Hidden 5 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by sempis


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

semp's one x one search thread


Welcome to my search thread! I'll keep the awkward intro part of the thread short and sweet, and just jump into what I'm looking for. I'm taking a break from school right now, so I've got a lot more time on my hands now. Please be patient with me and my writing while I shake off the dust :) All 1x1's will be written in PMs. Anyone interested should feel free to shoot me a PM. I don't bite... hard.


As far as post length goes, I'm pretty flexible. All I ask is for a minimum of two paragraphs with something substantial enough to work off of. That being said, I am capable of writing posts with character counts in the thousands. I love world-building, character development, and multi-dimensional characters.
tldr; 2+ paragraphs. Casual - Advanced.


One post a week will be enough to keep me happy. Most of the time, I can reply daily or every other day. However, my activity revolves around my family and pets, work, and whatever else I've got going on IRL (too much!!) If I don't reply for over a week, feel free to poke me. Posting more than once a week isn't expected, but greatly appreciated. If you need to drop or pause our plot for any reason, let me know!
tldr; 1 post per week minimum.

mature themes

I love love love mature themes. I'll be open with you about themes I do and don't want in the plot, and so should you! Writing is only fun if both of us are enjoying it.

character preferences

I can be flexible with gender and orientation. I don't play with or against canon characters.


Although not a dealbreaker, having discord is nice. I think it's the easiest way to quickly plot and communicate, especially since I'm able to check there more often than here. Also, feel free to let me know on there if you've replied, it'll help me see it quicker.


I understand that a lot of people like romance in their plots, which is fine by me as long as there is smooth character development.


If you've made it through all that, kudos and thanks :) let's get into the fun part!
• Cravings are italicized.
• I'm not big on duplicate plots. Most of the time I'll close a plot after I've had enough inquiries, but some times I get more requests than I need before I get the chance to remove the plot. Just as a heads up, if I decline duplicates it's nothing personal!
• Guidelines written in "*" indicate my preference, but are negotiable.

halloween shape shifter
Modern Fantasy | Pairing: MxM, MxF | YC: Any | Mature Themes: Intimacy

the princess and the lionheart
Medieval + Fantasy | Pairing: MxF | YC: The Princess | Mature Themes: Intimacy, Violence, Angst

Futuristic | Pairing: MxM, MxF, or None (Negotiable, but strongly preferred) | YC: Any | Mature Themes: Intimacy, Violence, Language, Angst

If you don't see anything you like, feel free to PM me and we can plot together!

genres and settings

Specific cravings are in pink.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sempis


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

bump :)
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sempis


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sempis


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by sempis


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

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