Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Charlie Cedar

Pokémon Lab

"Ugh!" He looked up from the HoloTouch on his Pokédex to see Fantasia slamming the phone and begin to start crying. She then started to yell at a man who walked up to her. "Hey! What's going on here?! Fantasia are you ok? What happened with your father?" He walked over to Fantasia and eyed the man across from her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ian Kendrickson

Route 2

@Sho Minazuki@EWillden

"Nothing like a little cute moment to begin a great relationship huh Ian?" Hotaru said, getting Ian's attention. His nose was still aching a bit. Those claws had a fair bit of grip to them. "Yes." Ian said softly smiling, the truth was he hadn't been this happy in a long time. Sneasel looked up to him with a smirk, she clearly felt pretty similarly. He patted her on the head affectionately. Suddenly Hotaru handed him her camera and dashed off after a Houndour. He almost gave chase, but he decided against it, reminding himself that these battles had to be one on one.

Moments passed and Rylen walked back over to him."- Hey Ian, where'd Hotaru go? And where did you get that Sneasel?" Ian took his attention away from Sneasel when his name was called. She glared slightly when she noticed she wasn't the current center of his attention but stayed quiet.

"Dunno." Ian responded to the first question. For the second he simply held up the incubator that now only held shards of the egg Sneasel came from. He looked at the Pokeball Rylen had in his hand. He pointed to it. "Rufflet?" Ian asked remembering seeing Rylen staring one down moments ago.

He looked back down to Sneasel who was cautiously staring at the Larvitar before her. Ian realized that this was the first Pokemon Sneasel had interacted with since hatching. She didn't really seem to know what to do about the shorter green Pokemon in front of her. Ian patted her head causing her to tense up slightly, but once she looked back at her trainer she visibly relaxed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hotaru/Route 2 Side Path

.... With a flash of red light the Houndour was put into the pokeball as it laid asleep at the foot of the tree. She figured from the distractions her knew friends could run and help her ,but thanks to Zed she didn't need their help. The pokeball shifted once, then twice , and then it stopped. She had captured the houndour. This would put her in a good spot now with a good pokemon. She looked to Zed and gave him a thumbs up and moved to pick up the pokeball. She tossed it into the air slightly and then caught it. She was quite happy with herself. She caught her first wild pokemon. She moved to retrieve her backpack and lifted it up and turned around. She saw her friends not too far away. It looked like Rylen had caugh his pokemon as well. Everything was going well for them at the moment. Ian has an adorable Sneasal and Rylen caught him a Rufflet.

She decided sense Rylen had his new pokemon out of it's pokeball she would do the same as she approached. Out came the houndour as the ball touched the ground and back into her hand. The dog pokemon looked around and then back to her. It was weird how pokemon can have a different demeanor when they are wild versus when they are caught. This pokemon a few minutes ago was stealing her backpack and now he sat on the ground and looked at her with it's tongue hanging out. She smiled and gave him a good ear rub. The houndour seemed to enjoy it and when she continued to walk towards the two boys he followed in behind.

"Sorry for running off like that, I had a little thief here..." She said as she gestured with her head towards the houndour following her. She barked as if he was happy about it too. She shook her head at him and he just looked to her and tilted his head. She looked back to Rylen and then around the spot. "So anywhere specific you want to have this picnic? or do you want to travel a little farther up?" She asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 10 days ago

Rylen | Route 2 - Side Path


"Hm? Oh, yeah, I got him", he said, he wondered if the Rufflet was alright, the battle wasn't too long, so it should not be in any serious condition, so he let it out to see. As the Rufflet took form exiting as a red beam from the Pokeball, the bird Pokemon shook a bit like it was staving off some terrible feeling before it opened it's eyes to see it's new trainer, and the Larvitar that defeated it. Rylen knelt down beside it,

"You came all the way out here to become stronger right? Well so did we, let's become stronger together alright?", the Rufflet cooed happily, and then it locked eyes with Larvitar again, it's feathers puffed a little as it did.

"Now now, we're all friends here. We'll meet a lot of strong Pokemon on the way, so just be patient alright?", the Rufflet let out what looked like a sigh before it perched itself on the ground. It seemed to calm down. After a few moments, he spotted Hotaru on her way back to them. This clearing ought to be a good place for a picnic too.

"Oh hey welcome back Hotaru! We should have our picnic here... And is that a Houndour?", he walked up to the little hellish-fire dog, and gave it a little pat.

"You're a friendly little guy aren't ya?", these little guys were native to mostly Johto, so he's seen his fair share of them. They're popular guard dogs too, the only other that was often used were Growlithe by police and Poochyena and Mightyena as guard dogs too.

"So you caught him too right? I guess now's a good time to set up for a picnic", he said, turning to Hotaru.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 3 days ago

- Alexander Furst : Moist and Pissed -


Alex swiftly rolled out of the way, watching as the multitude of creatures... wait what? As he managed to barely escape, that same imbecile who decided fleeing towards a bunch of random citizens would help. As he looked onward, he watched as he swatted them, almost aggravated. Poliwag were usually docile, but they either decided to attack him or he did something to piss them off.

Regardless, much to his chagrin, Alex gave the young boy the benefit of the doubt, something he could probably regret later on. Sighing and shaking his head, he dusted himself off as he glanced at the Poliwag Posse as they began to gang up on him after his walloping. It wasn't his problem as he had bigger Magikarp to fry. Glaring at the girl, he ignored the boy as he was momentarily beat down, not caring whether or not he lived... though he was fairly certain he would live, just he would be soaked and have a couple of sore spots.

Until it was his problem, he wasn't going to bother aiding him, even if he did come to the conclusion it wasn't the brown haired kids fault.

Adjusting his nonexistent tie, he began walking forward, ready to confront that hellion... before crashing down onto his knees. Either these Poliwag were strong or just lucky, as he felt a force on his knee, causing the snow haired boy to crash to the ground. Digging his knuckles into the dirt, he barely had enough time to shield himself before they began assaulting him again.

Well, that was just about damn perfect. Out of the frying pan and into a puddle. As he endured the attacks, he began to become more... well, lets just say "annoyed" as the pleasant way of putting it. He was cold, wet, and currently turning red (not from anger), and was currently safeguarding his weak spots.

After a while, they eventually ended their poundings. Well, at least it came to an en-

Hold on, one of them was speaking. Brushing his damp hair out of his face, this one seemed... not as hostile. The voice, posture, and the facet that it was in front of the poor sap who was previously getting his ass handed to him... nope, totally, didn't happen to Alex, not at all.

Frowning, he watched as they began to all look at the duo, looking a little more serene than he denoted previously. Huffing, Alex shook his head, cursing under it as he saw the team bounce, waddle, or just walk away.

Excellent; it was over... now he could get back to questioning that minx.

"Good frickin' grief," he uttered angrily at the ground as he grimaced on this whole shebang. This was a special kind of day that was going in his mental notebook; Chapter 134 - Screw Today 4 : The Poliwag Posse Pummels People!

At least thinking about that made things a little better.

Before he could catch a glimpse at the girl, that boy interjected, apologizing and thanking him for the save. If he meant "attempting to save the conversation between him and Lynn," then yeah, sure... but he knew what it was really for. Alex really didn't want to grab his hand, but against all forms and logic, he did and stood up, rolling his eyes.

Letting go of his grasp, he put his hands on his hips and decided to set the record straight before that rascal of a lady decided to scurry off somewhere he could never find her. "First off, I 'saved' you because that little scene was going to interrupt the conversation with my friend, so don't take it as a kind effort," he shot back, having as much emotion as Kristen Stewart when acting in one of her movies.

Of course the next part... as much as Lynn was acting... was very, very far off in reality. Shaking his head, he shot back, explaining his next incorrect assumption. "You've got that wrong; she isn't m-"

And look who it was! The little disappearing act decided not to magically go poof and force him to meticulously seek her for three whole days. Crossing his arms, Alex barely managed to hold back a sneeze, slightly shivering in his waterlogged clothing as he listened to her cackle. "Giggling fit because of that? Wow, what a great sense of humor," he deadpanned, wearing a signature frown as he awaited for the little girl to end her laughing.




Alright, now that was over, it was time to listen to some possible drivel with no backed up facts! How riveting...

Standing there, Alex listened to her monologue over how she wanted him dead, along with a couple of other things like her despising him and lacking any interest over speaking with him further. Alex wasn't going to let her go that easily. "Who knows, maybe you're still here because you want your crush to join you in the afterlife," he swiftly snapped back before she walked off with her pokemon, leaving the two alone.

Alright, that did it; she wasn't escaping so easily.

"Tch, inconsiderate as always," he grumbled, walking off in the opposite direction, beginning his search for Henry who "Khata" had probably scared off somewhere. Alex gave the boy one last glare, which basically said "You're on your own now."

Alex hardly could care as he weaved between each tree, leaving the sight of the young man; it was as if he became a specter himself...

That whole event could of gone so much better.

How far did that Yamask chase his newfound friend? He wouldn't know as the boy checked behind every tree, giving any pokemon that wanted to harass him a death glare... which was more than enough to intimidate them. Continuing to look behind every trunk, his dull eyes began to light up at what looked to be some purple gas floating in the air. Coming closer, he found that little purple orb was quivering with, softly crying like a small child.

Approaching him Alex made sure to lower his voice, making sure not to frighten him. Reaching out, Alex made sure to forewarn the Gastly that he was here so he wouldn't dash off.

"Heya bud," he whispered gently as the orb jerked, a little surprised by what he was hearing and quickly turned around, eyes wide as a frightened child. Alex gave the small pokemon a smile, patting his head. Even though it was a gas pokemon of sorts, it managed to look even more tense than Alex usually did when freaked out by Lynn. Its breathing was hoarse, and it was still weeping a little. Managing to find a tear, he wiped it away before continuing on.

"Apologies, but I didn't exactly expect that to happen," he spoke weakly with contempt, looking downwards at the ground. First day and he managed to not only accidentally hurt his partner, but earned the disdain of Lynn to the point where she had Khata antagonized Henry.

Shaking his head, he looked up at him, giving him a huge smile that he normally would never give to humans. "I'll try to be more vigilant next time," he spoke morosely, pivoting around as the Gastly raised a gas-brow... before giving Alex a friendly lick, sending a tingly feeling down his back. Rotating his neck, he saw the orb staring at him, scared and looking for approval.

Alex could only return a nod and chuckle, before beckoning the Gastly after him. Reassured, it stuck close to his companion as the duo hustled to escape the forest and track her down.

This wasn't over just yet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ian Kendrickson

Route 2

@Sho Minazuki@EWillden

Ian nodded at the suggestion, a picnic would be a good opportunity to make sure Sneasel was well fed before moving on. It also wouldn't be a bad idea to consider catching a second Pokemon given Sneasel's low level. In fact, the desert would be the ideal place to attempt to capture some new Pokemon. Remembering his Pokedex, he decided it would be good to check out his new Pokemon.

"Sneasel, the Sharp Claw Pokemon. Its paws conceal sharp claws. If attacked, it suddenly extends the claws and startles its enemy." At this, Ian shuddered slightly, glad that Sneasel had just been messing around when she pinched his nose. If she had felt threatened, things could have gone much worse. Using the Pokedex to check her moves, he quickly took note of each one. If he was going to get into a serious battle, he couldn't afford to look through his Pokedex.

"Where?" Ian asked Hotaru and Rylen, honestly given how nice the area and weather was they could set down just about anywhere.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Ray Stylo - Route 2, Near Dune Town

Ray shielded his eyes as he gazed across the desert and ripped his old Stylo jersey apart. Muay sat next to him, stretching for the journey ahead, 30 minutes of rest seemed to have done him good. The journey into the desert would be difficult no doubt, so a stop at Dune Town was the next best course of action. In order to survive the first leg to Dune Town, he would need some protections from the harsh sun in the form of a turban made from the scraps of his old shirt. With ease, Ray rapped the shirt around his head, and let the sleeve hang around to the other opposite side of his head. Muay was also out fitted with a turban, who gladly took on the accessory.

With one last look of his pack, which help his Pokedex, Potions, Pokeballs, food and water, Ray took to his feet. "Ready Muay?" he jibbed, glancing down at his partner. "Rio!" he barked excitedly. Ray smiled and started off, and Muay followed closely behind.

The desert was no joke. Ray realized not just 5 minutes into his trip. The cruel sun beat down on the duos head, it's one malevolent eye unblinking, and the sky was it's co-conspirator with not even a wisp of cloud to soften the harsh rays. Some Pokemon took shelter in the shadows of the rocks where the sand was not hot enough to roast them, but there was no shade large enough for Ray and Muay. Each step sunk into the searing sand, the air was thick and hazy, each breath like drowning in larva. He hadn't even reached the 'real' desert yet, and he was already struggling. Despite his struggle, Ray trudged on, Muay following close behind, this was their endurance training after all.

Soon, Ray lost all sense of time, his mind went into auto pilot as he trudged through the hot sand that was sprinkled with blades of grass. That would prove to be Ray's down fall. Out of nowhere, a rogue foot found its way into his ankle. Ray barely let out a scream as he was thrown to the ground. "Oof!" he coughed as he fell face first into the sand.

What? Who? A cackle clued him in to the the culprit. Standing were Ray once was a lizard-like Pokémon. Its oval eyes are set to the sides of its head, its teeth constantly exposed. There was a small red scale on its yellow head. Below the yellow portion of its head, its body is cream-colored with thin arms and a red, scaly belly. It carries its loose, yellow skin around its legs, resembling trousers. Some of the loose skin seems to trail off to form or cover a tail. Ray's eyes widened, then squinted. He was just sweep kicked by a random Pokemon?!

"I can't let that slide lil'hodlum!" he growled as he got to his feet to face the Pokemon. Muay quickly jumped to his side, already in a defensive stance. The Pokemon reared its large head, snickering, it was a confident one. "Lets go Muay!" he barked, Muay seconded his order with a 'Rio' of its own.

Both Muay and the Pokemon stared one another down, although the opponent seemed to staring Muay down a bit to hard, unnervingly hard. It was Leering. Ray took this opportunity to take out his Pokedex, and gain info the the Pokemon. The Pokedex quickly chimed in;

Scraggy, the Shedding Pokémon. Proud of its sturdy skull, it suddenly headbutts everything, but its weight makes it unstable, too.

Ray ignored most of the information provided, the only thing that caught his eyes, was its typing; dark/fighting. "Change of plan Muay, were catching this lil'hodlum!" he decided."Lets go! Muay, Quick Attack!" Instantly, Muay went into action, dashing at Scraggy with tremendous speed. A white aura surrounded his body as he dashed across the desert. The Scraggy was stunned slightly, surprised by Muay's burst of speed, but it quickly recovered. With a angry leer, it quickly threw sand, point blank into at Muay's eyes. Dazed, Muay slowed to a crawl, attempting to rub the sand out of its eyes. "Come on Muay dodge!" Ray yelled, but it was for naught, as Scraggy quickly landed a Low Kick right into Muay's gut. Ray cringed, feeling his partners pain. "Lets go, this is your chance, Bullet Punch!" he screamed as Muay fell to one knee. Quickly, Muay gritted its teeth and regained it sight, without a forethought, it he lunged at Scraggy, its paws glowing light-blue before it let out a flurry of punches, so fast that Ray couldn't follow them with his eyes.

Scraggy took the punches right to its gut and face before falling on its back, weakened by Muay's attack. This was his chance. "Muay back off, I got this!" he called giddily as he searched his pack for a Poke Ball. With little time to waste, Ray pressed the button, and threw the ball or the Scraggy, with digitized him and sucked the reddish haze into the it. Ray watched nervously as the ball shook, once, twice, 'ping'! It was done. "YES!" he screamed as he ran to grab the Poke Ball, he had just the caught a Scraggy. Unfortunately, he couldn't let him out just yet to get to know his new teammate, Muay needed a treatment, and they needed to get to a Pokemon Center.

"Great job Muay." he cooed as he sprayed Muay with the magical liquid that was the Potion. "Riooo!" he barked happily, glad to have won its first battle. Soon, the Potion finished its work, doing its best to heal him, but he needed more. Ray frowned at took to his feet. "Lets get going Muay, we need to hit Dune Town before we can actually get to know out hard headed friend." he huffed as he resumed the trek. The white, bricked walls and homes of Dune Town shown in the distance.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Lab Sanctuary

Welp, Micky just made a fool of himself three times in front of the same two people. Well, at least he had a Pokemon. When he looked at his Poliwag he bent down and was about to speak to it, but the little blue creature smacked him in the face with its tail. Well, it seems this Pokemon doesn't entirely like him. That would be a problem for later. First he had to make sure the two teens didn't separate on a sour note.

He turned to where the boy had been and started saying, "We can't just-", but he was gone. No trace whatsoever. How did he disappear without Micky noticing. Well, he wasn't going to let the other teenager get away without him saying something. He quickly darted after the girl with his Poliwag reluctantly waddling behind. "Wait! It isn't safe to go alone. What will you do if you run into another ghost type Pokemon or a dark one? Even a normal type would be bad for you and your Yamask."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hotaru/Route 2 Side Path

Hotaru looked to Ian as he asked where they should make a picnic. She shrugged and looked around the area. Perhaps they could find a place next to a tree or something. She really didn't mind anything really. She saw a good flat area with not too much grass. She just pointed in it's direction. "There is fine, don't need anything too special. I mean we wont stay for too long before we start going anyways." She answered. She began to move over that way and Zed followed suite. Of course so did her new friend. The houndour rose up from it's sitting position and began to follow her to the spot. Once she got to the area she placed her backpack and satchel down on the ground and sat. What she proceeded to do next was grab some of the food out of her back pack. The rice and the pokemon food. Seeing as there was now five pokemon she looked at her four cans and then looked to Ian. "You got food for Sneasal right? If not that's okay, she will have to eat some of our food." Hotaru added.

The houndour watched as Hotaru removed the rice and then the pokemon food. It was hoping it would get one of the cans. It wasn't picky when it came to food but the pokemon food at least looked more tasty. Zed of course enjoyed a lot of different foods. Living with her trainer Zed grew accustomed to the human food that was brought to him. They didn't exactly have enough for pokemon food so they just got more helpings of the regular food for him.

See it wasn't like most pokemon who could have simple pokemon food in the can. Gastly had a very distinct sense of taste and he really didn't care for it too much. Which meant they had to get the kind specifically made for it and that was very costly to them. Some rich bimbo could probably afford it but they couldn't.

Hotaru looked to the others and scratched her head. "One of you at least brought a pot right?" She asked. It would be hard to cook the rice without it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 10 days ago

Rylen | Route 2 - Side Path


"A pot? There's only this small one that could fit in my bag, rest of the things I got were for starting a fire, a torch, survival knife, all those kinds of things", he answered. He pulled a small pot from his bag, he seemed to have a bunch of other things in there too including a pack of plastic bags in case they needed to carry things away from their regular bags.

"So it'll be rice and regular Pokemon food for the Pokemon right? I bought a pot since I thought we could make stew after passing through a town. My mother did pack me some sandwiches for lunch though, so we'll eat those too", he continued.

He pulled out sure enough some sandwiches inside a plastic container. They seemed to all have meats in them, but there ought to be enough for everyone for one meal. He put the other camping equipment away, it was still broad daylight after all, they didn't need to start a fire or anything. The knife was probably for something like if they needed to forage berries.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Lucile Geroux, Route 2 - shady flower patch~

Well someone was in a hurry.

Lucy watched Ray run past her. Weren't they supposed to be traveling together? Well, she supposed perhaps that plan had changed then? Well, if it had she wouldn't say anything. A terrible loss for entertainment value at least, but that was that she supposed. She'd train her precious little Purrloin in that case. She didn't know of any pokemon she could possibly want on this route, so she'd settle for a bit of training. She looked around the route, taking note of how beautiful it was. It was certainly a nice place to have a picnic or just generally laze about and admire the scenery. Indeed, if she wasn't really in a hurry to get to route seven so she could get her mitts on her precious Goomy, then she might have stopped to smell the roses a bit, as they say.

Another time, then. For now, she wanted to get a look at and see if she could find any potential candidates to join her team. She wasn't really looking to make a giant team of pokemon, but going with just one at the moment would have been a bad idea.

"Alright dear, sniff out any interesting pokemon for us, will you?~" She said to her Purrloin, The mischievous cat nodded, meowing excitedly at a chance to show off its skills. The cat quickly began running around the route, looking for a suitable opponent and possible pokemon that Lucy would be interested in capturing. It took some time, and they ended up battling a few other pokemon in the process, though most didn't prove to be too much of a trouble for Purrlion.

After about thirty minutes or so of searching she finally found a pokemon that caught her interest. A Petilil.

Certainly not her favorite types, but it was certainly a pokemon she was interested in. The grass type was currently running back and forth through a field of flowers, a bit childishly. Lucy couldn't help but to smile a bit at that, finding the pokemon rather adorable looking. So, perhaps instead of a battle this could be done through a bit of negotiation? Purrloin and Lucy approached the Petilil, who seemed to freeze at their approach....and then promptly lashed out, a red beam of energy firing right towards Laria.

Laira was able to swiftly dodge the absorb attack, however, jumping to the side. Interesting, perhaps not as easy as before then. Still, a simple matter to subdue the Petilil, though she really wasn't a fan of doing things the hard way.

"Scratch, Laira." The purrloin did as she was told, closing the distance between it at the Petilil quickly. With razor sharp claws, the cat pokemon slashed at the grass type with strength enough to even send it stumbling backwards a little. This was a rather boring battle, but at least it was easy enough to out speed and outmaneuver the grass type. "Hit it with another before it can get another hit in!"

Following right up after the other one, the Purrloin scratched with another of its claws, and just to make sure the pokemon stayed down this time, it pounced right on top of it and pinning it to the ground. The pokemon struggled under the cat, and though it was slightly larger it failed to struggle from under the cat. Lucy smiled, running a hand through her hair.

Beautifully and flawlessly executed, as expected.

She walked over to the downed pokemon, taking out one of her pokeballs and capturing the Petilil easily enough. After waiting for the usual catching process to proceed, she released the injured pokemon from its ball, who was still reeling slightly from the small battle. It quickly regained its composure, however, and stared up at Lucy impertinently.

"Hmm...Laurel sounds like an excellent name for you." She knelt down, giving it a pat on its head...and was promptly bitten by the grass type, earning a small laugh from Lucy. "Well, aren't you a feisty one!" Laurel seemed a bit disappointed the biting had almost no effect on the girl. Laira then gave the Petilil a rather inquisitive poke, earning the grass types ire. With a quiet wordless glare, it started chasing after the cat, throwing a few leech seed attacks towards it.

...well, it was a nice day. She'd let them play for a bit. With a stretch, Lucy took a seat on the ground as her two pokemon chased each other around. They'd get moving in a bit.

~Lynnette Crawford, Pokemon Sanctuary - > Lab


Lynnette ignored Alex's comment. She had no further desire to speak to the fool. Join her in the afterlife? Please. Like such a thing was what she desired. It was almost as if he believed she actually liked him in some manner. In the past? Certainly, he had been...pleasant enough to be around. Really though, he was more annoying than anything. Always getting in the way of her exploring the Relic Castle. And speaking of annoyances....

"Wait! It isn't safe to go alone. What will you do if you run into another ghost type Pokemon or a dark one? Even a normal type would be bad for you and your Yamask."

She turned around on her heel, facing Micky with a rather annoyed expression.

"Concerned about me, are we? Laughable. I can handle myself. So go play hero somewhere else." That said, though, his words had a bit of logic to them. Khata would have more than a little trouble with Normal and Dark types in her current state. Her expression then softened slightly, a slight smile forming in its usual manner. Perhaps this could be a somewhat of a beneficial relationship, then? "That said...you do pose a very logical argument." She turned back around, and headed back to the pokemon lab to register her and Khata.

"I suppose I wouldn't mind traveling with you until dear Khata here can handle herself easier, or until I have a few more pokemon with me." She stopped for a brief moment to look over her shoulder. "Just don't annoy me with any so called selfish heroics of yours, and we'll be fine." And with that, she started walking towards the Lab once again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ian Kendrickson

Route 2

@Sho Minazuki@EWillden

Ian nodded at Hotaru when she asked if he brought food for Sneasel. On the subject of a pot however...well he was happy that Rylen had one, as he had been content with the idea of just eating chips between cities/towns. He casually pulled an apple out and offered it to Sneasel who after a quick sniff batted it away turning her nose up. He decided instead to pull out one of the bags of Pokemon food and offer it to her. She nodded at him and dug in. While Ian was slightly annoyed that she hadn't even tried the apple, let alone the fact that she smacked it to the ground, he was happy that she was eating at all. "Good." He said giving her a quick scratch behind the feather. The almost paralyzing glare he got in response was indication enough that she didn't like being touched while she ate.

After recovering from Sneasel's death stare, Ian looked inquisitively at the sandwiches that Rylen had pulled out. They looked pretty good actually. He pointed at one of the sandwiches and then to himself while looking at Rylen. While it was clear that his intent was to share with everyone, he really didn't want to get between anyone and their food.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Lab Sanctuary --> Lab

Micky hadn't expected the glare he got from Lynnette. It was nearly paralyzing, but it wasn't the real deal. It did cause Micky to flinch a little. Then she said something that somewhat confused the boy. He replied quietly under his breath so as not to receive the glare again, "I'm not playing hero. I'm just trying to be polite." He was confused though. What kind of person wouldn't want a travel companion. Having company was always good and the safety in numbers was always a good thing.

Then she mentioned how what he said made sense. To Micky it didn't seem like she knew how to make up her mind. He followed her towards the lab and when she turned to speak he paused to listen. At least she finally realized traveling in a group would be better, but the comment on 'selfish heroics' slightly irked him for some reason. "Selfish heroics? How is it possible to do something heroic yet it considered selfish. A hero is typically someone who puts their safety in danger to help others. That's not selfish. Selfish would be to stand by and do nothing. Anyway, I'm not trying to be a hero. I'm nothing like a hero. I just do what comes to mind." Micky hadn't even realized that he had inadvertently called the girl in front of him selfish. He was just stating his thoughts to her.

He decided that would be a good end to the conversation for now and started walking towards the registration area. Then he turned back to face the girl again, "Oh, forgot to tell you. Name's Micky. Nice to meet you." As he held his hand out to shake.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hotaru/Route 2 Side Path

Hotaru nodded and began to put her two bags of rice within her back pack. She kept out the Pokemon food and began to open them by pulling back the tops. With that she brought out a couple bowls and pushed one towards her Houndour and one for Zed. The other two were for Rylen's two Pokemon.

It seemed like neither took the time to taste it. The houndour ate it up and even cleaned the bowl. Zed just did his ghost thing and swept it up with his tongue. She began to wonder like she always have...... Where is Zed's stomach. She then looked to the sandwiches and waited a little longer. She once more brought out her camera and took a picture of Sneasal eating. She did the same for the others.

once she was satisfied and hen she moved to pick out a sandwich
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 10 days ago

Rylen | Route 2 - Side Path


Larvitar quickly snatched up one of the sandwiches and then plunked down next to Rylen to eat it happily. His mother's sandwiches were it's favorite after all. While Rufflet seemed content with the Pokemon food, it seemed to have an intense aura about it, then again... It seemed to be quite the serious fighter from earlier. That lack of hesitation to take the initiative. In any case, Rylen turned to address the others,

"Of course Ian, help yourself", he said as he picked one of them up, and Hotaru coming in for one too. The sandwiches were tonkatsu sandwiches, basically crumbed pork in a sandwich with lettuce and sauce. Was simple, but the secret was how crispy the pork still was, despite being made into a sandwich and with sauce, it was expected to be softened a bit. There were easily several triangles of them here, so they could all have at least two, with Larvitar taking one.

He tore off a portion of his and fed it to his Rufflet who seemed to like it too.

"Good isn't it? I wonder what Dune City's like... I've never been outside Estoria since getting here", he began.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Ray Stylo - Dune Town

After weaving through a labyrinth of roads, greeting passerby's for directions, and walking into the same store twice, all paths eventually converged and unveiled the piazza. Flocks of Pidove gathered everywhere; their numbers delighted children as they huddled around the Pokemon, and either fed them Poke Food, or took photographs. The children's’ inclination towards the Pokemon differed from there parents it seemed; the Pokemon were considered nuisances at times, and treated as such.

Ray found that to be unnerving. After nearly 2 hours of travel, he had managed to make it to Dune Town in one piece. Muay and his newly caught Scraggy were being tended to back at the Pokemon Center, so he opted to explore a bit. Just be spending a few minutes among the people of Dune Town, he was able to learn so much about them. The Fordis Region held so much more culture then Sinnioh did, and that excited Ray in ways he had never felt before. The Stylo name meant nothing to these people. In the Fordis Region, he wasn't rich, he was just as financially blessed as everyone else was.

Ray really took that to heart, learning about things that reading in a text would have little to show for. Ray leaned deeper into a bench he had taken as his own, enjoying the playful bouts of the children until he drifted off to sleep. His nap didn't last but 2 minutes before the soft voice of Nurse Joy awoke him from his slumber.

"Your Pokemon are all healed sir." the pink haired nurse mumbled shyly. Hanging on her neck was a box full of Poke balls, but in her hand were the two poke balls that belonged to him. Ray smiled politely and took them from her, thanking her kindly before letting out both of his partners.

"Rio!" Muay barked excitedly, glad to be free. Scraggy on the other hand glared at Ray, which Ray found to be amusing. "Oh come on little guy, you don't gotta be like that." he cooed, attempting to pet the Scraggy. That earned him a head-butt right into the finger. "Oww, guys you do." he murmured, glaring at the Scraggy, who felt that it had gotten itself a victory.

The whole moment was interrupted when an angry yell rose over the noise of the plaza.


Ray, startled by the sudden outburst, turned to the sound, just like everyone else had. A few feet away stood Nurse Joy, and a young boy glaring at here menacingly.

"I need to challenge that gym again! I thought you nurses were good at healing Pokemon!" the trainer barked.

"You only brought it to me a few minutes ago. I was on my way to giving him to you actually." Joy mumbled, seemingly intimidated by the trainer as she handed the boy a Poke Ball.

"About damn time." he said angerily, taking the Poke Ball. This thing it weak anyway, couldn't even beat the Gym on its thing try. Three times today.!"

"You should refrain from over working your Pokemon like that." Joy mumbled, seemingly stepping upma bit. That was a bad idea.

"What did you just say?"

Ray had enough, insulting Nurse Joy, overworking his Pokemon, all things Ray could fight people for. Without as mush as a forethought, Ray found himself in between both Joy and the Trainer."That's enough, back off." he said menciangly.

"Who the hell are you? I was talking to her?" the boy countered, attempting to move past Ray. He remained firm. "Well your talking to me now." Ray began stepping forward.

"Mind your own business, or you won't like what gonna happen." the boy called, gaining confidence despite Ray's intimidating glare.

"Oh ya? What's going to happen?" Ray called, raising an eyebrow.

"I'll destroy your Pokémon, and take you money. Then you'll understand how it felt to have to wait for this woman." he spat, grinning stupidly.

Ray frowned? He wanted a Pokémon battle. Meh, Muay could use the training."Okay. You win, you take my money, I win, you apologize, and I take your money." he countered. This caused the boy to stutter for a few seconds, but he accepted. Ray called Muay to his side, he had readied its stance. Scraggy simply sat at a distance, watching the battle from atop a bench. A crowd had gathered to watch the battle, glancing at Ray and sizing up his Riolu, and gazing at the boy and waiting for him to revel his Pokémon. In a few moments, he did.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Orion Craft

[Route 2]

A young trainer clothed for a crisp wind walked on Route 2's beaten path with a Froakie on his shoulder, talking to two holographic figures on his holocaster. The figure on the right was a red haired girl with freckles dotted all across her face, and the other a boy with dark, yet almost greenish hair, seemingly around the same age as the other two. "The boat ride here was pretty smooth. I just can't believe we're finally going on our journey!" the boy on the route said.

"Glad to hear it Ry," the girl said. "I can't believe it's been an entire year so far... Han doesn't look like he's grown a day."

"We're both coming over soon, so be sure to have your schedule open," the green haired boy said. The boy's head turned to the side for a moment. "Sorry guys, I gotta go. The boss is calling me. See ya!"

The boy's hologram disappeared.

"I'll leave you to your walking, then," she said. "Looking forward to next time."

"Same here."

The hologram shut off and the young trainer pocketed the holocaster, sighing. The Froakie on his shoulder shot him a strange look. The trainer only noticed after a few moments. "Well, let's go find some friends," he said with a smile. "The two of us alone can't take on all the gyms." He stopped and looked around, hearing rustlings from the trees all around. "We're not gonna find many pokemon on the main road. We could try the trees," he suggested. The Froakie leapt off from his shoulder and quickly made his way into the forest. "Hey, Han-- Wait for me!" The young trainer ran after his friend into the forest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ian Kendrickson

Route 2

@Sho Minazuki@EWillden

Ian picked up one of the sandwiches cautiously, he had never seen one quite like it. The crumbled pork on the inside seemed inviting enough, so he took a large bite. It was great, before he knew it, he had already taken three bites out of the sandwich. Sneasel had taken interest when she saw how much Ian was enjoying the sandwich. After taking a few whiffs of it, she snatched it from his hands and took a bite. Ian blinked, shocked about the sudden absence of a sandwich in his hands. "Done anyway." Ian said with a sigh, if this was going to be the way his journey began, it could be a bit less simple than he thought. Sneasel seemed to be a big eater, and as she finished the sandwich she looked up at her trainer as though expecting more.

He checked the bag of food she had been eating earlier to find it completely empty. That was supposed to be four meals He thought to himself. Maybe this was just because she had just hatched, or maybe he would have to spend all of his money on food...

Of course it could be worse, traveling with Hotaru and Rylen would keep him from having to navigate alone. He knew his sense of direction was far from great, and if he had to go all by himself, he'd likely be lost by now.

"I wonder what Dune City's like... I've never been outside Estoria since getting here" Ian heard Rylen say. Truthfully, he had only just arrived in the region himself. He didn't even know anything about Estoria aside from the Pokemon lab, let alone Dune City. "Dunno. Sandy?" Ian guessed idly. He knew his input wasn't exactly helpful, but it was good to at least let the others know he was paying attention. He gave Sneasel a light pat on the head now that she wasn't eating. She seemed to take that as a sign that she was done eating for the moment and yawned lightly, curling up beside Ian for a nap.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hotaru/Route 2 Side Path

Hotaru taking one of the sandwiches discovered there was enough for two actually and smiled. She took one more but it wasn't for her. After she had gotten the two Tonkatsu sandwiches she returned to her spot next to her two pokemon. She then poked her new partner on his dark wet nose to get his attention. The houndour looked up at her and saw the sandwich and immediately sat up. He didn't know what it was ,but he knew one thing and that was that he wanted it in his belly. "Open up, I got a bit of a surprise for you." She said and the flame dog did as she said. She then proceeded to feed him the sandwich and he enjoyed it for the two bites it was worth.

He looked back up at her to see her eating her own and tilted his head. He wanted more but got the clue that he wasn't getting anymore. He did however wait for any crumbs to fall from the sandwich though. "I wonder what Dune City's like... I've never been outside Estoria since getting here" Rylen said. She looked up and thought about his question. She had never traveled outside of Estoria either. This was all very new to her.... Well not where they were but anything a good distance away from the city would be.
She finished her sandwich and looked to Rylen. "You know, I never really went outside the city's boundaries myself. Too dangerous my father always told me." She then looked around as everyone finished their meal.

"Speaking of which, we wont get there anytime soon if we don't start heading out now right?" She added. She wanted to make as much distance through the desert as possible. The faster they got to the Dune city the better. She also knew there was a ghost ruins somewhere along the lines and she wanted to visit it and catch a few. If she could get her hands on a Duskull that would make her very happy. She was giddy just thinking about it. "After Dune city, do you think we could stop by the ruins too? I want to get me a few more ghost types. Now that I got Houndour I don't have to worry too much about their weaknesses."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Orion Craft

[Route 2]

After a short while of rushing through the forest, Han the Froakie stopped in an opening in front of a tree stump where several young pokemon were gathered. He cried out proudly and challengingly.

As the trainer arrived at the scene, most of the pokemon scurried off, with a hurt Ralts tripping and falling as she tried to make her escape as well. A Treecko with a charred green sash around his neck defiantly stood in front of her, standing across Han and his trainer, crying out with a pride Han's.

The trainer watched the scene in confusion. "Ah... Han, maybe we should--" The young trainer was cut off by Han and the Treecko, both of whom cried out fiercely and took a battle stance. The young trainer sighed. "Alright, then. Let's go!"

"Start with Growl!"

Tthe pokemon growled at the Treecko. The pokemon retaliated, sending a green energy orb at Han, hitting him. Smaller specks of green flew back to Treecko, but Han seemed ready to go on. "Go up close and use pound!"

Han ran up to the pokemon and swung his fist with precision. As the Treecko dodged, he followed up with a kick from above, jumping and spinning. The Treecko met the attack with his hardened tail, throwing Han back.

"Toxic Spikes!" As Han soared backwards, he pulled purple spikes, throwing them at the Treecko, who dodged and ran up close to counter with a strong punch which restored his strength. Han landed, glaring at his opponent with a grin. "Use bubble!"

The Treecko got hit but used the attack he'd used in the beginning at Han, making the Froakie fall in exhaustion. "Ah... Wait! We submit!" The trainer rushed over to Han, sighing. The Treecko stood victoriously and proudly. The young trainer pulled out a potion and used it on Han's wounds. Han grunted and stood up, staring at the Wood Gecko Pokemon. "I should treat your friend too," he said, dropping the empty potion bottle and pulling out another one. The Treecko stood in front of the strangely colored Ralts defensively.

"I'm not gonna hurt her," he said as he cautiously approached. The Treecko stepped aside, watching the young trainer apprehensively. He sprayed the potion on the Ralts' wounds and took out one more as the Ralts stood up, surprised. "Here, one for you too." The Treecko seemed shocked, giving the trainer an opening to use the last potion on him.

"How did you guys end up like this?"

The scurried pokemon slowly returned as the Treecko said something excitedly.

"Uh... I don't..." The Treecko slammed his hand on his face before running further into the trees. The trainer shared a look with Han as the other pokemon followed. Han followed as well, leading his trainer behind him.

They arrived at a charred opening with a large Numel standing in the middle on a pile of berries, burping fire. As the Numel noticed the group arrive, he lazily rolled off his back and onto the ground on four feet. He glared at the group, seeing they had come empty handed. He called out to the group, from which Treecko emerged, saying something back and then turning to the trainer and the Froakie. He pointed at the Numel.

"I think I get it," the trainer said and turned to the Numel. "Alright, Han. Let's go!"
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