Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Clara had listened to him while they headed towards the house, glancing down at her arm which had been healing quickly. She couldn’t help but scoff at his comment over him wanting peace. It didn’t seem as such - he had all of these men after him, hell, she herself had wanted to make him suffer - who knew who else could have been after him? She couldn’t help that soft sound of dispute that fell from her lips, but she kept quiet none the less as they approached the house.

Even on the way she could tell something was wrong; it was too silent; too still. Her senses were on high alert as they approached and she glanced to Kieran knowing full well he shouldn’t have been running into it either. Right away her eyes focused on her surroundings, peering into the darkness to figure out who she was going to handle first. When the bit of light had suddenly cut through the night, she glared at the front door. Ah, there he was - his other little pet. Yet, it was no time to be jealous or even brooding over the situation - not when she was so suddenly caught off guard at Kieran’s request for her help once more.

Clara eyed him as he took off, cursing under her breath before she headed out behind him - her dagger back in her hold once more. Kieran went after the first one, Ryanair went after the second - the third was all hers. With a quick swipe she’d sent a gash along the chest of the first that approached her before she suddenly was grabbed from behind as darkness had blanketed their surroundings.

She’d hissed as she was grabbed, her elbow coming into contact with the other man’s stomach before she’d turned and lifted her knee to his face as he doubled over. What followed after was an onslaught of men seemingly taking turns to take each one of them out. How the hell did she end up here -- fighting for Kieran? Part of her hadn’t thought about it at all - her movements were instinctual not only to protect herself, but to protect her sire like she was supposed to. However, her own wants fought against it. She didn’t have time to think about that now, and she prayed that Christian wouldn’t come looking for her to get himself caught up in all of this mess.

Clara growled as she dodged another swipe of a knife, her hand coming to rip at the offender’s throat. With him discarded she took off for the next, picking up another discarded bow to swing at the man. Within seconds, the pointed end had gone throw his chest and she’d kicked him away. Her dagger had been tossed aside and she took a moment to find it -- when another had taken advantage and swiped her legs out beneath her. For quick moment her breath had been knocked out of her lungs and she’d looked up to see another knife coming down on her. She’d rolled to the side and swiped one of her legs out, successfully knocking another one down. She’d reached out to grab her own dagger on the ground and both swiped at each other at the same time. The male had successfully gotten her side while she drove hers into his chest. “Fuck!” Clara hissed and grabbed her side before she forced herself back up before anyone else could pounce on her moment of weakness.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ryanair managed to snap the male's neck before him, his body tense and dyed glowing. Kieran was staggering but managing to hold his own, the male he kicked away had a torn throat. He could feel it again, the heaviness clinging to his body ashe moved away and kicked out. Ryanair hissed and moved towards Clara, feud forgotten as he intercepts a male with a discarded bow in his chest. It seemed endless, the shadows seeming to spew more hunters as time dragged by. Ryanair grit his teeth as he ducks under a dagger, his leg kicking out and connecting with a knee. The male fell with a shout, Ryanair was on him in a moment. As he stepped on the man's windpipe he thought of how the he'll they were going to get rid of so many bodies.

How head snapped up and to the left when a shout sounded from ahead of them. Kieran tossed his enemy away and took a step, only to still when a dagger pierced his back. His lips parted as a pained shout left his throat, an enraged his filled his ears before the weight on is back was lifted. Another hiss came from ahead and Kieran felt his shoulders relax, only for his body to tense when a band landed on the new injury.

“I'll take it out only, it seems their weapons are coated with something that slows the healing process. Also hello and you look like shit.” Were the words that filled his ears, he grunted and groaned when the dagger was removed. A floral scent filled his nose as a gloved hand lifted his face, his eyes meet glowing pink. Lady Esther patted his cheek before turning and lurching forward, an unexpected hunter getting a palm slammed into his windpipe.

Kieran took took a moment to survey his spinning surroundings. His eyes blinked and he rose on instinct when he felt movement behind him, he came face to with a smaller opponent. The female moved back and lifted what looked like a gun, Kieran rushed forward and knocked it away before piercing her with his hand.

“Pleasant meeting you here pet. I brought Wolff with me just for this occasion.” The bright voice had Kieran whipping around to find Madam Isabela calmly tossing a body away. Her crimson hair was loose and her eyes were glowing silver. He nodded dumbly and moved back into action, Ryanair pausing only slightly to notice both females before returning to his task. He'd ponder why there were here later, Kieran dodged a kick and flawlessly reentered the fight.

Five vampires against an army of hunters. Kieran didn't think too much on that and simply focused on fighting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It was endless - She wondered just how many of these assholes were out there and where were they coming from? It did not go unnoticed that the sudden slice in her side had felt more painful than usual, not to mention, it didn’t close up as quick as it would have normally. Frowning, Clara pushed the pain away as she dodged the next human, her arm darting forward as it ripped through their stomach. The fight had gone on for far too long in her opinion, and she wondered if there was a break in the group. There couldn’t possibly been that many more, could there have been?

Clara had only glanced at Ryanair as he passed her by, momentarily forgetting about how she wanted to wring his own throat for even existing. No; there was no time for that - she only had to protect herself and apparently the others. Ducking from another blow, she once more kicked out the legs from under another. She’d grabbed another discarded knife and quickly sliced through their neck. Clara continued for the next one swinging and slicing wherever she could, the smell of blood heavy on the air.

It was only a matter of time before she realized they weren’t on their own any longer. Her attention focused momentarily on the newcomers - people she’d assumed had known Kieran. Lord, was this man ever by himself?

She hissed as she received another blow to her stomach which had knocked her off balance, feeling a heavier body suddenly atop her. Within moments she’d felt the cold steel in her shoulder - meant for her stomach had she not thrown an arm out at theirs. “Mother fucker!” Clara growled and lifted her hips to try and knock them off balance. She’d reached up in a moment and pulled out the blade on her own, growling at the sudden pain before she turned the blade on the human.

“God damnit - where are they coming from?!”

She’d quickly gotten back up, but had frowned at the sudden pain in her arm - finding it was worse for wear. Shit. Still, she used her other arm to shove the knife into another’s stomach as they approached her and she shoved them away. There were only five of them -- how much longer could they last?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 2 days ago

“Alright, I've had enough.” Kieran heard Madam Isabela hiss from behind him. He shifted to dodge a blade and found her there to finish the human, he blinked at her words. A moment later he heard shouts and the hunters that were headed towards them stilled. Thursday attention shifting to a hill that overlooked an endless field that led to a forest, Kieran blinked once more.

Other vampires had appeared and held two struggling individuals, the others held the weapons. Ryanair moved forward as if to investigate, only to still when a gloved hand fell on his shoulder. He blinked when pink eyes met his own, a frown on the nobles vampire face.

“Best not get too close yet. Madam Isabela?” Lady Esther addressed the other with a bow of her head, Ryanair remained still in confusion. He relaxed when another hand fell on his other shoulder, the smell of mint invading his nose. Kieran sighed softly but made no indication of moving, he watched as Madam Isabela patted her skirts.

“Now then, I'm assuming this game is over. Do be dears and leave before I really lose my temper.” Kieran shuddered at the mere mention, the vampires in white moved forward and brought with them their hostages. The other hunters parted and allowed them passage, Madam Isabela huffed and moved forward. Her hand almost seemed to caress the female's chin, her other seeming to poke the male's chest. All three and the ones in white knew that it was a warning, Madam Isabela could easily kill them.

“We've been sent to-” The woman began, only to be silence by a knife to her neck. The second hostage remained silent, his only move to move away from the poking finger. Ryanair moved away from Lady Esther and stood beside his sire, not aware that he stood beside Clara as well. Kieran didn't have the energy to ponder the sight, he really couldn't think straight anymore if he was honest.

“What did you dose your weapons with?” Lady Esther’s voice filled the air, the hard underlying of anger clear. Both humans remained silent for a moment, Madam Isabela’s Guard pressed shifted as if to move forward. No one moved and for that Kieran was grateful, he couldn't tell which was up or down anymore.

“Silver.” Was the simple answer the male provided, Kieran noted all three of his companions flinch. He swallowed and felt his legs give from under him, his world going black around the edges. A hand slapping his cheek jerks him awake, a familiar face meeting his blurry vision. His brown hair was tied and his eyes were glowing gold, Kieran blinked and rolled his head to see why he wasn't on the ground. He was being held by a Guard member, he returned his attention to Wolff.

“You won't be moving for a bit, you've taken too much silver in your system. Be thankful that some of left your system already, really Kieran I thought you could fight better then this.” Kieran couldn't answer aside from narrowing his eyes, Wolff ignored him and turned to the others. “The ones that sustained cuts should be fine, just don't push yourselves. Be good dears and destroy those weapons please, I'd hate for someone to find them.” The other Guard members moved into action, Kieran only noted then that they were alone.

“I suggest we all stay here for the night. You have rooms?” Lady Esther asked after a moment, Kieran was lifted by Wolff and kept in place by the hand on his shoulder. Ryanair nodded and turned to the house, a frown on his face.

“We've renovated and have added more rooms. We should get inside, will they be staying?” The question was directed to the white-clothed figures, Madam Isabela nodded and Ryanair relaxed. Kieran watched as his second fledgling turned room face his first, his posture going rigid as he opened his mouth. “Will you be staying? I don't think Healer Wolff wants us moving.” Wolff nodded and moved away from Kieran, Ryanair appeared a moment later. Resting his heavy head on the blonde's shoulder, he unconciously called for his first fledgling to join them. His feet felt rooted to the ground, his ears focused as Wolff began to speak.

“We will all be sleeping here. Any objections I don't a shit about. Let's get moving inside.” Kieran watched as Madam Isabela and Esther moved forward, the white figures gone as well as the bodies.

Kieran fucking hated silver.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It was so odd-- all at once everything seemed to come to a halt and she was left breathless, staring at the scene before her. Her adrenaline was through the roof, still unsure of how she’d gotten caught up in that mess and furthermore conflicted about her real reasons on why she was there to help. Her chest rose and fell with deep breaths as she studied the woman who clearly held power over the other new vampires, and she knew it was time to stay quiet. Yet, as Clara studied everything before her, she became suddenly aware of the pain shooting throughout her body. It was almost dizzying all at once, and yet she stayed stiff, unwilling to allow any others to see such weakness. She knew no one there, and therefore trusted no one out of the lot -- let alone Kieran.

At the thought her head turned towards the male just as he’d stumbled and she frowned in response, unaware that Ryanair had made his way to her side. One hand came up to cover her shoulder, trying to add pressure to stop the bleeding which should have stopped by then. Each wound felt like it was on fire, and she couldn’t will it away. Her jaw clenched, she nearly groaned at the mention of silver. Made sense - nothing was healing as it should, and she knew then it wouldn’t be healing for a while.

Clara cursed under her breath as everyone began to part and clean up the massacre that was all around them. She took a moment to glance down at herself, frowning at the sight. She must have looked absolutely horrid... She blew a stray strand of curls from her face before she sighed -- not a great decision to wear cream that day, that was for sure. She was practically covered in everyone else’s blood, mixed with her own. Honestly, part of her felt pleased -- at least the others wouldn’t notice her own wounds so quickly.

As Ryanair spoke, it suddenly stirred her from her thoughts and the haze that had entered her mind throughout all of the pain. What had he asked? She’d been expressionless as he spoke to her before she turned away. It was late - Christian was probably worrying, and hell - if she showed up like this... No, she would have to sneak home somehow.

“I really should go--” Yet, Clara’s words were cut off by another’s as it felt like all her breath had left her lungs. Didn’t seem like she had much of a choice - and the sudden sensation to follow Kieran had taken over her as Ryanair left her side and Kieran was headed within the house.

Clara didn’t like it one bit. Even as she reluctantly followed slowly and carefully, she did not trust being in a household of strangers -- let alone Kieran’s house of all places. It was unfamiliar and her guard was up immediately. The moment she could leave, she planned on sneaking away as quick as she could. Who the hell were all of these people?

“God damnit...” Clara nearly groaned under her breath as she trailed far behind the others. Her steps slowly took her inside as the pain continued to fog her brain. Both her shoulder and side had substantial wounds. This was going to be one hell of a night, and honestly, she needed a hell of a drink after all of this. Saving him - let alone his other pet - a couple of times in a matter of days was exhausting... He owed her the world...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 2 days ago

“Drinks?” Esther asked as they moved to the living room, Kieran grunted and was grateful when be was set on a couch. Ryanair huffed and released him to head towards the liquor area they kept in a corner, Kieran blinked and hissed when a palm met his chest.

“I'll bandage your wounds and then leave you be.” Was all Wolff offered before his shirt was removed, a hiss escaping his lips as something was pressed to his skin. Kieran glanced down and saw his chest for the first time, his throat working as he swallowed. His skin wasn't pale anymore, it easy red and raw-looking with blood still seeping from the wounds. A gauze pad was then trailing along the first gash, Kieran made no move to jerk away. By the time he was all bandaged up, Kieran was fighting to stay awake. A fire in the fireplace lit the room in an orange glow, Wolff moved on from him after a moment of pondering him.

Ryanair was next to be checked on, Esther had moved to sit on the carpeted floor. Madam Isabela stood near the window, peering out with a glass in hand. Kieran blinked when he noticed Ryanair offering a glass to Clara, even as Wolff began to treat his wounds. He drifted after that, waking to hear Esther’s curses and Isabela’s soft laughter.

Warmth was settled at his side, Kieran lolled his head to the side and found Ryanair fast asleep in a ball. He hummed softly and then allowed himself to relax and drift once more, he awoke in a dark room. He knew it was his own by the drawn-up curtains, he shifted until he was on his side. Their house was quiet, the clock on his wall reading four AM. Knowing Wolff, he treated everyone even Clara without giving a damn about her complaints. Heat filled his body and Kieran burrowed deeper into his cool sheets, a draw back to too much silver in the bloodstream.

It didn't just slow healing and reflexes, it left a heat that won't vanish until they were fully heeled. Kieran stilled and allowed sleep to pull him under, Ryanair doing the same in his own room. He hadn't sustained many injuries aside from a few gashes, though he could feel the burn. Lady Esther sat in the cushioned armchair in her room and finished her fourth glass of liquor. Her eyes were heavy and closing as she tried to focus outside, she didn't realize when she slipped into sleep. Madam Isabela rolled onto her back, her eye closing as sleep pulled her under. Wolff leafed through the books around him, refusing to sleep in order to read the information within.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

From the moment Clara had stepped inside, she felt odd- detached, even. Everyone was so quick to settle in and allowed themselves to be patched up. Each found their own places, and it wasn’t long before liquor had been dealt out. Even as Ryanair had offered her a glass, she still eyed him with no expression on her features, but she made sure to take the glass. She was never a girl to refuse a good drink, and after a night like that - she needed it. She felt exhausted and weak, and yet she still remained on her feet - stubborn to the bone.

She’d taken a quick swig of whatever liquor they provided, hoping it would numb the pain that continued to throb throughout her body. She needed to get home; get back to Christian before he came looking for her. She’d only told him that she would be out for a walk; never could she have expected to be thrown in the middle of an onslaught of humans hell bent on killing any vampire in their way. Her lips curled into a frown as she moved about the room, closer to a corner just to make herself feel safe. Ever since that day centuries ago - she’d trusted no one. Hell, it took her years to even trust in Christian and all he’d ever wanted to do was help her. Now she was trapped in a home that belonged to the sire whom she’d wanted to kill - with a group of people who she could only assume were his friends and acquaintances. Clara was uneasy and she was wounded - not a good combination.

She watched as each had gotten bandaged up, and she had protested immediately at the assistance. However, she was quick to learn that Wolff was not one to take lightly to those protests, and she found herself bandaged up in an instant. Although it did help, the pain hadn’t subsided and she fought to hide it in front of all of those people.

Time had slipped by and pretty soon nearly everyone had succumbed to slumber. Both Kieran and the other had been tucked away elsewhere while the remainder of the group had fallen asleep in their spots on the couch. Clara had nearly been pacing - beside herself that she was suddenly caught in such a spot - feeling both dirty and exhausted from the fight. It was late - Christian would be worrying - he couldn’t find out what she’d been up to.

The girl bit her bottom lip carefully as she eyes Wolff with that same suspicion, even though deep down she knew it was pointless. He’d patched her up for christ’s sake - he was probably the least of her worries.

“You know... I really should get going...” There was no sneaking out - she understood that. Something told her she wouldn’t get herself past him, nor the other guards if they were still around.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 2 days ago

Wolff paused long enough to aim a glare and gesture tothe second floor. He really wasn't really wasn't a person who cared of others came and went, his patients he did care for.

Which is why any bitching had no effect on him. He sighed and returned his attention to the book in his hand, his voice soft but firm as he answered. “Your staying girly, no buts or excuses. Whoever I'd waiting for you can wait, besides all three of you will heal faster if your closer anyway.” He offered absently, the medical blooms stealing most of his focus. Above Kieran shifted and winced when his muscles protested, Ryanair remained still in the center of his own bed. This wasn't the first time he'd been wounds like this, though the silver was was a double-edged sword. Ryanair settled down and took a momentto be thankful that the Guard had taken the kids home, none if them were able to do it.

Hours pass and soon sunlight streams through windows, the female's are up and cooking. They'd cleaned themselves as best they could, and seemed content to make breakfast. Ryanair rose from his bed and padded towards his bathroom a change of clothes in hand. The smell of food Guided him downstairs once he was finished, his hair covered by a towel. Wolff was at the table, a cup or coffee in hand. Ryanair grabbed two cups and filled them, exiting the kitchen to find Clara still in the corner.

Seems even she couldn't refuse Healer Wolff. He offered her the cup and sipped at his own, his gaze focusing on the position where he knew Kieran’s room was. The other was in no condition to more but he did needto eat, with a sigh he spoke to the girl who'd helped them. “There's a change of clothes that belonged to Esther if you'd like to shower and change. She came prepared with clothes so if you'd like, the fourth door on the right has the clothes.” He offered with a shrug of his shoulders, he was doing this for Kieran and that was it. It also wasn't a lie, both girls had new clothed on and Ryanair knew Esther had brought extras with her. For what purpose- he bit his bottom lip and vanished the thought.

Turning to head back into the kitchen, he finished his coffee and sits down at the table. The smell of food calling him, he'd take a plate to Kieran when he was finished. he needed all the sleep he could get, healing wounds made by silver were tiresome.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Clara had been quiet as her frown deepened at his response. What did she expect -- for him to just allow her to leave without a second thought? Who knew if there were others out there, and she was smart enough to know that the rest of the vampires who had assisted hadn’t exactly gone home. She’d stood there for a long while before the girl gave a quiet little huff, turning on her heel to find a chair to park herself in. She was uncomfortable and on edge, and she knew she would hardly sleep that night. She just wanted to be home in her own bed and away from these people. She didn’t do well with strangers, let alone a crowd of them who all were familiar with her sire.

She had pulled her legs up closer to her, almost in a little ball in a chair farthest away from them all. Ignoring the protest in her side over the position, that’s where she remained. She’d taken in her surroundings carefully, and taken note of where everyone remained - she wasn’t about to take any chances. Hopefully, Christian wouldn’t throw an absolute fit when she was allowed to leave.

Morning had come and it seemed like ages when it had. She’d only nodded off once or twice, awoken by any little sound or shift that had occurred. Clara had been utterly exhausted and she’d attempted to mask her underlying stress as well - knowing it did her no good to stay awake as long as she had. Sleep would only help her heal faster, she knew, but that wasn’t exactly an option in that household.

When Ryanair approached her she’d only glanced his way for a moment, reluctant to take the cup from him. She still had a bad taste for the male, not that she could really help it. It was hard to like someone who’d gotten everything that you were supposed to have. With a small sigh she’d reached out with her uninjured arm and carefully took the coffee. She’d been hungry; she’d been exhausted -- she just wanted to lie down and sleep it all off.

Clara had listened to him carefully and at the mention of Esther, she had only glanced towards where the other females had been sitting. Was it a good idea to borrow one of their sets of clothes? She wasn’t so sure - but it was becoming painfully obvious that she wasn’t about to leave any time soon, and she couldn’t very well walk home looking like the mess she was... She hadn’t responded to Ryanair, only offering a quick look towards him as he left her.

Still, a shower seemed tempting -- she needed to get washed up...

With a strong ache in her bones, Clara had pushed herself up quietly from the chair, still nursing her cup of coffee as she had actually taken Ryanair’s advice. Now - where had he said? Fourth door to the right... that was it. As quietly as she could she’d entered the room and nearly made a beeline towards the bathroom -refusing to look in the mirror as she passed it by. She knew she looked like hell and didn’t need that confirmation either. She had reached to turn the shower on before carefully removing her ruined clothes with a little huff -- Honestly, she wouldn’t be out of that bathroom for a while - allowing the hot water to wash over her as she stood there, the frown still on her lips. She shouldn’t have been there - of all places - taking a shower in his home... Everything within her wanted to run.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 2 days ago

Keiran awoke with a snarl.

His eyes snapping open and meeting the canopy above his four-poster bed. His body ached and the trail of fire that filled his veins, had him reluctant to move. He had to however when no noticed a foul stench in the air, apparently Healer, hadn't don't his job fully. Kieran rolled his stiff shoulders and bit back a hiss the movement caused, before slowly sitting up. The world spun and he had to grip the sheets so he wouldn't topple over, his eyes squeezed shut.

Silver was a bitch.

With more effort for this time in the morning, Kieran rose to his feet. He kept his balance with a hand on one of the bed posts, his gaze sweeping down and taking in his appearance. He'd been left in his trousers, his shirt as well a his socks and boots missing. With a sigh, the elder vampire made his way to his bathroom. Turning the warm water on he stepped under the spray, his eyes closing at the scalding water that ran down his face.

Ryanair’s patience was thin. His eyes focused on where Esther sat, her legs crossed and attention focused on Madam Isabela. The blonde noble hadn't stopped talking about Kieran since the food has been served, the blonde male was surprised Wolff hadn't intervened already.

Then again the Healer had finally drifted to sleep after a cup of coffee and a plate of food. A particular giggle has Ryanair gritting his teeth and twirling his fork between his fingers, he needed to shut up. “Like hell are you going to his room and checking on him” He bit out as the last few moments of the conversation reached his ears, both women turned to him at once. Isabela looked amused if not slightly bored, Esther looked annoyed.

“Why not? I'd only to check and then return here-” She began with a huff, Ryanair cut her off with a snort and a wave of his hand. He knew her motives, Isabela chuckled softly and sipped at her coffee.

“We know you wouldn't. You ogle him before trying to touch his skin, really this obsession you have with him isn't healthy. “ She chided with a frown on her face, Ryanair could have kissed her. Esther bristled and slammed her cup down on the table, the fledgling felt bad for both objects as the blonde girl rose to her feet.

“It's no obsession! I will marry him!-” Her words fell silent as a pair of footsteps descended the stairs, Ryanair perked up at the sound. Kieran entered a moment later, his tired eyes taking them all in. He moved forward and sat heavily in the seat beside Ryanair and across from Isabela, Esther was still and seemed to be holding her breath.

“I've told you time and time again, I'll not marry you. You've been my friend for years, and this sudden change in mood these past few months has really tested my limits. We'll be friends and only that--oh thanks you Gran.” He murmured softly as an plate was set before him, Ryanair setting down a cup of coffee. His eyes felt heavy, and his hand shook as he moved it to grab the fork Isabela had placed beside his eggs. He pondered on where Wolff had gone for only a moment, before devouring his food.

Esther remained completely still in her seat. It hadn't been a lie they'd been friends for years and her sudden shift to worship him had taken a toll. Maybe now she'd go back to normal, he missed his snarky best friend.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Clara had let the hot water run over her, careful of aggravating her wounds even further. The water felt wonderful against her aching muscles and only served to make her even more tired than she had been before. Still, she could not help but indulge as she leaned against the wall, allowing the water to wash all of the blood and dirt from her body. It had been quite a while before she'd emerged to dry off, finally willing to look at herself in the mirror. Most of her bruises had faded away, but the cut on both her shoulder and side still had been reluctant to heal as quick as she'd like. With a frown, she mulled around the large bathroom, checking cabinets and drawers before she'd found something to re-wrap her wounds in. It had been tricky by herself, but she'd managed to wrap her shoulder and then her waist, where the slice had looked particularly angry on her side.

She carefully slipped into the set of clothes that had been left, reluctant to take them. She knew nothing of the female downstairs and wasn't quite sure if it was a good idea – however – she could very well pin it on Ryanair if it had been a problem. Her guard would remain up – she still felt as if she couldn't trust any one of them – After all, they knew Kieran, for christ's sake – and she knew full well she couldn't trust him at the end of the day.

Clara had given a long sigh as she found a brush and managed to work the knots out of her wet hair. With a little scrunch, her natural waves had returned and she tousled up her long locks before they fell loose around her shoulders, stopping at her waist again. Eyeing herself for a moment longer after she'd dressed, she frowned slightly. It would do – not as if she had anyone to impress anyway.

She'd been tempted not even to leave the room and collapse on the bed, but she really needed to figure out when she could slip away from them all instead. So, shoving her absolute exhaustion aside, Clara eventually emerged from the room and headed downstairs carefully and quietly, not wanting to fully interact with the rest of them, but unable to ignore her hunger just the same.

As she rounded the corner to the dining room where everyone had been, she'd raised a brow at the conversation at hand, steering clear of both Kieran and Ryanair as she entered the room. Perhaps it wasn't the best of times to have decided to join them, but it wasn't much of her business anyway. Regardless, the topic had her almost scrunching her nose as she silently went for her own plate of food. Who would want to marry him of all people? The thought alone was almost laughable – that man could never be trusted, she was absolutely certain. And, honestly, if she had her way – there wouldn't be much to marry once she'd been finished with him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 2 days ago

Finishing his meal took took a big longer than normal, his aching muscles and trembling hands the blame. By the time he'd finished, Esther had relaxed and Isabela was sipping her second cup of coffee. Ryanair dozed beside him, the warmth from him keeping him calm and focused.

The knocks on the door had everyone tensing. Kieran blinked when he heard four familiar heartbeats coming from the other side, Ryanair rising to his feet to check. Isabela and Esther glanced at one another as Ryanair left the room and moved to open the front door, Kieran noticed that Wolff had slipped inside the kitchen.

The sound of several pairs of feet running towards the kitchen had Kieran rising to his feet. The four small figures latched themselves onto him, Ryanair entering a moment later. Kieran noted they seemed relaxed, he patted each head before deeming it time to greet them. “Afternoon my little ones, how are you?” He questions with a soft voice, the little arms around his waist squeeze and he squashed down a wince.

“Good! We missed you!” The said in unison, shifting away to hug Ryanair next. The blonde hugged them each and patted their heads, Kieran decided it was time to distract them with introductions. With a click or his tongue, he had four pairs of eyes on him.

“We missed you as well, did you notice we have guests? You may know two of them.” He states with away gesture of his hand, all four blinked and scanned the room. Excited smiles spread across their faces as they separated and went to greet the two females, Healer Wolff moving to stand by his side.

“Your to follow my directions and keep low, understand?” Was hissed into his ear, Kieran nodded and his a grin when a pair of curious brown eyes landed on Wolff. Isaac walked over and peered up at the brunette, Kieran hid a laugh when Isaac’s head tilted.

“Who are you?” He asks curiously, Kieran feels Wolff stiffen. The Healer sighs and crouches down, patting the boys head with surprising gentleness. Kieran and everyone expect Clara knew that Wolff’s hard exterior evaporated with kids, something that was kept hidden from the Healer.

“I'm the towns Healer, pleasure to meet you. My name is Verne Wolff, and yours?” His gruff voice was softened, Isaac blinked and his head turned as the others moved to his side. Ryanair moved to his side and snorted softly into Kieran’s shoulder, the elder vampire patted his head. The children introduced themselves and upon realizing the male before them has been there for their births, the questions began.

Kieran took pity on the man and stepped forward, leaning down to gather Sena in his arms. The other three turned to him, Wolff rising to his feet with a little cough. Kieran noticed that both Isabela and Esther were moving to the front door, nudging his nose against Sena’s cheek he steers their attention to something they adored.


“Say goodbye and we can begin where we left off last time. Politely now little ones.” He set Sena down and watched as goodbyes were said, hugs shared along with kissed cheeks. Ryanair moved to guide their guests out, and Kieran shooed the four away to the study. He turned to his first fledgling and gestured to the oak doors, it as best to let her leave before she stormed out. “I thank you for your help, you may leave if you'd like but I ask you follow Wolff’s instructions. I'm grateful, I hope you recover and have a good day.” He bowed and turned on his heel, Ryanair meeting him in the foyer with a frown on his lips. Kieran managed a shrug before moving forward once more, keeping them waiting would lead to hide and seek. He didn't have the energy to chase down four hyper children, entering the study he sighed softly and pressed his back to Ryanair’s chest for a moment.

He was exhausted. He didn't think he'd get through the first story without nodding off.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It seemed that their lives were constantly buzzing – something Clara was hardly used to. From what she'd seen, people were in and out – there was always something going on; always something around – she'd found it almost exhausting. The girl had only been used to her and Christian – and even so, she managed to keep her distance from time to time. Sure, he'd taken her out to elaborate parties and events, but she'd really rather had been home than have been forced to mingle with strangers. Even as a knock came at the door and the children that she'd seen the day before nearly bounded in, Clara shifted uncomfortably in her spot. She really felt cornered and she was ready to go. How the hell was she expected to mingle with not only the one who had once betrayed her, but also with the one who had replaced her, and furthermore – all of their friends?

A frown fell on her lips as she ate quietly, observing without as much as a sound coming from her lips. She found it odd – for someone who could change another and abandon them on a whim – he seemed to care a hell of a lot about everyone else.

As soon as both Isabella and Esther had risen to leave, she knew it was a chance for her own escape. She'd studied the two females carefully, watching as everyone had said their goodbyes before she'd risen carefully herself, still masking the fact that she was in quite a bit of pain and wanted nothing more than to lie down. It was within a matter of moments that the room had emptied and all of the hustle and bustle of the morning had died down. She was already making her way carefully around the table when she'd heard Kieran address her.

All she could do was stand awkwardly for a moment, not prepared for gratitude, and unsure of how to respond. Clara had almost tried to grasp for a snide remark in return, but she could barely think of one on a whim. Perhaps she was too tired – yes, that would be her excuse.

"Yes, well… " She paused, still unsure of what to say as she headed towards the door. "I'm growing tired of saving your ass." Nice, Clara – wonderful comeback.

"Good day—" She murmured quickly after that before nearly scurrying out the front door – breathing a sigh of relief at the fresh air. Without a doubt Christian would lose his mind when she got home, and with that thought, she took off towards his estate.

Eventually she'd gotten there and she lingered outside the door in a moment of hesitation. Maybe she'd be able to sneak up to her room and cover up – maybe he wouldn't notice what a wonderful job those humans had done to her. She bit her lower lip as she pushed the front door open, slowly sneaking in.

Her steps were careful as she slid near the staircase, trying to ignore the creaks that fell upon nearly every single god-awful step that she'd placed her weight on.

"…Where the hell were you?"

All of the sudden she'd felt the air fly from her lungs. Damn…

Clara had turned to look over her shoulder at Christian who leaned against the doorway of the main sitting room. His arms were crossed upon his chest and he hardly looked happy. "Miss – 'I'm only going on a walk'…" Clara gave a little huff, hardly in the mood to fight.

"Can we talk about this later?"

"You're kidding me… Clara – you've been gone all night –"

"Christian – I'm a grown woman. I feel as if you sometimes forget that." She suddenly bit back, taking a few more steps up towards the main hallway.

"At least let me know that you're not coming home so I don't have to stay up and worry all damn night!" Christian shouted up after her, and she'd only waved a hand to dismiss him. Hopefully he wouldn't pry – she prayed he wouldn't pry…

Her steps soon led to her room where she shut the door behind her. She'd glanced towards all of the bags that Christian had left for her before she quickly stripped and threw on her shirt from the night before. With a wince, the girl climbed into bed, forced to lie on her back due to her injuries. Within moments, however, she'd fallen asleep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 2 days ago

Just as he'd predicted, he was asleep halfway through the first story. He awoke with something warm in his lap, and silence in his ears. The study hadn't changed much aside from the carpet and shelves of books, Kieran blinked and glanced down. Wythe and Ryanair were asleep on his lap, his eyes lifted to find Isaac and Sena asleep on the crimson carpet. A book laid opened on the carpet, Kieran not having the energy to reach for it.
His gaze shifted to the window and found that the sun had lowered, it was evening if he guessed correctly. Kieran reached down and began to card his fingers through blonde hair, his other hand settling on Wythe’s back. Their house was silent and Kieran settled down on the leather couch once mode, his eyes closing as a silent sigh escaped his lips. When he awoke again, darkness greeted him, a fire merely swaying in the fireplace on the far end of the room. Ryanair was sitting up, his hand soothing through brown curls. Kieran blinked and focused his gaze on Sena as she slepr, Wythe was still on his lap. The boys were still asleep, curled close and relaxed.

“She started coughing suddenly, I managed to give her warm glass of milk before the others awoke. She doesn't have a fever but I think it'd be a good idea for her to go home, what do you think?” Ryanair whispered so as to not awake any of them, Kieran blinked once more and opened his mouth.

“It's getting colder out, winter will hit soon and I think she's coming down with a cold. I'll call her mother and see what can be done.” With that he shifted Wythe until she was at Ryanair’s side, before rising to his feet and pausing. He turns and finds Ryanair smoothing away black hair, he reaches forwards and nudges his nose against his fledgling’s cheek. He pulled away and crossed the room, exiting it and moving to the phone on a small table near the front door. A conversation later, Kieran stood with Sena in his arms. He could feel the frigid air through the wood, it didn't affect hum but made Sena shiver.

A knock had the vampire opening the door, he offered Sena’s mother a smile in greeting. “How is she?” She asks and Keiran passes his charge over. He can't help but think that the trip to the Shallows were to blame, he pushed those thoughts sway and answered.

“Ryanair gave her a warm glass of milk which seemed to help. I feel like the trip to the Shallows was the blame, it slipped my mind that the water might be too cold for them.” Sena’s mother shook her head and shifted her daughter in her arms, Kieran remained silent as he waited.

“Don't blame yourself, she was so excited and fell asleep immediately when we got home. I think this is related to her father, he's come down with a cough. She's been taking care of him, the trip yesterday allowed her to relax. I'll have a chat with Healer Wolff when I see him, I best be off now. I left dinner on the stove, goodnight Kieran.” With her words, Kieran felt his shoulders relax. The dark-skinned woman turned and her skirts billowed out from the wind. She paused and turned to him, a warm smile on her lips. Kieran blinked and was glad his hearing was enhanced enough to hear her over the howling wind. “Take care of the others and stay warm.” She advised with a wave of a gloved hand, Kieran waved back and stepped inside.

He made a beeline for the study, Ryanair was lifting Isaac up with Wythe secure on his back. Kieran bent down to pick up Tyre and they both moved out of the room and toward the staircase. They settled the kids down and tucked them in, Ryanair starting a fire within the fireplace each room had. Both vampires stepped out into the hallway and shared a look, neither wanting to step out and feed. Twin huffs filled the air as Kieran and Ryanair move forward, meeting in the middle for a hug.

They'd go tomorrow night. Hopefully the sudden change in weather wouldn't dampen their odds.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Clara had stayed in her room and had slept much of the day away. She buried herself in her blankets, happy that when she'd awoken again – she wasn't assaulted with the brightness of day. Her attention had shifted to the fireplace across her bedroom, seeing that Christian must have lit a fire earlier in the evening. A quiet huff fell from her lips as she moved to pull a pillow closer to her, the pain in her shoulder and side slowly subsiding. Sleep certainly did help the process; however, it still was taking far too long for her liking.

As she lie there, her mind started to race once more – unwelcomed thoughts about the previous couple of days. She'd intervened twice on men who had wanted to kill Kieran – and had risked her own life just to keep him alive. The thought troubled her, knowing after all of these years of planning and obsessing over how she would bring her sire to an end – she was at his side fighting for him. It would have been easier to just allow someone else to have done the job; that way she wouldn't have to worry any further. His new little replacement would feel the pain of abandonment just as she had, and that was satisfying enough for her. No need to kill that one – he just needed to know the suffering she'd endured while he lapped at the overflowing attention he received.

A frown falling upon her lips, Clara had groaned as she shifted to lie on her back, glancing up at her ceiling for a long while. It was foolish of her to become involved in that fight – who knew if there were more of them, and who knew if she would become a new target. Clearly she was a new face – it was only a matter of time before others had put two and two together.

A soft knock at her door had her wishing she'd still been asleep. Hell, even if she had been, she knew he still would have come in.

"Clara?" He was met only with a soft noise as she pulled the covers up around her to cover her face. "Darling – in here all day again? What happened last night?"

"I don't want to talk about it." She murmured from under the covers, rolling on her side again. It had been a long while since she'd stayed out like that before – however, her previous escapades had been much more – relaxing.

"Clara – "

"Christian, please. I'm alright. I'm here in one piece." She spoke, moving the covers away from her face to look up at him with that same frown. "What more do you want from me?"

Christian sighed as he studied her for a moment longer. "I’m only checking on you Clara… You've been… distant ever since we came back here." He knew it was a mistake.

"I'm only adjusting." She lied. "I did grow up here after all – it's hard not to think about it." Christian wasn't entirely satisfied with her answer, but he knew pushing her would only set her off, and he didn't need to deal with that at the moment. "Fine, Clara – If that's all it is –"

"That's all it is." She reassured him. Christian sighed once more as he shifted to lie down next to him, pulling her close. She'd bit her lip to bit e back the pain as his hand came around her shoulder, only curling up a little tighter in response. She let her head rest on his chest, taking solace in the comfort that he offered. "I only worry about you, Clara. You make it very easy to worry…"

"Well don't… I'm fine… You know that."

It wasn't long before she drifted off once more. She was very far from just fine…

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 2 days ago

A week passed quickly after that. Kieran and Ryanair juggling their duties with ease and little difficulty. Isabela and Esther visited when they had time, the kids staying over more often than not. Wolff had taken a look at Sena and had instructed both daughter and father to remain still and in bed. Winter had come and with it, the people milling around the streets lessened. The nights were chilly, the mornings were frigid and numbing.

The trouble came when a strange feeling filled Kieran as he read to the kids. His eyes blinking as if it clear them, his pace never slowly as he focused on the feeling. It wasn't from the bonds he shared, it was distant and had him straightening from his reclining position on the couch. None of the kids noticed as he kept reading, Ryanair however lifted his head and stilled.

Something wasn't right.

After the end of the story, both vampires had the children get ready for bed. Once teeth were brushed and clothes changed into pajamas, they were settled into bed. The bedroom the kids were in was in between both of their rooms, a safety measures to ensure they were protected.

The screams began around one that night.

Kieran and Ryanair jolted awake at once, the elder rising from his bed and moving towards his bedroom window. Orange-red flames met his gaze, with little thought he changed into a pair of clothes and moved out of his room. Ryanair met him in the hall, his eyes alter and clothed in warm layers. Both turned to the front door and moved down the stairs, opening the doors they were immediately met with frigid air. Snow had fallen during the night snd with it, the flames seemed glow yellow. The town was in flames, the feeling that had filled him dropping his stomach. Kieran hissed and turned on his heel, Ryanair keeling him to halt when a smell met his nose.

Wet-dog. The snarl that filled the air had the blonde fledgling spinning to aim a kick upward, a pained whine filling the air. The doors were shut and both were in the kids room, shaking them awake with desperate urgency. When the kids were up and dressed, both male's bundled them up and moved to their separate room. Packs clothed and kids in hand, Kieran released a breath and called for Esther and Isabela. His bond unconciously reaching for Clara as he led their group down and into the study.

The sound of shattering glass and angry snarls filled the air. Both male's held their charges and moved to the far window, Ryanair holding a lit stick in hand. “Close your eyes and don't open them until we say, alright?” Kieran advised the children, his mind frantically searching for any other way out of this. The sound of spluttering wood had his head snapping up, a hiss escaping his lips.

“Now!” Ryanair shouted as the door gave way and two slender figures lurched into the room. Eyes blazing and hackles lifted, Kieran turned and kicked the wall behind him. The frigid wind lapped at their faces as they took off, the shrieks and howls of pain behind them fading as they moved away. Their house dancing in flames just like the rest of the town, werewolves had found them.

What else could go fucking wrong?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A week had gone by -- an entire week since that horrible little battle. Clara had stayed clear of Kieran and his home, knowing it might have given off the wrong idea if she continued to show up out of the blue. Christian had become suspicious of the whole ordeal as well, but he did not press her further. If she was in a calm mood - he would absolutely take it over her awful moods that seemed to occur more often than not. She’d been content - but she wasn’t entirely happy. Honestly, what could she have expected? Kieran did not come looking for her either through the entire week. She knew he was still around - that she could tell, but he seemed quite happy to just leave her alone just the same.

She’d been lying in bed that night, mulling through one of the many books that had been purchased when Christian had taken her into town the week prior. It was another night that would bring her no sleep. She couldn’t get comfortable - she couldn’t relax. Something had been bothering her more than usual, and the fact that she still heard Christian rummaging downstairs told her he must have felt it too.

It didn’t take long before the scent of smoke sifted through the estate.

Christian was the first to come upstairs just as Clara moved towards her window, pushing the curtains aside to see the yellow and orange glow enveloping the town. She’d heard the screams and seen the townspeople running -- their estate had been on the far edges of the town, not yet touched. She swallowed hard for a moment, unsure of what to do - Christian would want to flee, but she’d all the sudden felt the urge to go back to her sire.

She stayed rooted where she was, swallowing the sudden lump in her throat as Christian barged in her room. “Clara - we have to go!” He suddenly barked at her and she looked over her shoulder quickly at him.

“I know where to go.” The girl suddenly spoke and Christian blinked, expecting her to follow him at first. She’d quickly grabbed her coat that had been draped over her chair and he followed suit - grabbing his on the way out. Hopefully the estate would make it through the night...

Clara was quick on her feet, making sure to stay on the outskirts of the town - brushing past the humans that had been shouting and running and altogether had been in her way. Christian did not question her at first -- this had been her home town - she’d probably been more familiar with it than he was.

The scent on the air, laced with burning wood, had been strong. Christian had noticed it before she had and he growled in response. “Damnit...” Fucking wolves -- always running about and causing a goddamn mess. “Clara be careful - they must still be around --” He warned, just as Clara had given a moment of pause when they’d approached Kieran’s home -- already up in flames. She’d swallowed hard for a moment before she looked around, but Christian had pulled her from her thoughts as he suddenly shoved her away, also knocking another figure out of the way.

“Clara, we have to go!” He hissed at her, and she only turned and took off again, this time following that familiar pull. She would probably have to explain herself if they caught up to each other -- Christian would no doubt have some questions.

WIthin moments she’d seen them, however, children in tow. “What the hell!” Clara hissed as they approached and Christian remained on alert, eyeing their surroundings carefully. Who were these people... “Does trouble come looking for you people?” Clara bit out again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 2 days ago

“I don't intentionally bring trouble. God dammit, I hate this!” Kieran hissed back, dodging a wolf as it lunged forward. The kids had settled some but awoke when a howl pierced the silence, Kieran tensed and hissed when it was answered. The damn mutts were calling for backup, with a curl of his lips Kieran released a long breath. He had to thin clearly and manage to protect those he cared for.

A blizzard seemed to be building around them, the winds felt harsher and didn't seem to stop. That might help them, Ryanair’s moving figure drew his attention. The blonde jumped and spun, Tyre safe in his arms as he kicks out and snaps the wolf's head to the side. Kieran opens his eyes and allowed a grin to spread across his features, he had a plan now.

“Listen to me, I have an idea and I'll have to act as bait for it to work. Take the children and go to the mansion, this storm will aid us. Clara I know you'd like nothing more then to chew me out but right now isn't the time. We human children we need to get warm, Christian can I ask for both of your help? We can divert the lot of them and send them on on a goose chase. The upcoming storm I'd in our favor, Ryanair go now.” His tone was firm and with a jerk he sent the wolf coming at hum away with a flick of his wrist. He handed the blonde a shivering Wythe and nudged him into action, Ryanair moved after securing his hold on the girl.

Now it was time to get to business. With a roll of his neck, the elder allowed his form to shift before lunging forward. He couldn't tell how many wolves were following them and how many were still in tien, he just had to distract them. Grabbing the closest grey wolf by the scruff of its neck, he lurched into the forest. The wolf snapping at him as he dragged it, five other wolves of varying colors following behind them. Ryanair moved forward and kept the three kids close to him, his body was no better then the wind but they were huddled under his coat at least.

He jumped over a wolf as it lunged for him, it's gold eyes glowing in the darkened area. He was down two arms but he kicked it away when it lunged forward once more. It feel with a crunch and a whine cut in half, the shifting of one of the kids drew his attention away. Isaac was peeking out from under his cloak, his eyes wide and confused.

“Go to sleep and I'll explain we when reach the mansion.” He whispers and sighs in relief when Isaac nods and buries himself back under his cloak. He dodged another wolf and picked up his speed, his destination was through the forest and then to the East.

He'd ignore the mutts and focus on getting the kids to warmth before they froze to death. Ryanair knew Kieran could take care of himself, he was oddly worried for Clara and Christian as well. Hopefully all of them would get through the night in one piece.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It was quite possibly one of the worst times for this to have happened. The wind was picking up, blowing snow all around them - making it more difficult to maneuver through it, and just as difficult to see their attackers. Honestly, Clara had begun to wonder if Kieran had attracted trouble - Every time she’d crossed his path, someone was out to kill him - and she just so happened to always be around to save his ass.

Clara was cursing under her breath once he’d taken off with his glorious plan, and she glared at his back before she took off after him. Wonderful idea - act as bait... She growled as she quickly knocked another wolf from her path as she chased after Kieran. Christian hadn’t necessarily had a moment to think about what was going on, furthermore to register that Kieran had asked for his help so suddenly. Of course he’d help - what other choice did he have? He’d be an awful person had he simply ran away with Clara otherwise. Not to mention, the girl had been quick to chase off after Kieran.

Both of them had been dodging and attacking the wolves that came after them. Clara had made sure to keep as many of them away from Kieran and the children as she could, reaching out and slicing at them as they approached her. Again, it seemed as if they were never ending.

It wasn’t long before they’d broken off -- Kieran would take the children that he held, and the others would follow with their own. Clara hung behind with Christian, both covering each other when the wolves attacked.

It was only when she was sure that they’d thinned out and were done - at least for the moment - that she ran off towards where that pull told her to - Christian was in her wake. She’d only received a few scratches here and there, but they were already healing.

Fuck - she couldn’t stand wolves...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 2 days ago

Kieran spun and sliced through another wolf as he led them away from the path Ryanair should be taking. He tensed when he felt another presence appear behind him, he relaxed when a white blur rushed passed him. The wolves that had been chasing him stilled and tilted their heads, a show of submission if Kieran remembered. His brows furrowed when he noticed the blood that coated the wolf's white fur, how labored it's breathing sounded.

The white wolf began to yip and bark at the others before it, Kieran watching as the others sat on their haunches and listened. A shake of it's body seemed to be the end of the conversation, Kieran watched as the wolves that had been chasing him not moments ago bowed to him before turning and taking off. The white wolf drew his attention and after a moment it raised its head and howled, the sound echoing in the howling wind. The male took off and doubled back to join up with Clara and Christian, the white wolf following at his heels.

They'd turned the tides now. He was glad he'd made so many friends in his long life, though he had questions for the wolf at his side.

Ryanair’s head snapped up and he dodged to the he right just as a wolf flew passed him, his lips pulled back in in a silent hiss. The brown wolf before him snarled and snapped his jaws, a howl that filled the air seemed to draw it's attention. Ryanair shifted to duck to the left, when a grey blur rushed passed his side. The brown wolf only had a moment to whine before the other was atop it, Ryanair remained still as he watched the wolf remove the others throat. The grey wolf shook it's body and then focused it's gaze on his own, his breath left him in in a rush. He remembered Kieran telling him of a friend he'd made that had a pack, Ryanair knew the wolf before him was an allay.

Wolves were born with either blue or gold eyes, the only ones with red eyes were Alphas. Kieran’s friends pack had variations but he said that they had a symbol that identified them. A tattoo that appeared in either form, one that he could seek when the wolf lifter it's neck. “Thank you, can you help me get these little ones to a mansion East from here?” The wolf shook it's body and barked once, Ryanair couldn't fight the grin and took off.

They had an advantage now.

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