Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~Marcella Gates~

"Look, I know I'm skinny but I can eat two of these... and I will."
~ Marcel Gates.

~General Information~

Name: Marcella Gates.
Nick-Names: Marcel, Sin
Sex/ Gender: Female.
Age: Nineteen Years Old.
Place Of Origin: Los Angeles, California.
Camp Cabin: Cabin Thirteen - Hades.

Appearance - Nineteen Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Homosexual.
Partner: None at this point in time.
Ex-Partner: Sarah Kerridge - Long distance relationships don't always work out.
Godly Parent: Hades - King of the Underworld.
Human Parent: Lilith Gates - Distant mother, more than likely a stripper or dealer. Had a different boyfriend every week.
Siblings: Erin Marie Chase (Half-Sister), Nico Di Angelo (Older Half-Brother/ Camp Alumni), Bianca Di Angelo (Older Half-Sister/ Deceased), Hazel Levesque (Older Half-Sister/ Camp Alumni).
Legacy: Atë - Goddess of mischief, delusion, ruin, and folly.
Pet/s: Upon first arriving at camp when she was nearly seventeen, Hades gifted her with Bruce - an Egyptian Fruit Bat. Though Bruce does like a good belly rub and to be hand fed, he spends most of his time sleeping up in the cabin's rafters.

And just recently, Marcel (on her own) had a bit of an impulse buy and brought home Bacon to the Hades cabin. Bacon loves attention and cuddling, and Marcel is almost sure he thinks that he's human.

~Personal Information~

First and foremost, Marcel is a drug addict. It doesn't matter what drugs, when or where, if it can get Marcel to quit feeling, she will take it without a moments hesitation, and then keep up on it to keep from getting sober. If ever in the off chance that she is sober, she becomes exceptionally irritable, and even violent, until she gets her next fix.

Marcel, by default, is a very private person who would prefer her own company rather than anyone else. Though she is far from shy, as she can contribute enough to a conversation when she needs to, she is an extreme introvert - not even liking to go outside much. She's a liar, having learned early on from her mother that telling the truth most times just wasn't an option. While these lies can range from simple, white lies to deep, entangled ones, it has become a regular part of her speech pattern. As an example, when someone asks her how she is, her immediate response would be "I'm fine." Though she is far from it. This also dips into her sarcastic side as well. Since telling the truth is exceptionally difficult for her, sometimes her answers come across as very dry and/or sarcastic, letting someone know that while she's not exactly lying, it's clear she doesn't want to talk about whatever subject it is.

Also tied to this is her way of manipulation. When asked about her drug problem, she will simply reply, "I have it under control" or "I can stop any time I want" basically ending the conversation right then and there without having to get into it. She shifts blame everywhere but herself, unable to cope with knowing that she and she alone has destroyed her life. Over the last year, her favorite subject to blame is her ex-girlfriend, Sarah, for making her the way she is. Though sometimes the blame does shift towards her father, Hades, or her negligent mother, Lilith.

She finds nothing wrong with the illegal acts she partakes in, both drug and criminal, and comes across as believing herself to be above the law. By this, it comes across as bravery - of not being afraid of getting into trouble or facing consequences, but anyone who is able to look her in the eye knows it better as cowardice.

Marcel is also fond of chaos. If things seem a little stale, it would not be beyond her to quietly steal a personable item from someone or set up a trap that guarantees someone else will be blamed for it. And because she is so quiet and recluse, not a single soul would even expect this side out of her while she sits back and just watches the events unfold. She has the Goddess, Ate to thank for this.

Marcel prefers to be more of a sidelines kind of person, however when faced in a situation where fighting is inevitable, she is quick, agile and resourceful.

Quick reflexes: Not having a whole lot of battle lore engrained into her brain like most campers, Marcel sticks to one weapon and one weapon only that she has developed near mastery levels of. Her twin blades, Prick and Barb, are always on her person, tucked into small straps on the inside of her combat boots. Her extremely quick reflexes almost always grant her the first hit, and though the blades themselves aren't very big or intimidating, Marcel attacks to severely injure or even kill. She has taken lives before, and she's not afraid to do it again. She believes that while on drugs, she is able to be faster, quicker, and all around better.

Artistic: Marcel has a very right-brained way of thinking, and often times expresses her inner self on either the walls of her bedroom, various canvases around her room, or on paper where she designs her own tattoo ideas.

Marcel was born addicted to drugs.

Her mother, Lilith, didn't exactly have the best lifestyle. Being a bit of a drug addict herself, Lilith didn't stop her addictions even after discovering that she was pregnant with Hades' child. It was a difficult pregnancy, one that nearly killed Lilith in the process, but after giving birth to Marcella, it seemed that her "motherly" duties were finished.

Marcella got the most bare-bones upbringing any child would be able to survive. Though she lived with her mother, Lilith was much more like a teenage babysitter that would rather be on the phone, have sex with a new man every week, and do drugs, right in front of her like she wasn't even there. She got locked in her room a lot, as Lilith just didn't know what to do with a child, nor did she particularly want one, and Lilith made that very clear to Marcella almost daily when she'd scream at the child for ruining her life for existing.

She was left with strangers frequently while Lilith went out to indulge in her lifestyle, and in the very rare moments when it was just the two of them together, and Lilith was slowly coming down from whatever high she managed, she would tell Lilith of her father. She told her that he was a God - Hades. She would tell her of their passionate love affair that was over before it began. It wasn't until Marcella was thrown into school and began learning about the Greek Gods did she deem her mother simply crazy for such wild stories. She didn't know who her father was, and she didn't care. Hell, she hardly had a mother, just what the hell was a father? And just what the hell was a normal family, anyway?

So Marcella continued to grow up dysfunctional. She had friends that had normal lives, but it was like she was watching from the other side of glass - only able to observe, but never able to know it for herself. When she wasn't at school, she was either at home stealing her mothers drugs (having learned at a very early age how to use them) or out on the city getting into trouble. The first time she landed herself in juvenile hall was after getting caught in a break-in to her school. The police tried returning her home, but when her mother wasn't there, they kept her at the police station until Lilith came to pick her up. But instead of taking her home, Lilith signed the papers to admit her daughter into juvenile hall. She claimed it was so that it would straighten Marcella out, but Marcella knew that it was because she just didn't want her around, and it was like a free daycare service.

Marcella preferred juvie over her own home, anyway.

By the time she hit high school, Marcel (as she had dropped her full name a while ago because it felt too "soft") had already been in and out of juvenile hall thirteen times. She smoked, drank, got high - anything she could get her hands on which was rather easy because of the access she had to it at home, and her mother didn't seem to care. She was pierced, tattooed, and was making all sorts of wrong friends.

She eventually ended up with a girlfriend that was much more serious than any other relationship she had in the past. Sarah and Marcel met in their art class their very first year of high school at the age of fourteen. They dated seriously throughout high school, even through Marcel's brief disappearances to juvenile hall. It was when Marcel turned sixteen that things began to change.

Strange things began happening to Marcel. She would just be walking along the streets of LA when three cloaked, wrinkled old ladies would be carrying around a spool of blue yarn between them, seeming to follow a particular person. Then, they would cut the yarn with a strange (and very large) pair of shears, and then they were gone, but left behind was a very strange (and upsetting) smell of what Marcel could only describe as wet, old mold mixed with stale cat piss and maybe something a bit sulfury. Figuring it might have been some bad reaction to a new dose of drugs she was on, Marcel shook it off. But then when she was cornered at gunpoint by a small group of gang bangers looking for money and a good time...

It was as though she were watching herself in a movie. There was darkness. Shadows seemed to swallow up her attackers, and unexplained fear drove them away, shouting something about a fire woman. Confused, still coming off of her drugs, Marcel eventually passed out in the alley only to be picked up by the police short of a few minutes later. When Lilith bailed her out a few days later and brought her home, she went straight for the pills and was out cold not soon after. Marcel took the opportunity to start looking around the house - a lot of her mother's boyfriends liked to pick off of what little trinkets they had, and there was bound to be a stash of crack or heroine somewhere. Rummaging through an old cabinet, Marcel came across a pamphlet titled Camp Half-Blood. Flipping through it quickly, it seemed to be some sort of summer camp. Was Lilith really thinking about sending her away for good this time?

Then, one of her mother's "boyfriends" came home, and went straight for her. Figuring that he wanted to use her as a snuff for his cigarette again, or just slam her into a wall and call her trash as per usual, Marcel only flinched once but before he reached her, something change. His skin began to shift, and he began to make the most ungodly sound. Maybe it was the drugs, maybe it was the fact she hadn't had anything proper to eat or had any sleep in the last few days. Either way, what looked like a large, mechanical bird took the place of where the man's body had been, it's razor sharp beak out for blood - her blood. Marcel still doesn't know how she managed it, but as one thing led to another and she was sent flying through the front window of their house and into the street by what she was later able to identify as a Stymphalian Bird, she quickly picked herself up, melted and killed the beast with some kind of fire, and ran. Maybe this summer camp wasn't exactly a bad idea?

So Marcel went to Camp Half-Blood, quickly understanding afterwards just what was happening to her, and that her father, like Lilith had said, was Lord Hades. She never sent her mother a single letter, phone call, text... nothing. Why would she? Lilith was just another body that occupied the house she grew up in. She did, however, keep in touch with her girlfriend, Sarah, and for two more years they were able to keep that relationship going. During those two years, Marcel did what she could to go and see Sarah. If she wasn't spending her summer in The Underworld with her father, than she was with Sarah. Things were going really well and Marcel even had thoughts of proposing to her, until one surprise visit to her girlfriend and she found her in bed with a man.

Marcel would tell you that she blacked out after that incident. But what really happened that night is something she would never forget. She developed a thirst for death. The very moment a person's soul leaves their eyes, dissipating into golden dust around her... it became like a second drug. But unlike her other drugs, she knew that this just wasn't something that should be okay, though she struggles with it almost every day. She has killed, and she liked it.

~Demigod Information~

Demigod Abilities:

Necromancy (limited): Unlike her father, Marcel has very limited abilities as far as what she can do with those who have since departed.

- Power Over the Undead: It has only happened once, and with someone as stone-cold as Marcel, even she was a bit freaked out by it. When extremely agitated, Marcel has the ability to call forth the dead to fight for her. In the one instance, she managed to reanimate skeletons that dug themselves out of "hell" and were not only loyal and obedient to her, but were quite a force to reckoned with. She was able to summon three before she freaked out and disbanded the control, leaving them lifeless once more and "fading" back into the earth. While spending time down in the Underworld, if the lost souls grate enough on her nerves, she also has the ability to silence them with a quick motion.

- Death Sense: Her most hated ability. Marcel considers being able to sense when a person is dying and when their soul is being judged in the underworld as a curse, and has gone to a few lengths to see if it can't be removed from her permanently. Being able to sense other people's life auras, while annoying, is still much better than being able to "smell" death on a person, and would much rather just have that.

Umbrakinesis: Marcel has some control over shadows and darkness, though in comparison to her father and half-sister, Erin, these abilities are almost laughable.

- Darkness Generation: She can use solid bolts of darkness as a secondary weapon, but it wouldn't be any more effective than throwing a small rock at someone. She is able to, however, surround enemies into pitch black clouds of lightless space for a very brief period of time - enough to make them start to panic a bit.

- Darkness Shields: Marcel can solidify shadows into a small sort of shield that can deflect most assailing attacks, however she wouldn't exactly put it up to the test of Zeus' thunderbolts just yet.

Dark Infernal Pyrokinesis: Marcel's favorite ability - the control over black hellfire, which is considerably more destructive than normal flames as it turns whatever it touches into liquid. She is able to conjure and control it through her hands and uses it's extreme heat to light her cigarettes or bongs (having liquefied many in the past while she was still learning to use it).

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s Name: Prick and Barb - together they are Hell's Scream.
Weapon/s Type: Twin daggers.
Attributes: None.

~Other Information~

Marcel keeps a small pair of sewing scissors in her back pocket at all times. When the two handles are twisted apart, they become her dual daggers, Prick and Barb - Hell's Scream.

Marcel has a wide variety of tattoos and piercings. Her earlobes are gauged to a size eight on each side. Her right ear has three different helix piercings that is gauged to a size ten, and her left ear has four of the same size. Her nostril is pierced on the right side with a closed hoop ring, and her septum is also pierced with the same kind of closed hoop ring. Her lip is pierced on the right side in a common snake bite fashion with an open hoop ring. Both her nipples are pierced as well as her navel on the lower portion. Her tongue is also pierced twice, with one on each side of her tongue.

Her tattoos consist of one, larger piece on her left ribcage, a small chest piece and a small skull hidden away in her right ear.

She also has her father's symbol on the inside of her left wrist.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
Dangerous and Moving - Tatu

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~Deon Alexander~

"If you're gonna be the best, you have to take out the best."
~ Deon Alexander.

~General Information~

Name: Deon Alexander.
Nick-Names: D, Big Dog.
Sex/ Gender: Male.
Age: Twenty Years Old.
Place Of Origin: New York City, New York.
Camp Cabin: Cabin Eight - Ares.

Appearance - Twenty Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: It's complicated.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Partner: Vander Pzypialkowski (the woman he knocked up).
Ex-Partner: He has had too many to remember.
Godly Parent: Ares - Aris; God of War.
Human Parent: Maya Alexander - Middle-class single parent that always did what she could.
Siblings: Elena Reese (Younger half-sister), Aella Stedford (Younger half-sister)
Legacy: Tyche - Goddess of fortune, chance, providence, fate, luck, success, and prosperity.
Pet/s: Though he doesn't consider it his dog, his mother has a pet German Shepherd named Frankie
Other: Simon Pzypialkowski - 2 year old son.

~Personal Information~

Firstly, Deon is incredibly conceited and self-centered. His only priority is himself which he often-times refers to as "number one." He is incredibly boastful and cocky and appears to believe himself invincible, given his parentage of a god. He will stop at nothing to prove himself better than the rest in whatever he can, and when losing, he somehow twists his words to make himself the Victor in one way or another. He doesn't know how to lose.

In battle, whether it be verbal or physical, he is extremely cut-throat and merciless. Though he has never taken a life, his reputation of landing many people in the infirmary for months at a time has instilled fear in others for facing the proverbial beast. It has been noted by many that a literal fire takes place in his eyes when he has had a victory and in holding his weapon to their body where he very well could kill a person. This fire, coupled with a twisted, smug smile on his face is a thirst for warfare that he simply gets drunk off of, and had become addicted to. In many people's opinions, it is only a matter of time before he does kill, and steer clear of him in battle to keep from being his first.

He holds no remorse for those he injures while fighting in camp and on more than one occasion has attacked with a more powerful purpose than to simply injure or knock unconscious. It is said that Deon holds a certain, animalistic rage when he fights which has kept him champion in most games even when he was outmatched. He laughs at his pain, showing no weakness and many times others have often wondered if he is even human. Well... they were half-right.

His hardened exterior can be chipped away, though, when a woman or two come into play, as he is a bit of a womanizer and has a pretty high sexual drive. He will, however, never put a woman on too high of a priority level, especially when his reputation is on the line of being a "bad boy."

When enticed, he can be quite charming and ever the smooth-talker. This, along with his bad boy nature, for some reason, always manages to have a handful of girls out for his attention and hanging off his arm.

Deon's strengths boil down to his physical body and prowess in battle. He has a higher amount of stamina and dexterity than most demigods, and can fight for hours at a time before he starts feeling drained. He has a small amount of control of when his second wind comes into play and even has third and (very rarely) fourth winds to keep him going.

Deon grew up knowing that he was capable of great things. It seemed that right out of the womb, Deon's abilities began to showcase themselves, leaving his mother no other choice than to tell Deon at a very early age about his father. Deon took the information in stride, always running around the house chasing their cat at the time with a foam sword, screaming "I am the God of war!" He pretended to be Ares quite regularly, and though he had never met him, constantly asked his mother when he would be coming home.

Because of her son's special background, Maya remained single despite being still quite young and very attractive. She knew Deon was a handful and didn't want to bring anyone else down with her baggage, so Deon became her one and only.

Deon was only eight when the first monsters began to show. Amphisbaenas, empousas, and then finally harpies. The older he got, the more powerful the monsters that began to try and attack him became. For a while, Maya was able to defend her son against these monsters, but in an accident by a harpy who's claws nearly ripped his head from his young body, leaving the child with a mutilating scar from his brow to the top of his head, she decided to she could no longer protect him, and took him to Camp Half-Blood.

He was twelve when Deon first arrived, though for the first few years it was for the summer only - enough for the camp to teach him how to fight and defend himself for when he would return for the school year. It wasn't until he was fifteen did Deon even realize that it was because of the goddess Tyche that he was even still alive. Ares had known for quite some time that Deon was attracting monsters at a young age. Not wanting to get involved first hand, he instead sent the goddess to bless his son with her ability of luck, thus sparing his life from the harpy attack. Though he still has the scar, raw and mutilated as the day he got it, without Tyche he would certainly have died.

At fifteen, the camp strongly recommended that Deon start staying with them year-round, as the world outside only continued to become more and more dangerous for him. It took much more convincing on his mother's part than Deon's, as he was all she had, but she eventually agreed that it was for the best.

There have been a few times Deon has been allowed to return home to see his mother. It was during one of these visits he grew bored and went out to meet some girls. A few months later, Deon recieved a text from a girl he had hooked up with that she was pregnant. Deon became a father at the age of eighteen.

He doesn't see his kid very often, and isn't exactly interested in seeing him either. Like his father before him, he is distant by choice and blames it on the fact that he doesn't live in the same city as them, so it makes visits difficult. Most of the time, he even forgets he has a kid, but there are times when he remembers, he can't help but to wonder if his kid has inherited any of his abilities.

~Demigod Information~

Demigod Abilities:

Telumkinesis: As a son of the God of War, Deon has the potential to have a great amount of control over weapons, just like his father.

- Weapon Conjuration: Perhaps his most honed skill, Deon can transform a weapon into seemingly any handheld weapon conceivable, including a "huge" hunting knife, an aluminum baseball bat, a Late Medieval two-handed greatsword, and a shotgun.

- Weapon Transformation: Though much more difficult, Deon can also transform weapons into something far less threatening, like turning a gun into a plastic toy that shoots corks.

- Weapon Curses: Deon has very little experience in this field, but is hungry to learn anything and everything he can about it. He has only ever successfully cursed a weapon once - a pair of tweezers that whoever used it, ended up with twice as many hairs that had been plucked. He still hasn't figured out how to take the curse off.

- Disarmament: Deon has the ability to disarm an opponent of their weapon with a simple gesture, however it has only ever worked for him when his adrenaline has spiked to extreme levels that are rooted from fear.

- Weapon Omniscience: It was this ability that led Deon to believe that he wasn't normal. Upon touching a weapon, he learns of not only it's history, but somehow automatically learns how to use it.

Odikinesis: Still not able to control it as it only seems to happen when he is angry, Deon does possess the ability to control feelings and emotions of war (such as hate and rage), and can induce them in order to start fights.

- Battle Jitters: If he concentrates hard enough, Deon can cure someone of their "battle jitters" by simply making eye contact. However this ability is better and easier used by speaking to them.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: Inherited by his father, Deon has a significant amount of strength and dexterity, making him out to be quite the power house. And when wielding either Rigormortis or Heart Seeker, that strength shows significantly, striking terror into the hearts of his opponents.
Weapon/s Name: Rigormortis, Heart Seeker
Weapon/s Type: Sword, Spear
Attributes: None

~Other Information~

Deon smokes and never passes up an opportunity to get drunk off his ass even when expected to train that day. He also has connections within the camp of dealing and selling harder drugs which he usually then sells to others at a higher price. Though occasionally he will indulge. He is also known to sell these goods to women for sexual favors instead of money.

Deon uses a small pocket knife to transform into his main weapon - his sword Rigormortis. Thanks to his weapon manipulation ability, with a certain flick of the wrist, Rigormortis can then change into his spear, Heart Seeker.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
Don't Stop - Innerpartysystem

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~Dillan Cix~

"People say you should always do the right thing, but sometimes there is no right thing. And then, you just have to pick the sin you can live with."
~ Dhil Cix.

~General Information~

Name: Dhil Cix
Nick-Names: Dillan, Six, Pickle
Sex/ Gender: Male.
Age: 26.
Place Of Origin: Portland, Oregon.
Camp Cabin: Dillan and the other Saytr's have a cabin in the grove for themselves.

Appearance - Twenty Six Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Partner: None.
Ex-Partner: None.
Father: Zoc Cix (Saytr - deceased)
Mother: Ornia Cix (Nymph)
Siblings: Klytie Cix (Nymph older sister), Tanaria Cix (Nymph older sister), Stetin Cix (Satyr older brother - deceased), Clod Cix (Satyr older brother - deceased), Zeat Cix (Satyr younger brother - missing).
Pet/s: Though not having any pets of his own, Dillan has an affinity for many different animals and can even communicate with them.
Other: Notably, Dillan has an Uncle Philoctetes that his father never really liked since he wanted to train heroes rather than search for Pan.

~Personal Information~




~Satyr Information~

Satyr Abilities:

They can detect half-bloods and monsters (but not underground) by scent.
They can control nature by playing music on their reed pipes.
They can talk to animals and some monsters.
They have animal-level hearing and smell.
They can eat recyclable material (tin, aluminum, plastic, etc.) and even wood and grass.
They can run at superhuman speeds, along with climbing, as a result of goat legs.
They can sense nature magic (such as the Golden Fleece, Pan, and gifts of Pan).
They can sense emotions of demigods and mortals.
They practice woodland magic.
When they die, they are reincarnated as plants or trees, such as laurels (if they are lucky), and flowers (the average satyr).

~Weaponry Information~

~Other Information~


~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
Don't Stop - Innerpartysystem

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~Alan Carpenter~

"The day you die is worth living for."
~ Alan Carpenter.

~General Information~

Name: Alan Carpenter.
Nick-Names: Fly Boy, Horus.
Sex/ Gender: Male.
Age: 18.
Place Of Origin: Little Rock, Arkansas.
Camp Cabin: Cabin Six - Hermes.

Appearance - Eighteen Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Partner: None.
Ex-Partner: None.
Godly Parent: Hermes.
Human Parent: Cybil Carpenter - Contortionist and acrobat in the circus. Married to the ring leader and Alan's step-father, Jack Carpenter.
Siblings: Luke Castellan (Older Half-Brother/ Deceased), Chris Rodriguez (Older Half-Brother/ Camp Alumni), Connor Stoll (Older Half-Brother/ Camp Alumni), Travis Stoll (Older Half-Brother/ Camp Alumni), Cecil Markowitz (Older Half-Brother/ Camp Alumni), Hawley Eames Griffin (Older Half-Brother), Octavia Ramírez-Arellano (Younger Half-Sister), Magnolia Hartford (Younger Half-Sister)
Legacy: Eros - God of love.
Pet/s: Growing up in the circus, Alan considers all of the animals, ranging from monkeys to tigers to elephants, his pets. Although he has none in camp with him. He does, however, volunteer a lot of his time to the stables and helps out looking after the Pegasi.

~Personal Information~

Alan has a very positive outlook on life and is generally a very easy-going kind of guy. Having been subjected to a rather poor lifestyle, constantly surrounded by the smell of shit and sweaty bodies, Alan has always taken the little things in life for full value. The smell of a flower, the feeling of a gentle breeze rolling over his skin, the soft touch of a woman...

He is most often times a quiet sort of guy when it comes to day to day activities, however when he uses his shoes to fly, his whoops and hollers of excitement can be heard all throughout the camp.

Most of his (male) companions in both the circus and camp poke a bit of fun at him for being overly sensitive, but Alan's thick skin and playful personality doesn't take their teasing negatively, though in the more quiet times in his life, he does wonder if perhaps they might be right.

He's got a very adventurous spirit about him, always wanting to make each show or quest he does different and more exciting and while it can be dangerous, Alan finds that he practically craves the adrenaline rush he gets at the very idea that injury could very much be a thing. This makes him a bit reckless at times though at face-value, Alan tends to be more calm and calculated on the outside.

His acrobatic skills he learned in the circus gave Alan the art of timing, able to calculate jumps and honed his reflexes into something superior to avoid injury. Tightrope walking and the trapeze being his two main events, he learned these very quickly and has only gotten better and more fluid in his movements as a performer.

Alan was born and raised into a family deep into the traveling circus business, and was raised in the carny lifestyle. As a kid, Alan was tasked with caring and cleaning up after the animals though eventually worked his way up to aerial acrobatics. His parents were amazed at just how natural Alan acted when it came to heights. Even when the trapeze artists tried to discourage the young boy from the dangerous act by having him join them in practice, including jumps (with a safety net), twists, grabs and so on, Alan only grew to love the sport even more. So in the air he stayed and as he grew older, became one of the most famous aerial acrobats.

The nickname "Horus" was given to him by his fellow trapeze group, joking about how he was a "God" of aerial acrobatics. Alan went with the jest, finding the humor in it himself and found himself rather liking the nickname, though there was something just not quite right about it.

As he grew from a youth into a man, strange things began to happen. So strange, in fact, that during the middle of a show, Alan's vision blurred for a few moments before he was suddenly able to see things with the utmost precision and clarity, over twice as well as he had been able to before. He could hear heartbeats - hundreds at a time. He could even see in fine detail the dirt under his partner's fingernails as his calloused hands reached out to grab him. It all happened in a split second, but it was enough to throw him off balance in his jump and ended up missing his partners hands, falling into the safety net below. That in itself had been humiliating, and after trying to explain what had happened to his friends and parents, they shrugged it off as some sort of "you need more sleep" explanation.

But the weird only kept coming. He would be backstage, helping to clean up the previous shows act when he saw the Strong-Man speaking with one of the jugglers. Normally, this would be an every day occurrence and for a year or so, people within the circus began pestering the Strong-Man about asking her out already. But as Alan paused to witness their conversation, something just wasn't feeling right to him. Instead, he began to imagine the Strong-Man with someone of a much more delicate nature, someone that hadn't yet been brought into the carny lifestyle. The thought was so intense, so realistic, that Alan was forced to shut his mind off before he began to grow sick. He ran from the scene, and made it back into his trailer in record time. Just a few seconds, in fact, when he knew prior that normally it would have taken him a couple of minutes. Pushing aside the whole instance as a fever, Alan put himself to bed early, and waited for the new morning. Fate had something else in store for him.

A cyclops attacked their camp just a few moments before dawn. After realizing that this wasn't just some carny joke, Alan sprung to action, at first running from the beast as he wasn't sure what to do. The Cyclops, for some reason, seemed trained on him, but after making sure his mother and step-father were safe (his running faster than normal coming into play), Alan made a decision that if it was he that the monster was after, then he needed to protect his large, carny family. Before taking off, however, Alan's mother stopped him, and pleaded that he follow her quickly as there was something she wanted to show him. Reluctant at first, Alan obliged and followed his mother to her trailer where she handed him a small, pocket-sized multi tool that would usually belong on a key chain. Skeptical, Alan took it, and with a little instruction from his mother, the multi-tool transformed into a bow in the likes and craftsmanship he had never before seen. Alan's mother went on to tell him that it was a gift that was left behind for him some years ago, and that it would come into play when he needed it most. Not having much else to go on, Alan accepted the bow, and went to confront the monster. A quiver with three arrows appeared on his back, but not having much time to be able to question anything anymore, Alan took to the circus and on his third attempt, managed to stick the cyclops in the eye with one of the fast-moving arrows. The carnies were safe, but Alan had questions.

Together, Alan's mother and step-father sat him down and began to explain the years-long legacy that had been created from the time he was conceived. He learned that his father was Hermes, the messenger god, and that Eros, god of love, had taken quite a shine to him over the years and not only blessed him as an infant, but left gifts for him over the years to his mother - most recently being the bow he had used to slay the cyclops. It was a bit of an emotional conversation between Alan and his parents, as he had never even heard whispers of his true father before until then. And then, learning that he was a god, and that his powers were starting to manifest and attract monsters... it was almost too much. Alan's mother then handed him over a pamphlet with tears staining her cheeks. Another "gift" from Eros (Alan was starting to consider the god of love more of a father figure than his true father. At least Eros showed an inkling of interest in him, even from afar), Alan read the pamphlet over carefully and within the hour, decided on what he needed to do.

Camp Half-Blood was his next stop, wanting more answers that his parents could not provide him with. He was claimed shortly after by Hermes with a box of flying shoes left on his bed he had been staying in (ironically enough, in the Hermes house) and has been residing there ever since. However, unlike most of the other campers, Alan is only there for a few months during the year, as he has not been able to pull himself away from the carny lifestyle completely as of yet.

~Demigod Information~

Demigod Abilities:

Love Sense: One of two abilities given to him by the God, Eros, Alan is able to look at a person and get a vague depiction of the kind of person they are meant to be with. If such a person is around, he is able to sway emotions just slightly in their favor as a sort of push to help them fall in love. Unfortunately, he is unable to use this ability on himself. If he happened to be someone's type, even if sitting right next to them, he would never know.

Archery: The second, more prominent ability that Alan was given by Eros is near perfect archery skills. He also excels in other target-precise/shooting-based activities such as basketball or football, and aerial acrobatics. He has been known to be able to split his own arrows in half on a target, and be able to shoot an apple off of someone's head while blindfolded. Because of his natural demigod abilities of heightened senses like sight, his range has been measured to around 500 meters before his accuracy starts to wane.

Athletics: As the son of the god of Athletics, Alan has a naturally enhanced athletic ability.

Enhanced Speed: Like his father, Alan has an incredible amount of speed and when wearing his father's shoes, can even reach supersonic speeds. He can use this ability even to run on walls and ceilings.

Flight: Thanks to his father's shoes that were gifted to him in his first days at Camp Half-Blood, Alan is able to take to the skies and fly for long periods of time. The altitude changes do not affect him as it would others, and is able to reach limits up and into the clouds before the temperature drop and lack of oxygen slowly start to effect him.

Prophecy: Inspired by his own fathers ability of being able to roll dice to predict the future, Alan has been working hard on this birth-given ability to refine it into something more. But just like his love sense ability, he is unable to use this on himself, nor can he predict himself in other peoples futures.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: Alan is quick, so if his enemy can not see him, he can not be hurt. Alan uses his speed and quick reflexes to gain the advantage on an opponent, and with his near-perfect archery skills can be quite a force to be reckoned with on the battle field, however Alan has never shot to kill or severely injure. His style is much more catching the baggy part of their clothing and pinning them to a wall.
Weapon/s Name: Swiftwind
Weapon/s Type: Bow
Attributes: Speed (arrow travels faster than normal)

~Other Information~

Materializing arrows: Since Alan can't be expected to carry around a quiver of arrows on his back at all times, his bow has been modified so that when a simple multi-tool he has in his pocket is activated to Swiftwind, a quiver and arrows will materialize on his back. It is still in the works, but Alan is currently limited to five arrows in his quiver as of date.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
Higher - Taio Cruz

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~Kallian Kane~

"You can't stop whats done to you. You can only survive it."
~ Kallian Kane.

~General Information~

Name: Kallian Kane.
Nick-Names: KK, Kallie, Bones.
Sex/ Gender: Female.
Age: Seventeen Years Old.
Place Of Origin: Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Camp Cabin: Cabin Nineteen - Tyche.

Appearance - Seventeen Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: "In a relationship".
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Partner: No one really seems to know.
Ex-Partner: None that she has ever spoken about.
Godly Parent: Tyche - Goddess of Luck.
Human Parent: Adopted by Moira and Aaron Kane.
Siblings: Tyree Kane (Little brother), Patsy Xiong (half little sister).
Legacy: Aphrodite - Goddess of Love.
Pet/s: She considers her little brother Tyree to be a pet.

~Personal Information~

Kallian is a sweet, kind-hearted individual who constantly sees the best in others despite their flaws. But after a few times of being taken advantage of with a great handful of different people she has come across over the years, she knows now that not everyone can be as fair and trusting as she can be. Despite this, however, Kallian still listens to her heart, being led by her love and devotion no matter how bleak a situation might look. Her usual bright, bubbly nature sways others from even thinking that Kallian struggles with depression, as she keeps a face really well. She is most often the center of attention and the life of a party and doesn't even have to get drunk to do it. While she will indulge in a drink or two at a party, she is far from the kind of person that gets wasted to have fun. It can be noted, however, that she has been caught with a bottle while alone in her room, trying to drown out the haunting nightmares that haunt both her mind and dreams.

Though she is always trying to give people the benefit of the doubt, if Kallian feels that she has been used one to many times, she is not afraid to do what is right by her and shut that person out of her life completely. This, however, does not extend to those she believes to be superior to her. Whether it be relatives, older campers or even more experienced campers, Kallian's seemingly care-free, bright spirit diminishes somewhat and obediently takes orders, no matter the request. To these kind of people, she does not know how to say "no" and in the rare times she tries, it doesn't take very much to break her resolve.

To those she considers her equals, however, she has a very strong-will, looked up to by her fellow campers, but when she is just able to relax and be Kallian Kane, the social butterfly comes out in her as well as her spunky personality that others tend to gravitate towards.

Despite her past, despite the things that have ever happened to her, Kallian has a strong heart and finds the strength within herself to keep going and to keep smiling. Her mental fortitude is practically outmatched by anyone she has ever met and strives to keep going with her head held high.

As luck would have it, Kallian's father wanted absolutely nothing to do with her the moment she was dropped off at his doorstep. She was placed into a foster home almost immediately and after three years and six different possible adoptions that ended up falling through, she was officially adopted by the Kane family. They were unable to produce any children of their own, and both being red heads, sought for the perfect little girl that would make their perfect family complete. When she asked for a puppy for Christmas not two years later, they instead brought home a fiery red-headed little boy they named Tyree, no longer making Kallian the only child. Though she was a little excited on the idea of having a little brother, she still really only wanted a puppy.

As the two grew up, their parents began to notice more and more similarities between the two, both physically and in personality. It got to the point where they became concerned with the similarities enough to order a blood test between the two. Again, luck showed it's cards when it revealed that Tyree and Kallian are true siblings, birthed from the same mother and sired from the same father. Kallian tried her best to get her adopted parents to try and use this as a lead so that she could meet her real father, but her adopted father didn't take too kindly to her requests.

By the time she was seven, Kallian began to experience what it was to be touched by her father. At first it was the simple things, like sitting on his lap in inappropriate circumstances. But then, telling her that they were just playing a game, Kallian became his dirty little secret. As young as she was, Kallian didn't understand that what her adopted father was doing was bad. He always gave her treats or toys afterwards, buying her silence. But as she grew older, she began to grow more uncomfortable with what her adopted father was doing to her, and why he insisted that she kept it a secret. So instead of showering her with gifts, he turned violent, abusing her and restraining her... forcing her until she had no tears left to shed. He had broken her and would remain to see it so. He would grow incredibly protective and even jealous if she started talking about boys at school and forbid her from dating. Her natural talent of flirting coupled with her beauty made her an easy target for the boys to look at, and her friendly nature wanted friends in all instances, but her father's rules shied her away from the idea of ever having a boyfriend. As far as her father was concerned, he was the only man in her life, and it was going to stay that way, forever.

At sixteen, things took a very sudden change. In the middle of one of "daddy's little secret's," her adopted mother came home unexpectedly and found him hastily pulling his pants back up and Kallian not only tied up, but stuffed into a trunk to keep her mother from finding her. It didn't work, however, as her adopted mother knew straight away what had been going on. In a rage, Moira threatened divorce and took Tyree and Kallian, but Aaron wasn't about to let Kallian go, and instead turned on his family. The three of them were thrown into the basement, blindfolded, tied, and abused. It's unclear just how long Aaron managed to keep them like this before, by some stroke of luck, one of Kallian's restraints came undone, allowing her to untie her mother and brother and escape before Aaron came back from work.

They ran. It only made sense to Kallian for them to run to the cops, but fate had something else in store for them when one thing led to another, and next thing Kallian knew, she had been separated from her mother and brother and put on a plane to New York. Without knowing where to go, or who to turn to, Kallian simply wandered, letting her feet be her guide until she stumbled upon what looked like some sort of strawberry farm out in the middle of the woods. Staggering, very weak, but with the promise of food at the front of her mind, Kallian walked through the barrier and collapsed at the entrance of Camp Half-Blood, unknowing of just how much her life would be changing even more.

~Demigod Information~

Demigod Abilities:

Luck: Though Kallian has been exposed to bad luck most of her life, since arriving at Camp Half-Blood, she has come to understand that she is capable of controlling both sides of luck, good and bad.

- Good Luck: As of date, if Kallian ever experiences any sort of good luck, it happens by random chance that has nothing to do with her, or she manipulates probability in her favor completely on accident. She is currently in training to learn how she can control this better, though it is proving to be exceptionally difficult.

- Bad Luck: Bad luck is just something that seems to happen naturally around Kallian. From the get-go at birth, she was handed a deck of bad cards to play life with. These bad luck instances, however, aren't always so dark and brooding, and can boil down to the more simple things like sleeping through her alarm or ripping her favorite (new) pair of jeans. However as time has progressed, she has been able to get a better grasp on how to control this power and even be able to project it on others. Most notably, as of late, Kallian was able to make Deon slip in a puddle of mud during a game of capture the flag that ended up making his team lose the match. Unfortunately for Kallian, she was also on his team. Clearly, she has a lot of work to do.

Aphrodite's Natural Flirting: With her legacy being the goddess Aphrodite herself, Kallian has always had this natural draw from other people for as long as she could remember. She's easy to be around, and her smile and laugh are incredibly infectious. She didn't even realize until she hit high school that what she was doing was flirting, and though it has been pointed out to her many, many times, she just doesn't see how a simple smile and wave hello to a boy across the room is considered flirting. Apparently, it's the way she does it, but even now, she simply doesn't see it.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: Kallian isn't anything special when it comes to fighting or athletisism and isn't even anything academically exceptional. She has only just come into camp and is learning more about herself than what she can do with her fists or a weapon and even her body. Right now, Kallian simply just is.
Weapon/s Name: Party Pooper.
Weapon/s Type: Brass knuckles with blades.
Attributes: Poison - If the blade cuts flesh and draws blood, a mild form of poison has entered the body. Only works on demigods.

~Other Information~

Since coming to camp a year ago, Kallian has since been in touch with her mother and little brother and plans on meeting up with them in a month or two. They are doing well, and know that Kallian is in a good place, however has not been able to tell them yet of her true parentage, being a daughter of the goddess Tyche. This means that her little brother Tyree is also a demigod, and doesn't know how to tell him yet but figures she will when she sees them next.

Kallian was gifted a pair of red gloves with her mother's symbol embroidered onto it that when she wears the both of them and cracks her knuckles together, will turn into her brass knuckles with blades.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
Shatter Me - Lindsey Stirling

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~Theo Bixler~

"The way people treat you, is a statement about who they are as a human being. It is not a statement about you."
~ Theo Bixler.

~General Information~

Name: Theodore Bixler
Nick-Names: Theo, Theodorable, Teddy
Sex/ Gender: Male.
Age: Nineteen Years Old.
Place Of Origin: Chicago, Illinois.
Camp Cabin: Cabin 11 - Apollo.

Appearance - Nineteen Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Partner: None.
Ex-Partner: None.
Godly Parent: Apollo.
Human Parent: Janette Bixler.
Siblings: Lee Fletcher (Older Half-Brother/ Camp Alumni), Michael Yew (Older Half-Brother/ Camp Alumni), Will Solace (Older Half-Brother/ Camp Alumni), Austin Lake (Older Half-Brother/ Camp Alumni), Kayla Knowles (Older Half-Sister/ Camp Alumni), Kalinda Franklins (Half-Sister)
Legacy: None at this time.
Pet/s: A baby chipmunk he helped nurse back to health named Pip.

~Personal Information~

Theo, despite everything he has gone through, has a big heart. One that doesn't like seeing people alone or isolated and will oftentimes just go over to someone looking like they are having a rough time and give them a warm, comforting smile. If someone younger than him is having an equally rough time, he has been known to put an arm around them, give them a hug, and take on a temporary "big brother" role to help them through whatever it is that they are going through. He's not afraid to talk about his past, and hopes that in sharing a particularly hard time for him with others, they can see and relate to him and know that things do in fact get better.

Within camp, he is known as the voice of reason. With so many rivalries between cabins (not even necessarily during exercises or events where it is necessary to a point), Theo has been the one that helps to diffuse situations that would otherwise end up ugly. He hasn't yet learned to stand up against his own bullies, such as Deon and the other Ares boys in camp, but he has learned to be a voice for others who fall into the same situations he has.

He's the kind of guy that would forgo sleep if it meant staying up all night and just listening to someone talk when they need it. He's also the kind of guy that would give someone the shirt off of his back if it meant keeping them warmer or covered up decently to avoid any further humiliation. His athleticism frankly sucks, but he's learned to be okay with that, because his heart is true and he knows it's where he belongs.

Theo's more recreational hobbies include watching shows like Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, Cat Dog, Spongebob and other popular 90's kids shows. He also has a deep fascination with Marvel and DC comics and can spend hours upon hours explaining one singular character to someone, not even realizing that he's rambling. His room is covered in "nerdy" trinkets, ranging from a batman lamp that puts the symbol on his ceiling to Mario figurines, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle masks, Legos, a Hellboy piggy bank and so much more, making his room every child's dream. Not to mention the stacks upon stacks of comics he has filling up entire book shelves that outline his walls. He also has an array of musical instruments, blank sheet music, regular sheet music, and a custom-built desktop with dual screens that not only come in handy for his gaming, but also helps him to compose his own music he enjoys creating.

Theo tends to be the "I've been there" guy - one that can relate to almost anyone who has ever been humiliated or poked fun at. Because of this, his social game at camp has increased significantly as others are always going to him for advice or just to seek comfort. He's also not above being "that guy" that people just come over to his cabin to play video games with either - though he will completely wreck you at Mario Kart.

He was bullied from the very moment he stepped foot in school. Even in elementary - Kindergarten, there were those particular students who classified themselves as the leaders, the rule makers, the ones to set up the social clicks. Theo was immediately branded a loser simply because he owned a Pokemon backpack. Pokemon was "dumb." Pokemon was for "babies." The Power Ranger lunch pail didn't exactly help his case.

He was teased, isolated, pushed around. The bullying only got worse the older he got. Once he hit middle school, there was one bully in particular who made it his every day goal to make him feel inferior in every way possible. He would constantly throw things at him in class, disrupting his studying and focus. He would flick him in the head, punch him and wipe whatever he picked out of his nose on his shirt as they passed by each other in the halls. He would call him names, mock him in front of his friends and of course, tell Theo that he would beat him up if he ever fought back. It simply became Theo's daily mission to just survive the seven hours of hell. He was too proud to say anything, too scared that if he did say anything, he would really get hurt. Unfortunately, this rendered him void of any social life. So not only did Theo dread going to school, but he had no one there to help him through it.

High school hit, and the bullying got worse. Not only was he the weird, anti-social kid that everyone just picked on, but he had gained a bit of weight. With no friends, he defaulted to watching cartoons, playing video and card games and acquiring a collection of "nerd" things instead of getting involved in sports like most other guys did. It didn't help his physique at all, and though he was far from being obese, his little pudge around the middle and in the face only fueled his bullies even further into tormenting him. He also joined in on band, playing and writing for just about every instrument the school had available for him to learn - his first true hint that he might not be "just another kid." His backpack and school supplies would get stolen or worse - thrown into puddles of water and mud out on the grounds, forever ruining them. His lunch would get taken, he would get thrown into dumpsters, get his head shoved into a toilet and flushed, blamed for just about everything and beat up on breaks.

By the time he was fifteen, his mother had finally given in to the fact that Theo just wasn't safe in regular schools. She had always figured that it would have been monsters to come and attack her little boy, as she had been warned by Apollo. But the "mythological" monsters were nothing compared to the real monsters that ruled the high school. One particular incident had done it. There was a group of boys that were deemed Theo's bullies. They thought it would be funny to plant a bomb threat on the school so they could get out of a few classes during the day. They were caught, and when confronted about it, blamed the entire thing (with convincing stories) on Theo. Before Theo had a chance to tell his side of the story, his bullies had him cornered, ripped off his jacket, broke his wrist and administered a series of chemical burns all along his forearm, threatening that if he didn't take the blame, they would do much worse.

He was expelled the next school day for the bomb threat he never did. He was immediately sent to Camp, spending a few days talking with both Chiron and his mother about how special he was, who he was and both helped him adjust to his new life. It was a new start.

The broken wrist healed quickly thanks to his fellow half-brothers and sisters in the Apollo cabin. The chemical burns, however, would remain as scars on his dark flesh as there was nothing they could do about them.

He loved camp. He didn't have to wake up every day feeling afraid, and save for a few pricks in the Ares cabin, he managed to get along with mostly everyone. He learned their stories, shared his own, and created bonds with other bully victims that otherwise would never be able to be created. It was how he grew to know and become close with Erin - daughter of Hades. When she arrived in camp a year after his arrival, she was covered in cuts and bruises, emotionally broken. Without even having to talk to her, he knew that on a mental level, he was able to relate. So he took her to his half-brothers and sisters to help her back to health. He learned her story, just as he did with others, shared his own, and the two found comfort with one another.

Theo now spends nearly all of his time at camp. There are a few weeks in the early months of September and sometimes even October where he will leave camp to visit various schools around the United States and talk to an assembly on bullying - sharing his own personal story on how he (mostly) overcame it. Sometimes, he lets the Ares kids get to him.

~Demigod Information~

Demigod Abilities:

Swordsmanship: While not great, Theo does hold the ability to be able to handle a sword and though he looks a little awkward holding it, once he starts getting into the action it becomes second nature. He is constantly surprised after he does something he never knew he was capable of doing, which oftentimes makes him distracted and vulnerable to his opponent for the time being. He has a long way to go to live up to his father's name in swordsmanship.

Musical Ability: Just like his father, Theo is a bit of a musical prodigy and can play nearly any instrument he sets his mind to. Starting with the piano at just the age of eight, he worked his way up through school until he had mastered various other instruments including (but not limited to) the guitar, trumpet, saxophone, trombone, clarinet, drums and flute. Recently he has picked up the lyre and is currently working on making it his new mastery. And although he hardly practices it save for maybe in the shower or when he's alone in his room composing music, Theo had a remarkable singing voice he has been told by his mother that could serenade any girl he could ever want.

- Audiokinesis: Theo can make a sharp ultrasonic whistle-like sound that can temporarily stun his opponents, making them to clutch their ears in confusion. He prefers this method of "fighting" to the sword.

Pyrokinesis: Not much to look twice at, Theo does possess the ability to control some amounts of fire. Successfully, Theo has been able to use a preexisting fire (such as a fireplace or lighter) and manipulate the flame to light a series of candles and douse smaller flames such as a candle. A few times, he has also been able to relight these sorts of flames if the fire hasn't long gone out and the heat is still there to be manipulated.

- Fire Immunity: An ability that he is rather grateful for, as he can be quite the klutz when experimenting with his fire powers, Theo is completely invulnerable to fire and heat and thus can not be burned. This has not yet been put to the test to Marcel's black hellfire.

Enhanced Healing: Not nearly on the level of most of the other Apollo kids, Theo does possess the ability of being able to heal things at a much quicker rate than what is considered normal. Though still slow, Theo has recently been able to help a chipmunk he had found in the forest with a broken leg to heal completely within a week - though his half-siblings would be able to do the same feat within a matter of hours.

Teleportation: Currently one of the abilities Theo is currently working on, Theo is currently able to teleport himself to opposite ends of the camp without injury. He hasn't tried going beyond those limits, however, but is now working on being able to teleport other people, whether it be with him or without him.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: Though a bit awkward with a sword, when in the right situation Theo can definitely become a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Not only this, but Theo's rational thinking makes him good at strategizing and deescalating situations that would otherwise turn into a blood bath.
Weapon/s Name: Final Flash, Trinity
Weapon/s Type: Sword, Shield
Attributes: Blinding Light [Final Flash only]- When raised above his head with both hands it emits rays of light that can temporarily blind his opponents.

~Other Information~

Theo has a small, key chain laser pointer he keeps in his pocket that becomes his weapon. He, however, prefers to use it as an actual laser for distraction or a quick toy for some of the animals around camp than use an actual sword.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
Rooftops - Lost Prophets

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
Avatar of YoshiSkittlez

YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~James Wolfe~

"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take"
~ Jamie Wolfe.

~General Information~

Name: James Wolfe.
Nick-Names: Jamie, Wolfe.
Sex/ Gender: Male.
Age: Nineteen Years Old.
Place Of Origin: Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Camp Cabin: Cabin 1 - Zeus.

Appearance - Nineteen Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Partner: None.
Ex-Partner: A few girls here and there back in Oregon.
Godly Parent: Zeus.
Human Parent: Jessica Wolfe.
Siblings: Thalia Grace (older half-sister/ Camp alumni), Jason Grace (older half-brother/ Camp alumni) and Bexley Leahy (younger half-sister).
Legacy: None at this time.
Pet/s: None.

~Personal Information~

Jamie is more or less defined as an overall relaxed sort of person, living with a go-with-the-flow attitude. To those he is close to, Jamie tends to show off his more goofy and humorous side and while he was no class clown, he does have a niche for making people smile at his teenage boy antics. To those who he isn't close to or just doesn't like, however, gets more of his dry humor and sarcastic side that often times gets him into trouble. Under more normal circumstances, Jamie is a very social and friendly person by default and though he has made more than a few enemies, tends to get along with most people even if those most people have a harder time learning to like him. However since Jamie hardly knows many people at camp, not very many people have seen this side of him and instead get the closed off, sarcastic and almost bitter exterior her puts up as a front to keep himself protected. When under stressful situations, or situations in particular that require a more personal touch, something that usually irks people about Jamie is his calm demeanor about it all. It comes across as him not caring - a shrug of the shoulders and a change of subject usually being a sign. But on the inside, his head is continuously thinking over the problem, and how best to tackle it. He just doesn't see any point in wasting any energy in outwardly stressing about things. Even when people are physically trying to get under his skin, he just doesn't react. A lot of people wonder just how he can keep calm so easily. The truth is, he has what one of the other campters, Theo, likes to call "Hulk Syndrome." He keeps everything bottled up, pushed down, and builds on it until he reaches the point of boiling over and can't retain it until most of his anger has been let out in some way, shape or form.

Competition is a whole other story completely, however. Jamie always enjoys a good, stimulating challenge even when it is meant to be a friendly spar. Not exactly competitive to the point where he feels he has to win all the time no matter what, he actually enjoys losing as much as winning. He takes his winning by a measure of the progress he has made, and losing is just another way for him to look at how much more he has left to grow. Being able to put this scale on a more physical scale gives him enough incentive to keep from being lazy (most times) and continue to be active, learning how to become better and stronger. The adrenaline that he gains while competing is something that he has come to love and even crave, always excited to start again until his body refuses to cooperate with him any longer or he has run out of people to compete against.

For being a son of one of the Big Three, the King of the gods, no less, Jamie isn't one for bragging or cockiness. He doesn't view himself as any better than anyone else unless they give him reason to believe so. Deon, for example, Jamie views himself better than simply on a level of maturity. Jamie isn't exactly mature, either, but when compared to someone like Deon, Jamie is as mature as they come. Though try as he might, Jamie strives to not jump into judging or labeling people, knowing that underestimating a potential opponent is one of the biggest mistakes that can be made. He's not exactly the smartest tactician, however. His mind sometimes just has problems making plans and thinking through things before acting on them. He regrets a lot of these decisions, but he tries to learn from them, but it doesn't keep him from sometimes wishing his godly parent might have been someone like Athena.

All in all, Jamie just wants to laugh, make friends, and have a good time. And now that he has the opportunity to make friends who are... well... like him, and teachers to can help him learn how to be himself by means of exercising his abilities, Jamie has already decided that coming to Camp Half-Blood is one of the best things that could have happened to him in a long, long time. Now he just has to make sure he doesn't screw up or do anything to embarrass himself as the new guy.

Jamie is very athletic. Having played football from elementary school to the end of his high school days, he always invested in working out and staying healthy. His favorite past time at the moment is running. He finds that running clears his head and gives him time to think and collect his thoughts.

He isn't one to give up, either. He'll stick to what he's put his heart into until the very end. Some call him stubborn, others call him a resilient son of a bitch. He's probably a little bit of both. He likes to go by the motto "champions don't stay down when they fall, they always pick themselves back up no matter what."

With his mother's prodding, James took to learning the martial art style of Muay Tai at a young age. Little did he know that his mother was attempting to prepare him just a little for his life as a Demigod. Having studied this art of fighting for quite some time now, he has become quite the opponent in hand to hand combat.

One of Jamie's best qualities is being able to stay calm in intense and/or chaotic situations. He works well under pressure and is likely to lead the weak or scared in crisis situations.

Jamie Michael Wolfe was born to Jessica Wolfe when she was still a young adult. Jessica never forgave Zeus for taking advantage of her naivety at the age of 19. He was practically there long enough to knock her up, and then he was gone, leaving Jessica to go through pregnancy and the birthing process, alone. Unable to balance college and taking care of her newborn son, Jessica was forced to drop out. Growing up poor with only one parent to help raise him was stressful for Jamie. His mom was always working, maintaining two jobs to support them both. This left James alone most of the time, having no father around and no other siblings. Only babysitters that ranged from staying two days to two months at a time, unable to handle the young, ADHD boy for very long.

Because of this, at a young age, Jamie learned that it was okay to be alone, and even came to enjoy it. It made him independent and he believes that it even made him smarter in some instances. He had no one to rely on but himself and his mother in the rare times that he was able to spend time with her. He had to teach himself how to do pretty much everything, especially when it came to school - the babysitters were no help. School was never easy for him though, it took a lot of determination and grit to be a good student with his Demigod disorders. His ADHD and dyslexia made paying attention almost impossible and English class was a living Hell.

For most of his school life, Jamie had no friends. He was very introverted when he was younger and just wanted to make his mother proud and go to college like she hadn't been able to do. It didn't help that he started working as well as going to high school, putting even more pressure on him. But he somehow survived. James worked at a small café, mainly trying to just make some money so his mom didn't have to work so hard on his behalf.

By his senior year, Jamie had finally come out of his shell. He still didn't have many friends but at least he finally began opening up to people. He realized that he didn't want to be just some guy that no one remembered in a couple years after high school. He wanted to make a lasting impression, one that people would talk fondly of for years to come as a sort of legend amongst his younger peers. Things didn't work out that way, however. A series of unfortunate events lead to Jamie ending up at Camp Half-Blood. And though coming to camp was the best thing that could have ever happened to him, he wishes that it had been under better, less nightmarish circumstances.

One particular night, James and his mother ended up at the wrong place at the wrong time. A man ran up behind them as they were about to get into James' car to drive home, and held them up at gunpoint. With a gun pointed at his mother's head, James panicked. The event must have triggered his demigod abilities because a bolt of lightning came down from the sky and struck the robber dead. Unfortunately, the electricity caused the attacker's muscles to contract, making his finger clench around the trigger of the gun, and next to the crisp corpse lying in the street gutter was the warm, still lifelike body of his mother.

Jamie never could get than image out of his head - the lightning, his mother dropping to the ground like a rock, knowing that he had somehow caused it... Instead of a funeral for his mother, all Jamie got was a Satyr and a one-way ticket to Camp Half-Blood. Apparently, the attacker wasn't just some guy, but a Greek monster under a disguise. Jamie still doesn't exactly know what the Saytr meant by that.

Jamie is relatively new to camp, having only been there for a couple months. He hasn't said much to anyone, in fact, he's still grieving for his mother. Lately he's been better though, each day is gutting slowly brighter. He's becoming a stronger fighter, honing his abilities. He's going to turn the very weapon that killed the woman dearest to him and use it for good to the best of his abilities. And if anyone gets in his way of doing that, well, he'll see them in the Underworld.

~Demigod Information~

Demigod Abilities:
Aerokinesis: Jamie can manipulate and create wind with this ability. Most of the time he uses this to create strong blasts of air or even to bind a person or object with "ropes of wind." But with more training, he is capable of so much more.

- Flight: Jamie is able to ride the currents in the air, allowing him to fly without the need of wings. He still has a long way to go before being able to do this both accurately and without crashing when attempting to land, but he still has a blast doing it.

Electrokinesis: Being a son of Zeus, Jamie can control and create electricity.

- Static Electricity: Jamie can generate bolts, orbs, and arcs of electricity from anywhere on his body. Though he is far from being able to accurately control them, when training he tends to be as far away from camp as he possibly can to keep from hurting anyone. The last thing he wants is a repeat of what had happened last time.

- Static Shock: He also possesses the ability to send strong electrical currents though objects or people by means of physical contact. With this, he can also perform a feat he likes to call the "Taser," where he maintains physical contact and uses electricity to lock up his opponents muscles, rendering them paralyzed for the duration of the physical contact and a few moments after.

- Lightning Bolts: Probably his deadliest ability, Jamie can summon lightning bolts from the sky. Doing this drains him significantly and usually leads to extreme fatigue, migraines, nausea and even blackouts lasting between minutes, hours and even days.

- Electrical Immunity/Absorption: Jamie is completely immune to all forms of electricity. In fact, it seems to boost his powers slightly. Not that he gets struck by lightning or sticks a fork in an outlet on a regular basis.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: Jamie uses a shield and nothing else but the brute force of his fists when it comes to fighting without abilities. He does, however, use his abilities to make his shield more than just something for defense, but has found ways to make it an offensive weapon as well. Using air currents, Jamie can throw his shield at an enemy, manipulate the air, and have it brought back to him.
Weapon/s Name: ο τοίχος (The Wall).
Weapon/s Type: Shield.
Attributes: None.

~Other Information~

Jamie is left handed, loves music, running, and parties. His shield is disguised as an antique coin that he keeps in his pocket. Only needing to rub his thumb over it's surface a few times, it will transform into the shield he uses for battle.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
The Sound of Silence - Disturbed

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