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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 10 mos ago

In This Fine Town Of Arkham

A Night At Wilde Hall

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown" - H. P. Lovecraft

Mister Violet's glanced down at the gesture from Renee Bellerose, taking in her dark clothing for a moment, before realisation seemed to strike him. Stepping back sharply, the man held his hands up in apology.

"Forgive me, Mademoiselle."

His face twisted for a moment, the smile fading, but before Mister Violet could speak again, the voice of Moses Reaves from further up the path, and the quickened pace of Renee herself, interrupted him. Glancing around at their surroundings, the darkness of the Wilde Woods looming over them from one side, and Arkham under the shadow of night on the other, Mister Violet frowned. Even for someone who knew this path, it was near-impossible to get any sense of bearing in the darkness that surrounded them.

"My mother always used to say that it is better to push forwards than turn back, and I am loath to disagree with her. So long as we keep the city to one side, and the forest to the other, then we are certain to strike something. Eventually."

Mister Violet watched Moses pull the tree branch free with curiosity. With the darkness closing in all around them, it would not take some great leap to think that the tree branch that the man now clasped in his hands was a weapon. After all, there were few that roamed the streets of Arkham after dark, and on this half-forgotten road, strangers could very quickly start to look like enemies. Yet if any of these thoughts crossed Mister Violet's mind, it did not show on his smiling face.

"Well, I hope it will not come to that."

His gaze moving past Moses, and moving along the path that still lay ahead of them, Mister Violet squinted for a moment, before his eyes seemed to light up. Pointing ahead, the others turned to follow the man's gesture as he spoke.

"Perhaps you spoke too soon, Deacon. I'll be damned if that isn't a light up ahead. Where there's light, there's road. And where there's roads, there's carriages."

Both Moses and Renee squinted against the darkness for a moment, straining to make out what Mister Violet was claiming, but sure enough, as their eyes adjusted to the darkness, they could both make out a light, still some distance ahead of them, but tangible, and something to head towards. From this distance, neither of the two guests could be certain what the light was, but Mister Violet seemed to be confident, striding past Moses, and leading the unusual tree onwards, leaving Moses and Renee to follow behind.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 10 mos ago

In This Fine Town Of Arkham

A Night At Wilde Hall

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"
- H. P. Lovecraft

From behind the beaked mask he worse, Doctor Green's eyes were a pale brown, but there was an intensity to them, a light that sparked in the glow of the carriage lamp. His gaze danced to Simon Hart, and then seemed to linger on Miss White for a moment, before darting to watch Benjamin Zebrowski as he spoke.

"Room? Of course, my boy, plenty of room for all of you. Climb aboard!"

Doctor Green beckoned the three guests forwards, but the broad smile faltered as his gaze turned back to Simon and Miss White. Simon's voice was quiet, but the Doctor's ears were obviously sharp, his head tilting slightly as he caught the words on the wind. Under the scrutiny of Doctor Green's gaze, Miss White seemed to freeze for a moment, like a mouse that has been transfixed by a cat, and then the spell broke. The tension seemed to bleed out of her shoulders, and the dress seemed to shift around her as she nodded her head politely towards Doctor Green, her voice sing-song.

"Thank you for your invitation, sir, but I am enjoying the fresh air for now, and I do not want to burden you."

The eyes seemed to bore into Miss White for a moment, but even as the moment stretched out, the pale-haired woman met the gaze with one of her own, and eventually, Doctor Green looked away. Shrugging slightly, he turned back to where Benjamin stood, and beckoned him over.

"Your choice, madam. The invitation is still open, my boy, if you're not as fond of the chill."

As Doctor Green's attention turned towards Benjamin, Miss White's eyes glanced at Simon. It was fleeting, but Simon had been looking for it. Was it a look of thanks? A warning? Or simply an acknowledgment? With the broad frame of Doctor Green still silhouetted against the light spilling from within the carriage, neither dared to speak openly of it, but in that moment, the air seemed to shift. The night ahead was long and dark, perhaps darker than any of the guests were yet to realise, but on that street, between the two strangers, there was an understanding, and something that could come to be an agreement.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"I think I'll finish another cigarette," he responded to auburn-haired gentleman, fishing the pack from his pocket at a leisurely pace. "Don't hold up on my account. We'll certainly see you there." It was as polite as he was capable of being, because he wasn't sure he wanted to make an enemy of Doctor Green so early in this game. People tended to appear to Simon on a sliding scale of usefulness and Doctor Green struck him as someone potentially useful, maybe later on, preferably as far from Miss White as he was capable of being. Simon Hart was not cruel and he could see there was some history between the two and whatever that history was, it was not good.

It might be as simple as a disagreement or as drawn out as a past relationship, there was no way of telling without asking one of them. Which he was considering but now was not the time or the place. Another match struck in the darkness, highlighting his face in bouncing shadows before another cigarette was lit. He watched as Doctor Green waved the hawk-faced man over to join him, took a long drag on the cigarette between his fingers and exhaled tendrils of smoke into the air. Late or not, it was hard not to feel better with a cigarette in his hand.

He didn't imagine it would take too long for the proper carriage to arrive, long enough for him to try to ask Miss White what the deal with Doctor Green was, at least. Another drag was taken from the cigarette perched in his hand as he watched and waited to see if Mister Strawberry would be keen on taking the faster route to the Hall. He wouldn't blame him, it did seem inviting before all the warning bells started to go off. He supposed if it turned out that Doctor Green was some kind of grisly murderer, they'd know when they didn't see the hawkish fellow again.

Rather grim. He squashed the thought before he could expand on it. I'm sure he's not dangerous.

And at any rate, Mister Strawberry seemed capable. He didn't know why but he got the impression that the man had seen some things in his time. He didn't think he had to worry about him. For now, he'd worry about Miss White, who, even if he hadn't caught wind of discomfort from, he wouldn't have felt great about leaving in the dark with no one.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by DruSM157
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DruSM157 Nobody

Member Seen 4 days ago

The sight of whatever it was, whether or not it was simply a trick of the light did not ease his nerves. The opulence of Wilde Hall did not ease his troubled mind either; he was completely out of his element, like an ant in a den of lions. Looking back to Mr. Red eased him, at least. The man remained strong and stony-faced, which was a font of strength at the very least. But something had Lady Gold unnerved, which did not weaken his own fears. Wilde Hall was upon them now, and the only path left to them was forward.

”I suppose we are to enter,” Alvin said, nearly like a whisper, to his companions. The quiet of the Lady Wilde and her coachman, standing behind them like watchers in the darkness made him yearn for the safety of the light. The warmth of the fire. The embrace of humanity. Anything to get him out of the uncertainty of the forest.

And so, with that, Alvin took a trepidatious step forward.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 28 min ago


Benjamin Marcus Zebrowski

Ben just shrugged his shoulders, “That’s quite fine, although i’m not sure if there's another carriage to pick you folks up.” The rugged man stopped in his tracks, his gaze looking over towards the two and then towards Doctor Green. He did not sense the same hesitance as the others about the good doctor. Although he did have some hesitation about the carriage driver, although that was mostly because he assumed the driver would gut him deep in the forest. He wanted to get to Wilde Hall as quickly as possible. And he was not going to wait in this creepy forest for another carriage. Walking over towards the open carriage and getting inside, sitting across from Doctor Green. Ben looked out the window of the carriage, taking one last look at Miss White And Mr. Blue.

His attention then turned towards Doctor Green, “So I'm sure what your reason for going to Wilde Hall would be?” Ben was curious as to the reason the good doctor was going to Wilde Hall. He assumed that Doctor Green’s reasons would be invited for some sort of medical purpose. Perhaps Doctor Green is needed to give his medical advice on a sick person.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rosanna was surprise on how firm Mrs. Wildes grip is, despite her old age. As the door open for the group, Rosie feel a chill from the wind, sure it remaining them it cold outside but Rosanna feel something from then that....It like the wind is telling her, Alvin and Mister Red to step inside. Rosanna feel in awe of the grand hall, it looks like everything is make out of gold like the rumors say.

As she look around the room, Rosanna realized that Mrs. Wildes is not inside, she turn and see that she is just talking to her coachman but something about it doesn't feel right, the stare of the coachman suddenly snapped to her and Rosie look away, she swears that man probably murder somebody in his lifetime but that won't try to ruin Rosanna time here "So now what? Are we going to drink some good wine, dance all night till we sleep?" Rosanna say, trying to distract herself from the cold stare of a cold coachman.


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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 10 mos ago

In This Fine Town Of Arkham

A Night At Wilde Hall

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown" - H. P. Lovecraft

Mister Slate nodded graciously at the words of Opportunity Knox, but she couldn't help but notice the curiosity on his face as she spoke. The man sitting across from her in the carriage was smartly dressed, of course, as you would expect from anyone bound for a house as grand as Wilde Hall, but Opportunity had developed a good nose for sniffing out old money, and this stranger was not old money. Her answer was vague, but it did not take a particularly quick mind to realise that any relation of the Wildes, no matter how distant or convoluted, was likely to share in the wealth and pomp that the Wildes enjoyed. It did not take a quick mind, and there was something about the eyes that looked back at her from behind the fox-faced mask that told Opportunity that her unlikely companion was far from dull. He was polite, well-mannered, but in those eyes, there was an edge. As quickly as she had noticed it, it was gone, as the man held his hands up, a polite smile crossing his face as he spoke again.

"I don't know if I can confess to any sins. Truth be told, my invitation is as much a mystery to me as it is to you, but I am loathe to reject such an offer. I have not been in town long, but I know..."

Mister Slate seemed to catch himself, the smile on his face faltering for a moment, before he continued, shrugging apologetically.

"Forgive me, ma'am, I forget myself. The invitation called for a masquerade ball, and I should not be telling my life-story to the first guest I meet. I say, what's that up ahead?"

Something had obviously caught Mister Slate's attention mid thought, and as Opportunity turned to follow his gaze, peering out from the carriage window and up the road ahead, she saw what it was that had caught his eye. Another carriage, pulled to a stop beside two figures, lamplight casting long shadows across the street. From this distance, and in the half-light, it was difficult to make out many features of the figures, but there was enough light to see that they both wore masks. More guests. If they called out, or knocked on the carriage roof, then the coachman would likely stop, but to what end? They had space in their carriage of course, but by the looks of it, the guests already had their own transport. Opportunity glanced at Mister Slate, only to see that he was already watching her with a questioning look. If they were to stop the carriage, then the decision lay on Opportunity's shoulders.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 10 mos ago

In This Fine Town Of Arkham

A Night At Wilde Hall

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown" - H. P. Lovecraft

It was Alvin Fennel that led the unusual trio towards the doors of Wilde Hall, although whether that was by choice, or coincidence, only he could know. Whatever the order, Rosanna Liang made extra care to stay close to her two new companions. The house seemed to loom above them, dwarfing even the formidable frame of Drachen Steinboden. Just as Alvin reached the doorway, hand reaching out for the heavy brass handle, the door swung open from within.

Alvin managed to keep his balance, but he almost staggered backwards as a figure stepped out from within the house. A few inches taller than Alvin, wiry, sharply dressed, greying hair, the man that stood in the doorway was an intimidating sight, and it took the guests a moment to recognise that the man must be the butler. He surveyed the three of them with barely disguised disdain, looking each of them up and down in turn, before finally breaking the stifling silence.

"Invitations. Please."

A gloved hand thrust forwards. Clearly the Wilde Hall was not open to all, and security was surprisingly tight, considering the fact they had already shown their invitations to the coachman. Either way, the stern expression set on the butler's face suggested that arguing was not an option. If nothing else, the warmth and music that spilled out from the half-open door was becoming increasingly enticing.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by psych0pomp
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psych0pomp DOUBT EVERYTHING / except me... i'm cool

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The branch felt comforting in Moses’ hand. He didn’t dare fish out his pocketknife, as they were headed to a civilized event. And he would be assured that the civilized event would look down upon him wielding a stilted blade at the drop of a hat—or pinecone in this instance. He could idly toy with the branch in a manner that looked useful and not threatening, or at least he hoped that he could appear that way. Tapping the muddied ground before him, he checked for any spots that Mademoiselle Noir might find her heels sinking into. Yet, as the ground appeared to be firm, so he rapped it against his own boot trying to knock some of the mud free.

He’d looked away from the trail only for a moment, but that was enough time for Mister Violet to announce with jubilation that there was a light ahead—and that had to mean a carriage. Moses looked up, his free hand adjusting his mask in a way as to not obscure his vision. Surely, the man was right. He hoped that meant they’d be done with these woods soon.

Mister Violet was suddenly in his frame of vision, and he narrowed his eyes. He didn’t much care for the swiftness and agility of the other man, but he’d already decided that there wasn’t much to fear from the affable gentleman other than his words. Those were frighteningly pompous. Moses kept a hold of the branch as he moved forward, keeping it close to his leg. He glanced back to make sure the Mademoiselle was following. The sooner they got to Wilde Hall, the sooner he could tend to business and get back to his wife and children.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 10 mos ago

In This Fine Town Of Arkham

A Night At Wilde Hall

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"
- H. P. Lovecraft

The carriage shifted slightly as Benjamin Zebrowski climbed aboard, but it quickly settled again. The warmth within was a welcome change from the biting chill of the Arkham night, and as Benjamin's eyes adjusted to the lamplight, he could see that Doctor Green's eyes were still fixed on the two guests that had not proven as keen on his invitation. No, not on the two of then. On Miss White. Benjamin's voice seemed to shake the Doctor out of his trance, and he glanced across at the other man, the beaming smile returning to his face.

"Why do any of us attend parties? I'm sure my reasons are not so different from yours, my boy."

His gaze darting back to beyond the carriage, Doctor Green leant forwards, shifting his heavy frame as he reached out to grip the handle of the door. One last glance, and another broad smile, and Doctor Green spoke, his voice booming.

"I hope to see you both at Wilde Hall. Good luck."

With that, the Doctor swung the door closed. A cane appeared in the man's hand, and he knocked on the carriage ceiling three times with the heavy metal handle. There was a moment's pause, and then the carriage jolted forwards, and they pulled away, leaving Miss White and Mister Blue behind them in the night.

Doctor Green took a few steady breathes, before seeming to remember his company, his gaze falling back onto Benjamin, one eyebrow raising behind his mask.

"You had some unusual companions. Tell me, did you know either of them well?"

It seemed as if their excuses had been convincing enough for the stranger in the carriage, and Simon Hart had to stop himself from breathing a sigh of relief. Mister Strawberry may have taken up the invitation, but with Miss White at his side, Simon couldn't help but feel her tension. The glance that she had cast him was a hint of reassurance, but with the beaked mask still watching, he still bit his tongue. As Mister Strawberry dissapeared into the carriage, Doctor Green reappeared in the doorway, and his voice boomed out through the dimly lit street once more.

"I hope to see you both at Wilde Hall. Good luck."

Before either Simon or Miss White could even think to muster up a reply, the carriage door slammer shut, and the shadowed coachman cracked the reins, the carriage lurching forwards. Simon watched as it moved away, before being lost in the deep darkness of the Wilde Woods. 'Good luck'. Had that been a threat, or simply a genuine concern? Something about the night, whether it was Miss White, or his own reasons for travelling to Wilde Hall, had Simon jumping at shadows, and on the narrow street, he was surrounded by them.

A sing-song voice at his shoulder, quieter than before, softer, pulled him out of his own thoughts, and Simon turned to see Miss White facing him, blue eyes watching his face.

"Thank you, sir. I..."

For the first time, the pale-haired woman, her face almost entirely obscured by her elaborate mask, seemed to falter, and Simon noticed how young she was. Her gaze flickered down the path, into the shifting depths of the Wilde Woods, after the path of the carriage, before coming back to Simon, her eyes focusing on his own.

"Thank you. I hope I have not delayed you for too long."

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Not expecting her gratitude and still somewhat on edge, he jumped at the sound of her voice so close to him. Although it didn't take long for him to smooth himself out again, he gave her a muted glance, trying to ignore the way his cigarette was bobbing between his shaky hand again. "No need to apologize," responded Simon simply, bringing that cigarette back up to his mouth (with only minimal trouble) and taking another drag from it. He found the act calming, familiar in it's tediousness, the whole world could lose it's mind around him but as long as he could focus on writing or smoking then he might just make it through it. He knew it was a crutch, something he'd note in another person as being borderline obsessive but that had little hope in stopping him. "I've no reason to attend the Hall but my own curiosities and something tells me that can wait."

He couldn't make out much more than indistinct shapes in the blanket of darkness hanging over them, he wasn't comforted by this. "I take it that you know him?" He inquired, voice surprisingly steady despite how shaken by the night he clearly was. "Would it be terribly rude if I inquired how?" He wasn't going to press if she didn't want to talk about it, it wasn't his business anyhow, he was only a nosy stranger. Having her story on Doctor Green might help him judge his character though and decide whether or not he was worth avoiding entirely. Simon didn't have much patience, despite the nature of his job, certain people rubbed him the wrong way and he wasn't as adept at hiding that as some of his colleagues.

She was clearly young, which bothered him instinctively because Doctor Green had seemed a bit older than he was. He hoped there wasn't too bad a history there. "I'm uh- I'm an investigative journalist, sorry, I ask questions for a living. I sometimes forget that not everyone likes to have their personal lives poked at by a stranger." He said, hoping the explanation would keep her from becoming offended if she didn't want to talk about it. He liked that they were currently pretty affable, he wasn't looking to destroy that with one curious question.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 28 min ago

Benjamin Marcus Zebrowski

While riding in the carriage with Doctor Green, Ben watched him not feeling the same distrust as the others. The good doctor seemed friendly enough, he did not sense any malice coming from him. Finding his answer to his question to be understandable, he had his own reasons for going to Wilde Hall. Shrugging his shoulders and looking out of the window for a moment.Looking over towards Miss White And Mr. Blue, feeling a little worried about their wellbeing.

But thinking that they should be okay by themselves. Looking out towards the sea of trees, watching the leaves and branches of the trees moving from the wind. Looking back towards Doctor Green with a friendly smile.

No, I don't really know them, just meet them tonight. But it seems that Miss White knows you. Have you two met before?” He asked curiously if he would try to dodge the question. It would be hard to read his face because he was wearing his mask, but he could tell his true intentions by the tone of his voice. Whether the Doctor was telling the truth or not, it was hard to tell, but his answer seemed genuine to Ben. After all, if doctor was indeed the man's profession, then he would surely see dozens of patients each day, and he would hardly remember a slight, pale-haired girl.

Hearing his answer he was uncertain about his intentions, he wondered if he was hiding something from Ben. "And what is your profession?" He asked raising a brow.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rosanna was right behind Alvin when the door suddenly swung open right in front of them and was ready to caught him as he almost fell. Rosie look at the butler up and down, she never see a butler that tall and big before, butlers are supposed to be small and slim, not Magersfontein Lugg like those Albert Campion novels that her friend reads at night, she now wonders if Mister Red and the butler were to say, have a brawl, who would win? Her bet is on Mister Red.

Her thoughts of betting was quickly cut short, when the butler ask the invitations. Rosanna and the others just show their invitations to the coachman and now he wants to see them too? Rosanna sigh, no wonder there are rumors around this place, their securities is tight, little too tight but she can't argue that much, this is a rich mansion that owns by a rich lady after all. Rosanna pull out her invitation and hand it to the butler "And before you ask, I won't get too drunk at the party. I mean, a gal needs to civilize to fancy the guest" Rosie say to the butler with a wink.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Penny
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Member Seen 20 min ago

Opportunity knocked on the ceiling panel of the coach, small balled fist ringing on the dark wood of the coach roof. Wilde Hall was still a ways off and she saw no reason not to offer a lift to fellow guests. Besides if she arrived with a crowd and with people who were already kindly disposed to her, well so much the better. She was about to knock again, convinced that the servant come coachman was going to churlishly refuse to stop, but the coach began to slow, the rattle of the horses hooves slowing to a sedate trot. Opportunity pushed open a window and hung out in a very unladylike fashion, white teeth flashing in the dim light.

"Any of you care for a lift?" she called sunnily.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 10 mos ago

In This Fine Town Of Arkham

A Night At Wilde Hall

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown" - H. P. Lovecraft

The wide eyes behind the mask of Miss White did not falter from the face of Simon Hart as he spoke. His quick explanation even drew a smile from the young woman, and she went to open her mouth, apparently to reply, to answer the question that had been burning on Simon's mind since he had first noticed her shoulders stiffen at the sight of Doctor Green, and then the spell broke. The rattle of wheels on the road, the crack of horseshoes striking stone, and another carriage emerged from the darkness, and drew to a sharp halt beside the unusual pair.

Simon and Miss White both turned towards the interruption, and found themselves looking into the grinning face of a striking woman. Grinning widely, Opportunity Knox greeted the pair, and invited them aboard. Beyond the unusual sight of a woman leaning from a window, Simon could just make out another figure within the carriage, short and lean. At first, the journalist was a little taken aback, both by the invitation itself, and the vessel of the invitation, but once again, Miss White was the picture of charm.

Taking a step closer to the carriage, the pale-haired woman nodded her head in greeting to the newcomer, her voice ringing out.

"Your offer is a generous one. If you are bound for Wilde Hall, is there space enough for myself, and my companion?"

Before Opportunity could reply, more noise broke out in the silence, even above the panting of the carriage horse. Footsteps. From the shadows that stretched out like clawing hands from the depths of the Wilde Woods, three figures stepped into the pale lamplight. The leader was slender, well-dressed, with a smile written across his face. In his wake came another man, Moses Reaves, taller and broader, and a woman, dressed all in black and petite next to her two companions. It was the leader who spoke first, striding towards the carriage.

"Good evening, one and all. I dare say, it's jolly good to see you folks. I'm afraid the Deacon, the Mademoiselle and myself have been on somewhat of a detour. Are we all bound for Wilde Hall?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 10 mos ago

In This Fine Town Of Arkham

A Night At Wilde Hall

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown" - H. P. Lovecraft

The butler's face didn't flinch at the attempts of charm from Rosanna Liang. Standing almost a foot taller than the petite young woman, the butler looked at her like he might look at a curiosity, or something on the bottom of his shoe. His gaze scanned the invitation she had handed him dismissively, before handing it back to her, and turning his attention to the other two guests.

Mister Cobalt stepped up next, offering no words to the butler, and simply extending his invitation towards the servant. Rosanna couldn't help but notice that the man's attention seemed to be drawn upwards, towards one of the windows further up the house. In fact, his attention was so drawn, that it took an obvious cough from the butler for Mister Cobalt to realise that his invitation had passed the inspection, and was waiting to be returned to him.

In the towering figure of Mister Red, there was at last someone that the butler couldn't literally look down his nose at, but if the stone-faced figure was intimidated, or even phased, by the hulking frame before him, he did not show it. Taking the invitation, that looked comically small in the oversized hands of Mister Red, the butler eyed it dubiously, and then handed it back, apparently satisfied, although it was impossible to tell from his unflinching expression.

"Really, Peters, you're allowed to smile. It is a party, after all."

The voice of Avery Wildes from behind them caused all three of the guests to turn, the hostess having closed the gap from the carriage and arrived at the doorway. Peters nodded smartly towards Avery, and if any of the guests turned to see his reaction, then they would have seen him force a smile, but to call it a smile is to do a disservice to joy and happiness. Thin lips drew back to reveal yellowing teeth, and there was no flicker of emotion in the cold, grey eyes. It was like a dead thing attempting to replicate the expression, without truly understanding it.

As Avery reached the group, she gestured them forwards, and all four of them stepped through and into Wilde Hall itself, leaving Peters standing at the doorway, the smile still twisting his face.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Penny
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Member Seen 20 min ago


Opportunity arched a sculpted eyebrow at the sudden appearance of even more potential passengers. A wide grin tugged at her lips, the habitual expression of someone who was thrilled with life rather than in reaction to any specific stimulus. One of the men was powerfully built although age had begun to soften his hard lines, the other was slender and freckled, with a touch of the aesthete to him. She pushed the door open with one foot but made no move to disembark to lower the stairs.

"Well it might be a bit of a squeeze, but I'm game if you are," she told the partygoers.

"Come one, come all, on the express coach to Wilde Hall," she intoned as though reading poetry before the dean of Cambridge and guesturing theatrically with her hand for them to embark.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by psych0pomp
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psych0pomp DOUBT EVERYTHING / except me... i'm cool

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Mister Violet had not been wrong about the carriage, and Moses was more than happy to be free of this damnable forest and its confining branches. Once they erupted from the woods, much like a wave breaking on the beach—he used the limb in his hand to scrape the mud off his shoes to the best of his ability before ditching it. He didn’t offer it to Mister Violet, because quite frankly the other was more than elated to be around other people that he could surgically remove the ears off of from chatter. And he didn’t ask the Madmoiselle, because honestly she seemed light on her feet and he didn’t care to insult her further by inferring otherwise.

A daring young woman poked her head out and addressed them, seemingly happy to have seen them pour from the forest like poison from a bottle. On top of that, they weren’t the only ones. Moses gave them a side glance before pursing his lips in thought. Apparently, they were all headed towards Wilde Hall. He had assumed they were quite late. Lo and behold, if that was the case, then everyone was late.

“Mister Violet, Madmoiselle Noir, after you both. I’ll see about sittin’ with the driver.” He flicked the cigarette to the side. “I would hate to keep you two from rubbin’ shoulders—literally and figuratively.” Moses offered a smile underneath his thick, gray mask. It was probably the most he’d emoted this entire time, beyond his attempt a joke with the Madmoiselle—something that her demeanor and words had cut down immediately. But it was time for him to wear two masks, even if his lip was a bit cut and his tooth a bit chipped for it to be entirely smooth.

Moses moved towards the front of the carriage with intent, sliding his hands in his pockets and pulling the jacket closer to him. He didn’t like the look of the other man in the group waiting to board the carriage—the thin and pale one. He was too charming. Hells, the whole lot of them were entirely too bubbly and smiley for his tastes. But this was how one made money. Cash wasn’t buried underneath pulled teeth and broken fingers. It was here.

”Mind if I take a sit?” He asked the driver.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rosanna feel rather unsettled by the bulter smile, she feel like his teeth haven't been brush in days. In fact, Rosanna hasn't seen these gentleman in town before, they could have been doing groceries for lady Wilde or taken a break from their jobs but no, she feel like they don't come around much in town, do they perhaps live here? That is a possibility but if she been a little honest here....Where in the hell did miss Wilde get these guys from? The slammer?

Rosanna and the other guests step inside, Rosanna feel in awe of the grand hall, it looks like everything is make out of gold like the rumors say, she could even see her face on the shiny floor! "So now what? Are we going to drink some good wine, dance all night till we sleep?" Rosanna say to lady Wilde jokley

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