Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Matthew Hyatt

Matt glanced up and he continued what he was doing. "Hey Ethan, don't bump the table. You can hold her hand if you want to. She is mostly not feeling too terribly much pain although I don't have a lot of things that would make her more comfortable. The tissue I am removing was scorched and the tissue died and set up an infection. Sasha and a few of the guys went to the hospital to get more supplies so she has good chance at surviving but she is gonna feel pain in her back for while. All this is provided that there are no complications. If you want to know what happened in detail ask Ingrid or Enzo."

Ingrid was watching and talking to Violet quietly while braiding her hair for her to keep it out of the way and to give herself something to do. Ingrid looked up at Matt. "Thanks Matt, nothing like making me look like an arse!" Matt chuckled. "Ingrid you know we love you but you did this all on your own."

Ingrid looked back at Violet and nodded. "I know, but it was an accident. There is no call to be a jerk about it." "Hey can you tell me what Gracie is doing over there?"

Ingrid peaked around the corner and saw Gracie sucking on her thumb, almost asleep holding the dog's tail as it kept watch on her. "Oh Matt if only I had a camera. She and this dog are gonna be best friends." She smiled at that pair.

@josephb@king tai@haleytherandom@dabombjk@caits
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by josephb
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Ethan, Ingrid, Matt, Nikki, Enzo and Ashton

(Collab with @Wick, @King Tai and @HaleyTheRandom)

Shortly after Enzo and Conroy got back from the medical supply run, Enzo was deeply worried about Violet as he didn't hesitate to rush to see her but Conroy was trying to calm him down first so to no lose his mind.

Enzo definitely didn't want to hear that shit as he was surprisingly aggressive towards Conroy Bro!! don't fucking touch me or stop me right now! Enzo said as Conroy looked back at him as if he was seeings a full 180. No...bro, you're going to act crazy...you're gonna be like how you were when Sis was dyin' Conroy said.

Enzo looked back with rage in his eyes from the mention of their sister and shoved Conroy out of the way and rushed to Violet, not wanting to talk anymore about what happened to their family with his brother. Violet was still living and the most important thing right now. Rushing, he heard: "fuck fuck fuck!", turning the corner to see Ethan near Violet while Matt was working on her. Rushing over, he kinda shoved pass Ethan to check on her Oh god....how is she now!? he said raising his voice.

Matt didn't even look up from his work. "Enzo I'm cutting out the dead flesh because it got infected. You guys went and got the things I needed but I had to start while you were gone. She is a little drunk and so far she is doing well."

Ethan was about to go and hold Violets hand as she was lying on the table, but before he could, Enzo barged past him getting to Violet first. Not expecting to get pushed, Ethan stumbled to the side nearly knocking over a load of equipment. "Well that was clever." Ethan quielty said shaking his head at him. Ethan walked across the room to behind Ingrid rubbing her back to make her feel better, knowing guilt was a horrible burden. He watched Matt cut away bits of Violets skin, oddly fascinated at what he was watching. "Next time you want to play electrician Violet, I'll help you. These lot don't really seem the most qualified." Ethan laughed trying to lighten the mood.

Enzo heard out Matt when he explained what was going on and went to softly touch Violet's hand. He heard Ethan speak and looked over his shoulder Hm?....oh....sorry bout that mon.... he said apologizing about shoving pass him. It was a little hint of jealousy but mostly worry for Violet. Sitting there for a moment, he watched Matt do his work until he could get finished.

Conroy on the other hand, after his brother shoved him and left him, he shook his head and figured that walking around to clear his head should help him to get his mind off of things. It's been crazy since coming here and the lovey dovey stuff was starting to sort of get to him. He felt a little like the 3rd wheel but he figured.....what the fuck...he'll probably will meet his own gal that will probably die before him anyway. He turned to walk down the hallway.

Ashton couldn't take it. The people here were to friendly. Everyone knew each other, and her she was, a loner, an outsider, just coming in and being tossed where she could. Figuratively, of course, as the group was nice, but Ash just felt, well, out of place. She walked into the room where Violet was being operated on. God, why did that woman have to go and play electrician? She sighed, watching Matt work as two men that she hadn't seen before came in, one shoving the other out of the way. She raised a brow at the one who did the actual shoving. Who the hell did he think he was? They were all concerned about Violet, even Ash herself.

Not being able to stand watching as the damaged flesh was pulled from the womans body, Ashton walked out of the room herself, and began down the hall. Not paying attention, she oh-so-naturally bumped into one of the young men she had noticed previously.

Ingrid felt Ethan's hands reassuring and strong. She put her hand on his. "Ethan, I'm so sorry. It was an accident I didn' know she was inside the HVAC unit strippin' it for parts. I wouldna' hurt her like that on purpose." Ingrid wiped the tears that were running down her face.

Matt kicked them all out. "I have to use this machine here to try to replace the skin she lost so only Sasha needs to stay. Enzo you can stay as long as you stay out of the way."

Ethan smiled at Ingrid who was visually distraught about what had happened. He'd never seen her like this before, she was never upset or scared. "Come on let's leave Matt alone, he needs to concentrate." Ethan calmly said, slowly walking to the door holding Ingrid's hand. His mood had completley changed from when he walked in the room, which was remarkable. As he was in the doorway, he gently said, "Violet I'll come and check on you in the morning, see how you're feeling." He then looked at Matt and nodded his head in appreciation. When he walked out the room, he kissed Ingrid on the forhead and told her, "Lets get to bed. I think you need some rest... Just next time, leave that type of work for me..." Ethan laughed trying to get Ingrid to cheer up.

Enzo, for a moment sat there with Violet until Matt spoke about a machine to help replace Violet's skin. As gross as that sounded, he still wanted to be there for her but that was when Matt told everyone to leave except for Enzo as long as he was out of the way to let Matt and Sasha work on his Purp. Enzo nodded, agreeing to be out of the way and staying quiet Alright....if you need me to do anything, I'm down to help. he said moving away from her to let them work.

Conroy was not really in a good mood at the moment regardless of the provisions that's been held in this school. He was still on edge sfrom having to fight day by day in the outside, not sleeping, constantly running, fighting, and hiding. But to be left here in a peaceful place...this was quite and adjustment and he didn't know if he'd be able to take it. That was until he was bumped into by a female and looked up with irritation What the fuck, mon? he said to her. He remembered the girl from before but never officially met her It's you....who the fuck are you? he said not in an aggressive tone but in a casual one.

Ingrid quieted and she asked Ethan, "So do ya hate me now? I know you care about her." She was unusually insecure for some reason. She was tired and she lay on the bed and closed her eyes. "Please, don't let Kyle near Nikki. She caught him cheating on her maybe an hour ago. Right now he is at the top of my "People I would like to kill list."

As Ethan laid on the bed with Ingrid, he smiled listening to her. "Shut up." He jokingly said, "I don't hate you." He lightly pushed her chin up so they were looking into eachother's eyes. "I like you so." Ethan quietly said before he kissed her. "Now get some sleep, I'll go and check on Nikki."

Ethan left the room and casually walked to Nikki's, he opened up the door and leaned on the door frame looking at her. "So... Captain stoner and Captain crazy were getting off with each other..." He looked at her reaction and told her how he found out, "Ingrid just told me." He slowly walked into and sat on the edge of the bed, "You okay? Well I know how you'll be feeling but it's always best to vent."

"Ethan, I know he hit his head and he doesn't remember US, but that doesn't excuse him. We've talked and he knows we are married and I'm pregnant with his baby. He can't say he didn't know. " Nikki's eyes were red from crying and she had her hand on her baby bump. "He seems to like the idea of getting high and pretending he is still in high school. No pun intended there. "

All Ethan could do was laugh at what she said, he didn't even think of the pun until she told him. "Yeah... you've not really found yourself in the easiest of situations. I want to say I know how you feel but I think it's a first." Ethan put his arm around her knowing everyone liked hugs when they were feeling bad. "I've never really been the best with words and what to say... but people always seem to tell me their problems... So if you want to just bitch about them both, I'll listen." Ethan let out a quiet laugh.

Nikki smiled. "I don't want to think about it. I brought tv in from av and I found a couple of comedies. Will you stay and watch one with me?" Nikki hugged him back. The thought of having a baby and it's father not being with her was daunting. She moved over on the bed and piled blankets and pillows so they could sit up and see the tv. "Come on there is plenty of room."

"Budge up then." Ethan casually said to her, he wanted to be curled up with Ingrid but he knew Nikki needed someone more. Ethan jumped on the bed and chucked a pillow behind him getting ready to watch a film. He'd forgotten how much he liked films, Ethan hadn't watched one since before the apocalypse seeing that Dana Point lost electricity pretty quickly. "What we watching first?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Ashton & Conrory

A collab between @HaleyTheRandom and [@KingTai]

Why the hell's he so mad, Ashton thought quietly. It's not like I can actually help my clutz skills are good enough to get me to the Olympics. She mentally sighed. "I'm sorry, really. I should have been watching where I was going." Ashton bit her bottom lip, a signal to herself, allowing her to shut-up with her lame ass apology. "Um, Ashton. That's the name. Ashton Montgomery. As she said this, she extended her hand for him to shake. "Nice to meet you, I guess."

Conroy stared at this girl for a moment while and after she apologized only to give a sigh while averting his eyes. Nah....you ain't gotta apologize for that shit...just uneasy... he said not understanding why he just said that. When she introduced herself, Conroy looked at her hand and the rest of her body, sort of checking her out. Yeah...she's a bit cute, but he was not going to let his mind go there. He went to grab her hand to shake Conroy.....Conroy Augustine...you just joined....didn't you? he asked her.

"Yeah, something like that. Makes me feel kinda like an outsider," she said with a short laugh. She was conciously aware of how Conroy looked at her, but brushed the thought aside. "Please tell me that you have some idea of what the hell is actually going on here, because I'm as lost as yesterday. I mean, Violet literally shoved me in a room and then this pregnant chick started puking and now she's electrocuted. Violet, I mean, not the pregnat girl and... well... I'm rambling again."

Conroy nodded to what Ash was saying. To be honest, Conroy felt like an outsider as well. SInce his brother found someone he likes, Conroy seemed to be nothing more than a guard or extra hand while the lovey dovey shit was happening around him. Nothing wrong with it, he just don't want to be around it 24/7 while in his face.

He retorts to her question. Heh...I knew what you meant. My brother does the same shit. Anyways... since the group just got to this school, we've been on supply runs. One of the ladies found out she's pregnant by someone who lost his memory...from what my bro said to me. Violet was with us on one of our latest runs and this Irish woman did something to electrocute her by accident. Since we've been back, I think my bro and Violet were fuckin and she probably didn't pay attention to her injury. And now...she's getting surgery. he said

And my bad about before....my brotha pissed me off. He's pussy whipped right now...so he's not in his right mind but whatever...he's found someone he likes and I pushed him towards her and I hope she'll be fine too. But that's what I got so far. he said

"Well," she responded, "At least I'm not the only blubbering idiot around here." She stood there, arms crossed as she shifted her weight to one foot, listening to what Conroy was saying. When he said that his brother was pussy whipped, she couldn't help but let out a short laugh. "That sounds like a pretty solid explanation to me.

She stood there for a moment, thinking, an awkward silence passing between them. "You know, I didn't really get to go on the last supply run. I was thinking of flying solo to get a few things for my self, but if you don't mind, I could use some back up.

A slight smirk came across Conroy's face from what Ash said and he could agree with her. He looked at her when she let out a short laugh about what he said about his brother. In his mind, he felt that this woman here....he could probably get along with her since she sorta "gets him".

Standing there in awkward silence, Conroy nearly said something before Ash spoke up about not joining the last supply run they were on. Was this girl crazy wanting to go solo? He couldn't judge because he' do the same. But the moment she mentioned that she could use some back up, Conroy raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, thinking for a moment Well, shit....I might need something else for myself too while I'm at it. My bro found some shit that he can mostly wear so...I say what the fuck...let's do it. he said.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Sasha figured out how to set the machine up, and she carefully cultivated a little bit of skin, placing it in the machine, she was relieved to see that it worked well, beginning to work, as far as Sasha knew it mixed artifical skin with Violets, adapting it to ensure the least chance of rejection. As she machine worked, Sasha checked Violet over, checking what vital signs she could, pulse, respiration rate, checking how her eyes reacted to light, and testing to see if Violet still had a fever, grabbing a wet cloth and washing Violets face, her hands, what skin she could that wouldn't affect the burns, being as careful as possible.

"Enzo? Would you mind, just do what I've been doing, it will help keep her skin cool, and it probably feels good, that clean feeling" She said, simply to give Enzo something to do, and let him be apart of the treatment, there realy wasn't much she could do at the moment, and he wouldn't be in the way. Often during her work, she'd experienced that people felt better simply helping, and she wanted Enzo not to feel useless. "Just mind the burns, okay?" She said, rising and holding out the cloth to Enzo,

She checked the drip, making sure it was running well, and once more checked Violets Vitals.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 8 days ago



Without Enzo's knowledge, his brother Conroy was about to get into something of his own with a new acquaintance. But that was another issue. Enzo continued to watch on while standing at the wall occasionally pacing back and forth like a cage lion, being that he was staying out of the way but still worried to death. Other times, he was sitting and rocking himself a little not knowing if this procedure was having a good or bad effect on her.

The worry eating away at him, thinking the worse case scenario, the guilt hitting him hard. If only he would've-. his train of thought was interrupted once Sasha called for him to do what Sasha was doing, keeping her skin cool. Seemed simple enough but also helpful to make him feel like he's doing something to make the matter better Uh...y-yeah...s-sure... he said standing and walking over to grab the wet cloth that Sasha had and slowly walked over to Violet, gently pressing down on her skin Mind the burns...yeah I can do that. he said softly while gently rubbing the skin that was not effected by the burns. You're goin' to be alright, love. seemingly being comforted by doing something useful.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Day 134 5pm

collab @caits

Matt watched as Sasha worked on Violet's skin repairs and he cranked up the antibiotics. "I need to go check on Nikki. You were gone when it happened. She caught Kyle and that Jacklyn chick going at it in the teacher's lounge." He told her.

Sasha frowned, the situation seemed a little...well, crazy. She sighed, "That's messy, what's going to happen?" She asked. She didnt have much more to do other then check the machine was working, and doing its job, which was quite easy, once you got it started. "Well, everything seems okay here, at least"

Matt leaned over and kissed her neck softly. "I'll be back soon. I'm gonna go kick the shit out of him and kick them both to the curb." Matt went down 2 rooms and opened Nikki's door and found her barely awake watching a movie with Ethan. "Nikki I'm going to have a talk with Kyle, when I get done I'll be kicking him out of the school, her too. Make sure all of his shit it in the hall." Nikki got up and hugged Matt. "I don't want him kicked out, just her. What if he remembers everything tomorrow and what if we can fix it?" He sighed and hugged her back and left the room. "Fine, but I'm still gonna punch him." Nikki smirked. "I know."

Matt went up to the teacher's lounge and when he walked in they were still high and Kyle was still messing with Jacklyn who was teasing and playing more than saying no. Matt walked over to Kyle and decked him hard enough to break his jaw. Kyle was so high he didn't really seem to have much of a reaction. He wasn't as quite all there as he would have been had he not been so stoned. Matt picked him up and looked at Jacklyn.

"Get your shit. You are leaving and you will not be allowed back in you little tramp." Matt Tossed Kyle over his shoulder and carried him downstairs. He picked up Kyle's bags in the hallway as he walked passed them he put Kyle and his things into another room.

He went back up looking for Jacklyn.

Jacklyn just laughed, not afraid in the least despite the fact that Matt was larger, stronger and more skilled. She chuckled, watching Matt carry Kyle out, she slipped away, grabbing her things, she didn't go out the front, deciding instead to merely slip away unseen. Let them wonder if she was still in the building or not for a time. Jacklyn had got what she wanted, disharmony in the group, she could now turn her sights on, perhaps, killing them. She'd have to do it in a way that they wouldn't know. Amused, Jacklyn Slipped out, deciding she didn't want to risk being punched again, she dropped the pills she hadnt taken on the ground, where someone was sure to find them. Let them know that she had orchestrated this whole thing.

Matt got on the walkie and asked if anyone had seen Jacklyn leave the building. Darius said she left. Matt nodded and said, "Jacklyn is not allowed back in this school." "Ok boss" Darius and several of the others replied.

He went back to see Nikki. "She's gone. He is on the other hallway. I hit him pretty good so he is out cold. I checked and his jaw is gonna hurt like hell but I didn't break it." He hated the look on her face. She looked so helpless and vulnerable. She sunk deeper into her covers and she lay her head closer to Ethan's as they watched tv. Matt returned to Sasha and kissed her neck as he came back. "How's she doing?"

"she seems to be doing okay" Sasha said, glancing over to Violet, "it will be a long few weeks until they heal. But I think if she was going to crash it would have happened. She seems stable" or so Sasha hoped. It was so much harder to tell without the technology to back you up, but Sasha thought She was right. "Was it bad?" She didn't see how Kyle could ever come back to the group. She didn't much care about Jacklyn, but with Kyle's amnesia the world was a dangerous place.

Matt shrugged. "He was so stoned that when I decked him even though I hit him good enough to do serious damage to his face he was out cold. He didn't put up a fight or anything. I put him and his stuff on the other hallway in the first room." He saw Enzo sitting with Violet as Sasha ran the machine. As Sasha finished up he grabbed Grace and they headed back to their room. He put Grace into her bed and he crawled into his and Sasha's and waited for her.

Sasha watched the dog trot in like it owned the place, making itself comfortable, she shook her head "he still needs a name. Lucky seems a bit to obvious and on the nose" she said, as she climbed into the bed, more then a little relieved to be doing so.

@dabombjk@king tai@josephb
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CleverFox
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CleverFox CleverFox

Member Seen 26 days ago


Krystan opened her eyes groaning wiping her eye before looking at a furry head that was laying on her chest. The woman chuckles raising a hand and petting her bestfriend."Raph, we have to get up." She says softly. The dog lets out a yawn before raising it head getting up as Krystan sat up.
The two survivors had hunkered down in a house a few hours ago to get some much needed sleep. Of course Krystan had a hard time getting any real sleep but it was enough to get her through the day. Krystan got up walking over the where she could see outside and saw that it was still dark outside. Movement caught the womans attention she watched a shadow stagger out from behind a car. When a walker came into view she internally groaned and went to get her weapons. She looks back out and saw that the one walker turned into Five.
Raphael began to growl lowly but was silenced by Krystan who muttered a command but he remained stiff ready to launch. Krystan came over to the German Shepherd and began to pet him making him look at her. She kissed his head and stood getting her baseball bat out and shouldering her backpack the two made their way out the back. Coming out into the back yard the two made their way through to the back gate leading to the road behind it.
Krystan picks up Raphael and lets him over the gate before jumping over herself. They run down the road hoping to avoid the horde of walkers that was forming. After running for what felt like a mile and two walker killings later the two arrived at a town. Krystan looks at Raphael to see if he had changed or sensed anything. As far as she saw he was alert like he was watching for trouble. She sighs and makes her way into the town Raphael stalking behind her.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Day 135 10am
Nikki Hyatt

Nikki was watching the door for Darius so he could have a break. She saw a blond haired woman coming towards the school and she entered the gate and shut it behind her and she had a dog with her. Nikki smiled and held her hand up as she opened the door. "Hey! Come on in." Nikki bent down and petted the dog after letting him get her scent. "What a good boy!" Nikki stood up and shook her hand. "I'm Nikki Hyatt, the school is our safe haven." Nikki turned around and looked at George and waved him over. "I need to show her around can you get the door for me George?" He nodded and Nikki walked away with the girl anxious to meet and talk with her. "So where are you from and where have you been since day 0?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by josephb
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Ethan, Ingrid and Nikki

(Collab with @Wick)

As Ethan laid in bed watching films with Nikki, it didn't really take long for her to fall asleep. After a while he decided to tuck Nikki in and let her get a good nights sleep on her own. He switched the tv off and quietly shut the door not wanting to wake her. Within a few minutes Ethan had gotten into bed with Ingrid who was sleeping and cuddled up to her, kissing her neck, he closed his eyes trying to get a good nights sleep.

Ingrid woke up to find Ethan laying partially on top of her. His leg was pinning her to the bed so she couldn't leave without him knowing. As she moved a little his arm reached out and pulled her back. She chuckled at him. She leaned down and whispered into his ear. "Hey handsome I need ta go check on Violet an Nikki unless you want me ta love on ya first." She said smiling.

Ethan playfully kept hold of her pulling her closely. Tiredly groaning he replied with, "Too tired... Need sleep..." Ethan started messing around quickly kissing her neck and her cheeks. "Lets stay here forever. That's the better option." With an over the top stretch and a massive yawn he carried on talking. "I command it, you can't leave." He rolled on top of her and kissed her on the lips, smiling.

Ingrid looked at him and laughed when he protested getting up. When he determined they should stay there forever it made her smile bigger and when she was commanded she grinned and started to argue that he couldn't tell her what to do up until he squished her by rolling on top of her. Her argument turned into laughter and then kissing. She ran her hand through his hair and hugged him to her "I'd love nothin' better than bein' with you forever." Ingrid stretched out and grabbed his backside and chuckled.

Ethan smiled at her answer as he looked her in the eyes. "Good, then that's what we'll do." He started to kiss her abit more passionately. Ethan stopped kissing her for a second, "So..." He looked at her with a cheeky grin on his face. "You mentioined something about a bit of loving." He lightly bit his bottom lip then took off his top and chucked the covers over them.

Ingrid's eyes lit up. She was already nude uner the blankets and when he jumped underneath the covers he would quickly find that out. She smiled and pulled him to her whil she undid his pants and started yanking on them. In just a few seconds his pants landed on the ground as Ingrids laughter turned to passion in his arms.

A couple of hours later

Nikki had left the new girl in her room. Nikki was still thinking about the day before and Kyle's infidelity. She got up and decided to look in on Violet. She saw Enzo asleep and holding her hand and she smiled. Nikki took Violet's pulse and her blood pressure. Then she went to change the dressing on the wound. It looked better than she expected. She gave a sigh of relief and a silent thanks. Nikki was finishing up when she saw Matt come out of his room.

"How's our patient doing?" Nikki laughed a little. "She is doing great I think. Blood pressure and pulse are good. She has color in her cheeks and a boyfriend sleeping with his head next to hers. I'd say she is doing well. The wound looks good too. It looks like the infection is little to none."

[color=a2d39c"That sounds great!" [/color]Ingrid said. Nikki looked up to see her and Ethan coming over. Matt nodded. "Yes it is"

"See, I told you that Matt would heal her." Ethan told Ingrid with a smile, trying to make her feel a bit better. Ethan knew that she'd felt guilty for what had happened to Vioet, even though it was an accident. "But I think it's best letting her rest for now, Sasha can keep checking up on her to change her bandages and she's got the new lad looking after her if she needs anything." Ethan took a minute to think, changing the subject he continued to talk, "Is there anymore buildings that need clearing or did you get the major ones yesterday?"

"We only started yesterday there is a lot more yet to do. We need to stock up before winter hits." Nikki responded.

"Yeah stocking up sounds like a good idea, I have zero idea how to hunt or how to grow crops." Ethan replied to Nikki. He started to come up with some ideas. He'd only ever been on one supply run with the group from Dana Point, seeing that people were growing food, they didn't need to go on them, "I'm guessing there's a supermarket or just a food shop around here. That seems like the best place to start unless you checked there yesterday, I have no clue where everyone checked, I was a little preoccupied."

Nikki nodded, "we can take one of the cars and go over to the store and see what is left." She grabbed the keys to the car with the biggest trunk and she grabbed her coat and sword. She tossed a crowbar to Ingrid. "What weapon do ya want Ethan?"

Nikki left the room to get the others together while Ethan picked out a weapon.

Ethan walked back to where Nikki was with his hatchet hanging from his waist and a bat in his right hand that was leaning on his shoulder. "I can drive if you want and I'm good for weapons... I've never really had much practise with a gun so that'd be just a waste of bullets. Besides I've got a pretty good swing." Ethan laughed as he lightly slapped his bat into the palm of his left hand. "You sure you want to come?"

"Of course! You aren't scaring me off that easy. Besides, I could do with some ass kicking. It might be the only thing keeping Kyle alive at the moment." She tossed him the keys and shoved a piece of stale bread into her mouth. "I swear this baby hates food."

Ethan shuck his head laughing catching the keys. "Well let's just hope there's a load of bland food that's not gone off." Ethan joked to Nikki. He wrapped his left hand around ingrid and kissed her on the cheek. "Let's get going then."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Violet and Enzo

@king tai

Violet was waking up, she was thirsty and her head and back hurt and her nerves felt like they were disconnected somehow and yet on fire. "Ohh what the hell happened to my back?" She winced as she tried to move. She looked up. "Enzo, what happened? Enzo? Wake up." She croaked. Her throat was so dry she could barely speak.

Enzo was so tired. The worry left him exhausted but it was worth it. He needed to make sure his, love was okay by being with her throughout the treatment. He was still knocked out but when she called for him, he slightly opened his eyes and noticed moment, looking up and over to the awake Violet who looked confused. Babe!! he said jumping up ready to hug her but stopped mid way not wanting to hurt her. He wasn't sure how healed she was but he was happy to see her away. "How are you feeling, Love?" he asked.

Violet winced and smiled slightly "I feel like I got hit by lightning and then set on fire pretty much." She noticed that her hair was braided and she was laying on a table and that she was laying on a blanket topless but covered at the sides. When she raised up she would be totally exposed to anyone in the area."Can you get me a t shirt and a pair of scissors?"

With a slight smile, Enzo nodded a little "From what happened to you, that was close enough. You went through treatment. You had an infection and you needed it clean and treated and needed your skin replaced basically" he said. Watching her, remembering she was topless, he stood to get what she needed "Yeah...anything you need Purp...and..your throat sounds a bit dry. Need water too?" he asked walking over to get a shirt and looked around for the scissors, finally finding them and brought them over to her. he turned "Do we have bottled water?" he asked himself "I think we do..." he said.

Violet put the t shirt on the table nearest to her that she could pull towards herself just a little bit. She took the scissors and cut what would be a large amount of the back out and she cut the bottom into a long tie out. Looking around to make sure no one else was in sight she sat up and slowly and carefully slid it over her head. "Can you tie it for me? It should tie at the bottom away from the wound. Here are the scissors in case you need to trim it more." She pulled her braid forward so it would not be in the wound or in the way.

Enzo remembered a bottled water in his backpack, grabbing it while Violet was trying to fix her shirt. Walking over to deliver the drink, he looked down at the shirt she altered and nodded to help her by tying to back up. After tying it, he looked over It's not too tight on you or anything is it? he asked her.

Violet shook her head slowly, "No, it's ok. Does it look too bad? I figured the neck of the shirt helps keep the integrity and shape of the shirt so that with any luck it will still look ok. Can you help me up? I need to go to the ladies room."

Okay. Just making sure you were okay with it. And it looks fine to me. But you see....only women could pull that off. If I was to do something like that, the guys would probably kick me out of the group then I'd look like a cross dressing freak that should've been overtaken by walkers and then blow my brains out as my killer pisses all over my grave. I mean, you ladies can turn shit into sugar....I tell ya.. he said realizing he was rambling on, at first not hearing that she needed him to help her to go to the ladies room.

Oh...um...sure. I gotcha, love.....wait you don't need me to go in with you to help you wipe anything right? he asked helping her up off the table carefully

Violet slid slowly off of the table allowing her weight to ease down his body as he held onto her arms so he wouldn't touch her back. She blushed. "No! I just need to get to the ladies room. If you go in there with me I won't be able to go let alone anything else. My goodness, this hurts." Violet was surprised to find out that back muscles played a part in almost every movement in your upper body. She was breathing hard."You stay out here. Unless I yell for you."

Okay okay, Love, just askin... he said sticking with her to help her just in case she needed it. He tried bracing her the best he could so to not cause anymore pain. Yell for me? alright...but warning, I once had a sister so seeing you...in the bathroom will not be my first time seeing a woman in there... he said as if that was suppose to be comforting.

"I know I'll be slow but I'll be okay." It took Violet more than a half an hour on her own and she had turned ghost white. She almost passed out and Enzo had to catch her when she came out. The next thing she remembered after seeing his face was waking up on her side on a bed. There were pillows propped up around her to keep her from rolling onto her back. She smiled at him. "Thank you for taking care of me."

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CleverFox
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CleverFox CleverFox

Member Seen 26 days ago


Krystan had settled in when she peeked her head out from the room stepping out she lets Raphael out him sniffing around. The woman touched her knife for reassurance looking around. A growl came from her making both new members of the group look at her stomach. Krystan laughs when Raphael whimpers."Hungry too Raph? Lets see if we can find a kitchen." She say walking towards where she heard the most noise.
Stepping out of the hallway of her room Krystan walks into the kitchen and looks around with a curious look on her face. She hasn't been in a place not filled with walkers since the beginning.

"Feels nice to have a decent place to stay doesn't it Raph?" Krystan says to her dog who barks wagging his dirty tail." Yeah and we get bath's too. First let's get breakfast then ask Nikki where we can go and clean up alright?"

Krystan walks towards the Cafeteria before hesitating to step in. She was never really good with new people especially after shit hit the fan. Krystan sighs before going in and looking around at the people lingering around she rushed over to where the kitchen was to avoid the stares.

"Hello?" She says." Is there anyone in here? Please be in here." Krystan says the last part more to herself than anyone.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Day 135 10am
Matthew Hyatt

Matt nearly ran into Krystan and skirted around her and the dog at the last second. "Oh Sorry about that. I was distracted by my little monkey here." Grace giggled and was saying her newest favorite word. "fuck fuck fuck" Exasperated Matt looked at his little girl and gave her a mean look for all of three seconds before turning and trying not to laugh. "Grace, that is enough!" He turned the baby away from him so she wouldn't see him laughing.

Grace continued and Matt ignored her. "You look hungry. It's not quite time for lunch but the ladies have some sandwiches they are finishing up. Go ahead and eat you both look starved." he managed to free a hand and offered it to her. "I'm Matt, this is Grace and she has a potty mouth thanks to a few around here but we are trying to get her to knock it off." He smiled, shook her hand and took his fussing baby out while tickling her. All that could be heard was Grace's laughter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


@Wick@King Tai

Sasha had started to organise the infirmary, finding boxes, she took what supplies they had, so that she wouldn't disturb Violet, and taken everything into her and Matts room, she began to organise them, bandages in one box, IV bags in another, and what meds they had into a third, so that if they needed to make a quick get-a-way, the boxes could quickly be shoved into one and carried away. She wasn't going to lose such valuable supplies a second time. Sasha was starting to do practical stuff like that, and would, later on in the day, do the same with some food supplies-the stuff that wouldn't spoil such as tinned food. On the next supply run she went with, she was going to find clothes, and do the same with them. So that if they had to, all they needed to do was grab the boxes, and they wouldn't be without supplies. And perhaps she could do the same with stuff for Grace. And the dog.

She had been thinking on a name for the dog for a while, andd had come up with the name "Galahad". it seemed a rather knightly name, and she thought it fit the dog. He seemed to like it at least, although she was sure he was trailing after Grace.

Rising once she was done, Sasha picked up one of the bboxes, and moved it back into the infirmary, seeing that Violet was gone, she wasn't that worried, given that Enzo appeared to have gone with her, she quickly moved the other two boxes in, setting them up so they'd be easy to grab, but not in the way of treatment, she grabbed a few things, and went in search of Enzo and violet. When she found them, she cleared her throat so they'd know she was there. "Hey. I just want to check out your back, Violet. Make sure its all okay, and give you some anti-biotics. How's the pain?" She asked
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Violet Braddock

Violet tried not to move quickly. "It's atrociously painful...but I think I'll make it." She smiled slightly obviously in a lot of pain. Nikki did my bandages just a little bit ago but I definitely need the antibiotics. Violet let Enzo help her back to the medical room. When Sasha gave her the pills she took them gladly. "Thank you Sasha I appreciate all you and Matt have been doing to help me. I'd like to sleep in my bed...on my stomach of course. I just need to be more comfortable so I can sleep better." Sasha didn't try to stop her so she had Enzo take her back to her room.

It was only a few short minutes after getting into her room that she climbed slowly into her bed moved her pillow over and laid on her stomach. Violet reached out for Enzo's hand after making sure her hair wasn't on her back. "Stay with me? Please? At least til I fall asleep?"

@Caits@king tai

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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(210 DAYS)





@WildRose@caits@josephb@dabombjk@king tai@haleytherandom
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Day 345 time: 9:00 AM

Kyle Hishamie

Current time, Kyle was standing in front of the school catching his breath. He was just coming back from a slight run slash supply run.

Update, His mind was pretty much still the same save a few memories. During the first month, he was convinced after Matt clocked him, a few essential memories started to float back. Such as, he wasnt 18 anymore. His muscle memories started kicking in and all his years of combat and experience started flowing back. He started to remember his love for crafting and inventing, and he picked up his habit for making bombs, both walker killing bombs and prank bombs. But the problem was, he still didnt remember Nikki. He knew he was married, and now that he wasnt still the same guy as when he was thinking he was 18 he wasnt going to try hooking up again. But still, he just didnt remember. He didnt remember getting married, falling in love, or impregnating her. He knew that she was due any day and she was pressuring him in her own way to remember already. He could tell she wanted him again, and wnated him to be the father of her their child even if she never came right out and say it. How could she? He hurt her pretty bad months ago.

Kyle had started going out in the mornings without telling anyone like he used to when he found out Nikki was pregnant for the first time at the previous school. When he would do this, he would explore abandoned stores and gyms, trying to jog his memory. But it never worked. He would bring back supplies when he could, and sneak them inside Nikki's room. He would sneak extra food that she could choke down, or some extra clothing apparel or blankets, or any little thing. Like previously stated he wanted to remember, but the whole marriage and becoming a father thing was a big deal, and he didnt want to fake through it Nikki deserved better than that.

Current, Kyle had a small tan back pack on his back filled with a few snack items and a small stuffed monkey doll. Kyle gave a two finger salute to the guard at the front and walked inside the school quietly and sneakily. He snuck over to Nikki's room, and placed the monkey next to her bed on the nightstand. Then he walked back over to his room, dropped his bag at the foot of his bed, then undressed himself down to his boxers. He examined himself in front of his body length mirror. He saw the scars on his body, and traced his fingers over what looking like bullet wounds and knife scars.

@wick@wildrose@caits@josephb@king tai@haleytherandom
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Baby


Nikki woke up and she noticed the new little monkey and smiled. She knew he was trying and it made her feel better. As it was she was feeling as big as a cow. Although she looked big but not as big as she thought she was. She picked the monkey up and looked at it. She had the guys letting her know when he left and came back. In the beginning she had been upset thinking that he was sneaking out to go see Jacklyn. When he was bringing stuff back she realized he was scavenging and that made her smile. Whether he knew it or not the old Kyle was slowly returning.

She got up and waddled down the hall in sweat pants and a t shirt. She wanted to find Kyle. She had made a decision she wanted to tell him about.

Kyle looked over his body, trying to remember each wound and how he specifically got each one. But he failed. Kyle grew slightly upset and nearly punched the mirror in anger. But he held his fist just inches away from the mirror. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Not worth a fist full of glass."

Kyle walked over and put his clothes on his bed. He slowly started getting dressed, making a mental list of what he was planning on doing today. He did not have much on his plate, considering that he was basically given the same schedule every day. Kyle spent every day trying to remember, and to get his skills back up to their high level. He would take off and spend hours doing target practice, or spend the rest of the day crafting away. Kyle stood up and put on his pants.

Nikki knocked on the door and opened it. She smiled. "Don't get dressed on my account." She said grinning at seeing him like that. She walked in and closed the door. "I wanted to talk to you about something." She waddled to the bed and sat down a minute.

"I feel like a cross between a duck and a cow." She put her hand on her extremely large stomach. "God help me there had better not be any complications with this birth." That had been on her mind a lot lately. They couldn't do a c section without killing her. If the baby were to have problems they couldn't get to it without one. She was very nervous about the size of this baby. Matt kept reassuring her that all was as it should be but that didn't do anything to make her feel better.

"Umm, I was thinking that you might want to move back into our room and I think I'm ready for you to....if you want to."

Kyle had stood up and leaned against the nearby wall when Nikki sat on the bed. It wasnt as if he was repulsed or scared of her, but he felt slightly akward. This happened everytime they had an interaction the last two months. After hearing what Nikki had to say he crossed his arms and ran his fingers through his hair again.

"I....I would like that. I do not want to stress you out or hurt you more, but I still dont...I dont remember much of anyone really. Everything that has come back has been something skill related. And some minor details that have led up to this point. Which reminds me did I.....was there someone I hit with a stink bomb? I think...at another school?"

Kyle scratched his chin.

"What I am saying is, yea moving in together sounds great just please dont be hurt that I....I mean I dont want to fake something that has such a deep menaing, to you and apparently to me at one point. Im not saying I wont ever feel that way again, just....God this is hard to explain."

Kyle sighed and sat next to her on the bed.

"Im saying I am still not in love with you....but I would like to have the chance to fall for you all over again."

Nikki knew that he didn't remember her and that hurt but she was willing to give it a shot. She looked at him and nodded. "I Know. I want that too.I saw you looking at your back in the mirror. Have you remembered what the scars are from yet? Come here, I can tell you. I used to ask you about them and you would tell me the stories." When he sat next to her she put her hands on one of the scars and she told him where he got it. She continued to do this with each scar. She was hoping her touch and reminding him of his past would help jog his memory or at least it would make him feel better right now.

Nikki found that touching him was making her want him too and she leaned over and hugged him tightly. "I can't tell you how much I've missed you. I know your memories will come back eventually but that doesn't stop me from loving you right now."

Kyle wrapped his arm around Nikki and hugged her back. "I know. I hope you know that I am sorry about being the cause of your pain right now, in your condition."

Kyle looked down, and touched her belly with his other hand.

"How is it going by the way? The baby I mean. Anything unusual or different about this pregnancy?"

Nikki was so happy that he was taking an interest in the baby. "I'm glad that we got pregnant. I know it was rough in the beginning but I'm glad that we have been able to get passed the problems." She put her hand on top of his.

"I have nothing to compare this pregnancy to. So far as I know everything is ok but I'm really scared. If anything goes wrong and I need a c-section. We don't have the supplies for that here and I would die. If at some point it comes down to choosing the baby or me....choose the baby." She couldn't help the tears they just came out on their own. She wiped them away quickly. "I could really do without the crying thing though." She chuckled.

Kyle gripped Nikki's hand, and had to stop himself from squeezing it. "Dont talk like that. Nothing bad like that will happen, so dont tell me something like that. To be honest though, I could never make a decision like that. Matt would sooner kill me than to trust me with something like that. And besides your the leader here, we couldnt keep the group together without you."

Kyle cupped one of Nikki's cheeks with his hand. "You need to be strong. For yourself, and everyone who depends on you."

"I know. It's been hard to do though. You've been my inspiration, my muse if you want to call it that. You make me laugh, make me fight harder, and you make me want our future together." Nikki looked into his eyes. "You make me want you. I don't want you to say anything until you mean it but I love you and I always will." Nikki leaned in and kissed him on the lips gently.

Kyle was suprised when Nikki kissed him, and for a moment he almost pulled away. But he didnt. He kissed Nikki back, then broke the kiss off. He hugged Nikki, then looked around. "Well if I am gonna move back in I should start now. You go on ahead and rest back in your....our bed."

Nikki looked up at him and nodded. She pushed herself up off of the bed and waddled to the door. Once in the hall she got halfway to their room and suddenly her pants were wet. Nikki gasped as the first contraction hit and it was a lot harder than she expected it to be. Oh no, I'm not ready yet! Her mind screamed. Nikki leaned against the wall and screamed "KYLE!"

Kyle ran out immediatley. He found Nikki, and while he was trying wrap her arm around his shoulder, he pulled out his walkie talkie. "Matt! Nikki is going into labour! What the fuck do I do?"

Kyle looked at Nikki.

"Nikki, cmon it oks. Just deep breaths."

Matt came across the walkie. "Get her to medical." Nikki was so surprised tht for a moment she fought the pain but then she accepted it and remembered Lamaze breathing from taking one of her friends before the SHTF. She concentrated on the baby and made sure to breathe. "Kyle, I'm not ready for this yet." Another contraction made her cry out. This baby was coming today.

Kyle took Nikki as fast as they could move over to the medical room of the school. There he found Matt waiting on them. Kyle helped Nikki up and got her on the bed. He looked at Matt.

"Ok so what now?"

"Now we time contractions and see how dilated she is."" Matt looked at Nikki. "Hey Sasha do you want to come deliver a baby? I somehow don't think my sister wants me to see her who-ha unless I have no choice." Nikki started laughing until the pain got worse. Sasha had been doing her exams for that reason.

Sasha quickly washed her hands, and came over, she quickly examined Nikki, saying, "It will be okay, Nikki. Modern technology's only helped the last century or so, and really, its all you" Although she would have given just about anything for a fetal monitor, she wanted to sound confident. "Well, you're moving quickly at least, eight cm"

Nikki pulled Kyle's hand. "Please don't look down there. I don't want that to be the last memory of my if this goes bad." Nikki heard her brother's laughter and she grabbed his hand. "Oh good then it will be your hand I break!"

Nikki focused and as the contractions came faster she needed help with her back pain and so Matt sat her up and she sat forward so he could rub her back. It didn't take long until Nikki was grabbing Matt's hand really tight and he was gritting his teeth. There was a point where he switched his hands and shook the one out. "Damn I wish your hands weren't so strong." He muttered.

Nikki was also holding onto Kyle's hand and NOT squeezing his. She was very focussed but she just wanted Kyle to comfort her.

Kyle agreed with Matt, he did not want to chance looking at her down under region. He held Nikki's hand, surprised to not feel the over encumbering grip of an in labor woman destroying his primary hand. He held her hand anyways, and gently stroked her head, unsure of what to do. If he made a joke, would he get kicked out of the room? While he wanted to be anywhere but here, being here was what felt.....well ok not right but he got it daddy was suppose to be here when baby was born. He realized, he had no idea the gender of the baby. This was when his mind started to race, asking himself all sorts of questions about what could go wrong. He had a sharp pain in his hand and he held his head with his free hand.

Matt looked at Sasha and he glanced at the progress. "Nikki stop pushing a minute." He said washing his hands quickly. Sasha slid over and Matt checked and determined that it was the cord coming out first, it was wrapped around the baby's upper body. "This is going to be uncomfortable." Matt had to slide the baby into a position he could get the cord away from it's neck. Nikki winced and she gripped the side of the bed she was on. After adjusting the baby he looked at Nikki and nodded "Okay push hard" Nikki pushed really hard and the baby slid out as his mother shrieked.

Sasha slipped in quickly, cutting the cord, she gently wrapped the baby in a clean towel, picking him up, she cleaned him as well as it was possible to do, checking him over as she did so, everything seemed normal. She did this quickly, efficently, so she could pass Nikki the baby as soon as possible.

Kyle looked at the baby and smiled. Slightly had to keep himself from throwing up, but smiled none the less. He quickly scooped the baby out of Sasha's hands and held him. He looked at Nikki and showed him to her. "Its a boy. What should we call him?"

Nikki smiled at the two of them wishing deperately for a polaroid camera. She was so tired though. "I like Joshua, we could call him Josh. What about you? Do you have anything in mind?" Nikki sat herself up better and got ready to recieve the baby from Kyle. When he slid the baby into her arms she kissed him on the cheek and stared at the baby. "Wow, look what we did Kyle. Isn't he amazing?"

"No Josh is terrific."

Kyle looked at Josh, and was overwhelmed with emotions. As he tried to process everything all at once, a sort of figuritive clicking was set into motion in his head. Gears turned, steam shot out, the whole nine yards. After a few moments Kyle leaned in and kissed Nikki.

"Yea we did a pretty great job."

Kyle still didnt remember everything, and at this point he reconciled with the fact he might never. But he did remember one thing. He loved Nikki. He loved his son. He wanted this more than anything.

@wildrose@josephb@king tai@haleytherandom
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Sasha spent the next few hours, as she normally did, checking the herb garden, watering it and running a hand along her stomach, which felt weird. But she knew that could be left over adrenaline from helping delivery Josh. As she turned to go, a sudden thought struck her, and Sasha's eyes widened. Was it possible? C-could she be?

She was sure she paled considerably, as she stood there, thunderstruck. She lay a hand on her stomach, wondering. She shifted slightly, and licked suddenly dry lips. She tried to figure out if it was possible, and closed her eyes. Probably. Oh hell, definitely. It wasn't like they could practice safe sex. Contraception was scare, and wasn't high on the list of things for survival these days. And it was easy to loose track of days. She stood there for a few moments, unsure if she was too shocked to move. She knew at the most, if she was, she was probably only a couple of weeks. Delusional to think she might feel something, but....

She started back inside, to their room, a little later then she normally returned from tending the herb garden, by passing for the moment Nikki-she'd wanted to check up on the small family, but that could wait. She'd wanted to spend a few hours just...doing nothing with Matt, and Gracie. The girl needed almost constant watching these days, cheeky little thing would get herself into trouble if not watched. As she entered the room, Galahad now close to fully grown, happily pounced on her. She ended up on her ass as she so often did when the dog tried to lick her face. After a brief pet she pushed the dog away, shifting slightly to avoid being pawed in the stomach.

Maybe she was being foolish. Maybe she wasn't. She was dirty, sweaty from the gardening, she hadn't showered or eaten, and she was flittering between various emotions. Happy. Scared. Worried. Joyful. A little sad. Back to scared. Worried. Happy. Suddenly overwhelmed, Sasha was sure that if she didn't get up, she'd probably start crying. And she definitely didn't want that. Keeping a hand on Galahad to keep him down, she rose, and glanced about the room. "Matt?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Matthew Hyatt

Matt walked in right behind her. "There's my baby." He said helping her get up and smiling as he put his arms around her waist and kissed her softly. "Grace is asleep for the moment. Nobody is hollering for me and there is no one in medical. What do you want to do? We can fool around or watch a movie or go up on the roof if we get someone to keep an eye on the little booger and her best buddy."

Matt kissed her deeply and when he pulled back he said, "I love you and I think you need to take this. It's been a while since you told me you were on your monthly cycle. I think you should check. I'm going to be okay with either result so don't worry about that. I'm in for the long haul." Matt handed her a pregnancy test.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago



Sasha decided that there was nothing quite so perfect as Matt hold her, kissed her, and then preceded to essentially figure out just why she'd come searching for him. Swallowing, she didn't ask where he'd gotten the test from, taking it, she held it. Nodded.

She gave him a quick kissed, and snuggled into him a moment. "I love you too" she said softly, before drawing a breath, and going to take the test. She decided that the waiting was the longest she'd even experienced, pacing slightly as she waited, before she merely grabbed the test, starting back to their room, figuring that it would at least show the result by the time she was back, and the walk was at least doing something.

She stood in the doorway, "I haven't looked at it"
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