Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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After watching 'Order of the Phoenix' again. and paying attention to harry and Ron's parts. He's not really that much of a git in this one. He looks out for Harry. I had forgotten that. and hadn't paid attention to it the last time I saw it. I know we opted out with writing the Severus and Harry and the Occlumency training but I think I can skim through it once they return to school and also moving Arthur Weasley's attack to there. once they return to Hogwarts?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 7 days ago

If we want Occulmency lessons it may need to happen after Nine, Ten, Luna and Hermione leave. Of course they'd have to return to save Sirius later on right?

And she's from middle school, kind of started off as a billy to me and then we sorta became friends. And I've tolerated her for several years but she's the kind of person who ONLY talks about herself and throws a fit when things don't go her way. And she keeps making sexual comments about me even though I told her I'm not attracted to her. And she's into goth stuff and LARPing and has dropped out of college even though she left high school a year early to start college soon because "high school wasn't her thing" she's nice but damn, she's selfish and has so much talent but is wasting it. And she tries to down me in the swimming pool when I go over to her house...and when my mom was in the hospital, she never once asked how I was or my family, she never offered to take me to the hospital and instead when she wanted to hang out with me and I had to pass the offer up because I had to take care of my mom who was bedridden for like 2 months and doing physical training, she got mad at me. So yeah she's not really my friend anymore...and I try not to hang out with her because it is so tiring and yeah...it's weird.

Anywho! My meds kicked in, now I'm all hyper and focused on writing but my muse is screaming HP and DW. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Well we can skip the occlumency training it ain't important. xD okay it is but nah. Though having the Doctor's having the same thought on returning to save Sirius. Hmm.. how would that be possible... I want Harry to break down and rage (maybe assuming Sirius is dead) maybe the spell protego form one of the order members?(forgot if that works against the death curse. and if not we have time lords xD) I don't know.. just ideas and thoughts..I still want Harry to go after Bellatrix and yet somehow have Sirius be safe.

oooh :/ yeah... wooow...She holds similar traits to my friend Mina in the rounds that (it's about all her. she's the only important one and doesn't care about others. and if she does they aren't that important) and the attraction. Oy. I'm bisexual I don't mind women. Hell I dated one in the past but.. I'm not attracted to her. only difference is Mina was there for me when my mom got sick. Made the trip up from georgia and stay for a few weeks at my place. Lately though she's been distant which I'm thankful for. she has a new 'toy' I feel sorry for the bloke. He'll find out in time she's a bit of a nutter. then again we all are. but she's a stickler in the terms of (me me me its about me)

HP & DW :D woohoo! I love it! I know I shouldn't urge you to post for ours but I can't help it! Our rp is my fave!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 7 days ago

Hmm...angsty Harry, Hermione must soothe his teen heart. XD Well we could have the event with the veil just take Sirius to a planet or something, then we could have one of the pairs take him back to Harry later on? You know the image of Harry and Hermione in the TARDIS made me really want to give them one somehow or an "amped" up Time Turner or something.

Yeah, Kate only talks to me when it suits her. >.< I hate people like that. I've kissed girls in the past myself, but I mean I lack tons of experience to really decide what sex I like more though it'd probably be guys but hey, I'm not opposed to girls, it's just I'm not attracted to Kate. At. All. Like if she was a nicer person, sure maybe but she's ugly inside and out. And comes off too strong. I'm sorry to hear about you and Mina but hey she sounds like Kate, Kate likes this BDSM stuff and has open relationships with guys and girls I keep telling Kate she'll get hurt emotionally and of course cries to me when things don't work out. I'd say making distance is okay, I mean we all have people who we can only take in small doses...I don't feel bad about it, Brandon (a guy friend we share) knows how I feel about Kate.

Kate wants me to go to her party next Friday but I'm making plans and now she wants me to convince Brandon to drive up and go too and I'm telling her it's not my job to make people go, since I won't anyway. If he wants to, he will. *shrugs* And he's doing so much in school, I don't see how he'll make the three hour drive up just to hang with people he doesn't know. So yeah, I'm kind of hoping Kate gets the idea we're not really friends anymore.

I'll probably end up posting for ours today. Even though I shouldn't. >__> Well hell, I should do what I wants~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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Yes Hermione must soothe his heart! :D and it was interesting. harry looked to Hermione, his eyes focused on her when he managed to break from Voldemort's hold on him. I thought that was awesome ^^ we can still keep that part in. Now as for the veil transporting Sirius to another planet that's brilliant! Which Doctor would be on the other planet waiting for him? Or just have the TARDIS lock on him? I know one of the Doctors would have to retrieve him. just depends on which one or both? hmmm

I hate people like that too :/ its annoying and every time she has a problem. no one listens to her. so .. she calls me. so I know when things go downhill with this guy i'll be having her badgering me for attention to help her feel better. As for sexuality and interests. I've found that guys and girls differ in terms of feelings. Girls are more understanding but then again some guys can be too. I don't know which gender I like more I guess at the moment its equal. any who yes distance for now is good with Mina. this distance and free time to think is a good thing.

Oh wow... yeah she really needs to get it into her head that you guys are no longer kosher and cool. and wow.. yeah that's selfish. expecting him to drive 3 hours to hang with people he don't know. I really hope she understands and gets it in her head cause man that has to be awkward.

Yeah I get like that. 'I know i shouldn't... but I want to' xD I'll do what i want! *z snaps* xP Okay.. caffeine has officially kicked in. I"m feeling good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 7 days ago

How about Nine and Rose? Both know Sirius' fate while it would just be Ten who knows, since she is just getting introduced to Harry and Hermione, and Rose already befriended them anyway?

Yesh, people like that...it makes me wonder how they get by in the world when they only push people away. It's a shame. *sighs*

Brandon is a nice guy but he's shy, and UBER busy, I hope he doesn't go because I don't think he'll enjoy himself.

And yay, I'm done with my LOK post so I can do something for you now. And then everyone else. Heheh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yeah Nine & Rose can go retrieve Sirius. I can't remember if we decided for both Luna & Rose to accompany the teens to the ministry of Magic or have them remain by the time lords during the battle against the daleks. I have to write these things down.

and yeah definite real shame :/ they could be great people but .. they're ugly on the inside its sad. and aww your friend brandon sounds cool yeah I hope he doesn't go. it would be waste of time :/

woohoo! :D *excited!*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 7 days ago

This is why we have an OOC lol

I'm not sure if we did talk about having Luna and Rose around for the Department of Mysteries. Luna would probably be around but maybe Rose wouldn't?

It sucks when people could be awesome but waste their talent and stuff. >.<'

And yes, I'm working on a post now. I should have just posted last night...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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Yes very true :)

Uhm... I don't see Rose being a lot of help there. She'll be in danger with no form of protection, Luna will be of use with her wand and advanced knowledge ^^ so Luna can go, Rose can stay with the Doctors as I'm sure with being short a partner and in the middle of a battle they'll be fighting side by side.

yeah :( its sad. but yay a post! *super excited!* and aww don't worry about it you were tired last night ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 7 days ago

My muse was more ready last night. >.< And Rose and Nine should do an epic adventure in the meantime and then go save the day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aww Well its okay :) whatever you can give me I'll be happy with ^^! Right now i'm struggling with Ten's voice for magic, my skype rper, my other rp site rper. 3 ten's yeah you can tell I have doctor favoritism xD but I am liking Nine :) and am so glad he's turning out great ^^! hmm an adventure ooh *thinks* I'm sure we'll come up with something great!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 7 days ago

We could pick an episode for Nine x Rose to do so they can get to know each other. Like End of the World or something from Ten or Eleven's era.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ooh the end of the world is a good choice :D lets go with that!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 7 days ago

Yeah it shouldn't take too long and maybe we can make it so Rose and Nine aren't off doing completely different things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yeah we can have it where they're close by, maybe when Cassandra's spider things lower the shields it's Rose who accompanies him to slow the fans down instead of the ... tree princess/queen? or both?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 7 days ago

It should be interesting to mix things up, depending who want interacting with who. Of course we'll need bitchy Cassandra.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yeah definitely :) we'll be sharing bitchy Cassandra role I think. Man.. I'm getting tired again.. *groans* I should nap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 7 days ago

You should if you need to, I should have a post up by the time you get up.

I shouldn't need to skip too much in post yeah? Are we gonna have our pairs do a few posts for Christmas itself and then skip to school again? For nine x rose & ten x luna, were they gonna go someplace spacy again?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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I am so sorry I didn't reply to this when I did. I shut the lid on my laptop and carried it upstairs and just clunked out.
but yeah.Yeah no skipping around too much just keeping it easy. a few nice christmasy posts for them all. well the time lords taking the girls somewhere spacey.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 7 days ago

Okay I won't skip then, you want to then?
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