Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nate1008
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Ok... well. He is a mercenary. He does not work for the United empire outright. He is more of a purchased soldier. If you really don't want me doing that I can change it. As for the weapons... I can work on that...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

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A note that I still exist and that I will try to get something up within the next few days if not today. Off 'till Friday so I lack sufficient excuses.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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I'm only partially fluent myself in Plains Cree. I can understand every second or third word in a full on Cree Spoken conversation. Enough to get the gist, but not the whole idea.

But on that same note I may intersperse my posts with Cree words, as emphasis on my characters heritage and personality. Mostly because I think it's awesome to have diverse characters.

And because I love my culture haha.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Senhara
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Senhara No Thoughts, Head Empty / (she/they)

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@Nate1008 I know that, but the United Empire wouldn't hire mercs like that unless they need to, unless they're a villain
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lionel Samson
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Lionel Samson The avid master-student

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@Senhara Hey! Looks like things are warming up here. :)

I finished revising my character's Frame. I hope it's better now, as I went into detail and tried to be as clear as possible.

Here's a link to the original post. Soon as I get your approval and make any needed tweaks, I'll put him in the character section.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lionel Samson
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Lionel Samson The avid master-student

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Hey friend, I just noticed that your mech is 14.5 ft tall.

Then I remembered reading this in the lore,

"HELIX Frames are rather large machines, ranging from 5-20 meters in height (although 20 meters is an anomaly, and usually reserved for heavy cargo carriers)."

... Did you mean for the Brave to be so small, at 4.4 meters? Just looking out, that's all.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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@Lionel Samson

You know, I hadn't even thought of that. I put something that felt right for the situation, but yeah you're right. I'll change that. The Brave is not meant to be so small. Not in the least. Not sure where I got the idea for 14.5 feet.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lionel Samson
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Lionel Samson The avid master-student

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Lol, if you went with it, I think Julian and others would be terrified of that speedy little horror brandishing a knife and tomahawk, and be crawling all over them!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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lol no. Changed it to something more appropriate. We should be good now. Thanks for noticing that Samson, appreciate someone noticing an oversight like that.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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@Senhara Do you have a preference as to how experienced/old our characters are?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lionel Samson
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Though the GM should certainly elaborate, I found this in the original OOC post. Hopefully it'll help you get an idea...

The new pilots have been moved from training, or retraining for veteran pilots, to directly under the control of EYE2's pilot...

So it seems the spectrum of experience can be rather large. :)
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Senhara
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@Aptrgangr everyone is welcome

@Lionel Samson gonna check the post now, will edit this afterwards.

I like it, certainly powerful but trades that for some fragility in certain aspects, plus weakness against certain enemies. I approve it, very interested in how it'll handle certain enemies. Also, thanks for considering a datalink already, I was planning to use datalink in the RP (as it is a real military technology which is insanely useful.) Approved.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lionel Samson
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Lionel Samson The avid master-student

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Thanks @Senhara I also PM'd you just now lol... be sure to read it before remarking on the revised OOC.

EDIT: Alright thank you. And yes, you're certainly right: the more versatile and flexible something is, the weaker it'll be in any one area. Adding the inheritance idea now before I post the CS in the Character Section. :)
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Pilot Sheet

Name: Fuubi Doku

Appearance: A slim Japanese man with a large square chin, a serious looking haircut parted down the middle, and five o'clock shadow. He's 5'5", 140 lbs.

Personality: Fuubi's temper is as short as his height, but he's more prone to outbursts than violence. He's quick to voice his opinion on any matter but hates opinions different to his own, and sometimes tells parables that make little sense. He's a very picky eater, hates children, and has sent over 400 letters to his superiors over the years formally requesting that a plumbing system be integrated into his cockpit.
Despite his eccentricities Fuubi is a hard worker and quick to learn. He displays bravery bordering on recklessness and will do absolutely anything his superiors say without question.

Backstory: A veteran who's family immigrated to Canada when he was young, all Fuubi was ever good at was one thing; piloting killing machines. In every other line of work, even mundane chores, he was useless. Despite his good education he utterly lacked social communication skills and had an uneven temperament that made him prone to fits. He's been in the service for twenty years though, and his success on missions speaks better than he can.

Misc Info: He's 38 years old

HELIX Frame Sheet

Codename: Shidoku

Appearance: Shidoku is a larger than average frame, 18 meters in height with long, thick cable-like arms than can extend, contract, and twist at high speeds. Each arm ends with a metal ball containing a rotor and a high output energy capacitor linked to the core of the frame itself, enabling Shidoku to whip around a pair devastating energy buzzsaws. Otherwise it appears to be of normal construction for a large frame, with all the regulation high performance vector thrusters, balancers, ect.

[b]Class: Heavy

Role: Melee support, assault. It's highly vulnerable on its own but very deadly in certain situations

Equipment: Shidoku's arms can extend to up to 60 meters, and when it presses its palms (balls?) together it can create a single, massive buzzsaw whose dimensions may vary depending on the output, but is limited to a diameter of 100 meters. The more energy Shidoku funnels into its buzzsaw the slower its mobility is, though the arms have their own capacitors and do not suffer any drawbacks in speed. At full power Shidoku isn't even able to move its legs, but can slice apart entire structures with a large focus buzzsaw or shred through enemy frames on contact with a small focus buzzsaw that concentrates rather than distributes energy.
Furthermore, the energy sheds immense amounts of short life radiation, enabling it to damage circuitry and fry enemy pilots inside their own frames if they remain in contact with the buzzsaw for too long. Shidoku's cockpit has a gyroscopic stabilizer that enables Fuubi to retain stability so long as it isn't damaged, so impacts that would normally send pilots reeling in their seats won't affect Fuubi, and he can continue to control his frame even when being tossed around.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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@Doc Doctor Yo, they use meters here vice feet, 5-20m tall is normal (20 being like a super cargo freight) its in the lore feed. Just a heads up for you, 18ft is actually a super small
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Oh my bad. I'll fix some stuff.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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@Doc Doctor You're all good my dude, I ain't hurting by it. It was something I just noticed and saw what you meant, just wanted to ensure accuracy
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Senhara
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Senhara No Thoughts, Head Empty / (she/they)

Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Doc Doctor I don't particularly like that HELIX Frame. As much as I love creativity it feels way way too specialized and incapable of anything else. Maybe rethink the weapons? I'd have to get the opinion of other players if I were to accept it or not.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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A vote then XD.
I know it's wierd, but hey, giant buzzsaws are all a man needs sometimes.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lionel Samson
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Lionel Samson The avid master-student

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I agree, it does seem very specialized. But I really like it, buzzsaws are psychologically scary. I would just retool its buzzsaw system to be a hidden weapon that he pulls out when they are needed, but he still has an arsenal of regular weapons--your bread and butter. The buzzsaw (and variants of deploying them) could be a secret trump card that enemy Frames don't expect. It's similar to how my pilot's Marauder reserves a pair of hidden piston-rams that come out after most of his weapons have been used up.

That's my two cents.
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