Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Casey Green-Werewolf

Casey was back in the forest and this time there wasn't just one of them there were at least four of them and they were chasing her. Just before they caught her she felt her body tearing itself apart and she saw herself becoming a werewolf. When her wolf self turned and snarled at her she woke up screaming.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alex North

Shade was sitting in the backyard with Charlie. He wanted to sit where Kitty did and love on the animal that seemed to make her the most normal. Alex watched him out the window. "Baby, I'm gonna go lay down for a bit. I'm just really tired right now." He went into the bedroom and lay down. In his grief all he could think about was Kitty and Shade. Shade had been so happy when he brought Kitty into the fold. He remembered how rebellious she had been. She had mellowed a lot over the 200+ years. He smiled remembering some of her stunts and her crazy excuses.

Alex rolled over and closed his eyes and tears of blood ran down onto the pillow. About an hour later he got up, washed his face and came out. "I'm going to the club."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Darric Shadowforge

Darric opened his eyes and looked towards the woman when she screamed. He didn't move from his position on the couch but figuring she had a nightmare, he called out in a soft voice. "Calm down. You're safe," he said in a gruff voice.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Casey Green-Werewolf

Casey could see him in the dark as well as if it were day. Her heart was racing and again there was that strange echo of her heartbeat going faster than it should. "A nightmare."Breathing deeply she regulated her breathing back to normal. Laying on her side she asked him calmly. "Am I going to turn into a werewolf and if so what is going to happen to me?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Claudia Aluredes

Claudia nodded but decided to stay out of Alex's room, figuring that he needed some time alone to grieve and sort out his thoughts. As soon as the door closed behind him, she walked over to the couch and settled down on it. It didn't take long for her to feel restless and uncomfortable. Without Alex by her side, she didn't feel like she belonged in the big house. She looked around. The house belonged to the three vampires... now, two. And a werewolf didn't belong in it even if she had unexpectedly imprinted on the owner. She got up and paced the floor for a few moments before she decided to slip out quietly.

At the door, she hesitated. She wanted to let Alex know that she was leaving but he needed the time alone. She also wanted to let Shade know but he was still grieving over the loss of Kitty. She seemed so much more to him than he let on.

Deciding not to bother both, she left without a word.

Darric Shadowforge

Darric didn't see any reason why he should keep the truth from the woman. He didn't see the need to sugar coat his words and so he spoke straightforwardly. "I'm afraid you will not find the answers to be pleasant," he started. "Judging from the size and the depth of that wound on your shoulder, yes, you were bitten by a werewolf. I can still smell his scent on you," he frowned. "As for his reasons why he bit you, I can't say for sure. But yes, on the next full moon, you will turn into a werewolf. And with the transformation will come anger, rage and a thirst to kill and maim."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alex North

Alex had looked around the house for Claudia and when he didn't see her he followed her scent. Realizing that he had no way to contact her he followed his nose. When it started raining hard he lost her scent. His feelings already upside down because of Kitty's death he became enraged and he went straight into the heart of werewolf territory and began looking for her. His presence was noticed immediately and a lot of the wolves ran knowing who he was and how strong he was. Some did not and those wolves paid the price. Alex was on a rampage and fear of losing his love after losing his child was what drove him. "Claudia!" He yelled for her in the pouring rain.

Casey Green-Werewolf

Casey was speechless and terrified. She looked at Darric and swallowed hard. "I'm now a werewolf? The next full moon is tomorrow, I think. It's supposed to be Wednesday." She scrambled to get her cell phone that had been in her pocket and she breathed in sharply. "Oh my god, today is Wednesday." She looked up at Darric. "Are you positive? I'm going to be enraged and vicious. I'm guessing that means I'll lose control and hurt people?" She looked at Darric curious about something he said. "You can smell the wolf in me? Are you telling me that you are a werewolf?"

After his response she nodded. "I don't want to hurt people. Can you lock me in a cage or something so I don't hurt anyone?" She asked quietly.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Claudia Aluredes

As soon as the rain started, Claudia removed Alex's shirt and changed back into her wolf form. She carefully placed the shirt into her mouth, gently enough as not to poke holes in it with her fangs. The shirt smelled of Alex. Once she had it secured in her jaws, she ran in the rain, relishing the feel of the cold raindrops on her back. Several times she jumped into puddles like a puppy experiencing the rain for the first time. It would have looked cute if she wasn't an oversized wolf.

She saw movements in the corner of her eye and instantly knew that it was her mate even before he screamed out her name. Her black fur soaked and dripping, she padded towards him. She tilted her head as she looked at the vampire, his shirt wet and hanging from her jaw.

Darric Shadowforge

Darric was patient as he continued to listen to the woman's panicked voice. "Yes, I am a werewolf myself. Been one for a while now." When she suggested to lock her up, he shook his head and gestured around. "There are no cages here and your raw strength would tear my apartment apart. We'll need to go out to the woods for your transformation. I'll make sure you don't hurt yourself or anybody. What's your name?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alex North

When Alex finally saw Claudia in the rain she was a wolf carrying his shirt. The relief that came over him was enormous. "Claudia, why did you leave me? I thought something had happened to you." He noticed the abundance of the wolf army returning. Alex dropped his fangs and said to them over the rain "Let her leave here or I'll kill all of those who get in my way!"

Casey Green-Werewolf

Casey accepted this new information like it was just any other thing. "I hope you don't mind but I have a lot of questions." She realized he was a very quiet person. She wasn't sure about anything but she knew he was her only resource for information. "Is it like changing to a vampire -I mean can I still live my normal life and see my parents and stuff? Can I hold a job and get married and have kids?" Casey moved to the edge of the bed so she could focus on his answers better.

"What do I need to know about being a werewolf? Please, tell me everything. I don't like surprises and I can handle pain. I've had a lot of that in my life so far. I just can't stand the thought of hurting anyone else." Casey's chest was heaving as she spoke, her fear of what was going to happen very apparent.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Claudia Aluredes

Having no way of talking to Alex in her current form, Claudia whined softly and touched her head gently to Alex. After which, she hung her head low in shame. When other wolves began gathering, she placed between them and Alex. With her ears folded flat on her head, she bared her teeth at them, growling low as warning.

A huge black wolf with white fur across its chest and clear blue eyes stepped forward. Claudia's ears immediately stood on end and she stopped growling. Caius?


She immediately launched herself towards the male wolf but instead of attacking, she looked as though she was dancing around him like a lost puppy finally finding her owner. For a few seconds the male wolf displayed the same excitedness before he turned his fierce blue eyes towards Alex.

Darric Shadowforge

Darric nodded at her questions. "Yes, you will be able to live a normal life just as long as you are able to rein in you anger. There is really no other way. But while it is difficulty, it is really not difficult to do so," he started and then gave her a brief and concise overview on what is to become a werewolf and what to expect. When he was done, he raised an eyebrow at her. "Now, do you prefer to remain nameless or are you gonna tell me your name? My name is Darric Shadowforge."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alex North

Alex raised an eyebrow at the other wolf as it was obvious to him that this must be the twin brother. He retracted his fangs and followed Claudia over to her brother. He was worried she would leave him and go back to the wolf community. He was not sure that she could do that but he was positive that if she wanted to that they wouldn't turn her away. Alex waited as patiently as he could. His heart still hurt over losing his child and he knew that to help repair some of the emotional damage that he would likely turn another girl soon. He tried to distract himself as the siblings reunited. Alex stood with his back to the wolves but he knew they most likely wouldn't be so stupid to attack him at this moment. None the less he kept alert.

Casey Green-Werewolf

Casey jumped at the realization that she hadn't introduced herself yet. "Oh! I'm so sorry. My name is Casey Green. Thank you so much Darric. I am truly in your debt. So I could get married and have children." She thought about that for a minute and her brows furrowed. "I couldn't marry just anyone because who is going to want to marry a wolf besides another wolf and would my children be wolves?" She nodded realizing the answers for herself. "I see, the risk of exposure would be difficult to maintain with anyone not a wolf." She said quietly.

"Darric? How are you going to keep me safe and from hurting someone else in the forest?" She looked outside and the sun was setting and it was raining. "We'd better go. I don't want to change here."


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Caius & Claudia

To communicate what she wanted him to do, Claudia walked the short distance back to Alex. She nudged his hand until it was resting on her head. And then she looked at the larger wolf.

Caius, the wolf, stared for a few minutes more at Alex before he turned and walked away, the wolves behind him stepping aside to let him pass. Without hesitation, Claudia followed after him, snapping at the wolves who dared step close or growl at her vampire.

A few minutes later, Alex stood in a room with the twins, again in human form. Claudia immediately stood beside Alex, slipping her hand and intertwining her fingers with his. "A vampire? You seriously imprinted on a vampire?" Caius asked, looking from Alex to his sister. He stared into her eyes for a few minutes before he nodded his head. "You really did," he concluded after he found what he was looking for in her eyes.

"Yes. Accept him," Claudia commanded.

Caius shook his head. "And here I thought you hated their kind," he stared at Alex. "Alright," he finally said after a long moment of pause. He extended a hand to the vampire. "Caius Aluredes."

Darric Shadowforge

Darric shook his head. "Yes, if you mate with a wolf, you will have wolf offsprings. With a human, you have a 50% chance of having wolf children and 50% chance of having human children."

He stood up. "To keep you safe and to keep you from hurting anyone, you'll have to fight me."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alex North

Alex put his arm around Claudia's waist almost the very instant she was in human form again. He let her brother inspect him and he knew it was important for her brother to understand that he would always love and take care of Claudia.

"Caius, I'll never let anything happen to her. Your sister is everything to me." He waited for approval that he knew he needed in order to keep her. If he didn't get it eventually it would eat at their relationship.

Casey Green-Werewolf

"You want to fight me?" She looked at him and thought about it. "Well that would keep me busy so I couldn't hurt anyone but you." Casey looked at him and grabbed a blanket. "Let's go." When they got to the woods she seemed to be preparing herself to focus. "Are you sure there isn't another way? I don't want to hurt you."

She took the blanket and went behind some trees and took all of her clothes off and wrapped up in the blanket and brought her clothes and shoes folded neatly in a pile for later. Casey looked up at the moon as it was coming through the trees and she felt a searing pain as her skin and bones began to ripple and shift. Her scream became a howl of agony as she found her body settling into a new shape. She could feel the ligaments and muscles changing length and size as were her bones. Her fur was the same as her hair color, dark brown.

The first thing Casey noticed was how full of rage she was and that she was hungry. Her new body was weird and she let instinct take over and stopped trying to think like a human. After that it was much easier to get along in the new form. She saw a squirrel and a rabbit. Casey chased the rabbit and tore it apart eating it quickly. With blood on her face she turned to see Darric in his wolf form. She automatically bared her teeth and snarled at him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Caius & Claudia

"Alex North..." Even without a proper introduction, Caius knew his name, proof that it permeated Claudia's thoughts. "I can't deny that I was surprised with Claudia's choice of mate. Nothing against you or your kind but this kind of relationship is just... well... rare. But because she chose you and I can see in her eyes that she will never leave your side then I have no choice but to accept your relationship. But if anything happens to her, know that I will not hesitate to tear you apart," he looked fierce for a moment before he reached up and scratched the back of his head. "Besides, why do you need my approval for? I'm younger than you," he grinned at Claudia then at Alex. "I just hurried over to see what sort of person you are. You look decent enough and your smell's actually not that bad... but then again, I can smell my sister's scent all over you."

The last statement earned him a sharp look and a stronger than necessary slap on the arm. "I'm now regretting wanting to see you again, you jerk."

Caius snorted. "I've missed you too, Claudia."

Darric Shadowforge

The idea of facing a newly changed werewolf didn't faze Darric. He's handled neophytes for as long as he could remember. He wasn't the alpha wolf of the Crimson Keepers for nothing. He let Casey lead the way, politely turned away when she stripped (even if she did hide herself behind the trees) and then settle himself down on a fallen tree branch. He leaned back and waited until the moon shone down on Casey and she began her change.

The alpha wolf movements were relaxed as he stripped off his clothes. In a blink of an eye, he changed his form just in time for the new werewolf to finish devouring a rabbit. Fierce gray eyes stared at the she wolf as she bared her teeth and snarled. When she launched herself at him, he met her mid way.

The fight lasted several hours with Darric evading attacks. Some of her swipes scratched him but she wasn't able to cause real damage. Once of twice he snapped at her, several times he clawed and swiped at her. None of his actions were meant to injure but merely to fuel her anger so that she tire out faster. When she had finally did, he spoke firmly into her head. Enough.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alex North

Alex smirked at her when Caius mentioned her scent on him. He chuckled outright when she hit her brother. "As for the tearing apart, if I let anything happen to her I would hope that you would tear me apart because it would destroy me. As far as the approval, I may not need it but I want it. I don't ever want to come between the two of you. It is important to Claudia. And what is important to her is important to me." Alex's eyes said it all as he picked her up and kissed her gently.

Casey Green-Werewolf

Casey awoke wrapped up in the blanket and she was only a couple of feet from Darric. She opened her eyes and the colors seemed sharper, brighter somehow. She seemed to hear everything in the forest, every twig snapping every paw on the ground. Her body was more sensitive in every way. She could feel the leaves under her blanket. Every blade of grass suddenly had a new texture she hadn't noticed just as every breath of air she smelled everything. Casey breathed in the freshest air she had ever inhaled and she loved it.

Casey looked at Darric and she put on her clothes quickly and knelt down next to him. "Did I hurt you? or anyone else? And yes it hurt but I was prepared for it so I'm okay." Casey smiled. "I wish I had known that it was so wonderful to be a wolf...so free. I'm not saying that I'm happy about tearing apart small game with my teeth and eating it raw...but I suppose I'll get used to it. I want to join your pack if that is okay."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Caius & Claudia

Caius nodded as he watched the vampire kiss his sister. "Well, you have my approval... at least for now..." his voice trailed off and his eyebrow shot up when he saw Claudia wrapping her arms around Alex's neck as she kissed him back torridly. "Oh, for God's sake, Claudia. You could just tell me to leave. I don't wanna watch you two make out," he complained.

Claudia laughed against Alex's lips. She pulled back and grinned at her twin.

"Yeah, yeah, that insatiable lust and irresistible desire to be with him every single second. I know I know," Caius grumbled.

Claudia looked around at the posh looking condo unit. "Nice place you have here, Cai."

"Yeah, whatever. Your room is the one to your right," Caius turned around and headed towards the door leading out of the unit. "I'm gonna go get something to eat," he declared before walking out.

As soon as the door closed behind Caius, Claudia took Alex's hand and led him to the room Caius said was hers. She peeled off Alex's still damp shirt off of herself, removed Alex's shirt and began trailing kisses on his jaw, her hands running up and down his bare chest. "I want you again," she whispered, lust raging through her again.

Darric Shadowforge

Darric leaned back on the tree with his eyes closed as he watched the blanket wrapped form of Casey stir. He looked at her when she spoke. He chuckled. "Glad you appreciate being one. Are you sure you want to be a part of a pack? You will no longer be alone in your head if you join us. In wolf form, whatever you think, those in the pack will hear all of them."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alex North

Alex chuckled as Caius complained about the kissing. When Claudia pulled him into the bedroom he shut the door as she began stripping them both. He was content to let her lead him to the bed. For several minutes they wrestled for control and at some point Alex pinned her hands above her head as he took her. When he lifted her into the air he felt her hands invade his hair when he planted her on himself. He fed on her so gently that it was sensual. He felt her passions get hotter when he did this and he realized that she really liked it when he fed on her. "Claudia, promise you won't just leave like that again. I didn't know how to reach you or if something happened because you were with me. I have a lot of enemies my love." He continued kissing her body til she begged for him to appease her.

Casey Green-Werewolf

Casey looked at him and she noticed that her heart skipped a beat and that she seemed to see him a little differently. Casey shook her head wildly a moment and closed her eyes. She felt her entire body go hot when she looked at Darric. She felt the need to get closer to him and she got as close as she could. She locked eyes with him and her eyes changed color. "Darric, why do I feel the need to take you for my own?" Casey was breathing so hard she started stripping to cool off and then she basically threw Darric to the ground and began kissing him passionately and then she sexually attacked him. This was an experience no one told her about. She couldn't get enough of him no matter how many times she took him. "Oh God! Is this going to happen with everyone or just you?" She said claiming him the third time. "You are mine and no one else's do you understand?" She murmured into his ear as she exploded in ecstasy and shuddered against him. When Casey finally lay on top of him exhausted and momentarily sated she blushed to her toes. She buried her face in his chest completely embarrassed at her behavior. "Wow, is that

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Claudia Aluredes

Claudia moaned as they made love. Her fingers tangled through his hair as Alex sank his fangs into her neck. While her heart beat increased its tempo, her movements became slow and sensual as the vampire fed on her. It didn't take long for her to reach her peak. She threw her head back and screamed Alex's name in ecstasy. As they both calmed down, she looked at her mate, her eyelids droopy and her lips curved up into a satisfied smile. She nodded. "I'll stay by your side always," she assured, her eyes fluttering open and her breath hitching as the vampire rained kisses on her body. The heat and lust that had tamed down immediately flared up again. This time, she got on top of him, pinned his arms above his head the way he did to her earlier and teased him until he was straining against her. She deliberately made slow love to him until they were both completely spent and exhausted. Later, She curled herself beside him, her arms draped over him in a possessive manner.

Darric Shadowforge

Darric always thought that nothing can surprise him but when Casey utilized her newfound to throw him down to the ground, his eyes grew wide. He expected another attack but the attack that came was not what he expected. Suspecting that she had somehow imprinted on him, he spoke out. "Wait. Did you just---" He didn't get to finish what he was going to say. Casey didn't waste time joining their naked bodies together and as soon as he felt her warmth, lust raged in his system and he gave into it.

When she murmured in his ears, he was certain that she did imprint on him. But the sensations fogged his mind and he pushed the thoughts aside. He was no where near satisfied when she laid on top of him. With hormones pumping into his system and lust clouding his normal level headedness, he shifted her below him and unleashed himself on her. The forest they were in echoed with their pants and moans as they joined together over and over until the male werewolf finally exhausted himself and collapsed onto the ground beside her, his chest heaving and his breaths making puffs of mist in the cold night air.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alex North

Alex's phone rang and he grabbed it and irritated he took the phone call. "Babe, I gotta go. The council needs me on a job and then I need to stop by the bar. Where are you going to be?" He kissed her as he got dressed. He programmed her cell phone number and her brother's into his phone and headed out. He sped to the house and got his car. The job was in Cleveland so he had a bit of a drive. Shade had jumped into the car when he saw him at the house. "So what are we going to do now? Take out a guy, a business, what?" Alex was a little annoyed about the entire job. When they got to the city they went into the hotel and up to the room number they were given.

The high stakes poker game was where Alex was supposed to find the senator. Alex and Shade walked in and then they went to work. Blood was everywhere. All six men in the room were beaten and or shot to death. The council wanted it to look like a human hit not a vampire hit. The silencers helped keep the level of noise to a minimum but there was a young woman who walked out of the room just after the killing had stopped. She opened the door to the adjoining room.

"Hey Dad could you guys-" As she gasped Alex hit her on the back of the head and Shade caught her in his arms as she fell to the ground. "Come on, put her in the car, let's go." Shade did as told and waited to hear why he wanted her to go with them. "Let them think she killed them." Shade had notice he had wiped the guns down and put her hands around the one that was fired the most. Shade just nodded and Alex took them both to the house and let Shade take her inside. Alex went on to the bar.

Casey Green-Werewolf

Casey had no objections to Darric taking the lead and continuing making love to her. She couldn't ever remember there being so much feeling from a sexual encounter before. The more he fanned the flames of her desire the more responsive she became. It seemed to energize her and soon she was gasping for air as release after release shook her body. When he finally dropped next to her she rolled up onto his arm and her eyes slowly changed back to their normal color. Exhausted, sore and worn out she questioned him. "Why am I reacting like this to you? I suspect if this was normal you might have mentioned it earlier. Darric? What happened to me, us?" Casey said still breathing hard and unable to keep from touching him. "You are a handsome man but I've never jumped guy and then declared him mine before. I'm guessing this is related to being a wolf." Casey blushed profusely. "I don't want to go back to my old life. I want to stay with you."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Claudia Aluredes

Claudia frowned when Alex stood up. "Just around..." she mumbled as she watched him sync her phone to his. It bothered her that he was going off to some sort of mission and leaving her behind. Yes, she was sure that he can take care of himself just fine but it didn't change the fact that she still worried for him. She watched him walk out of the door, hoping that he'd turn back and stay or at least ask her to come along. But when the door closed behind him, she sighed. So much for staying by his side all the time. She stood up, took a quick shower and then realized that she really had no clothes she can wear. All she really had was Alex's still damp shirt. Reminding herself to get some the next morning, she decided to just do away with the clothes and just go with her wolf form.

Wrapped in a towel, she walked out of the room and scribbled a hasty note for Caius. She knew where she was going even before she has stepped out of the door. She headed towards the fire exit, removed the towel around her and draped it onto the stair's railings. A few minutes later, a large black wolf with golden eyes bursted out of the fire exit.

Claudia immediately picked up the trail. There was no mistaking Alex's scent. He was hers, after all. She didn't waste time launching herself into a full run after him. But she had only gotten as far as the freeway when she felt them following her. She estimated that there were 8 of them and none of them smelled familiar. She couldn't hear Caius' among them too. She slowed down and faced them. Instantly, the air around her was filled with vicious snarls. Teeth were bared at her as nine humanoid type werewolves surrounded her.

Darric Shadowforge

It has been a long while since Darric has been with a woman. And he couldn't deny that Casey was exquisite and her raging lust for him was irresistible. But he felt a pang of guilt when she asked what was going on. He felt like he had taken advantage of her. He took a deep breath. "I think there's a possibility that you have imprinted on me," he said in his quiet voice. "And I don't think I'm the best man to imprint on."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alex North

Alex kept feeling like there were eyes on him that normally weren't there. He only started to feel them once he left Cleveland and got back outside the city. Claudia. He pulled his car off to the side of the road and went to the trunk and grabbed a blanket out and waited. "Claudia! I know you are here." He said just outside his house. He looked around and smirked to himself as Claudia and several other wolves appeared. He walked over to his woman and covered her with a blanket as she changed. As he wrapped her in the blanket he gave her a stern look.

Alex pulled her away from the other wolves out of earshot. "Tell them to leave. Shade will flip out if he finds wolves here after Kitty." He waited for her to do this.

Then Alex pulled her in for a heart melting kiss and he scolded her. "I work for the Vampire Council. The missions they send me on are dangerous and I don't want you in danger because of me. That is why I did not tell you. Sometimes I have to deal with Humans, sometimes it's wolves but most of the time I kill vampires. That is why they call me "The Enforcer."

Casey Green-Werewolf

Casey looked at Darric unsure what to make of his last comment. She touched her hand to his face and looked into his eyes. "Why would you say that to me? You saved me. You are kind and gentle from what I've seen." Casey was unsure of how she felt about this, of what to do. "Don't you want me to be with you?"

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