Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Batman was standing at the window in the hallway before the main room. He didn't see her, staring out at the water by the base. He was trying to sort thru his thoughts without anyone seeing him. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Finding Batman which she was glad to have found noticed was possibly in thought but walked over to him anyway. She made sure her footsteps were light as possible thanks to the Black widow training in stealth. Riza stopped when she wd about 4 feet from him. She waited a minute before speaking up. "Batman? I. Would you mind coming with me so I may tell you and the team. I figured out a little bit more as to what happen with Wolf. Thought you would like to know as would the team." She told him. Though had more to say but would say it later. "Are you okay?" She asked unknown to her as to what maybe plaguing his thoughts except for the possible fact it was Wolf that might be on his mind. She was a father figure to her from what all Wolf said to her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Batman blinked and looked over at her, then nodded. "I'm fine...I think I know why she snapped like that...apart from what Robin told me. She did this same thing after we found her. It was a few days later...she was staying with me at my home when I got a call from Diana...that's wonder woman. I had asked her to check on Wolf, make sure she was alright. Diana told me wolves had appeared all around the manor...in her room. I came home and found her curled up just like that, crying that she wanted her father...we hadn't figured out anything about her but I took her into my arms and told her we would find her father..." He looked at Riza then, his eyes blank as he fought to hide his feelings.

"She told me that the bad men wanted the treasure her mother gave her. That she had to give it to her father. I had no idea what any of it meant at the time...but now..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza seemed to be thinking as Batman talked about his experience with Wolf back when she was a little girl and living with Batman. What had happened with the wolves, what Wolf told him. Riza began thinking too. "Sounds like Wolf might actually have the key after all. How she has is completely unknown. But I figured out that the wolves are a summon. Her mother had the same talent. As for what happened that caused her to freak out. What Robin told me about it was true. However with the blood and stress of her nightmare pushed her to see red. Those wolves havent been summoned in a long time, one of them spoke to me. Told me about it. Even told me how much her powers have grown based on the summon alone. Steven is taking her to her room. She's in a trance of what the wolves said to be from her old training that is calming her down, giving her control of herself slowly, but should be checked on to make sure for when she wakes to not push herself." Riza explained to him. "By the way. When I am able to go back home, and Wolf being able to see her parents. I-uh. I think it's better that she makes her own choice of where she wants to be. Though I had a thought that would take sometime to achieve." The young Stark smiled warmly as she looked at the window, then to Batman. It was a thought she had been thinking about for a while, know what it is like to feel torn between homes. Well. She knew it now.

She went to the mainroom in hopes to find the team there, tell them something she felt she should not have kept from them. Walking inside she had her hands in her pockets, looking a bit down in the dumps. Even felt this butterflies in her stomach.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Batman just nodded, knowing what Wolf's choice would have to be. He followed her, wondering how the younger heroes would handle Riza's new information. When the doors opened they all looked up to see Riza. After a few moments of silence Artemis jumped up and went to Riza, hugging her tightly. She said quietly to Riza "Thank you for helping Wolf...and don't let the others scare you. You have nothing to feel bad for" Robin got up from the couch looking at Riza. "How is Wolf?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza noticed all were sitting down, their eyes on her. She knew the feeling stared at. Her hazel-red orbs looked about them before she noticed movement of which she zoned in on to be Artemis coming toward her. Riza was uncertain as to what was to happen until she felt arms around her, a comforting manner. She had tensed at first but then settled down and relaxed. She wrapped her arms around Artemis to match the tight hug as Artemis thanked her and comforting her with her words. Her eyes closed, faced buried in her shoulder. "Thank you..." She said in a muffled face. She let go after hearing Robin ask about Wolf. Gathering herself, she soon let go of Artemis, giving her a small smile, showing she was okay. Her attention on everyone else there. "Wolf will be alright. She fell into a trance to gain again. Dr. Strange is taking her to her room. Let her rest. As for what happen. She had a nightmare. One that seemed to trigger instincts to protect herself. So when Robin tried to wake her, she pinned him down. Scratched him where it could have been worse then it turned out to be. With the blood and stress, she saw red. While keeping herself in the containment cell, she managed to trance herself but also summoned the wolves you saw inside with her. One spoke to me, told me all that happened. But told me that with them having been summoned shows just how much her powers have grown. They haven't been summoned in long time." Riza explained.

Wally and Meg'aan seemed to feel relieved, Superboy didn't seem all that phased that anyone could tell. "Thats a relief." Said Meg'aan. Riza nodded. "They also requested that she should no push herself. Other than that she will be fine." She added. Meg'aan seemed to think for a moment. "Maybe we can try and have some time off and take Wolf somewhere fun. Like one of those theme parks." she thought out loud. Wally smiled. "Sounds like a awesome plan. Besides. A time off for us all will be a wonderful time to shake some of this stress off us all."

Riza didn't disturb them from their planning though she thought it was an interesting plan. She wasn't much for theme parks though. She had to say something before she would lose the courage to say it. "Ialsohavesomethingtosay!" She said rather abruptly and sudden which would turn their heads to her. "I-I didn't say this before and I feel I should have not hid it at all. But I have an affinity for the mystic arts. Asgardian Magic to be specific." She said a bit slower now but seemed rather nervous. She had her reasons why.

Meg'aan looked to her with a tilt of her head but did not understand as to why Riza seemed nervous. "There is no reason to be nervous. I knew there was something different about you. I just didnt say anything for I did not wish to upset you." Wally shrugged. "Its nothing unusual anymore. But it would have been nice to know. I mean, Robin's recovery from that frostbite and all." Wally only grinned. Superboy still said nothing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Batman nodded to Robin and Robin relaxed a little. Artemis smiled, still keeping an arm around Riza. She knew Wolf would want someone to back Riza up when she wasn't there. Robin looked at Connor and said "Connor? You alright?"

Strange covered Wolf with her blanket, waving his hand to light the candles around the room. He looked at his hands, not feeling himself. "My powers must be limited here...but why mine and not Riza's or Wolf's? I feel something else is at play here....but what could it be..." He sat down by the cot, folding his arms and losing himself in his thoughts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Looking to her side, feeling and arm around her. Looking to the source of who's arm to be Artemis. It seemed to be a sort of comfort, support. Her smile grew a little. Conner looked to everyone though looked to Robin specifically. He shrugged. "Im fine. Just got nothing to say." He told him. Meg'aan walked over to Riza with a smile having taken her hands and clasped her own around them. "It's quite alright. How about we play a day out for Wolf." She looked over to Batman. "Is that alright?" She asked with curiosity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Batman nodded and said "she will be with time...a day off would be good for all of you..." He turned and left the room, robin blinking. "A day off? For all of us? Batman must be sick or something" Artemis smirked and said "no take backs. This is going to be sweet"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Meg'aan looked a bit surprised for what she heard from Batman. She though was happy that they could have a day to themselves. She looked from Batman who left the room leaving the room confused though seemed leaving Robin even more confused only to make Artemis happy. The martian smiled, happy and just as bubbly as ever. "Oh! We need to make this the best day off ever."
Conner looked confused as well. He never heard Batman letting take a day off from saving people. So he was just as confused as Robin. "No kidding. Never thought I would hear him say that." He commented to what Robin said.
Wally jumped for joy. "Whoo! Heck yeah! Oh this will be sweet!" He then calmed down only to look to everyone. "So how are going to make this the best day off ever cause I'm all ears."

Riza watched Batman leave, though had a dilemma of her own. She didn't really know how to have a good time unless she was making things. Going out and having fun was something she didn't really do. She noticed how excited most of them were though looked confused. Having no idea what-so-ever to help contribute to this relaxing cause. Speaking of relaxing, Riza was starting to feel a little tired. But felt there was still so much to do though thought better than to keep herself kept up in a workshop with the lack socializing. So if Artemis followed or not since she was somewhat attached to her, went to sit down on the couch and relaxed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Artemis watched her, them followed letting the others handle day plans. She sat down by Riza and said "You doing alright, Riza? YOU look beat...not that I blame ya, after all of this"

Strange was closing Wolf's door when Batman appeared, his eyes narrowed. Strange blinked then said "Its not a good idea, I know what you're thinking but its not a good idea...you could send her over the edge" Batman sighed then said "I did this to her...I have to fix it. And if getting her memory back will help her...I am willing to risk it"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza glanced her gaze to Artemis who sat down next to her and asked her if she was alright. She nodded. Though situated herself by sitting up a little, her hands went behind her head, being careful with Artemis next to her and rest her head on her hands that laced together to be a support for her head. "Im alright. Just tired. I can't remember when I last slept. That says something right there is nothing else does." She told her with a chuckle that escaped her lips lightly. "Stress and worry plague me right now. But so does relief."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Artemis nodded and said "I get what you mean. Keeping things inside isn't healthy...I mean, look at Wolf. She isn't even meaning to and she's bursting at the seams..." She paused, an idea hitting her. "Memories that could kill her...but keeping them hidden is killing her too...what if..." She looked away, thinking things thru. "Batman wouldn't...but he would if it protected everyone..."
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Riza turned her head, noticing Artemis seemed to be thinking. Her eyes looked curious though wondered what she meant exactly. Memories that could kill her? If she was talking about the nightmares she was getting about her past, that was a understandable thought. But could see what not having her memories after that has happened was killing her too. Hearing about Batman made her think about this more. What would Batman do to that would seem so risky. Screw possibly sleeping. She was wise awake now that she had thoughts going through her head. "I-I'll be right back." Riza stood up and went toward Wolf's and her own room where Wolf and Strange were. She felt the need to check up on them. Maybe even find Batman. The young Stark may just be overreacting and thinking outrageous things, but it was absolutely odd.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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When Riza got there strange was blocking the door to Wolfs room, batman in front of him. Strange shook his head and said "it's not that simple. She may be a anchor but there's more to it. The fact that both Wolf and Riza can use their powers here fully, even more so, and I'm basically powerless here says something. There is a reason this is happening how it is. You push the wrong thing and things could get much much worse. This men will soon relic they need Wolf and Riza for whatever they are planning to work. I won't risk either of them to test your theory of how to awaken locked away memories"
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Riza stayed at a distance but listened to Strange rant on about what she picked up to be something not being simple, Wolf and Riza being able to use their power and magic but not Dr. Strange which is odd beyond belief. How one false move basically could cause something much worse, and something needing both the Relic as well as Wolf and Riza for something. So Strange wasnt going to let Batman test a Theory of locked away memories. This was where Riza was going to step in. "So how exactly can you not use magic here? I thought it was all based on will and the imagination. Anyway. Im more interested on this theory that Batman has on the awaking Wolf's memories when we've tried anything that won't possibly harm her mental state then whats already been done? Besides that shouldn't we let Wolf rest for once? She's been through quite the ordeal as we all have and I am sure she has had less sleep then myself at this rate. Can't we just leave her be and let her decide and leave nothing out?" She asked, honestly tired and just wanting Wolf to get some proper sleep for once since this whole thing started. She looked tired but she was not in the mood to put up with this crap honestly and just wanted some peace.

"Its only been about a week since I have been here and just now starting to understand things. Honestly, Im not in THAT much of a hurry. I know whats at stake as does everyone else here. I am sure Wolf and I can possibly deal with closing portals if she is okay with it. Rushing wont help. I know from the Suits and medical gear I made. Patience is everything. Something will go wrong and make it worse." Riza said with the wisdom that she made learned back at home. Plus it wasnt just her inventions and suits that she learned it from. But from the Avengers as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Batman looked at the young woman and said "I am not risky everyone lives...only my own. There is one place that may wake those memories up...and I may trigger them as well. I want to take her to the place I found her...maybe something there will end all of the pain she is going thru..." Strange shook his head and said "Its not a wise action to take...she could kill you...and anyone else around if she loses all control"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza listened though sighed in frustration. "Hey! Shoulder Angel and Devil! How about we let Wolf choose? When she wakes up? I get you both care about her memories and the live(s) at risk here. But screw the whole 'I want to do this for her' or the whole 'No, not wise' crap." Riza strode over to them and slightly pushed Dr. Strange out of the way of the door, herself now in the way. "I'm going to watch over Wolf now and let you know when Wolf is ready to talk about any of this. Which is after the day off you," pointing to Batman "practically promised. She needs it, okay?" She though giggled a little after a littler moment which seemed to occur like this when she was tired. "I sound like Director Fury now. Heh heh heh." She then calmed down and opened the door a little, her voice lowered so she wouldn't possibly wake her, hoping none of them woke her up before. "Leave her alone for now, please?" But before they could say anything she shut the door and locked it. One the other side of the door with Batman and strange, the Iron maiden suit came over and stood by the door.

Within the room, Riza leaned against the door and sighed, taking a calming breath before looking around and to Wolf in hopes we was asleep. With her back sliding down of the door, she sat down with her knees to her chest, her arms wrapping around her legs before she dropped her head in between and closed her eyes. She was completely tired and wanted to sleep.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Both men blinked as Riza vanished into the bedroom. Strange smiled and said "I always forget she has her parents in her...that's what Pepper and her father would have said..." Batman nodded and said "I am glad Wolf has her as a friend...things are going to get much harder here and out..."

Wolf was still asleep, but the Alpha wolf was laying next to the bed, his bright eyes on Riza. "Thank you for fighting for her...she normally fights her own battles but in this state, she doesn't trust herself any more..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza lifted her head a little when she head a familiar voice speak. She smiled. "We watch out for each other back where I was born and raised. Yeah we may have a few bumps here and there but still friends." He said as she smiled. "Right now there isn't much we can do anyway till we can locate this portal or find the blueprints. Plus as far as I have been aware, recovering ones own memories take time. Thats what I wanted them to understand. Rushing wont do any good at this point and Wolf needs to make these decisions. Its her memories after all. I will support her decisions the best I can."
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