Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As Battoru announced their intentions to the rest of their team, Red Wire rolled her eyes. By now she was balancing on whatever was left of the scorched tree she stood upon with arms crossed. If she was concerned about Ami's flames catching onto her scarves, she didn't seem to show it. "I get the feeling I messed up the teams," she muttered, eyeing Maiko dropping orders without the loudmouthed bravado displayed by Ami and Alannah. That said, she turned in the direction of Kanbaru's mighty glacier as the question was given. Gradually, Wire's scowl and disdainful expression turned into a slow sort of smirk. "Well, why not. It's not like we can just let them walk away without a black eye or two...."

Assuming the other dark girl would find her own path to the battle, Wire disappeared in a flash of speed to quickly set upon the hunting grounds. Unbeknownst to anyone except maybe Scatha, there were a multitude of wires strung up all over the park. Assuming their Magical Girl counterparts could conceal their presence, they had acted as backup for any disturbances. Now they served as focal points for her to locate, swiftly finding where the action was all taking place.

Needless to say, Freezerburn was doing wonders for itself, having pinned down three Magical Girls all by themselves. And soon there would be reinforcements coming, Wire sneering as she felt the rest of the Detention Club zero in on Miso City Park. These good doers made it too easy to attract attention to themselves. “You hardly act the damsel in this situation,” was all Wire had to say once she zipped past Kanbaru. Faster than she could blink, the Detention Club President had one target in mind.

After all, if the snake was to be killed then one should go for the head. That was exactly the logic Wire lent herself towards, ripping through the air like a shot bullet. No other girl had as much light or seniority than Getsuga so naturally she would become her prey for this dark night. Still falling from her assault on Fortuna, she wouldn’t be prepared as Wire slammed into her from an undisclosed spot. Having spun around midair, Wire made sure to slam both her boots into Getsuga’s face with a divekick.

Adjusting her weight, she further slammed them both into the snowy park ground, using the Magical Girl’s body as a makeshift snowboard before kicking her off. Skidding along the icy, Wire coolly waited until she was at a halt before facing her opponent. “I know you. You’re that brat Black Shot was fighting the other night,” Wire said casually, crossing her arms behind her head as she approached the downed Getsuga.

“Hurts doesn’t it? Well, I’ll make sure it hurts some more. Don’t bother relying on your friends either. I made sure we’re far away from them.” As she got closer, Wire raised her lips into a bloody grin, sharp teeth glinting in the snowy moonlight. “Let’s see how long they’ll last without a leader to order them around. That’s the problem with you girls, you know.” At once Wire dashed forward, aiming another kick to Getsuga’s face. “You always follow the rules!”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by SimpleWriter
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SimpleWriter also FroggerFlower

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yui was completely out of it as she watched on Luna launching herself towards her target in a show of grace and experience. The 'show' was not to last very long, though, as in the seconds following the attack the blue haired foe managed to launch yet another attack towards Bastion as Luna seemed to have disappeared - taken away by a gust of wind. Yui's first reaction would be to cover for Bastion and try to locate Luna...

...but she wasn't allowed that. Just as she was about to look away she saw projectiles coming straight at her. With a flap of her wings she tried to move out of the way, but too late: she felt her assailant shoved her towards the ground with surprising force. As soon as Yui hit the ground, however, an impressive number of plants seemed to just push out of the ground all around her. The strands of grass grew and intertwined with each other to form a thick enough layer of protection in the form of a demi-sphere between her and the new comer.

From behind this shield she spoke "What's wrong with you! Aren't we the same?" her voice was a mixture of confusion and fear, but not without determination.

She might be caught in a net, but her magic didn't require her to be fully free. From what she saw so far, most Magical Girls were quite agile so she fully expected this shield to be but a minor obstacle. She expected the new comer to either walk around or jump across it... which is why as she commanded the greens, she also scattered around on the floor a multitude of Flower Bombs fragments that would explode in a carpet of small explosions, leaving behind melted snow and newly bloomed flowers all around. If this plan succeeded in buying her more time, she would then use the sharpened strands of grass to free herself from the net and immediately reach for the skies again.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Interactions: @Lonewolf685


Soma stood there listening to Luna planting her hands firmly and as deep as they could possibly go into her pockets beginning to lean back a little. Her magic wasn’t active it was reactive so meaning that her strategy most of the time devolved into the waiting game to get attacked then reacting to the situation as she saw fit. And in a flash Luna jumped away to engage the ‘enemy’ as it were, leaving Yui in a fairly confused state the young girl wasn’t cut out for a fight like this mainly because she felt as magical girls they shouldn’t be fighting in the first place. Sighing shaking her head, she couldn’t help but smile, Luna was an incorrigible sort the very definition of a front-line soldier, a goal in mind a nail to hammer and didn’t care why. Speaking of the why, this entire place was strange why did magical girls gather here and why were the nightmares so plentiful in Miso city more than anywhere else is there a connection for that matter where did they come from in general? The temperature suddenly dropped jerking her mind back to reality “Oh, that’s right… I’m in a fight”

Looking up Soma’s eyes tracked the whimsical fairy jump around spouting what sounded like insults, but it's not like they weren’t true, she was technically homeless and had little more than a middle school basic education in all subjects except history. The magical girl shrugged but stayed standing right where she was withdrawing her hands from her pockets and clapping them together once creating a small yet double layered shield completely around her to cover all angles. The second clap created dozens of small orbs in the sky where the icicles were falling nice and thin, so the first one would strike and pop it causing the explosion her shields were known for if they failed. The space they warmed blew up trying to refill the area the orb took up shattering several projectiles along the way starting a chain reaction that blew up one after another. By the time everything ended the only thing that landed on Soma’s primary shield was snow and small bits of hail. “And for my next trick, I’ll pretend to care”

“Tell you what I do care about though other than this fight I suppose, why are there so many of you huddled around a campfire sharing a blanket” She questioned it coming out much harsher than she had intended “You traded the chains of protecting other all over the world for however long your friends arms stretch in an attempt to hold your hands” Soma looked up at Kanbaru, she couldn’t fathom it but her thoughts went back to her previous monolog “Why do you think the Nightmares gather around here the way they do, there are more in this town alone than in entire cities”

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by I Need A Name
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I Need A Name

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Phantasmagoria would find that her partner would have left as soon as she gestured towards the park and began to speak. Sprinting forth with as much gusto as before. They were close enough though, it wouldn't take long for them to reach the park. The sounds of conflict filling Kiru's heart with excitement. … And then disappointment. She didn't see the girl she was after, and there was a huge brawl she just had to be late to the party for.

A smug looking magical girl, clapping her hands and acting too high and mighty for this fight, was instantly her number two target. "Ah, shaddit. Rather than caring about where people lay their head, and asking why; just take care of the problem yourself!" With that, Kiru went full assault on Bastion, her irritation with her evident to all. She swung her ringblade wildly; colliding with Bastion's forcefield and chaining one attack to another, endlessly grinding away in attempt to get the girl on the other side.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@I Need A Name@Noxx

"Hey now," Maiko grinned at Touka, "It's not like I can't get all hotblooded and hyper destructive myself. I just don't want to end up breaking anything that can't be fixed, you know? Like, say..."

She gestured around, at the park that was in ruins, a winter landscape forever scarred by the careless violence of girls with more power than they needed. Really, it was pretty funny, wasn't it? How did the battle maniac of the Detention Club turn out to be the one that caused the least environmental damage? Maybe those meditations she had as a child helped after all. Maybe the problem was that there wasn't ever another physical-booster magical girl that made things truly desperate? Silvered eyes flickered to the moonlight, as Red Wire claimed the swordswoman, and Maiko sighed further.

Ah well. Maybe another day.

She breathed in the snow, the flame, the ink, the green, the blood, the sap, the rage, the soul. And with a flicker like a glitchy game, the martial artist slipped past Bastion's barriers and into the space right behind the flagbearer. Now, what was it again...

Winking at Kiru-Kiru who was hacking away from the outside of the barrier, Maiko whispered, "Nothing personnel, kid," and unleashed eighteen bone-shattering strikes to Bastion's back in the breadth of a blink. It was probably just another bad matchup, really, but hey, what can you do?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 2 days ago

“There you go!” Luna was kicked off the air just as these words were about to leave her lips. She didn’t have much time to react to the sudden attack n any way other than brace herself for the impact.

When she came back to herself again, Luna was covered in dirty and feeling like she had broken something, or some things in the fall.

“Pfft!” she spit some bloodied soil before flashing a witty grin and saying, “Hitting a girl in the face is a way to start a relationship with the left foot. Don’t you think, Miss Detention Club President?”

Luna got back to her feet and wiped the dirty off her face before answering the question the other girl asked. “If that’s how you think, it just shows how far you have gone down the path of ‘Evil’. As long as we keep ‘Justice’ in our hearts, we will always find a way to persevere and overcome any obstacles,” she said, lowering her stance, before she lunged at Touka with a blindingly fast sword stab with her right hand, followed by a reverse roundhouse kick with her left leg as she adjusted her footwork for a more close and intimate fight than usual.
Meanwhile, Chie tried to reel Yui closer to herself before the other girl’s newly-formed vines snared against her nets, creating a wibbly wobbly tangly mess. “That’s the problem with you guys. You always ask the wrong questions. It’s not a matter of being equal or different,” Chie said before making a short pause.

“It’s a matter of... being hungry or not,” When her voice came back, it wasn’t from the other side of the barrier as Yui would expect, but instead from right behind her. In fact, Chie’s nets disappeared before the Yui would have a chance to cut through them, only to be replaced with Chie herself hugging her from behind.

“And you, smell like you would be a pretty nice midnight snack, Honeypot,” Chie whispered in a vicious tone, licking one Yui’s ear slowly before nibbling it.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 12 mos ago


Soma was perplexed at the situation unfolding before her now there was a second dark girl who completely missed the point of her questions. Was she really the only one who didn’t go to school because this one didn’t seem to know how to form a real structure into something half understandable, there was no problem at hand that she could see. Well, one way or another now the half-baked ring girl was slashing away at her shield doing little more than wearing herself out because it would take a great deal more physical form to break one of her shields, now that this was double layered she might as well have tried to run into it with a semi and might have gotten much better results. Nevertheless, she persisted at least she was putting in the work and trying, her and the shields were connected she could feel when things are colliding into them because of the warped space they created a few feet around themselves when born. She leaned in closer having a closer look at the strange young woman currently hacking away for all she was worth which wasn’t weighing up too much as the only things she was yielding were loud pinging sounds the usual sound of ineffectiveness.

She felt something shortly after like someone was invading the space she had set up the only time she had felt that was when she last fought Eve whose base power allowed her to manipulate space. A shiver ran up her spine as she could practically feel a set of teeth biting into her neck, hunching over instinctively she put up a third personal sized shield around herself but not before taking a punch or two. The personal shield closed so fast it snapped around her attacker’s hand holding the invader in place while Soma executed her plan b which is ‘if all the shield fails, blow it all to hell’. All at once the inner layer of the shield exploded sending the shards inward being that they had nowhere to go anyway the space closing in combined with her newly created personal shield would make it hard to a reality bender to escape. The outer layer blew up right after only this one was more spread out catching the raccoon-eyed ring girl in it as well.

interactions: @ERode@I Need A Name
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ayumu Harasawa Phantasmagoria

@I Need A Name @Noxx

Well, it seemed Team Fantasia had found themselves on the receiving end of the element of surprise. As she ran after Kiru, a scene of utter chaos greeted Ayumu. A park in ruins, broken lampposts and fallen trees strewn across a jagged icy wasteland. Quite a spectacle, the dark magician thought, a smirk spreading over her face. Maybe she could learn a thing or two from this - while the light girls hellbent on ruining all their fun would learn the hard way.

Instead of taking on shadow form, she turned invisible, catching up with and trailing behind Kiru to mask her presence. The original target was the furthest thing from her mind as the team zeroed in on a new opponent. A blonde she hadn't seen before, who hid behind several shields, preaching against some kind of Detention Club get-together by the sound of it. Phantasmagoria suppressed a chuckle, reaching for her cape. All she had to do was maintain her invisibility for a second longer, and with the light girl distracted, a sneak attack would be child's play...

Without warning, the shields exploded. First at a trapped Maiko, then at Kiru. Without wasting a moment, Ayumu flung her cape open, crow silhouettes soaring from under it and blocking as many shards as possible. She winced as some struck her, but kept her usual cool demeanour. "Tsk, tsk," she muttered, appearing before the blonde as the shadow birds faded. "For such goody-goodies, you haven't grasped how rude it is to keep crashing our parties."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Black Knight glanced over to her partner for a moment, the smell of Light breaking through her battle rage for just long enough... to piss her off even more. "Fucking bastards." She spit in the direction of the light Magical Girls before looking at Scatha, her grin reappearing as if nothing had happened. "Looks like we'll have to wrap this up quickly if we want to get rid of the moths. Little shitstains drawn to my light." Ami let out a boisterous laugh as she said this, planting one foot into the ground behind her as she got ready for a sprint. "No more games. Let's end this in one move, all or nothing!" She gripped her sword tightly, both hands on the handle of her broadsword as all the flames of her armor began to shift towards her back.

It would take a moment for the sound to catch up to Scatha, Ami having literally propelled forward with a sonic boom as her flames propelled herself forwards for one last strike. The ground behind her wasn't just scorched, it was practically glassed. That ground would never bear life again, that much was clear just from one look at it. All of the flames of the Black Knight's armor was gone, it had all been used for one final speed boost to outpace the Stained Witch of Ink. Her blade was raised above her head, she made no attempt to defend herself as she left her body wide open. It was an incredibly obvious strike, from left shoulder to right hip, but it wasn't in her nature to be sneaky or cunning. She was the Black Knight after all, a knight doesn't resort to underhanded tactics, even a fallen one such as herself.

The two were speeding at each other, practically rocketing. Scatha's grin was large and vicious as the two were about to slam into each other. However, as they did, she made the move that would decide it all and put the resuls far more into her hands. She was arched lower, her back being in an almost feral 90 degree angle postion as she ran towards the opposing girl. The knight's flames disappeared as well, not by Scatha's hands, but by the knight's own will, which shocked the ink girl. She simply narrowed her eyes as her sword was brought to her side. As the strike came down, Scatha jet forth even faster than before, the sword gripped tightly and coming forward quickly. The slashes finally came to the point they were both anticipating.

Scatha was still in her ever familiar position, though this time she lied still after the attacks went out. Her ink sword was still in one piece. Despite it only being a few seconds, it felt like centuries as she rose up from her postiion and stood straight up, with her now only 10 or 15 feet behind Ami, a straight line between the two of them. A breathe came out, clearly visible from the cold. Her sword came over to her right shoulder and as it did, the damage became obvious. It wasn't a deep wound, but perhaps that was luck. It chipped right through Scatha's ink armor, going from the top of her shoulder to just barely between her breasts. It wasn't terribly deep but it was most certainly bleeding. She was certain...If she had been slower or the attack had been faster, she may have been able to cut her down in that simple moment. But that wasn't the reason she brought her sword to her shoulder as she already felt and knew the injury was there. It was for a different reason.

"You let your excitement take over."

The blade swung back out to her side in one quick motion. The ooze splattered from it, dotting the ground with a few new black dots. The instant it did, a cut appeared through Ami's own armor. In the same instant, the large droppings from both the blade and the armor finally reacted. The bits of ink that were near her exploded, but not in a blast. It was concentrated. The magical power radiating from it was significant as it covered the ground the girl stood on, shooting up into the air like a beam of black. If it wasn't for the fact that one could easily tell the sheer energy radiating from it, one might not even notice it what with the night sky. And with it, Scatha's shoulders settled and relaxed.

"I know."

Ami planted her sword into the ground with a resolute smirk, the heat of her sword destroying any ink on the ground near her with relative ease. However her armor, her armor was another case entirely. As energy exploded from her chest, threatening to break her ribs and rupture her organs, she stll couldn't help but smile. She had never been so happy to lose, it made her want to win so much more when the next time approached. As the blast died down, the Black Knight stared into the starry night sky. She appreciated the darkness mixed with the light, the stars spread out across that black canvas was like bits of fire in a sea of ink. Blood dripped onto the burnt ground, the cut across her chest being a fair bit deeper than what she had managed to inflict onto Alannah.

"You can have this win. Just know that I'm gonna win round two." Nothing more was said, nothing more needed to be said. The Black Knight would rest, the Black Knight would return. The Black Knight always returned.

A minute of silence passed, Ami saying nothing as she continued to stare into the night sky with her hands on her sword. If Alannah bothered to check on her, she would quickly realize that Ami was completely passed out while standing up, her Magical Girl transformation slowly fading away as she began to fall backwards. If Alannah did nothing to catch the girl than she would simply fall onto the ground, probably sleep there for the night. She's slept in worse places honestly.

With one thought, the sword liquified back into the ink puddle that it once was as Alannah finally relaxed. Her arms went to her side as she let out a sigh. She finally turned to face the knight as she gave her words of dedication; dedication to win the next round between the two. The girl was a special kind of persistent, though really who was Alannah to judge? It took a bit for her to realize it as the battlefield went silent and neither uttered a word. But she didn't even need to observe closely to realize that the fight was won by a T.K.O. She closed her eyes and let out a small, but obviosuly proud chuckle. The pride was not for herself though. A high pitched, somewhat metallic sound rang out as she transformed back into her civilian garb, watching as Ami's slowly faded away. The girl was a bit weighty, but she managed to get her arm over her shoulder to carry her.

She had to admit one thing...She hadn't gotten a fight like this in some time. It was a true stresser...in a good way. She decided to say words that no one but her would hear. "Round two huh? I'll still win but...I might have to go all out again. Congratulations on that rarity, Ami." Even knocked out, she deserved that praise. And with that, the two went into the woods, presumably to find a comfortable spot to keep the Black Knight for a bit.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by SimpleWriter
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SimpleWriter also FroggerFlower

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gaia, entirely focused on her laid out trap, could not see nor feel the net changing - how could she ever expect such a thing? At the very first syllable spoken from Chie, The Flower Bombs scattered around the ground exploded one after the other in a firework of blooming flowers. Leaving behind a new and lively garden, doomed to die once eventually covered by the snow.

The nibble made Yui close her eyes and clench her fists together against her chest. It was the first time she was this close to danger, and - once again - her lack of experience showed. Nevertheless, she could use this. Due to proximity and Gaia's magic being intensively used her aura was stronger than normal - meaning even the Dark Girl would start feeling ever so slightly different. That is to say, the magic was not strong enough to turn someone's mind away from battle but it might get an opponent unfocused enough to allow an attack to go through.

"I..." her voice trembled "...I can feel so much darkness. Why? What happened to you all...?"

Gaia's tendril-like sashs would rise from behind them and attempt to stab at Chie. In the event that she would evade that attack and that it would hit Yui, the tendrils would stop before that happened and Gaia would attempt to take flight once more. However, in the event that Chi wouldn't see the attack...
...it would stop before hitting the dark girl. As Yui would be hesitant to lay harm upon her, despite the battle around them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Elina and Evelune

Eve transformed and nearly doubled her run speed transition from running her two legs to jumping off benches and other objects on all fours. The smell and feel of her home and siblings spurred her onward with a very unlucky partner struggling to keep up with the savage jungle girl. Stopping to skidding halt, she began to sniff at the area around her trying to get a good baring of where exactly she was being that despite being here a week the girl hadn’t mapped out the area; she was looking for the traces of magic which was all over the city itself, but it was all congregating in one location. The smell of battle sent the girl into a pseudo frenzy with the thought of her sister being picked on and shot off in that direction.
When Elina tried to slow Eve down by calling after her Eve transformed into her magical form which only made her speed up even more. Elina panted as she pathetically ran behind her. Her magical form would help her to catch up a little but Elina thought of transforming only when necessary. Although she was slower in her human form this only showed more that she was way out of shape. She even began getting somewhat of a tummy. Eve had finally stopped to sniff out her next go to point as Elina caught up with the swift girl. Heavily panting she brought her hands to her knees.

"E-Eve, w-warn me next t-time pretty p-please."
In the scope of Night, a woman unfamiliar to most, and clad in clandestine robes that appeared to have been partially faded in time appeared before the two. They wouldn't know exactly from what direction she had come from. Only that she was blocking the path. Her eyes fixated ahead, as if staring at them. but her face was mostly if not fully obscured from their view, perhaps with an enchantment of sort to mask her identity.

"Children... What is the hurry?" She asked, her voice obviously being filtered to sound different from what it actually was. After all. It'd be an issue for her if these children attacked her in broad daylight, She hated executing children publicly. Especially after what happened in Rome that one time. Still. The work must be done and if no one else were to do it then she must. Still, her tone and the way she carried herself was one of intimidation. She didn't come her to fight, but was fully prepared to do so. Instead she was here for information. The fact she had manged to position herself in such a position to capture two of the interesting individuals, away from the main source of the fighting and thus whittle their numbers a bit externally in the event she needed to jump into the fray. It was all simply a bonus.
Eve’s charge halted allowing her companion to catch up, but her sudden stop was not so that Elina could join her entirely, for their path was being blocked by someone who smelled familiar. The familiarity of the woman wasn’t entirely pleasant something dug under her skin like a parasite and chilled her to the core something about this woman reminded the magical girl of her own magic. Looking at the tall woman currently casting a foreboding shadow upon them Eve the fearless savage took a step back towards Elina. This woman couldn’t have been entirely real, the longer she looked at her the more the girl’s instincts told her to turn the other way or kill it, the thing just didn’t look like I belonged to the realm of men. Shaking her head free of the dreadful feeling and took two steps forward putting herself between the creature and the girl she’d come to call friend in these two weeks being under the bridge; whatever this woman if one could call this grotesque mockery of the human form a woman then something told her she’d stand the best in a fight.

“Not safe” a voice echoing through her subconscious causing the corners of the savage mouth to flare up in a snarl for little more than a second “P-Park, meet friends” she answered back a lie. Who or whatever was standing in their path their voice may have sounded humans and feminine, but had an underlayer of something far more sinister than the nightmares that littered the streets “Run!” the voice called out in her head again.
As Elina got closer to Eve she could tell the young wild had been halted by a well endowed woman. She wore robes for some reason and as Elina got closer it was starting to ring that she wasn't able to see her face. Was Elina sleepy perhaps? Or did the light of the moon not light her face up enough. She couldn't tell. While weezing she walked clower towarda the two and weezed and panted a few times more. Must have been the most she had ran in years.

The woman asked the two what they were still doing outside. Ugh another adult. Elina could stay up all she want, she had heard this a few times before but paid no attention to it any longer.

Hmm? Park, meet friends? They were gonna meet with their friends at the park? Elina didn't even know they had friends. Dumbfoundedly she stared at Eve.

"You should have just said so that we would be going to the park Eve!"

Elina put both hands in her side and gave Eve a somewhat angered pout for not being enlightened with the information beforehand. They could have just as easily walked there!
"I see. The park where all the magical energy is currently collectively stirring and frothing... No I don't think I can let you pass for you to join in that mayhem." The woman said as she lifted an arm, erecting a slightly purple tinged boxed in space around them. Her eyes focused specifically on Eve. Though she didn't know who they was, there was something about them that seemed familiar, as if they smelt of a place she was familiar with. It made her smile slightly, not that they could see due to her face obscuring magic.

"Now we can make this simple, devulge to me everything you know relating to the matters of magic in this city. Or try to defend that knowledge before I gleen it from you anyway with my magics." She said softly, offering an easy way out. Many people always opted for the easy way out. Not that she could blame them. They were always so fragile.

Still. Something about Eve... Yes the name that their friend had spelt. "And you Eve." She said pointing at the girl. "Your especially not getting off the hook so easily. Something about you is all too familiar..." She said cryptically.
Eve sucked her teeth and took another step back cutting daggers back at Elina as it seemed everyone was in on the lie except the person who needed to be. When it became apparent that they weren’t going to get out of this litter predicament anytime soon without a fight, something Eve herself wasn’t new to but something about this thing made her think twice. Under her magical girl armor, her body began to sweat profusely, which meant that bubbles were starting to form, thanks to the way her suit was made they didn’t form that pink sludge they were known for. Dropping pieces of her chest armor first and then her back, making it look like a direct surrender as a show of ‘dropping all arms’ she built up a large collection of bubbles at her chest forming them into one.

“Run!” her inner voice screamed in a much more demanding tone now “Shut up!” The girl yelled back through her mind to get to whatever dark corner that voice was coming from.

Within seconds Eve released a torrent of bubbles from her chest, small and big that all popped in unison releasing that pink slim as a blanket that separated the two girls from that thing that passed itself off as a woman.

At that very instant Eve activated her primary power opening the portal to the sunken world, reaching her hand out to snatch Elina off her feet without even so much as a warning and dove into the depths. The savage girl rocketed off in a direction making random twists and turns for about thirty seconds before it dawned on her that if that woman smelled like this maybe she could do the same; this resolved her to shoot off a water clone to make a short trail while Eve herself yanked her friend down an opposite corner, turning into an alleyway and staying in the shadows to stake out.

“That was a lie…. no trust her, ” she growled at Elina blaming the girl for the fact they were found out, pulling all the water for both of them so they wouldn’t leave a puddle trail.
As soon as the woman had heard the word park she spoke about different magical energt moving around likely by other girls. Eve has clearly taken notice of the event happening at the park and wanted to join herself without saying a word to Elina. Elina did need a moment to proces what was all happening with Eve and her dashing off, but more so why this woman was holding them back right now. She clearly knew something about magic so that had given them plenty of reason to place a big distrust mark on her head instead of that gloom.

Elina took a short step back as she clutched both hands to her chest giving a nervous gulp. The woman was trying to make them spill everything they knew about the magic in this city. Eve didn't have much to tell her since she just recently arrived but Elina on the other hand has been here a tad longer. Elina shifted her gaze towards the ground as her body was shaking softly. She never met an adult before that knew so much about the existence of magic and the likes. It was honestly a bit scary, how much did she know was the question. Was she a magical girl too? Could she fight?

The moment Eve dropped her armour her heart skipped a beat. What was she doing!? The second the armour hit the ground a bunch of bubbles came from Eve her chest. Her power? A pinkish hue exploded into her vision as she was shot back several feet. Did she just nuke this woman or something!? Elina fell with her butt onto the ground. Hastily Elina watched around her to see what was happening and spotted Eve some feet apart from her side again. She quickly sprung up to Eve and ran to her side.

Eve pulled her by the hand into a portal that lead to under the surface. Elina had to blink a few times as Eve dashes side to side. Luckily this girl was swift in reactions or else she would have been long done for. Eve came to halt after they entered an alleyway and looked directly towards Elina.

Elina needed a moment to get what was all happening while the primitive girl growled and snatched at her. The woman was lying. That much was clear now. Elina muttered a soft sorry as she felt kind of bad for not having noticed the first few seconds. Luckily Eve was more on her guard from her everyday survival.

"Thank you for saving me there, I'll threat you to some food when we are done.

Elina smiled and closed her eyes for a moment. The sudden change in appearance made it clear she had transformed as well. Her light girl outfit was shown for a brief second before it catched flame and burned it all too ashes to reveal her dark form. Everything close to them would be burned athunder when she was around. The true form of destruction.
The woman stamped her foot annoyed. Those children thought they could run from her. Silly, Foolish, but most of all annoying. Here she was offering simple ways out and they had to turn it into a game of fetch. Still. That eve child certainly proved her theory that the kid was tapping into a different source to her own but was capable of impeaching on her territory. This made her smile under the cloak. A smile of satisifaction as she slowly tapped her wrist, waiting for the...~ Ah there they were.

Eve and Elina would notice the purple dots applied to their chests, a secondary result of her forming hte prison spell, While it was certainly an escapable prison. What guard wouldn't mark their inmates. They would have but a few short moments of recollection and thought before the woman would come flying from their flank. Reaching out a hand to grip ahold of the head of Eve, aiming to disable their escape route formly. It seems that the way she meaned to travel was Similar but different to Eve. Certainly she had to announce her presence to the sensitive little waterdweller before appearing.

But she was moving so fast that even if Eve knew it was coming, unless she knew where it was coming from she'd still have little chance to dodge...

"Your not getting away that easily~" The woman said in the midst of her rocketed lunge.
Eve’s eyes darted all over the closed in surroundings if that woman was from the Sunken place than it was highly likely she could track her when she moved through it so that alone made her want to stop using it or at least limit its usage. Wrapping the newly transformed Elina around her getting ready to move if necessary the bubbles kept forming around her brow and popping instantly matting her head down with a thin layer of pink sludge. If she were the one doing the hunting she’d come from the flank and get rid of the only one that could outrun her that would make Eve a priority target, that plus the creature already stated she wanted her. The girl bet it all on the flank using the water, she pulled off herself and her friend to form a shell of spikes that impaled their pursuer through the shoulder and lower stomach area. The trade-off was that her head was indeed grabbed but because of the slime that was now coating, it wasn’t for more than a few seconds before Eve pulled Elina through the wall into the Sunken World only to pop out on the other side and pull the girl off towards the main street.

“Hide now!”

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Between stopping her momentum and hearing Getsuga out, Red Wire held down the urge to vomit. This talk of true justice and forecoming was sickening and it only served to tick her off even more. "Justice eh? You're talking about things that are way over your head you brat," the Detention Club President said. Just as fast as her light opponent, Wire reacted. An arm shot out to take the brunt of Getsuga's sword swing, blood scattering to the snow and staining it red as the blade was held by Wire's wrist. Her second hand caught the Magical Girl's boot, holding both in place. If Wire was concerned about the blade in her wrist, she didn't show it. "Slick moves. But you know, they're not as reformed as your sister's." With strength only granted by the darkness, Red Wire tossed aside her foe and in the direction of a tree.

"My what?" Luna said surprised after her foe's casual remark. The words that came out of the dark girl were enough to throw her attention away from the fight, opening up a window that was easily exploited by the other girl. "Gah!" she cried after hitting the tree, feeling like she had really broke something badly this time, if not worse, considering how her knees felt like they were made out of jelly making the simple idea of standing up far harder than she thought.

"Why do you know anything about that?" Luna said as she put all of her strength to get back to her feet, using one of her swords as a crutch. "Also, why are you so stubborn? You guys are the ones that deviated from path of Justice, don't try to make it like I'm the fool here," she added, pointing a blade towards her foe as she regained her composure.

"I dunno, you look pretty stupid to me. Which one of us is on her knees, licking her wounds like a beaten dog?" As Wire said this, she casually swiped her tongue over the nasty cut Getsuga's blade left on her wrist. "Well, irony aside. You're not very bright if you didn't think I was in the know with your sister. Or maybe you're as brainless as they come, Lu. Na~" Wire shirked her lips into a crude smile, shark-like teeth glinting so dangerously in this moonlit night. "We pray for our sorrows to end; and hope for our hearts to blend. We're Magical Girls, and we protect you from the Darkness....was that how it went? It sounds even emptier when I say it out loud. Sheesh..."

Red Wire held out her hand, only for thin strands of wire to snake out of the open wound Getsuga had created on her wrist. Some went for the girl's arms, sharply cutting into her form as they coiled around, snapping off to act like rope. Others clung onto Getsuga's throat, still attached to Wire's wrist. All of this happened in a fraction of a moment, Wire leaping up to the tree behind Getsuga. From there she flipped through the branches before landing on the other side, yanking on her fishing line. The result was to be expected, Getsuga hung up by the wired noose, arms useless and legs kicking out. "We're stubborn because we can be. We're Dark Magical Girls; we don't need a reason to do the things we do. Only that what we do, is absolute."

"Ghhh!" Luna groaned as Touka continued attacking while she could barely move. "Y-you are not going to convince me of anything with those words," she said, with conviction, or perhaps defiance, shining in her eyes. "Call me as stupid as with want but-gah!" she tried to continue before being summarily interrupted by the hanging attempt, feeling not only the asphyxiating effects but also, the jarring motion almost finishing the job begun by the impact against the tree and breaking her back for good.

Before that could happen, Luna summoned her phantom swords in a momentary fit of panic, shooting several ones all over the place before a blade managed to land a good hit against the wires, severing them and sending her rolling thought the snowy ground. "Gaha! I-I don't care for your powers, I'm doing this because... I'm doing this because my sister told me that there was something worth protecting. I'll do that and I'll also find a way to bring her back. You are not going to change my mind, no matter what," she tried to yell as loud as she could, despite the damage to her throat making her voice come out as little more than a whimper.

Feeling her wires snap taut was an indication of what just happened. And sure enough, Getsuga was free once more. Whatever smirk Wire wore on her face slowly deformed into a piercing frown, one that burned with the urge to pummel her opponent's face in. But she didn't. "Funny. Your sister told me the same thing." Red Wire turned her face away from Getsuga, up towards the dark night sky of Miso City. The snow was starting to fall more heavily now and it was only a short amount of time before they would all realize the chilling cold; right after their adrenaline died down. But apart from that, there was another icy layer resonating in the air.

"I know you can feel it too. More dark girls arriving. More girls just like me," Wire said, turning to Getsuga. She was smirking once again. "Why don't we call it a night. You're clearly outnumbered and I think we've just proved who's the better fighter between us. I'm willing to turn a blind eye since I got the satisfaction of beating you." A pause of silence passed as Wire glanced down at her hand. "Oh, no hard feelings about your throat. We've got a no killing rule you know, so it wasn't like I was gonna murder you in cold blood. Well, even if I wanted too....but I'm sure you know that from your sister, right?" A glance at Getsuga, Wire's inhuman teeth punctuated into a feral smile.

"Call your girls off and I'll do the same."

"I-" Luna was about to retaliate to Touka when she paused for a moment. She certainly could feel their presence now. When did this many Dark Magical Girls appear on Miso City? Something was wrong there but the fact that Luna couldn't simply risk the lives of the others to remain around and keep fighting was obvious. They had their fill for tonight, backing out while they could was the wisest move, clearly.

"I'll do what you are saying, but don't think that this ended here. I'll have you tell me everything that you know the next time that I see you," Luna said as shegot back to her feet and staggered back to the lakeside where most of the fighting was taking place. "Let's fall back for tonight. There's no need to keep fighting them after we delivered our message," she said as she caught up with Yui and especially Soma, though even Luna would have a hard time breaking the mess created by her.

"We have done enough for tonight," she added as she retreated with the others.

Red Wire was close behind, though on the opposite side of the forest where most of the dark girls resided. "You heard the lady. They're tuckered out for the night~" She hung from a tree branch, crouching along its length and overlooking the skirmish. "I must admit, I didn't expect a brawl to break out. But I'm happy it did." Her eyes scanned the available dark girls, picking out the ones she wanted. "Battoru, find our partners. Fantasia, locate any stragglers." Then her gaze snapped to the girl who had bullied Gaia. "Black Shot, scout the area and report back to me. Everyone else, we'll talk about who actually won tomorrow. You're all dismissed for the night." And like a phantom, the President leapt off into the night, the cold ever creeping on all their hearts.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 1 hr ago



Maiko had expected something, but this…this was basically nothing. Against her skin, the explosions were a light breeze, nothing but smoke and misdirection for the armored juggernaut, and it was almost with abject disappointment that she reach in to rip and t-
Touka’s voice rang out clear, and the girl stopped, letting out yet another deep sigh. Another night, another letdown, it seemed, first from all the restraint she had to show against Alannah, then in the non-fight that Touka had ended up offering her, followed up with a barrier mage that couldn’t actually scratch her, culminating into an end where nothing actually happened at all. Ugh, she could have had more fun playing shitty video games or whatever else disenfranchised youth did with their spare time. Clicking her tongue, she turned around without even bothering to address the flag girl and strode off.

It was easy enough to quickstep into the ravaged landscape caused by Ami and Alannah’s little danceoff, but Maiko didn’t even have patience for that now. It bothered her too much, that she had wasted so much fucking time on this piece of shit half-tournament that got busted by these justice sluts without even finishing a single fucking match. Monstrous desires seized her skull and, without any real threat present to release it on, Maiko drew in a deep breath and let it all out in a shout that shook the trees.


Nothing but a waste of time, not even worth an iota of effort.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

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Kanbaru Otoko

An overwhelming attack met an unstoppable defense, and Kanbaru's assault faltered as reality itself strained to strike out and shatter her arctic assault. Twin waves of ice utterly ceased to be as the impacted the barriers of Bastion and were destroyed with the collapse of the veritable minefield. Having ridden one herself, the Icy Magical Girl was flung forward and over, passing the maelstrom with no opportunity for a fancy landing and tumbling into the snow banks along the lake.

She unashamedly laid there a few seconds longer then would have been prudent if Luna were still gunning for her, before rising up and dusting the powder from her coat. Her gaze leveled itself firmly upon the untouched Light girl still unmoved amidst the ground ice and snow falling harmlessly around her, and she contemplated how keen Bastion would be to remain standing there if the ground were to swallow her up and make her an ice statue.

It was amidst the debate between a slow or fast freeze that the matter was pulled out of her hands entirely. The cavalry had stopped bludgeoning each other and put their violent tendencies to use on their attackers. Kanbaru could scarcely picture a more welcome sight, and seeing as she'd done her job in holding off the Light Girls for a bit, she opted to take Chie's role of 'Fight Supervisor.'

A crushed can of green tea struck the rim of a metal trash can and tumbled inside, it's departure into the waste receptacle almost as speedy as the Light Girls from the impromptu battlefield. Whether that spoke more to the speed of battle or Kanbaru's capacity to chug while thirsty was anyone's guess, but the fact of the matter was that the evening was FUBAR and she had no orders to stick around.

"Alright people, you all did good tonight. So keep on keeping on, and I'm going to use a cat as a pillow." Kanbaru declared to the scattered masses of violent but miraculously functioning members of society. In the calm following the storm of brief but energetic combat, Kanbaru almost felt a genuine kinship towards them that would have compelled her to lend a helping hand.

"Meh." She turned and trotted off towards with her hands in her pockets and her hood down, the evening wind whipping her hair back. As an after thought she flicked her arm back and snapped, causing her icy constructs from the battle to splinter, fracture, and fall apart into less conspicuous chunks. There. I helped.

That Chie was probably patrolling in the shadow of her Shatter Point shot was pure coincidence, a coincidence that warmed Kanbaru's heart for the walk home.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by I Need A Name
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I Need A Name

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"Ha! ~Wow." With the shield exploding right in Kiru's face; the ring master was caught off guard, falling back onto her tush. Her eyes wide with exhilarating wonder. "I Did It~ Sheild's gone now!" Her voice gleaming with excitement after taking such a blow from point blank. She quickly pranced to her feet, straitening out her clothes rather than dusting off what tattered mess she used to cover herself with. Eyes quickly focusing in on her target, who had found another person to play with, and lining up her shot. It be a shame if she hit the other dark girl, but there was only perhaps a 50/50 shot of doing so (or something like that).

Though, before her fight could continue; her orders were clear. "Gee, 'Suppose its curtains already." A sigh; she scratched her head and stretched out her tired muscles before trotting beside her partner to do what pres had asked. Her mood was completely shot to continue on anyway. Something something, party's over. Homeward bound, she walked straight there in her good girl attire. Next time she'd ignore the nightmares if she knew there was going to be guests.


It was a peaceful night all things considered. A fun day a school, she had slept soundly for the last few hours. Only to awaken at her normal time in the middle of the night. Her blanket smothered her and felt heavy as she lifted it off her body. Sitting up in bed to rub away the sleep in her eyes, she listened for any movement in the rest of her house. As normal, everyone was sleeping blissfully in peace; she was glad. Yurei shuffled out of bed, the cold nipping at her bare feet as she fled the security of her comforter. A quick transformation and she was protected from the mundane inconvenience; though there was still some beauty in the now gone feeling. This was her life now.

Floating out though her window onto the night town, she made her usual rounds. 'Healing' the nightmares of their condition and freeing them from this world as she traveled down the streets; watching the night life of the city through bitter-sweet eyes. It was hard to ignore the commotion in the park, eventually making her way around just to see what commended such a gathering. Phased from sight, she perched herself at the edge of battle and watched. Making sure none, light girl or dark, were seriously injured and required her touch. In fact, there was a couple of times she almost stepped in; but she was glad the night was resolved. She was there longer than she realized, only to look up as the crowed started to disperse. A few of the dark girls caught her attention; she couldn't help but wonder what their life was like. She actually started to follow a blue haired girl that caught her attention as she was lost in her thoughts. But at the crossroads to her house, she collected herself. It wouldn't be fair to impose herself. She left back home. Another nightmare or two to be cleansed by her as she deviated her path to accommodate, but otherwise made it back without inconvenience.

Yurei floated back into her room. Back beneath her comforters and blankets, where no cold could touch her skin again for the rest of the night. She had to rest for tomorrow; transforming back and getting what few hours she lacked.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 12 mos ago


The explosion happened and almost instantly she got more breathing room, being hit only once and honestly it wasn’t all that hard, but for someone who’s used to taking harder, that’s to expected. Sighing, she snapped her fingers dispelling the shields around her and shoved her hands back home in her pockets. Truly, she hadn’t moved even an inch since the fight began, something not so unexpected, but even four on one this outcome was just sad. Looking off to the side the ‘leader’ called off everyone which prompted Soma to turn on her heels and move for the first time since this entire brawl commenced. Strolling all off to the side to further explore the city and maybe think about trapping a nightmare for study or find a way to go undetected so she could follow one from the time of its inception to wherever they go.

“Ay, boss, I’m going to go take a stroll I’ll see you tomorrow or something, remember I live in the ghost house, ” she called back, saying she lived in the ghost house meant nothing if the person she told that to didn’t know the legend but it had gotten to be a pretty popular myth all over so she didn’t think much of it. Leaning herself back the shield caster slowly started to slink herself away through the darkness that had already overtaken the city “I’m hungry…”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 12 mos ago


Elina and Evelune

Eve stormed through wall after wall until the waters stopped opening up to her and the hunter girl barreled down an alleyway all while dragging Elina with the strength of five men. Practically carrying her newly made friend until her body dried up taking her strength with it and the seas truly abandoned them, forcing the girl to put Elina down and slow down dramatically panting and wheezing now. The idea of something from the Sunken World coming up and walking around terrified something to her very core filling the entirety of her being with dread. For now, at least it seemed the danger had passed and their pursuer gave up for now, but that didn’t stop Eve’s charge down the alleyway to give to the main road no way could she go back to sleeping under the bridge to be an open target. Elsewhere, a barrier mage who strolled down the opposite end of that very same alleyway getting ready to ensnare a nightmare was taken by surprise when a wild looking female killed it without so much as a second though teeth biting through it like hot knives into butter.

“E-Eve?!” Soma yelled in shock

“Soma, Help!”

The two of them came back up to the 'surface' of the real world again both mostly drenched. Luckily for Elina that her clothes were quite thick so there was no way of seeing through them when drenched. They did feel a tad heavy from the water. Eve somewhat carried her over the street towards a nearby alleyway. Eve put her down on the ground as she had to take a short breather from using so much power. Elina patted her back making sure she was okay before drying her off from the cold water if she wanted with her own hellish power. Elina used it on her own as well before she turned back to her former form. She took a deep breath before turning to Eve.

"I think we lost her."

Eve still scared from the scenario just now decided to continue trying to run away from the woman. Elina hurried after her thinking she must have had her reasons. It was not untill later that they were swiftly met by a nightmare that Eve just bit in half just like that. Elina somewhat shockingly stammered backwards. Eve could be a beast sometimes.

Behind it was another blonde hair female just like Eve. It was immediatly clear that the two of them knew each other already.

"Soma? You know this girl Eve?"

“Y-yeah, she’s my older sister” Soma explained tilting her head to the side, it was unlike Eve to have a friend or company and almost immediately without further introduction the girl began shouting about queer thoughts and things she smelled. From some creature or was it a woman the entire situation just puzzled Soma the way her elder sibling made it seem was that the two were attacked by some creature that smelled like her own magic which was strange to be sure. Anyone not used to her ramblings wouldn’t have gotten anything out of it but the cacophony of panic and fear a truly strange sight to anyone used to seeing Eve in her natural state.

“Calm down Eve here, let me talk to Evelune” Soma suggested clapping her hands ensnaring her sister in a shield away from the ground separating her body from the Sunken World.

The change took time to take place, but eventually, the caged ruthless girl started breaking down, throwing her body around like a woman possessed screaming in madness “It’s coming!” the voice screamed, slamming her body against the walls of the shield, thankfully she wasn’t wet, normally it would be much harder to keep her caged. “Yog-Sothoth will bring them here from the depths and the deep ones with rule!” she continued to scream. That name was an odd string of letters that just didn’t feel right, surely it was English, but those letters arranged in that way felt blasphemous down to her very soul.

A chill ran up Soma’s spine, causing her to release Eve from the cage returning the girl to normal “See?” the wild child asked, completely unsure of the exchange that went through between her sister and whatever lived deep within her subconscious.

“Umm, yeah… look both of you come back to my place for the night, whatever is after you might check where you live”
The new girl Soma did look somewhat confused by the presence of Elina. Much like Eve never had company with her, Elina expected at least.

"O-oh, nice to meet you. I'm sort of Eve her p-partner..."

Elina scratched her chin while looking off to the side quite awkwardly. Elina felt somewhat troubled by that fact for some reason after Eve had acted this way. As soon as Elina was introduced to Soma Eve continue with her odd behavior by yelling out thoughts and things she smelled which was definitly not a normal thing to do. Maybe she was excited to see her sister or something?

"I-is she alright? Normally she d-doesn't react t-this way."

Soma told Eve to calm down as well and nonchalantly locked her in some sort of force field making Eve hover over the ground. Elina even more awkwardly stepped away as she tried to ignore the situation as much as possible. She knew it wasn't normal for herself but maybe it was very ordinary for the sisters to be deactivating Eve her magical form like this. When Eve was transitioning Elina had decided to en-light Soma with the situation.

"L-look Soma-san, t-there was a woman that chased us and tried to hurt us inside Eve her dimension thing. We d-don't know what happened to her but we think she left."

The transformation of old Eve began, you could visibly see that Eve and her magical form were pulled apart. It was somewhat special that something like this was possible but Elina did not question it any longer just to keep her own sanity in tact. Eve yelled and screamed as she turned back and in the end the old girl Elina knew was back on her feet again. Elina scarcely helped the wild girl get up gently patting her back as she did.

"A-are you alright now E-eve?"

Elina gave an unsure stare towards the little sister of the wild one as she told the two to stay the night at her place. Elina thought she right but still wasn't sure what was up with these two at all. Elina gave a small nod at Soma not seeming entirely trusted by her yet. As they began walking towards Soma her place Elina brought up a question that had risen from her thoughts.
"S-say Soma-san, why doesn't Eve live with you if you are s-sisters and all..."

“Me and my sister prefer our own space, but we’re family and we’ll always be there for one another” Soma explained leading the two to the ghost house.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 2 days ago

“You don’t say…” Chie replied to Yui’s comment about her inner darkness in a amused way. “There’s a reason why it’s part of my job description after all. But, I don’t know if you wanna find about it. It would probably shock someone like you, Butterfree,” she added.

The stealthy attack coming to her wouldn’t be unnoticed as well, but Chie didn’t seem to worry too much about them, just jumping away from the light girl — after giving her a final ear lick — as both Touka and Luna came out of their nice little battle, throwing a bucket of cold water on everyone’s fun. “It seems like playtime is over. I’ll see you next time, Butterfree,” she said as she landed on a tree several meters away across the lakeside walkway.

“I’m on it,” Chie answered to Touka’s order before practically disappearing within the darkness; her destination unknown to any but her own self.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

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Ayumu Harasawa Phantasmagoria

@I Need A Name @SimpleWriter

Just like that, Touka's announcement marked the end of whatever was happening before Team Fantasia could even properly take part. "Ohh, and just when things were getting good," Ayumu sighed, dusting herself off. Kiru wasn't going to be happy about missing out on a brawl of this scale. "It'll certainly be amusing to hear about tomorrow, at least. And to find out what people make of this." She gestured at the wrecked, albeit no longer completely frozen, landscape.

As Chie withdrew from the battle, Ayumu sauntered over to the pixie girl who'd been on the losing end of the fight. "You know, she's right," the magician said, her tone almost gentle, almost like that of Trick of the Light. "You're new to this, aren't you? Well, let's just say being a magical girl isn't all sunshine and rainbows, not by a long shot. Oh, it can still be fun, of course, as much fun as you want it to be. Once you know about the workings behind the wonders, you might as well use that knowledge to take centre stage yourself."

Before leaving to search for other club members, she took one more glance over her shoulder. "Consider it a kindness that I'm telling you this. Because it sure beats finding out the hard way." With that, she disappeared into the surrounding woodland, peering around for anyone left behind, then catching up with Kiru.

"Never a dull moment, huh?" she commented, assessing her partner's injuries. Force of habit, as it wasn't like she could do anything about them. Sometimes she wished she still had her healing powers, even if she'd gained some neat battle moves in their place. Oh well, she and the others might have some interesting cuts and bruises to explain, but nothing too severe. Dark magical girls were tough. Much tougher than their light counterparts, as the scuffle just now had proven.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by SimpleWriter
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SimpleWriter also FroggerFlower

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Gaia stopped and took attention to what Chie said only once she was high enough to feel safe...which turned out to be futile as the fight came to an end as abruptly as it had begun. If she had been confused at the reason for fighting, Yui was even more shocked at how easily all parties stopped and split up.

"...but I'm...!" by the time those words came out, the Dark magical girl had slipped away through the trees.

Gaia slowly hovered back down on the ground. As soon as her feet touched it, she felt a presence and a following voice from behind her. Before her stood yet another black haired girl Gaia knew to be of the Dark due to her aura only. "It's not about fun...!" Gaia said, in an insecure, angry kind of way "It's about...doing what's right! Helping people, and life, to keep on going on." As she said this, she smiled down at a flower blooming out of the snow thanks to her magic. The Dark Girl then walked away with a final answer. Kindness. Such a different view of it than herself...

Gaia called off her transformation before running after Luna. Before they were completely out of view, however, she had one glance at the group of Dark Magical girls who seemed totally unfazed by all of what just happened. The flower she had left behind wither to the cold, before finally dying and be covered by the snow.

Soma had just told them something about her house before leaving. Yui raised her hand in trying to say something, but the Magical Girl was already gone. As for Luna, she seemed a bit more...meditative than earlier in the night. As such, Yui silently followed at first.

"You, uhm..." she began, hesitantly "You said we delivered a message. But...is this why we fought? Was it...to protect our justice?" Yui had finally caught the name of her opponent form earlier: Black Shot. Some of the things she said, and did, led Yui to think that maybe Luna was not entirely wrong about the Dark Magical Girls. Especially after what Yui felt emanating from them, earlier.

"I felt so much...Darkness, earlier. In those girls...are they truly lost?" Yui would follow Luna back to her restaurant, house or wherever they would finally part ways before finally bowing to her in thanks for the meal of earlier, as well as for saving her and for the company. Despite everything, she was still glad to have met other girls like her. Before they parted ways, however:

"I was wondering...if we could meet again? After what happened tonight, and after seeing you and Soma fight I feel like I still have a lot of things to learn. Would you accept...to help me? Soma could be there, too!" she quickly added. After another extensive session of thank yous, Yui finally went her own way.

If nothing else would stop her for the night, she's walk straight back to the ruined shed she uses as a garden and relax for a little while before falling asleep, due to exhaustion, amidst her flowers. Which were still blooming strong despite the cold weather and the snow outside.
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