Hidden 5 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

City Event - Mostly for the Main Party

It was a warm, but breezy day in Venedig, and the rich, in their carriages and lavish gondolas, were making a rare trip to the open-air slave market, a circular space whose northern half was ringed with wooden exhibition platforms, beyond which were the stone buildings where the chattel was 'processed'. As the sun shone brightly in the clear sky, the merchant-aristocrats of Venedig would walk to the open space facing the exhibition stands, where chairs and miniature pavilions were already set up. Then, once all seats were full, the auction masters, smiling men and women clothed in bright silk, would then emerge from the buildings and onto the stands, before announcing, in clear tones enhanced by World Magic:

"Ladies and Gentlefolk of Venedig, we would like to announce that Karl Maximillian V of the Reich des Goldenen Grahles has given the city this opportunity, an opportunity to be the instrument of punishment to traitors, and profit from such use. Thus, beyond these stands, the former nobles whose treason had reduced them to the status of chattel are being sorted and processed, with those who are above eighteen years of age being stripped and bathed for exhibition. The first of the batch, the men and women of the Edelweiss family, known for their renowned beauty and skill in both Change Magic and Medicine, will be sold...now!" And with that, the doors to the 'centremost' (from the seated people's perspective) stand would open.

Walking out, escorted by guards, would be a set of five extremely handsome men and women, their entire bodies shaved and waxed except for their eyebrows, eyelashes, and head hair. They were fully naked and exposed, but they did not bow their heads, nor did they avert their eyes from the crowd, nor try and cover themselves. The rich merchants of the land whooped and jeered at the ex-nobles, though a few felt pity, even shedding tears at the Edelweiss' family's plight.

The oldest man of in the group, a tall, muscular man whose hairs were only showing streaks of grey, was bid and sold first, then the women, leaving two males, brothers whose dark hair and eyes, as well as tall, slim, and lean bodies caused the crowds to whoop, leer, and jeer harder.

"Fredrich and Heinrich Edelweiss, nineteen and eighteen! The first is a fighter-paladin, the second is a doctor, but already a savant in his field!" said the auction officials. "Will they be bought as a joint item, or will they be separated?! What is your choice, crowd?!"

One of the frontmost merchants, a surprisingly young man with short-cropped hair, whose thin build was bedecked in gold and crimson silk, got up from his chair and miniature pavilion, which was made from the same stuff. He would then say:

"I wish to bid twenty million thalers for the both of them!" in a voice that was authoritative, another surprise, at least for the Edelweiss brothers. The younger, Heinrich, would then recognize the merchant as Kaspar Ridolfi, one of the richest men in the city, newly come to his inheritance.

"Going once...going twice...sold!" shouted the nearest auction master, a slightly fat, jolly-looking man who seemed to enjoy this job a lot. "Now that we've gotten our audience's appetites whetted, time for the auction proper to begin!" And with that, dozens of naked people, escorted by guards, would be led out of the processing buildings, few of them having the dignity or beauty of the sold Edelweiss family.

And among them was one Rote Kaufmann, stripped of all rags to expose his body to full view. As bidders swarmed to pay for the privilege of owning 'the fairest youth in all the land', his only thoughts were this - That he had to warn the Church of Existence that all was in danger!

@Smike@Stern Algorithm@Overlord Thraka@Aqutanama@Rune_Alchemist[@Zoey White]@Landaus Five-One:
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey better than the alternative

Member Seen 12 days ago

Jehenne Alcroft

Jehenne's heart was racing, and she blinked back the tears brimming in her eyes. Her face was red, fearful, and indignified. This was an abomination. She'd never felt so humiliated. Treated like an object, while she was of noble blood! This was no place for someone as high station as herself. Jehenne hadn't been to the slave auctions for a long while- she always sent her servants to pick out the chattel, but this much jeering and taunting was disgusting. They hated her. She would never have done such a thing were she in their position. Would she? No! Jehenne was way better than they were. Still, it was small comfort as the greedy eyes of the audience flicked across the naked bodies of the people onstage. The aristocrat was cold and vulnerable, the steel tightened around her wrists and ankles. Dropping her eyes, she tried to make herself as invisible as possible, but she was plain and shiny, for all to see.

Trying to think of something, anything else, her thoughts naturally fell to her brother. The reason she was here. Him and his stupid causes. "If I am to be a noble, than surely, I must fight for a noble cause!" He said. Well, Rodrick, she thought. Where is your honor now? Dead and rotting somewhere. You deserve it, you idiot! Tears began rolling down her cheek. She missed him, terribly, and her cruel words pained her though only she could hear them. Oh, Rodrick. Why did the story have to end like this? A slave. The last Alcroft, condenmed to a life of servitude or worse. A dozen generations of history wiped away in an instant.

There was a spike of anger down her spine. Sniffing, she straightened her posture a little and looked to the croud. The Alcroft's are not servants. She will never bow to anyone, not for long. Dignity and pride were temporary sacrifices. She would have Karl Maximillian's head on a silver plate, or die trying. The Alcroft name would be remembered. Jehenne would be remembered. Somehow, someway, she would make an impact. I have the intelligence and the skill, she thought. Perhaps she was falling back on her ego, and her arrogance, to escape from the utter horror she was experiencing. Perhaps. Either way, in that moment, Jehenne Alcroft meant it.

The fury wilted, and she was alone once more. "Bastards." She whispered, voice cracking. She reeled from a particularly cutting insult and went silent and still once more. A rolling tear dropped off her chin and fell onto her chest. It would evaporate off her skin, were the fire in her heart a literal one. The fear and fury swirled within. But there was nothing left to do or say. Jehenne could accept that, for now. She would leave this building in chains... but she would not die in them.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Franziska's Lab


Johnathan hit the ground, hard.

Not quite unconscious, but not quite conscious either. Dazed, as he fumbled with his thoughts and tried to make sense of the situation he found himself in. He could feel the cold, slightly damp ground pressing into him as he lay on his stomach. A stone floor? Felt like it. Not quite natural stone, from the feeling. It was to smooth. A prison floor? Dungeon? Perhaps. Maybe once his senses returned he could make sense of it, but perhaps he wouldn't even have time.


The single word pierced through any grogginess he might have had. Something grabbed either side of his face, squeezing it lightly.

“You're not it.” The voice replied, slightly irritated. By now his vision would be focusing – and what he saw was likely one of the more beautiful women he had seen in his life. She was crouching in front of him. “Not enough tentacles.” The thing that was grabbing either side of his face, was her hands. Delicate, slim fingers holding a surprising amount of strength until she let him go, causing his chin to smack the floor again.

“You're a human. How annoying!” In a rather overly dramatic fashion, she stood up, holding a hand to her forehead. “I spent all this time, avoiding the church, gathering ingredients...and all I get is some random human. Some random pig of a human. Pathetic.” She grumbled lightly, hand reaching into her robe and seemingly checking something. “Or am I wrong? Perhaps a disguise? Bound in flesh and blood? Speak up before I find your presence needless and I get myself a new plaything. I was going to try a human chimaera of sorts next. Perhaps you'd like to volunteer?”

By now his vision would have properly returned, as well as likely most of his faculties. The room he was in seemed to be a basement of some sort. A quick look around and he'd note several macabre items sitting on the tables. A few glass vials, flasks, other instruments. A well used hacksaw was hanging above one along with some more esoteric seeming items. He could see a set of stairs leading up to presumably the ground floor of the building not far behind the woman.

Her golden eyes fixed themselves on the displaced human once again. She seemed a bit calmer, but perhaps he should choose his words carefully.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 days ago

Location: The Slave Market – Watching the Slaves be sold

Louise was holding her Goreflame Staff that was billowing fire upwards, however, she wasn’t rich enough to buy anything alike a slave for herself. It was positive the company, would probably be buying some slaves at this auction since she worked for them as a lonely courier. She did stare directly at all the slaves, which were naked and being shown out to the world to own. It was pretty much obvious, whomever buys these slaves will be needing big pockets. ”What a pity, this is the first time I’ve seen this at all. Guess these are the infamous nobles that betrayed the Emperor. But its pretty much obvious this would be their just desserts.” Louise thought to herself, while starring pretty far back at the Slave Market not really interested in walking up to buy any of them. However, any of them would be pretty interesting to keep an eye on nonetheless. She sighs a bit while starring at the Goreflame Staff.

The Goreflame Staff crackles, pops a bit and speaks with a distinct tone in its voice, which sounds like an older woman that sounds quite motherly and protective. ”The whole naught of what they wrought on themselves is nothing of a figment of desires. Most people would be outright wrought with despair but these slaves seem a bit more lively than you once were in your own home Louise.” The Goreflame Staff’s motherly voice. It was telling the truth in that they are defiant while also wanting to do something a bit extra to the whole ordeal. The Staff was wise but a bit creepy when it spoke and usually allows her to hold a conversation with it.

Louise couldn’t help sigh, laugh slightly at what the Goreflame Staff had said specifically. It was pretty much in everyone’s nature to hate people whom are below you or different from you. However, she gave a frown while looking at the staff and went looking back at the slaves that were now on offer to sell again. It was self-evident their time in Venedig was going to be hell but she will help their stay as long as possible, mostly in terms of helping them learn their new rank in life as lowly slaves. ”This is like a repeatable conversation we’ve had Goreflame Staff’s three souls. I do agree with you in some bits but please don’t bring up my family again. I know its hard not to do since we were both trapped there for along time. Traditions, which didn’t fit me anyway...” Louise said, with a bit of a sour taste in her mouth. It was definitely something she doesn’t want to bring up again. She joined with the company to make a name for herself, which in turn she used her full name. It was definitely a good thing she joined the Alhryt-Liu Trade & Lending Company.

She liked what she saw in terms of the slaves that were being sold, which was definitely nice compared to the other type of chattel that was sold here. It was pretty much obvious, she learned this very quickly that Venedig was efficient in selling slaves and how well they kept them healthy. ”I wonder what slaves the Company will be buying from this slave market?” Louise questioned without wanting to know this answer mostly. Her being a fire mage definitely made her stand out a bit. It didn’t help her magic was wild and a bit out of control sometimes but the fire gem around her necklace usually absorbs fire magic, which is going out of control.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Mergoux the Butcher

From her perch, high on the roof of one of the surrounding buildings, Mergoux watched the slave-slave progress. The sun beat down upon her helmeted head, but she did not mind its heat, solely focused on the events conspiring before her. Her hand twitched towards her crossbow, but she knew that acting now would be foolish. Too many people... she thought to herself. She wanted badly to act, to put a stop to this... evil, but she was only one, and she counted at least forty guards over the slaves, not to count the Noble bodyguards.

As it was, all she could do was watch. Watch as families were torn apart, starting with one she surprisingly knew of. She was never much one to keep track of which noble houses were feuding with each other, being more concerned with her hunt, but even she knew the Eidelweiss family. Her interest piqued, she watched their sale, eyeing the two youngest boys with interest. A fighter-paladin and a doctor? At those ages? Prodigies no doubt, and judging by the defiant looks on their faces, they weren't about to be cowed into servitude so easily.

As the plan formed quickly in her mind, Mergoux was already on her feet, moving across the roof and sneaking back through the window she'd come out of. The building was public, but not the part Mergoux had snuck into to get to the roof, and as she stepped back inside, a guard rounded the corner of the hallway. "What the-" he began, surprised to see the Warrior climbing into the building. Taking advantage of his momentary shock, Mergoux bolted, sprinting down the hallway away from him. "Stop!" shouted the guard, giving chase. Ordinarily, Mergoux would be able to outpace most guards, but this one was young, fit, and he knew the building a whole lot better than she did.

Left, right, then left again. Mergoux ran down mercifully empty hallways, the majority of workers in the building having abandoned their posts to watch the proceedings outside. Risking a look over her shoulder, she saw the guard had vanished. Good, she'd lost him, or so she thought. She looked back just in time to slam into him. He'd taken a shortcut apparently. Her momentum bowled them both over, but she was first to her feet. The guard scrambled hastily to his own, expecting the woman to run, but Mergoux had had enough running for one day.

She curled her hands into fists around the hilts of two oddly-shaped weapons at her hips. They were knuckle-daggers, long knives with knuckle-dusters built into the grips. The guard managed to get his sword halfway from its sheath before he was sent reeling back, blood spurting from a suddenly broken nose. Reactionary tears filled his eyes, clouding his vision as he fell over, howling with pain.

"Stay down," she told him, voice thick with a Nordic accent. He complied, though Mergoux wasn't sure if he'd even heard her. Still, the threat was dealt with. He'd be fine, not something many who had met the Butcher could proclaim. Mergoux sheathed her daggers and made her way down three flights of stairs and out into the courtyard, whereupon the rest of the nobles were in the process of being sold. She glanced over just in time to see the two brothers being lead away by their chains. She couldn't lose sight of them! She didn't know the face of the man who bought them! Mergoux began pushing her way through the crowd, making a beeline for the two brothers, her eyes fixed on her targets.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aqutanama
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Aqutanama The Only Juan

Member Seen 30 min ago

Jonathan Paul Huckaby
Franziska's Lab

Jonathan spent some time between worlds, so much so that he fell asleep. It wasn't the best idea but he didn't know when or where he would appear, or if he ever would. So, sleep it was. He drifted through the smokey greys and blacks, it was cold and empty. However, eventually sleeps embrace too him. He didn't dream as much as he did when he was a child and never understood why that was. A quick jerk woke him like he was riding in a car and someone had pulled out in front of their car. Still groggy he looked around and noticed a vortex. Terror filled him as it looked like an even darker place than here.

Flaw Anxiety - Flaw Depression - Low Endurance

His eyes went wide as his heart started to pound faster and faster. It was the only noise in this dark realm. He nearly choked on his own breath as his body started to hyperventilate. Quicker and quicker his breathing became, as his vision narrowed onto the hole. Feeling as if everything was coming to an end he had to ask. "Why?" This was the last thing he said within the realm between realms and he was unceremoniously out of the portal onto his stomach. The air that was in his lungs was no more and he was gasping for it. His body felt starved for the necessary oxygen.

EX. Survival - EX. Awareness

He made a motion that looked similar to someone coughing up water and took in a breath. The entire front of his body was numbed from the impact. Then the pain started to fill him and he let out a small whimper. 'Someone was speaking to him and in a language, he didn't understand?' His thoughts were blurred. Slowly he focused the words became clearer. 'Perhaps it had to do with the impact or not hearing someone for a day or two?' After the thought, he noted that he was hungry as his stomach growled as if a beast ready to kill. This happened to time up perfectly with the word "pig" from the lovely female that stood before him.

EX. Learning - EX. Awareness

Everything she said and did fill his mind as he recalled the situation. He slowly rose to his feet standing six foot two weighing 260-270lbs. There were noticeable amounts of stubborn fat hanging onto him. However, his arms and legs carried almost no fat in them, or was it that it wasn't as noticeable? Either way, he didn't want to be a burden to the person that summoned him. 'She seemed like the magic equivalent to a mad scientist... possibly one that had been overwhelmed with the "lack of love" type sex. She had mentioned not enough tentacles and he knew only two or maybe three reasons behind that. He only made this observation after surveying the room. There was no technological equipment scattered around and the room smelt bad... perhaps that was her breath?' Another observation as he considered his options.

Flaw Depression - EX. Survival

'Great now she thought I'm something that I'm not! It always seems to happen. People think he is useless or too scary to even talk to.' He let out a depressed sigh. On top of that, he was away from the woman he loved and his family. He pushed back the tears. 'It would be bad to give a bad first impression. However, she did say something about enhancements via animals. It was an idea I had once.' He stood there not ignoring her but choosing his words with care. He could be the crazy god placed in an out of shape body due to her attempts. Perhaps, Rumpelstiltskin would be interesting to try. He let out a sigh and looked her over.

Flaw Almost Always Smiles - Flaw Too Trusting - EX. Survival

'She didn't look half bad but that almost always came with a cold heart. Living in L.A. where god and goddess level beauties walked, taught him that quickly.' He hated himself sometimes as a smile crossed his face. He bowed not knowing if it was proper or not.

"My name is Aku." He started by pulling one of his RP characters names... Well, nicknames. He wasn't sure if this realm of magic had true namers and didn't want someone to control him with his true name if they existed. His mind quickly delved into each character he made or played as well as characters he liked from shows.

"I feel at a loss of words when they are not naturally my own." He continued as he hoped that would buy him time to think more. He started by dusting himself off and moved closer to the small, mostly everyone to him was small, woman. He stood over her and knelt down so they could see eye to eye and put his hand in front of her.

Flaws Too Trusting - Almost always smiles - EX. Charisma

"Nice to meet you." He stated clearly as an uncontrollable smile crossed his face.

"I feel that a chimera would raise questions and if done correctly I'm not against it. You seem to like to experiment and do questionable things." He reasoned with a pause. If she shook his hand he would shake firmly but not overpowering. If not he would place it on his leg acting like he was dusting off more dust. Afterward, he would rise up and move across the room. Not wanting to make her chase him, he stayed away from the door.

EX. Awareness - EX. Survival

'If she could summon me to this realm, then it stands to reason that she could have devastating spells at her disposal.' He thought and his face fell to his all too famous resting bitch face. That only happened when he didn't look at her. It mostly had to do with him thinking or focusing on something. After a few moments he looked back at her and his smile returned. What was odd was that his smile was genuine and had a warmth to it.

"In fairness, I recommend a game. Winner takes all. I will pose a question. Guess the answer correctly and I will help you get your ingredients and apply what little knowledge I have to your next summoning. If you guess wrong you will not only apologize for the insult but you will teach me magic. He paused briefly.

"If those stakes are too low then we could say servitude. In which the before mentioned matter will still exist. If I win then you are mine to do with what I please. If you win the same goes." He laid out the challenge for her. 'She was powerful but she was a gambler. How else would he have gotten there?' He guessed.

"I would like to point out that I'm not a Pig. I just like food. If I were a pig I would have overpowered you and had my way with you. Unless the trinket in your hand is a knife, then I would be bleeding out right now." He shrugged as he started looking around the room, a smile still across his face.

'I doubt she would take either of those bets.' He guessed as he looked around. He was excited and sad and found the feeling strange.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

City Event - Mostly for the Main Party

Mergoux, Kaspar, and the Edelwiesses

Kaspar Ridolfi was more wary than people gave him credit for, but it was Fredreick who alerted him to Mergoux's stalking with a subtle gesture. The merchant seemed as though he ignored the warning, but his magic told another story as a voice whispered in Mergoux's mind, <Butcher, be careful with who you're dealing with - There is a plan out there to get the Iron Decree overturned and to make life much harder for the slave traders of Venedig, but the Edelweisses are needed for it. So don't barge in like a fox to a henhouse.>

A visible smile on the M[erchant's face. <But I can tell you mistrust me, my dear Half-Elf. Fact of the matter is, though, if I didn't want what I said I wanted, the guards would have gone after you already...>

Louise, Rote, Jehenne

Louise might remember Cocheta and her receiving a mysterious visitor, a sterotypical man in a black hood. This man, with a pale, unusually handsome face, had asked the Alrhyt-Liu Trade and Lending to purchase some slaves among the captured Nobles being sold in Venedig's slave market, which he would then buy from them at a reasonably marked-up price. This was clearly a sign of fishy business, but of the kind that Cocheta might have learned to tolerate and even expect. If pried further, the man would say something about 'The need for discretion' and 'Customers with wild tastes' before increasing the downpayment, which was in golden coins/marks.

The slaves to be bought were one Rote Kaufmann and Jehenne Alcroft, who were to be kept naked until they were brought to the Alrhyt-Liu HQ and perhaps after - It depended on the pale man's discretion. If any other party were to purchase those two, the pale man hinted that his clients would be... Displeased. And finally, another memory dared to intrude, of the pale man saying that several members of the Commission for the Humane Treatment of Humans were arranging 'sham' enslavements for various members of the captured nobility - Those people would be recognized by their deep pockets and synchronized bidding...

City Event - The Dragon in the Slums

Rumors will inevitably reach The Lonesome Heretic that a robbery was being planned, but not just any robbery, a robbery at the Central Bank of Venedig itself. A virtual fortress safeguarded by magic and gadgetry, as well as a small army of troops, the Central Bank of Venedig was not just a storehouse for money, but also for magical relics from the distant past. However, with the bank's staff and several of its guards 'observing' the sale of the captured nobles in the Slave Market, there was a small opening for desperate men to make off with at least some of the gathered wealth.

And apparenrtly, word had spread of the Heretic and his unique abilities. Should he try and trace the source of said rumors? Said source was an Opium Den belonging to one of Venedig's criminal syndicates - If he went there, he might find a job...

@Smike@Stern Algorithm@Overlord Thraka@Aqutanama@Rune_Alchemist@Zoey White@Landaus Five-One@Solaris:
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 25 min ago

Dr. Shen's House of Healing

((Post between @Letter Bee and @Stern Algorithm))

A mysterious visitor from Tian itself arrives at Dr. Shen's office, clad in rare blue silk that marked him as a 'Seeker of Immortality' - One of the special agents of Emperor Gao Ming. Escorted by four guards, he asks the receptionist for an immediate meeting with the Doctor in a 'discreet area of his convenience'. Despite the mildness of his words, it was clear that his orders held a genuine authority that must be obeyed. And so he'd wait for the good doctor to escort him to a study or someplace, then present his credentials - A letter imprinted with the Imperial Seal itself.

After that, he would finally reveal his identity as, "Greetings, Doctor Shen. My name is Tieh Zhu, Seeker of Immortality and once I arrive in the Tian Embassy, the new Ambassador to the autonomous City Government of Venedig. I am here to give you new orders."

"Love unites all under the Heavens," Shen LinMu greets the Seeker of Immortality, leading him deeper into the complex, which appears much smaller from the outside, to a small recreational room. This particular room, like many others, was made with wood furnishings, the walls being sliding paper screens framed in wood. But what set this room apart was that the paper was multi-layered, imperceptibly, and cottony, while the wood frames were made of hollow wood. This made the room surprisingly soundproof. Still, LinMu left it up to the Seeker's guards to be the real deterrents of eavesdroppers.

"Is the term already up for the current ambassador? It's hard to keep track of these things. Business keeps me quite...well, busy." This of course, was a lie, intended as a joke, rather than deception, since it was LinMu's business to know things. He leaned forward, eager to hear his orders direct from the Emperor. Since being assigned here, LinMu had merely laid the groundwork for future missions, and simply kept his ear to ground while making a comfortable profit. His orders thus far had simply been, 'trade, listen, wait'.

Tieh Zhu then said, "The Emperor of the West, the sole person who can portray himself as almost an equal to our own Imperial Highness, Gao Ming, has made a bad decision. His 'Iron Decree' will cause only chaos in Venedig, Chaos that you are tasked with exploiting to conduct certain... Experiments. A team of Imperial Alchemists, fellow Seekers of Immortality, will be sent to join you in order to explore the possibility of improving the condensation of Humans and Xul into raw magical energy. My own personal experiment involves the transference and containment of this magical energy into nigh-indestructible gems in order to ensure eternal life and eternal beauty. What is your opinion of this?"

LinMu leaned back, a bored expression passing over his face. "Chaos is a wonderful opportunity for many things," LinMu explained, "Not least of which is destabilizing a rival government." His eyes instinctively darted to the door due to the sensitive nature of what he was saying. "If it's ingredients you need, they are in no short supply, chaos or no, and I have accrued sufficient capital and means to provide you with plenty for your needs. If this is all the Emperor wishes for, I lament that he is not taking full advantage of the decree's repercussions, but it is not my place to question the Emperor's wisdom." LinMu suddenly sat up straight again, and steepled his fingers. "Unless either the ingredients you seek have some sort of 'specific requirement', say something that can only be found in 'higher stock'," here he was referring to noble blood, or perhaps magical prowess, something the rich and noble tended to have better access to, "or you require such tremendous quantities of said ingredients that the usual channels of acquiring them are insufficient to provide." Now LinMu was intrigued. Did the Seeker's experiments require nobles, or more bodies than what was currently in circulation in Venedig's slave trade? Would entire neighborhoods and villages need to quietly disappear into the night?

The Ambassador-to-be frowned, and said, "It should have been the former, but we have acquired a new ally who has an interest in the Nobles, or at least some of them. So instead, we are using the latter - Entire neighborhoods and villages need to vanish."

A pause as he elaborated on his new ally, "Our new compatriots are worshipers of the Old Gods, whom the Reich's 'Church of Existence' says were merely mortals who drank from a mystic Grail or Grahl. These allies' plan is to bring back the Goddess Growthseed and the God Mansbane, which will cause more destabilization than anything we can do." A thin smile, "But at the last minute, we will betray them and save civilization, taking credit for their defeat and then using the prestige to claim ruler-ship over the shattered remnants of the Western Empire..."

"Ah, and that's why we don't question the Emperor's wisdom," LinMu smiled, "Ambition is most exquisite when it is subtle." Still, LinMu shared the Seeker's displeasure; using a few high-quality 'ingredients' was more efficient than extracting usable material from large quantities of low-quality 'ingredients'. However, LinMu didn't like this reliance on 'Old Gods'. There were uncomfortable philosophical implications of having verifiable evidence for another culture's religion. The Gods were best left to the realm of the unseen, at least, that was LinMu's opinion. But he wasn't about to share his theological misgivings with the Seeker, and instead asked a different question, "I hear and I obey, but my current manpower is sufficient only for managing the business and some security. To carry out an operation of the scale you mentioned would require, well, a contingent of military types. A trusted strike-force of unquestioning obedience who would choose death rather than divulge their mission. Without such a force, I would be put at extreme difficulties."

Tieh Zhu smiles, and says, "Arrangements have been made - I brought several hundred mercenaries to escort me through the desert wastes; many of them can be 'persuaded' to take a new contract with your establishment and a fund for hiring more can be transferred to your control. However, do not hire Xul - They are dead-set against anything that can potentially help the Old Gods."

"Wonderful!" LinMu clapped his hands, before putting a finger in the armrest of his chair. The finger turned into wood and melded with the chair, while the foot of the chair immediately below the armrest melded with the ground. Thus connected to the entire facility, somewhere in the pantry, he signaled for a serving girl to bring tea and cakes to the soundproof Hall of Tranquility. Disconnecting his finger from the chair, LinMu took Tieh Zhu's warning about Xul to heart. Though he would not hesitate to hire one if they proved useful, he would be sure to keep the details of the operation on a need-to-know basis. The serving girl soon arrived with refreshments. LinMu grabbed the porcelain teapot and served the tea into two cups with one hand, his other hand holding back his sleeve in traditional serving etiquette. He raised his cup to Tieh Zhu, "Welcome to Venedig, Ambassador."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Solaris
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Solaris Accursed Blasphemer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Atop a church tower, deep within the slums of Venedig

The boy groaned a little as he opened his eyes, a bump having emerged from his head. "do not worry mortal, you were not robbed, it was merely your ailment that took hold" an ancient baritone boomed from his sternum. "How long was I out for... and the thief? Any news of him?" he replied in a casual tone, his soul reanimating after his unplanned slumber. "Oh.. The Rat? yes.. I spoke with him not long ago. He claimed his haul was mere silver, for other ..rats had the same idea... However he also spoke of a rumor, that if true would be most.. entertaining" the baritone was calm, slow and wise in his manner of speaking, though when he uttered the word rat, for a moment his tone picked up with aggression and contempt. "Oh really?" the heretic grinned, the voice's statement having grabbed his attention, he paused for a moment "come on big guy, what's this rumor then?" he spoke mockingly. The deep baritone let loose a jolly chuckle "ragh agh agh.. I see that your interest has been piqued.. Boy. Very well. I shall tell you of this... rumor. In a place where people choose to kill their own minds, bodies and souls, some wretched den owned by a particularly disgusting worm, there is a plot to rob this city's bank of its gold, taking advantage of today's disgustingly... Mortal.. Occasion." the heretic did not answer immediately, and the voice waited eagerly for his response. The boy stopped grinning and spoke softly "Friend, such hubris does this Reich have.. That they would put their own kin in chatel. Don't they know how quickly the world can be turned on its head? When the master becomes the slave and the slave becomes the master?" he paused for a moment "perhaps not..
or they just don't care. I know that seeing such Hubris fell would be as best put by you.."
he deepened his voice and grinned"Entertaining.". Again he paused "We should be quick then" with that he jumped from the tower, and across the flat roofs of the dilapidated tenement halls of the slums to the Den of Thieves which is a mere few blocks away.

running across rooftops

As the heretic's stride crashed on each roof he continued "Hey friend, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't refer to that kid as a rat by the way, sure there are plenty of rats and worms alike sulking about in this shit hole, but that kid isn't one of them." the voice replied "very well... I gave you the authority to judge, so I shall trust in your judgement. Also do not forget, that you are being hunted, and the longer it takes for you to finish this task, the greater the chance of your capture" Heretic grimaced. "I can't say that I believe everything that you've told me so far, but to be honest you haven't proven yourself to be wrong yet, but I cant see a lot of what you're saying being true, for example, although a lot of my equipment seems to be valuable, I can't see myself as being a" the voice cut into him "do not fret, boy, for you were not born into that family" the boy smiled a bit "yeah, and hopefully when if that rumor proves to be true, I'll be able to afford putting this electrum to use" his face straightened. He sped up until planting both of his feet on a rooftop, contracting, like springsteel he compacted his muscles, then flexed. His leap was mighty and his landing heavy. He skid across the roof adjacent the building he just launched off. "Looks like we're here" he told his friend as he came to a standstill atop the roof of the most infamous opium den and whore house in the slums.

outside the den of thieves

He stood atop the building and paused for a second, closing his eyes, calming his nerves. The voice waited with anticipation, to see how he'll be entertained next. Heretic opened his eyes and took a deep breath, jumping off the building landing on his feet, compressing his legs to break his fall, he groaned, regretting his decision, whereas the voice chuckled mockingly. He stood himself up, bones creaking, and the people on the street fell silent, gawking at this eccentric display. "Wait a minute, isn't that the heretic?" said one of the towns folk, "black robes, black grimoire, yeah I think he is" "what a fool, why was he up there? does he know who knows that building" some gossiped in this manner. Though many left when he was identified, not wanting to associate with a man in his standing. Some stared at him, frozen with fear, or burning with hatred, others smirked inquisitively. The Heretic pursed his lips and smiled uncomfortably, he stretched the joints on his legs before arching his back and stretching his arms in the air. When he was done, he swore under his breath "I need some fucking milk". he spun on one heel and walked into the building, those who were still in the crowd watching the young foreigner left.

inside the den of thieves

From the first step inside, he found it to be the most disgusting scene of debauchery which he had ever witnessed, even if he had retained his memories. many simply sat where they were eyes widened like saucers devoid of anything, unaware of anything, slowly wasting away due to their dependence. Others were dancing about, uncoordinated and sloppy, filling the venue with a disturbing crazed laughter, some were even selling their bodies in the open, and performing vile acts for all to see. The boy recoiled at the stench of sin and the voice snapped "disgusting worms" snarling in a deeper tone than usual. "Did you say something?" a large man said in a threatening tone. The boy replied "no" and the large man stared at him for a second before walking away. "Calm yourself friend, I don't need to be in any more trouble than I'm already in" said the heretic, his friend replying "very well, then I shall observe." "thank you" the heretic finished. He took a deep breath and with the strongest voice he could muster he boomed "ATTENTION MORONS!! ANYONE WITH INFORMATION REGARDING THE RAID ON THE CENTRAL BANK WHICH HAS BEEN PLANNED FOR TODAY PLEASE STEP FORWARD!! FOR I AM THE SO CALLED "HERETIC" WHOM THIS CITY HAS FORSAKEN, AND TO THOSE WHO WOULD RAID ITS COFFERS I CAN LEND YOU MY STRENGTH!! in exchange for some of the spoils of course, for I am low on coin. IF YOU HAVE INFORMATION SPEAK UP QUICKLY!! DO NOT ALLOW ME TO MISS THE FUN!!". The voice burst into laughter, the room however, fell silent.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 days ago

Location: The Slave Market – The Buying of Jehenne and Rote

Louise continued to watch the noble slaves, however, in the back of her mind she remembered something. ”My want to make a name for myself made me come here to get Roth and Jehenne because of that specific mystery man that came to the company.” Louise thought to herself, which definitely means she would have to stop watching the noble slaves. She had to basically involve herself into the bidding war, at least she was given the large amount of down payment to buy said slaves from her boss. It was a bit irritating but better to act now than be too late in making that man’s clients displeased since that part scared her a bit.

She decided to start making her way towards where the Auction Master was directly at in the Slave Market, which was on the stage by the captured nobles. Her staff in question was billowing fire in an upwards motion since it is a constant burning flame, while Louise was walking. She wanted to make a good first impression on the Slave Market, which she usually just watched slaves being sold in droves. It was obvious she didn’t want to fail Cocheta and not get the slaves in question that mysterious man wanted the Company to buy. ”Auction Master, I am here from the Alhryt-Liu Trading and Lending Company to buy two of the traitorous nobles by the name of Jehenne Alcroft and Rote Kaufman. It is pretty obvious they should be treated like they deserve!” Louise exclaimed loudly to the Auction Master. She had a grin on her face, when starring at specifically Jehenne and Rote.

The Goreflame Staff crackles, pops a bit and speaks with an understanding tone in its voice, which sounds like a teenage girl’s voice of 15 years of age. ”Many people are worthwhile in chains and others are worthwhile in something fitting their standards.” The Goreflame Staff’s understanding teenager voice, which it was addressing Rote and Jehenne’s predicament. It understood that the people being sold as slaves deserved what they got but could deserve something better as long as they are obedient. The staff showed off many things but it is still creepy to hear it talk towards people or talk to Louise in question. It constantly being on fire definitely didn’t help its appearance.

Louise smiled gleefully at what the Goreflame Staff had said. She enjoys when the staff talks to other people about their predicament rather than what she had been through. However, she looked directly at Jehenne Alcroft and Rote Kaufman and liked what she saw in the two. ”They look wonderful, the Slave Market has very high quality services in keeping the slaves well alive.” Louise said, with a bit of giving a compliment towards the Auction Master’s business. She learned many things by watching and not involving herself into the Slave Market much but this is the first time she actually is buying slaves for the Company she works for. It took her a bit but she started thinking about what happened before this auction of the captured nobles happened. ”Cocheta, did ask me with her subtle ways with words. Since I always wanted to make a name for myself… my family has always had traditions that choked me and felt like I was never free. I am grateful I can make a name for myself without the traditions of my family stopping me.” Louise thought to herself, with a serious look on her face. It was pretty much obvious that Cocheta had ways with words and subtle hints, she was very diplomatic and it made her specifically come here to the Slave Market. She wanted to look forward to the future instead of dwelling on the past and this is one step in doing that.

It took a bit before she looked directly into the eyes of Roth and Jehenne in question. She wanted to address them about what the plan was. ”Jehenne Alcroft and Rote Kaufman… I hope you enjoy walking around naked before you reach the Company’s Headquarters.” Louise spoke, in a tone of informing them. She started to laugh a bit because she wanted to say how they will get to their destination. It took a moment before she stopped laughing because she never knew the power of being someone’s better in awhile, which was a rush. She had a good feeling of the buying these two slaves for the Company and Cocheta as a whole.

@Zoey White @Letter Bee
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey better than the alternative

Member Seen 12 days ago

Jehenne Alcroft

Jehenne couldn't help but gasp when she heard her name be called. A another sting of humiliation shot up her spine as someone wanted to buy her. Her! This was absurd...but there was nothing to be done. She had done plenty of complaining and fighting on the way over here. It was too late, now. The sacking and plundering of her house, the realization of what had happened were all still freshly burned in her head. No time to get a word in. No time at all.

This cruel woman with an enchanted staff looked her up and down. Never before had she been so disgusted at someone calling her "wonderful." She wanted to shy away, but there was no where to go. These slavers were an unseemly time, even back when she was in her correct spot as a noble they made her uncomfortable.

She taunted them. Were Jehenne's slaves paraded around town, naked like this? Did they even care? Of course they did...they were human after all. But they were lower station than her, it was their place in life. She wasn't supposed to be here! She wanted to speak. But she knew there was nothing to say that could change these people's minds. Words are like swords, they cannot be flung around violently. They must strike at the right time, at the right moment, to have the most affect. Everyone had their weak spot. Jehenne would just have to find it. It was just so hard to think. So hard to think!

Jehenne looked down at the slaver-woman nervously, dreading what was to come.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Franziska's Lab

Franziska listened, unblinking as he introduced himself. Aku? Body not his own? Franziska smiled faintly. How humorous. Either that was a lie or she indeed, succeeded...but the chance of that? Quite slim. He went on to suggest a game. A bet. A deal? How stereotypical of an extraplanar being. Almost too typical even really. Suspicious. So suspicious. There were times when charisma was good, but there was also times where being too familiar and too knowledgeable or charismatic was just as bad as being not enough. Still - he talked a good game. In fact she wanted to believe him.

Too bad none of it mattered.

She was playing an entirely different game already.

A game she could never lose.

"Heh," A small chuckle first. "Ahahahaha! Amusing!" She then held a hand to her chest, a bright, amused laugh filling the basement. She knelt next to him once again, grinning brightly. "Unfortunately for you, the only games I play are ones I win. A question from something beyond the realms? Fool, you could ask me anything! Something from some other realm that I couldn't possibly have knowledge of, so tell me why I would play such a game obviously stacked against me?"

Something odd would then happen.

In a blink, she was gone. A hand was placed on his head from behind, a the edge of a knife was digging into the flesh of his neck. In the span of what seemed like only a second she had moved behind him without seeming to move.

"You even suggest you could 'have your way with me'. That's a threat, you know? So crass and lacking of class, aren't you? Hah, that's a rhyme." She smiled, her head hovering just above his shoulder. "You like games, then? I do too. Games sharpen the mind. Make the physical better. Any good Scarab knows games are excellent mental exercises." The knife withdrew from his neck, Franziska once again, somehow seeming to blink from existence and back again in front of him within a mere second.

"Ah, but where are my manners, traveler. Franziska Gwerder. Seeker of knowledge and illuminator of secrets lost." She bowed, a deep, formal bow with a flourish. "Now then...Aku was it? Instead of lamenting lost progress, let us applaud new discoveries. Let me propose my own deal. Without all this needless underhandedness or power struggles. I seek an apprentice. Random chance that you appeared here? Or the Illuminated granting me a boon? Only time will tell, heh." She chuckled, holding a hand out for him to shake. "I shall teach you the ways of enlightenment...and in return you shall help me with whatever it is I desire. Is that acceptable? Most would be quite thrilled to receive such an offer."

It was difficult to tell if her words were lies, but she seemed mostly genuine in her intent.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aqutanama
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Aqutanama The Only Juan

Member Seen 30 min ago

Jonathan Paul Huckaby
Franziska's Lab

Huck stood where he was and listened, waiting for a reply. Once she started to laugh he couldn't help but smile. He knew that deep down he didn't want a servant. She mentioned about only playing games she could win and it made him ponder a moment. Her array of thinking was logical and yet he felt a kind of madness behind it. There was a pressure on his head and then the cold pressure of a knife on his neck. Her touch to his head had made him jump as he didn't expect it at all. 'Seems I was too focused on her analysis of the trap.' He noted in his head. He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. 'If she didn't press her hand against my head first I would probably be dead.' Another note.

The knife against his throat made him anxious but then he relaxed. 'My life ended when I came through that portal.' He thought as he listened to her. Dread filled him because she thought he threatened her. Again she demeaned his status with her harsh words. 'It was insanity to only listen to half of what someone had to say.' He thought as she vanished again and appear in front of him. When she started to speak again he listened to her words and his eyes widened a little. His smile faded. Once again it looked like he had a turd stuck and was on the crapper. His RBF kicked in.

"Well, that is a wonderful offer." He replied to her suggestion. "You would get a servant in the form of an apprentice." He noted out loud while looking at her hand. "I don't want to be a puppet, and this illuminated you speak of sounds like a religion. Furthermore, you sound like you wish to brainwash me with your religious beliefs. I will help you in any way that I can. However, I will not do "whatever you desire" as your desires are something of a mystery to me. I would truly be a fool if I accepted such a deal." He stated with air quotes.

"I didn't say that I would have my way with you. I said if I were a pig I would have tried. You seem to only hear half of what I say. I'm not sure if there are more minds within your own. However, I have a compromise." His words seemed lower than normal. Like he felt like this wouldn't work.

"First, I will not do anything that I don't agree with. Second, I will not have sex with anything here, that includes you. Third, you will stop touching my fucking face and head! Lastly, I will help you in any way I can as long as it doesn't conflict with the first three. If you agree to these terms I will become your Apprentice." His voice seemed to have picked up some volume as he spoke. He looked a bit mad, his brow was furrowed, his teeth were showing, and he seemed out of breath for some reason. This display would have been terrifying if she hadn't messed up his hair. His hair tie had become loose, his hat fell off, and his hair fell in front of his face. He now looked like cousin it from the Adams family but bigger. He let out a sigh as his posture returned to non-aggressive. With both hands, he collected his hair.

He turned his back on her in order to collect his hair tie with his left hand, his right holding the massive amount of hair in a ponytail. Even while doing this his hair still past his waist. As he knelt down he looked around for his hat. Absentmindedly, he tied his hair back and retrieved his hat.

"I feel lost." He admitted as he looked at the hat. Slowly he stood up he moved back to her.

"I want to trust you. However, my past is my past and it is hard for me to do so. I know that I know nothing here and making you a foe wouldn't be good." Again he gave her some information.

"I could say that information is power and it has its costs. However, friends information is free. I would like us to be that. I don't like when people are hurting or causing conflict just to do so. I'm no god in a human coil. I'm Jonathan Huckaby and I deceived you because I can't truly trust people. That and words have weight when one has always been called names." His words almost seemed to crack as he held back his emotions.

"Enough about that. I would like you to know more about me so you may understand. My Girlfriend and I have been together for over six years. I wanted to go into debt in order to purchase a house and eventually ask for her to marry me. However, that will not be something I can do now." He started sounding very depressed.

"I know that she will feel like I just vanished just like everyone else but I am not that guy!" He stated as he started to look her in the eyes, tears welling up.

"If you accept those terms and eventually send me back then I will join you. Also, sorry for the long-winded speech." He apologized with a smile as he held his hand out allowing her the choice of agreeing or not. As he smiled his eyes closed making the bits of moisture in them become tears. He looked a little sick like going through a portal for several days with no food had taken its toll. This was confirmed as he fell forward. What stopped his fall? Either the floor or the only other person in the room. His stomach once again let loose a growl as if someone had just started up a chainsaw. It was embarrassing or would have been if he wasn't in another world.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Mergoux froze as the voice spoke in her mind. Her lips formed a snarl as she locked eyes with the speaker, though his mouth did not move. She didn't know the man's name, but the face seemed somehow familiar. Perhaps she'd spotted him earlier in the crowd, or just at some point in the past month she'd spent here.

The man knew her, something that rather surprised the Warrior as she hadn't been to Venedig in nearly thirty years, and while her last visit had been marred with blood she thought it unlikely that her notoriety would have lasted so long in this city. He spoke to her of a plot, a plot to make life harder for the slave traders. That was all well and good, but Mergoux didn't particularly want to make life hard for the Slavers, as much as take it from them. Still, it was a step in the right direction at least, perhaps this stranger had noble goals in mind?

Regardless, she wasn't about to trust him so easily, however, she couldn't follow him now. She'd been made, and no doubt his guards would keep an eye peeled for her. If she was to recruit the Eidelweiss brothers as allies, she'd have to first free them from their master. Such a feat was not something she could attempt in broad daylight, in the middle of a throng of nobles buying slaves, low-born watching their former masters becoming lower than they, and guards keeping eyes peeled for any trouble.

No, for now she would fall back. Perhaps she could still find a way to disrupt the sale, but she'd need to plan an exit first. Her eyes locked on the plump auctioneer, his jowls quivering with excitement as he proudly announced the final bid on an older man and was now speaking to a woman with a staff, who seemed to be wanting to buy a pair of slaves. A woman and a man. Yes... that would cause a bit of a ruckus...

@letter bee @Zoey White @Landaus Five-One
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

City Event - Mostly for the Main Party

Mergoux, Kaspar, and the Edelwiesses

Kaspar rolled his eyes as it seemed Mergoux didn't get it, that it was him who was messaging her telepathically. He then said, <If you want to disrupt the auction, you are free to do so. But I have another idea - A gang of hired mercenaries are going to attack that fifteen-year old Mage Girl or anyone else who is buying the redhead and blonde slaves,> He meant Rote and Jehanne, <In order to rescue said slaves. Said attack is going to occur on their way out of the auction, but you have my word - Many of the buyers are actually purchasing the nobles for sham enslavements. The Edelweiss Family arranged that part.>

A pause. <Point is, I am willing to pay ten thousand Reich Marks to hire you to join the band of mercenaries to attack that Mage Girl or anyone else who might buy the redheaded and blonde slaves. Then you and the mercs will guide them to freedom, before finding opportunities for money and bloodshed against worthy foes.>

Louise, Rote, Jehenne

"This is an auction, not a mere purchase," the Auction Master looked down at the girl, "Starting bid is 500,000 Marks. Do you have the money?"

A voice said from the stands, "I have a million!" This was echoed by more bidders, some of whom said that they had two million, others who said they had four. But the shadowy figure who had contracted the Alhryt-Liu Trading Company had given Cocheta and Louise six million, and promised to transfer a further four million to their accounts if expenses suddenly shot up.

It was quite clear that someone really wanted Rote and Jehenne in their hands.

Rote, meanwhile, was merely tempted to shout what he knew, damn the consequences. It was clear that this little woman or the person she served would not listen to him should he talk about The Conspiracy. From what he had found out before the Battle of Kaisersdat, Venedig was the best place for the Old Gods' worshippers to conduct the next stage of their plans. Something about a cosmic alignment...

City Event - The Dragon in the Slums

Several men and women glared at 'The Heretic' as he gave away his presence. A couple of bouncers grabbed their sticks, but a fat man in silk robes, clearly the owner of the illegal opium den, shouted in a suprisingly commanding tone, "Order! Order!"

He then gestured for 'The Heretic' to come with him to the back of the den, to a secret room with mundane and magical countermeasures against eavesdropping. This room was made up of wood and marble tilework, with bundles of flax stuffed inside the walls to muffle sound. Inside the room was a small table with food and drink, around which a gang of who looked to be hardened criminals, two men and two women, sat.

The men were composed of a heavyset man wearing a large skirt-like loincloth, leggings, and a magically transpartent breastplate and a thin man in black and blue clothing who openly carried a dagger and lockpicks, while the women were Magi in their typical long robes, with one of them holding a traditional staff while the other had a whip. The Opium Den owner then said, "This... Is my heist team. My name is Carlo Brizzi, and I have been hired to assemble a team of the best criminals in Venedig... Which now include you."

He then tosses a bag of non-perfected Electrum coins at 'The Heretic' and says, "So, are you in or out?"

@Smike@Stern Algorithm@Overlord Thraka@Aqutanama@Rune_Alchemist@Zoey White@Landaus Five-One@Solaris:
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey better than the alternative

Member Seen 12 days ago

Jehenne Alcroft

Jehenne looked back and forth and gaped as the bids for her sky rocketed. What? What was going on? Why would someone pay so much money for her and this man? The man began shouting things about a conspiracy, and Jehenne wasn't sure what to think. "What's going on? Why are you wasting so much money?" It was the first time she had spoken loud enough for anyone to hear her. She had not anticipated that there would be people out there looking specifically for her. Her plans relied on relative anonymity. At least not being special amongst the nobles. If someone had some nefarious scheme in mind just for her, than she would have to recalculate.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 days ago

Location: The Slave Market – The Outbidding everyone else for Jehenne and Rote

Louise sighed with a slight nod in agreement with what the Auction Master had said. It was truthful, with it was an auction and not something you purchase with your hard earned coin like an inn room or what not. She heard all the other bids for Rote and Jehenne, which were a bit shocking but the mysterious figure gave them much money to bid for these two in particular. However, she smiled slightly at the fact no one had as much money as was given to the Company. ”I bid 5 million for Jehenne & Rote.” Louise said with a slight hopefulness this would make all the other competitors for these two to back down. She knew it wouldn’t be that easy since competition is definitely a thing in all this. In a bit of excitement, however, she did feel as if she was being watched.

She ignored the hint of her being watched since it was a bit annoying, since it felt exactly when she was back at the von Hammerwhirl Estate. In the moment, she stared at Jehenne because the voice, which came out of her was beautiful. The questions from Jehenne was a bit interesting to her because of the concept of wasting money definitely wasn’t in her preview. She had been the very opposite of what most people has been since she was disowned from her family and had to pinch pennies. It felt as if Jehenne was insulting her on the fact she’s here to buy slaves for her boss. ”Guess that’s what the Goreflame Staff was talking about them being more lively. Because I wonder what Jehenne knows that I don’t since I get a feeling that Rote wants to scream and yell about something interesting… And damn the consequences of said actions. Alike what I did with my father Steven exactly.” Louise thought to herself, with a slight smirk on her face. She wanted so desperately make a name for herself because of her childhood and her father’s boorish lifestyle.

Louise looked directly at Jehenne with a bit more interest than she had when just glancing over her body. ”I don’t really see as if I am wasting my money on you, Jehenne Alcroft or Rote Kaufman. But your voice is definitely beautiful by the way. It is because I wanted to make a name for myself ever since I was a little girl, but my Father...” Louise said with a fury in her voice, when saying father. Her clothes and hair slowly turned into fire as if it was on fire but it was actual fire and not being on fire. The look in her eyes was sincere as if it could be for how much hate she had for her father. She tried to calm down because of these questions helped her with her underlying hatred of super strict traditions, which cause parents to kill their kids. ”I am sorry everyone at this Auction for getting a bit hateful towards one person in question, my own father. But I do mean to win this auction for Jehenne & Rote.” Louise spoke with a determined voice about the auction in question. She didn’t want to say that these two in question were interesting since Rote wants to speak about something dire and cares not about the consequences but the female noble’s voice was definitely beautiful. It was definitely unique and curious how everyone was acting in this Auction, she felt like she was acting normal and not underhanded.

The Goreflame Staff crackles, pops a bit and speaks with a curious tone in its voice, which sounds like a young girl of age 9 to 10 years old. It speaks slightly louder than the other two voices, which spoke before it, however. ”Louise… I thought you told us to not speak of your home nor family but you bring it up more than anyone. Do you truly seek anything or unlike this Jehenne Alcroft seeks something more than what you see in your view? Most people would rather ignore the wisdom, the understanding or the curiosity of one such as the Goreflame Staff. But you were the only one that understood us quicker than anyone within that family of yours. I am curious in how do you think you can stop the free will of Louise Ester von Hammerwhirl.” The Goreflame Staff’s curious voice speaks louder and more pronounced telling of her full name to the two slaves, even if they do not want it. It was highly curious in what Rote wanted to scream and yell, and the questions by Jehenne Alcroft were definitely interesting. However, the anger still within Louise after all this time away from her father is still a boiling point of contention and causes her magic to go out of control. It knows Louise still lacks the necessary control to control said magic within her soul and it wildly goes out of control in arguments or her unnecessary hatred towards her own father.

Louise was shocked to hear what the youngest soul within the Goreflame Staff had said specifically and told everyone within this Auction her name. The von Hammerwhirl family were pretty much out casted for their roles in causing harm to Mages and much more things. However, she doesn’t know that her family is changing for the better or cares. It was mostly because of the fact her father Steven hated her and how he wanted to kill her too. ”...Damn it… The Goreflame Staff, why did you have to say that? I see their pity in me for living in that household… I don’t want pity or remember those god awful traditions all I want to go forward...” Louise thought to herself, with a definite frustrated look on her face. She hasn’t found the closure she wants with her family, which is why she constantly focused on the hate towards her father Steven. However, her anger dissipates with what the staff had said, however, her hair was still clearly fire and she never looked at anyone with ire at all. ”I must say… Jehenne Alcroft. I do hope you will enjoy my company, even though you are going to be a slave for the Company.” Louise said with a regular normal smile with her hair still fire, however, this wasn’t really an order to Jehenne Alcroft but more like a request.

@Zoey White @Letter Bee
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Franziska's Lab

Franziska's demeanor changed from amused, to bored, to mildly irritated as he spoke. She visibly ground her teeth together, clicking her tongue in an annoyed fashion. He was speaking nonsense, wasn't he?

"Hear only half of what you say? You seem to hear none of what I say." She replied irritably. "You fail basic understanding and comprehension. Not only that, but you insult my beliefs, insinuate that I would brainwash you? That is something only the church of Existence does." She rebuffed, voice picking up in volume. "My people do not brainwash - only bring enlightenment through magic, knowledge, and understanding. We refer to those highest beings as the illuminated - those who have contributed great tomes and volumes of knowledge to our cause! We are not some cult that hurts-" She stopped herself mid rant, gold eyes shifting to the side as she swiftly spun on her heels towards one of her desks. "...it doesn't matter. You won't listen, and in your blissful ignorance you will see nothing but yourself."

She took the bonesaw down from the wall, briefly inspecting it, running her thumb over the blade.

"Trust, like respect, is earned. Not given." She replied calmly, suddenly seeming utterly normal. "Just like knowledge and understanding of the world. You can't wait around for it to simply find you." Franziska took the knife, embedding it into the desk. "You have to work at it. Cultivate it. Feed it. Sometimes debase yourself for it. You want to trust me? I will tell you I am one of the most trustworthy people you'd ever meet, but you? I can't trust you. From your words, you're unsuitable as an apprentice...and to protect both of us, I can not take you. The scarabs would feast on your flesh and the church would burn you at the stake." Sighing, Franziska turned to face the human once more, golden eyes studying him with some form of judgement.

"...up the stairs. First door on your left. You'll be on the streets. See how well you do on your own, hm? And if you rethink your decision in the next few hours, I will be here. Otherwise, this will likely be the last we see of each other. If you stay, I will take it you agreeing to my terms." Not only had she been correct in her assumption he was lying, he insulted her entire belief system. Annoying, even if it was done out of ignorance. He didn't seem intent on even attempting to make any sort of understanding, either.

Time to visit the slave market, she supposed. Sigh. So much time wasted. She should have done it first instead of even attempting something so foolish as this.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Mergoux mulled over the offer in her mind. Ten thousand was a lot of money. So much, in fact, that carrying that amount wouldn't be practical. Gold was heavy, and it wasn't like she could just open a bank account here. Still, to be paid for something she'd planned on doing anyways was always a bonus. She could get some new and better gear, keep some for the road and give the rest away. She nodded once to herself then 'addressed' the voice in her head. <Done. Which exit?> she thought.

Even as she 'spoke' to the voice, she had to wonder if she hadn't finally snapped, and was indeed speaking with a voice in her head. Looking over at the platform though, she was almost certain the voice was not one of her own creation. She moved closer to the stage, in time to overhear names. Indeed they matched the ones she was told by the voice, which was not something she could have known on her own. Reassured for the time being, Mergoux used her skills of stealth to blend in better with the crowd. She was much better at sneaking around, and one couldn't exactly hide out inconspicuously in a spiked helmet, but by bowing her head and turning away, using her exceptional hearing to keep tabs on the young girl and her magical talking staff, she managed not to look so conspicuous.

@Letter bee @Landaus Five-One @Zoey White
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Solaris
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Solaris Accursed Blasphemer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Backroom at Carlo Brizzi's House of Sin

When he saw the portly man signal to him he smirked, knowing that his brash monologue succeeded. Then in his confidence and pride, the aura of the dragon's heart emanated from his soul, so he followed the man into the back room. When he entered the man introduced himself as Carlo Brizzi and presented the other members of the team which he will be joining. The Heretic gazed at each of them intently, almost as if he was peering into their souls, appraising their worth. His focus was so great that he didn't even notice the bag of money being thrown at him, until he heard its metallic contents rustle, which is when his eyes locked with the bag and with seemingly inhuman speed his arm snapped into form, clamping down on the bag full of precious coin. He then heard the fat man speak "so, are you in or out?".

The Heretic's Plight

The boy retorted "Of course I'm in.. How could I pass such an... interesting opportunity." chuckling a bit near the end. Still standing he thought for a moment and then began to speak "Sorry to ask.. but I do need a favor after this deed is finished..." he raised his left hand, and fingers agape, he pointed to a ring on his index finger. "This is a ring of perfected electrum, which was formerly enchanted. Now it is cracked and unusable... Worse yet due to my standing as "heretic" I can not go to the normal places of business to have my ring refurbished. For they will either turn me down or attempt to swindle me. So at my humble request..." he paused for a second, bowing, arcing his left arm to the side and putting his right hand on his chest, pausing for a second "please guide me to an individual who can help me with my... inconvenient... situation, and I of course apologize for my earlier... outburst... " as he spoke he slowly raised his head, eventually making eye contact with the crime boss. With that he sat down, taking up cutlery and voraciously sinking his fangs into some of the accommodations that were prepared. Before his new boss could respond, however, he said, in a lighthearted tone, slightly muffled from the food he was devouring, "What's the plan then?".
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