Hidden 7 mos ago Post by ItIsJustMe
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ItIsJustMe So sweet and innocent... ha!

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This is the chat thread for writers currently partaking of the roleplay "The Survivors". I have created it because I don't want to clutter the OOC thread or Characters thread with chat.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Xandrya
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by ItIsJustMe
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ItIsJustMe So sweet and innocent... ha!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Baphomini I haven't had my characters interact with Kelly yet because I was unsure of the direction you wanted to go with him at this moment.

@Xandrya Maybe your character, Annelise, can interact with him? I will leave that to the two of you. :)

I would like to finish Day 1 by tomorrow and move on. Thoughts??
Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

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@Baphomini I haven't had my characters interact with Kelly yet because I was unsure of the direction you wanted to go with him at this moment.

@Xandrya Maybe your character, Annelise, can interact with him? I will leave that to the two of you. :)

I would like to finish Day 1 by tomorrow and move on. Thoughts??

I'm fine moving to Day 2 tomorrow.

In regards to the interaction with Annie and Kelly, would it take place the following day? @Baphomini, thoughts?

Edit: going by the latest IC, that interaction can take place on Day 2 imo.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 9 days ago

@ItIsJustMe Ah, I'd thought we'd decided that your nurse was gonna interact with him earlier, but that's fine. if Xandrya wants to interact with him that works too, I'm sure the conversation with Hein and Sam could direct Annalise in that direction since she's there? Otherwise, finishing day 1 sounds good!
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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@Xandrya Kelly is in the med tent right now with a concussion, so the interaction could be any time, I guess
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

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@Baphomini@Baphomini if there was a previous agreement to interact then no worries! You guys have plenty of characters she can pick from!
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by ItIsJustMe
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ItIsJustMe So sweet and innocent... ha!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Regarding Paula and the trek into the forest, if either of you wants to write the leader of the other trio, let me know. You can be the one to discover water if you want. Let me know.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by ItIsJustMe
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ItIsJustMe So sweet and innocent... ha!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

I don't want to rush things, of course, but I'd like to push on to Day 2 soon. The interactions I see needing to be completed for Day 1 include:

  • Peter and the little girl at the edge of the forest.
  • The survey group returning, which I can finish on my own UNLESS one of you wishes to be the one who finds water.
  • Doc Biermann and Jenny.
  • Doc Annelise and James.

Are there others?

I don't see the need for more from the Documentary team. I figured that could wait until Day 2. Thoughts?

Am I missing anything?
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by ItIsJustMe
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ItIsJustMe So sweet and innocent... ha!

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Xandrya, did you want one of us to write James? Is so, PM the lucky winner an idea for a storyline. :)
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Xandrya
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So I intended for their interaction to end there aside from Annelise who would come back to give him something for the pain. It's more so to establish their meet and greet so to speak.

What I had in mind was making him a secondary, background character. No major ideas yet but someone I could ocassionally use when not interacting with one of your characters. But if any of you guys want to pick him up, feel free! Sometime today I was gonna do a small CS for him.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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@ItIsJustMe I'm gonna write up a reconnaissance character in a moment that I've been working on for a bit, but idk if I want him to find water sonce he's an ass and will just be even more of an ass about being the one to find water, lol, though maybe that could be fun?
As for the rest, I'll get to Autumn's discovery of Peter and Heini's loss of Jenny in a few minutes, just woke up here haha
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by ItIsJustMe
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ItIsJustMe So sweet and innocent... ha!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@ItIsJustMe I'm gonna write up a reconnaissance character in a moment that I've been working on for a bit, but idk if I want him to find water sonce he's an ass and will just be even more of an ass about being the one to find water, lol, though maybe that could be fun?
As for the rest, I'll get to Autumn's discovery of Peter and Heini's loss of Jenny in a few minutes, just woke up here haha

The fridge is working, and one of the Mechanics is on his way to tell that to Biermann. I don't know if you want to write a response to it or just let it go. You're call.

Let me know whether you want to discover the water or whether I should. :)
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by ItIsJustMe
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ItIsJustMe So sweet and innocent... ha!

Member Seen 7 mos ago


So I intended for their interaction to end there aside from Annelise who would come back to give him something for the pain. It's more so to establish their meet and greet so to speak.

What I had in mind was making him a secondary, background character. No major ideas yet but someone I could ocassionally use when not interacting with one of your characters. But if any of you guys want to pick him up, feel free! Sometime today I was gonna do a small CS for him.

Got it. Perfect. By the way, I added him to the list of characters just so we remembered him.

For both of you, we have 10 unnamed characters left. They can be primary characters with profiles; secondary characters used for banter and interactions; or sacrificial lambs to be killed later. We only have to remember that once they are used up, there's no one else.

Of course, maybe we'll have a second group of people show up at some point, sort of like they did with "Lost". We'll see.
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

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Added a little CS right under Annelise’s profile (same post).
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by ItIsJustMe
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ItIsJustMe So sweet and innocent... ha!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Added a little CS right under Annelise’s profile (same post).

I'll add him to the Character's list tomorrow. Right now, I'm going to bed.

FYI, my characters are all ready to get some sleep and head into Day 2 EXCEPT for possibly Peter, who may or may not still be in a conversation with Autumn. If Autumn's post ends up with Peter not needing to reply, then personally, I am ready to move on to Day 2.

Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Member Seen 9 days ago

I think I set it up well enough that Peter doesn't need to respond, but if you wanna have him react in any way, I'm sure it won't hurt the flow of anything, otherwise, I think I'm good to go as well
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by ItIsJustMe
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ItIsJustMe So sweet and innocent... ha!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Okay, so I'm moving us to sunrise of Day 2.
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Baphomini
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Baphomini Amalgamation of goats in a mothman onesie

Member Seen 9 days ago

Goodness, that last reply took a lot longer to type than I intended it too orz

I gotta do something real fast, but I'll place more characters in a bit, just wanted to get Tyrelle out there since he was the focus
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