Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Miraboreasu

Miraboreasu Nope

Banned Seen 2 mos ago

And I'm not talking subwoofers. I'm talking substitute teachers. Well one of my teachers just had her baby on Tuesday, and her sister has been subbing for her classes.
She rubs everyone the wrong way because she's a hardass, and a little more than a bitch. For example, I'm eating breakfast at the computer (like every morning, since her sister is okay with it), and she immediately jumps on me with, "ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE EATING AT THE COMPUTER!?"
I'm sorely tempted to get thrown out to the office just so I don't have to deal with her.

Rant over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by stark
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

To be fair, I would have also assumed eating breakfast at the computer wasn't something you were supposed to be doing. We weren't allowed to bring anything food or drink related into the computer lab when I was in school. (Detention swiftly followed if you were caught with anything edible -- even something as innocuous as chewing gum.)

Suck it up, buttercup. It's a single period out of your day -- it's not worth getting into trouble over something so stupid as a sub you don't like. (The world will be full of people you hate that you have to get along with once you get out of school, so you might as well get used to dealing with it now. Such is life.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by natsumehack


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Sherlock Holmes said
To be fair, I would have also assumed eating breakfast at the computer wasn't something you were supposed to be doing. We weren't allowed to bring anything food or drink related into the computer lab when I was in school. (Detention swiftly followed if you were caught with anything edible -- even something as innocuous as chewing gum.)Suck it up, buttercup. It's a single period out of your day -- it's not worth getting into trouble over something so stupid as a sub you don't like. (The world will be full of people you hate that you have to get along with once you get out of school, so you might as well get used to dealing with it now. Such is life.)

I don't know sherlock, I have enough bad run in with subs that I think there are 99 bad subs to ever 1 good sub(who btw reads GoT's in class before it was cool)

Just so you know, this only good sub I know is the only person off online that not close friend, who I can hold ballshit insane conversations with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Or you can wake up 15 minutes earlier and eat at home.

Public computer keyboards are among the most filthy, bacteria ridden suefaces in the school. You probably shouldn't be handling food and touching public keyboards at the same time.

And seriously, dealing with authority figures you don't agree with is a part of life. You will have teachers you don't like, but you'll have bad bosses, too. Learn how to adapt and suck up bullshit because life stops hand holding after high school where you start taking responsibility for yourself.

Also, try having some empathy. Substitute teachers have a damn rough gig. Every day they get called into a class, they have to deal with a class they don't know who give them a hard time at best to being absolutely abusive more often than you'd think. So what if she questions you about eating in class? She wants to make sure you're not trying to get away with shit your normal teacher doesn't allow, which a lot of students do. Try getting a class of entitled, moody teenagers to pay attention or respect you when you're only there for a day or two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by natsumehack


Banned Offline since relaunch

Dervish said
Or you can wake up 15 minutes earlier and eat at home.Public computer keyboards are among the most filthy, bacteria ridden suefaces in the school. You probably shouldn't be handling food and touching public keyboards at the same time.And seriously, dealing with authority figures you don't agree with is a part of life. You will have teachers you don't like, but you'll have bad bosses, too. Learn how to adapt and suck up bullshit because life stops hand holding after high school where you start taking responsibility for yourself. Also, try having some empathy. Substitute teachers have a damn rough gig. Every day they get called into a class, they have to deal with a class they don't know who give them a hard time at best to being absolutely abusive more often than you'd think. So what if she questions you about eating in class? She wants to make sure you're not trying to get away with shit your normal teacher doesn't allow, which a lot of students do. Try getting a class of entitled, moody teenagers to pay attention or respect you when you're only there for a day or two.

Easy, read them twilight, that get you tons of respect.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Halo
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Guys, to be fair, all the OP has done is vent frustration. Yeah, it's a fact of life that you have to deal with authority figures you'd rather not, but that doesn't mean you can't dislike it or have a bitch about it because it sucks. And that's all the OP has done. >_>
Agree with Dervish's point on empathy, though. Had an interesting chat with my teacher about the sorts of scary crap teachers have to deal with at times; not always the cushiest job, to say the least, and being a sub only makes it worse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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Jett Ryu said
And I'm not talking subwoofers. I'm talking substitute teachers. Well one of my teachers just had her baby on Tuesday, and her sister has been subbing for her classes. Worst.Idea.She rubs everyone the wrong way because she's a hardass, and a little more than a bitch. For example, I'm eating breakfast at the computer (like every morning, since her sister is okay with it), and she immediately jumps on me with, "ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE EATING AT THE COMPUTER!?"I'm sorely tempted to get thrown out to the office just so I don't have to deal with her.Rant over.

I think it's pretty reasonable for a substitute teacher to ask if you're supposed to be eating in class, especially next to electronic equipment.
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