Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ideas began to sprout in her mind of what it would become. A surge of her warmth transferred onto its surface, foreign things abruptly growing upon it. She let it go, surprised by the reaction and held it once more. Masses of the living things covered upon its form, brimming excitement within Eshe. But her feelings would falter as without her influence, her new creations would rot. She looked to Manus and saw great power within the new work he had made. Eshe placed it carefully near it, high in hopes for it to try to survive.

Sonus could hear the other gods. He had a vague understanding of what was going on. There was light. There was matter. There was energy. And now, there was life. He knew it could not survive on its own, as one of the other gods, the creator of this life, had apparently realized. Sonus awakened, his initial purpose realized. He moved over to the..."Planet." He reached out, his hand hovering slightly above the surface, as water began to appear, settling on the surface, flowing and settling into larger bodies. The water started to change, cycle, small amounts of it evaporating into clouds, then raining back down onto the land. In the seas he put variations of the land plants, tiny organisms that would produce elements necessary for life. He took some of the creatures that a different being had made, one named Kurai, and morphed them into small seafaring creatures. He drew back from the planet, looking to his siblings, and then turned to gaze upon his work.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by LitCabbit>
He moved over to the..."Planet."

Oxnus thought on this statement, his sibling Sonus had come up with a good name, Planet, he nodded his head a this thought. It had already been written into their history, forever to remembered, by not only Oxnus but also their newly created creates and the Universe that they would make. He looked at the planet and saw the creatures created by Kurai and felt as if something was missing, something important, something that would make these creatures unique. He found that he could not feel the mind from these creatures, mind-less drones on their new plant would not do in Oxuns eyes, so he waved is had over the planet and each creature he touched would gain a basic sense of thought. They would know danger, and could sense it. They would have self thought and know choice.

He wished to add more to this world than just the gift of"choice" so he ripped a small piece of his skin and molded into three creatures, one of four legs, with a bushy tail. A winged one that had large eyes and a small beak, but long talons, and lastly something to feed the two, a small creature with four legs and a tail as well. "Here is what I give, 4 gifts to this planet, let us make something to be remembered."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LitCabbit
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LitCabbit Awfully Dragged

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The rotting of her creations had slowed when placed, but continued its path against her hopes. She had not noticed a new brother awakening as she confused and frustrated with what she should do. Eshe had woken from her thought as he had brought a new element to light , one that would feed the life she had made. It was working, it was living! “Good,” she approved with joy.

Kurai had brought creations of his own, much to Eshe’s surprise. She touched the bases, feeling the warmth in gather around her form once more. Her purpose was to bring and grow life to this once empty abyss. Eshe was full of warmth and joy.

She caressed a small skeleton, wondering on what she should make it into. It needed to see to know where it was going, touch so it could find, taste so it would feed, smell to find its feed, and hear the whistles of its planet. The warmth transferred to the base quickly, Eshe feeling something. Though surprised , she quickly placed the new being in the planet, admiring and watching her creation. Eshe tried another being, one larger in size, but yet again felt the discomfort. A hushed wince whispered out from her form.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ater FireSoul
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Ater FireSoul The Caustic Corruptor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Amazed by all of his siblings finally working together, Sol is filled with glee at the beginning of this universe. Wanting to make a something himself, Sol bursts into flame as a creature forms around him. A great bird made entirely of fire swoops down upon the planet, and Sol, not wanting the majestic bird to set fire to the land, creates a small biome for it. Sol singles out a area on the planet and wills the ground to turn to heated rock, an earthquake begins to happen and a mountain rises, the mountain starts to form a hole in the middle, at which molten rock starts to accumulate in it. "I shall name my creature a Phoenix, and the structure I have created is a Volcano, this land is forever a burning land, and other creations that can not adapt to my area will perish."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackHoleKin
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BlackHoleKin It gives up

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After watching all the other gods create something special to give to the world Icus decided to add his own variety luck as some might call it. So with its formless mass it moved hand like shapes to cover the world for a second pulling away the "hands" back into itself then speaking Icus said. "I gift this thing something I like to call luck." It said more so to the creation then the others. "every being gets a small chance for something amazing." Icus ended now with glad to finally be able to add something of it own even if they can't see it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 1 hr ago

While his siblings put aside whatever differences they might have had and started to work together in order to create something new, some distance away another had awoken in the darkness of creation. For a time he had been content to sit back and just watch; He felt in his core that whatever gifts he had to offer to this new creation would have to come rather... late as it were.

Still, this didn't mean he was completely idle. Taking advantage of all the materials that this brother had accidentally created when he was killing stars, he started the process of molding it into something of a different shape then the planet that his kin had created. It didn't take long, but as he looked at it he couldn't help but smile with a small amount of pride at his little side project. It blinked for the first time as he held it up, supporting its weight with one hand on its belly. It was rather bare bones, devoid of all the colors and elements that the other gods had given their project, but that was okay to Farxus. Instead he granted his creature... his turtle his blessing. A big enough spark of his essence so that it wouldn't be bound by the 'Natural Laws' of existence and could wander the expanse that his siblings had created in peace.

With a small pat on the head, Farxus released his creation and allowed it to drift for a moment before it started to swim through the nothingness on its own. He would have to go about checking up on how it was going later, but for now he had to go and introduce himself.

Without much in the way of fan fair, he approached his siblings with a smile on his face... stopping briefly in order to pick up some of the leftover metals that he had been using. "You know, maybe we could add a bit of these to it. It would be a shame to let our brother's hard work breaking down stars go to waste when it created such interesting things!" Without much more warning, Farxus softly chucked the handful of metals that he had collected towards the globe... and watched with keen interest as they seemed to speed up... and heat up and burst into flame as they approached the planet properly before slamming into its surface at far greater force then he had intended!

While the original collision was rather impressive, quickly the planet seemed to be lost under a layer of black, ugly clouds of dirt. "...Sorry. I didn't mean that to happen." Farxus admitted while bashfully rubbing the back of his head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kurai stressed. "And you all say I destroy things. He just messed up some of my skeletons!" His arms had transformed into the arms of the greater being's skeleton, the one that would grow more and more intelligent. "It's hard to think up these things! I have to think about their survival habits, their diets, not to mention everything they'll need to survive and hunt!" He began making things again, giving a death glare (I just had to.) to Farxus. He was upset, having contributed to his sibling's work, then having it destroyed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ater FireSoul
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Ater FireSoul The Caustic Corruptor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Be careful with this world, Farxus, It is very fragile at the moment. We need to nurture it for it to become even greater." Sol begins fixing the damage to the best of his ability. Turning to Kurai, Ater says "I'm glad you have turned away from your destruction and are helping us, your creations are quite admirable, as are the other gods creations aswell."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

While the others fussed and added to the "Planet" as one of the newer siblings called it, Manus was busy painting the void they moved through. Sure his earlier display gave birth to a small sphere of light and color, but quite frankly it wasn't enough for Manus. So he drifted away from his siblings, a trail of small stars in his wake as he ruminated on how to frame his next creation. Existing was still so new to Manus and his limits were unknown to him, what exactly would happen if...

In a silent flash Manus was gone, not even a trail of stars visible as he just vanished into the infinite void of this plain. In truth, Manus just willed himself to be far away from the creations of his siblings and, to a lesser extent, his siblings in general as he didn't want what he was about to do be influenced by their creations. Manus didn't know exactly why, but he felt like he needed to do something...something big. Now alone he began to summon his power, forcing it up from wherever it comes from and building energy. The very fabric of the void began to quake as Manus' power saturated the area, waiting in anticipation as to what would happen next.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Serious Face
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Serious Face A not so serious Top hat

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Repens watched quietly as his siblings created. He didn't know how long he had been watching, only that at some point he awoke and began to watch.

The God felt the need he had felt to add to this growing tapestry overwhelm his patience. He drew up lose particles leftover from the destruction of the lights and the fledgling Planets and cast them together to create his form. With the exception of his mask.

Before announcing his presence Repens briefly wondered what he could add before his mind wondered to the creatures that had been created.

Repens turned to the dust around him, he didn't want to upset Kurai by fiddling with his...things right now.

The God of the reviled smiled as the small bit of earth, big enough to sit on the tip of his finger, animated itself into a shape that vaguely resembled one of the higher beings on the planet. If they didn't have the part of they're body's that they stand on and instead floated.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Dearden came into existence after creation had already began, incredibly weak and malnourished. He was a small unsightly beast at the time, no larger then a mouse and he drifted through space for what seemed like an eternity.

The pull. He could feel something calling to him, pulling him to its place within the universe. He arrived to see his siblings, beyond comprehension to him, working on something that they stood over in the blackness. Whatever it was called to him and as he got closer, he saw its innate beauty and knew that it could be so much more. Then one of his siblings threw something at it, and he watched in horror as its beauty became clouded with darkness.

This would not do.

He quickly arrived on the surface with renewed strength and a sense of purpose that was his very being. He changed then, into the form of a large elk and began to call out into the world. It was haunting and lonesome but as it went on, the dust began to clear and the rays of sunlight flooded down again on the planet as creatures began to answer his call. Every step he took, the land changed into something greater and wondrous. Small dirty puddles became pristine lakes, fields of dead trees became a large forests as tall as the sky and a plains of dead grass became prairies and Savannah that stretched without limit.

Those animals that had survived the calamity came to him and added to his song and they became better. Small ugly beasts became kin to him and pranced off into the tall grass while grey birds became colorful and full of life. They sang their own songs as they flew off into the forests to live and grow. All these beasts that he began to influence were incredibly smart and knew enough to know that he was their god and all was good.

Out of respect for those he now knew as his siblings, he did not alter any of their creations at the time, as he walked on the planet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LitCabbit
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LitCabbit Awfully Dragged

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eshe watched as her and her siblings creations would be crushed be and die under the careless influence of a new force. Anger, wrath, and despair overcame her, frustrated with what to do. She looked up into the stars once more searching the last of her sanity. She had no use for those feelings, troubles were painted within them. What was made was gone and there is a void had to be filled, she had thought. Touching the surface of the destructed planet, Eshe watched as small creations began to sprout.

“You’re forgiven,” she said, willing her power at a greater force. “It was probably made to be.”

Eshe steadied herself, as the amount of power overwhelmed her. Things had to go at a gentle flow. She caressed the planet once more, large quantities of life began to spread. Through the rolls of the planet and some of its peaks, under the bodies of water, and its holes.

She gave a last purpose to what had died, where they would be used to benefit what had lived. “There,” she poked at the planet with interest, “Slightly restored.”

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucidnonsense


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Deep within the library, Nous stirred, disembodied it watched over the new world layed before it. It manifested to the other gods as what could best be described as a giant eye, it stared at the other gods in curiosity, trying to determine what purpose they served, then looked back at the new stars.

The world it decided was not yet right, and it began thinking before speaking to the other gods "This new "matter" behaves in a chaotic fashion, it will not survive long without our direct interferance, therefore I set before us a firmament to the universe, a foundation."

And "Space" was created, a place for matter to occupy, it supported the existence of forces such as gravity and electromagnetism that made it much easier to create matter that follows a set of rules, rather than directly follows the will of the gods. It then created a couple of particles that were attracted to one another, and they all collapsed into a miniscule orb. "I would suggest you try this out"

Nous then noticed that the other gods had created much more than it did "Oh...Uh...Do you guys like math? it will help make the universe you guys created more stable, if things follow rules."

It saw the animals and had an idea
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Serious Face
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Repens barely took note of the planets sudden rejuvenation. He didn't care what the others did to their toys as long as they didn't break his. And promptly ignored his brother in favor of his creation. With effort the God willed the creature of earth away to the caverns of the planet.

He then drew the other elements to him and imbued them with life. A creature of water, sent to the shores of what remained of the ocean. A creature of flames, sent to the volcano and a creature of wind sent to the mountains. All had a pitiful facad of intelligence. And a mockery of animal instincts.

Repens seemed to smile, dispite not having a mouth. "Elementals. A grand first creation." The name seemed to fit and Repens felt no small amount of pride.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Dearden walked among a forest of oak trees and breathed the fresh clean air. All the while, he watched Eshe seed the planet with more life and restore it even more so, then he had done. This young planet, home to the first animals within the universe, was incredibly unique and he took great care for the creatures that dwelt upon it. Every so often he would improve upon on a species so that it might fit the natural balance of the world and fill a niche newly created.

He took a small golden bird, no bigger then a leaf, and worked upon its form. The bird grew larger, it sprouted giant wings and grew a fierce beak within a couple of seconds. It's golden hue was now more pronounced on the tips of its wings, and its head while the rest of its body was a speckled brown. It's eyes became sharpened and filled with an intelligence like never before. The once small bird, was now a powerful predator and the first of its kind. He named it a 'Goldenterra' and watched as it took to the skies, along with the others that Dearden had now created.

Next he took a small, fragile butterfly that was fluttering about him too work upon. It was green with black stripes upon its wings but he saw in it great beauty as he did with all life. He whispered towards it and the butterfly grew larger and slender. It shimmered now in a multitude of colors, that would constantly change depending upon the butterfly. It left a small twinkling mist as it flapped its wings and Dearden knew that this is what he saw when he had first looked at the butterfly. He would call it an 'Eshen' after his sister.

Tired now, he sat down to rest for a bit under a tree that overlooked a lake. All around him animals frolicked and went about their business. He was smiling on the inside.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kurai frowned. He had to add his essence to the 'planet'. He made great lands of endless sands, and little to no life. He created birds to do well in this land. He called them 'Vultures'. He continued walking through the world. When he saw to much of the life was living, he watched a strong being, called an ape. He hoped it would evolve, into something deadly and great. He then continued on his way. When he saw too much life in one area, he would add a little decay. He had a stroke of genius. He made sure every creature would slowly age, and die off. As he watched the 'ape' evolve, he grinned. It was smarter than the rest, he could tell.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucidnonsense


Member Seen 11 mos ago


Nous began an experiment, basing the design off of its own construction. Nous constructed a blueprint for a system that could learn and make decisions without intervention of the gods.

It created many permutations of this design at a variety of complexities. It gave simple ones to some of the smaller creatures, more complicated ones to large animals. Some of its most impressive designs went to the birds and the apes. It also created a new creature, an eight legged beast of the sea, the octopus. It used a non conventional but useful design.

Then he started creating a method of symbolic based reasoning to allow greater communication, this would be useful for the social apes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Sonus saw these developments, an idea struck him. He, too was aware of the potential of the apes, but it needed a way to realize it. How could it succeed, if it kept dying before it amassed knowledge? The apes seemed attracted to things they didn't know, but they endangered themselves in order to discover. He gave the apes an understanding of progress, a way to affect the world after the creature died. He hoped that they would aspire to accomplish things on their own, independent of the gods. He saw that his brother was working on a way for them to better share their ideas and information, and he watched Nous's project curiously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 1 hr ago

While the other gods seemed quick to forgive his fumble (and even repair some of the damage he did), Farxus decided that he would let them continue on without his interference in order to help speed up the healing process. Instead he decided to go for a swim... Vanishing from the universe at large, he instead appeared in the shallows of what was honestly one of the few oceans of the world in a somewhat different form; Instead of the humanoid appearance of many of his kin, he had decided to adopt that of one of the local animals. He had to admit, it was interesting to walk sideways through the waters with his pincers clacking.

In a way, he could feel what his siblings were up too. Some of them appeared to be favoring some kind of ape like creatures, most likely because they were similar shapes to themselves no doubt.

Looking at his fellow crabs, Farxus couldn't help but grin wickedly as an idea came to him. After all, crabs were better suited to the planet the apes were; Most of it was covered in water after all. It wasn't hard to increase the intelligence of what were already rather crafty creatures to begin with and the idea of working together to achieve a greater good for all only took a couple of large fish the new 'tribe' had managed to capture via cooperation. By the time Farxus left they were working on building shelters. He would have to keep an eye on them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucidnonsense


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Nous took his new symbolic processing system and updated the Ape minds to include it, pretty soon the apes would begin talking to eachother in symbols, grunts and warblings that represented ideas, they could concieve abstract things and even record information to be used by future generations. the apes foreheads had to grow a little bit to accomedate the new abilities.

It then went back to its library in order to experiment on more exotic forms of intelligence.
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