Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ProxyInc
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ProxyInc Browncoat

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Amara 'Mara' Nguyen

Location: Pool

'Myriam.' That was the girl's name. She pushed herself up and Mara took a better look at her as the young woman's tresses spilled away from her face. There was a softness in her eyes; a certain weariness that clung to the very edges of her blue tinged orbs . A twinge of jealousy washed over her. 'This is so not the time.' Mara chided herself. They were in a strange place, surrounded by strangers and here she was being petty over someone's more classic features. Shoving the stinging needles of emotion aside she was glad to see that Myriam hadn't hurt herself. Her lips parted as she went to introduce herself when the speakers cut her off-

"Hello hello! This is a special announcement for those in the pool area. You appear to be having some trouble making your way to the auditorium for the first meeting so we're sending you some help. Please be aware that we have sealed off your abilities while our staff our present until we are comfortable you can exercise them safely in the presence of others."

There was that word; abilities. Her eyes hadn't deceived her after all though it wasn't like Mara had time to focus on it before people began to flood into the pool room. Clad in bio-hazard gear and pushing wheelchairs sent her heart back into a tizzy. Why were they dressed like that? Where had they come from? Standing up she instinctively moved herself in front of two younger girls. She didn't know what she was going to do but she wasn't going to allow them to hurt them anymore. One of the attendants touched her arm gently and pushed her into one of the chairs. Words stammered and died behind her lips as her body offered no resistance. With frantic glances she watched them load Myrui and Myriam into their own chairs and behind to push them out the doors.

"Don't worry, we're just taking you to the auditorium. You'll find out everything soon enough." One of those pushing the wheelchairs said, their voice wheezy through the filtration mask.

This held no comfort for Mara whose fingers dug into the arms on the wheelchair. She had a thousand questions but all seemed barred out of fear. What had she thought she was going to do? It wasn't like she was big or strong but somehow she had built herself up in her mind. That she'd take charge and fight until she returned home to her family. Instead she sat quivering and on the brink of tears once again as they pushed the trio down the hall to the auditorium doors.

They finally came to a stop before the doors and Mara sprang up from her chair, "Th-thanks." she muttered before bursting through the doors her movements jerky with frantic energy. There were already kids in there as Mara swept her gaze over the room. She didn't really want to sit near anyone; tears stinging the corners of her eyes. With quick, sharp steps she found a seat off to the side near the back. Her head tilted causing her pale tresses to fall before her face. She wasn't going to let them see her cry. There was too many people in here already. Crying would only make it worse.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lyra nodded furiously as the girl made her gestures. She rocked her arms back and forth, as if cradling a baby, then placed her hands together as if in prayer and batted her eyes at her strange companion. Her mother had always warned her not to act needy and helpless, that her family was better than that, but what choice did Lyra have? Without someone to carry her, she was stuck, and she would never figure out where she had been brought and why.

She paused as the intercom piped up again, saying something about translation to Russian - was that the language this strange girl was speaking?

"Wheelchairs!" she said as the intercom stated that there were some positioned outside. She looked at the girl and moved her hands back and forth on either of her sides, as if rolling the wheels of such a device. "I could really, really use one - that way, you won't have to carry me!" she said. Of course, the lizard girl would have to push her instead - Lyra had never been able to move herself while in a wheelchair. But surely that was easier!

Her eyes widened as she realized she'd forgotten her manners. She pointed to herself as hastily as he sickly body would allow and said, "Lyra." Then, she turned her finger to the other girl and tilted her head to the side inquisitively. It was of the utmost importance that a lady of her disabilities be polite to those who helped them, for should they change their minds, she would be stranded and alone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Nikolai Arkaden


Nikolai watched as his new friends suffered, he didnt know what to do. He wanted to help them but they seemed to suffer for no reason. He watched as the electronics in the room went wacky, then Able smashed his fist into the television in the room. Nikolai couldnt help but smirk at the destruction. Irina spoke, Abel could hear technology. Interesting. She knew Nikolai had come from Russia. He wanted to make a joke about how smart someone would have to be to figure that out but put it aside for later. Nikolai watched as Abel burst out again, claiming cameras were everywhere watching them. Abel grabbed a bowl and threw it at a wall, it was almost funny how much this guy liked breaking things. Nikolai thought about breaking things too then a voice came on from the ceiling.

"Hello all! Now, I understand that you're all confused and scared especially due to the nature of your transportation to this safe facility..."

"На прошлой неделе Я покажу вам перевозки", Nikolai muttered under his breath.
(I'll show you transportation)

The voice sounded as if she were from the United Kingdom, Nikolai couldnt place where but he at least had an idea where they were. If the person running this place was some kind of European, then they were likely in Europe. The voice told them to head to the auditorium. Nikolai was considering trying to break out. Irina seemed afraid to leave, Nikolai somewhat understood how afraid she was. He didnt like his new ability, he just at random popped in and out of places. But to hear everyone's thoughts at once would certainly ruin his evening. She seemed genuinely afraid, Nikolai felt bad for her. He was going to stay here. Then the message was repeated in Russian, they knew how serious these people were. Abel said he was going to go, that he wanted to make sure his family was safe. Nikolai felt envy then relief, he had no family to worry about. It meant he could care for who he wanted to and often not care at all. Nikolai crossed his arms and propped himself against a chair.

"Что это такое?" He asked calmly.
(What is it like?)

@wolverbells @SheriffLlama
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Irina Ivanov

Lounge to Auditorium - Nikolai

Irina did nothing to stop Abel from leaving. She had heard the urgency in his voice and had simply stood aside so that he would leave the room. He had a point: people's homes were invaded. Even hers. The only difference was that her mother didn't matter as much to her. She had became a drunk in a matter of years and the roles had switched to where Irina was the parent and her mother was the child.

Although Irina did desperately want to get out of the facility, she wasn't in a hurry to go back home. This was her chance to leave and start fresh somewhere different, even if it meant having a rough start.

Her attention had now been drawn to Nikolai who remained in the room with her. She had gotten a bit of a feel of how he felt through out the entire time that Abel was throwing his fit. She was able to catch glimpses or phrases of what he had thought. She heard what he had asked her but she had now become more interested in the random thoughts she would hear that her answer had become a few seconds delayed. "I'll have you know I'm very smart," she smirked as she referred to one of his previous thoughts and returned to answering his question, "it's kind of like when you go to a crowded room and everyone is speaking at once, but thinking is very random so everything you hear makes no sense." She but her lip as she thought of a way to explain her curse. "It's sometimes loud, and some times soft. What is hard is when people talk and I can hear their thoughts. Conversations and thoughts are two different things and it hurts."

The young woman had found herself peering around the door again, her anxiety only growing more as she thought of people coming out of no where and hurting them while they were alone. "Come. We must go to the auditorium." She gestured for him to follow her as she stepped out into the hall. In an attempt to get him to follow, she brought up one of the few thoughts she had caught on from him, her green eyes looking at bit more sad as she remembered the emotion that was attached to the memory. "You lived in an orphanage in Russia, no? Things are never easy in Russia."

She had turned to walk down the hall. If Nikolai wanted to keep talking to her, he'd had to follow, and she'd be happy to speak to him about anything regarding what she had brought up or the thoughts she had heard. It made her feel horrible to have heard such a deep thought though. No one wanted their intimate thoughts heard.

Irina had found herself standing at the side of the auditorium before she knew it, her feet hesitant to move forward.

'Wait.... It's quiet.

Her body slumped down slightly in relief as the muscles relaxed from being so tense. She took a few steps into the door and scanned the room, slightly bracing for the shock of when the voices suddenly came. Nothing.

'Okay. I can do this. As long as everyone doesn't talk at once or start internally screaming.

Irina pressed forward to the nearest seat by the door in case she needed to leave. She had seen Abel but chose not to sit near him. If Nikolai decided to go over there then that was fine. Being alone in this room was for the best. She'd sprint out of there the second things got too hectic. Yes. That was the plan. All she needed to do now was to focus on one thing in the room to block out even her own thoughts.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 9 days ago

Mayuri Nakasone

Pool - Auditorium

The girl was starting to stir. Beyond that pained expression, tormented, cast upon by the writhing of Myriam's body, there was almost something that looked. Tranquil? She looked ever-so-slightly at peace, as if there was something calming washing over her. But even still... This girl looked far from okay. Even if she was coming to her senses, whatever fear had triggered her fit dying down, she didn't look... Normal, natural, even if this was the first time Mayuri had ever laid eyes upon her.

Mara had soon joined her by the edge of the pool, and was offering words along with her. Whether or not the girl could hear them was anyone guess, but despite that they continued. Had it worked? It didn't matter. What did matter was that she was sat upright, looking at them with bluish-green eyes and a seemingly normal expression, if a little covered in shame. Mayuri couldn't be sure if Mara shared the same, but she sighed in relief. Thank God for that...

"I-I'm sorry." she was apologising? Why? There was nothing wrong with an involuntary responce to... Actually, what could she have reacted to? If it were epilepsy, did someone set off a bright series of flashes, or something similar? What kind of person would do that!? Whoever these people were that brought them to this place, they had some sick sense of humour.

"I'm Myriam." At least she remembered her name... Myriam, eh? That was a nice name. It had a certain... Ring? It sounded right to say, though Mayuri didn't. She simply replayed it over in her head until she was completely sure it was sound in her mind.
"D-dont apologise... Its nice to meet you. I-I'm Mayuri, and this i-"

Everything was cut off with another audio broadcast that resonated through the comms and around the facility. There was something about Russians; she had heard people talking early. So now they had a dedicated translator? At least the people in charge here had some sense of good will, even if they did kidnap a whole bunch of teenagers. But then, as the comms went silent and Mayuri went to talk, they buzzed again.

"Hello hello! This is a special announcement for those in the pool area. You appear to be having some trouble making your way to the auditorium for the first meeting so we're sending you some help. Please be aware that we have sealed off your abilities while our staff our present until we are comfortable you can exercise them safely in the presence of others."

Trouble? Sealed off? Abilities? Exercise them safely!? What was this person talking about?! There was nothing special about Mayuri. Well, her birthmark, that strange feeling and her certain aptitude for learning, but that was it! If that was called an ability, then every smart person was a superhero! It didn't make any sense what they were talking about, and for some reason she found it quite hard to think that anything more would be explained any clearer at this "meeting".

But she couldn't think for long, as the buzzer shut off with a high pitched squeal from some kind of microphone, causing the girl to recoil and cover her ears slightly. Why did that hurt like it did? It wasn't that high pitched. There were slight tears in her eyes as she looked up, only to see something terrible. People had come in through the doors, wearing full hazmat suits, wheeling wheelchairs towards them like mental patients who just broke out of their padded cells.

"H-huh..!?" was the only sound Mayuri could make as they beared down upon them. But there didn't appear to be any malicious intent in their actions, no move for offence. Still, that didn't stop Mayuri from at least trying to get away. She was scared, and like hell were they going to kidnap her again!

But they didn't. She couldn't struggles as they lightly set her down in the chair, along with Mara and Myriam. Couldn't struggle as they wheeled them from the pool and towards the auditorium, through the hallway that contained the first contact point, and to double doors bearing into a large hallway. Somewhere during that, Mayuri had instinctively gone to hold someone, anyones hand, and had landed on Myriam. It didn't matter how she reacted. It felt good to know there was at least someone there, keeping her company.

They arrived, and Mara immediately took off. Why did she leave so quickly? It didn't really matter... She lingered for a second in that chair, recollecting her nerves and senses, before standing again. If Myriam kept holding her hand or let go, she couldn't quite tell. She had gone numb from thinking about whatever they were about to be told - or likely not told, as chances were. What were they going to include and what would they leave out?

She stepped into the Auditorium, and was immidiately greeted by the sight of so many others. So many other people. They must have all been kidnapped as well... And they all looked around the same age. There were so many, more than Mayuri would have been comfortable around normally. But this time she didn't have a choice. She turned back to Myriam, and down to the shorter girl.

"D-do you want to sit t-together?" she looked over to the middle row, and pointed to the back row, "We can s-sit there... O-or, wherever...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 9 days ago

SHIT! Ignore this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Myriam Cassedy

Location: Indoor Pool ~ Auditorium

Interactions: Mayuri (@Vocab)

Myriam looked up at Mayuri as the girl introduced herself and her breeze voice rang softly in her ears. It was relaxing. But before the calming presence of having someone there with her could fully emerge on her, yet another sudden loud noise rolled through the room, echoing off the walls. A voice rang from the hidden speakers, just like they did before, and yet again Myriam couldn't understand the words. Her head was feeling heavy and she didn't understand why. At least this time she had no mental breakdown. Thank god. The voice silenced. Wait.What did they say? A questioning look appeared on the blonde's face and she wanted to voice her thoughts as another announcement settled from the speakers. Myriam still couldn't figure out where exactly those electronics where hidden.

"Hello hello! This is a special announcement for those in the pool area. You appear to be having some trouble making your way to the auditorium for the first meeting so we're sending you some help. Please be aware that we have sealed off your abilities while our staff our present until we are comfortable you can exercise them safely in the presence of others."

... It took Myriam several seconds to fully process the words and recognize their meaning. Send help... Yes, help sounded good. Help was what she needed. But no, not from those people who kept her here in the weird facility, locked up and are most likely also the ones that had kidnapped her form the street. And what is that even supposed to mean ~ Sealed off your abilities.... Is that why she had a mental breakdown at this noise? Was that some sort of side effect from whatever they had given her? How do you seal off someone's abilities anyway? Are they drugged? She hadn't felt very drugged, she had felt like her thinking was clear until this moment. Was there something in the air that made her break down? She was confused to say the least. Exersice them safely... presence of others.... Okay so they were planning on letting her use whatever ability they believe they had taken from her... But still none of this made any sense.

She felt the need to just dive into the water, forget what was happening, and find her peace in silence. But she couldn't. Doors opened, people marched in - it reminded Myriam somehow of the military -, walking straight at them and pushing three wheelchairs, one for each of them. Myriam panicked slightly. She tried to get up and get away, but her feet wouldn't carry her, her knees were too weak to lift her.

Before she knew what was happened, she found herself seated in a wheelchair, a hand was holding onto hers tightly, and Myriam sqeezed it softly. She didn't want to let go. They pushed them all towards what they had said would be the auditorium. Myriam held onto Mayuri's hand for the entire ride, unable to speak as fear sat in her throat. She would probably cry any minute, probably would have tears rolling down her cheeks if she tried to speak.

Suddenly they stopped. Mayuri stood up to get off the chair, Amara had already taken off to the inside of what seemed to be the auditorium everyone wanted them to head to. Myriam was still holding onto Mayuri's hand, it seemed her knowledge of being able to let go of something has vanished. She was unable to let go.

"D-do you want to sit t-together?" Mayuri was looking over to the middle row, and pointing to the back row, "We can s-sit there... O-or, wherever...

Myriam looked at the girl and nodded softly. She really didn't care where they sat, she just wanted to keep holding onto the girl. Her knees were still weak, so she used the hand of the girl to pull herself up and out of the wheelchair. Slowly she walked inside of the auditorium with Mayuri by her side. They walked up the rows, Myriam not wanting to sit at the front and therefore being seen by whoever was having this presentation readied for them, so the girl decided to sit in the middle of the very last row. Nervously for what was to come she awaited the people who had yet to explain why they took all those teenagers to this place.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Nikolai Arkaden


Nikolai listened intently to her description of what she heard. It was interesting, and somewhat terrifying. She mentioned it was just a bunch of talking, so much that it had overwhelmed her. He understood how bad that could be and was going to say something before she began leaving and mentioned his upbringing. As far as he remembered he didnt bring up the orphanage, had she read him? She mentioned her father was from Russia, he was going to say his too but he didnt know for sure.

"Life not easy anywhere," Nikolai said shrugging off his childhood. The pair walked to the auditorium and Nikolai felt strange for a moment, his body moved only slightly. Within the same foot. It made him dizzy to be moved such a small amount, as if his vision had instantly shifted. Irina stopped before entering the auditorium but then entered anyway. She took a seat close to the door and Nikolai looked at her, she looked afraid. He grumbled and climbed over the row of seats she sat in and put himself down in one of the seats behind her, his feet propped up on the desk. Looking around the room he saw several other teens, Abel was there. A few others he didnt recognize, he was eager to find out what these kids could do.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Lyra’s room -> Auditorium hallway

When the translator came over the intercom, Stasya was both relieved and concerned. Relieved that there was now a chance for her to understand what was going on. Concerned, because the need for a translator meant that she was likely very, very far from home. Still, it did provide her with some helpful information. The fact that a wheelchair was being provided confirmed that there was something wrong with this girl’s legs. Something that she was very actively agreeing with.

When the girl identified herself as Lyra, Stasya smiled, clasped her hand and gently brought to her chest. “Stasya.” She gently helped pull her up that she was sitting on her knees, keeping a firm hold on Lyra’s shoulder to keep her steady as she turned around and sat on the edge of the bed. “Забраться на, (Climb on,)” she said in a reassuring voice, gently encircling the girl’s arms around her neck. “Держись. (Hold tight.)” Slipping her hands under Lyra’s thighs, she gave a small grunt as she stood up, leaning as far forward as she dared so that her passenger was draped across her back. The muscles in her limbs and back twitched and shifted in response to the weight as she made the unsteady walk to the door. Lyra is heavier than she looks.

Opening the door was a little awkward, but she managed. Sure enough, a wheelchair was waiting for them in the hallway, and she squatted down in front of it to set Lyra in the seat. With that, the pair began making their way to the auditorium, Stasya pausing and peering around each corner they came to. The closer they got to their destination, the more nervous Stasya became. That nervousness gave way to confusion as her body did not begin changing again. The scales on her upper arms, thighs and around her face neither advanced nor retracted.

Entering the auditorium, she wheeled Lyra a short distance to the left of the door, then stepped around her and sat down on the floor beside her, wrapping her arms around her legs and pressing against the wall, concealing the partially open back of the hospital gown and her own scale-covered back it revealed.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 8 mos ago


GM Post - The Auditorium

As the new residents of the facility made their way to the auditorium a group of men and women watching from a security control centre some distance away observed the groupings of the children. Some were making notes on tablets with styluses while others were talking amongst themselves, occasionally singling out one of the faces on the screen before continuing their conversations.

"It looks like most of them are there or nearly there. Shall we begin?" The woman speaking was the one who had made the announcements in English earlier, young and wearing a lab coat like most of the occupants of the room. Her hair was long an tied back into a ponytail and her rimless glasses gave her an enhanced look of intellectualism. Her cheekbones were angular and, for many, she would be described as pretty. The man next to her was of a similar age and similarly photogenic. He was stern-looking in contrast to her bubbly mannerisms and also happened to be the bilingual announcer.

"Distribute these so that I can translate." The man said to an assistant nearby, handing over a few earpieces. Together they headed to the auditorium, entering the hallway outside through one of the locked doors and then through the same entrance as the children. Heads naturally turned at their entrance and the young woman, clearly the spokesperson of the trio, greeted them all with a cheerful and upbeat grin.

"Hello, hello all! My name is Elisa and I'm the Head Researcher here at this facility. I'm pleased to finally make your acquaintance!" The made their way down to the front of the auditorium, the assistant hanging back with the small earpieces in his hand. "Our helper here has some earpieces which will help those of you who do not speak English as your first language. We'll make a start while the others arrive, you can always pass on anything to them I'm sure!"

["I am Christopher and I am the bilingual assistant here to help you for the length of your stay. This is Elisa, the head researcher. I will be translating what she says today through the earpieces the man at the back is holding. Please take one."] The stern-looking man spoke in Russian and indicated the assistant who distributed the devices to those few who needed them, leaving a couple of spares on a desk near the rear of the room before disappearing.

Elisa was beaming at those in the room as if they were her students and she their lecturer, almost as if she were oblivious as to the nature of their journey to the facility.

"First off, we have deactivated yours powers through the use of a device we have created from previous research. This is primarily because you do not yet know how to use your powers and are a danger to yourself because of it." She glanced towards a few specific people in the room in turn. "For example, being in a room with multiple others when you can hear their thoughts could be agonising if you are unable to shut them out yet. Or being surrounding by monitoring equipment but unable to not sense them acutely." She shrugged, as if the others were not so unfortunate.

"Those of you whose powers don't manifest so passively, or so acutely, could still be at risk. A mismanaged shapeshift could be fatal, for example. Even the most benign power of accelerated regeneration could cause deformities if it activated to an excessive extent. Until you are all able to properly manage your abilities it is safest for your own well being that you have access to them in controlled environments." Elisa waited for Christopher to finish translating before continuing, now with a more serious look on her face (although one still had the sense that she was bubbling with excitement underneath).

"This facility is for the research of powers, generally, and also to act as a safe place for you to understand, control and then develop your abilities. We will, of course, be running tests but non-intrusively wherever possible. You are not the first group to have had powers and nor will you be the last. We attempt to understand your abilities better, not just the effects but also the cause and consequences, and then help you to control them. All abilities are dangerous to their owners and those around you. This is why we..." She paused, hesitating for a moment.

"Well, we kidnapped you. Let's not beat around the bush. Explaining the issues and the dangers to you posed a risk in your powers activating at a dangerous level and so we moved you here without giving you or you abilities a chance to react. Already some of you have experienced your powers going out of control, before we managed to calibrate the Nullifier to your specific abilities."

She waited for the news to sink in. It was hard to dispute what she was saying; all of them had seen one of the others, or had experienced themselves, having trouble with a power having significant side-effects due to a lack of control.

"Now, I know this all seems sudden but we need to do some preliminary tests to make sure that none of you have contracted any significant illnesses or issues as a result of your journey here. We will be pairing each one of you up with one staff member who will be both your trainer and a researcher who can help you better understand your power, and how to use it safely. To begin with there will be some blood tests and then various exercises specific to your powers... nothing too trying at the moment."

The smartboard behind the two lit up, the projector switching on without any apparent signal, and photos of each of the residents appeared on the screen. Next to each of them was their room number.

"These are your room numbers. We understand that earlier you may have been... in too stressed a state to have taken note of them. Please remember them for future reference. Now, are there any questions before we pair you up with your coaches?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lyra sighed with relief as her new friend - whose name she doubted she could pronounce - placed her in a wheelchair. Her arms burned from the exertion of holding on while she was being carried. As she settled herself in her seat, she couldn't help but feel a little pathetic. This was the first time in a while that anyone new was introduced to her disability - it was embarrassing how little she could do on her own. Shame gnawed at her as the two of them advanced through the hallways, encountering others around the same age as they passed. At first, she thought all of them were staring at her - until she realized that they were far more interested in Stasya's scales. Relaxing a little, she mentally thanked the girl for drawing the attention away from her.

Once they entered the auditorium, Stasya pushed her to the side and then sat down next to her. Lyra blushed as her companion covered her exposed back, reminding Lyra that she, too, was wearing a hospital gown - and she didn't have the strength to cover herself up. She shifted her bare feet so that one was resting upon the other atop the wheelchair's footrest, her legs tangled together like a pretzel. The others around them seemed confused, like they, too, were new here. Hopefully, the foreignness of the situation would keep their eyes from her.

After a short while, two adults - a woman and a man - entered the room, and the woman began speaking. Lyra's heart twisted as she struggled to digest her words. They had powers, and they had been kidnapped? Was this some manner of sick joke being played on kids with strange diseases? Lyra had no powers; only extra weaknesses. And, though Stasy's scales could be interpreted as some kind of transformation, surely they were better explained as some sort of skin condition. She clenched her fists, anger mounting as the woman kept speaking and speaking. She bit her lip, hard, when they were asked whether they had any questions. Surely it was best to hold her silence. If one thing about what they were saying was likely to be true, it was that they had been kidnapped; Mother and Father would have never left Lyra with people like this. She exchanged a glance with her friend, wondering if anyone would speak up. Honestly, she hoped someone would give her the satisfaction of telling the miserable woman off. She just dared not face the consequences herself...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Irina Ivanov


Secretly, Irina had been thankful that Nikolai had chosen to sit near by. He would be of great help if danger arose. Although it seemed highly unlikely to happen.

As other teenagers began to fill in the seats, Irina had winced and cringed little by little, every single time they sat down. Fortunately, nothing flooded her mind. Not even when the strangers in lab coats came in.

'Thank god', she thought as she listened carefully. They had nullified all of their abilities, and for a fraction of a second, Irina actually felt some gratitude for these strangers in lab coats. That was until the woman began to explain what had happened and what was going to happen. She had gotten over her initial fear, now that the impending threat of the voices was gone. Irina's green eyes bored into 'Elisa's' as she became slightly flabbergasted at what she was asking the teenagers to do. Irina's mouth fell slightly agape as she tried to wrap her head around the fact that this woman wanted them to go off and be tested by their kidnappers.

Once Elisa was finished, Irina finally decided to speak up. She had granted the woman the decency and respect of finishing her absurd speech in exchange for them turning off the voices in her head.

"So what you are saying is that we, the ones who were taken involuntarily, have to go with you all, the kidnappers..." Her Spanish accent only became 'thicker' as she let her anger and frustration get to her. "Kidnapping is a big offense, no? Keeping us hostage and sticking needles in us, much more of an offense, right?" Her sarcasm was now a bit more difficult to pick out from her real questions as she continued, her hands balling up on her lap. By now she had little to no fear and had far forgotten the voices that threatened to come back at any minute if they allowed. "I call bullshit," Irina spat the word at Elisa and her companion as if it were venom, "i am not going with any of your "coaches" and I am not going to get any of these 'preliminary' tests."

Irina was sure that the others probably thought she was outright crazy for questioning the authority of their captors. She was also sure that both Abel and Nikolai probably thought she was insane after they had witnessed her meltdown and she had shown weakness. For now, she couldn't care less. Her true colors had to be shown some day and since she didn't plan on staying here for long, she went ahead and showed them to everyone while they were all still together.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 9 days ago

Mayuri Nakasone

The Auditorium

Mayuri allowed herself to be led by the shorter girl, sitting down beside her on the back row facing the front. What we they planning to show them? This... Presentation, what was going to be contained in it? They were to tell everyone what the reason for their sudden bringing to the facility was, and what they intended to do... Right?

She turned to watch as the people entered through the door, idly taking notes on their features. Who were they..? Scientists? They certainly didn't look like kidnappers. She hardly registered what they were saying, simply taking what she needed. It wasn't that she was bored... This whole situation was just too surreal. There was no way it could be real. Her mind wouldn't accept it.

But as Elisa kept talking, she couldn't ignore it. This was really happening. It wasn't just some joke, a prank, it was real. They had all been taken against their will for... Their abilities? What abilities? Mayuri didn't have an ability. There was nothing special about her. Did they wrongly take her? Then, she just had to speak up! She would have to tell them they were wr-

What did it say again? All those times? It spoke, didn't it? It said words, or made sounds that she interpreted as words. It was when she fell over... And when that boy threw a ball at her. It felt warm, but cold at the same time. There was a cold chill, and a pleasant heat. But they mixed into each other, twisting and colliding and combining into an indistinguishable feeling of... Something. But she had forget that feeling when people ran to her and asked if she was okay.

"This facility is for the research of powers, generally, and also to act as a safe place for you to understand, control and then develop your abilities. We will, of course, be running tests but non-intrusively wherever possible. You are not the first group to have had powers and nor will you be the last. We attempt to understand your abilities better, not just the effects but also the cause and consequences, and then help you to control them. All abilities are dangerous to their owners and those around you. This is why we..."

You kidnapped them... Every single one? For research?! There was something wrong with these people... They wanted to test their abilities? What were they going to do; give Mayuri a Japanese and English exam? Or was it a physical exam? Check their weight, have them run laps around a track, see how much they could lift? Her mouth tasted salty, slightly metallic... Was she bleeding?

Oh, right, she had bitten her lip... It wasn't visible, but she was bleeding. What was visible was her bloodshot eyes, and her red cheeks and the tear tracks and her fresh tears. When had Mayuri started crying? There wasn't any indication, she hadn't made any sound. No wail, no murmur, no sound. There were just silent tears, more silent despair. Was there any way out of here? Could they leave after the tests were done?

"Now, I know this all seems sudden but we need to do some preliminary tests to make sure that none of you have contracted any significant illnesses or issues as a result of your journey here. We will be pairing each one of you up with one staff member who will be both your trainer and a researcher who can help you better understand your power, and how to use it safely. To begin with there will be some blood tests and then various exercises specific to your powers... nothing too trying at the moment. These are your room numbers. We understand that earlier you may have been... in too stressed a state to have taken note of them. Please remember them for future reference. Now, are there any questions before we pair you up with your coaches?"

Preliminary tests? Illnesses? Exercises? So it was a physical and well being examination... Her name was up there, and her face, and a number. 7. So that was her room number? Room 7... Mayuri had always liked the number 7. That was when she met Yu, her best friend. What was Yui doing right now? Worrying? She had to be... But, what had these people said to her, her class, her family? Did they lie about everything? Were they lying about this? Everything was too unreal... This Elisa had to be lying. There was no way. None at all that this was real. Were there camera's everywhere? Microphones?

This was too much... And Mayuri couldn't take it. There was too much information, too many questions, too much left unanswered. So she just stared ahead, not really thinking. Help... Would someone help? No, there was no one who would help. No help would come, she would be here forever. Would she grow old here? Would she have to marry someone here? Her birthday was coming up... Would they throw her a party? What would her family do, her friends? Would they celebrate without her? No, there was no way. They had to be worried. There would be missing persons posters all over Japan! Police would be searching everywhere for her! Right?


Was someone else speaking? It was a girl somewhere. Mayuri didn't care. All this information had sent her brain into overload, and she just wanted to fall asleep. Lay down in Myriam's lap and forget about all this... Wake up from the nightmare that presented itself and see her family. Cry to them about her dream, kiss them, eat breakfast, go to school, mess around with Yui and Sae and Ui... She glanced over to the person who was calling to the speaker. Were they brave or stupid? Did they know what consequences would come from disobeying? Impossible. No one did, right? These people could knock her out, drag her away and do the tests with her strapped to a table if they really wanted.

Or kill her.

Would they kill? It didn't matter. It was best not to think. Just not think about anything. Her head gave an involuntary nod, agreeing with whatever they were going to do... It was best if everyone just agreed with what they wanted, and fought back later. If they were going to develop their powers, then they should let it happen. And fight back when their powers were strong enough. That was for the best... The best for everyone.

But then again, maybe it was best if everyone just... Died.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 1 yr ago

:-:Location:-: The Audotorium

@banjoanjo and @Jinxer

Allia smiled when he said that she seemed nice and when Arthur reassured them that he was likely to be alright. However, she had no words. The loud noise that was now booming caused her to look up in surprise. The lady over the intercom spoke gently and made it seem like she hadn't kidnapped anyone. "Yeah." she said, nodding her head when he mentioned that they should leave. Before leaving, Allia grabbed another pack of gummies and stuffed them inside of her pocket. She nodded when they talked about leaving and trailed behind them quietly.

Once in the cafeteria, others were already there. She sat on the edge next to Arthur and looked down at her fingers. Before long, a woman began to speak and Allia looked up. She was way too chipper for someone that had just kidnapped a bunch of kids.

It was obvious that they had no bad intentions. Which meant they either worked for the government or something or they were psycho's. No one just kidnapped kids and didn't understand that it was illegal. I mean, what about their parents? They would be worried sick. Her parents on the other hand were going to do either two things. They could make it a pity situation and get in a bunch of money. But if someone was running for the mayor of their town or something, that wouldn't work out. Too much pity and others would think that they can't watch their own kid so how can they expect them to watch the town?

Another option was... acting like she never got kidnapped in the first place. A much more them approach to things. They could make up something like her dying from cancer or perhaps going on a trip. She couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the thought. It was sickening but it was so feasible for them that it was almost certain that they would do so. The sickness would get them even more money too. The smile dispersed and she looked back up.

So all the kids here have abilities. Dangerous? Her powers had caused her to bleed at times but that was about it. Did the other kids have worse side effects than hers? Either way, they were pissed. Every kid here was either pissed or scared it seemed.

Allia rested her hands inside of the palm of her hands and closed her eyes. She could fall asleep in a situation like this. It was really possible for her to just go to sleep right now. Scared? She was starting to get a tiny bit scared but not anything visible. People might think that she was tense or frightened because of her personality but they would be wrong. She was bored. She was hungry.

She looked over at the girl that was angry at one of the speakers and nearly laughed. They obviously had more power in this situation. If they wanted her to, did she really think that she could tell them what to do? Allia sighed and shook her head. For now, she'll act like the one girl that wasn't scared. Later she might end up breaking but she'd have to worry about that then.

Arthur and Uriel. They probably weren't happy and Uriel was probably just biting his lip, wanting to protest. She looked down at her fingers and sighed. She didn't want to listen to anything anymore. She really didn't. Allia began to whisper in such a gentle and quiet voice that surely no one heard her. Well, hopefully. If anyone had super hearing or something then I guess they could.

"Agapanthus, Amaryllis, Begonia, Daffodil, Dianthus..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Nikolai Arkaden


Nikolai watched as some people walked in, he flexed his chest and shoulders in preparation of a fight. One of the men who walked in looked strong, not physically but like he would be the man to enforce any discipline. The woman who spoke was good looking, Nikolai thought about flirting but remembered she was probably the reason he was here. Nikolai watched as the other man moved to the back and left some earpieces on a desk. Nikolai was told by the stern looking man that these were translators. He stood and grabbed one before walking back to his seat. He pushed it into his ear and began hearing the woman's words translated in Russian by the other man. The woman mentioned tests, that they were here for their own good, that they would try to make them comfortable. She said all of their abilities were dangerous, Nikolai heavily disagreed. He just jumped from place to place.

"This is why you were kidnapped," Nikolai heard in his ear. He balled his hands into fists and sat up straight, he was livid. They talked about putting a trainer with each teenager, then exercising their powers. Nikolai knew he had no control over his power, he couldnt exercise it at will. Irina spoke up and told the woman exactly what this was. Nikolai smiled, she had fire. He also was glad someone mentioned it. He stood and walked down to the front of the room, standing not far from the man and woman.

"В прошлом месяце Это бред!" Nikolai shouted backing the girl.
(Yeah! This is bullshit!)

"You have no rights to keep us here!" Nikolai shouted, "I am not sure where even is here! I'm Russian! You are not Russian government! You want test me? I'll show you where I stick your tests!"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ProxyInc
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ProxyInc Browncoat

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Amara 'Mara' Nguyen

Location: Auditorium

She never lifted her head, keeping her face hidden behind the vale of hair, as more teens filled the room. There were no more tears stinging her eyes just the dull ache that came as they drilled a hole into the floor between her feet. Shame still tinged her cheeks as she waited with fists balled up in her lap. Briefly she worried about leaving Mayrui and Myriam behind but she didn't want the two younger girls to see her. She couldn't face them after acting like a coward.

A lump lodged in her throat as two adults entered the room. Mara heard them first, the sharp clicking of their shoes as they casually made their way to the front. A woman was speaking. Her voice lilted with each word. The words rolled effortlessly as she addressed the room. A man took his place beside her; his face stoic. Mara lifted her head slightly, they didn't look like kidnappers. They were sharply pressed, academic and obscenely attractive in the light of things.

She listen with dulled ears as the woman droned on about how this was in their best interest. That the kidnapping was for their health and well being. Her stomach churned as the ladies syrupy voice chirped brightly in the background. 'For my safety?!' the voice in her head spat. How was this for her safety? In all eighteen years of her life when did Mara'a freedom threaten anyone?

She shifted uncomfortably in her chair. Sometime during the woman's speech her head had snapped upwards. Steely eyes fixed and glaring as they watched her mouth move endlessly. The tide of anger had turned once more. This never ending Rollercoaster of emotions was sure to burn her out fast but as her body slipped between indignation and shock she wasn't exactly in the right state to control them.

Her body quivered in anger. Mara could feel a sharp pain in her palms as her nails bit into the soft flesh but she didn't care. The pain was the only thing keeping her from screaming as the screen behind the pair lit up. There she was. Her face shining bright and clean. Mara could see the faint pink that stained her cheeks and nose. A smile toyed on her lips and generally she seemed to ooze subtle joy. The photo must of been taken during the winter. It was her favorite season after all. Just how long had they been following her?


She made a mental note of her room that she had missed earlier. Mayrui's room was nearby which explained how she ended up in the wrong one before.


What are they going to do here? What was the point? To help them learn their abilities better? Then what? Release them back into their old lives?

Mara didn't buy it.

Luckily it seemed like a few others didn't either. A woman with a thick accent spoke first. The heat that laced her words matched the outrage Mara felt. Next was a boy, Mara recognized his voice from the hall as a string of strange words poured out of his mouth. She smirked though, understanding his body language as he moved to the front of the room.

Maybe she was caught up in the moment, maybe it was the seething anger that coursed through her veins but Mara found herself quietly standing up in the back row.

"And what of our families?," her voice was almost hushed, unsure in her own thoughts and emotions, "What about our lives?!" there was more strength now as anger laced her words and dripped off her tongue.

Mara slammed her fist into the nearby wall in frustration.

"You can coat your bullshit in sweet words all you wish but don't dare act like this is for our sake. You kidnapped us," her voice wavered as emotion overtook her. Mara shook as she held up her arms so the duo could see the bruising that painted across her skin, "And what about when you're done, huh? What happens after all the tests are run and we pass or fail or whatever? Are you just going to dump us back into the world? Cause I'm not buying it. So cut your shit and be straight with us. We're never getting out of here are we?" her voice cracked on the last word. She could feel the tears slip down her face. The wet spots that soaked into her dress but she didn't care. They were going to see her. All of her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Stasya Volkov


Just to cover my bases. Also, permission to use the scientists and guards granted by @Jinxer

Location: Auditorium -> Side room

Stasya was nervous as she quietly accepted the earpiece that was handed to her. Down on the stage, some people in lab coats had entered from a side door. She didn't know who they were, they didn't look like anybody from the hospital. One of them, what looked like a woman, stepped forward, and the translator began speaking in Stasya's ear.

The more he talked, however, the more confused that Stasya became, and the more frightened. Nothing they were saying was making any sense. Powers? Hearing people's thoughts? None of that could be real. Then again, when the doctors had first looked at her, they had been at a complete loss to explain how the scales had appeared on her body, how her breasts had somehow managed to shrink down to practically nothing, or how her... more intimate parts had almost completely sealed themselves up. So perhaps it wasn't so crazy.

When he began talking about how they wouldn't be allowed to leave, however, a yawning pit of fear and panic opened up in her stomach, and she stood up, eyes wide. We... can't leave? But... I have to go back! I promised I would stay! The sickening feeling grew when they admitted that they had kidnapped all of them. They... no no no! He's going to think I ran away! I have to go back! As the scientists finished speaking, and the others began to voice their protests, Stasya practically jumped over Lyra and rushed up to the front of the auditorium. When she reached the podium, too consumed in her own fear to care about the view she was giving the other teens, she looked at the translator desperately. "Пожалуйста, я должен вернуться домой. Я не могу остаться здесь. (Please, I have to go back home. I can't stay here.)"

The scientists looked to one another, and the one called Christopher stepped forward. "Г-жа Волкова, да? Я понимаю, что это должно казаться очень запутанным и страшно, и я понимаю ваши проблемы, я действительно делаю. Но вы должны понять, пока мы не знаем, в полной мере ваших способностей и можете быть уверены, что у вас есть полный контроль над ними, вы потенциальная опасность для окружающих. Ваша семья, широкая публика, это просто слишком опасно, чтобы позволить вам оставить в это время. (Ms. Volkov, yes? I understand that this must seem very confusing and scary, and I understand your concerns, I really do. But you have to understand, until we know the full extent of your abilities and can be sure that you have complete control over them, you are a potential danger to those around you. Your family, the general public, it's simply too dangerous to let you leave at this time.)"

Stasya's eyes flicked between the scientists, the one called Elisa looking at her impassively. "Пожалуйста, вы должны позволить мне вернуться, я обещал, что я бы не оставил! (Please, you have to let me go back, I promised I wouldn't leave!)"

Christopher shook his head. "Я понимаю, мисс Волков, но, как я только что объяснил ~ (I understand, Ms. Volkov, but as I just explained~)"

"Нет! Вы не понимаете, что я должен вернуться! Я обещал! (No! You don't understand, I HAVE to go back! I promised!)" An increasing note of desperation began creeping into Stasya's voice, her nails digging into her palms, fists shaking.

Holding up his hands, the translator took a step forward. "Г-жа Волков, пожалуйста, успокойся ~ (Ms. Volkov, please calm down~)"

"Я обещал, что не оставит! Вы должны взять меня обратно, я не могу оставить ее! Я обещал заботиться о ней! (I promised I wouldn't leave! You have to take me back, I can't leave her! I promised to look after her!)" An itching, burning sensation began creeping across her skin and scales, and tears threatened to spill over from her eyes. They didn't understand, she had to get back home. She promised her she wouldn't leave her!

"Г-жа Волков ~ (Ms. Volkov~)"

Something broke inside Stasya, and she lunged at the scientist. "Вы должны взять меня обратно! (You have to take me back!)" she screamed.

The girl barely made it two steps before thick, muscular arms wrapped around her from behind, pining her arms to her sides and lifting her into the air. Screaming and crying, she struggled to free herself as a second guard entered through the side door, the Elisa woman barking orders of some kind. "Нет! Отпусти меня! Я должен вернуться! (No! Let me go! I have to go back!)" she wailed as the second guard grabbed at her kicking legs, and the pair carried the struggling Russian shapeshifter out of the auditorium.

In the hallway through the side door, the guards struggled to keep hold of the screaming girl. Both were well-trained and well built, but the Russian wasn't pulling her punches, and her legs were proving to be unusually strong. Neither knew what she was saying exactly, not knowing any Russian themselves, but they could make a pretty good guess. "Come on, quit struggling and calm down!" the one holding her body grunted, craning his head back to avoid getting struck in the chin by her thrashing head.

The second guard, trying and barely succeeding at holding the girl's legs, grunted as she kicked him square in the chest. "Forget it, she can't understand you. In here." Trapping both her ankles under one arm, he turned to open the door to a room, promptly smashing his head into it when one of her legs slipped free and rammed into his back.

Bracing himself, the first guard grimaced. "I know, but come on! I don't know what she's getting so work up ov-gah!" he yelped as the girl jerked her head down, sinking her teeth into his forearm and clamping down. "Little bitch! She bit me!"

The second guard kicked the door open. "Come on, get her on the table. Hold her down, I need to find a vein." Managing to wrestle the struggling girl onto the table, he climbed up and straddled her legs, pinning them with his full body weight as he pushed up the loose hospital gown and pulled her thighs apart.

Instantly, the girl began screaming into the arm she was biting and thrashing her head from side-to-side, somehow managing to struggle even more fiercely than before. "Hurry up, man! This fucking hurts!" the guard grimaced, tightening his grip around her arms and chest.

Pulling a small cylinder from his belt, reminiscent of an Epi-pen, the second guard bared his teeth in frustration. Scales covered just about the entirety of her thighs, and he wasn't sure the injector would be able to pierce them. Shifting his weight, he grabbed her forearm and pinned it to the table, running a finger along the skin. "Got one!" He pressed the injector into the base of her forearm, just before the elbow, and it made a sharp hiss, mixing with girl's scream, her eyes wide and panicked.

Gradually, her struggles began to lessen, and her eyes drifted closed, until she was completely relaxed. Slipping off the table, the second guard wiped his brow. "Damn." He glanced at his buddy, who had managed to extricate his arm from between her teeth. In her thrashing, she had torn an ugly wound in the skin, nearly pulling out a chunk of his flesh. "Vicious little bitch, isn't she. She's the shapeshifter they was talking about right?" He gestured to the open wound. "You're probably gonna wanna get that checked out. No telling what she's got in her mouth."

The first guard glanced at the unconscious girl's scales, then back at his buddy. "No shit."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Myriam Cassedy

Location: Auditorium

Interactions: Mayuri (nonverbal) (@Vocab)

Myriam sat in her seat, not moving as the scientists moved in and began to speak. One in Enlgish and one in Russian. She had trouble taking it all in, the words seemed so far away and the whole situation seemed like it was happening to someone else but her. She didn't feel like this was her body, this was her sitting here and getting told she had been kidnapped for tests because she has some powers others do not seem to have. She shook her head at herself. No, she didn't have powers. All her life she was just average. Nothing has ever happened to her that showed she was any special.

Her head turned to look at the others in the room. She saw a girl obviously being as upset as her new friend Mayuri seemed. A boy seemed angry. Mostly everyone was having confused expressions just like her - or angry ones. She was sure to see dried tears on a couple other faces, but she wouldn't bet on it. Maybe she was just hoping that she wasn't the only one who had a break down.

During the presentation it was quiet, no one talked, no one screamed at the people and no one seemed to want to just get up and leave. But once they asked for their questions, hell broke loose. A girl started to talk to them in a not too polite manner - but who would be polite to their kidnappers right now eh? - , a boy added his words to it and showed his dislike in the situation and their presentation. Myriam could bascially feel how Mayuri's hope broke into pieces just like her own did. The girl next to her had started to cry silent tears and she didn't look good at all. Myriam wrapped her arm around Mayuri and pulled the crying girl into her for her to rest her head on her shoulder or wherever. She didn't think that she would pull away and right now she didn't care about invading privacy. Their privacy was already invaded and she wanted to give Mayuri some comfort. Especially as the sweet wind voice of the girl had helped her out of her misery in the indoor pool later.

Her arm held the girl and she hoped they'd not get seperated. But honestly, whatever these guys wanted, it would happen. Even if all of those kids would work together to get free, she was sure they had it all thought out and had a military kind of army somewhere lingering and waiting to shoot them all. Or some gas that would knock them all out. Anything. She didn't feel hopeful at all anymore, she just wished for it all to be over. She wished to lie down and forget what all this is and what it might be like in the future. Her heart stung painfully.

A girl had started talking in Russian, she didn't really care though. That was until said girl jumped up and towards the scientists. Myriam's attention was on her, sharp and ready to act, though she didn't know what she would do if anything happened. The girl started screaming and begging as it seemed until two guards came in and dragged her away. Myriam's heart was racing in fear.

What are they gonnna do with her? Are we all gonna be taken away one by one to get drugged or some shit? Are they gonna experiment on us who is gonna come back the strongest and most violent? Are they gonna make us duell each other for their sience?

She had seen a couple of movies that worked like this. People dragging others to rooms one by one and changing them, making them do things, making them do cruel cruel things to break them. They got them to listen to their orders one way or another, told them what to do and what their goal was until they believed in it. Then they would set them free in a kind of maze or even a lost city or whatever and make them fight each other to death.

Suddenly it all felt so cold. She was freezing and had trouble breathing. Panic rose in her at what those people would do to that girl and all the others in the name of science. Are they from the government? Are they allowed to do this? Is someone gonna come and safe us? If they were from the government, no one would come to save them. If they were criminals, maybe someone would look for them but... the chance was so small, Myriam told herself not to keep up the hope. Instead she told herself to gather as much information as she could.

What do I know so far? Most people speak English or Russian. So either we are still in the States, or in another English speaking country, or in Russia. The facility is partly locked and I can't tell how big it actually is. There are no windows, I don't know what floor we would be on or if it's actual day or night. Here are sceintist and probably test rooms all around. Guards. We all have a power if we believe those people. Would be intersting to know if those who are testing us have abilities too or if they do not. Probably not though. Mostly people with shared stories do not run tests on their "own kind". Though, you never know.

She quickly gave up. She knew nothing. She could only hope for the mercy of those people and if you'd ask her, they didn't seem to know it at all. Crazy scientists. Myriam pulled Mayuri closer to her. She would at least try to protect her as much as possible. Why she wanted that? Why she made that decision? She didn't know. Something just made her feel better and more powerful over the determination that built with the decision. They deserve to get out of here. Maybe I can at least help Mayuri escape. All of us will never be let go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 8 mos ago


GM Post - The Auditorium

The commotion was over, for now. It seemed like those who were going to yell out or react violently had done their bit.

Only four this time? Not so bad this time.

Elisa turned back to face the remaining group, seeing the anger, terror and confusion across all their faces; mixed up into one pot of frightened children ready to lash out at anything at a moment's notice. This had always been the crucial point of the programme, getting the kids on board at the earliest stage possible to contain their abilities and stop them harming themselves and others by accident. She dropped her smile a little, wearing the slightly sterner look her companion had adopted (or rather, wore permanently). The removal of the screaming girl from earlier had made the atmosphere a bit cooler and it would rub people the wrong way to continue grinning.

"Let me answer your... queries in turn. First you, Irina." Of course, Elisa had memorised all their names, backgrounds and everything bit of information they had on each of them. "Kidnapping is an offence, you are correct. Isolating potentially dangerous persons is not. Under government rules we have taken you, with permission from your countries, to isolate you from others until we can understand your abilities properly. Think of it like this: if you had a disease or an illness that could kill you very easily, and could spread to those around you by merely being near them, would you resist being kept away from them or would you go willingly until you were better?" Her eyes hardened.

"Take you, for example. You know you can hear others' thoughts, yes? Earlier, before we turned on the nullifier, you were in pain, yes?" She was walking towards Irina, towering over the girl who was sitting down (it turns out Elisa was rather tall, even without the slight heels she was wearing), her voice low as she hammered the points home. "Now imagine this: what if you let that get out of control? Imagine if you accidentally let everyone around you hear that without even realising you were doing that? Do you think it might drive them mad? Imagine the secrets you would pour out unwillingly? And then think of yourself... powers grow as you get older, whether you use them or not. If you don't learn how to control your power, to use it when you wish to, you will drive yourself insane with the constant thoughts in your head." She looked around the room coolly.

"We brought you all hear to stop that happening to you all. We are treating you as if you were a bio-hazard. You are dangerous to people without even meaning to be. Above all, you are dangerous to yourself. Once you are better able to control your powers we can let you out, until then we have a duty of care to protect you and those around you. That includes your family and friends."

Here, Christopher glanced at Nikolai. ["I believe that answers your question about legitimacy, Nikolai. We are contracted by governments individually, you are here because your government charged us with reducing the dangers associated with empowered persons."]

Now Elisa had stalked to another part of the room so that she was opposite Mara, staring the girl down.

"And you, Amara. Your family have been notified. I have been nothing but honest with you about how or why you were brought here. Everything was done in a way to minimise risk to people around you, not just yourself. After the preliminary tests you will be allowed to call your family, or vidchat with them, whichever you choose."

There was a pause, silence descending on the room. Then one hand was slowly raised.

Arthur Ragnarson

In the stunned silence that had descended on the room, Arthur looked around and saw the shock and horror on all the faces of his fellow inmates. He too felt the same but... however, why ever, felt strangely calm. Well, more like empty. He found his hand raised calmly, like he was in class. A twisted, horror show of a class.

"Yes, Arthur?" Elisa had called on him and suddenly he felt the attention on him. He had barely formed what he wanted to ask in his head and found himself, suddenly on the spot, at a loss at what to do. Slowly, Arthur stood, buying time while trying to remain calm and collected.

"You say we might be a danger to others. I say that if we develop our powers then, while we may be less of a danger by accident, we may be more dangerous by design. What is your purpose in this? This is no charitably funded organisation, there's private money here. So, where's the catch?" He stared at Elisa, unconcerned by the hard look on her eyes. There was a coldness behind them, like she was looking at a machine rather than a human being. Arthur supposed that was how one was like when they became a research of living organisms or else the stress would become too great.

The scientists paused, observing the young man, before replying. "We receive funding from governments to not only contain and develop those with powers but also pass on research developments to other projects. Things that were previously impossible become possible. For example, in your case, if you ability to heal rapidly can be developed properly then we might be able to develop methods to cure illnesses or increase the success rate of risky operations." She smiled. "A lot of people are interested in the application of such developments and will fund this research. Whether for greedy reasons or for philanthropic reasons, it does not matter to us. Our core mission is the same: protect you, develop you and in so doing protect those around you."

Arthur nodded, sitting down.

"In that case, I'm ready to see this coach of mine. I can't speak for everyone here but I'd rather have a shot at leaving her than being stuck here as an unwilling specimen. I'll take my shot at freedom, even if it means gambling on much worse." His meaning was clear:

I don't trust you, but I've got no choice.

GM Post - The Auditorium

With a nod from Elisa, Christopher spoke into into a microphone on his lapel and the doors to the auditorium opened. A stream of men and women entered. They were a weird group wearing anything from lab coats to jeans and a vest. Men and women, young to middle aged. They spread out to line up at the front of the room as if they were on show, or on parade.

"These will be your coaches. We have already matched you with whoever has had the most previous experience with abilities like yours. Like I said, you are not the first group we've had here and we're discovering new methods to enhance your abilities all the time. Your first session will be establishing a dialogue with your coach, having a DNA swab and maybe a blood test depending upon your power, and then discussing the next steps." She stepped back, gesturing for the coaches to begin taking their chosen 'student' away.

Arthur Ragnarson

"Arthur Ragnarson. Please follow me."

The one who had called his name was a younger woman, perhaps in her mid-twenties, wearing a business suit (trousers, blouse and jacket) but despite her severe choice of clothes she had a gentle look and gestured for him to follow him. Arthur smiled to his two very newly made friends, squeezing out of the row and following the coach out of the room.

"My name is Gisela. I was employed in a private clinic before I came here, which is why I took you on as my pupil." They exited out of the door at the right hand end of the corridor into another corridor lined with rooms with number plaques on them.

"So your experience is relevant to my 'power'? I have to be honest, I'm not convinced I have a power. I just happen to heal faster than other people but it's not anything miraculous." He followed her into a room that looked a lot like a counselling office. There was an armchair, a couch and a coffee table. A bookcase filled with books and files that looked to be mostly medical journals was against one wall while a sink and a few cupboards was against another. As with the rest of the facility there were no windows in the room, just the fake natural light-emitting glass frames.

"Something like that. We have a way of locating people with powers and it also tells us what their power is. It's one hundred percent accurate so there's no mistake. You have a power, even if you find that hard to believe now." A wry smile and then she gestured to the sofa. "Please, take a seat and then we will begin."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Abel "Abe" Parker

Throughout the entire talk, Abel fought every single urge he had to stand up and scream his head off. He wanted to - he wanted to, so desperately. He had no control over this situation, and that infuriated him. He was at his wit's edge when the group of a dozen or so walked into the auditorium, taking a place at the bottom.

Coaches. Abel closed his eyes and breathed away the anger that continued to rise up in him. As the coaches were instructed to disperse, Abel wanted to take this chance to make a run for it. He was fast, so he could probably make it to the exit before they could catch him. He turned towards the doorway, but ran into another body. His eyes shot up and he saw the man that stood before him. He was at least four inches taller than him, with dark skin and defined muscles that bulged against his black sweatshirt.. He was huge, but he couldn't have been very fast. That meant Abel could possibly outrun him.

There goes my size advantage. He swallowed, looking the large man in the eyes, the latter returning an unwavering gaze as well. "Follow me." He said in a low baritone. He turned and walked away, and Abel reluctantly complied.

The tall man lead him through several corridors, moving far too fast for Abel to memorize the turns. He finally stopped at an open door a minute later, turning to Abel and motioning him to go through. The young man stepped to the doorframe, but didn't go in. The room was white and empty, save for a single chair at the opposite side.

He felt the guy step closer to him. He went for it. He turned, throwing all 180 pounds into his rotation, and slammed his elbow against the man's torso to shove him again the door.

He failed miserably.

Before his elbow could even touch, the man caught it with his left hand and pressed his right hand against Abel's back, shoving him towards the chair. "Stop it." He said calmly. Abel slapped the ground with his palm, letting out a furious grunt. "Please sit in the chair."

Abel stood, not sitting down. "You can't keep me here!"

"We can. We will." The man said. "I'm not your enemy." His voice was level and even, enough to slightly chip away at Abel's tension. "My name is Ezra. We're not here to hurt you. You can cooperate, and we can help each other out. The faster you do, the faster you get to see Emily, Erin, and your mother again." His use of their name sent another spike of frustration up Abel's spine.

Ezra stepped through the doorway, shutting the door behind him. He crossed his arm and looked at Abel. "Or, you can resist, and this can be the longest experience of your entire life."

Abel clenched his fists together and breathed a shaky breath.

"What'll it be?" Ezra asked in his low tone.

The younger of the two slowly released his fists and swallowed again. He focused on steadying his breathing to a normal pattern. Abel closed his eyes, hanging his head in the air. He sighed, then reluctantly sat.
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