As with my other interest check, if you get the reference in the title, we're definitely going to be best friends—and yes, if you've read any of Lynn Kurland's novels, I'm taking heavy inspiration from them. #noshame

I'm in the mood for something incredibly indulgent and fluffy. I have never asked for anything this silly or this specific on the Guild before, but that's what this section is for, right?

Essentially, my character falls backward in time. Does she wander into a magical forest on a trip across the pond? Accidentally read the wrong words out of an old book? Step into a fairy ring? That's yet to be determined, but whatever happens, it lands her in the Middle Ages. (Exact timing also yet to be determined, though I am open to suggestion, particularly from a partner with a little more historical knowledge than I'm currently working with.)

Fully embracing the cliche, I'm going to say that she's probably pegged as a witch almost immediately, especially if some overzealous citizen sees her appear out of thin air, wearing strange clothes. Perhaps this citizen decides to take justice into their own hands and tries to put her right to the pyre, with no trial; perhaps a sympathetic clergyman is called in to give the thing some legitimacy. Perhaps she's held somewhere unpleasant for a day or two, which allows for some chance for escape—with help.

No matter what, she's going to need help—someone to get her out of captivity, or to cut her down if it comes to the burning.

There are a few ways this could go:
  • Your character (who is not so superstitious) is from a noble family and realizes that they can protect my character by bringing her into their household.
  • Your character is another “victim” of the forest—maybe they’ve been in the past for a while and had time to get settled; maybe they just barely arrived, but either way, they recognize another present-day refugee when they see one.
  • Your character believes my character really is a witch, but could really use some magical help right now…
  • Any other interesting ideas you might have!

I like to juggle a few characters, so as the need arises, I'll probably branch out a bit—maybe one of my character's friends or family members follows her through the portal, just at a delay; or maybe I'll fill in some of our cast from the past. A lot depends on the plot we set up and where the story goes—and, obviously, I would be happy if you also have more than one character in mind!

You can learn more about me as a role-player and see a bit of my writing style over at my other interest check, but here's the general stuff about my personality, what I'm like as a partner, and such:

This is obviously a very specific cup of tea, but if it happens to be yours—or just one you'd be interested in trying!—please don't hesitate to tag me here or shoot me a PM.