uncomfortably close to keep a better eye on Rush-san. His eyes narrowing slightly when he saw the dark haired teen begin to subconsciously self-harm. Without thinking much about it Makoto’s hand shot out and caught the culprit; forcing Rush-sans hand to the teen’s side. He kept his eyes trained in front of him as he did this, not wanting to see any form of negative reaction his intervening could cause. He sent side glances from time to time though, making sure that the other didn’t start up again.

At this point, while the last student walked up to the statues, Makoto was on high alert. At this point half of the students had had meltdowns of some degree while showing off their quirks, one of them Makoto mostly blamed himself for. Makoto nurturing instincts were already in high gear; no one else will feel upset for the rest of the day, for the rest of the school year if Makoto had anything to say about it. It just wasn’t in his nature to let these kinds of things go lying down.

He kept his face light though, laughing at his teacher Luke-san’s deception, what an interesting quirk! It certainly seemed to fit the young boy, though Makoto did wonder what the real Viper-san was like as the Zach-san went off to wake her. He kept his eye on the last student at all times though, still smiling softly but at this point prepared to set off pheromones if needed to calm everyone down.

Luckily though, Akamine-san seemed emotionally stable enough to perform the task given; lashing out in a violent but still controlled manner against the statues that was somewhat mesmerizing to watch, if not a bit unnerving. The way the others emotions went from impassivity to blood lust back to impassivity made Makoto’s stomach go for a loop. He still managed to clap though, as Akamine-san made his way back to the back of the pack.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mizuki was a bit surprised by Viper’s reaction and when later she proved to be a he she was mildly annoyed that she hadn’t noticed his quirk in action and the revelation that he could copy her quirk made her even more wary of him. She couldn’t allow such things and as a result she made up her mind to randomly cast an alternate self while obscuring her own presence sure that the copycat quirk couldn’t copy the quirk of an illusion which was less intensive energywize than her attack phase.

”Speculation is the anchor of action” she hears in her memory of her training by the “Sisterhood of Steel” so she stops speculating and decides to try phase imaging later when in the company of the odd boy.

She doesn't stop listening or observing what goes on around her collecting as much data as she can on the others who she knows she will eventually be forced to compete directly against. She doesn't have anything against any of her school mates but in competition she knows she must be ruthless and efficient if she is to rise to the top. Also every word and reaction of the others she knows will give her hints of their fears and dreams and as an illusionist the best paths to take to gain the desired reaction.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Drake observed Shin silently as he did with the rest of the students. Once shin was done, a smile formed on Drake’s face as he looked towards Arthur who nodded and ushered Shin over towards the rest of the group before he began, “I believe that is it for the Quirk trial.”

“Indeed,” a second Arthur said as he stroked his chin. The original Arthur sighed as the second Arthur laughed and changed back to Luke before adding, “Ah, come on old man. Have a little fun.”

“Anyway,” Arthur sighed before he would address the class once again, “you all might be wondering what’s next for today. Well, for that I’d like to have Drake explain the rest of today’s activities.” Arthur motioned for Drake who nodded and took his spot in front of the class.

“So for the rest of the day, Arthur and the rest of us have agreed,” Drake said before he added, “that you are to head to the dorms, unpack your belongings, and have the rest of the day to yourselves.” Drake paused to let his words sink in before he continued, “Please understand that this doesn’t mean you’ll be getting out early every day from classes. Today is an exception because of two reasons: one because this is your first day here and we wish to not overwork you and two, because of what we have in store for you tomorrow.”

“Yes,” Arthur spoke up before he added, “We won’t be telling you what tomorrow has in store, but I will give you a hint,” Arthur said before he continued, “While you have today off. You might want to get to know your classmates. Know their personalities and their Quirks. You might need that knowledge tomorrow.”

“So with that,” Drake said before he motioned towards the dorms, “Chad will show you your dormitory.”

Chad jumped at the mention of his name before he composed himself and cleared his throat, “yes…well,” chad stammered before he added, “Please follow me towards the dorms and I’ll explain the living situations.”

Chad would lead the students towards the massive building behind the school and lead them into a dorm that was dubbed UA dorm 3. As the students walked through the threshold and into the dorm the device that rendered their Quirks helpless turned on.

Seth felt a chill go down his spine as he hugged himself. He felt, empty inside as he walked into the dorm. His anxiety seemed to grow even when his Quirk was gone. Something inside of him was pulling him back outside. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly to try to calm his nerves.

“This is your class’s dormitory,” chad said as he motioned towards the common area. It was large enough to hold three hundred students with a massive TV that took up one of the walls with a horseshoe-shaped couch sitting in front of it. On the other side of the room was a massive kitchen with a large industrial stove and refrigerator. Chad walked over to the fridge and tapped the small tablet molded into the fridge. It came to life as Chad explained, “This tablet is to help the school know what you’d like stocked inside the fridge. Just place what you want on the tablet and the next day the fridge will be stocked. Mind you, there are limitations to what you order.”

Chad then walked towards the back of the room where two sets of stairs ascended to the next floors with an elevator between them. Chad then began to explain, “These stairs and elevator lead up to your own dorms. The second floor is the girl’s dorm and the third is the boy's while the other four floors are reserved for other activities.” He motioned to follow and as the students piled into the large elevator. Chad pressed the button for the fourth floor. As it ascended Chad hummed to the elevator music.

When the doors opened, they revealed a large rec room filled with pool tables, arcade cabinets, and other games the students could play. Chad walked out of the elevator and motioned around the room as he said, “This is the Rec Room. Here when you have time off you can enjoy some games and generally hang out.” he pointed towards the back where another large TV took up the wall and added, “Back there the TV has all manner of video games you could think of. I’m surprised at how many systems you kids have nowadays. Back in the day I only had three systems.” Chad then realized what he said and coughed.

“Let’s move on,” Chad said as he took the students to the next floor which was a large gym. He then took the students back down to the first floor and walked towards the entrance. He stopped and turned to the students before saying, “Your stuff is in each of your rooms which are labeled for you.” Chad was about the leave before he remembered something turned back to the students and added, “almost forgot.”

He handed each student a silver card the size of a playing card. As soon as the card touched the student's hand. It melted and sunk into their skin. As soon as the card melted into his hand Seth began shaking his hand trying to get the card out while yelling, “It went into my skin!”

“Well yes, these are the key cards for the dorm and your rooms. Each room will be homed into your own unique DNA. Makes it easier than actual keys that can be lost….a lot,” Chad said before he took a deep breath and added, “Now I’ll leave you to unpack, but please remember Arthur’s and Drake’s words. You are going to need to know one another for tomorrow.” With that Chad left the dorm.

Seth watched him leave and began to nervously rub his right arm again wondering what he should do. His stuff was in his room and unpacking wouldn’t be a problem. It was interacting with the others that worried him after his little outburst during his Quirk Trial.

“I guess, we should unpack before meeting back here,” Seth said nervously.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Vega
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Vega A Wolf

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shin picked up his phone and slid it into his sweatshirt pocket before grabbing his headphones with his left hand and using his right hand to sling his backpack over his shoulder. He put his headphones back on and plugged them into his phone, picking a random song to listen to and flipping his hood back up as he followed Chad and the rest of his classmates to the dorms. He kept his head lowered and his hands shoved inside his front pockets as he walked, only just barely able to hear what Chad was saying through the music blaring in his ears. His ruby red eyes were alert as he took in his new surroundings, his body visibly relaxing once they were inside and away from the harsh rays of the sun. He pulled down his hood and shook out his messy black hair, but did not lift his head. He did, however, pause for a moment when his Quirk was deactivated.

Shin's Quirk was different from most other Quirks in that it affected his body even when it was not active. Because of this, even as his enhanced senses and physical abilities were stripped away, his pointed ears, fangs, and claws remained. So too did his need for blood. It was his almost constant need for blood that had him particularly interested in the refrigerator. He paused by the refrigerator, waiting until the rest of the group was a few feet ahead, before quickly typing a request into the tablet: Blood bags; O type and A type taste best.

He gradually caught up to the rest of the group, and only tilted his head slightly at the sight of the silver card melting into his skin, his expression remaining blank. Interesting. Shin only looked up from his hand when Seth spoke.

“I guess we should unpack before meeting back here.”

Shin shrugged noncommittally before making his way towards the stairs, intent on going up into his room and unpacking. He hadn't brought much, only clothes and shoes, school supplies, bed covers, and toiletries. It would only take him a half an hour at most to unpack, and although he wanted to hang out in his room with the lights off and listen to music when he was done, he knew that spending time with his classmates was important for whatever was happening tomorrow. I guess I'll meet them there when I'm done.
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