Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FrogRFlowR
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FrogRFlowR Elder Frog

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Niall could feel the speed drops to zero as he was grabbed by the large bandit. It seemed Annagan was gravely wounded, and yet not enough to kill him. Any hope of going free was squashed as the knight himself was slammed down to the ground with the sound of her metal armor grinding against dirt and rocks. However, the following hit never came. In fact, Niall could barely move aside in time as the big hammer fell beside him, having been dropped.

Niall could stand up, but his Lance was removed from him now some distance away behind the man. Holding his shoulder with one hand and his dagger in the other, he adopted a readied stance for whatever was the come. Fortunately, that was when he saw...Luna? His companion was running towards them and would most than likely soon witness the literal battlefield that happens to be Niall and Annagan's dueling grounds. The earth was turned over here and there as a result of the pwoerful hammer striking it, cracked. It probably looked like a skrimish between a dozen men happened, but it all had been only these two.

"Luna!" Niall cried to her in an exhausted, wounded voice.
"Take care! He ingested something the Formorian gave him. I do not know what will happen..."

As for himself, Niall stood at the ready to dodge more than anything else, but he was beginning to get spent. Luna was much welcomed back up at this point.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

It was as she suspected. The abominations had little in the way of ranged capabilities, and were instead mostly reliant on melee in order to attack their targets.

Mostly. One of their number had a great wound in its torso, arms grotesquely emerging from it to hurl a mass of darkness and goodness knows what else from within. Fio couldn't help but feel a little ill, but it also meant that she had a target to prioritize.

Another barrier formed in the air as she stepped off of the current one, catching her immediately and allowing her to slip out of the path of the hurtling mass of darkness. The Fomorian herself had yet to attack, as well. Whether that be because of her interest in her as a 'test subject' or because of a lack of offensive capabilities on her part, she didn't know.

Either way, it made her goal far easier to achieve.

"So much work, and this is what you ended up with? Hmph, well, I guess I do appreciate how easy they are to kill. Sura!"

The Sword Witch thrust her blade forward, a circle of blue light forming immediately ahead of her as magical energy blazed down her arm and through the edges of the catalyst.

"Star Shatter Sword!"

The gleaming blade that erupted from within it was nearly as large as Fio herself, tearing through the air. Its target was the hole already in the monstrous thing's body cavity, which of course wouldn't do very much damage.

At least, until the blade erupted into blue light and crystal-like shards of starlight, with the aim of tearing the abomination apart from within.

But Fio was already moving, the small witch maneuvering across her platforms of light. She didn't really need to destroy all of the horrible things, at least not yet.

If she could just obtain her goal.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp, early morning.

“Leave it to us, sir!” The soldiers shouted, quickly joining Luna on the walls. No more arrows were firing down upon them, but they could still hear the shouts of the bandits, quickly getting back into line…but that was not Lunas concern for now. Something was happening over where Niall was, that much was clear. From where he was fighting, she could see wisps, blackish red wisps of energy rising into the air. “We won't let a single one escape!”

She’d run, to where sir Niall and the fighting had occurred, sprinting to the scene…

“Ah…ahahahah!” The behemoth of a man was getting back to his feet now, the previous weariness and fatigue of battle wearing off as the wounds he had sustained were slowly regenerating - no, his entire body was visibly mutating, muscles and flesh as cracks of black and red energy formed on his skin, a hand reaching for his hammer as his free hand seemingly mutated into a bestial claw, covered in corase, black fur while the other hand became less of a hand as it fused with the hammer it was grasping.

His face under the cowl proceeded to mutate, the antlers growing exponentially as his face contorted, his entire body growing in size as bones snapped and flesh contorted, armor snapping and ripping as he’d contort to his new form, spines and antlers growing along his back.

As the changes died down, a heavy, bestial foot stomped onto the earth, cracking the earth with a single step. The hammer fused with his left arm hit the ground, a heavy, thunderous impact that caused the earth to rupture beneath his foot. He looked less like man now, and more like some sort of mutated, large bear with antlers, hunched over and walking on all fours.

And in the center of his head?

A single, pulsing, open and piercing red eye that frantically observed its surroundings.
“Gaaaah…hahah…I’ll…crush you all, even if I have to become a cursed being…”

The beast reared up onto his hind legs, bellowing with enough force to snap the twigs of nearby trees.

Still focused on Niall, the gartanguan beast man leaped forwards with a flurry of claw and hammer, swinging the large blunt object across the ground, kicking up stone and earth as he’d attempt to swipe Niall with it.

This was not something that’d go unnoticed by Fio…

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp Overlook, early morning

The blob of curses whizzed past Fio, landing somewhere on the ground below. The fact it immediately killed and twisted whatever was left into some horrendous cursed version of itself was telling enough that she really did not want to get hit with whatever that was.

Her counterattack was swift, the blade sailing through the air towards the one that had lobbed the gunk at her, impaling its slower body swiftly before blackened blood and flesh ripped from its body as the blade exploded outwards. The abomination gurgled and shrieked in pain, its body tensing up and attempting to pull itself off but soon falling to the ground as its body fell to the ground, slumping and quickly starting to decompose.

“What can I say? A new experiment is bound to run into bumps here and there.” She’d smirk, glancing down to the battlefield below. “Unlike some…heh.” A mass of malevolent curses. Energy released from below as cursed energy began growing dense enough to saturate the air, billowing up from the man once known as Annagan. “Seems he used it after all. What a dummy. Well, not my problem. Now then, lets see…what should I do? Fighting isn’t my forte, hmm…”

The remaining abominations jerked oddly.

“I should at least keep you here until that one dies or he kills the others…hmm…Oh, I know.” A sleeve pointed towards the abominations. “Devour.” The abominations that were left, immediately ran to the one that had been killed earlier, and quickly began consuming its corpse.

Harzel Border Fort
@Crimson Paladin

Climbing up the stairs to the ramparts required running past some of the rank and file soldiers that were fleeing, no doubt to assist in the battle below. Roars and shouts grew louder and louder as he’d climb the forts walls, until finally, he’d see his target. Grainne had been backed into a corner, clearly injured from the unsteady way she was standing, but standing nonetheless. The Wyvern too, looked to have taken a few decent blows from the redhead too, deep gouges in both its neck and legs from likely attempts to deflect its talons, but it was clear she was no match for the beast.

“If-guh, you think I’m gonna die from this you’re wrong, assface!” She’d hiss. Indeed, Ethelred was correct in assuming one thing. It was entirely focused on Grainne as she’d avoid its snapping jaws, barely landing a shallow blow onto its neck. Which meant, Ethelred had plenty of unrestricted access to the beast.

He climbed atop the battlements, leaping into the air high enough to get the redheads attention.

“I’m not gonna-ah? Icicle!?”

His lance was the first to hit, impaling its ice covered body deep into the beasts back, right between its wings. It roared, hissing and flapped its wings in a panicked manner as it was ambushed, unable to even see what was attacking it. All it knew, is that it had been gravely wounded from a single blow and whatever it was, was clinging to it and slowly starting to freeze itself to it.

The frozen knight had only a few moments to enjoy the victory as the beast attempted to take to the skies, only to find its wings and muscles failing from the blow, instead barely getting any air as it would plunge over the castle wall, towards the ground below.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 hr ago

A wave of disgust crossed Luna's face as she watched the man's flesh contort and mutate into what she could only describe as an abomination. A cursed being... A... No. It didn't matter what he had most obviously turned into now. A frown covered the knightess' face as he started to assault Niall again. This was not going to be an easy fight. If she hadn't used up all of her energy using her magic on the thugs... No, that mattered little. Luna gripped her sword with both hands. She might be pushing herself a small bit, but she needed to make sure her blade could cut this abomination's body. She mustered any of her magical energy available just to give her blade a small coating of light to make cutting easier.

If he was going to focus on Niall like this, Luna was happy to take a swing at him with his back turned. Especially the tendons in his legs! No matter the creature, it was difficult to move easily once those were cut, even if he could regenerate it could help ease the battle some. She dashed forward and delivered a low swipe at one leg's tendon, bringing the sword back around to cut the other before swinging a departing attack toward his back before stepping back a small bit to give some distance between her and the opponent. Even if he could regenerate the wound, it should give Niall and her a small opening to deliver some real damage to other parts of his body while he recovers. Besides, no matter what he was, nothing regenerated indefinitely.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


The bandit leader had used a cursed object to become a horrible beastly abomination, and was bearing down of Niall with claw and tooth and hammer. And the monstrous experiments were feeding on the fallen one, surely using its flesh rife with malignant influence to grow stronger.


There was one thing Fio could do. The Sword Witch had no better opportunity then now.

Her true target was exposed. This was her chance, while the hideous experiments were too busy consuming the fallen to act as a shield for their creator.

"Fighting not your forte, is that it?" she asked, a smirk crossing the petite girl's lips, "In that case...!"

Light traveled up the edge of her blade. If she could just manage this spell, strike true and hit her target, then she'd have it! Or at least she hoped she would. Her plan hinged on a few different factors all lining up simply judging by what she had seen in battle

When the circle of interlaced light spawned at the tip of her blade, she swung it it, an arc of similar circles appearing in the air as close to the Fomorian as she could manage.

But she wasn't aiming to kill. At least, not yet. The magical energy flowing down her fingers, through the blade, igniting in the circles of light...!

"Sura! Razor Light Bind!"

The circles flared brightly, and what appeared to be chains of blue light erupted from them, snaking through the air towards the Fomorian a top speed, tearing their path right towards the abominations' mistress.

As they ensnared her arms, legs, neck, and waist, their true nature became swiftly apparent. Each length of chain was composted entirely of tiny blades, biting just slightly at the Fomorian's skin, just enough to signify their true nature.

"I'm sure you like causing pain, but do you like feeling it?" asked Fio, cocking her head to one side, "If those monsters attack me or my allies again, I'll pull on these chains and they'll chew through flesh and bone. You'll die, and it won't be a painless death."

Illustratively, she flicked her sword lightly to illustrate her point. The chains tightened ever-so slightly, enough to just barely pierce the Fomorian's skin and draw a little bit of blood.

"Have those experiments kill each other. Tear one another apart until there's nothing left that can fight."

Deep down, even targeting a Fomorian she didn't really want to follow through. Razor Light Bind was for monsters, things more like those vile experiments.

But for the sake of any one of the knights, Fio would do what she had to do.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FrogRFlowR
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FrogRFlowR Elder Frog

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The owl Knight was on his last rope, having used most of his stamina and magic containing this menace mostly on his own until Luna joined the fray, providing him with much needed relief. However, things were to get worse before they get better as Annagan completed his full transformation into a hideous and horrifically malformed beast. It's bellowing roar alone would push Niall slightly back before it launched itself forward with intent to pulverize the Knight with its Hammer, now part of its arm.

Niall had barely enough time to jump above and evade the hammer swiping at him, landing a little more back, hopefully distracting the beast enough for Luna to get close. Niall had now no other choices but to focus on evasion and defense, so depleted he was, but would be looking for one good opportunity to use the remainder of his magic for one last dash attack...

Leading the beast on around their battlefield and remaining one step away from its hits and claws, Niall managed to get to the location of his spear and, rolling out of the way of another swipe, grabbed the weapon once more.

As soon as the creature would be slightly distracted by either Luna's attacks or anyone else interventions, Niall would dash for it's eyes with his magic abandoning any form of defense in order to pierce the eye with the Lance.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ethelred's gamble had worked; the wyvern seemed unable to dislodge him from this spot. He didn't know if he hit anything vital, but even if he missed, the freezing would reach its organs or muscles so long as he held on long enough, and even if he didn't, Grainne and the soldiers might be able to use this distraction to attack it.

The wyvern had other ideas, however. In the face of this attack, its reaction was to try and fly away. As soon as he felt his foe lift up higher as it attempted to become airborne, Ethelred knew he needed to separate himself from his opponent. As interesting as it'd be to take a ride on a wyvern's back, it'd be a bad idea to do so on one that might be suffering sudden, deep frostbite. Ethelred compelled the ice to release his lance- and himself- from the wyvern, and dismounted the wyvern just before it could take him plummeting off the edge.

It was certainly different from dismounting a horse.

As the Frozen Knight landed back on the fort wall, he took a moment to regain his balance from the jump, using his lance as a makeshift walking stick to steady himself. After regaining his bearings, he took a moment to assess the situation. This had actually gone better than he had anticipated. Grainne was still alive, the ballista was intact, and he had managed to actually kill something, even if it wasn't as prestigious as confronting and killing the other one solo. If he was wrong and the wyvern had survived the fall, it was at least severely injured, no longer able to fly, and would be a simple matter to finish off.

"Grainne, are you and your team alright?" he asked the Harzel squire. "Are they able to fire on the last wyvern?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
Avatar of Rune_Alchemist

Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp, early morning.

Earthen debris smashed against Niall, the armor absorbing most direct blows but still, from the force of hammer, claw, and ruptured earth would break the bones of the toughest ebast. Yet, still, the gargantuan beast man could not land a decisive blow as Niall backpaled from the frenzy of blows - but Luna would not find it quite so easy to strike the mans legs.

As he’d strike out in a frenzy of blows, his claws dug into the ground, hefting his body to spin his entire body around, a flurry of cursed infused energy smashing into the ground next to Luna as her blade of light just barely nicked his ankles.

“Lightsword…you’re…the lightsword, brat…gahaahah!”

An open hand reached forward, attempting to grab Luna.

The sound of whistling air as Niall lunged forward, lance aimed towards the beast man's eyes. As swift as he was, Annagan was now proving to have gained some form of more agility, quickly bringing his hammer up to deflect Niall’s blow, clanging of metal against the mans heavy hammer, a low bestial growl.

“You…pest! Stay out of this!” He raised the hammer high, a swirling mass of cursed energy coalescing on its head. “I won’t be beaten by the likes of you!”

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp Overlook, early morning

“Ah? Hey wait aren’t you supposed to not go for me?!” Whatever logic she used to come to that conclusion was quickly shattered as binds of light appeared on the tip of her blade. “Guh, I dunno what you’re planning brat but-wait that’s a binding spell oh this isn’t good, is it?” Seemingly aware of what was gonna happen, the Fomorian made an attempt to avoid the spell, ordering one of her abominations to move between herself and Fio, but ultimately, it was far too slow.

Chains, bound. Like little pieces of barbed wire, digging into her skin. The Fomorian stood completely still as blackened blood dripped down her skin, the earth below being stained with her own cursed blood.

“H-hey watch the robe! Its more expensive than your life!” She’d hiss, the magical binds ripping parts of her clothing. Her mouth though, was still turned into a challenging smirk. “Aren’t you being, nngh, a bit violent for a so called knight?” The fomorian challenged…but it seemed, she was far more bark than bite.

“...hah, whatever fine. I’ve distracted you long enough anyways. I got what I wanted, so fine then. Destroy my life's work like the little cruel human you are.” The abominations would quickly start turning on one another, seemingly at the fomorians command.

The sickening sound of ripping, tearing. One even tore off its own arms. It was quite the gruesome sight, all things considered.

“Is the part after this the one where I get tied up in a dungeon somewhere?”

Harzel Border Fort
@Crimson Paladin

The frozen knight dismounted, lance pulled from the wyverns back as it’d leap over the ramparts wall…and then quickly plummet to the ground, slamming into the earth with a resounding thud. From above, Ethelred could see it make feeble attempts to get back to its feet, but its back had been thoroughly frozen, and the ice had even started to spread to the creatures front, small spikes of ice piercing its scales from within.

Its scales might have been tough, sure, but perhaps its insides were just as fleshy as the rest of them.

Regardless, that was two Wyverns down…one more to go. The beast was still tearing through the soldiers of the border fort, most having ended up taking defensive positions, and some having the mind to attempt fleeing inside the castles walls.

“Ha…do I…look alright to you, frosty?” Grainne replied with a grimace, blood covering a good portion of her face, and her otherwise mundane plate armor had been dented and pierced in some areas, no doubt from the beasts fangs. “Ugh, damn it…” Still, she’d run over to the Ballista, and if to answer Ethelred’s question she’d start loading bolts into the siege weapon herself.

“Get down there and keep it occupied for me, Icicle!”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The Knightess stumbled backwards a small bit from the trembling earth. As he had addressed her, it was only right that she answer his thoughts. "You are correct, beast." Luna said, bothered by the man's transformation into what she could only assume was a type of Fomorian. "I am the Eldest Daughter of House Lightsword." She continued, using what footing she could recover to slap away Annagan's reaching hand. In the worst case, she and Niall would have to widdle down his strength, which seemed to be not much either of them had at the moment. One good thing for the both of them was that they had the man flanked. It was hard to pay attention to both sides. While it may have been only a superficial wound, the damage towards the beasts ankle could always compound to more later. Especially like this moment when she moved to attack as Niall made him block a stab to the face with his weapon!

Luna moved her shield carrying shoulder forward as she brought her shield in front of her body. Her right arm brought her sword up to her shoulders, poised and ready to pierce through her enemy's back. She just hoped he was distracted enough by Niall to let her get an easy strike in. She noticed whatever energy was coursing through the hammer. "You're right! It won't be just him. Fio!" The Knightess yelled, hoping that, if Fio was able, she would be able to help as Luna stabbed forward, aiming to pierce her foe's neck with her blade. Hopefully, should she not be able to stop his charging energy, it'd distract him from Niall who has already taken much punishment.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The sight of the abominable experiments tearing one asunder was awful. She saw flesh scatter to the ground, organs spilling out, bone and muscle snapping and tearing until all that was left was a pile of useless, fetid meat heaped upon the ground.

But no part of it could fight anymore.

"That's where you have me mistaken, Fomorian," Fio replied, a smirk on her face as she turned back towards the dark, bound girl, "I may be in service of that apparent Queen, but I'm a witch. Not a knight."

... Not to say that she wanted to go any further. She was quiet thankful not to have to actually kill a helpless foe, even a Fomorian. Though she would have if she hadn't called off her experiments.

But she'd wanted to take a Fomorian prisoner for a while now.

Really, it was the best outcome for both of them.

With a wave of her sword, Razor Light Bind dissipated...

"Constrictor Light."

... only to be replaced immediately with an even tighter, but far less painful or potentially lethal bind of blue light, tightly securing the Fomorian's limbs to her body, binding her legs together and into a kneeling position. She would be even less capable of movement, now. Creating a set of barriers to use as steps, she made her way down towards her captive and positioned herself just behind her, to ensure she didn't try anything. Not that she could escape, anyway.

The fight with that huge bandit had changed dramatically while she was distracted. Now, he had become some bestial, monstrous abomination. Quiet similar to one of the Fomorians himself.

Keeping the Fomorian bound meant she couldn't necessarily use her biggest offensive spells, but at the same time she had to do something.

"Sura," declared Fio, thrusting her blade skywards, "A single phantom sword. Its edge hard. A great blade of light that will pierce the enemy."

The air rippled above her, and a sword of woven blue crystal-like energy emerged from the circle as it appeared, as big as Fio herself and pointed squarely at the bestial bandit.


And it was released, hurtling towards its target. Even if the blow didn't prove lethal, as long as it struck it would surely make an opening for her comrades.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FrogRFlowR
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FrogRFlowR Elder Frog

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Niall went for the eye with blinding speed - but was once more parred by the bandit. OR what remained of him, at least. The Hammer going up to deflect the Lance upwards, sending Niall up with it. Out of energy and stamina for having fought this beast of a man on his own for so long, Niall was, however, not out of wits and managed to see what was happening. As he was now sent upwards, he witnessed Luna and Fio's attacks both aiming to kill and both needing a distraction of some sort.

Acting quickly, Niall once more let go of his lance in order to change his trajectory midflight and not be dragged by the man's superhuman strength. Niall used his magic to boost himself right into Annagan's face - with the monster's hammer hand up, from such a close distance, it should be doable. This wouldn't be deadly, but it would hurt.

Niall was out of weapons, but his gauntlet's ended sharply in order to mimic a bird's claws. On the giant man's face, Niall teamed up with his pet Owl Gwdihw, calling it to him by whistling into the night, and they both went for one eye.

This should prove distracting enough.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 3 days ago

The wyvern wasn't killed, but Ethelred was content to call this a victory. Even if it managed to crawl away to safety, Ethelred was confident that it would not recover from its wounds. If it didn't bleed out, the frostbite would surely prove fatal, probably after extended agony as its frozen flesh expires. The merciful thing would be for Ethelred to finish it off once the battle was over, but that would have wait until the third wyvern was taken down.

Grainne was still as impolite as ever, although given the situation, she could be forgiven for being deeply upset. He'd need to correct her on his name once this was over, though. They still had one wyvern to go, and they needed Ethelred to keep it busy while they prepped the ballista.

"Alright, I'll take care of it. Just be careful where you aim it, I don't want to get hit."

The Frozen Knight descended the stairs of the wall down to the courtyard, where he approached the wyvern. With Elnith's sword in his shield-hand, he swung the weapon at its belly as he drew nearer, taking note of the space-warping enchantment. He always did want to see what it was like to use Elnith's weapon.

I'll have to thank her for letting me try it out. Considering how closely Ethelred treasured to his own lance, he found it quite touching that Elnith would entrust him with her sword. It was a slight disappointment that it didn't turn from red to blue in his hands, though, but no weapon was truly perfect.

"Prepare yourself for death, beast!" he shouted at the Wyvern as he approached, brandishing both lance and sword. As much as this was only meant to be a distraction, he was intent on using what time Grainne and her soldiers afforded him to do as much damage to it as possible. This monster had murdered many soldiers, and even if it was just a simple predator with no sense of right and wrong, Ethelred wanted to make it pay.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp, early morning.

“You don’t look like any witch I’ve ever seen.” The fomorian scoffed, not seeming bother by being bound tigher, the threat to her life mostly over as she’d simply give Fio a toothy, confident grin. “Most have far more appeal than you do. Can’t say the same for muscleheads like that fool down there though, heh…” She wasn’t behaving much like a prisoner, but she was right. The battle in the camp had taken a slight turn. Whatever Annagan has used to seemingly become a fomorian himself, was also leeching into the surrounding area. If this place hadn’t already been a wasteland, surely it would have been after this.

However, the beastly man, was completely focused on the two enemies in front of him.

Fio, had a clear, very easy shot.

She was feeling fatigued already from the constant spell use and the complex binding spell, but this far away, without needing to protect herself now?

The same time Fio released, hurtling through the air towards the man, Luna charged forth. The crack of steel resounded through the area as Annagan’s hammer met Luna’s shield. The sheer force of the impact nearly caused her arm to buckle, there was no doubt she’d be suffering a broken bone from that, but for the moment? It held. It held as the fell, malice filled energy slammed into her shield, the very curse seeping into her shield, staining it with its spiteful energy.

But still, it would hold, even if it was all she could do against the creature in front of her now.


There was no doubt, that she could not block a second strike. Annagan would raise the hammer high for a second strike.

But, neither of them were alone.

Niall had weathered the brutal mans attacks, and though he was beaten and body exhausted, one last ditch effort was made. So focused on Luna was Annagan, he didn’t see the owl knight barreling towards him.

Talons from a fearsome bird of prey pierced one of his eyes. Dark red, cursed in fused blood spilled from the beastly mans face as his second strike was rendered ineffective as he was forced backwards from the blow, his bestial feet sliding back into the soft earth.

“You-filthy…meddler…stay out of this!” A feral roar, Niall would find himself being grabbed again by the beastly mans claws before he had a chance to retaliate or evade. He was raised high, but what he could see that Annagan could not…an Ethereal blade hurtling towards him at speed, and within seconds the blade severed skin and bone, impaling the mans spine and right through his now cursed heart.


His grip on Niall loosened, his entire body slumping and going limp.

“Gah…ahah…” The third, grotesque eye on his forehead began to petrify, quickly turning to stone and rolling right out of his head as his monstrous body hit the ground with a dull, lifeless thud. “...haha…I guess…I was the…weak one…after all, wasn’t i?”

A quiet silence followed.

Harzel Border Village

Reinhardt bared his teeth in fury as the Dragon’s razorlike teeth dug into his sides, a short cry of pain carried on his breath as he was thrown to the ground tumbling.

The Knight’s sword sank into the scorched and crack earth, catching himself quickly as he stood confidently before the scaled beast. Though the fury that had clouded his thoughts in the previous battle still lingered in the back of Reinhardt’s mind– his expression; stoic as a mountain, betrayed it not. A gleaming spark roared to life within his breast as his eyes locked with that of his hated foe.

”Child of Varakel… Ye loathed Tyrant–”

Elias boomed as the Wyvern released a torrent of flame from it’s maw, ”Ye who scorches our fields and homes. Ye who’s flame consumes the innocent Men and Women and Children of Albion–” the knight continued to roar as he moved to evade the flames; hurling his sword into the beast’s gaping maw, ”This day we have had ENOUGH!”

Rather than attempting to block the oncoming attack, Reinhardt ran toward the incoming blow; leaping and rolling across the top of the wing as he would grasp his halberd with both hands as his chant’s tone would fill with ever-growing fury.


The sword flew, sailing through the air, aimed for the beasts maw. Fire met steel, and steel began to melt under intense heat, but not before the weapon struck true - lodging itself right in the beasts throat. The gout of fire immediately ceased as the creature began choking and sputtering, the momentum of its charge slamming into the ground as Reinhardt evaded the blow. The dragon slayers skin scraped against the beast's scales, landing near the back of the wyvern.

Coughing, sputtering, unable to breathe its hellish fire the draconic creature flapped its remaining good wing. Three of the holes on its underside roared to life, searing fire blasting from the holes and sending waves of fire from them as though fire from the creature had been blocked, firing from the holes like a blocked river or stream, overflowing. The creature leaped lightly into the air, unable to truly fly, but having enough lift to at least launch its massive body upwards…and then aim to bring itself back down on Reinhardt, waves of fire searing his skin, burning his flesh as it came crashing back down.

The Knight’s teeth ground together furiously as he launched himself into a combat roll in an effort to avoid taking the waves of flame head-on; tumbling over the edge of the crater and landing into a three point stance as he would catch himself in a tight pivot to face toward the beast once more. Reinhardt scowled as he reassessed the situation. As far as he could tell, the beast was unlikely going to be capable of flight for the near future, but still had more than enough strength to continue putting up a fight…

While the Dragon remained fully capable of fighting with its jaws, talons, and remaining good wing– Elias was confident that he could best the creature handedly with the assistance of Lonan and his men in a purely physical battle, the beast's greatest asset; it's ability to breathe fire, remained a glaring issue.

Unlike the Dragon's physical attacks, the spouts of flame that spilled forth from it's maw sacrificed little in terms of positioning, and offered even less in terms of openings for riposte or counterattack.

Perhaps worse was the fact it seemed as if the creature could continuously spew it's flame without the slightest of fatigue…

However– Reinhardt had noticed a flaw.

Wherever the Dragon was generating it's flame within it's body; despite the fact it could do so at will, it seemed as of the beast needed a moment to prepare it's flames before release. Not entirely dissimilar to stream in boiling pot of tea; the creature was clearly gathering the flame inside itself, before releasing the concentrated pressure out a singular frontal vent.

But unlike the teapot; with but a single vent with which to loose it's steam– the Dragon had five, all of which seemed to connect to the same place based on the result of what happened when it's primary vent encountered a blockage.

Were he a gambler, Elias would wager that such vents were regulated by some kind of muscular valve or flap located inside each recess…

"MACE!” Reinhardt bellowed as he planted the head of his halberd in the dirt beside him, "SEIGE WEAPONS– VOLLEY!”

The dragon crashed into the ground, earth and fire searing the ground and billowing into the air as it landed. Though Reinhardt was quick on his feet avoiding the crushing might of the Wyvern, the Wyvern did not simply stop there. As it slammed into the ground, it bulldozed its way through the lip of the crater, throwing up more rock and earth as it lunged towards Reinhardt, maw agape, one wing reaching forwards towards the dragonslayer.

“-FIRE!” Just as Reinhardt would give his command, Lonan shouted too. There was the twang of string, the creaking of wood as the few siege weapons they had launched their payloads towards the beast.

“Grrrooooohhhhh!” Just as Reinhardt was about to become dragon feed, a boulder crashed into the side of the dragons neck, sending it veering off course, momentarily dazing the creature as a second soon followed, slamming into its injured wing while three ballista bolts would careen towards it as it recovered. A breath of fire as it turned its attention towards the siege weapons, burning them to ash and knocking their trajectory off with a wave of fire.

“Useleeeeeesssss….!” It roared. “Everything…shall burn…for our kiiiing!”

“Reinhardt, catch!” Lonan rode by, tossing the dragon slayer a mace. It didn’t look like the siege weapons had done much aside from annoy the beast, but its attention was now off Reinhardt and on the weapons as it prepared its breath - An orb of roiling magma appearing in its maw!

Elias swiped the mace from the air, tucking the weapon into his chain wrappings as he adjusted his strategy once more, and taking the halberd back into his hands.

A pulse of molten light surged visibly through the Knight's veins as the aura from his chest flared with intensity. With both hands he drew the halberd behind him as he rushed toward the Dragon– driving forth with a devastating upswing!

Steel met dragon scale.

Metal cracked as the haft of the weapon strained under the force of Reinhardts swing and the hardness of its target. Hot, boiling blood spilled from the dragons head as the head of the axe firmly lodged itself inside the creature's neck! The roiling magma continued to grow in the beasts maw, the pillar of bright magma escaped the beasts maw, sweeping to the side as its head was rocked missing the majority but not all as one of the ballista was blown to cinders.

The Wyevern roared, wrenching its neck out of Reinhardts hands, twisting the halberd painfully and with a disappointing snap the weapon broke in his hands, leaving the blade lodged in the creatures neck as it would turn its attention back to Reinhardt.

As the wooden shaft splintered and snapped in Elias’ hands; the Dragon turning to face him, the knight yanked free his mace with a swift motion of his right hand. The halberd he’d wielded thus far had performed well above it’s station; and for that Reinhadt was grateful– but he still had use for what was left of it.

Raising the splintered end of the shaft still in hand toward the Dragon’s eye; he slammed the mace on it’s butt!

The beast roared, magma dripping from its mouth as it’d slam its head forward with enough force to shatter bone in normal men. Its eye closed, as the mace hit dragon scale, but Reinhardt could tell at least, the blow connected as he’d find his body giving way beneath the dragon’s own strength, the beast threatening to knock him off his feet from the headbutt.


The cracking of ribs cut short Elias' shout of pain as the Dragon’s head slammed into the Knight's chest. Even as the creature’s blow struck it's mark, Reinhardt endured. Foot and toe clawed the ground for purchase, blood and saliva bubbled violently through bared teeth, the mace fell aside as soot covered fingers dug into Onyx scale, and a pulse of heat rose within Elias' chest as he attempted to force the Dragon's head aside!

Flesh met scale, Elias’ body barely standing firm against the scaled draconic creature's body. The gargantuan drakes body would have completely crushed lesser men, but for Elias? What was a broken bone or two? Fingers burned to the bone grasped the scaled beasts neck, wrenching it off course and redirecting it just barely sending the beast charging some distance away.

“Sir Reinhardt!” The galloping of spectral hooves broke the momentary lull, Reinhardt would be finding two well made halberds being tossed towards him. “A word. We have an outpost not too terribly far from here, with functioning siege weapons. I’ll follow your lead whatever the case, but you aren’t looking too good friend, and whatever cursed luck let you avoid death once may not be as fortuitous a second!”

Elias snatched the pair of weapons from the air as they were tossed toward him, taking quick assessment of the situation and his own physical condition before offering Lonan a small nod, ”A break would be preferable, and sturdier siege equipment as backup would be ideal… I’ll trust in your judgment Lonan.''

“I doubt that beast will give us much of a respite!” Lonan grabbed Reinhardt by the wrist, pulling him quickly up onto the spectral fey steed. Indeed, the dragon was already righting itself, flames spewing from its maw as it laid its eyes upon the dragon slayer and the harzel knight. A frenzied, feral roar as lava blood dripped from its wounds.

“Flee, yes fleeeee. You shall burn all the same.”

“If I could ask you to make sure it doesn’t blast us with that fireball, that’d be very welcome!” Lonan kicked Steblas’ sides, setting the steed into motion with a yip, the dragon soon giving chase not far behind.

Harzel Border Fort
@Crimson Paladin

“I’m not that clumsy! Just give me a good shot!” She’d retort with a shout, scrambling to get the weapon loaded and working as the shouts from below continued, the men doing their best to hold the beast at bay. To say Ethelred joining the fray was a blessing, was an understatement. The blood red blade shimmered as he swung, feeding off whatever magical energy the frozen knight possessed. In front of the oblivious wyvern, space warped slightly…and it was difficult to see as it happened so fast, but Ethelred could almost swear he saw the blade appear at the point of impact…or what seemed to be an extremely larger version of the sword within the twisting space that impacted the wyvern.

The beast screeched, a long slash upon its chest, whatever the hows of the blade, the results were clear and the same even if the cut was otherwise shallow. The beast immediately zeroed in on Ethelred, taking to the skies only to come down on top of the knight, intent on crushing him with its claws.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Her blade struck true.

It had been a simple spell, all she could manage when she was keeping the Fomorian bound with two complex binding spells in a row. She could feel how weak her slender limbs had become, her legs trembling slightly beneath her.

But Fio's phantom sword had found its mark, burying itself in the beastly bandit's center back and erupting out the other side. From the angle, even at this distance, she was sure she had pierced his heart.

And now the monster fell.

She'd struck her mark.


The crystal-like blade of magical energy dissipated, and Fio fell to her knees, no longer having the energy to remain on her feet. She'd protected the knights, and delivered the final blow that slew their enemy. She'd been perfectly confident in the outcome, but it was still a relief to actually see the monstrous figure fall to the ground and die. The battle was finished, and she would be able to recover from using so many complex spells in a short span of time. But there was still one more task she had to attend to before she could rest.

The binding spell keeping the Fomorian in check had to be maintained until the others arrived, and her prisoner could be tied with more permanent restraints in order to be taken back.

This was her prize. A Fomorian they could interrogate. Fio was not about to give her up.

Adjusting her hat, the petite witch sat back on her knees.

Just what had the Fomorian said to her? It was bad enough she was doing horrible experiments resulting in hideous, cursed, warped abominations. But that comment... what was that supposed to mean?

"E... excuse me? What's that s-supposed to mean?" Fio managed between gulps of air, as she fixed her purple-blue gaze on the other girl, eyes narrowed. Exactly how didn't she look like a witch?

Even if she was exhausted, she wasn't about to ignore a comment like that.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FrogRFlowR
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FrogRFlowR Elder Frog

Member Seen 10 mos ago

As focused to the task as ever - and as silent - Niall ignored the man's taunts as he delivered what would turn out to be his last attack of this fight. Stay out of this? Niall thought, finding it somewhat ironic considering they had been fighting this whole time. Truly, this beast could hardly focus on more than one thing at a time. However, Niall still got grabbed and was about to be thrown to the ground when he felt the hand loosen up. Their plan worked, and as Annagan was distracted the knight's companions delivered the final blow. Niall felt only relief as he fell down to the ground when the massive hand, falling out of it and barreling on the ground for some way.

He allowed himself this moment of 'respite' as he laid on the ground, looking up at the night sky. His body aching all over and stamina nearly depleted - but things were not over yet. The Own Knight stood back up once more, looking over to Luna and seeing she was alright. He then felt something against his foot. Annagan's eye, which turned to stone and rolled out as they fell. Niall took a hold of it, not oen for trophies but...this could be something to show the Queen, at least. It might prove useful - or not.

When he looked over to Fio, Niall saw her on her knees, seemingly just as tired of not more so than him. The knight took his Lance and walked closer to Luna, motioning towards their Witch companion. "Let's regroup before we go into the camp." he simply said, the exhaustion audibles in the voice behind his helmet. Niall would then walk over to Fio or, rather, her caught prey whom he recognized as the Formorian from the room before.

"We meet again." he simply said as he got out of his pouches some chains which sole purpose was this. He would tie her wrists together behind her back as well as her ankles and force her up, walking closer to Fio before throwing her to the ground there, hoping this would allow the Witch to finally catch a breath.

"Good job, Fio. Thanks for the assist with that beast - both of you..." as he spoke, his Owl pet landed on his shoulder, pecking under its wing and staring around.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 hr ago

It hurt. Where she had blocked the swing of the hammer had broken her arm someplace, but she didn't let it show on her face to the others. She winced every now and then when Niall, Fio and the prisoner weren't looking, but she let her shield arm sit at her side as she sheathed her sword and held that hand on the arm where it felt like there was a broken bone and poured some small amount of healing magic she could muster. "Glad to see you alive, Niall. That said, this all went a lot more horridly than I had anticipated, truthfully. I didn't think someone would turn into that monstrosity." The Knightess frowned a small bit. "Much more loss of life on our side than anticipated. These bandits shouldn't have been half as strong as they were." She grimaced for a second before a flush of anger crossed her face. It was obvious what caused the look on her face. It didn't take long before she closed her eyes and taking a deep breath. "There's three of them left. My men, that is."

The Knightess shook her head. "I told them to clear the walls of archers if they could. And not to die." A small wry smile crossed her face. "If they did, I'll bring them back to life just to kill them myself." With that, Luna started back towards where she left the soldiers. "Still, I wonder if there's a feasible way to bring all their bodies back. I'd like their families to have a last chance to say goodbye." With her and Niall wounded and only three soldiers left aside, she wondered if they just needed to hide the soldiers bodies and then come back for them with some extra hands. "Maybe there's a cart around here I could push."

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ethelred had only a moment to realize what it was doing in the air- it was going to stomp down on him with its claws. Clearly his frozen, jagged armor did not look as appetizing as that unfortunate Harzel soldier, and it was determined to do some damage. As it bore down, Ethelred leapt back out of the path of its descending talons. Given the sheer momentum with which it was coming down, it'd be best to not take this attack head-on.

Once the Wyvern landed, Ethelred would rotate his lance into a reverse grip and bring it down on his opponent's foot like a stake. Once he embedded it as deeply as he could, he'd freeze through it, intent on holding the wyvern to this spot of ground. If it kept flying around, the ballista wouldn't be able to hit it, so it was imperative that he prevent it from moving around long enough for them to line up a shot.

With his lance being used to try and stake the wyvern in place, Ethelred placed both of his hands on Elnith's blood-red sword and readied it to deflect or counterattack any incoming blow from his foe's jaws or wings. Even if if it was rooted to this spot, almost every inch of this monster's body could constitute a weapon.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 8 mos ago


"All I need just enough time to catch my breath." Reinhardt replied, steam hissing from between his teeth with each breath. Looking over his shoulder, the knight assessed the situation-- while he knew full well the Dragon was preparing another blast of flame, there was little he could do to stop it. Despite his strength, he had no magic or any way to block or deflect the attack. While he could hurl one of the halberds down the beast's throat, he doubted that the creature wouldn't see it coming, and avoid the oncoming weapon.

The best he could come up with was breaking line of sight.

"Lonan-- veer left, right, left once more, then a hard bank back to the right!" Elias ordered as he raised a halberd high, "Brace for Impact!"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp, early morning.

The fomorian tilted her head, a wolfish, predatory grin forming on her lips as she’d look Fio up and down. Fio would get the distinct feeling she was eyeing her up, specifically, her chest area.

“Hmm, I dunno…aren’t witches supposed to be taller?” The fomorian would reply after a moment. “Where’s the intimidation? The spookiness? You got the right attitude for it but your looks leave a lot to be desired.” She was spouted some sort of nonsense, it seemed.

While the Fomorian was busy sassing and drawing Fio’s ire and the three were busy taking stock of the situation now that the battle was effectively over, Luna could hear a few shouts of victory from where she had left her men and the archers. Three distinct voices…meat at least, that the three had managed to come back alive. A few shouts from them signaled they were already planning on securing the area and searching the premises themselves.

Luna would at least, find something to help transport the deceased with. A small cart that was hand pushed and full of firewood. A simple transport that could easily be pulled by a steed should they have one.

Harzel Border Fort
@Crimson Paladin@Guy0fV4lor

The wyevern missed, mostly, the tips of its claws would barely graze the knight's armor, a few deep gouges appearing in the frozen exterior. Acting swiftly, Ethelred would stab the butt of his lance into the creatures talon, piercing its relatively weaker scales with little difficulty. Ice bloomed from the wound, the wyvern hissing in displeasure as the ice began spreading through its legs, frostbite quickly starting to set in.

In response, it’d attempt reaching down with one of its wings, attempting to bat Ethelred away, only to be met with more pain as the sword would cut into its flesh.


The sound of the siege weapon firing, followed by the sickening, cracking sound of a large bolt slamming into the wyverns neck, instantly impaling the creature as the bolt ripped right through its scales, sending it reeling back and its body contorting painfully as it was staked to the ground with a foot, and subsequently had its entire neck broken and pierced by the ballista bolt.

It didn’t move.

“Ha…hahah…” He could vaguely hear Grainne laughing from her position above. A small cheer rose out from among the surviving knights.

A short lived relief.

Grainne ran to the edge of the ramparts, steadying herself with both her hands as she’d gaze out over the field. Ethelred could hear a commotion, the sounds of roars, galloping of hooves. The earth shaking from the weight of some beast.

“...Icicle! The big one’s coming!” Grainne shouted. The soldiers shouted, scrambling away from the tower as Lonan and a birthday suit Reinhardt came galloping into view. Lonan veered his fey steed to the left, then to the right, as Reinhardt took one of his halberds, slamming the head into the ground and with a herculean heave, cleaved rocks, earth, and dust into the air, a small, temporary smoke screen.

A beam of fire sailed right by them, slamming into a hill someways behind the fort, completely obliterating it.

“Evacuate the area men! Do not engage that beast!” Lonan shouted, briefly locking eyes with Ethelred, then moving his gaze to the remaining Ballista as he’d stop briefly. “Sir Reinhardt! Grainne’s on the Ballista!”

“Uoooh, uselesssss. More shall be juuuudged…” The dragon wasn’t stopping its charge, it was aiming to bulldoze them all and seemingly an attempt to completely destroy the fort with its physical might alone.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 hr ago

They had no steed, aside herself or one of the others. Which may end up being their option. "Glad to see you three alive. Looks like you cleaned up the rest no problem." Luna gave a small smile to them as they secured the area. As the left vision, she couldn't help but let a frown cross her face. She could hardly help the fallen now with her arm as it was. A bit more healing and at the least she could load them to the cart, as much an indignity as it really was. Still, Niall was doing much worse than she was. "Niall, how are you holding up? Not going to die on us are you?" Luna asked, waiting for her men to clear the place. "Fio, having fun with our new friend?" She then asked the witch, curious about that issue.
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