Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Tristan couldn't lie, watching Charlotte suffer a repeated face full of pepper spray from the small vampire girl had to be the most satisfying thing he had seen in the last century at least. Maybe even two centuries. Having to sit through that last world at the bottom floor of a deep dungeon as a vending machine was the most boring life he had been through yet, but it made every short interaction feel like a gift from god. This though? This put a smile on his face. Hell, he actually broke into a fit of laughter at his companion's expense. Perhaps Nimoa reminded him of a daughter he had in another world or maybe her child-like innocence had broken through the cold shell he'd wrapped his heart in, but she had managed to break through and make the hero experience the greatest moment of happiness he could recall.

Needless to say, he wanted to keep her around. Even if they were probably going to be headed into an endgame area after only just getting through the tutorial.

When C-3 chose to slink off in search of rocky sweets, Tristan would watch the slime dart off the beaten path to wherever her non-existent nose led her. He didn't care too much. The chances of her choosing to not come back seemed slim to him and even if she did choose to go independent, she wasn't his to dictate orders to. Technically, Charlotte was still the only one officially registered as a party member on his HUD.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Day 3: Dig through the Liches and burn through the Witches!

The pace of the journey to the Lichyard was one that even a child could keep up with. Well, a super-powered child, admittedly. It had taken half a day's hike, a night's rest, and a morning's journey for them to reach the graveyard in question, the very air itself thick with a pungent miasma that made the air feel humid and foul, as if the very ground around them was cursed. Probably because it was. Nimoa's tiny wings would flap in excitement, eyes shining as she looked at it. "I've never seen a real live lich before...do you think they're smelly? Or maybe they smell like embalming fluid? Or maybe they eat spices to make their bones smell nice?"

Charlotte thought about that for a moment, before noticing C-3's rapid departure. "H-Hey! C-3!? Wait up!" the demon princess would call out, dashing after her bestie to try and see where the hell she was actually GOING. She was able to keep pace with C-3 up until she found her foot snagged on a gnarled root, causing her to fall and skid against the ground for a solid thirty or so feet. Getting up, she would wince and rub her chin. She was durable, but still...ow. C-3's newly gained headstart would mean that Charlotte would only find her after she'd received her gift. Putting her hands on her hips, Charlotte was getting ready to scold C-3 for robbing someone's offerings, but saw just how happy she was munching on that metal. She'd only ever seen her core glow that bright after she'd managed to steal a pure ruby while they were on the road for her to eat.

Charlotte chuckled behind C-3, beaming. "What'd you run off for? We've got to clear that vampire brat's little side-quest to get the hero moving to the REAL quest. Did you smell something nice?"

Unbeknownst to C-3 or Charlotte, a slight rattle of bones would vanish from the scene, out of earshot...

Nimoa would watch as Charlotte and C-3 ran off, looking a bit perturbed. "...Will they be okay on their own?" she questioned as she watched them go, before a hacking cough echoed out from a nearby building on the Lichyard. The "houses" that were here resembled grand mausoleums, with grand brass braziers that had long since stained green from rain carrying violet flames that didn't sway in the wind. Powerful magic echoed from this place...and powerful coughs that continued to echo from the nearest Housoleum. Nimoa would gulp, timidly stepping forward to knock upon the door.

What would answer would be a mockery upon life itself, the very air around the being darkening as Nimoa's eyes focused upon it, the fine fabrics enshrouding the skeletal figure were adorned with grand magical items, gems containing powers unbeknownst to mortal minds and...

"KITTY!" Nimoa squealed, taking note of literally none of that, instead focused on the lich's apparent familiar in the form of a cat made out of darkness itself. Shaking her head and slapping her own cheeks, Nimoa would look up at the skeleton man that was staring at her, eyeless skull unflinching as it rasped, the very air shuddering as it escaped the most horrifying type of spellcaster known to all the realm.

"Hi, My name is Nimoa, and I was wondering if-"

"We don't buy girl scout cookies."

"I-I'm not a girl scout, I'm just trying to-

"No timeshares either!

"What? No, I'm not trying to sell you anythi-"

"GET OFF MY LAWN!" the lich would yell, not at Nimoa, but at a racoon that was making off with what looked to be a half-animated dead fish that flopped and gasped as it was dragged off. Running out of his home with a pair of pink fuzzy slippers on, the lich would pull out his staff and begin casting an unknown beam type of spell, that seemingly rotted whatever it touched, judging from how the already sickly looking patches of grass just outright blackened, withering to ash. GO ON! GET, YOU VARMINT!" The lich would screech as the raccoon got away, leaving the lich with naught to do but sigh and return to his doorway.

"Where was I...oh yeah, we don't buy girl scout cookies. No stomach to put them in." the lich said, before coughing heavily.

"I'M JUST LOOKING FOR AN ALCHEMIST!" Nimoa would eventually shout, fed up with being half-listened to.

"Oh. Why didn't you just say so!? Grimsby down the block, third building after you turn left." The lich would say, helpfully pointing out the direction of said alchemist, before turning his back and heading back inside. The lawn now looked like an arcane war had been waged upon it, with Tristan and Valkira barely missed by any shots.

...Senile liches were terrifying. Perhaps moreso than fully sane ones.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

C-3 was happy.

It was such an ethereal feeling, as she munched with the happiest expression, and couldn't be spoiled by any force in the world.

Then, she spoke.

Normally, C-3 filtered it out through a mesh of attraction, but Charlotte was smug. Normally, this was absent from her thoughts -- the undeserved air of command, the unearned look of superiority, and that unwarranted smugness in her voice. Normally, it was made tolerable by her own personal draconic pride, and couldn't do more than be mildly annoying; if, even noticed.

And yet, here, now, it was unrelenting in its assail of her senses; grinding her from tip to toe, and bringing a rotting miasma to her moment. All of a sudden, her happiness evaporated, and her gift spoiled. Metals, beyond precious, suddenly tasted like cheap imitations; copper, tin, and aluminum, masquerading as something they could never wish to be. They slid down her throat like castor oil would a sick child's throat, and threatened to reverse course, much the same.

Between trembling fingers, C-3 held a half-eaten rose, and threw it to the, before swiping the basket, in its entirety, to the ground.

"Shut up."

C-3 looked back, "Can you ever just shut up?"

For the first time in years, C-3 had a standard to place Charlotte against, and it was plain to see:

Charlotte didn't meet it.

Tamara grinned, as she watched from a tree branch; petting Regalia's trio of heads in turn, before setting her loose. "Like the foolish demoness, you don't understand your role in this world as mere bait," she says, as Regalia scampered around; a child free to roam in the big, wide world. Sniffing the ground, the lion decided where to go, while the goat and snake watched for anything fun. That was the most interesting way to see the world, after all. At least, that's what her Mommy told her.

As Regalia scampered, childishly thoughtless, out of sight, Tamara continued to watch as Charlotte was tersely told off for spoiling her gift, and wondered what defense the Demon Lord's daughter could mount for herself. If Charlotte looked in her general direction, she would be easily seen by her victim, and that would just add to her current victory. The Obsidian Slime named by a Dragon had never had standards to compare her demonic benefactor to, and now, she did; and, Tamara wanted Charlotte to know where those standards came from.

Slimes, after all, were simple creatures, at the core, in need of a helpful push in the right direction.

Scampering into a yard, Regalia busied herself with strange creatures that were running through old, musty grass. In spite of not knowing what a fish or a raccoon was, she knew they both smelled yummy; although, she wasn't out of milk-drinking age. Still, she was a young lioness in 33% of her body, so she, instinctively, needed to hunt; the 33% of her that was snake liked to strike that things that were hot and moving -- the 33% that was a goat could really care less, but it could sense the magic incoming, and took over to make them dip and dodge between beams and explosions.

Annoyed, the 1% of Regalia that was a dragon, like most Chimera, didn't like being kaboomed at, and took over to find what blasted her. Spying the party, Regalia recognized a familiar butt, and bum-rushed it... sinking her teeth into Nimoa's right buttcheek, before her fur sparked, and she simultaneously became a bolt of lightning and ball of fire against the rear she clung to.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Tristan would do his best answering Nimoa's questions on liches. Over his countless lifetimes and reincarnations, he had the unfortunate experience of playing both roles, as the one attempting to kill the undead creature and the one acting as the lord of death. If anything, he probably knew more about liches than most other liches knew about themselves.

Upon entering the graveyard, the hero's nose would be assaulted by the stench of death and decay. This wasn't the kind you would find on a battlefield. This was an old rot, the smell of bodies long left to the maggots and worms, most picked clean of any remaining flesh and innards. Whether fresh or ancient though, Tristan knew the smell well. They were certainly in the right place.

While the young vampire would be shaking in her boots, the hero strode confidently beside her. Were they vastly under leveled if the source of that hacking cough turned out to be hostile? Yes, he was quite sure they were, but after an unaccountable number of lives, one learned to never fear death, merely to be cautious of it's presence. "Nimoa, if this lich proves to be unfriendly, I want you to-" he began to say, before the lord of death reared his skeletal face out from his crypt.

Tristan couldn't help but cock an eyebrow at the lich's appearance. Of course, he couldn't say he looked threatening at every point of the day back when he had been one as well, but this one didn't even seem to be trying anymore. His brain must have been the first thing to go rotten.

And then the staff came out. While he certainly wasn't trying to aim for the two of them, the lich wasn't exactly trying to avoid firing his spell at them either. Luckily, Nimoa's small stature would keep her from harm and the hero would be able to lean back far enough for the blast to stop just inches away from his face.

With the information they needed attained, Tristan would hurry in getting his young companion moving before the senile skeleton fired off another spell. "Let's hurry along now, Nimoa."

Then the chimera attacked. In a split second, Regalia launched herself at Nimoa's defenseless rear, sinking its teeth in and combusting into a ball of fire and lightning. "Not you again! Get out of here, you flea-ridden furball!" Tristan shouted in anger. Like an abusive owner to their mistreated pet, the hero pulled back his leg and launched it toward the chimera pup, kicking her right in the stomach in the hopes that the impact would launch her away from the vampire girl. He didn't care how young or cute the creature was, his steel-toed boots were rated E for everyone.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 22 hrs ago


@Guess Who,@Suku
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

C-3 huffed, as Charlotte left; she didn't care if she was angry. The stupid she-demon was always so up her own rump, she couldn't be bothered to concern herself. Whatever the Demon Lord's daughter intended to do was her business, and hers alone. Besides, if she couldn't see why she was bothered, then she didn't deserve to have it explained to her by the source. As such, C-3 turned and headed off.. catching wind of some serious explosions.

Curious, she hurried to the source of it all; just catching the small Chimera melt into a purple puddle, and reform into a Refined Human Form. "Such control..." she says, enviously, before really looking, "Wait... That color... An Amethyst Slime!? This is the worst!"

Tamara hummed, spiritedly, as Charlotte marched over. Her muscles were already bulking up in response. God's, it did feel good; that cloying hatred, that choking malice; it was such a turn-on, and Charlotte wasn't charging a dime. Even better, she meant it. Tamara wasn't an idiot. A knock-down drag-out between herself and Charlotte could go for days and nights; her stamina reaching the depth of a demon on par with Charlotte -- as if she was born to antagonize the girl.

Honestly, that's all she wanted to do: antagonize the unflappable daughter of the undefeatable Demon Lord. It was a fun little pastime, in the master plan of BREAKING her heart and soul. Sure, Tamara was a Paladin, but she was a Dark Paladin, and didn't have to play by all the rules so strictly. As such, so freed, she sought to cull the wonderful, little Dragon-named Slime to her side, and destroy the world of the infinitely confident world of the one that stood by her side.

"Five minutes," Tamara says, holding up five fingers, "I got you for five minutes of playtime..."

Regalia flew into the air, weighing so very little, and smacked into the ground with a sickening thump. For a moment, she twitched and writhed, before her breathing and self stilled.

However, under Ariette's sudden application of healing, Regalia's flesh, fur, and scales turned a poisonous shade of purple, and her body sloughed into a pool -- a massive chaotic surge of energy crackled around the pool, suddenly, and a hand burst free of it. It was the same technique that C-3 used to go from Slime to Human, whenever she emerged from her lute bed.

Slamming into the ground, the hand dragged forward the entirety of a lithe body; the purple slime took on skin tones, hair color, the solid mass of twin horns, sharp fangs, and clothing. Eyes opening, Regalia sniffled and groaned, and seemed on the edge of emotional collapse; tears of irritation streaming down her cheeks, as she glared at Mallory. Behind her, a snake rose and hissed; her tail didn’t seem as sentient, however.

Grrr... Nnn...Regalia growled, as she rubbed her belly with a heavily-gloved hand; the mitt was thick, and probably existed to hide and/or protect her growing claws. “Grrr.... Rrrr... Rrrr... Nrrrr... RAAAHHH!!!” Regalia suddenly screamed, as tears streamed down her face. Suddenly, she whipped her tail forward; the snake’s eyes glowing, and its mouth opened wide, as her goat horns started glowing. “Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah!” Regalia repeatedly screamed, each cry punctuated by a bolt of lightning cannon-fired from the snake's mouth.

Each bolt dead-aimed for Mallory.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
Avatar of Guess Who

Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

"Stupid! Absolutely careless idiot! What a fucking hero I am," Tristan berated himself. It had been a long time since he actually bothered concerning himself over the safety of another being and it seemed those centuries had made him rusty at this hero thing. You wanted him to risk sacrificing his soul to eternal damnation in an insane death game, he'd do so with a shrug. You wanted him to stare down the physical manifestation of death, he'd do it with a yawn. You wanted him to protect the innocent and do good for the sake of it being the right thing to do, well you would need to give him time to shake off the rust.

Unfortunately, he didn't have the luxury. "Sorry fleabag, I may have been the one to mess up, but it looks like you'll be the one to suffer the beating," the unheroic hero threatened, drawing his sword just before a newcomer interrupted the fight. He understood he was the chosen one, but he couldn't fathom why he seemed to attract so many morons and lunatics, especially in this world in particular. "Your pet attacked us first. Put a leash on that mutt and leave us alone."

Suddenly, the abused beast began to change its shape like an [copyright infringement] crawling out of the mud underneath the tower of [copyright infringement] in that film with the two towers. "Ah, great. Now it's a person," Tristan said with a sigh. "A chimera that shapeshifts into a human... what is that 25 now? 24? Fine, I'll give the benefit of the doubt and say you're 24."

Noticing the way she clutched at her belly and growled at him, Tristan growled back, "Yeah, and I'll give you another if you hurt her again." That seemed to be the final straw as Regalia made her attack, launching bolts of lightening his way as if he were the most conductive thing around. Considering his choice in armor actually, he probably was. Regardless, the hero threw his shield in the chimera's direction like an Olympic athlete tossing a discus, while at the same time he ducked down to grab Nimoa and hurl her out of the direct line of fire.
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