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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Trevor couldn't believe his eyes when he finally woke up, and looked in the mirror, only to see a dragon's face looking back at him... he was in such disbelief that he stared at the mirror, mouth agape, stunned, for a good five minutes, and even THEN, he shook it off as some sort of after effect of being so dang tired after everything he did. Trevor headed into the shower, and, after a few carefully placed holes in his clothes, as well as an understanding that this wasn't a dream, nor a hallucination, he had at least one set of clothes that fit him, and he felt refreshed after his morning routine. He had also heard some barking from nearby when he was still in the bathroom, and he could have SWORN he heard his brother's voice, but, upon finally heading to where they were, nobody was there, not the family dog, not Trevor's dad, and not even his brother. Huh... guess I'll have to go back home, myself... at least it'll give me an opportunity to use these new wings, right? Trevor thought to himself with a smile. He then started running, and, after getting enough speed, flapping his wings to fly up into the air, and... see exactly how much was ruined in the world, unfortunately. Were it not for the grim scene, Trevor would have smiled, due to his newfound flight abilities, as well as his now much more physically-fit body. No fat, no asthma, no co-ordination problems... if it weren't for everyone going insane, this would actually be pretty neat. he thought to himself as he glided around, seeing others like him, and others... quite UNlike him. Strangely enough, there didn't seem to be anyone that looked fully human, but... maybe that would be a problem for another day.

Upon landing near his home, and opening the... oddly broken door, Trevor found out that his game system, games, TV, and laptop were all stolen, unfortunately, and before he had any time to get mad, he saw some shady-looking... creatures running around from the corner of his eye. They were holding something that seemed to shine in the sunlight, and Trevor assumed that was something of his, so, he ran back outside, and started chasing them down, even shouting "HEY! Give me my stuff back!" as he did so, and, of course, they didn't want to give whatever they had up, so, they ran as fast as they could to try to get away from him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jason wakes up in a ruined hotel. Large holes were smashed into everything. How did I get here? He shakes his head. What happened? He pulls himself up, and cradles his aching head in his hand. He walks through the ruined building he took shelter in when the meteor shower began. He feels something on his back, so he tries to brush it off. It moves slightly, but stays there. He frowns, and tries yanking it off. He feels a stinging pain, and screeches. Literally. A sharp bird scream echos through the abandoned city buildings. He looks at the thing he pulled off, and sees a feather. A large, bright red feather. He then sees his hand. His hand was no longer a hand, it was a talon. A bird talon. He sees his reflection in a ruined mirror, and stumbles backward. What? What happened to me? He had large feathery wings, a raptors beak, cold, calculating eyes. I'm a....bird? He tries flapping his wings, but nothing seemed to happen. He went to the hole in the wall, and looked down. He could see everything! His eyes focused on the smallest details. A half burned book, a random bug crawling around the grass, a large group of shady individuals being chased by a blue dragonborn with white feathered wings, a hot dog stand....wait a minute.. He runs down the steps, and flies out the door. Literally. His wings catch the wind, and spread, stopping his fall, lifting him up a few inches before he collapses in a heap.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

When Celina woke up, the first thing she saw was a large hole over the roof of her basement as well as some of her supplies that were missing. Great, when she though she was would not have issue with supplies if she survived that meteor. She slowly went to get up, but then noticed she felt a bit... goopy. She looked at herself and her hand and scream for a bit when she saw her slime hands. First off, they weren't human hands, second off, they were made out of slime.. indigo slime but still slime! What in the world happen here anyway. What caused her to become this... and if she changed into this, what about the others. She looked worried a bit before going to find a large shard of a broken mirror of her.. well... rest of the house. She saw that she was a raptor now made out of slime. Great, just great. She took a moment to observe herself a bit more. She saw the slime like feathers going from the top of her head to the end of her tail as well as the feathers on her arms. Well, that was something. Slime feathers. Probably didn't feel soft at all, that for sure. She looked up at the hole on her basement and then think a bit as she grabs some food and water and a bag and put it on her back. It then start to sink just a bit inside of her.. but not too much. Well, she certainly would notice if someone tries to take the bag away. She then think a bit. If she was a slime, could she stretch a lot? She looked at the basement entrance, seeing that it was blocked right now. She though a bit... as she then tried to stretch her arm towards the hole ledge... and then grabbing onto it. She breath deeply as she uses her other hand and then quickly lift herself up and out of the basement. Well, that was one thing done and this form did have some benefits, but what else could she even do anyway? She noticed that her whole house seem to have been destroyed, with a car having crash on her house. Great.. just great... She was not going to stay here anymore, but she wondered if anyone else would be trying to figure out what was going on here. She just went to move on after grabbing some cloth, paper also to take notes and a map also of the city. Sure it wont help that much, but it could be good for savaging. She took a pen and headed out, wondering what everyone ended up being. All this really did worry her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 mo ago


By now, the initial shock of the transformation had worn off. Mia looked over her new dragon-like body. What stood out the most was her large, bat-like wings. She'd wager that with some practice, she'd be able to fly. She'd already made some modifications to her human clothes. They were quite uncomfortable since they weren't made to fit a quadruped like her, but for now that was all she had. She hoped that later on, she could find or make something that would fit her better.

There were about 20 students gathered in Lucky City University's basement, including Mia herself. A few of them had already tried to leave, only to be attacked by looters roaming the floors above them. The plan now was for all of them to leave in one single large group. That way, they would vastly outnumber anyone they happened to run into. A metallic golem standing near the stairs spoke up. "If everyone's ready, then let's head out. Move slowly, and don't panic if we get attacked. We don't want to end up trampling each other."

The golem began heading up the stairs, and the others followed in a single-file line. Mia was near the back of the group, and just when the last few people were out of the basement and coming up the stairs, water began flowing down the stairwell. It was only a small amount, not nearly enough to do anything besides get their feet wet, but more than likely, it meant that someone with water-based magic had attacked the people further ahead. As the rest of the group gathered on the ground floor, Mia saw the water's source: an aquatic dragon, lying unconscious next to the stairs.

The golem seemed to have become the de-facto leader of the group, as he began directing everyone again. "The main exit's the closest to us. It's right over-"

He didn't even get a chance to finish his sentence. A massive creature crashed right through the ceiling, scattering burning debris in all directions. It looked like a snake and a bull had been crudely stitched together, and oddly enough, it had a turtle shell as well. Most of the students already began running from it, but unfortunately, it stood right in Mia's path, preventing her from following them. "Hey, wait! Don't just go without me!" She called after them. Unfortunately, not only did they ignore her, but it also drew the attention of the beast, who immediately turned both of its heads towards her.

As it got up, she immediately turned and ran. She could hear the chimera's footsteps echoing through the hall behind her. It was fast for a creature its size. She didn't want to look back, but she could hear it getting closer. Up ahead, Mia saw her escape route. A broken window, which would lead her outside. There was the risk of getting cut, but she'd take that over being mauled to death any day.

Just before she made it to the window, she felt a sharp pain in her tail as the snake head sunk its fangs into her. As she threw herself through the window, the beast stooped, though only for a moment. It was far too big to fit through, but that didn't seem to stop it. The bull head began ramming the wall, and judging by the cracks that were forming, it wouldn't be held back for long.

Thankfully, it didn't seem to have wings like she did. Now that she was out in the open, she had a chance to escape. After getting a running start for momentum, she began to spread her wings. Much to her surprise, her feet began to lift from the ground. With a few more flaps of her wings, she was well out of the chimera's reach.

As she flew, she noticed that her tail was beginning to go numb. The cause was obvious. The snake head that bit her earlier must have been venomous. By this point, it was safe to assume that thing was miles away, and continuing to move around would just increase her heart rate and make the venom spread through her body faster. As she angled herself downward to land, she looked back at her tail. The area around the bite had already started to swell, and it was bleeding quite a bit. When she turned to look ahead, she immediately regretted not paying attention to where she was going. She hadn't even noticed the blue slime creature that had wandered out of a nearby house, right at the exact spot that she was about to land. "H-hey! Look out!" Mia shouted, bracing herself for the inevitable impact, whether it be with the slime, or the ground if it managed to dodge.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Gavin
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


A person who had just moved into Lucky City might not know the name Shaula Yates. But then again, most of her neighbors didn't either. To them, Shaula was that strange woman down the street, who could sometimes be spotted putting up signs like "Research Roswell! Area 51 is real!" and "Are your politicians really who they say they are? Find out now, on the Truth Seeker Podcast!" As usual, the curtains of her house were drawn tight, and not a single light was on. A passerby on the street might have thought she had gone away. What the passerby would not have known, was that Shaula was currently hiding beneath her backyard in an underground bunker. However, that's assuming there would have been any passerby on a day like this.

Inside the bunker, Shaula laid on her bed in darkness, listening to the static of the radio. All the other times she had slept in here, the radio had still been playing music when she woke up. But not this time. This time, it had really happened. She didn't want to think about how many people the meteor had killed or how many would die in the aftermath; all Shaula wanted to do was go back to sleep and pretend none of this had ever happened. But she had to be strong, and she had to keep going. After opening the vent and turning the generator's key, the bunker came to life, its lights flickering on while the air vent's fan got to work cleaning out the past night's stale air.

Shaula was about to go to her desk, when she caught sight of her hand, still clutching the generator's key. Her hand had become completely transparent. Not only that, but her arm as well. She let her gaze travel up to her arm, then to her shoulder and chest, where she saw her entire body looked just like it were made of glass. Shaula slowly brought her finger to her palm, and it went straight through as though parting water. This had to be a dream. She ran to the mirror, where a transparent woman stared back at her with a look of pure horror on its face - this felt much too real to be a dream.

"No... No... This can't..." She said, her mind racing through every possibility until it landed on the one she had been fearing the most. "Oh my god. It was them. What is this!? What did they do to me!?" This was no accident; someone did this to her, and she had a terrible feeling in her stomach that told her she knew exactly who it was. Shaula ran to the bunker's ladder and tried to grab it, but it went straight through her hand just like her finger had. For a moment, she wanted to shout for help through the air vent, but there would be no one around to hear. The door in the ceiling now seemed much farther away than it had last night. Determined to get out, Shaula reached her hand out in front of her, focusing on the first rung of the ladder as she slowly closed her hand around it. This time it didn't pass through. Shaula carefully climbed the ladder before releasing each of the bunker's locks, pushing the door open and climbing out into her shed.

The shed looked the same as she had left it last night: garden tools strewn about, a lawnmower taking up most of the room, and the bunker's entrance hidden by an old carpet. Shaula checked the area for any devices that would indicate their troops had been here, then she went outside to do the same. The area seemed to be clear, but that didn't prove anything. Only once Shaula was certain nobody was there did she notice the shouting and chaos in the street. Right now would be the perfect time to get back inside unseen, but she had to know what was happening - she had to know what had happened to her.

Shaula sneaked around her house and saw a large hole that had been torn into its side, revealing her ransacked living room. Her TV and computer were missing, and the sofa had been ripped to shreds. Looking out into the street, none of her neighbors' houses had fared much better. Some had holes torn into them, while others had smashed windows or crashed cars in their walls. However, what scared Shaula the most wasn't the state of the city, but the creatures that had invaded it. A terrifying green monster with wings like a demon passed overhead, on a collision course with a creature that had just emerged from her neighbor's house across the street. Other creatures like it were dotted across the sky, some with feathers, some with scales, and others that looked more like giant, flaming birds. A plume of fire shot into the air a couple blocks away.

Through the madness of it all, Shaula understood the truth. How could she have been so blind! Of course the meteor hadn't been their real plan! That's why they announced it on TV a week before! That's why they warned everyone! They wanted the chaos; they wanted the world to tear itself apart, for it to weaken itself so they could put their true plan into motion. The New World Order had unleashed demons across the world.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Trevor kept chasing down the criminals who stole his stuff, and continued shouting for a while, he even ended up passing by a humanoid bird that looked like he was on fire, a dragon who was about to crash into a slime, and some sort of woman who looked like she took the whole 'your body is 80% water' thing too seriously, and after passing by many more things, including what looked to be a minotaur fighting a living shadow, the thieves finally stopped, apparently out of breath. Trevor landed, and then asked "Alright, I caught you, so, are you going to give me my stuff the easy way, or am I going to have to beat it out of you?" he wasn't about to negotiate with these guys, and they weren't in a position TO negotiate, but once they caught their breath, one of them said "I don't know what you're talking about. All we stole was this artifact... hmm... maybe we should see if it has any powers. Want to be our new test subject?" the other one laughed at this, and they started attacking Trevor, who flew up in the air, only to have one of them try to throw a knife at him. Thankfully, that missed, and Trevor tried to dive-bomb at them, foot first, but the thief was too agile, and Trevor wasn't QUITE used to how his new body worked, so that didn't go well. The second thief then tried to draw out the power of the 'artifact', and a stone dome seemed to surround him... probably not what he was expecting, but the thing DID have powers. The second thief then tried to form a ball of shadow in his hands, but it fizzled before he could throw it at Trevor, who felt some weird... electrical charge in his body... he focused on that, and a lightning bolt formed from his right index claw to the thief's face, dealing some damage to him, stunning him, and revealing his form as a weasel... man... thing. His friend was still in the dome, and yet, somehow managed to at least try to throw a knife from it, however, it must have blinded him, since he was WAY off-target for that one.

Trevor was going to do something about the one in the dome, but before he could even try to breathe fire on him, the thief, the dome, AND the artifact all seemed to just teleport away, leaving behind some sort of worm hole that his friend quickly jumped into, neither of them apparently wanting to be a part of this, anymore. Trevor probably should have, or could have jumped after them, but he was a bit more hesitant to do so... this thing could lead anywhere in this universe, and a scarily high percentage of the known universe is just the cold vacuum of space... somewhere that Trevor REALLY didn't want to be, right now.


Almost as soon as you exit your home's basement, you hear some shouting, only for a FLIPPING dragon to crash right into you... oddly enough, it didn't seem to be as painful as you thought it would be, but before you could recover from almost being a smear on the sidewalk, you hear someone shouting about someone stealing their stuff, and you see something gleam in the sunlight for a brief moment, as well.


You manage to cushion your fall on a nearby slime, and while you get up covered in indigo goop, you were at least alive, and at least the goop wasn't trying to eat you, or anything. You then see a feathered, blue dragon flying towards a broken down pizza place while chasing after a couple of supposed thieves. Said dragon was also shouting at them to give him back his stuff... for all the good THAT would do.


As you were trying to take a good look at your surroundings, you see a strange-looking creature fly by... it looked like a winged lizard man with feathers... of course, the feathers could just be a part of its new disguise, because obviously, the old disguise was broken by the thieves, which is why he was asking for them to give it back, and, of course, like any sensible person, they weren't listening to the lizard man. They seemed to be heading northwards, towards Canada, where the American government has no power, as well.

@Shadow Dragon

You kept an eye on the dragon for a while, and you noticed him eventually wear out the two thieves, who started fighting him... rather poorly, though, since apparently they weren't used to their own powers, or their own body... they were throwing knives like a couple of amateurs, and one of them tried to control the shadows with absolutely no success. One of them DID manage to get their supposedly magical loot to work, but all it did was cover him in a dome for a bit... sure, it was protective, but they needed offense, not defense. Eventually, the dome, and the thieves both disappear into some sort of weird, magical portal.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 1 day ago

He flies above the buildings, and circles above them for a bit, until he sees them open the portal, then he spirals down, and lands awkwardly behind the dragon, and raises his talons in a gesture of peace. "What was that, and who are you?" He looks the dragon up and down, and rubs his hand under his chin. "You're...a dragon. Huh. Do you have magic?" His wings briefly burst into flame, and he looks at then surprised. "What the..." He looks back. "Did you do that?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celina was just moving carefully.. before a dragon suddenly crashed into her, making some goop splash a bit and having some of her slime stuck on the dragon. Lucky for herm, it didn't really hurt at least. It was then that she heard someone yelling about a thief and something gleam in the sunlight. She tries to get back up.

"Geez.. err.. watch where your going? " she says, looking at the dragon that had goop over her. Celina sighed a bit as she tries to see about recollecting her self and seeing if she could get the slime off from that dragon. "Geez... this is just so weird." She says before going to see a feathery dragon as well as a wormhole. She looked at it, confused a bit before looking at the dragon. "I... hope I dont have any more slime left on you... geez, being made of slime is so... weird." she then says, shaking just a bit, retaking her form and trying to make sure she was ok.

At least that dragon was not stuck in her or anything. Lucky she could control what to stick on at least. But what would happen with food.. if she takes too much.. would she become bigger and bigger? That kinda worried her a bit. She just goes back to look at the wormhole. "And what the heck is that." She says.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 mo ago


The slime had mostly cushioned Mia's fall, though she still ended up with a facefull of dirt. Thankfully, her scales were tough, so the collision really hadn't injured her much. "I'm sorry about that. I hope you're alright." Thankfully, the wierd slime creature didn't seem to be injured, despite having just been splattered everywhere. It seemed that it could repair itself by absorbing the slime back into its body.

Mia took a look at her tail, only to see that the swelling had gotten worse. She summoned a few vines, hoping to at least stop the bleeding. Much to her surprise, as the vines began stitching the bite wound closed, they began to secrete some kind of chemical. It had a slight sting to it, which made her wince a little, but the numbness from the snake's venom almost immediately began to fade. It seemed that this healing magic of hers acted as a kind of antivenom.

There were some people running in the distance, shouting something about a thief. After a brief fight, some kind of wormhole appeared. The thieves immediately went through it, leaving only the dragon and some kind of bird man. "I'm not sure if we should get close right now. We don't know how dangerous those two could be." She took cover behind some bushes, using her magic to clear a small hole to peek through. There was enough room that the slime could hide behind them, as well. "Once they're gone, we can go over and investigate."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 1 day ago

Hearing, "-they're gone, we can go over and investigate.", He whips his head around and stares at them. "Hey you! Green girl! What do you want?" He walks around the bush, and sees some kind of blueish goop shaped like a person crouching back there too. "What are you two?" His wings burst into flame, and his eyes glow. He doesn't notice his burning wings for a few seconds, then jumps when his sees they've lit up again. "What causes that?!" He looks back at the blue dragon, and calls out, "Hey! Dragon boy! Come here!" He looks back at the blob. "This is either the weirdest mass hallucination ever see by man, or the strangest reality we've ever had the misfortune to run into."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vrrak
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Vrrak Magnificent Monster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aerin had woken up in the basement of his home, like he had instinctively wandered there in his sleep. It was quite bright down there for some reason, put he paid it no mind. Bumping in to his shelf as he woozily got up he'd knock off a couple glasses he had been storing there. They fell in what seemed like slow motion to him, his shadowy hand moving forward to grasp it. That's when he saw it, a shadowy, amorphous hand, like it couldn't decide how it wanted to look and shifted between a claw, a hand, just a formless stump, all sorts of things. The glass would bounce off his 'hand' and fall and shatter on the floor. The strangest feeling would wash over him as some of the glass went through him.

It was then that he realized that he was no longer human, and also that the lights were completely off and he was seeing fine in near pitch black darkness. He needed to go find a mirror or something. "Keep it together Aerin" he'd huff a bit. It seemed he could control his state a little bit as long as he focused on it but when he finally made his way over to the door... it was locked! He made some efforts to force it with no luck, his new form wasn't to strong it seemed, despite all its new advantages, but then he realized something and tried just sticking his hand through. It went through with ease, so he jumped. The other side was blindingly bright though. It was almost painful, definitely uncomfortable. It only lasted a couple seconds though cause he'd immediate fall through the floor back in to the basement.

Try number two went a lot better, stepping thought the door and just enduring the brightness of the hole where the wall used to be he made his way to the closest mirror. After darkening the room as best he could he took a look. What he saw was bizarre to say the least, he was some sort of shadowy creature, form shifting indecisively as he watched. His eyes glimmered a bright yellow, and he could even see a grey aura around himself. Focusing on it a bit though his eyes would flash and it suddenly turned a dark black. After an odd burning sensation in his hand he notices a strange mark on his unformed hand. He barely had time to figure out what he'd just done when the roof collapsed right on top off him, a bookshelf from above. He barely reacted in time. As he crawled out through it, he felt the mark burn again, then it vanished.

He'd check the mirror again to find his coloring a little brighter that before and the aura grey again. His eyes flashed at himself again and the aura went white this time and that familiar mark returned. "Ah, god damn it, mirrors are bad." He said, trying to step away to somewhere safer only to trip over a book. It fell open before him to a very intriguing picture of an eastern dragon. The mark burned away again, but that mattered little as he felt himself changing again, his hand solidifying in to a 4 toed claw and stayed this way, everything seemed to solidify and suddenly the light wasn't as awful as before.


It had taken him a while to get his bearings, but Aerin, a shadowy six foot eastern dragon was now exploring through the streets. The chaos was shocking, terrifying, but he was just floating along and keeping to the shadows where it was safer for him. Everyone seemed to have both morphed and also gone insane it seemed, but at least he had kept his mind proper... maybe. Was he always this carefree in these situations? It wasn't too dangerous for a creature that could phase through walls so he was just sort of observing and testing out his new ability to float until he heard someone speaking nearby. A dragon and, a... gooey raptor? They seemed to be watching a bird thing and another dragon yelling in the distance. What a weird group, it peaked his curiosity though.

The shadowy dragon would slowly and silently float up to Mia and Celina by the bushes. "You seem to be sane ones over here since you aren't trying to kill each other" he say to announce his presence, beelining for the shade of the bushes "Well, mostly sane, I'd think anyone normal would be hiding based on what I've seen." he said before introducing himself. "Name's Aerin, use to be a... uh.." he started, suddenly drawing a blank and struggling to remember. "Helper.. person.. i think? Whatever, I'm just a shadowy dragon now it seems. Quite nice so far minus the extra brightness out here and the anarchy. Did you find anywhere safe to hide out yet?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Gavin
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


A creature with feathers and scales swept by in pursuit of two other demons. Shaula could hardly believe her eyes; never in her entire life had she expected to see a living, breathing lizard person. Before today, lizard people had been nothing more than online rumors, baseless claims about shapeshifting creatures working alongside the aliens of the New World Order, yet here they were on her street. The two demons it was chasing were heading north towards Canada. Shaula almost felt sorry for them. She knew Canada wasn't a real country, but a facade put up by the New World Order to capture those trying to escape their agents in the states. If they really were heading to Canada though, Shaula needed to act fast - she needed a weapon.

She ran to the water meter behind her house, where she dug up a small object from behind it. It looked like a dull brown-orange muffin that had its top cut off. Inside it, sharp metal shavings could be seen glimmering around a white crystal in its centre. It wasn't the best one she had made, but it should work. Shaula crawled through her neighbors' backyards until she spotted the lizard person standing in the street, facing a portal it was about to escape through.

She summoned her courage, then ran up behind the lizard person and threw a rock at it. "Hey, you! Stay there! I have an Orgone emitter," Shaula said, holding the strange object at arm's length, "so any sudden movements and you'll be burning in hell with all the rest of the demons you brought here!" Her arm was trembling, but she didn't look away from the creature. She needed answers. "I've seen the signs! I've seen the lights in the sky - your ships! I know what you are, and I know why you came here! So just answer my questions, and you can be on your way! Got it?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Just after the fight, a group of people, or, rather, creatures just decided to crowd around Trevor... it started with a phoenix, who had a few questions that were easy enough to answer. Trevor answered them in order, and as calmly as possible "Yeah, I guess I DO have magic, but... er... I didn't do that with your wings. That was entirely you... I think," the phoenix then pointed out the raptor-looking blob, and the minty green dragon who stood on all fours. Neither of them looked hostile, as of right now, so when the phoenix approached them, wings and eyes burning, Trevor tried to tell him to keep calm, and he even answered for them "It seems like one of them is some sort of... slime creature, while the other is a dragon, like me, but, er, quadrupedal," soon after that, a shadowy figure joined them... some sort of eastern dragon... ghost... thing who apparently didn't know what he was, at all... Trevor was suspicious of him for a bit, but then someone made completely out of water appeared with... a muffin. They were threatening the group with a half-eaten muffin. She, as it seems like the water creature was female... somehow, called it an 'Oregon emitter', but she pronounced the state's name wrong, and not only that, but she called Trevor a lizard man before throwing a rock at him, and threatening to burn him with... with the muffin... this made Trevor turn around, tilt his head, and approach the clearly insane woman, asking "How is that thing supposed to launch an entire STATE at me? That just doesn't make any sense, not even in THIS new world," Trevor then remembered her calling the guys 'demons'... and assumed she was referring to the hooded people who were here, earlier, and he just LAUGHED at that. "Come on, I was FIGHTING those thieves... and yes, they were thieves, NOT demons. Don't put me in the same group as them... but, I suppose to get rid of some of the confusion that's clouding this group, maybe we should introduce ourselves. My name's Trevor, and um... if you're asking about my job... yeah, I was going to have one, but, er, the meteor said 'no', I guess," he then turned to the phoenix next to him, making a gesture that implied he was the next to introduce himself.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 1 day ago

He tilts his head slightly, much like the bird he now is. "I'm Jason. Jason Blaze." He looks at the insane women with the metal muffin, and sighs. "How did a conspiracy theorist maniac survive?" He shakes his head, and looks at Trevor. "I'm a martial artist, I enjoy drawing and painting, and my artwork seems to be following me." His wings flare out, igniting. "I still don't know what causes that, though I'm leaning on emotional surges." A detailed drawing of a sword scoots over to him, and he kneels next to it. He stretches out his talon, and picks up the drawing of the sword, lifting a sword made out of pavement. He drops it, and it turns back into a drawing. "Well. That happened." He rushes forward and grabs the crazy women's wrists, holding her in place, and plucking her "Oregon Immunizer" thing out of her hand. "What did you think that would do?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celina just moved towards what seemed to be a mix of a bird and dragon creature, a bit confused by all that was going on, but calmer right now as she moved forwards, also hearing the woman that was calling people demons. She sighed softly right now as she watch the big bird... a phoenix probably cause of how people changed... rush and go to pin down the woman. She shook her head. "World gone mad I tell you.. mad..." she then says as she shook her head, then noticing the phoenix and the sword he created before. He said something about painting? Well... she though about it just a bit. "Painting you say.." she says before then taking a pen, thinking and feeling like she needed to draw something... She started and tried to draw a small dragon... who then was created and flew around a bit. She looked at it surprised just a bit as she then concentrated, making it move around and controlling it before it landed on her slimy shoulder. " Well.. that... that is something." she then says before turning back to the group. "And suddenly everyone has magic. Geez. Names Celina by the way... Celina Letendre' she says to the group as she look at the wormhole. "A.. anyone knows where that leads?" she then ask the group. One thing for sure, this day probably was going to get weirder and weirder. She didnt know what kind of ability she had... but she probably would figure that out "And does anyone.. really.. anyone has any idea how all those changes happened? Geez.... this is so freaken weird. And I feel so strange like this." she then says to the group.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Gavin
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The lizard person's answer made no sense. What had she said about a state? And "Trevor"? What kind of name was "Trevor" for a lizard person? It gestured to another creature, which introduced itself as Jason and called Shaula a "conspiracy theorist maniac," a description Shaula was clearly not fond of. The creature rushed forward to grab her wrists without warning, but its talons splashed right through her, and she was able to snatch her Orgone emitter back. "I'm warning you, I will use this!" she said while backing out of its reach. If Shaula had learned anything from all the hate mail she got, it was was how to deal with people who disagreed with you.

"World gone mad I tell you.. mad..." another one said. Shaula couldn't agree more. This creature introduced itself as Celina and mentioned how they all seemed to have magic. "And does anyone.. really.. anyone has any idea how all those changes happened? Geez.... this is so freaken weird. And I feel so strange like this."

And just then, Shaula finally realized what she had been missing. "Hang on just a moment," she said, looking at each of them in a new light, "You're people? All of you are people!?" At the very least, people were still alive - if a bit changed. "Sorry about the rock," she said to Trevor, "I thought you were... something else. My name's Shaula." She made sure to be careful with her words, for fear of the others thinking her insane. "As for all this, I don't have a clue how it happened. But I do think I know who's behind it all, if you're willing to listen," she said in response to Celina's question.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 mo ago


The moment Mia spoke, the bird person looked over. Normally her voice wasn't that loud, but apparently the bird could hear her anyway. With his wings cloaked in fire, he approached them. Several other people approached as well, some of which Mia hadn't even seen coming until that moment. Some of these newcomers were more hostile than others, but eventually, everyone had calmed down.

Introductions were soon being thrown around. There was Aerin, a shadowy dragon who was a former 'helper person'. The dragon with avian wings was Trevor. Next was Jason, a fiery bird who could turn his drawings into real objects. Celina, the slime, seemed to be able to do the same. The crazy water lady who threatened them with a muffin had calmed down enough to tell them her name was Shaula. Mia was the last to introduce herself. "I'm Mia Reid. Before all of this happened, I was a med school student." To demonstrate her magic, she used it on the grass around her, causing it to grow several inches. "I can manipulate plants, and most of my magic seems to revolve around healing."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jason sighs, and shakes his head, his raptor eyes glaring at Shaula. "This isn't one of your crazy conspiracies. That "Orgone emitter" of yours does nothing, you're wrong, you don't know "who's behind it all", and the earth is not flat. What is wrong with your kind of people? Trying to blame events that happen as "Acts of a World Order" or "The Reptilian Overlords" is just a dumb way to blame others for your problems." His wings begin slowly burning, and his eyes glow with a inner fire. "I am so sick of that kind of garbage! What are you going to say next, the moon landings were fake? That President Washington was a alien spy? Well guess what? You're wrong. Get over it. The world is literally ending around us, and your theories are absolute trash." He ends with his eyes, wings, and talons filled with flames.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vrrak
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Vrrak Magnificent Monster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aerin paused a moment, floating a bit lazily in the air and listening until Mia spoke up. Suddenly he'd perk right up, bright yellow eyes flaring up within his shadowy form. "Oh! That's right, medicine! I used to be a doctor!" he exclaimed in a moment of clarity and excitement. "Man, how did I forget that. Though I suppose that knowledge is mostly out the window now. Who knows what the heck is going on with people's bodies now. Though it seems like that isn't needed now Mia if that skill heals people, you should try and hone it. It seems like healing is going to be mighty important in the future with all this chaos" he says, gesturing to the background where hell was still breaking loose.

He had to think for a moment while the Pheonix ranted at the Golem over some sort of conspiracy theory. If this dragon was able to heal things with magic, maybe he doing something magical earlier in the mirror. He tapped his chin with a wispy black claw as he tuned out the background noise and thought briefly. "Ah, well if magic is a thing... I'd recommend not looking directly in to my eyes until I figure out how my new body here works, I think I accidentally caused a roof to fall on myself earlier. It seemed to be caused by seeing my eyes in the mirror. Then again the second time I did it i got this form which has turned out to be much better off. Eh, i need to find somewhere dark so I can focus better. The sun is... irritating."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Things... seem to have gotten a bit out of hand, though, it seemed like this was going to happen if he kept Jason around the newly introduced conspiracy nut-case named Shaula. Mia introduced herself, and even showed us a bit of what she can do, something involving plants, and apparently healing while Celina did the same as she introduced herself, showing off that she, too, can draw things into existence. It was around that time that Trevor noticed the ghostly, snakelike dragon that floated around, nearby, his eyes a piercing yellow color... though, thankfully, Trevor heeded his words and tried to look away before anything happened to him. Let's see... we've got quite a few people here, but... I need to know how many are going to come with me. It... seems like, like it or not, I'll have to head through that portal. Of course, I could always check with my arm to see if it leads to space, since THAT would just be awful. Trevor thought as he tried to explain a few things. He started off by saying "Yes, as far as I'm aware, we all used to be human. I'm also pretty sure that lizard people weren't ever secretly in control of our government, or something," to Shaula, later pointing out "Yeah, I think magic is most certainly a 'thing', now. It wasn't, before this, but hey, I can shoot lightning, and probably breathe fire now, so... I'm not complaining," to the shadowy dragon. Trevor then took a deep breath to try to calm his nerves, and said "I'm not sure where this goes, but it's where the thieves went, so... I'm heading in. Anyone in this group is free to follow, or stick around, and either way, good luck," after that, he checked the portal with his left hand and arm, and it didn't feel cold enough to be space, so, he jumped through...

On the other side of the portal seemed to be a bunch of underground hallways, and rooms, arranged in a way where most people would get lost, and worse, it was dark. Whatever lurked here either didn't need light, or was hindered by it, but Trevor still needed it to see. In desperation, Trevor tried his best to breathe fire, and somehow, he actually managed to light the place up for a bit as a stream of fire went from his open mouth... only to illuminate a spider that was at LEAST four feet tall, and whose fangs seemed to drip with venom, despite its hulking size, at least, for an arthropod.
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