Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yugi took a deep breath to calm his nerves. When asked if he was sure that he was ready. To be going so fr awa from home, from friends. It was new and completely different. But he knew he had to do this for his Grandpa. 'It will be alright, Yugi. We are with you.' Yami's voice came but he did not show himself. Yugi smiled with both of their support, squaring his shoulders. "I'm ready." He walked forward towards the ship.

Lined up and for his turn in line, there was so commotion going on of which got Yugi's attention. "Come ooon! You gotta let me on, I'm a duelist too!" a familiar voice that sounded nearby. Though Yugi had it clarified when he saw Joe being escorted by two suited men. Yugi got out of line the. "Joey?" Joey stopped then and looked to see Yugi. "Yugi?" Surprised that he was here. "Wht are you doing here?" He asked his tri-colored spikey haired boy. Yugi looked to Joey with confusion. "I was going to ask you that." Joey shyly chuckled as he scratched the bck of his head and opened his mouth to answer however one of the suits answered for him. "He was caught trying to get on board without a invitation."

Yugi however seemed to have an idea with he glint in his eyes and then got a tad serious. "Now hold it right there. Didn't he tell you? He does have one." Yugi said as he got into his pocket and held his fist out to Joey. Joey was confused but held out his own hand while Yugi placed a star chip in his had. "Yugi, y-you..." Wheeler was speechless. Yugi only smiled. "For your sister Joey." Joey could feel his eyes water as the suited men looked to them and presented a card with the star chips and glove on it. "It states that your star chips are invitation into the Tournament." Yugi explained of which one of them spoke. "You'll be left with a disadvantage." The man said. Yugi didnt waver. "I would rather have one and have my friend come with me." The other pulled out a phone and called a number on it. "Boss, We have a situation."

It was later decided that Joey was allowed on board with the proof of the one star chip of which both Yugi and Joey were rather thankful for. With all on board, the ship left the docks and set sail, Yugi stood topside by the railings as he was getting use to the motions of the ship and watching the night sky with Joey. "Thanks buddy, I couldnt have done this without you." Joey thanked his friend of whom smiled. Its no big deal. You would have done the same for me." The blonde sheepishly grinned at the compliment. "Aww Shucks. Now we just gotta make sure no one knows about the fact we have a chip each-" "Then stop saying anything about it Joey" Yugi inturrupted with a hushed tone. Joey covered his mouth and looked like he had been caught. "Sorry." Yugi shook his head."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Shadow watched as Yugi steeled himself together to work up his courage. That's the spirit, she thought with satisfaction, before she faded away from next to him. The genie tempted to chuckle at the scene between her master and Joey. Yugi must be that pure, after all, she concluded. Her predictions were true about this boy; he had this "friendly" element, and she could sense through his shadow that radiated a lot of positive energy, although there was a slight chip of timidness attached to it. But she figured that that was just a natural addition to his being.

Once he and Joey hit the rails upon the vessel, she came back out again, standing at Yugi's opposite side, while the blonde teen was on the other.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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"Well now if it isn't the boy that beat Seto Kaiba." A voice from behind Yugi and Joey of whom they both turned to seewhom other than Weevil Underwood and Rex Raptor. Yugi was surprised. "Yugi Motou. Am I correct?" Weevil asked. Yugi went out of surprised as the two shook hands. "Oh wow, hi, I am and you're Weevil Underwood and Rex Raptor, Regional Champions." Yugi sputtered, surprised he would ever meet such top Duelists, but managed to keep his composure. Joey though as the goof he is comes over and wraps an arm around his buddy's shoulders. "And I'm Joey Wheeler, best friend to the Famous Yugi Motou." He informed with a grin. Yugi could only smile at his friends antics. Weevil didn't seem to care too much while Rex gave the two a two finger salute. "Yo."

"For Pegasus to invite such a new star such as yourself is such an honor." Weevil informed to Yugi who seemed flattered by the complement. "It is an honor to meet you both, hope we will get to duel each other in the tournament." Yugi said as Weevil pushed his glasses closer to his face nodded. "We will see how it all plays out." He responded before leaving the two new Duelists where they stand. Though it wasn't long before another greeted the pair of which got Joey and Yugi blushing due to her beauty.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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Shadow was just about to enjoy the nightly sea-air, but voices caught her attention. It was those two duelists that she saw on the television the night before: Weevil Underwood and Rex Raptor. She was impressed that Yugi's duel with Kaiba alone attracted so much attention, yet she did feel that there was something off about these two. It struck some sort of a protective streak in her, and she was only glad that they couldn't see her expression of suspicion towards them. She didn't want to tell her master this, no. Besides, last time she checked, what master would show such consideration for a genie?

However, the sight of a very attractive woman caught the genie's eye, and for some reason, she didn't like the way she gave off her presence towards the two boys. It was that envious feeling again; the same one she felt towards Divine, but more between jealousy and envy. Nobody would look at her like that. Everybody looked at Divine like that; why not her? That's right, she was just a shadow creature. An entity that no one would perceive as "attractive".
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Yugi had quickly regained his composure when seeing this tall blonde woman. As much as he was surprised to see such pretty girl, she didnt gain his complete attention unlike Joey as she made her way toward them with a duffle bag slung over her shoulder. Yugi glanced to Shadow feeling something off about her. Yugi didnt know what to do exactly but thought maybe talking to her would help. 'Shadow? Something the matter?' He asked shyly, almost like he was being careful of what he was asking.

Joey however when she had walked up to them, felt an attraction to her though soon regained when Yugi cleared his throat. "Heya. Name's Joey. Joey Wheeler." He introduced himself. "And this my friend Yugi, Yugi Motou. The young genius that defeated Kaiba." Yes. The teen was trying to get the woman's attention. Yugi couldn't help but smile at his small antics. Yugi didnt really understand what Joey was thinking but didnt want to berate him just yet until he did something really stupid.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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Shadow had her arms crossed, as she tried to not let these negative feelings take hold of her. The more she felt them, the more of an inner hate would grow inside her head, and express it in an incredibly selfish fashion. The genie felt insecure, which was a big no-no. It was a normal feeling that everyone has, but as Divine's shadow, it was inherited be a part of her nature. However, Shadow didn't want it to get in the way of her task. So, she had to come up with a solution to get rid of it.

Her thoughts were cut off when she heard Yugi's voice. The transparent genie took a deep breath before answering. "I'm okay", she said softly, really reassuring him. This woman was making her uncomfortable on the inside, so she acted. Going into her shaded-smoke form, the figure appeared behind the woman, and whispered into her ear with that indistinctive sound again. By the aura of her shadow, she knew what this woman wanted to achieve. "They're wasting your time. You have more important things to do", she told her with that whispering voice, using her persuasion power.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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The young boy had not failed to noticed that something was wrong even when she had told him so. This peeked the Spirit's curiosity a little to watch within and listen. Yugi noticed the figure to be Shadow surprised to see wjat was happening. Maybe Shadow had a reasoning, but this was not what he expected. Seeing the blonde woman not stop but look to them and walk on only to give a smile and give a small wave and continue on. Joey granted looked a little disappointed that she didnt stop but sighed with slumped shoulders. 'Shadow?
What just happen? What did you do?'
Curious overall.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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Shadow made a smirk when the blonde kept on walking; only waving, and just walked her way. The genie went back to her transparent form next to Yugi, showing a slightly regretful expression at what she'd just done. After she heard him ask her what she had done, her head hung with slight guilt, and glanced to him. 'I simply told her to move on. Forgive me, puzzle-solver. I have my reasons', and she did, but didn't want to present them. Besides, what kind of genie would she be to him if he knew?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Yami picked up on this act though did nothing, the spikey haired boy didnt like the fague answer but he let it be, not wanting to upset her by pushing the subject. 'A-Alright. I understand. Just know if there is something on your please. I will listen.' He assured. "Hey Yug'. Lets get inside and warm up a little." Joey requested of him of which Yugi nodded and went with Joey inside.

Inside the ship of which they would be bunking with many other Duelists, Yugi seemed not bothered by this news while Joey on the other hand wasnt too thrilled. "Where can we get some decent rooms here?" Yugi quickly grabbed his friend's arm and looks to him. "Joeeyy." Yugi hissed in concern and warning. "Do you want to be kicked off this ship?" trying to reason with him of which Joey calmed quick. He looked to Yugi and placed an arm on his shoulder before looking to the voice of which spoke. "Only the Champions that won regionals were given the luxury rooms." Weevil told the two as Yugi let go of Joey's arm. "Here Yugi. Let me let you in on a little secret." Weevil said as he moved closer to Yugi of whom was unsure what to think about being told something like this. "See everyone trading amongst each other? Everyone is trying to strengthen their decks. Not only that but they are learning each others decks so they can get to know their strategies." the teal haired boy said. Yugi looked to all that were trading and suddening seeing Joey looking to others among the crowd to trade cards with. Yugi could only smile. "Well. At least Joey is having fun." Yugi concluded as he saw his friend seeming to find someone who was willing to do so. "Sure! Lets see what we can do for each other. "Name's Jaden."

Later on, Yugi was back outside as Joey came back with excitement. "Yugi! I got some cool cards!" Joey declared proudly as he held them out for Yugi to see.

Yugi looked at the three casrds he got. "Baby Dragon, Sheild and Sword, and Kunai with Chain? Good pick Joey, and good cards to get you out of some stivky situations. Here. I have something that can help as well." Yugi declared as he opened the golden box that had held the puzzle pieces. Pulling out a card, he handed it to Joey. Taking the card, Wheeler looked at ti to reveal that it was Time Wizard. "You sure Yug'?"

Yugi nodded. If you combine use his ability to a monster, that monster can become really powerful." Yugi advised. Joey smiled for he looked to the new cards and seemed fond of them already. This was cut sort however when Weevil entered the area and towards Yugi. "I was always fond of the deck you hold, especially Exodia." he stated. He looked a little shy about something. "May I...see them?" he asked. Yugi seemed unsure at first but didnt see much harm. "Well, alright...just please be careful with them." Yugi said as he handed the cards to Weevil.

The Bug Duelist beamed as he held the Exodia pieces. "This is amazing. Quite an honor." he walked toward the railing of which Yugi watched but noticed something off.

"Weevil?" Yugi questioned. Weevil ignored him though. And in the blink of an eye the unthinkable happened and the cards left Weevil's hand and fluttering towards the sea. Yugi was left is shock. "No!" was all he could say as he went to the railing, Weevil laughed and began to walk away. He was though shoved as someone bumped into the teal haired duelist. "What the heck man! How could you?!" he yelled as Joey took off his jacket and let it rest on the floor. "Hang on Yugi, ill get them." Joey said as he then dived into the ocean and surfaced and retrieving what he could. "Joey!" Yugi called out.

'Yuki! The blondie jumped in!' a female shouted, that Yugi and Shadow could hear. Yugi turned over to see transparent female with white, black, and litght purple skin, long wild hair that halved of white and a dark cobalt blue with black and purple wings. Eyes yellow and teal one could describe her overall as a demon or friend like monster between being a male and a female. The boy who was holding Weevil by his shirt dropped him and ran for the railing. A kid about Yugi's age yet between Joey and Yugi's height with buoyant brown and light brown hair, large honey eyes and wearing a red jacket of which he took off with a black shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers. "Hey. Go ahead and get the rope ladder. Ill go get your friend." the boy said before diving in. The she demon stayed where she was and watched the boy as he was rescuing Joey.

Yugi did as he was told and grabbed the rope ladder, letting it unravel for the two as Jaden swam over to it. By then two more people entered the fray and began lifting the ladder with Yugi, Tristen and Tea.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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Even though she had noticed Yugi's generosity, the genie didn't feel that it was appropriate to share to him this kind of flaw. Shadow just couldn't share this kind of sensitive information. Besides, like before, what kind of servant would she be if he knew? He wouldn't understand. With that thought placed, she said nothing, only looking down in slight shame.

By the time Weevil started talking to her owner, she just knew that, within Underwood's shadow, he would fuel all kinds of suspicion. Something was off, very off, about this kid. Shadow only hoped that Yami would take notice of this, as well. The longer that Yugi conversed with him, the more unhinged the shadow became, meaning that this was bad news. So, she stayed close, eavesdropping. However, to experience her master's Exodia cards being thrown into the ocean, she knew that Weevil had crossed the line.

"Yuki! The blonde jumped in!

Shadow heard a female voice that sounded soft, perhaps softer than her own. Having to spot the source, the genie took notice the female transparency of another Duel Spirit. She's seen other Duel Spirits before, but not one like her. She was winged, almost like a she-demon, and perhaps, maybe about her height, almost slightly taller. By the way she looked, she was...different, in a good way. Is the boy, who just jumped into the water, her owner?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Pulling the rope ladder with Tristen mainly being the muscle but Yugi and Tea helping anyway till Joey and the brunette were at the edge, Yugi pulled Joey with wrapping his arms around the taller blonde's accessible arm and pulling him surprisingly aboard where as Tristen pulled the stranger aboard as well. Yugi though used all the strength he had had Joey on top of his when the boy felt himself lose balance. Once Joey was on top of Yugi involuntarily, he began to cough and away from Yugi. Coughing up the water that was within his lungs, he slowly began to rise to his hands and knees looking at a blurry version of his friend. "Y-Yugi..?"

Yugi nodded slowly though the shock of his friend almost drowning was still in his mind and soon scurried to his knees and hug his tall friend. "You idiot...Don't do that again!" Yugi scolded. Joey gave a weak chuckle as he slowly sat with Yugi having removed himself.

"B-but I had to do something, those cards meant a lot to ya." Joey told him of which Yugi shook his head. "It's okay Joey. They do mean alot to me but not when it can possibly lose a friend." Yugi reasoned as he took the three cards that he managed to scavage up from the sea. Yugi and Joey looked both to the stranger as the she demon looked the genie and smiled as she bowed her head to her. The young boy smiled sheepishly as he went up to the two best friends. The two smiled back. "Thanks for the save out there." Joey told the boy of seemed to smile even more sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "It's alright. Just doing what I could. Weevil was being the creep. You gonna be alright?" Asked the boy of whom analyzed Joey who was shivering with the cold air. "Y-yeah...S-some dry clothes would be nice." He admitted with a cheeky grin. Joey though had something dawn on him. The blonde looked to Yugi and Tristen, tea getting towels. "Guys, this is Jaden, he traded some cards with me earlier." Yugi smiled as nodded to Jaden. Tristen helped Joey to his feet and getting him inside. "Good to meet you Jaden. Thank you." Yugi though noticed as the she demon walked over to Jaden who was shivering. 'Jaden, you need to go inside as well.' Jaden laughed nervously and walked with Yugi inside.

Yugi didn't not notice it but Yami had noticed the whole spectical that occurred and though Yugi was destressed, there was no need to intervene. He did take not that if Yugi was to face Weevil than he would make sure the punk paid for hurting Yugi like he did. But then was not the time and the kid known as Jaden seemed to have handled it for now and even helped out which he was very grateful for. 'It is quite alright Shadow. I saw no need to intervene. It seems we may have an ally, maybe even a friend.'

Inside, and with Jaden and Joey dried off and with dry clothes, the group sat in their own little space on the ship, Yugi watched Jaden fuss with his deck while the She-demon watched when while relaxing as she sat against the wall with her wings wrapped around her like a cloak. 'Jaden are quite unique such as I. My name is Yubel, Jaden Yuki's Spirit Protector.' Yubel introduced. Yugi glanced in Yubel's direction with a smile then looking to his friend who Joey was telling what was going on. Jaden grinned. "You must be Yugi Motou, the new Duelist that took on Seto Kaiba. Congrats on that." Yugi blushed with the complement that he received, flustered. "Thanks. I uh...I didn't do it alone."

Jaden nodded. "I noticed. Quite the monster you have there." Yugi was surprised. "Y-you can see her?"

Jaden grinned sheepishly at his question. "Yep! Always been able to see Duel monster spirits since I was a little kid." Jaden told him. "Seeing as how you know who your Duel monster Spirit is, you can see mine?"

Yugi nodded. "I can. I'm surprised I can. I thought all I could see was Shadow." Jaden was instantly interested. "Shadow huh? Nice to meet you. Name's Jaden Yuki!"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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Shadow was internally thankful that Yugi's best friend, and the brown-haired stranger, had managed to make it back to the ship without letting the ocean take them first. One note: Joey Wheeler was incredibly brave, reckless but brave. 'Recklessly-brave' would be a better description. It was amusing, in a way, but on Yugi's part, it was a stupid move, regardless. She only hoped that he wouldn't do it again, but she felt the sorrow of losing The Forbidden Exodia to the sea. Why would Weevil get rid of such a card? Now she knew...

The transparent genie looked to the Spirit, and agreed with him that this stranger was Joey's savior. 'And I just happened to know why Weevil would do such a thing', she said as a matter-of-fact. So, this was the boy that the blonde traded those cards with? Intreresting. Plus, the transparent she-demon stood by the brunette as they introduced themselves. Yubel and Jaden Yuki. Shadow had just happened to notice this female playing a part that was so similar to her own: Spirit Protector. She bowed back to her in greeting. It makes sense now; why they seem close, even to the addition that he can see the spirits, like Yugi. And I, you, Jaden Yuki, she bowed politely with her arms still crossed to show her proud and composed stature.

As much as she would like to communicate with this stranger, the genie showed interest in the she-demon. How long has she been in Yuki's possession? Was she like her? What kind of monster? What attribute? There were so many things she desired to know. Even she herself was surprised by her own curiosity. Maybe she could find friendship in the she-demon. "Now, you're a Duel Monster? I haven't heard of a monster called 'Yubel' before", maybe she was a rare card like herself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Yubel smiled to see the curiosity in the Genie's eyes. "I am. Jaden and I have been with each other for a long time. Though he can talk to all of his monsters like he would with me. It puts him to other humans as odd though I am glad he has found someone who he can talk freely about seeing and talking to such spirits as us." Yubel though giggled at a thought she had. "Though it does not stop him from talking to us in the open." This earned a bashful blush from Jaden and a laugh from Yugi.

The tri-colored boy looked to Shadow with a curious look. You said that you knew what Weevil's plan was when he tossed Exodia into the ocean?" Jaden was interested as well. He knew full well how rare and powerful Exodia was. He wanted to know for himself also. "That kid is just a plain out creep. I wouldn't be surprised if he was threatened by Exodia's power." Jaden growled a little.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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Shadow chuckled with her, once she noticed the blush between Jaden and Yugi. Yubel was quite interesting and, to the genie's self-note, she was far beyond any traditional monster card, like herself. Even throughout her time in Pegasus' hold, she never recalled seeing a monster card called 'Yubel' in the database. Unless she was one of the Super Rares. Maybe they had something in common after all? Even though they'd just met.

"Actually, Jaden, that was exactly my point. Weevil felt threatened, knowing that if Exodia was no longer in Yugi's possession, he would have the upper hand in a possible future Duel with him. So, he made sure for it to be out of reach", she explained, which proved to be somewhat of an obvious observation.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Jaden groaned as he covered his face with his hands. He didn't like being right but it was there and it was knowledge that they knew now. With a sigh Jaden covered his face looking disappointed. "I wouldn't be surprised then that he has done this to anyone else. That creep is just a sore loser. "I'm sure with Exodia or not that you would be able to beat him whenever you may face him again." Jaden told Yugi with a smile and a thumbs up. "I gotta say I would like to Duel you sometime when we reach Duelist Kingdom. It would be so much fun. Oh better yet, mind if I tag with you guys? I know you have quite the group already, but more the merrier I always say." Jaden held his hand out with a goofy grin.

Yugi had never expected to find such a person like Jaden Yuk, a complete optimistic attitude and free spirited. Jaden could almost see himself in Jaden and not only that but he saved and became friends with Joey. Said teen looked to the two as did Tea and Tristen when they heard Jaden asking to join their little group. Yugi looked to them since it wasn't just his decision. Joey was first to say something. "Sure! Your a pretty cool kid, plus you helped me out twice!"

Tristen smiled and nodded. "You earned Yugi and Joey's trust, you've earned mine."

Tea smiled. "Sure! I don't mind!" Yugi smiled and looked to Jaden though knew there was one other that he needed to look to. So he glanced to Shadow. 'What do you think?' He asked Shadow.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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Shadow had the same feeling that Yugi had about Jaden. Completely friendly, optimistic, and very passionate. In some ways, Yuki may be similar to Joey, in a way. Plus, she was fascinated with Yubel. So, why not allow these two a spot in their journey. Perhaps they could help them into saving Solomon Muto. Besides, a friend of Yugi Muto, is a friend of hers. She also wondered what kind of duelist he might be.
How does he play it? What's his style?

With Yugi asking for her consideration, the genie bowed her head, and closed her eyes passively, to show her acceptance of letting Jaden join them.
"We'll need all the help we can get", she simply to the two duelists, and the she-demon. Like Yuki said, "the more the merrier".
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Yugi gave his full attention to Jaden then after receiving Shadow's answer. "Alright. You can join us." Yugi shook his hand that never lowered, surprised the boy had such energy. Definitely would get along with Joey that was for sure.

"Sweet! Glad to be part of the group!" "As am I." Yubel responded back. She smiled. Joey yawned loudly then. "So much excitement in one night, Im ready for some shut eye." declared the blonde of which Tristen and Tea agreed which was rare for her but she was sure it was quite late anyway. They set up their sleeping bags, using their bags as pillows. Yugi had to agree he was tired but just seemed a bit restless. He didnt know if he should tell Jaden why he was really here. Probably wouldnt think him completely crazy with the fact Jaden could see Duel Monster spirits. But just didnt want to put him in a position like that. Yubel looked to the kids around her and smiled as Jaden too laid down for the night. He fell asleep almost instantly which was not unusual for her. She looked to Yugi see he was taking his time in trying to sleep. But had fallen asleep soon enough. What caught he attention was the large pendant around the young boy's neck. Maybe she could ask about it. It seemed to hold great power. A power she was surprised a kid held and with the innocence he possessed.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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Shadow watched as her master and the others settle themselves on the floor in sleeping bags. Yugi slept like an innocent baby; a child. What was she saying? He was a child, a young teenager who showed purity in just one simple gesture. His kindness showed a trust, a naivety that would display through sheer innocence. After their brief time together, the genie felt like a home with home, but she hated acting like a coward, and not tell him her insecurities and secrets. How could she? These secrets may be too sensitive for him, and that is what she feared. Shadow hadn't thought about revealing this to Yami, but now wasn't the time.

Noticing Yubel glance at the now-sleeping Yugi, the genie followed her gaze towards the Millenium Puzzle. What does the artifact have that interested the she-demon? "I see you peeking at the Millenium Puzzle", she observed quietly, really to not disturb Jaden or Yugi from their slumber.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Yubel looked to Shadow with a widened eyes only to soften and look to the tri-colored boy that was beside her ward. "Ah. My apologies. It just seems a little odd that a young boy like him to carry such a strange item with so much power and responsibility." Yubel took a pause to look to Shadow. "He is such a pure and innocent boy much like my own partner. Is this why you watch over him?" Yubel asked curiously, observing the Genie with subtle interest of the Spirit before her.

Yami was sat the opened door of Yugi's soul room as he listened to the two females talk about Yugi and the Millennium Puzzle. He was curious as to this Yubel character and what her intensions were with Yugi. It seemed like simple curiosity but Yami couldn't help but be protective of Yugi, the Puzzle and Shadow. It was his sudden instinct and he would always stand by it.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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Shadow listened to the she-demon next to her, watching her explain her thoughts about the boy, as well as the artifact. The genie looked back towards the sleeping boy, neutrally but softly. "Actually, I came to him upon mysterious circumstances. I do admit that he has a heart and spirit; one that I can sense somewhere within Jaden", she paused, looking at the artifact laced around the tri-colored boy's neck. "The Millenium Puzzle awoke me, somehow. That power you say, is the reason I am here too. Sometimes I do wonder if this is my fate. To be with him; to watch him", she frowned, beginning to think about Yami. In some way, the Spirit was acting as her protector. She couldn't thank him enough.

Shadow then quietly chuckled. "We both have a responsibility to live by, and I'm beginning to feel that it's them", she concluded with a smile.
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