If you want to transition us to the next dayI'm all for it. if not then I can do it :)where would ten take Luna? new earth? or .... barcelona? or .. just uhm.. uhm... I can't think.
*snickers* Oh I should join you in drunk land. I really want to but then nothing would get done from my side xD I'll just have him take her somewhere. Or something. I'll think of something.
Well then what about Nine x Rose? We may need to give them light plots so they aren't just going, looking and then leaving you know? I'm lonely. Come over, feed me and tell me I'm pretty. XD
Yeah light plotting for the pairs is good. well we're doing uhm.. end of the world for Nine x Rose so I'm thinking we're going with that plot. Just Rose not in danger.. well yeah but.. not in 'solo' danger. uhm.. Ten and Luna lets... uhm.. how about new earth? no that would be a horrible christmas... uhm.. how about... a calm yet still dangerous plot with ten... -thinks-
and aww xD if I could I'd be over there in a jiffy and lol xD where have I seen that! I know I've seen it/heard it somewhere
I thought we'd do End of the World for after the Daleks invaded, what about that snowy one with Dickens? That's Christmas...ishy. My brain won't remember it even though I saw the title earlier today. >___>
For Ten x Luna...we could make up our own plot but use a setting we know. Like maybe the setting from A Christmas Carol but not have it be so long winded?
oh yeah! fairly odd parents! awww that show. Ooh okay end of the world after the time paradox thing. I like that. so for now.. uhm.. lemme look for the title cause I forgot. The Unquiet Dead. Cardiff 1869. Oooh I'd need a brush up on that one. I don't remember the early runs of Eleven. *goes to look for the episode*
It was an okay episode, kind of cliche but the setting was interesting enough. Or we could pick something else. Season 6 was kind of awful...same with 7 and whatever else we're on.
I hope 8 is better... I don't know though. I'll look at the episode so I know where we're taking Luna & Ten. We can go with that ep :) it's christmasy and we want christmasy settings ^^
*giggles* oh man If I were drunk I wouldn't know what the hell I'd be typing xD yeah my post would probably be bad. I'm a happy drunk though when I drink coolers, wine and lighter stuff. I turn into a grouchy drunk when I drink vodka, whiskey and tequila. (sometimes) I'm sure your post will be fine :D *still excited, she's bouncing*
I'm usually a happy drunk, sometimes I'm a worried drunk but that's if people are messing with me. >___> I've done most of Luna and Rose, just need to finish Hermione.