Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Summer Area - Underground Base

**Get over it still playing**

Tatsuna: Alright, Just received the message with their aproximate locaction.

Sheila: Great? Where they are?

Tatsuna: More or less three floors below us.

Sheila: So we still have some running to-


With a powerful punch, Tatsuna opened a hole to the floor below.

Sheila: Or you could do that...Works too.

Tatsuna: Let's hurry!

Underground DUST Base - Destroyed Incubation Room

A few moments later, both girls arrived to what seemed to be the aftermatch of a warzone. There many bodies on the ground, holes in the walls and in the ground and the sound of pained moans. They could see that the group did indeed survive in time for their arrival. However, it was far from an easy fight, as Hinata's group were exausted and injured as well, Kenneth looked like he had lost conciousness and was being carried by Hinata. Suddenly, they saw one of the soldiers standing on their feet, prepare to fight once more.

Gillia: Kurgh...

Saika: Give up, victory is already ours.

Gillia: As long...as I draw breath....I...

Ametatsu: Just...leave it be...Seems like it was our fate to perish here anyway?

Gillia: No...Even with their reinforcements...I can still...

Hinata: Our reinforcements?

She looked behind her, seeing Tatsuna and Sheila, the latter looking away, as if hiding her face.

Tatsuna: Yo! We're here to help! Is what I would like to say but, we're way late to the party.

Hinata: It wasn't late at all...They may still have enemies around to stop us from escaping. Numbers are a scary thing sometimes.

Tatsuna: If you say so.

Sheila: .... (Of all people to be here, why it had to be someone that doesn't know I'm still alive.)

Ametatsu: It won't matter anyway?

Saika: See? You should follow your friend's advice.

Ametatsu: I figured out too late...the reason why you were able to call for reinforcements...It seems like our branch is getting terminated.

Gillia: T-Terminated? No way!

Sheila: (I don't like where this is going.)

Gillia then, starts talking through her communicator.

Gillia: This is Gillia, head to the main lab and check how long we have until this base self-destructs...

Music: Deeper Crevice

Saika: Say what?

Sheila: (Of course...)

Hinata: So this was the catch all along...

Tatsuna: Wait...if this base explodes...won't this bring the building above us down too?

Saika: (And now this...) Hey! Is there a way to stop this?

Ametatsu: Like hell I'll tell that to you.

Gillia: Then tell it to me.

Everyone: Huh?

Gillia: I don't want to die here...I've fought so hard for DUST and this is what I get? No way! I won't let my dedication...my sweat and blood go to waste like this.

Ametatsu: You're really are a fool...Everything that we worked for was already passed on to the other branches. Our time is aleady up.

Gillia: I get to decide when my time is up...Whatever, I'll just get your ID card and be on my way.

Ametatsu: I won't...let you...

Even though his body was exausted from the strain of using his Psychic Powers for an extended period of time, he formed a barrier on his body with his remaining strenght, even if his body was protesting to stop.

Ametatsu: You won't...get the ke-

But then, the one who actually attacked him wasn't Gillia. He was pinned the door leading to the corridor by someone.

Hinata: Wah...K-Kenneth?

Sheila: (Oh crap!)

Knowing exactly what was coming next, Sheila ran at full sprint in order to stop Kenneth.

Ametatsu: Y-You...

Kenneth: ...

Ametatsu: H-How can you still...

Kenneth: Give me...

Ametatsu: Never...

Kenneth: Your BLOOD!!!

Ametatsu: Eh?

Saika: KENNETH! NO!!!

Sheila: (Urgh...I have to make it in time!!!)

Sheila activated her time slow ability, grabbing Kenneth once she got close, then pushing him away from Ametatsu, who was gasping for air once time moved normally. Suddenly, Kenneth let out a massive beast like roar while his body was covered by his own dark magic.


Sheila: (Not the best time to choose to go bersek buddy...)

Ametatsu: What is that?

Gillia: I assume right now, he's not your ally...right?

Saika: Something like that...

Hinata: D-Do we have to fight him?

Saika: We have no other choice. Hey you!

Gillia: Eh?

Saika: We're counting on you to stop the self-destruct sequence.

Gillia: R-Roger!

Ametatsu: What? No way! I still won't...

Then, Sheila dealt an uppercut followed with an straight, knowing the door behind him open and knowing Ametatsu out as well.

Gillia: T-Thanks...

Sheila: (What? I wasn't expecting a thank you from a member of this stupid organization.)

Sheila starts whispering to Gillia as she finds the card key on Ametatsu.

Sheila: I'll help you go there as long as you don't reveal my ability to anyone.

Gillia: Eh? You mean that sudden speed up you did?

Sheila: Right, do we have a deal?

Gillia: ...No time to say reject such an offer, so let's do this.

Sheila: Right, I'll be holding your shoulder.

Then, as Gillia started to guide Sheila to the Control Room at the Main Lab, she notice that time was indeed slow once she passed near some soldiers that were heading to the Incubation Room. Sheila explained that she could use that ability in short bursts. Meanwhile, Tatsuna and Hinata were keeping Kenneth at bay while Saika was focusing what remained of her magic into physical enhancement. She didn't had the same stamina as the Chi Masters so she had to wait until she could aid them.

Winter District - Top of a Building

Music: Water's Memory

Nicholas: Sorry if we're late.

Barry: No need to worry. I'm alright. If anything, I'm glad the both of you are safe. The enemy was cunning, so I had to plan carefully.

Mina: I'm not seeing Tsuya around.

Barry: He left.

Mina: What?

Barry: He wasn't there when I went to check on him.

Nicholas: No way...did...

Barry: I would've noticed if someone else had arrived.

Nicholas: W-Why would he do that?

Barry: He most likely wants some time for himself.

Mina: Doesn't he want to check on Jane?

Barry: ...She's probably gone at this point...Unlike us, she's just a normal person after all. A bullet is more than enough to kill anything that moves.

Nicholas: S-Still...We can't leave him by himself.

Barry: Let's go back...The ones after him won't be coming back today.

Mina: How are you so sure.

Barry: Because...They have nowhere else to go.

Barry explains what Trent had told him about their base being terminated. Nicholas and Mina were speechless by the revelation. An organization would be willing to decimate hundreds of their own men after they fought as best as they could was hard to stomach for them. Trent was still there, looking at the sky through the hole in the ceiling.

Trent: (I guess I'm one of the lucky ones to take prison time. I'll probably get some reduction if I reveal more info for them...but I guess that's it for me.)

Trent: (Still...Even though I knew what I got myself into...Blowing up a base is a bit overkill. These soldiers, myself included were all trainned to resist intense torture. If the reports were of any indication, nobody captured confessed so far. There's definitely something fishy about all of this.)

Kanzakai School: Rooftop

Lyna: Seems like everyone has evacuated.

Drake: ...

Lyna: We should probably go down and meet with the others.

Drake: You're right...

Lyna: ...

Drake: Say Lyna.

Lyna: Eh?

Drake: If you didn't have no other choice but to fight someone you cared about...would you do it?

Lyna: W-Well...

Drake: Sorry...It's not something that can be answered on the fly without some deep thought...Just ignore me.

Lyna: ...I... If...that person was on the wrong path...I...I would do my best to bring him back to the right one...even if it hurts.

Drake: Lyna...

Lyna: T-That's what I would do...If it ever happens.

Drake: I see...

Lyna: You're in that situation right now...Am I right?

Drake: ...Yes...I doubt my brother would even let me set foot outside after this.

Lyna: ...So...you're going to fight him?

Drake: ...I'll only know when I meet him today...I'm feeling like It's not something my heart can avoid for much longer.

Lyna: ...

Drake: Thanks for answering my question Lyna.

Lyna: Y-You're welcome.

Drake: If I don't come back tomorrow...Tell everyone that it was a pleasure having them as friends. Of course, I can still phone them...but it isn't quite the same thing.

Lyna: I know right? In that case, here's something from me.

All of a sudden, she hugged him for a couple of seconds before releasing him.

Drake: ..........

Lyna: It's a good luck hug. Mom used to give me those when I was small.

Drake: R-Right... (Do I...even deserve this?)

???: Seriously Sis...You still remember that?

Lyna: Ah...Sera...

Drake: So that's her name?

Sera Yumi: Anyway, why didn't you search for me? Why are you here of all places? This is where Tsuya was fighting the others...You didn't get involved, did you?

Lyna: No. I came after the battle was over.

Sera: Really?

Drake: She's right. You can ask Detective Hiagor for confirmation.

Sera: In that case, I'll ask no further...Anyway, let's head home. I heard from President of the Student Council that classes were cancelled for today.

Lyna: I imagined as much.

Drake: ...

Lyna: Good-bye Drake. I'll be rooting for you.

Drake: T-Thanks...

Sera: (Seems like something intersting is going to happen with this boy. Well, not my problem.)

Nightmare Unitia - Hakurei Shrine

Rayla: So the disaster already happened huh?

Rayla then, remembers the voices that spoke to her a while ago.

Rayla: Say...Umbra, right? Did someone other than you and your friend survive from the dream realm being devoured?

Spring Zone - Streets Near the Hakurei Shrine


Kaori: (Geez...She learned a fighting style through the compact glaive, but she's still fights like a thug instead...)

Tiane just ran ahead, stabbing any monster that she approached. Kaori proved cover fire with accurate headshots while Theo would pull large boulders from the ground in order to take out a bigger amount of monsters.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: Nightmare Unitia - Hakurei Shrine

Umbra: Hmm... as far as I know, no. There's the possibility of survivors, I won't deny that.

Kiragi: Really? That makes me really glad!

Auror: I sure hope there's someone left. It'd be a big help for us in this case.

Marina: I agree. It makes me wonder about what it will happen from now on, too...

Auror looked at Kaito holding the chakrams and couldn't hide his surprise.

Auror: I didn't know you could fight, Kaito. You never were the type to show promise.

Kaito: Hey, you hold your tongue! Besides, with this, I can efficiently help you guys!

Cookie: I do have a question, though. What about the boy? The spirits seem to haunt him.

Reimu: Maybe I can exorcise him and then-

Kiragi: No, no, please no! I don't want that!

Reimu: You don't?

Kiragi: You see, I made a promise-

Umbra: Pact.

Kiragi: Y-Yeah, that... with Ictio and Umbra. With them, I can help you all too!

Marina: That is very sweet of you, but dragging you into these fights is not a good idea.

Auror: Well, we don't have to drag him.

Marina: M-Mister Auror?

Auror: Listen, I'm not saying I'm OK with this. Putting a small kid like him into this is too much. Right now, though, it's best to leave him "haunted", so to speak.

Ictio: We will protect Lord Kiragi with our lifes, sir yes sir!!

Auror: I'm pretty sure you will. Though I don't exactly have the final say in this.

Location: Spring Zone - Streets Near the Hakurei Shrine

The fervent attacks from the group finally dwindled the numbers and the monsters soon vanished.

Xaizor: That takes care of them. Now, back at the matter of-
Azrel: Well, the monsters seems to have dwindled. Good.

When he looked, Azrel stood there, seemingly happy with the results.

Xaizor: Huh? Who the hell are you?

Azrel: Oh, just a passerby going to the shrine. I can't fight so I'm happy you guys managed to finish them all. It's no big deal, so I'll just be cruising.

Xaizor: You don't have the looks of some religious guy. And for some reason, I don't like your face.

Azrel: That's too bad. Can I go now?

Xaizor: Wait the hell where you're standing. You're not leaving just because you want to.

Azrel: Are you serious? Listen, it's important and I can't waste time speaking with kids like you three.

Xaizor: Kid?! You're not that much older than me!

Azrel: You wouldn't want to know my age, so can I go now?
Xaizor: No!

Azrel: *sigh* Seriously, luck? That's how you're playing me today?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nightmare Unitia - Hakurei Shrine

Rayla: I have to agree with Auror there. I'm not really comfortable with the idea of Kiragi fighting with us...But it's for the best that he keeps that pact up. (At the moment, they seem harmless.)

Spring Zone - Streets Near the Hakurei Shrine

Kaori: (I didn't even notice him until he appeared...)

Tiane: For the record, I also don't like his face...

Tiane: Wait...AAAAAH! It's you!

Theo: You know him?

Tiane: He's that super suspicious guy that showed up at the orphanage this morning. His name was...um...

Kaori: Azrel.

Tiane: That's right! That's the name.

Theo: I see. So it's not by pure chance that he's here. He knows that Lucent is at the shrine right now.

Tiane: Okay Kaori, keep your aim at his legs if he runs during the interrogation...

Kaori: N-No need to go that far.

Tiane: Now then...spit it out right now! What do you want with Lucent?

Underground DUST Base - Destroyed Incubation Room

Music: Choir of Curse

The battle raged one, both Tatsuna and Hinata kept pressuring Kenneth with their attacks, not letting him retaliate, nor run in order to bite one of the nearby bodies.


Tatsuna: Kurgh...He isn't going down that easy huh?

Hinata: He's doing good for someone that was exausted a while ago.
Berserk Kenneth: HAAAAA!!!

Then, Kenneth managed to land a blow on Hinata, pushing her away a few meters. Tatsuna took this opportunity to punch Kenneth towards a wall with a fist enveloped in a red-dragon shaped aura. In mid-flight however, he fired bat-shaped energy projectiles, who flew really fast towards the girl. Saika decided to intervene and cut both shots with her sword, saving Tatsuna.

Saika: Alright, you two have been doing good so far in not letting him bite one of these guys. He wouldn't like to know that he did that when he comes back.

Hinata: This happened before...right?

Saika: According to him, yes. It was back when he didn't know me yet. He said that he attacked two guys that he met when he went berserk.

As Saika said that, the three noticed that Kenneth had conjured two dark spheres. He let them fall to the ground. Said spheres then, morphed into two human shapes.

Tatsuna: Let me guess...he can enslave the people he bites?

Hinata: Seems like it...

Saika: Though knowing his mental state right now, those "slaves" are seemingly in a berserk state as well.

Hinata: Just great...

Tatsuna: Don't worry. We'll bring Mr.Kenneth back.

Saika: That's the spirt. Tatsuna, make sure you knock him down. I have a feeling the longer that if we prolong this, the hungrier he'll get...and more savage as well.

Then, the spheres finished their shape-shifting. The appeacences of the human forms were that of common and normal passerbies who had the misfortune to meet with Kenneth in such a state. He never wanted to use them as his ghouls, so he tried his best to forget they even existed, since he wasn't aware of a way to undo their curse, which was something a vampire hunter would be able to do. With his eye at his prey, he lunged foward, even faster than before, with his ghouls following right behind. Tatsuna focused on Kenneth as instructed, not pulling her punches, she kept taking advantage of the fact that he didn't had any strategy other than just attack and kept avoiding his strikes with ease. Saika and Hinata were handling the Ghouls. Normally, they would be more than enough to handle them, but Hinata's fatigue was becoming more aparent and her movements were becoming slower, having her to rely on her explosive punches more than her speed. Saika meanwhile, could only use enhancement magic, so her a great part of her destructive power was gone.

Underground DUST Base - Corridors

Sheila: Hey...Are we there yet?

Gillia: Almost...though I have some bad news...We only have 10 minutes left.

Sheila: In this situation, it doesn't sound so long.

Gillia: Don't give up just yet. This keycard will allow me to stop sequence. Ametatsu was luckly a high enough ranking member to give access to such permission.

Sheila: I can't help it...It's a countdown to my certain death after all.
Soldier: Miss Gillia! Over here!

Gillia: Ah! I'm coming!

Sheila: (Guess not everyone was ready to literally go out with a bang either.)

Underground DUST Base - Main Lab's Control Room

Gillia: Alright, leave the rest to me.

Sheila: I'm counting on you...

Sheila slumped over a nearby chair while Gillia headed over the computer where countdown was visible in the screen.

Sheila: (9 minutes left...)

Gillia: Alright...first, I put the ID Card here...
Soldiers: Oh boy...Why must they do this to us?

Gillia: I don't have the answer to that my friend.
Soldiers: Seriously...If this was the Leader's idea, then I'm not trusting people like Tamari ever again...

Gillia: (Lady Tamari...is this how you really feel about us?)

Sheila: (So that's the name of their leader...)

Then, they heard a gun firing near them. The Soldier near them fell on the ground, cluching the wound in his stomach.

Sheila: !!!

Sheila immidietaly slowed time, then looked towards the direction the shot came from and saw a group that was entering the room. She threw a knife at the shooter, who got his hand stabbed once time went back to normal.

Sheila: And now, we have a room full of suicidal guys...

Soldier: Open Fire!

Gillia: !!!

Sheila: Don't look back!

Gillia: Eh?

The soldiers opened fire, Sheila was then, engulfed by a bright light, which quickly moved closer to Gillia, receiving all the bullets.

Gillia: Sheila!!!

Music: Einsatz

Sheila: I said to not look back...We have no time to lose. Don't worry, I'll make sure to deal with these guys.
Soldier: T-That's a Compact Glaive? Tch...Not wonder our bullets didn't work...

Gillia: (Say what? She had a compact glaive all along?)

Gillia did as Sheila instructed and continued to search for a way to disable the self-destruction command.

Sheila: Now then, time for you guys to have a taste of my wrath.
Soldier: Kurgh...Focus fire on her...As long as she's here, won't be able to attack Gillia.

Sheila: BRING IT!!!

When Sheila has her Compact Glaive activated, she has permanent access to a strong version of the strenght enhancement, making her strenght comparable to an Ancestor Mage and even a Chi Master. She was also able to use the Time Slow ability together with the enhancement. However The time slow ability can still be only done in short bursts.

Sheila: Haaa!!!

She ran foward, dodging enemy fire while also throwing the knife strapped to her armor towards the soldiers. The strap would extend without hindering the knife's speed, hitting the soldiers one-by-one as she kept dodging and blocking the bullets. Then, as she closed-in on the group, she dealt a powerful sliding dash that lifted three of them in the air. Right after, she kicked them while still on the air towards the others.

Soldiers: ARGH!

Sheila: I'm not done yet! TAKE THIS!

She continued the battle, meanwhile, Gillia was still trying desperatly to stop the sequence.

Gillia: (Six minutes left...No...Don't pay attention to the time...That will make you more nervous...)
Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

Kiragi: Really? Yay!

Auror: Just don't rush into a fight, little guy. And you two are in charge of seeing he won't get in danger.

Ictio: YES SIR!!
Umbra: I already knew that, thank you.

Soon, the sky broke. The dark red that covered the shrine vanished and the sunsetting sky was visible again. They left the Nightmare Realm and finally returned back to reality.

Jin: Did we get back to reality or is this a trick?

Cookie: We managed to get back safely. That's good to know.

Marina: Nighttime is already coming. Perhaps we should prepare dinner for everyone.

Reimu: I wasn't accounting for a lot of people to come here actually.

Alice: Well, yes, I suppose you didn't. Do you want help, Reimu?

Reimu: Guess I can't say no, can I? Jin, Cookie, you two will help as well.

Jin: I'm on it!

Cookie: Sure. Let's make a good feast.

Cookie and Jin followed them inside. As soon as their bodies disappeared from sight, a sound of a door opening and footsteps were heard. When they looked, someone was slowly making his way down.

BGM: Ranch at Night

Kaito: Lucent!

Kaito ran over towards his friend and began to check if he was OK, while helping him walk. Once they were are the grounds, Marina, Auror and Kiragi soon went towards him as well.

Auror: Hey, you big bastard! Took you long enough to come!

Lucent: Uh... I'm sorry...?

Auror: Hey, I'm just teasing you! I'm really glad to see you safe, Lucent.

Marina: Mr. Lucent, I am far more relieved now to know that you're OK. You have no idea of how we were worried.

Kiragi: Big Bro Lucent!!
Lucent: K-Kiragi...? W-Why are you here?

Kiragi: I came here to save you! I'm gonna be your hero!

Auror: Hey, we all know to who belongs the hero part here.

Marina, Auror and Kiragi looked at Kaito while smiling as Lucent looked a little puzzled.

Kaito: W-Why are you all looking at me like that?

Auror: Nothing much, Mr. Knight!

Kaito: H-Hey, knock it off, Auror!

Lucent: ... Hehe...

Auror: Did you just laugh?

Lucent: N-No, that was nothing of the sort... hehe...

Marina: He did laugh! Hehe!

Kiragi: Hahahaha!

Kaito: Man, seriously... oh well, at least he's happy!

From afar, Umbra and Ictio watched at the scene. Their eyes were amining at Lucent, the one they have been searching for.

Ictio: Hey, that's the guy were supposed to find, right? Right?

Umbra: Yes, it is... I can't believe we've found him this early...

Location: Spring Zone - Streets to the Hakurei Shrine


Azrel: So you're going to interrogate me now. As I need to hurry with this.

Xaizor: Yeah, we are. Now spill it.

Azrel: I'd love to, but I'd prefer to do that with the actual person listening to it. This has some concern to his life, after all.

It didn't seem like a joke. His information... had something to do with Lucent's life?

Xaizor: What do you mean?

Azrel: I was informed that death's scythe floats around his head. He has chance to escape it unscathed, of course.

Xaizor: Who's the bastard who gave you this idea?

Azrel: How much are you willing to pay me for speaking this up?

Xaizor: My will to not cut your head off. Now say it already, damnit!

Azrel sighed. He didn't want to disappoint his client, but it seemed hard to go after his target with those three blocking him. He decided to try another way.

Azrel: I'll spill it if you take me to Lucent then.

Xaizor: Are you out of your mind?! Like hell we will!

Azrel: Well then, I'll be taking my leave. Just don't blame me if he dies.

Xaizor: Hey, hold the phone!

Azrel: Oh?

Xaizor was nervous. He didn't want to believe in a word Azrel was saying, but it didn't seem like a joke for a second. It didn't look like a lie.

Xaizor: I don't want to believe that guy, but something in my gut tells me that he's not lying about this. What should we do?

Location: Spring Zone Streets

She tried and failed. Lilina wasn't able to get more of Masaru's information as she had hoped to. It wouldn't be that easy.

Lilina: (To think this wouldn't actually work... now I need to think of another way...)
Voice: Hey you, blond girl!

When Lilina looked behind her, she saw soldiers aiming at her. Her confidence on safety soon dwindled as she saw herself greatly outnumbered.

Lilina: N-No... a trap?!
Soldier: She's alone. Get her before she can escape!

Lilina: I... I have to run!!

She turned around and ran away. The soldiers gave chase. Lilina was in a predicament she hoped to avoid, but she ended up victim of an attack again. All she had to do now is run and try to escape.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Spring Zone - Streets to the Hakurei Shrine

Tiane: C'mon...We can't trust a single word he says. You two agree, right?

Theo: Well...Actually...

Tiane: Huh?

Kaori: Let's see what happens if we let him in.

Tiane: Hey!

Theo: Suspicious as he may be, he's willing to visit a place where he'll be severely outnumbered. I'm sure he knows his place and won't try anything funny now that I think about it.

Tiane: Tch...Fine... *spits on the ground* Just so you guys know, my guard will still be up! You hear me?

Kaori: We understand. Are you okay with this Xaizor?

Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

Rayla: I heard that we wouldn't be able to help you fight that Nightmare. Even still, I wanted to at least show support...but seems like you've handled the situation just fine.

Rayla: You did great Lucent. I'm proud of you!

Underground DUST Base - Main Lab's Control Room


Only 3 minutes left, Sheila had managed to defeat the group attacking them, but then, a Glaive Soldier entered the room, ready to stop Gillia.

Sheila: Oh no you don't!

Sheila grabbed the soldier mid-flight and slammed him into the ground, then, threw him towards a wall. He recovered his balance and managed to stop before he collided with the wall.

Sheila: Argh...You don't know when to quit...

Glaive Soldier: Two minutes and half...Seems like victory is already ours.

Sheila: (At this point, not even my time slow can save me...Is this where it really ends? I thought this power was supposed to...)

Gillia: Aha! I found the program responsable for the self-destruction program.

Glaive Soldier: What?

Sheila: Eh?

Glaive Soldier: STOP!

Sheila: I won't let you!!!

The Soldier flew at Gillia, Sheila jumped at him. He anticipated the seemingly desperate move and pointed his sword and flew at Sheila. Since she couldn't fly, she wouldn't able to dodge the attack and would be impaled.

Sheila: (Time! Heed my call one more time!)

Everything slowed once more, giving Sheila enough time to use the bracer on her arm to hit the sword away. She took the inertia of her jump as an opportunity for a elbow strike, hitting the Glaive Soldier. Both hit the ground as time went back to normal.

Glaive Soldier: Urgh...What?

Sheila: This is where it ends!!! ARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

As she was on top of him, Sheila started delivering a fast flurry of punches at his head, breaking his helmet with consecutive strikes. With one last punch, she knocked him out cold.

Sheila: Anyone from the organization who would like to be next?

There was no answer. She did see more soldiers outside, some of them with compact glaives at hand. Sheila noticed they had no intentions of entering the room.

Sheila: Wait, is it because of the time limit? How much le-

Sheila: Fifty seconds...Whew...What a close call.

Gillia: Indeed. I couldn't have done it without you.

Sheila: You have part of the credit...I was about to give up for a moment there.

Gillia: Now then...How about you guys out there? I'm sure you want to ruin our fun.

Sheila: More of them? Don't they know they won't stand a chance? How many Soldiers do you guys have anyway?

Gillia: Quite a big number actually. Some of these people are even from other countries.

Sheila: For real?

Gillia: Now then, can you keep going?

Sheila: You don't even have to ask. I barely broke a sweat with these guys.

But then, they saw the Soldiers being taken down by one of their own being thrown at them.

Soldier: W-What? Who are...

Carlu: You already know how this will end. See what happens if you try to activate your toys while I'm at this range.
Soldier: Kurgh...Retreat! No use in staying in this base any longer!

The soldiers ran away. Carlu sheated his sword and entered the room. Sheila turned-off her Compact Glaive before slumping in a chair again.

Carlu: Seems like something big happened. Are you okay? And who's this?

Sheila: Slow down with the questions...I'm still trying to process what we just went through.

Gillia: My name is Gillia. I abandoned my surname long ago. We just stopped a Self-Destruction sequence.

Carlu: A-Are you serious?

Sheila: Pretty much...She's a member of this stupid organization...but her face told me this isn't what she signed up for.

Gillia: Well...To be honest, I still have no regrets researching how humanity has evolved and how we can make it stronger. I guess that once this is all over...I'll continue doing it.

Sheila: There's just so many things wrong with what you just said...I would yell at you right now...But I just want to relax.

Gillia: Hihihi!

Sheila: What's so funny?

Gillia: Now that I have a better look at your face...you're really pretty. You look even better without your hood.

Sheila: Flattery will get you nowhere...

Sheila pulled up her hood again and crossed her arms. A few seconds later, she realized something.


She got up left the room in a hurry. Carlu had a loose idea on what happened to him.

Carlu: I assume he went berserk.

Gillia: (That kid...felt like more than he was a monster...) What was that all about? I've never seen a human being so...savage like that. ((One day, azurestrikergunvolt.wikia.com/wiki/St…"The_Gluttonous_Fly"">you will.))

Carlu: It's...complicated. Anyway, I assume that right now, you're on our side...correct?

Gillia: That's right. I'll grant you access to the data of this branch if you want.

Carlu: That would be of great help. Actually, you should do this ASAP. They might try to blow this place up when we're not looking.

Underground DUST Base - Destroyed Incubation Room

**Choir of Curse still playing**

Despite their fatigue, Saika and Hinata were an even match against Kenneth Ghouls. Tatsuna meanwhile, was managing to overpower Kenneth by carefully reacting to his feral movements.

Tatsuna: (Just a little further, and I'll be able to hit him with my best move...I better make it count when that time comes.)
Berserk Kenneth: GRAAAAAAAAAAH!!!

Hinata: W-What?

The Ghouls movements suddenly became faster, as if they were being powered up by Kenneth's magic. Hinata was in a deadlock with her opponent and was soon overpowered and slammed into the ground.

Hinata: ARGH!!!

Saika: This is bad...Tatsuna, hurry it up!

Tatsuna: But...If I don't pace myself...I won't be able to knock him out...

Hinata: HAAAAA!!!

Hinata threw a desperate kick that send the ghoul flying to a wall. She struggled to stay on foot, still in pain from being slammed into the ground.

Hinata: No need...to worry...about me...

She stay on place, then takes a stance as the Ghoul ran at her. Then, she punched the creature in the chest and sent it flying away again.

Hinata: It will take...more than that to take me down...

Tatsuna: Heh...Sorry for doubting you for a moment.

Saika: Don't feel so confident against these weaklings.

Tatsuna: Understood!

Hinata: Got it. I'll end this for sure!

They continue the battle. Hinata concentrating solely on counter-attacks, Saika and Tatsuna were avoiding as much damage as possible.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

BGM: Ranch at Night still playing

Lucent: I... didn't do it... alone.

Auror: What do you mean? We didn't have the time to even get near to you-

Lucent: I... remembered what you said back at that day, Rayla. And then I remembered Reeta and Kaito... and then everyone else. Your words... reached me and gave me strength to win.

Lucent: So... you all helped me. Thank you.

Marina: Oh, Lucent...

Auror: We're all here for you, man. No need to be that lonely anymore.

Kaito: He's right, Lucent. You have people to count on, so don't go back to those gloomy days.

Lucent: I know... I just... I'm stubborn... I keep thinking about the past and about how I... don't want that to repeat.

Kaito: That won't repeat. I won't let it happen.

Kiragi: Yeah, I won't let it too... whatever that is!

*BGM fades*

Lucent smiled. As Kiragi finished talking, Lucent looked at the side and saw Umbra and Ictio floating and looking directly at him.

Lucent: Sprites...? What are they doing here in reality?

Kiragi: Oh, those are Ictio and Umbra! I met them at the orphanage and made a promise-

Kiragi: I-I mean... pact thingy with them! Oh, they were actually looking for you, Big Bro Lucent!

BGM: Song of the Ancients -Popola/Instrumental-

Ictio flew fast at Lucent and grabbed his index finger, pleading for his help.

Ictio: Please, you have the help us restore the Dream Realm! Please, please, please!

Lucent: Huh? W-Wait, me?

Umbra: We were told by a voice to look for and after you, as you are the only one who can restore the balance between Dreams and Nightmares.

Auror: That's a huge task you're putting on him.

Ictio: We know that, but the voice said it! "Search for Lucent Vermillion, the one who carries the power to restore balance between the Realms."

Marina: But whose voice was it?

Umbra: There lies the problem. The memories we have about this voice are sealed shut.

Kaito: So you don't remember who it was? And what do you guys mean by "sealed"?
Marina: It means someone used a spell to block those memories. Specifically, ones that regard the owner of the voice that spoke with Ictio and Umbra.

Kaito: Oh, I get it. But damn, that doesn't help at all...

Umbra: There was more, though. "Bring him to the Realm. There, he will learn of an important truth."

Auror: Important truth?

Ictio: That's all we know... this stupid seal blocking our memories... and we can't even break it.

Umbra: That is indeed frustrating. I wanted to come with all the information necessary, but it seems like there's nothing I can do about it.

A new information came to light: Lucent is supposedly the key to solving the Nightmare Incident. However, it was still nothing but a short bit. It wouldn't be a really helpful information.

Marina: The more we progress, the more inconclusive our route gets. If we follow Umbra and Ictio's words...

Lucent: I... can save the Dream Realm? But I'm half Nightmare Demon. I eat dreams. How can I possibly...

Auror: If we want to discover that, we'll have to find a way to break the seal on their memories. And for doing that, we need to understand more about the Realms in general. The information we have is really short.

Kaito: Lucent, you know about how this works, right?

Lucent: N-Not as much as you think I do...

Marina: But the few you know will be already helpful. We agreed that I shall do a research on this incident so that they can focus on the other ones.

Umbra: We'll be sure to help too, for as long as our memories permit it.

Ictio: We're on this together! We won't let you down!

Kiragi: Ooooh, this sounds like a big adventure! I'm getting excited!

Location: Spring Zone - Streets Near the Hakurei Shrine

BGM: DISTRUST still playing

Xaizor was at the same position as Tiane. He didn't want Azrel to get near his friends, but his gut kept poking him. He decided to concede.

Xaizor: Alright, alright, I concede. We'll take you to Lucent if that's so damn important.

Xaizor: But if you decide to play any sort of trick, you're in for hell! You got that right?!

Azrel: I can guarantee you, I'm not here to pick any sort of fight. After all, this info can change things around.

Xaizor: Still playing secrecy, huh?

Azrel: Chill out, chill out. Once we're there, I'm telling everything.

Xaizor: Alright. But I'm going first and Tiane will come with me. Ted and Kaori, you guys walk behind and keep and eye on him.

Location: Spring Zone Streets

Lilina ran the fast that she could without looking back. The soldiers chased her, none of them shooting since they were instructed to take her alive and without any injuries. As she ran, Lilina tripped on the sidewalk and fell.

Lilina: Ah...!!
Soldier: There she is! We got her!!

By the time she got up, Lilina was already surrounded by the soldiers. With her back on the wall, she got desperate.

Lilina: No, this can't be the end! This cannot be...!
Soldier: Just stay quiet and come with us, girl.

She saw herself at the end of the line. Before he could grab her, Lilina took out the wand Azrel gave her. This would allow her to awaken to her aura and accept a fate she wouldn't be able to erase.

Lilina: (I have no choice... I promised I wouldn't do it, but I need to...!!)

She put her finger at the digital reader of the wand. The object began to emit sounds and soon a bright light covered all of them.

BGM: Thorn

The light faded away. The soldiers looked at the point where Lilina was as she reappeared. However, things were different. New garments replaced her clothing and a scabbard appeared at her waist. For her, it was more than just that. Her mind has changed immensely. Information ran as if her brain became a CPU, processing data as fast as it could. She awakened as a Psychic.

Lilina: ...
Soldier #1: Wait, that thing was a Glaive?
Soldier #2: It looked so different from the ones they have back at the base!

Lilina: I truly suggest you step back at this instant.
Soldier #1: Heh, you're getting too cocky. Do you think that alone you're going to-

But before he could finish speaking, a laser sent him away. When they looked, 5T stood there.

5T: So you did use it.

Lilina: I had no choice. I don't want to be captured.

5T: And you're willing to take the consequences? Your life will never be the same again, Lilina.

Lilina: If I'm getting alive out of it, so be it. I'm going to do whatever I can.

5T: Then the conversation is over. Engaging battle protocol.

The soldiers shot at 5T the moment he said that. With fast movements, he evaded the bullets and got up close to them. However, they have totally ignored Lilina, who began to attack with her sword as well. Not only that, but her movements were swift, as if she moved like an illusion.

5T: Suddenly, you're fighting as if you had an experience before. These Glaives are surely something.

Lilina: We can talk later! Right now, these soldiers are our priority.

5T: Right. Pod, send a signal back to the Guild and warn them of the situation.
Pod: Affirmative.

Under 5T's orders and as he fought together with Lilina, the Pod sent a signal, with the information about the situation and that Lilina has awakened.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

Rayla: (So, they were sent by someone to this place in order to ask for Lucent's help...but their memories of the owner of the voice were sealed...)

Rayla: (Not wanting to sound pessimistic...but this sounds a lot like a trap...specially because we still don't know much about this incident at all...Maybe that wasn't the only memory that got sealed within them.)

Spring Zone - Streets Near the Hakurei Shrine

Tiane: Roger that!

Theo: This way.

Kaori: No hard feelings okay?

Underground DUST Base - Destroyed Incubation Room


Tatsuna: (That's the kind of attack I was waiting for...) YA!

Tatsuna avoids Kenneth's all-out tackle. She was now behind him and ready to unleash a powerful move.

Tatsuna: Crimson Dragon Tatsuna...Ready to strike and devour! HAYAAAAAAAAA!!!!

When Kenneth turns around, he received a powerful punch to the gut that stunned him. Tatsuna followed with a flurry of punches while circling him, finishing with a flying kick enveloped in dragon aura, sending Kenneth flying to a wall and breaking it. The ghouls suddenly fell on the ground and dissolved.

Hinata: Y-You did it.

Tatsuna: R-Really?

Saika: Seems like it.

Tatsuna: I-I'm going to check it out.

Tatsuna ran towards Kenneth's location. A moment later, she confirmed to the group that he was indeed unconcious.

Hinata: Finally...

Saika: I don't think I could've kept it going for much longer...My predecessors really had it hard huh?

Hinata: You know, this is Tatsuna's first field mission...I can already imagine the amount of praise she's getting from Mr. Kev.

Saika: I see...Wait, we still need to take him back to the surface ASAP.

Hinata: I assume it has something to do with turning him back to normal...right?

Saika: Correct. (I should tell Lady Crimson to send someone to pick us up.)

Hinata: Let Tatsuna do it. I bet you're not in any condition to carry him right now.

Saika: You're right...I would probably run out breath mid-walk...

As she said that, Sheila arrived at the place.

Tatsuna: Hey! If you're here, it means...

Sheila: We won't blow up.

Hinata: Hm? (Oh right, she left together with that soldier. I never got her name.)

Sheila: *ahem* Anyway, let's take him to the surface.

Tatsuna: You lead the way while I carry him.

Sheila: Alright.

Tatsuna: See you both up there~!

Both girls left the place. Saika and Hinata went to the corridor, as they were getting a bit tired of seeing all of the bodies.

Hinata: Are you sure you want someone like Kenneth on your team? It is clear that he's in no condition for prolonged fights...which I imagine there's going to be more of it.

Saika: Yeah...He's certainly a danger to us...Though, I don't have a say on this.

Hinata: You...don't?

Saika: If anything, I'm now questioning why he's even here...He's a random factor for sure. That form of his is cleary completely out of his control.

Hinata: ...

Saika: This is going to happen again for sure...And it's going to be terrible...

Hinata: (Indeed...and this struggle will begin once more...I didn't knew Kenneth was under such a horrible curse...)

Underground DUST Base - Main Lab's Control Room

Gillia: Well...this won't do at all...This is what I expected...but a lot of data was lost...And access to the other branches was terminated.

Carlu: Nothing to accuse DUST with something?

Gillia: None. We're most likely just plain terrorists in the eyes of the public...

Carlu: Well...at least we know there's more than one base...and a main one commanding everything from the shadows.

Gillia: We still have a bunch of glaives, so if you want to take those for research sake, you're free to do it.

Carlu: I'm sure the guild will love these. There's only one person from our group that actually uses a compact glaive.

Gillia: Sheila right? I actually remember that armor being an old prototype. If you want, we can unlock its strongest weapon.

Carlu: About that, one of us messed with that device.

Gillia: Wait, that person figured out how the glaives work?

Carlu: Vineria is good at what she does.

Gillia: Bummer...I wanted to see her reaction to that. (Then again, I should've figured this the moment I saw her in that armor...)

Carlu: I believe we should head to the surface now...We have a lot to do about the members of this branch.

Gillia: (Alot of people to place under arrest...This day sure is already pretty long for them...)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

BGM: Song of the Ancients -Popola/Instrumental- still playing

Auror: Oh, I know that look, Rayla. It's the pessimistic look.

Marina: W-What do you mean, pessimistic?

Umbra: It means she believes that we might be leading you all in a trap.

Auror: I do agree with her, though. You two do sound trustworthy, but the fact that you forced a pact on a kid and now are so desperate to bring Lucent with you sounds awfully suspicious.

Kiragi: T-They didn't force me! I wanted this!

Kaito: Kiragi...?

Kiragi: I'm sure Umbra and Ictio are not lying! They gave me a chance to help everyone! And like I said, Mr. Icy Messy Hair, I wanted this!

Auror: Icy... Messy Hair?

Marina: Lucent, what is your opinion on this. Are you willing to believe in them?

It did seem like it could be a trap. However, Lucent wanted to give a chance to the idea. If he's able to help people, he will take it.

Lucent: I... I am.

Kiragi: Yay!!

Auror: That fast?

Lucent: There are so many things that I don't know either. But if this is the chance for me to do it, then I'll take it. Even if I might... fall into a trap.

Auror: Well, if you say so, guess I just need to keep my eyes open then.

Marina: We might not need to keep our guard up. At least, not too much. We still need to understand how this exactly works, but I am sure they are on our side.

Kaito: Well, I don't have anything to say on this. If Lucent decided to trust them, so will I.


Umbra: *sigh* Please forgive my idiot twin who gets overexcited about a lot of things...

*BGM stops*

Steps could be heard from the stairs. As they looked, Xaizor, Tiane, Theo, Kaori and Azrel came.

Marina: Xaizor! Everyone!

Auror: And a stranger arrives on the field, folks. Who's the guy?

Lucent: Y-You're... from the morning...!

Kaito: You know this guy?

Xaizor: This Azrel dude here says he has something to speak with Lucent. So, we've brought him up here.

Location: Spring Zone - Streets

After a long fight, Lilina and 5T dispatched all the soldiers. She tried to take her breath, as her hands trembled a little.

Lilina: So... this is the meaning of fighting...

5T: It scares when you first do it, huh? I can't understand that.

Lilina: W-What do you mean?

5T: I was... well, raised for fighting. That's what I mean.

Lilina: Quill...

An answer to 5T's signal reached him. It was a direct order to bring Lilina to the Guild. At the same time, Lilina reverted back to her normal form.

5T: Alright, we're heading back to the Guild now. I got orders to bring you there right now.

Lilina: W-What do you think it'll happen?
5T: I don't know. We'll know when we get there.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

Rayla: Oh...It's this guy...

Kaori: (We're barely even here and she's already looking at him wrong.)

Tiane: You got what you wanted...Now you can talk to him as much as you want.

Rayla: (Good to know we're solving the mystery of this guy sooner...)

Kanzakai School - School Gates

The group got confirmation that Tsuya was nowhere to be found. The searches would still continue during the night.

Andressa: ...

Hiagor: Aren't you going to stay for the dinner Mina promised?

Andressa: Not feeling like celebrating...

Hiagor: It's not a celebration, it's a reward.

Andressa: Still...not really feeling like it...Not with how things happened...

Hiagor: Everything is going to be fine.

Andressa: I sure hope so too...

Hiagor: ...You have another reason to leave...right?

Andressa: You should know the answer to that...what with Barry knowing my actual name.

Hiagor: Can't argue with you there.

Andressa: Until another day...

Zeelena: Wait! Let me go with you.

Andressa: Eh?

Zeelena: If you don't mind that is...

Andressa: ...Suit yourself...Bye Mr. Detective.

He saw both girls leaving the place, letting out a loud sigh after he lost sight of them.

Hiagor: (...This is going to be a slow process...but rest assured, everything will go back to once it was...I promise.)

Summer Area - Streets

Daisy: I'll be fine on my own here. It doesn't look like they are still looking for me.

Eria: Are you sure about that?

Daisy: Yes...And I'll be fine even if they decided to show their ugly faces again.

Eria: If you say so, then good luck...Oh right, here, I want you to have my adress.

Daisy: W-Why?

Eria: If you ever want someone to talk, I'm always avaliable after midday.

Daisy: ...

Eria: It was a pleasure meeting you Daisy! See you later!

They took their separate way, with Daisy staring at the paper she was given for a couple more seconds before putting it in her pocket.

Daisy: Well...Maybe I'll take up on her offer...
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

Azrel: Well, this is a much bigger crowd than I expected. There goes my one witness plan out of the window.

Xaizor: Alright pal, cough it up! What do you want with Lucent?!

Marina: (I am feeling very uncomfortable with this...)

Lucent stepped forward and looked directly at Azrel.

Lucent: S-Say it already...

Azrel: Oh, you're sounding a lot different than when we met! Managed to muster some bravery?

Lucent: Shut up and just say what you want with me.

Azrel: Alright then. As you wish.

BGM: Tension

Azrel: Two people will come to your life soon. One of them wants to kill you and the other one wishes to save you. It's up to you to make the correct choice.

Lucent: ...!

Marina: Two people...?

Azrel: No, it doesn't have anything to do with your little floating friends right there, miss.

Kiragi: Of course it doesn't!

Kaito: That's it? That's what you wanted to say?

Auror: Well, I think I'm curious about hearing the next part. C'mon, spill it.

Azrel: Well... how much are your willing to pay for the rest of the info?

Xaizor: *draws blade* The rest of your life, that's what.

Azrel: Again with that? C'mon, do some actual threatening.

Xaizor: You piece of shit...!!

Kaito: *draws chakrams* I think I heard enough to burn you.

Marina: Wait! Do not act rashly!

Kaito: But look at what this guy is saying! Do you seriously think we can just buy his words?!

Auror: No, I don't. But let's not jump into a fight while we can still negotiate terms here.

Kaito: Auror!

Auror: You two back off with the weapons. Kaito, take Lucent, the kid and the spirits with you inside.

Lucent: B-But I-

Marina: You are considerably hurt, so we cannot strain you right now. Please, leave this to us and keep resting inside the shrine.

While being against it, Marina was right. He wouldn't be able to fight at all if it came down to it. Lucent agreed with her and, accompanied by Kaito, Kiragi and the twin Sprites, he went back inside to rest.

Auror: Now that he's away... I think we can now keep discussing.

Azrel: Am I going to get paid for the extras I speak or no?

Xaizor: I swear, this bastard...!!

Location: World Crossers Guild - Lobby

The door opened and Lilina went inside. 5T was already behind her.

Lilina: U-Umm...

5T: I brought her as ordered.

Location: Kanzakai School - Entrance Gate

Fuindor stood at the gates, thinking about everything up until now. The thought dominating him was about his identity.

Fuindor: (I need to think what I'm going to do right now. I can't tell them what I am or else I'm going to be killed.)
Orie: Fuindor? Is something wrong?

Fuindor: Oh! No, nothing. Don't worry about it. It was just about everything happened today.

Orie: It might have been very different than what you imagined.

Fuindor: Well, I don't mind it much. Things like this might be happening everywhere.

Fuindor: Sad they were unable to find the guy. I hope he's alright.

Orie: Yes, I do too. Not to mention Sumireko and Jane at the hospital. They're still pretty hurt.

Fuindor: ...

Orie: If only I was more competent in the fight, this wouldn't have happened...

Fuindor: Don't blame yourself too much. I didn't do much either too.

Orie: I see. In any case, do you plan to say and join the rest?

Fuindor: Well, I can't go home right now since they wanna talk to us about that purple girl we fought.

Orie: Oh... right. We cannot leave yet until this is clarified.

Fuindor: I don't mind it... much. I'm kinda hungry, though.

Orie: Well, shall we eat with them?

Fuindor: Well, if they let us eat too.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

Rayla: Okay now, threatening someone's life is going too far.

Tiane: Still...there's gotta be something that we can do to get him to spill.

Theo: (He doesn't seem intimidated by numbers at all. I'm sure that's what Tiane and Xaizor were counting on to get him to say something...)

Rayla: Well...I'll bite, what kind of currency do you accept?

Tiane: H-Hey!

Rayla: I'm assuming he's just the messenger, since he keeps demanding that we pay him. I know someone that might help.

Kaori: Also, just listen to his tone. He's not afraid of us in the slightest. Either he thinks he can actually take us on all at once...or he has a get-free-jail card.

Theo: Exactly...By the way, who's that person you're saying is going to help?

Rayla: Farenheit.

Theo: Y-You mean...That Mr. F? For real?

Rayla: Sure. If it's for a good cause, he'll be sure to help.

Theo: Well...if you're saying so... (Will this really be okay?)

World Crossers Guild - Lobby

Music: Main Lobby

Nancy: Welcome. Sorry if today we were a bit loose on the security.

Larissa: Are you sure it was even our fault? Jerry was there after all.

Kail: What are you even doing here?

Larissa: I just wanted some fresh air. Is that bad?

Kail: You're being very sassy for someone who's here just for that!

Alty: This is no time for that...stay quiet you two.

Rosa: Kail, no picking fights with her. This is not the time for that.

Kail: Hmph...

Larissa: Oh well...

Nancy: Hehehehe...Sorry about that. Well, I guess it's time to give her that same speech we gave to Tiane when she got here as well. Will you follow us to the Underground Lab Miss Lilina?

Kanzakai School - Entrance Gate

Hiagor: Hm?

The dective notices Barry, Mina and Nicholas arriving with someone.

Hiagor: There you guys are.

Mina: I sure wish I could greet you with more enthusiasm.

Nicholas: Same here.

Barry: It seems like nothing else happened.

Hiagor: Nothing much...Just some confimation that Sumireko and Jane arrived safely at the hospital...by the way.

Trent: Hello there! Mr. Janitor here!

Hiagor: Not so loud...You do know he's at risk of being lynched right.

Barry: No need to worry about that. I'll be watching him dismantle that device at the gym.

Trent: Exactly. That thing is my bargaining chip. Now let's hurry up before someone spots me.

Barry: You can all start the last reunion without me.

Hiagor: ...I guess if it's you watching over him, it will be fine. Let's go you two.

Winter District - Streets

Andressa: Are you really sure you don't want to be with Nicholas right now?

Zeelena: It's not like he needs me anyway, he's already around longtime friends.

Andressa: I don't think he would mind that. Shouldn't people stick together in moments like this?

Zeelena: You could be right...But at the same time, I think it's fine the way it is.

Andressa: ...You're still sad from being rejected?

Zeelena: Not at all...Besides, he still lets me hang around as friends...And I'm happy with that.

Andressa: (Really now?)

Zeelena: Let's stop with this conversation okay? The mood is already sour as it is.

Andressa: I guess...

Zeelena: Say...Andressa...Would you...Get power by any means necessary in order to help someone?

Andressa: What?

Zeelena: Actually...nevermind, forget I said anything...Look, do you want some pretzels to eat on the way? It's on me.

Andressa: I'll pass. Thanks for the offer though.

Zeelena: Oh...Okay then...

Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

Azrel: Any currency is fine. We'll have to establish how much I'm going to tell based on what I receive after I get the money.
Reimu: You're telling us for free, Mr. Bounty Hunter.

BGM: Disquiet

A pair of amulets grazed Azrel from both sides of his head. They hit the gate of the entrance and generated a barrier that blocked the way out. As the group looked, Reimu, Alice, Jin and Cookie came out. However, none of them were bearing a happy face.

Azrel: *sigh* The reunion I wasn't expecting to make happens...

Reimu: You're back. Now, what are you up to?

Azrel: I'm just doing my job. Can you please get out of my way for once?

Reimu: Considering you were about to make them pay for whatever you're about to speak, I felt as if you needed to learn the meaning of charity and give it for free.

Azrel: ... Pain in the ass.

It looked obvious that Reimu and Azrel weren't on good terms. That extended to Alice, Jin and Cookie, who didn't seem happy at all of seeing him.

Marina: Miss Reimu, you know him?

Reimu: Our past run in more than one way and I can tell you it didn't run as we all expected for some of those times.

Alice: What are you doing here? What do you want with those children?

Azrel: I'm just chatting. What's so bad about talking with them about something that matters to them?

Jin: The bad is that it's coming from your mouth, that's what. Let me guess, someone paid you to come here.

Azrel: I have a contract, idiot. If you're not happy with me doing my job then you should leave.

Cookie: So you got a new job. Tell me, which side are you on right now?

Azrel: My side. As always. Not with you, nor against you. Only for me.

Reimu: I see. Go ahead then. Keep talking, don't mind us.

Azrel: ...

Azrel hated Reimu to her guys. The dislike was mutual and it was enough to raise suspicion in the others.

Auror: Seems like you're more suspicious than I initially thought. You have a story with them and they're clearly not happy of seeing your face around.

Xaizor: I knew it. This asshole came to play with our minds!

Marina: No, we cannot jump to conclusions yet. While the suspicion around him certainly rose, we cannot distinguish his words as a lie because of what they share as personal history.

Azrel: Well, I don't mind being suspicious but there's someone else you should be really careful about.

Auror: And who would that be?

Azrel: That guy with a beanie that always walks around you guys.

Xaizor: Guy with a beanie... Masaru?!

Azrel: Here's the hint I'm giving you all for free since I don't have a choice. This Masaru person hides more than what he lets through his mouth. While not being one of the two I told earlier, he's involved with one of them.

Xaizor: (Then... the suspicion me and Kaito rose around him is...)

Azrel: That's all I have to say, can I leave now?

Location: World Crossers Guild - Main Lobby

BGM: Main Lobby still playing

5T: This is starting to become an annoying routine with these two...

5T: Let's go to the Underground Lab, Lilina.

Lilina: Y-Yes. Which way is it?

5T: Follow us. We'll take you there.

Lilina: A-Alright.

5T was the first one to leave to the lab. Lilina was a little nervous, so she waited a little before going.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

Kaori: (Masaru? Why him? That seems like a random person to point fingers...)

Tiane: Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Serves you right!

Theo: (She must be happy to seeing his composture crack for once.)

Rayla: Well...now that we don't have to bother Mr. F...

Rayla: You're going to have to tell us more.

Tiane: Me! Let me do it!

Rayla: **sits near the table** Well, suit yourself.

Tiane: Alright then Mr. Bounty Hunter, who is exactly the person that hired you and why do they care so much for him?

Kanzakai School - Entrance Gate

Mina: We're here now.

Kenzuki: Welcome back.

Nicholas: Huh? There's some missing people.

Renath: Drake, Elora, Andressa and Zeelena left early. Italo accompanied Sumireko and Jane to the hospital.

Kenzuki: Where's Mr. Bariand?

Mina: Giving another check to that device at the gym.

Nadia: I thought he told us not to go there...

Nicholas: He said he was going to take care not to get too close. He also said to start the reunion without him.

Kenzuki: Hmmm...in that case...Let's begin.

Renath: As you are all aware, while we've managed to find the culprit to Vincent's murder...Unfortunately, Joel managed to get Tsuya to turn on us for a while...and before we could fully convince him to stop, Jane got shot by his accomplice.

Hyde: That was a low blow...I'm not sure if I can hold myself if I see his face!

Hiagor: (Yep...)

Kenzuki: That wasn't the only threat however, as a third party was also attacking the school. I believe Orie told us this person name was Melina.

Nadia: (The person that left Miss Usami in that state...)

Renath: Now that things have calmed down a bit. Orie and Fuindor, can you both tell us in more detail how the fight against her went? Did she say something more about herself?
Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

BGM: Disquiet still playing

Azrel: That's confidential.

Reimu: Maybe my amulets have something to say about that.

Azrel: I wouldn't attack me if I were you. I'm not here to fight you, anyway.

Alice: You're certainly forcing us to. And you know we have no intention to back out.

Jin: Make things easier for us and just tell us who's bossing you around this time.

Azrel put the hand on his pocket and tookout a phone. By dialing a number, he called to Fortuno.

Azrel: ... It's me. What do you want me to do now?
Fortuno: Geez, did you pass over a black cat today? You're usually full of four-leaf clovers.

Azrel: Just do what you need to do already.
Fortuno: Righto ditto! Here we go~

Azrel turned off the call as a beacon of light fell over him. His body started to float.

Marina: What is that light?

Cookie: That light... a divine pillar?!

Jin: He's going to escape!!

Azrel: You'll pay for interfering, Reimu. You three as well... Alice, Jin and Cookie.

Xaizor: Hold it up, you son of a bitch!!

Xaizor impusively ran towards Azrel but the divine pillar took him away before he could ever reach him.

*BGM fades*

Xaizor: Damnit, he ran away!

Reimu: A divine pillar, huh... seems like we have something to discuss. Cookie, Jin, Alice, with me.

Marina: W-Where are you going?

Reimu: In the forbidden room. Don't enter at any costs.

Alice: Dinner is already in the table. Feel free to serve yourselves.

The four of them went back inside the shrine. In the meanwhile, Auror decided to speak about all that happened right now, as if the need to organize things rose.

Auror: Alright then. First the shrine gets engulfed into a barrier and taken to the Nightmare Realm. Then somehow we get the information that Lucent might be the key to resolving this particular incident and lastly, we get a message that people are after Lucent...

Marina: Not to mention that he pointed Mister Masaru as a suspect involved with one of those parties but we do not know who it is.

Auror: This is seriously tiring me. How I'd long for a solution to fall out of the sky and save us this once...

Xaizor: ... Hey, about Masaru...

Xaizor sheathed his blade and went back to the others. While Azrel kept being suspicious to them, it didn't help that he theorized with Kaito that Masaru's actions were suspicious somehow.

Xaizor: I don't know you guys, but something has been bothering me. Hey, do you guys remember the number of times he and Lucent talked before? Not counting the ones we had in these last days.

Auror: Before that...? From my part, I didn't see that happening much.

Location: Kanzakai School - Entrance Gate

BGM: Discord (Octopath Traveler)

Orie: I arrived at the third floor, worried about your situation and the explosions. Before I could get to see what was going on, she suddenly appeared and attacked me. I tried to fend her off, but I couldn't use my powers on time.

Orie: That is when Sumireko and Fuindor came. She helped me a little but the assailant was faster than what we predicted. When I saw it, she was already aiming at Sumireko and had her pinned on the ground.

Fuindor: That's when I jumped in. I told Orie to take Sumireko somewhere safe and managed to hold her off. My plan wasn't to fully use my powers but to call you guys with my chakra and get her on the act.

Fuindor: The brat was smarter and faster than I thought. She turned into butterflies and just flew away. Then you all came and told us to evacuate all the students. And that's all.

Orie thought a little about Melina. Even though it was unusual, she decided to share it.

Orie: She called herself... the sixth princess of the Bariura Empire.

Fuindor: Never heard of the place. Where is that?

Orie: I do not know. I never heard of it too.

Fuindor: Hrrrmm... not having a clue of the place kinda ticks me off.

Orie: In any case, I take full responsibility for what has happened with Sumireko and Fuindor today. I apologize for not being able to contain the confusion.

Fuindor: Hey, I didn't help much either! Don't go taking it all under yourself for this!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

Music: Warped Puzzle

Tiane was on the verge of having a tantrum, but Kaori calmed her down and made her sit by the table with the others.

Rayla: (Well...guess we got too confident...) **sips tea** Well...Nothing comes to mind.

Theo: Same here...Lucent was introverted back then so I'm sure he avoided Masaru sometimes.

Tiane: I only recently started frequenting school so I can't answer that...

Kaori: I'm sure they never met during that time...at least when I was looking.

Rayla: What bothers me is that these people that are after Lucent seem to know who he really is...This might be a long shot, but what if these same people are somehow related to his past?

Theo: You think so?

Rayla: Maybe right now, Lucent might be trying to have a guess on who they are.

Kaori: So...Where does Masaru fits in this equation?

Rayla: ..Azrel said to be wary of him...which might mean that he wants to harm Lucent...But again, long shot. We have to approach this with care when we meet him tomorrow unless we want another one of those beams.

Kaori: R-Right...

Kanzakai School - Entrance Gate

Kenzuki: Don't worry about it, We also failed today so we're not in position to point fingers at people. So, Ancestor Mages, what do you think of this?

Nicholas: We can't turn into butterflies...Our spell are more focused on destruction...

Mina: We don't know any Bariura Empire either...We'll do a research just in case...

Hiagor: From my perspective, it does look like that woman is from another world entirely.

Nadia: You think so Detective?

Hiagor: I might be completely wrong though and this might be some ancient conspiracy instead...Still, I wonder what she came here for...at this exact day even.

Renath: Whatever it is, we probably won't know until she shows up again...

Renath: Oh right, I know this is what everyone expected and might be redundant to say, but school is getting cancelled until further notice...

Hyde: No kidding...
Ledi: Club activities will still be held, but with less time of course.
Daniella: Will the library still be open?
Kenzuki: Only for group studies.
Daniella: (Though, they'll probably still let people like me enter.)

World Crossers Guild - Underground Lab

Touko was making some adjustments to Mana's weaponry, until the latter felt something from outside the room.

Mana: Hm?

Touko: What's the matter?

Mana: I'm feeling a psychic presence...

Touko: Oh...That could be Lilina. Which means I'll probably have to tinker with her glaive a bit in order to transfer the weapons from their storage to ours.

Mana: If only...I was there earlier...I was going to replace Kail in order to help her more with her powers...but guess that won't be necessary.

Touko: You're more experienced than her when it comes to awakened psychic powers so you can still help her in some way. Go call the professor, I'll go answer the door.

Mana: Okay...

Touko gets up from her chair and heads towards the door, opening it the exact moment Nancy was going to knock on it.

Nancy: Ara? How did you...

Touko: Mana spoiled the surprise.

Nancy: Oh...

Touko: You must be Lilina right? Sorry if the lab is a bit messy...When I focus too much in one thing, I often forget what is around me.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: Hakurei Shrine - Spring Zone

Xaizor: Hmm... all we got are shots with misses, huh?

Auror: For now at least. We can't be certain of everything, even this whole deal with Masaru.

Marina: What we can do now is discover what exactly is the Dream Realm and why those monsters are invading us. Hypotetical situations might be cleared soon enough.

Auror: I agree with Marina. Plus, I bet we can leave this part of discovering who it's after Lucent to the target himself.

Xaizor: Sure, I guess. I'm still bothered with one thing, though.

Marina: And what that would be, Xaizor?

Xaizor: If we get what everyone said thus far, then Masaru met Lucent too recently. Why would he become so overprotective of someone he just met? It doesn't make sense to me and Kaito also agreed with this.

Auror: It's no use thinking about it... even if I find it weird as well. We have two incidents on our hands, happening at the same time.

Marina: Then please leave this incident of the Dream World with me and Xaizor. We will keep our eyes and report anything weird we find. Right, Xaizor?

Xaizor: Righto ditto. No stone is unturned when the Arcadia brothers are in the case!

Meanwhile, Lucent was at the living room with Kaito, Kiragi and the twin Sprites. He was indeed thinking about what Azrel told him.

Lucent: People who would be after me... nothing comes to my mind.

Kiragi: But why would someone would be after you, Big Bro Lucent?
Lucent: I don't know that either. I don't have a clue of something I could have done and of someone who could be offended by any action I took.

Ictio: We're not the ones after you for this! We swear!

Kaito: Calm down. Lucent believes in you two, so I'm sure it's OK.

Lucent: Yes, he's right. We just met, but... I feel like trusting you two.

Umbra: That's good for us to hear. We still need your help, after all.

Ictio: We'll protect you too, yes we will!

Lucent: Thanks, everyone. I'm glad you all are here with me now.

Kaito: Don't sweat it. Still, we need to know about this whole thing. I have some thoughts about it, but I have to sort them out.

Kiragi: I'm gonna help too! I'm going to do my best!

Lucent: And to think I didn't want you two getting in danger like this...

Kaito: You know me. I can't let you get harmed, I care for you. Even if I didn't get any power, I would've definitely done something.

Kiragi: Yeah! Because we care for Big Bro Lucent!

Lucent: Kaito... Kiragi...

Umbra: Best if we regroup with the others. We should be heading back to your home soon enough.

Lucent: Yes, you're right. Let's go back to the orphanage and end the day.

The group left the living room and went towards the outside.

Location: World Crossers Guild - Underground Lab

Lilina: O-Oh, I don't mind. You must have been busy too, so it's OK.

5T: In any case, I'll transfer the data I was able to get in the middle of the fight. Pod, connect with the computer and pass the data.
Pod: Affirmative.

The Pod floated over to the computer and connected itself with it, transfering all the data of the fight to the database.

5T: I think I'll start with a simple question. Lilina, when you activated the Glaive, what sort of signal did you feel from it? Did it try to brainwash you?

Lilina: Signal? Brainwash? What do you mean?

Location: Kanzakai School - Entrance Gate

Orie: ... I see. I shall see if I can visit Jane and Sumireko tomorrow and check their conditions. A visit might lift their spirits as well.

Fuindor: I do hope they're OK. If this is all, I'll be going home too.

Orie: Wait a moment, Fuindor. There is something that I'm curious too.

Fuindor: And what would that be?

Orie: Your power and... this aspect of yours. How did you manage to hide it so well? I thought you were a normal student until the fight.

Fuindor: It's a... transformation technique! My power only becomes visible when I'm transformed, you see.

Orie: Ah, I see. It's interesting how you can keep it concealed.

Fuindor: Uh, thanks, I guess. Well, I'm heading home. See you guys some other time.

Fuindor said his goodbye and left the school vicinity. At the empty streets, he reverted back into a normal human and sighed.

Fuindor: Shit, that was close... it seems it's just like the history books said. They forgot about us for reals.

Fundor: This is for the best. I can't let people know we're still alive and kicking. Not until I fulfill my part of my promise with Gramps...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hakurei Shrine - Spring Zone

Rayla: Great! I'll leave it to your hands!

Rayla: (Though...I have this odd feeling I'm still going to get involved in this somehow...)

Theo: So, who's going to speak with Masaru tomorrow?

Tiane: Obviously, Rayla.

Rayla: No...He'll most likely think I'm on to him. Let's leave the job Kaori. Unlike most of us, she's no Ancestor Mage and has no ties with the goverment, so he's less likely to suspect something is going on when she starts asking him questions.

Kaori: And also because I can pick up any fluctuations on his voice, right?

Rayla: You got it!

Kaori: Okay then, I'll try my best.

Tiane: ...I guess I can leave it up to her.

World Crossers Guild - Underground Lab

Touko: You know...some sort of directive that tried to override your brain with information to be subservient to them? Nothing of the sort?
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

Back at the outside, everyone seemed to agree with Kaori questioning Masaru. Lucent and the others appeared to rejoin the group.

Auror: So, are you feeling better now?

Lucent: Y-Yes, I am. Still, this situation is... unsettling.

Auror: I bet it is. It isn't an everyday thing for someone to come and tell you something like this.

Xaizor: But don't you worry, Lucent! We're getting to the bottom of this and you ain't dying on my watch!

Marina: We will need your help to uncover the secrets of the Dream Realm. The studies will not start now, since you still need to rest.

Lucent: A-Alright.

Reimu and Jin soon appeared to check them out.

Reimu: I see that you're all still here? Did you eat dinner?

Marina: Oh my gosh, I completely forgot about dinner! How horrible of me! I-I will help prepare the table for everyone! *runs to the kitchen*

Auror: I'm not that hungry, so I guess I'll head home.

Xaizor: Really? You don't wanna eat?

Auror: If I get too late, Vivi will call me nonstop and bug me all night long. I'll just take my leave. Till tomorrow, everyone!

Auror waved at the group and left the shrine.

Xaizor: Well, do you guys wanna eat then?

Location: World Crossers Guild - Underground Lab

Lilina: N-No. Nothing comes to my mind about this... signal.

5T: So you weren't induced to brainwashing at all. Your Glaive is indeed different from the rest.

Lilina: This signal... it's something common that happens to others, right?

5T: Normally, when you activate a Glaive, you're induced to it. It happens to most of the users, so it's somewhat surprising to hear your Glaive hasn't done such thing.

Lilina: I see... but I have a feeling I know why...

Lilina: My Glaive... I'm unsure why but it has no connection with the database whatsoever.

5T: ... What?

Lilina: My body feels different and even my brain is still processing a lot of things, but... they weren't "inserted" on me from a database. If it was, well, it's not the one which we're used to.

5T: So you felt the after effects of the Glaive... and it's not related to the database...?

5T: Hmm... I think you need to stay under observation. This is starting to sound far different than what we know. What do you think, Touko?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

World Crossers Guild - Underground Lab

Touko: Actually, I think we should be focusing on the glaive itself...Something tells me we're going to find something interesting once we've manage to hack into the database this is connected to.

Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

Theo: Actually, yeah, I guess we need to get back. As much as I want to stay, I want to spend some time with Cousin Hinamori now that her training is done.

Kaori: (Now that I think about it, I wonder if Himika recovered.)

Theo: So yeah guys...sorry if I can't stay longer.

Rayla: No harm done. Go and be with your family.

Tiane: Don't keep them waiting man.

Theo: We're off.

Once they got out, Kaori heard the sound of leaves rustling, immidietally putting her guard up.

Kaori: Who's there? If you show yourself until I finish counting to 5, I'll fire a warning shot.

Theo: We're being watched?

Kaori: ONE!
???: Wait! Don't...

Music: A king of apathy

The person panicked and fell of the tree, quickly getting up and heading towards the group.

Yuzuriha: It's just good ol' me...

Kaori: Huh? Wait, I think I know you.

Kaori: Yuzuriha...Descendant of a family who were once under the Night Blade. She's the current holder of the Iris Blade: Kamiji-no-Homare. Her duty is to watch out for possible Hollow Nights and to stop In-Births from fighting each other.

Yuzuriha: Now hold on a second, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you knowing about my personal life.

Kaori: Sorry...It's complicated...Kinda out of my control...

Yuzuriha: Was this some sort of mind reading of something.

Theo: Not really...Anyway, what someone like you is doing near the Hakurei Shrine.

Yuzuriha: Might as well tell you...Y'see, I was asked to see if there was a potential In-Birth here...Though, since my "intuition" didn't detect anything, it's safe to assume "they" were wrong.

Theo: Who're "they"?

Yuzuriha: Friends yours...I think...

Theo: That...doesn't answer much...

Kaori: Well...It doesn't look like she's lying...that last part sounded a bit off.

Yuzuriha: Super sorry about that. They looked like to be on our side so I'm rolling on it for now. Anyway, it looked like you guys were heading home. Want me to accompany you? I'm kinda done here.

Kaori: I don't see why not...

Theo: You're going to have to tell us more about what you were doing here.

Yuzuriha: Fair enough. I can assure you that you'll be safe with both me, Auntie Yuzu and...

Before Yuzuriha could think of striking a pose, she noticed her sword by the tree she fell off seconds ago.

Yuzuriha: AH! AYAME-CHAN!!!

In a split, Yuzuriha seemingly teleported to where her sword was, dusting it off and hugging it like it was a plushie.

Yuzuriha: You're not hurt are you? Big sis is so sorry! Don't worry my dear....I'll polish you until my caluses creates caluses.

Kaori: T-Talk about emotional attachment...

Theo: Indeed... (Certainly and oddball...)

Summer Area - Front of a Building

Music: Builders of Another World

As they arrived at the surface, they saw the place flooded with police cars.

Tatsuna: The boss probably called them to this place.

Kev: You're absolutely correct.

Tatsuna: Hey!

Cali: Congratulations on your first succesful mission Tatsuna.

Tatsuna: Oh..Well...T-Thanks...I didn't do this alone though...

Kev: Still, you did great. I have high hopes for your future endeavors.

Tatsuna: I-I'll do my best to serve sir!

Cali: This takes me back to when the boss also congratulated me...Back then, I didn't even knew that one day, I would be promoted to Vice-Captain of the division.

Tatsuna: Really? You need to tell me more about it.

Cali: Well...

Sheila: I'm sure it will be great story, but I need to hurry before my friend wakes up.

Kev: What's the matter?

Sheila: Tatsuna will tell you the details later.

Kev: I see...

Cali: Oh right...Miss Sheila, there's someone waiting for you with a limo over there.

Sheila: Someone?

She looks to the direction that Cali pointed, seeing a limo with someone inside. She couldn't exactly tell who was the driver due to darkned windows.

Sheila: (I'm guessing Lady Crimson sent that for me.) In that case, see you guys another day.

Then, she started carrying Kenneth towards the limo as fast as she could.

Kev: That homeless girl sure is full of mysteries...

Tatsuna: Indeed...but I can assure you we can trust her.

Cali: Really now?

Tatsuna: Yes...I'll write it in my report.

As Tatsuna started to give the full mission report, Sheila had entered the car with Kenneth. After putting Kenneth on the seat, the Limousine took off.

Sheila: Whew...This was certainly a day...
Driver: You can remove your hood if you want. The glass is dark enough to hide your face.

Sheila: T-That voice...

The Driver removes his cap, revealing a familiar white hair.

Sheila: Dharek!!!

Dharek: I'm home.

Sheila: When did you get here? Lady Crimson didn't say anything.

Dharek: Just a while ago actually. I received a call from her saying that you might need a ride.

Sheila: She didn't even give you a chance to rest from your trip?

Dharek: Not like I needed it, so no need to worry about me. Anyway, what happened with him?

Sheila: Yeah...Kenneth went out of control...He needs a blood transfusion before he wakes up.

Dharek: So, it actually happened...It would be for the best if he stayed away from fights...

Sheila: I know...It's clear that he still has no control over himself. There's no way he can just keep holding back in fights all the time...It just won't be enough...Knowing him, he'll probably still want to help us but...

Dharek: We'll have a nice chat with him when we get back to the hideout. This is still his choice at the end of the day, and that's what we all agreed with him.

Sheila: Yeah... (Though...deep down, I'm hoping Kenneth gives up on the idea and just leave everything to us...)

As the limo was passing through a crossing, someone stopped in their tracks and looked at the vehicle.

Fear: ...

Haken: Something the matter?

Fear: I thought I felt something familiar...stench...

Haken: Is that so?

Fear: I'm just rambling...Now march.

Haken: As you wish!

Fear: (Either this it's just my imagination...or for a moment, I felt the smell of a vampire...)
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

BGM: Ranch at Night starts playing again

Kaito: Actually, we're leaving too. I gotta take Kiragi and Lucent home.

Xaizor: At least grab a bite before you guys go.

Kaito: Eh, thanks, but we better get going soon. We won't hear the end of it from Lady Amara already.

Kiragi: Yaaawn... I'm kinda sleepy...

Reimu: I can sort of know why. Well, best if you guys go on your way then.

Jin: Feel free to come back whenever! I'll make sure to train you with those chakrams!

Reimu: This isn't a training center, Jin.

Kaito: We'll make sure not to bother much. In any case, let's get going, you two!

Lucent: S-Sure.

Kiragi: Okay...

Lucent: U-Umm... thank you, miss. F-For saving me back then...

Reimu: It was nothing. Just make sure to recover well.

Lucent: Y-Yes...

Kaito, Lucent, Kiragi and the Sprites left the shrine.

Reimu: ...

Jin: You want me to go with them so you won't be worried?

Reimu: Would it be too much to ask if you go?

Jin: Make sure to leave dinner for me, alright?

Reimu: Got it.

Jin: Well then, I'm off. Since I don't know if you two are going to stay here, it was nice to meet you, girls.

Jin left after Kaito and the others to take them back to the orphanage. Even if Kaito knew how to fight, Lucent was still injured a little and Kiragi had almost no energy, so having him with them would make Reimu less worried about possible attacks from Doremy or other enemies.

Xaizor: That guy seemed really strong. The redhead one.

Reimu: That's Jin. Like me, Alice and Cookie, he's acquainted to your father.

Xaizor: Really? He must be pretty strong then!

Reimu: You do remind me of Jin a little, Xaizor. How you two are so impulsive to resolve everything with your fists and swords.

Xaizor: Heh! That's how the Black Dragon Knight resolves things! I don't speak words, I speak swords!
Marina: And that is why you are completely useless without me.

Marina and Cookie arrived at the group. Their plan was to call them for dinner, but Marina decided to speak her part about Xaizor, as always.

Xaizor: Don't call me useless!!

Marina: Of course I will. Without someone to hold you, you might end up in danger. Also, you are so uncouth that if I do not take actions, you might embarass me and you.

Xaizor: Tch... at least I'm not a boring, schtick-lover.

Marina: Excuse me?!

Reimu: *sigh* OK, OK, that's enough.

Cookie: The table is ready. Where's Jin?

Reimu: I asked him to take some people back to their home. He'll be back soon enough.

Cookie: Alright then. Let's go inside and eat.

Location: World Crossers Guild - Underground Lab

Lilina: I see. If that's the case, then I have a request to make.

5T: And what that would be?

Lilina: I would like to join the Guild.

5T: Wait, what?
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