Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

He noticed that she seemed to watch him closely, and wondered what she was thinking. He had mostly just been shocked and curious at the fact that she seemed interested in the church. But then she relaxed, and laughed, and he couldn't' help but smile. If he was a normal human, he would just simply assume that she was too. Yet he wasn't, and neither was she. He would always have to remember that.

"Well then, I'll have to take note of that, add it to the book 'if you ever get trapped by a coven of vamps, run into a church, they'll burn and return unto ash and dust if they step foot into it'. Should be a number one best seller, of course, then I'd be exposing hunters as well as the things that go bump in the night, so maybe not"

He fell silent for a moment when she did, then let her talk, before saying, "God lets murders, rapists and kidnappers into his churches, I think a vampire that helps the homeless is less evil then them" That gave him cause to wonder if what he was doing was just, but...it had to be. He shook his head to rid himself of that thought, moving on. "Mine's Connor" He said simply, and took her hand, noticing his had dried blood and dust stuck to it. "Sorry. I was attacked by a coven. Sadly, there were no churches nearby and I had to fight for my life" He pulled his hand back, and put it in his jacket pocket, watching her closely now to see her reaction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

She had said nothing about his comment about murderers,rapists, and kidnappers. She couldn't bring herself to, because although it sounded like a sweet compliment...the thought that humans with such evil was allowed in, when she was not, hurt her and, like the hunter, she briefly entertained second thoughts...but her seconds thoughts were more about her beliefs than it was about general justice.

As he shook her hand and gave her his name, she also noticed the blood and dust on him. One spare sniff was all that it took to tell her that it was not his. The look on his face told her who's it WAS.

He explained himself, but she only listened half curiously as she looked down at her hand. It would have to be cleaned. Sighing, she pulled a packet of wet towelettes out of her purse and tossed it to him.

"You are looking for a reaction, aren't you?" she said pulling out a packet for herself and glancing up at him as she opened it. "But I'm not attached to my kind as you are to yours. Neither do I have a lover to worry about. So go ahead and kill them, after all, fighting for survival is what all of God's creatures are programmed to do. There are very few exceptions."

She pulled out the towelette and began wiping off her hands. Subsequently, this washed off the sunblock and she hissed lightly as the sun stung at her flesh. Quickly, she turned her back to the light and reapplied her protective layer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Connor cleaned off his hands with the towelettes, "Merely looking for some sign of, well, yes, attachment" He said with a shrug, "Seven of them. Seven vampires attacking one lone hunter, a bit excessive, don't you think? Or am I that much of a worry, that I should be flattered they sicked seven onto me?" He shrugged, shifting when he heard her hiss, blocking out the suns rays without even thinking about it, even as she turned her back to the light.

"Sunscreen. So I was right. You were oily because of that" He mused, mostly talking to himself now. pocketing the towelettes that he had used, to find a bin later.

"I kill those that threaten human existence, or threaten my person. I killed two, injured one,and four fled. No doubt there will be more next time" He shrugged, as if it were nothing. "Tell me, does garlic work on you?" He asked, genuinely curious, and wondering if it could be used as a weapon. He had never been game to try and use it, sticking to the old tried and tested stakes and blessed silver.

"I mean, I need something to defend my back if I get attacked by a large group again" He said, "And four years of hunting hasn't revealed all the secrets to me"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

She listened carefully. While hunters have learned to deal with vampire one on one in a pretty good win ratio, seven did seem a tad excessive to her. "Well..no matter the cause...you should definitely be flattered." she trailed off in thought before continuing, "Normally, something like this wouldn't happen...unless you killed a vampire they cared about or became a huge threat....I haven't heard of you so you've been under the radar...and they fled so it wasn't revenge..."

This matter was so strange to her that she ignored the comment about her sunscreen, it wasn't really something that needed to be explained if he was right about it before.
She didn't comment on anything else he said either, still thinking on the matter. He was below the radar, but he treated taking on a coven as if it was nothing. Maybe someone higher up in the vampires knew about him.

She was finally wrangled out of her thoughts as garlic came up, "Yes. As a ward. Unless that's you intent, you'd just be throwing a vegetable at me."
She smiled a little before looking around, "Uh...perhaps we could take this somewhere else? It must be odd to see people just talking on the side of the street. "That and...we might be seen." she said quieter, "by others of my kind.....do you have a place in mind?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Connor shrugged, listening. He leaned back slightly, thoughtfully. It would never normally happen. Well, they weren't in normal times, were they? He thought, no, something strange was going on. And obviously in some way or form, he had stumbled onto something that made him a threat. What, he didn't know.

"No, it wasn't revenge" He said, giving out a sigh, "It's tied into what ever is going on with the increase in supernatural activity" He said, running a hand through his hair, mussing it up. He let out another sigh, wishing he knew what to do, or how to do it, or even what he was doing right now, talking with a she-vamp.

He listened when she said that Garlic would be good as a ward, and chuckled when she said if he threw it, it would just be throwing a vegetable. He looked around when she did, and thought for a few moments when she suggested going somewhere else. "they'd probably assume I was trying to pick up a hooker or something" He said, "People like to assume the worst in others" But he nodded, "It would be a good idea, although we probably already have been seen" He said, "I do have a place that I hole up in sometimes when things appear...rough. I have my car just across the street"

He nodded towards it, starting to walk, "Come on, before another coven attacks me" He said jokingly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

She blinked and looked at him in a confused manner, making to follow him to his car.

"Would that be easy? Do I look like I could be bought for sex?" she asked, honestly curious and unsure if she should take the comment as an insult or a compliment.

She opened the door to her side, but before she slid in, she paused and look across the street for a moment. Yet she seemed to shake it off and got in, buckling herself off. "Alright. take me home, cowboy." she said, strangely almost to herself than to him but it would be audible.

More on topic though..

"I think you might have to take a few right hand turns. you were correct. Some one has seen us.."

While she sounded calm, she found herself looking out the window. Not only had she been acting un-vampiric, and they probably didn't like that...but she was with a hunter, and one that apparently was skilled and well known by who ever was in charge...yes...this had to be planned, with some powerful entity in charge of the operation. the change her life has taken these past few weeks annoyed her to a degree. She had 'lived' just fine these last few hundred years...but suddenly she's been thrown between being killed by a hunter...or being killed by a coven of vampires once information gets leaked out about her association with him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Connor chuckled as he started the car, giving her an easy grin, "you don't look like a hooker, but people make idiots of themselves assuming things, and we were on a street corner, despite the fact we were in front of a church" he chuckled again.

he actually felt good, talking with her. Who would have ever thought that he could laugh with a vampire? He never thought he would have knowingly laughed with one.

"Alright, take me home cowboy" -When she said that, he burst out laughing.

"Oh, I could be a cowboy" he said still chuckling, as he started to drive. Yet he sobered when she said that someone had seen them. He wasn't surprised in the least, and started to drive, making a few hard right turns, throwing in a couple of lefts, and moving erratically through traffic. This wasn't the first time he had had to take evasive actions while driving, nor he thought would it be the last,

"Glove compartment, loaded gun, blessed silver bullets" he said, barely forming a sentence as he made a sharpright turn without warning. He slammed his hand agsinst the horn to get people to move out the way as he continued across the road, trying to catch a glance of whoever was following them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

She barely had time to catch that he might have just flirted with her- a vampire- before he started turning all over the place. The entire time, she clung onto the sides of her seat, stiff as a board. if she still had some color as a living individual, she might have blanched.

What was chasing them was a grey SUV, and it appeared to be full of people. What was ALSO chasing them was a police car. no doubt because of Connor's crazy driving. At this point, elizabeth just shut her eyes. Why was this happening to her? Not only would she have the entire town's population of vampires on her tail, but she's teamed up with a vampire hunter who had previously wanted to kill her, and his crazy driving was going to have all the cops on them.

And, to top it all off, he barked an order which made her uncomfortable while turning so sharply, she almost flopped onto his lap. Still, she managed to reach over and retrieve the gun for him, catching herself praying that this this was done soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Connor shifted in his seat, noticing the cops. "Damn, I'm gonna have to change my plates" He sighed, resigned to that fact. He began driving faster, and it would be clear that this wasn't his first time trying to shake a tail, or shake the cops. He wove in and out of traffic, skillfully avoiding other cars and humans, making quite, fast and often tight turns.

He took the gun from her, rolling down the window, as he made a quick, spinning turn that sent them driving towards the cop cars, and the car falling them. He fired at the one tailing them, before making a turn, and driving fast down an empty street, turning again, he headed out of the city.

He drove for a time, going way over the speed limit, down a straight road, before turning onto what seemed like a farm. Trees grew on the outskirts of the fines bounders, shielding from view the middle of the farms field. Essentially a training ground to hunting. Corn grew on the far boundary of the farm, and this was where he pulled in, following a little path through the corn, hiding the car from view.

He climbed out the car, looking about wildly, gun n one hand, stake in the other. "Can you see anyone? Were we still followed?" He asked
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

What they probably didn't see was that the SUV crashed and took out the copcar along with it. For quite a while, she hadn't seen where he was going, only staring into the rear view mirror.

Finally, when they were hidden, and he got out..she allowed everything to just hit her. It was strange, while he was still in a frenzy, she got suddenly calm.
taking a moment to finish collecting herself, she opened the door and stepped out.

"No one followed us." she reported, finally opening the door and stepping out. however, as calm as she felt, her body wasn't quite there with her as it was unstable and shaking slightly. Her legs hadn't supported her weight and she promptly fell on her behind next to the car, enciting a surprised yelp on the way down. "I'm ok!" she assured him quickly.

This had certainly been a very eventful week so far. She wondered what would happen next, as she imagined that it could only get worst from here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Connor let out a relieved breath, and lowered his gun, putting the safety on and slipping it in the waistband of his pants. He looked up as she got out the car, and went to catch her before she fell. He sighed, and helped her up, gripping tight so he wouldn't slip on the sunscreen and drop her. Seeing she was shaky, he simply scooped her up, and headed to the farm house.

"Vampires can get shock too" He said with amusement, "best to rest and get warm" He said, setting her down on the seat on the porch of the farm house, taking out a set of keys, he unlocked the door to a living area. In the middle of a living area was a large devil's trap, usually covered by a mat that he had forgotten to cover back over with. By the door were silver chains, which he used to help out a local werewolf combat her monthly moon problem. He normally locked her up in chains in the basement, but had needed to get the chains treated again and had just dumped them there when he'd gotten them back.

Guns, weapons, and other hunting gear littered the bench in the kitchen, but there were a few dirty dishes in the sink from the day before that indicated some cooking got done in the place. He left the door open, "Come on, I'll get you a blanket. Sorry, I don't have blood handy, except Bessie in the stables, and you're not drinking from her. My horse. See, I can so be a cowboy" He laughed, setting his jacket on the hook by the door.

"Use to be my grandfathers farm, and now its mine. With a little adaptions of course" He said, "In the fact its no longer just a farm" He chuckled
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Apparently vampires could get shock too-shocking. She mumbled a thank you as he carried her to the house. Being a dead, cold thing she was already slightly warmed by his body heat. Though, hearing his heart beat from being so close was a bit of a pesky problem that required her not to think about it. She tracked when her last drink was, she didn't need it now but she was sure she'd get hungry by the end of the next night.

As she was introduced to the house, and had a look around, she became more convinced that this place was not the the best for her..in fact it may become a pain to try and live here. Her mind wrapped about there being no blood for her, and she quickly registered him as the only source of blood, but she pushed the thought away with a bit of irritation at herself. "I see..." she said quietly as she followed him, "So when i said take me home... it was irony."

It was no longer just a farm, yes, that much was was clear. She took a long sweeping look at her surroundings again, "no...it's not...." she confirmed, going over and touching one of the guns, her fingers sweeping over it. "...it's a training ground....for my execution..." she said, as if she was calmly looking into a dream.

The day is coming, she told herself, but she said nothing outloud to him.

Her eyes fell on a space stake, and she hesitated slightly, but she picked it up and looked at it to. How funny it was, that she was so weak to a piece of wood. her amusement must have effected her, because she smiled slightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Connor chuckled, "this isn't home, I told you, its somewhere I hole up when things get bad. I come down every weekend if I'm not on a job and ride Bessie, but there's a girl near by that loves horses, but doesn't have her own. I let her go to the stable and look after Bessie, let her ride her, take her to riding lessons and such" He shrugged, "My home's in the city. I come down here regularly once a month too, to lock up a young girl who has been cursed to be a werewolf. She didn't deserve it, and I was too late to stop the werewolf attacking her, so I do what I can to keep her...normal. But on the night of the full moon, that can't be done. So I chain her up, prevent her from attacking anyone" He said softly, sobering up as he talked.

"I store weapons and things here, and if I have to, I trap demons here" He said, shaking his head, "Don't be like that, I'm not going to kill you, but plenty of supernatural beings kill without a thought, and they have to be put down" He said fiercely, "So don't ever say that"

He turned away from her, going to a drawer and opening it, taking out a set of plates, he put them on the bench so he could change them over later, then pulled all the curtains shut tight
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

She remained looking over the stake for the most of it, but she was listening closely. So he dealt with other non-lethal supernatural beings. At one point she looked over at the chains, and briefly wondered if he was going to offer her refuge here too...though she would never be able to accept, on account of needing blood, which was in pretty short supply out here on a farm.

At his outburst, she watched him stunned, not used to such protectiveness, and never thinking it would come from a hunter. She smiled then, put the stake down,and walked over. "Alright." she said quietly, " I will stop..." she sighed, happy for the moment, and hugged him gently. "thank you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Connor was shocked as she hugged him. He paused briefly, hugging her back, before clearing his throat, and then giving an "Oh" Of surprises, and smiled, "I do actually have blood here, in the basement" he said suddenly, moving away to retreat down the stairs to the basement, going to a fridge where he kept a small supply of blood, taken from a local hospital.

He grabbed a few packets, returning up the stairs. "Sometimes I'll have a vampire here, to try and get information. The blood helps prevent screaming and bringing people down here. I lace it with some herbs that keep them docile when I put it into a glass and heat it up. Don't worry, not going drug you"

He put them down on the counter, "I know its not the same as fresh from the tap, but if we're here for a few days, you'll probably need blood, and its better then nothing" He said

He looked to her, making it clear he was trying to be accommodating, and to make her comfortable, although he didn't know why he was doing this. Still, the blood was here, so it may as well be used.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Things started looking up right away, once he mentioned that there was blood. maybe it was obvious that she was either excited or no longer hiding the slowly growing need to drink, but she eagerly watched him as he went downstairs and returned with blood.

her suspicion about the herbs only glimmered for a moment before she pushed it aside and grabbed one of the packets and bit into it. The splash and taste of cold blood was both jarring and mildly unpleasent, but she didn't stop. She glanced at him,both thankful and mildly embarrassed. After looking away and back she grabbed another packet and walked towards him. She made to give him another hug, but she would try to slip the blood packet under his shirt and against his chest/abs. Maybe his body could heat it p for her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Connor watched her rip into the blood, shaking his head, he started sorting his guns and knives, putting them away in kitchen drawers, and such. He looked up when she came over, and raised an eyebrow when she went to hug him again. He chuckled, and hugged her, noticing as she slipped the blood against his skin.

He leaned in close against her, bringing his mouth to her ear, and whispering, "I have a microwave"

He pulled away, taking the blood packet from her, pouring the blood into a microwavable container, and puttingit into the microwave for a few seconds, before taking it out and passing it over to her, "there you go"

He finished putting the weapons away, getting out of the fridge cheese, ham and bread, he had actually planned on coming ti the farm after tonight, and had stocked it accordingky, making himself a sandwich, and eating it down quickly. "Is that blood begter then the first?" He asked, leaning against the counter
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

If she could blush, she would have..though why she would have she wasn't sure. (he whispered into her ear ohnoez)

Curiously she followed him to the microwave, watching him. When he passed the container of warm blood to her, she appreciated it, but wasn't exactly sure how to consume it withut some sort of skin around it. after some moments of looking at it cluelessly, which would have taken up a majority of the time he was doing his own thing, she decided to drink it like a kid would drink milk from a bowl. there were few times she had been more grateful for the warm liquid sliding down her throat.

When he asked if it was better than the last bit, she couldn't answer right away but it wasn't long. she smiled, and set the empty bowl on the counter/table closest to her. She had a blood-mustache. "Yes. it is...you have been very gracious and patient with me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Connor smiled at her, and ran a hand through his hair as he watched her. He then threw out the empty blood packets, making a note to order some more in. "How much blood do you have to have a day?" He asked curiously.

He hadn't thought how whispering in her ear might seem, and nor did he then. Connor was a genuine sort of person, but he was very naive in many ways.

He ran water in the sink, to wash the dishes there, taking the blood container from the counter to wash it, setting the dishes on the rack to dry, and beyond that the house was clean and tidy.

He turned to look back at her, emptying the sink as he did so, and laughed, "You have blood on your lip" He said, passing over a tee-towel for her to wipe her face,

He shrugged, "Generous and patient, as opposed to wanting to kill you?" He said. He shifted, and again wondered why he was acting like this, bringing her in, giving her blood, when he could just have easily continued driving when he saw her in front of the church. It was just...she wasn't like any vampire he'd known before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

She looked down embarrasedly and quietly took the tee towel, "I'm afraid i'm not familair with drinking blood...in any other way than what is natural." she told him quietly as she went to sit down. The taste of blood was still in her mouth, and she savored it. Quietly, she wondered what things would be like once she got back from disappearing for these few days that he was talking about.

"Well, you could have begrudgingly housed me with no blood for the night and make me leave the next day." she said quietly, "you'll have to forgive me...but I don't really expect much from hunters except the want to kill vampires...it's odd to meet one who doesn't kill on sight."

She looked at him at that moment before sighing, "and i don't know how much i need. Sorry. I just feed as I need to. i'm your very traditional blood sucker."
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