Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 2 days ago

Benji felt a bit like a kid having to hold hands as they walked about the street. He didn't care for running he'd rather stand and fight whoever it or they were, but going full wolf in full daylight and in a crowded place would be foolish. He also didn't want to force the danger of a fight on Willa or Paon if they preferred to run. If they were scientist and if things went bad and it looked like they would be taken in he could go full werewolf again, it should be enough to make sure they didn't take Willa. She'd have the best chance of breaking them out if any of them did get caught with her power over technology.

“We are certainly being followed, I'm guessing scientists or military. They smelled like explosives, no way they're not after us. Should have kept the dragon with us, I'm guessing he's good in scrap. If things go south I'll keep 'em busy, you get out and if I get taken you can always come break me out okay?” He talked in a hushed voice though he wasn't sure invisibility in crowd was as helpful as in more spacious conditions. People were bumping into them, and several people were looking around to locate what they had bumped into and a few people were starting to get upset. All the news stories about supernaturals had people paranoid, though in this case they were not wrong. Paon appearing out of thin air caused even more confusion to the crowd. He headed in a different direction, likely to take a lot the focus with him.

Charlie nodded as Right explained to him about Perytons. “Yeah I've heard of them, chaotic evil monster. Back in high school we did a campaign in the Forgotten Realm and a Peryton almost ate my heart right out my chest. I made it through, it was a close call for Vorlock but man it was a great adventure.” He rambled on for a second before noticing Right might not know what he was talking about. “I played a lot of Dungeons and Dragons back then.” He added to clarify. “I bet their feathers would be useful.” He said glancing towards the room where the creature was. If they were anything like the ones he'd read about in manuals he could thing of a few uses for them. “You need any help with that or anything else?” He asked, having a bit of extra time before he needed to get back to his other projects.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Unknown100
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@Helo @BlackPanther @Wick

Having her targets step into a crowded area was a real nightmare. Attacking them now would alert the authorities and could put additional innocents in danger. In fact, taking Willa and the rest on here would be a bloodbath.
Jane kicked herself while trying to keep her eyes on the prize. With all these other warm bodies it was no simple task, especially when also having to walk in the crowd herself. On the plus side people now walked into the targets trying to hide, and revealed them again and again. Their invincibility had made them significantly more visible.
Such sweet irony, Jane reminded herself and past by a kid who laughed of her funny-looking glasses.
Even from a distance, and through thermal imagery, it was clear that Benji, the werewolf, was occupied by something as they walked. Maybe a conversation, maybe something else. Things got a lot more complicated when, what Jane assumed to be, the dragon separated from the group, and she had to track targets at two different locations. Undeniably quick, she lost sight of him and saw several people with pale blond hair like his. Her experience helped her keep an eye on incoming blonds, but she decided to only follow Willa and Benji, who got further and further away from blond people.
Hopefully they would separate from the masses soon, so Jane could strike. Otherwise she would have to separate their heads from their bodies right there amongst all the ignorant men, women and children, and deal with the consequences afterwards.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Willa O'Shea

Willa said to him, "We are going visible so we can move faster. If they haven't lost us already they aren't going to." She let go of his hand and they got separated in the crowd. She could see him and she went in the same general direction. Then she stopped right where she was and waited for the person to come to her.

When Jane reached her Willa looked at her and said "Why are you after us? You are one of us."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Paon waited awhile before circling back behind the stalker. He stood back when Willa appeared and questioned her. He made sure to remain silent and stay out of view. His hands in his pockets with his glasses hiding his odd eyes.

He looked toward Benji and nodded to him. If the stalker did anything, he was prepared to carry her off. A grab and fly fast enough that people will not know what is happening. Either that or he would try to knock her out. Last resort is always the victim move. His blind card that would attract more of an audience. After all, what sort of monster attacks a defenseless blind man?

Peter shook his head and chuckled. "I do not, but you get my help. You get first pick of what's left unless Eric calls me up for help with something" he troweled off his face a bit. "So...what will it be and I do still owe you an example of my work" he tilted his head, waiting for the response. What he would not admit..was that his wing actually hurt. The tear was painful, but he was ignoring it.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Unknown100
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@BlackPanther @Wick @Helo

The targets knew she was following them. From the moment they split that much was clear. The girl called Willa stayed back, almost inviting Jane to reveal herself, and so she did: Jane did not stop, did not hesitate; merely removed the glasses and walked right up and faced her.

"Why are you after us? You are one of us," Willa said.

Looking at her, Jane did not see any signs of wanting to either fight or flee. Neither did it look like a trick.
For a moment, all Jane did was stand there and observe.
Then out of nowhere, she dropped the glasses and stepped right up so they were mere inches from each other. “Move a muscle and you’ll be dead before you even realize it,” Jane told her and meant every word. Lisa was on Jane’s mind, and the dangers this girl could potentially put her in. “Who am I? Look at me. Who am I really?.. ,”asked Jane and analyzed the person’s reaction. The slight shiver, the surprisingly big amount of courage, everything. Another moment passed by where Jane’s pounding heart was slowing down to a more stable rhythm.
I've been played, she finally realized.
“You-you don’t know, do you? You really, really have no idea.” And with those words Jane’s entire body language changed. Her face loosened up, her shoulder lowered, and she took one long sigh, as shame rushed through her. The only person, she was angry at now, was herself. “Of course, you don’t know. Listen, I’m not after you, or your friends, who no doubt watches us right now. But someone very dangerous is. Meaning at least one of you is a potential treat to them. One of you are a threat to Edge itself.”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Willa O'Shea

"What? I don't know how any of us could be a threat to Edge. I thought they were on the meta side. We don't trust them but we know who they are. Why are you here following us?"

The crowd seemed to disappear as they realized there were meta's in their midst. Willa noticed and called over to Paon and Benji "Come on guys let's go get some lunch." Willa realized they were in danger out in the open.

"Jane isn't it? We need to get out of the open, come on we can get some lunch and figure out what is going on."

Willa took Benji's hand and hugged him tightly. She smiled at Paon. "You know Paon, you don't listen too well. Thank you for that."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 2 days ago

Benji let go of Willa’s hand and put some distance between them. They had been followed by one woman, he located her by scent and kept watch. He saw no backup, black vans or other immediate threats and doubted the scientists would send one to capture three. He was far enough away for Willa to have a civil meeting with the woman but close enough that his heightened hearing could make out bits of what they were saying. Paon had circled behind the woman and nodded to him, it was good to know Paon was sticking with them. He didn’t know the man well enough to trust him completely but he’d trusted and respected him enough to go into battle with him without worry.

He heard the woman mention one of them was a threat to Edge, which is when he realized she was Jane. The footage from the news was fuzzy at best but she looked the part and it made sense why they had only sent one person after them. What didn’t make sense was why Edge would be after any of them, they were all supernaturals and, as far as he knew, none of them worked with the scientists. He headed closer to them noticing that some of crowd was paying them all a good bit of attention. A few people were on cell phones likely alerting authorities which would likely alert the scientists as well. He was by Willa’s side as she suggested they go for lunch. “We need to get far away from this side of town before police or scientists show up.” He said quietly.

Charlie thought about Right’s offer, he wasn’t entirely sure what all was left as he hadn’t been assigned to inventory but he was sure most of the aquatics were still secured. You couldn’t exactly release fish monsters into the wild if they didn’t have a land based form. “I’m guessing the Hippocampi is still here?” He asked referring the mythological sea-horse that he’d recently found out was a real thing. “I think we could use it to help stabilize the freeze ray and balance out the ice elements from the Frost Giant with a powerful stabilizer from the Hippocampi. Oh West and I were working on a freeze ray, well I’m not supposed to call it a freeze ray, he calls it Cryo-artillery technology. Anyway it could be profit weapons venture like the lightning guns were.” He said with a great deal of excitement.

“Don’t we have a Hydra as well? Have you thought of making a salve with hydra blood to help regenerate your tissue? That looks like a pretty bad laceration, you probably don’t want to wait for that to heal the long way.” He said looking at the wound Right had on his wing.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Paon watched the woman and felt himself tense. The woman threatened Willa and he felt claws slide where fingernails were. He was more then ready to fight. He had enough of hiding.

But then the woman stopped and warned them of yet another threat. He grumbled at that but inhaled, as if that would fully relax him. He smiled back at Willa. "I know a place for lunch...it's a bit of a walk though."

Peter nodded. "All of the aquatic stock is still in here. Especially since we figured out how to keep the sirens and merpeople in their aquatic forms" he tilted his head as he listened to the idea and smiled somewhat. "Sounds like a great invention. You tell me what you need and I'll be sure to get it." he tilted his head. "I think you are on the right track for it."

Peter blinked at the suggestion of hydra blood. "I have only ever used siren blood for wounds...it might work." the next part caused for him to study Charlie. "With the location of the wound...I cannot reach it....would you care to help?" he hated people touching his wings, but he wasn't lying. The wound is located just right to where he cannot reach it without help.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Willa O'Shea

"Okay Paon, lead us there." She held onto Benji's hand. She was partly relieved that Jane realized that they weren't whatever she was told they were. She wondered who was the threat to Edge and how. Most of the crowd had gone by now so anyone new in the area didn't suspect a thing. "Jane? In what way could we be a threat to Edge? I don't understand. If there is something that needs to be cleared up we'd be happy to clear it up."

Willa looked up at Benji and he looked more calm than she felt and she knew he wasn't. She could feel his pulse going too fast.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Unknown100
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“Keep your head down,” Jane answered instead and nodded to a camera, as they left the stream of people behind. “They can track your faces, if you look directly at a camera. Don’t use credit cards and stay away from any kind of authorities.”
Naming survival rules bought her a bit of time to clear her head before answering any difficult questions.
She let out her hair and swung on a pair of sunglasses that just so happened to match her summer outfit, and she kept a watchful eye out underneath them. The last time Jane was on her own a guy had shown up. At Angel’s Embrace she had heard about him. The guy with the spider tattoo. Suppose to be from Edge, but he was no operative, she had ever heard of.
“The world is about to change thanks to Edge. No matter what happens, they will most likely come out on top. They might even have foreseen this. Look, I’ll explain what I know. I promise. Right now we just need to get to safety. Away from all these eyes and ears. Just know that I’m s… I’m, ehm, sorry.”

Though the pedestrians' eyes were elsewhere, Jane still felt, as if they were on her. There was a stink of disgrace in the air, impossibly to wash off. Jane hadn’t just played someone else’s game for the third time in 15 hours, she had almost killed her own kind because of it. She looked to the left and saw Benji, Willa and Paon. All people whom had no reason to trust her, and yet… yet they did.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 2 days ago

Benji nodded when Paon mentioned a place for lunch that was a far walk. The further from the motel the better as far as he was concerned. “I’m all for lunch Paon, lead the way.” He said taking another scan of their surroundings. He took notice from his peripheral vision of the camera’s around the area and made sure not look towards them. As for the rest of Jane’s advice; he naturally avoid authorities as they only brought trouble and he only used the occasional stolen credit card. He was glad they had avoided a confrontation with Jane, having seen some of what she could do he didn’t want to end up as her enemy. He noticed she skirted the question as to why Edge had sent her after them. He couldn’t see how he or Willa could’ve done anything to slight Edge and Paon didn’t seem like the type who’d be a threat to them either. He focused on Willa’s hand intertwined with his own to draw his attention away from the danger of their situation. How they managed to become a threat to Edge was beyond him but for now there was nothing they could do about it, at least not without more information.

Charlie nodded. “Yeah I figured since they have such quick regenerative properties they could really speed up healing times. You grab some Hydra blood and I think the first aid kits around here have some kind of generic antibiotic creams. And of course I’ll help you, as long as you don’t mind being a guinea pig for my idea.” He said following Right. Hopefully his idea worked well, from what he’d heard Right was one of the boss’s favorites so he hoped his proposed idea worked out. He also got the feeling that Right was a dangerous guy and he’d rather gain brownie points than to cross him.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Paon nodded and lead them to a rather shady part of town. He continued walking to an equally shady bar. The people within watched them suspiciously until he went up to the bartender. "I find it shocking to see you" the bartender chuckled and motioned to a door labeled 'employees only' he pushed the door open to reveal a hallway with another door. He knocked and a slot opened. Paon made a series of clicking noises and the door opened. As he walked through it was clear this part was filled with dragons. Mostly because most were either in full dragon form, half, or some aspect was showing. All of them were taller then Paon. One man with large red wings looked up and grinned. "The blind prince" Paon chuckled as his shirt came off and how own wings unfurled from his back. "The blood dragon" they grinned at each other and he motioned his group to join him. Whispers were heard with either the name 'blind prince' or 'prince of lightning' "We are here for some lunch...spare some veal would ya" The man chuckled and motioned for another who went to the back. The place was a safe haven for dragons. Any dragon against the scientists could get in once they had gotten the password. Dragons are able to defend their own as they can sense whom is a dragon and who is not. They can also sense who is a prince or royal blooded and who is not. Hence how Paon knows he is a prince even though he was abandoned.

Peter raised an eyebrow and nodded. He wondered what idea Charlie could have and debated on whether Charlie would take advantage of his somewhat vulnerable state. "Okay. I trust you." as the words were spoken he made eye contact and held it. Contained in his eyes were the warning. If his trust was betrayed there would be no coming back from it. He took his trust seriously.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

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I sat alone in the bar with a drink in hand. This place was a place I had only recently started to go to. If memory serves me well, the half that makes me dragon had little interest in socializing, even among his own kind. I however saw this as an opportunity to rest my head amidst the headache-inducing chaos of modern times, even a hero needed a break every now and then. Drinking some booze I'd slowly lower the glass as I heard a commotion, fellow dragons calling the newcomer various titles. At first I was confused, until I recognized the scent of royal blood. My eyes narrowed at the center of the bar's attention before I rose to get myself a better view of this 'blind prince', 'blood dragon' or whoever.

My armor would clang and thud metallic tunes with each step, A lumbering large red tail slithering behind me, and a pair of wings folded under a cape. As I came closer, my crimson candle-like eyes staring at the small royal blood under my knightly helmet and face guard. "Lightning Prince eh?" I said as I studied him, arms folded across my plated chest. While one could assume I was either jealous or insulted by this presence, well in fact I was slightly as my pride felt a bit weakened, however more over I truly was curious to who this dragon was and does he deserve the title of 'prince of lightning.', such a stranger could be a great ally, or rivaling adversary all the same.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Willa O'Shea

Willa felt Benji's grip tighten on her hand as they entered the dragon's den and she looked at him and smiled. "I'm so intrigued. I've never seen this many dragons in one place at once. It's exciting isn't it?" She said to him. Willa had always been fascinated with the stories of the dragons and the majesty of such a creature got a little mixed in with modern day dragons. Her happiness showed and the twinkle in her eye proved it. She looked at Jane and watched her reactions too. Willa hoped that the girl was calm around so many dragons.

Willa could barely contain herself she had so any questions. She knew it would be rude to start an interrogation so she kept it to openly staring like a school girl. She could sense something from Benji, was he possibly a little concerned about her interest in dragons? Willa worked their way across the room to an out of the way area near the back of the place. She pulled Benji with her and without letting go of his hand she pulled him into the darkened corner and kissed him solidly. When she came up for air her lips were swollen and her cheeks were blushed and her hair was a little messed up. "I love you." She mumbled into his ear. "Don't ever forget that."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Unknown100
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Jane was surprised over the sudden signs of affection between Willa and Benji. Almost enough to get her mind off the fact that she was standing in the middle of a modern dragon nest. Every source, she knew, said dragons were scavengers, barely getting by. This suggested something entirely different.
What a mess they could make if employed by Edge, Jane thought. Having next to no experience around dragons put Jane slightly on... well, "edge". She couldn’t help, but tighten her body as she walked. Once again, ready for a fight.
Something moved in her back pocket, and it turned out to be her phone.
*LISA* It said on the screen, as the phone continued to vibrate. It had been a while since they spoke. In fact, it had been 48 hours. So much had happened since then; It seemed like an eternity ago.
I can’t. Not now. I’m… I’m doing this for you. Jane formed the words though they never escaped her lips. Pushing “ignore call” had never been harder than it was right now. It was as if the button required an extra effort.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 2 days ago

Benji followed Paon and the others to a rough looking bar in a more run down part of town. They were lead to second part of the bar filled with dragons in various forms. Some of the dragons referred to Paon as “the blind prince,” and a majority of them showed signs of respect to the royal dragon. “I had no idea we were traveling with royalty, your highness.” He said with friendly sarcasm and a grin. Willa expressed her excitement about seeing so many dragons. The dragons were cool but he didn’t want to stare at them like they were a bunch of zoo animals. Most of the stories he’d heard about dragons had them as villains destroying villages and hoarding treasure but those were stories written by non-supernaturals so he didn’t put a lot of stock in them. Most stories about werewolves weren’t exactly flattering either. The way Willa’s eyes lit up as she watched the dragons was endearing, he liked seeing her look happy and after a stressful couple of days it was good to be somewhere where they could feel safe. He doubted that even the scientists would have the man power or be foolish enough to attack an entire den full of dragons.

Benji followed Willa to secluded corner where she kissed him. He let go of her hand and wrapped one arm around her waist to pull her closer and his other hand rested against her cheek with his fingers in her hair. He grinned at her as she broke their kiss and paused to catch his breath. She whispered into his ear and he pulled her closer in an embrace. “How could I forget something like that?” He replied. “I love you.” He added before looking around the bar again and spotting the bar. “You want to get a drink and meet all of Paon’s dragon friends?” He asked noticing the guy in full armor taking to Paon.

Charlie nodded and mixed together the antibiotic cream, hydra blood and a few of the other standard healing ingredients they had in the labs. He applied the mix to the laceration on Right’s wing and bandaged the wound up with materials from the first aid kit. “Alright dude, you should be good in a few if anything feels off let me know but it should be fine. How you feeling?” He asked sure the mixture would work but curious as to how fast the addition of hydra blood would speed up the healing process. “You feel up to getting some CSF from the hippocampi?” Charlie asked, thinking that the cerebral spinal fluid would work as a good buffer in the freezer ray.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Paon looked up at the one with armor...slightly to the left as always, and tilted his head. "Lightning prince yes. That is what I am called. I do not think I have met you before...who are you?" he could smell that this was what was called a fused dragon. One that was with human. It was odd to see one now...and even odder that he was in armor.

As Paon was focused on the one with armor, a man with antlers and claws walked with the veal sanwhichs and handed one to each that was part of Paon's group. This man was clearly a Chinese dragon. The color of the claws showed one of water. The entire place had gotten quiet. All the dragons were watching to see how Paon would react and if a fight would start.

Peter nodded to Charlie and flicked his butterfly like wings. "It tingles...other then that I feel okay. he flicked his wings again as he got used to the feeling of something being on his wings.

He nodded again and tilted his head. "interesting ingredient choice, but I can certainly get that." he went shirtless toward the hippocampus and gestured for Charlie to follow. "this will require speed so I actually need you in there. If you do not feel up to it though, I can attempt to get it without you." the fresher the ingredient when it was contained the better. His idea was to have Charlie hold the container so he could put the fluid into it without pause.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Willa O'Shea

Willa held tightly to Benji's hand concerned at the amount of tension in the room. She wasn't entirely sure what they were waiting for but she was sure that it was about Paon and this other dragon. She looked at Paon and his face seemed slightly more alert and focussed than normal but not what she would call bursting with violence. She looked at Benji and Jane and they seemed concerned. She really didn't know what was proper etiquette in this situation. If she said something to distract them would they just eat her outright or would the fire dragon cook her first. She caught herself smiling at this thought then went back to watching the scene in front of her.

Maren Matthews

Maren was feeling better for the first time in a week. She had been in bed sick. The doctor's note had been sent over to HR so she wasn't too worried about Charlie knowing or not. She was not 100% yet but she was better. Maren walked in and her desk was so full of stuff she had to sort it all out and she had to use table behind her as well. Her headache was still there and she still had a cough but the doc said she wasn't contagious at this point. Maren was certain that he was nuts. She dove into the first of four piles. She looked up happy that she didn't see Charlie. She wondered if he even noticed she had been gone. She took some pills for her headache and got back to work.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 2 days ago

Benji held on to Willa's hand and leanded in closer to her. “Don't worry, dragons aren't know for being stupid, a full dragon fight would draw a lot of attention and I doubt they want that here.” He said calmly into her ear. At most he figured they'd have a bar brawl and when the fight was kept fair, no weapons no powers, well that was basically his idea of fun. A bunch of dragons fighting in full dragon form or using the full force of their powers would be destructive to their bar and call a lot of attention to the other dragons. If he hadn't been recently injured he'd be all for a skin on skin bar fight to blow off some steam but the dull stinging in his side reminded him that it would be a very bad plan right now. He looked at the stranger looking dragon, the one with antlers, who brought sandwiches. He thanked the antlered dragon and accepted the food, though he generally didn't eat veal. He hated the thought of being trapped in a cage and slaughtered and therefor was uncomfortable with his food being treated in the same way. He liked to hunt his own food the natural way, but there was neither time or opportunity for that, plus he didn't want to offend Paon who was being very generous.


Charlie nodded and gave Right a grin. “Of course it feels okay, I'm a genius remember. Anyway I only need a bit of fluid and something that won't be as prone to clotting as blood is, but of course I'm up to it, I wouldn't ask a favor and refuse to help; that'd be a real dick move. Charlie grabbed one of the sterile recepticale containers for the fluid and followed Right to the creatures cage. “Oh, just give me one minute.” He added as they passed by Maren's desk.

“Maren, good to see your feeling better.” He said enthusiastically. He checked quickly threw his pants pockets, then the pockets of his jacket before finding his get well card. “I got you this a couple days ago but then I realized I had no idea where you lived so I've just been waiting for you to come back in.” He said as he handed her the card. He'd gotten a gift card to the company's store which he was authorized to give out to other employees. He would have paid for a real gift but he wasn't good at picking things out for other people and he didn't really know Maren all that well, plus most of his money went towards school and bills so this seemed like the best option. They did create and sell a lot of cool inventions after all. “If you need anything just let me know or feel free to order around the new interns.” He added before heading back to Right, excited to what they needed for his latest project.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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An echoing thud sounded through the front lobby of the facility building. The two bodies that now lay unconscious on the ground could only be those of the supernatural. One was a young frail woman with red and golden feathers covering her shoulders down to her elbows as well as from her hips to her knees. Other than the feathers, the woman naked. The other appeared to be a lot older with wrinkles and gray hair. He was humanoid as well, but his skin was bluish gray. His nails were long enough to be considered claws, but they had just been poorly managed. His nose was the size of a plum and his ears were pointed. Above the two unconscious victims was a single man, or that's what he appeared to be.

This man wore a black three piece suit that had been ravaged and torn thanks to his two guests. His face seemed to shift and heal from burns he had received from today's sun. As he stared down at the to, he touched his own face with his gloved hands. He was making sure his face was all there before taking the elevator down to the cells.

"If only I had more hands." Lex said to the two. He crouched down to the two and grabbed the shifted phoenix by the root of her hair and the old goblin by the collar of his ragged shirt collar. Lex dragged the two into the elevator and let them drop flat once more. He then proceeded to the lower levels of the building. With the time it took for the elevator to descend, Lex scowled down at his torn suit. He was not too happy with what had happened, but hit was price well paid. He had recaptured two escapees and would go back out for others he had left in sorry states. There was an elf out there with broken limbs and a young witch half crucified in the woods. They he'd returned, and he was glad they knew it to be true. As the elevator opened for the respective section for the phoenix, scientist were on the scene in shock and overwhelming happiness.

Lex tilted his head towards the goblin, wanting the scientists to take that creature from his hands. He then pulled out his cellphone and called for Peter, a creature he had grown to favor in the facility of monsters and humans that deserved the title for what they were doing here.

"I just returned with the phoenix. I don't have much time to spare, but I'm willing to meet with you to talk about things down the road."

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