Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Distracted, Callie wasn’t aware that someone was watching her, and scrutinising her. She looked up at the sound of the voice, rather an angry voice, despite coming from a woman. Hell hath no fury and all that, she thought to herself, wondering what she could have possibly done wrong. She paused a minute, to try and figure out the best response to this anger. She recalled Caius telling her that he had a sister… From the anger, she figured this was her.

Shifting slightly, she finished off her spell, closing it off, and stopping her magic. Why was she here? Did she know if something had happened to Caius? It seemed likely, given the woman's words. Callie calmly considered her options, considered what she could say. "I haven't done anything with him... I don't know where he was, he was training the new pups, he went out last night" Her own worry grew, and Callie let out a slow, shaky breath.

”He told me to stay inside. I promised I would… He should be back by now, but he isn’t... “ She glanced away, knowing that was probably dangerous, but… She closed her eyes tightly for a minute, before she looked back to the woman. ”I don’t know where he is, and if you want to hurt me for that, you can bloody well try. But I’m going to find him, if you want to help with that, great” She said, before turning away from her, and starting off once more.

"Just a heads up. I'm not just a witch. I'm a damned good one" She said over her shoulder, as she continued on. @Kyrisse
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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The woman scoffed. "I don't care how good a witch you think you are. But when I find out that you did something to Caius, I will make sure to tear you limb from limb," she warned in a cool, calculated voice that could send shivers down a grown man's spine. And then just like that, without pausing and in daylight, the dark haired woman took off and phased to her wolf form mid run. Using her superb sense of smell, she locked onto her brother's scent and followed it into the woods.

At her full running speed, she got to where the wolves convened the night before in a matter or minutes. His scent was the strongest in the clearing. She could smell blood--his blood intermixed with a musky, earthy scent of witches. Had there been a battle here? Where was he? She reached out with her mind, trying to call out to her twin. But she was met only with silence. Her blood ran cold and she howled furiously as she tried picking up his trail again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Callie smiled to herself, more than a little amused. It wasn’t that she didn’t know she could easily tear her limb from limb, but it was that she knew it wasn’t going to happen. She watched her phase, and run off. Callie’s trip took longer, but was no less successful as she soon came upon the sight, and the distressed werewolf. Without saying anything, Callie began to search, using her own nose- while not as strong as the wolves, was better than a humans, to find blood.

She crouched, and was satisfied at what she found. If Caius was alive, she’d be able to find him with the blood. She was silent a few moments more as she gathered some blood, preparing a spell which she didn’t conjure, just yet. She cleared her throat, her voice heavy, ”We were attached, before. By a witch. Caius chased her off. He held back against her magic… I don’t know how” She closed her eyes and sighed.

”I haven’t done anything to him. He… He’s been… wonderful to me, and gave me something when I had nothing.” She stood, opening her eyes, and looking down at the spell in her hands, ready to say the incantation, ”i’m going to find him. So I can tell him… “. She trailed off, and took a deep breath, muttering the incantation, and waiting for the pull of the spell.


If Caius was alive, it will direct her right to him. If not, there would be nothing. If it was hindered by magic, which wasn’t possible, Callie would be sent on a wild goose chase… But it would mean he was alive. She doubted that would happen. Not much could stop blood magic.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Blue eyes very similar to Caius' ones looked at Callie. It was as if the female wolf was weighing her words, trying to determine if they were worth hearing out and trusting. When the witch said something about an attack, a low growl formed in her throat as her ears folded back on her head and her fangs bared themselves. If she knew that something like this would happen to his brother, then she shouldn't have wandered off too far away from him.

She watched as Callie began muttering what was probably a spell.

But the female wolf didn't need any spells to find the only family that she had. She reached out with her mind again. Even if Caius was in his wolf form or not, she was certain that he'd hear her. Somehow. He had to.

CAIUS! Where are you? she called out.


CAIUS! There was frustration and desperation in her voice.


The female wolf howled.

And then a voice. A quiet, weak voice spoke in her head.


The black wolf's ears pointed straight up, immediately zoning in on where the male wolf was. You're hurt. I'm coming to get you. She turned and nudged Callie with her snout and then gestured to her back. She wanted the human to get on her back so she can run to the direction her brother's voice was coming from. She had no idea if she'd be able to communicate what she meant but it didn't matter. If the witch doesn't get it then she can go ahead and look for Caius by herself. She waited for a few seconds, impatiently pawing the ground.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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While she knew that wolves had their own way of doing things, Callie still put faith in her magic. Besides… It was what she knew. Still, she had come to learn to trust a wolves instincts… if she hadn’t, she wouldn’t be right where she was, so it wasn't much of a decision for her. As Claudia nuged her, Callie glanced to the wolf, wondering what had changed between "tear apart" and now. A smile played about her lips, but soon disappeared. If Caius was hurt... She gave a small nod, and a little uneasy, she climbed onto the She-Wolf's back.

She leaned down slightly, muttering a few words, a hand laid flat against Claudia’s side, a protective spell. She didn’t bother asking- it took mere seconds to do, and she was sure that Claudia would refuse if she asked.

She sat straight, gently twining her hands through Claudia’s fur, so she wouldn’t hurt, but so she was secure.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Claudia didn't like having anyone on her back but perhaps it was the witch's concern and desire to locate her brother that made her allow it. As soon as she felt the weight settle on her back, she didn't waste any time launching herself into a full run. She zipped and out of the trees, zooming towards where she was sure Caius was. Wolf and witch was a black and white blur to anyone who was watching. She didn't stop and only slowed down when they got to a clearing where a log cabin stood. It was where Caius' scent was the strongest.

Caius? she reached out with her mind again.

But she was met the silence.

She growled. She could smell several other wolves' scent. Her anger flared up. She was angry that they could have done something to her brother. Shaking off the witch from her back, she launched herself towards the cabin door, fully intent on ramming through the small door with her large frame. But before the wolf could hit wood and glass, a man with a scar running through his left eye opened the door. Claudia stopped in her tracks and bared her fangs. In the man's hands was a set of clothes. "Claudia," he greeted, unfazed by the huge black wolf glaring and baring her fangs at him. He tossed the clothes to her. "Put the clothes on and I'll bring you to your brother," he said in the same calm voice before turning towards Callie. "You're welcome to come in as well, Callie," he said before turning around and walking into the cabin, leaving the door wide open behind him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Callie knew that Claudia had been doing this a long time, yet the rush of the wind, the way it breezed past her ears, almost painful, and the motion of the wolf’s strides made her feel a little sick. She closed her eyes, and focused on breathing as the she-wolf ran, so she wouldn’t freak out. With her blood magic at work, Callie knew they were going in the right direction not that she doubted Claudia. It was nice having it confirmed, however.

She opened her eyes when Claudia began to slow down, narrowing them as she released there was something else going on here… her mind went back to where they had been attacked, the previous morning. If that witch had harmed Caius… Callie wouldn’t hold back. And it might be the first time she would even contemplate using black magic. For Caius, she would.

She lay a hand on Claudia's side when she growled, advising caution, but knowing she wouldn't listen to her. Still, it soothed Callie to know she wasn't alone. Right up until Claudia shook her off. Callie rolled into a somersault, and onto her feet, spells at the ready. As the man began to speak, Callie shifted, eyes narrowing once more.

Was it a trap? Callie wasn’t sure… but she had to know, had to make sure, that Caius was alright. So glancing to Claudia, she stepped forward, “Where is he?” She demanded.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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A few seconds later and Claudia was back in her human form, hurriedly putting on the clothes the man had tossed to her and shaking her long black hair a little haughtily. She snorted indignantly towards the open door before glancing back at Callie. In the short span of time that they were together, the dark haired woman seemed to have lost all hostility towards the witch. "That was the pack leader apparently. We are in the territory of Caius' pack," she explained then gestured with her head towards the open door. "He's in there and he's alive."

Without waiting for Callie to say anything, Claudia hurriedly walked towards the cabin's entrance.


Inside, a huge black wolf almost identical to how Claudia looked in her own wolf form laid unmoving on the bed, the only indication of life was the up and down movement of his chest. Claudia felt her temper flare up at the poor condition of her brother. She hurried over to the bedside and then glared at the man that was standing just a few feet away. "You allowed this to happen to Caius," she accused in a tone that was downright hostile.

"He saved me and all the wolves during the attack last night. He took the full brunt of a spell meant to kill us. I brought him here in the hopes that we'd be able to protect him if that witch decides to come after him," the man replied.

Claudia's blue eyes flashed with anger. "How do you plan on protecting my brother if all of you had to depend on him to save your asses from some stupid spell? Why has he not reverted to his human form yet? The full moon has already passed. Was it some sort of curse?" she fired one question after the other.

The man calmly shook his head. "I... have no idea. After he passed out, we were expecting that he would revert back. But even when the sun had already risen in the sky, he still remained a wolf. Perhaps something in that spell...?" he turned his attention to Callie. "Would you know anything about it?"

Claudia made a low growling sound in her throat as though she was still a wolf. Her stance and the way her hands shook in anger made it obvious that she was trying to control the anger that was threatening to spill over. "What kind of pack leader are you?" she spatted out.

"A good one," came Caius' soft voice. He was human again. And naked. "Calm down, Claudia," he added as he struggled to sit up.

Claudia's eyes widened and relief washed over her face as she looked down at her brother. She didn't seem to mind that he was stark naked as she leaned forward and enveloped the obviously still tired Caius in a huge hug. A few seconds passed before she pulled back and scowled at him. "What the hell, Caius!?"

Caius gave his sister a weak grin. "Glad to see you too, Claudia," he said before glancing at Callie. "I must have worried you, Callie. I'm sorry," he apologized.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Callie sighed softly, before she followed after Claudia, more than a little uneasy. She glanced around, soon spying the wolf that was Cauis. Concerned, Callie nevertheless hesitated, no matter how much she wanted to go over to him. She wasn’t a wolf, nor did she know these people. She didn’t know how they’d react… especially after a witch had attacked them. she watched Claudia go over, glancing to the man, she listened to what the two were saying, but her gaze returned to Caius.

Callie shook her head as the man asked her a question. "i really can't say for certain... maybe if i could see the site where it happened, I could figure out what the spell was. But it’s possible… it’s also possible that his body is simply staying in the stronger form, to deal with any residue effects of te spell” She said, but she was quite unsure.

Claudia's anger was almost palpable, and she looked to the she-wolf, hesitating. But then she heard Caius's voice,and she looked back to him. She stood a little awkwardly, not sure what to do, but wanting to go over to him. She stayed where she was as Claudia went over and enveloped him, sighing softly in relief.

She shook her head, "I knew you were okay, my spells wouldn't have worked otherwise" She said softly, giving him a smile, ”Are you okay?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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While Claudia fussed around her brother and finally got him to put on clothing, Caius had his attention on Callie. And when he spoke, the man whose house they were apparently in stood silently to the side watching Caius. "I'm fine. Just... tired. And no need to go back to where it all happened. They might have left traps or something. It's not safe."

At his words, Claudia stopped and furrowed her brow. "What? What do you mean no need to go back there? We need to find out what that wretched witch threw at you. Your girlfriend said she could try to figure it out."

"Residuam Mortem," Caius said in a quiet voice.

Claudia blinked and then stared at her younger brother.

"She meant to kill me slowly, rooted to that spot where she trapped me," the younger of the twin wolves explained calmly.

The haughty looking female wolf stared almost incredulously at Caius. "How do you... Are you sure? Then... how are you alive?"

Caius shook his head. "I don't know."

The silently observing pack leader watched the twins silently, his gray eyes on the male wolf. Maybe he really is who I think he is...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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”And there is a point to going there… every magic user has their own… signature. Like fingerprints. Magical DNA. If I go back, I can confirm it’s the same witch from before” Callie said, ”And most traps leave a residue, that I can find easily enough. It will be as safe as walking down the street” As for the spell, Callie had heard of it, but would never dream of using it herself. She fell silent, remembering how he’d stopped the spell before, when it was aimed at her. The fact that someone wanted to harm Caius, because of her, angered her. If he hadn’t been with her, they wouldn’t even know he existed. And he’d be safe.

She wanted to make sure it never happened again. As the conversation turned to how Caius had survived, Callie was thinking on just what she could do to make sure it never happened again, her thoughts going to her books. Which inevitably led to what she had read, during the night.

Her gaze flickered between the three wolves, recalling that she had wanted to ask about it, but… did it need to be asked about? Instead, she turned to Leader, her gaze serious, and demanding. ’You know something” She said softly, ”What is it?” she was well aware that the Pack Leader didn’t have to answer her, and she continued ”Because I know a few things myself”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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The pack leader looked at Callie, his gray eyes cool and calculating. He didn't look threatening or hostile but it also didn't look like he would be giving the witch a straightforward answer. "Then what you know may help us piece together an interesting mystery." He gestured towards a chair. "Take a seat. I promise you are in a safe place. I have no desire to attack witches, especially not Caius' mate." He turned his head towards the twins and addressed his right hand man directly. "Caius, can you remember your childhood? On how you two were adopted?" he asked slowly.

Caius shifted himself so that he was leaning back onto a pillow on the bed, his movements still a little slower than usual. He looked towards the pack leader and shrugged. "You already know the story, Darric. What's the use in repeating it?"

"Humor me."

Claudia looked at the gray eyed man and arched an eyebrow but it was her that answered the question. "We were left behind in the woods when we were still babies. Mama found us when she went out with papa to gather firewood."

"Was it winter? Did your adoptive parents tell you about anything strange that happened that day when they found you?"

"It was the middle of winter and mama said we were already half buried in the snow when they found us. Papa was scared that we'd die of the cold but strangely enough, we didn't look or feel cold at all. Aside from that I don't think there was anything strange--"

"There was," Caius cut off his sister's words. Claudia turned towards her brother and two similar set of eyes stared at each other. Recall came over Claudia's face and she nodded her head slowly.

"The moment they found us and took us in, Papa said that for a second, he thought he noticed the snow falling upwards."

For the first time, Darric's eyes flashed with what looked like surprise and disbelief. "Snow falling upwards..." he repeated.

Claudia caught the look in Darric's eyes. "Now would be a good time to tell us what you know, Darric," She gave Callie a quick glance. "You too," she said.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Callie hesitated, before she sat down beside Caius, listening as the trio spoke, her expression serious, worried. As Claudia began to talk, Callie frowned. Two infants, in the cold? How did they get there, and more importantly, how did they survive? She knew that even born werewolves, they’d have still been vulnerable to the elements at that young an age. As they continued to tell the story, Callie glanced down at her hands, frowning still. As Claudia demanded answers, Callie looked up, thoughtful.

Did they want to know? Knowledge, Callie had found, was power. She was silent for a few moments, as she contemplated a few things, before she finally began to speak. ”There’s a world of information out there, and… “ She sighed, ”My ancestors created… a book of shadows, I suppose. I thought I should know some more about werewolves, and… well, I couldn’t sleep last night, so I did some reading” She said, her voice a little weary, not looking at any of them.

”Lupo Dio” she said softly, ”Wolf God” she said, ”I don’t know much more than that, but… could be something’ She said softly, more than a little uncertain, she looked back down at her hands, worried.
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"Lupo Dio... Wolf God... that's how you see it, don't you?" Darric's gray eyes seemed to bore holes through Callie. He stared at her for a long moment before he began pacing the floor. Two similar looking eyes followed his movements. Claudia made a move to demand some answers but the pack leader spoke again even before she could. "To us, he is called Fenrir. Humans made a grandiose story about how this 'mythological wolf' would put an end to the gods at the end of days. Too much imagination maybe? Or they warped their souls too much that all they see is violence. To us, to the wolves, he is the father, the source, the reason why we all walk the earth as we do. This story was passed down from generation to generation..." he paused. "Perhaps not to you two," he gestured towards Caius and Claudia. "Because you were raised by human parents. They would not know our history unless they dabbled in the 'supernatural' as they call us." He glanced towards Callie again. "Our records tell of how Fenrir put himself into a deep slumber so that he may impart his power to his brood, to give them awareness and give them the will to choose and decide for themselves. It tells of how he will again wake up when he has regained what he has given away and protect us from those who would harm us. And when he has accomplished what he had promised, he will ascend to the heavens, to his rightful place with the gods."

"I can't argue with the history passed down to the wolves. I've heard of it from the other wolves I've encountered in my travels, I really have no extensive knowledge on it but..." Claudia shot Darric an incredulous look. "Are you telling us that Caius is Fenrir?"

The pack leader's attention was again on the female wolf, matching her intense glare with one of his own. "No. I'm not saying that Caius is Fenrir. I'm saying that you two are."

His statement made Claudia gawk at him. "What!?"

"A god too weak to wake up and contain his power within himself fragmented his soul into two," Caius said thoughtfully.

Two... Darric remained silent.

Claudia turned to her twin, an incredulous look on her face. "You actually believe that you're... we're this god?"

Caius chuckled. "I'm just following his line of thought, Claudia. Sorta far fetched that two orphans would be this legendary wolf, don't you think? It's a nice thought though. Maybe even a good explanation why I didn't die from that spell. But I think I was just lucky."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

As they debated amoung themselves, Callie rose, feeling a little sick, she made straight for the cabin door, wanting the fresh air, and as much as she wanted to, she didn't look back to see if her departure was noticed. She slipped out the door, hugging herself, moving behind the cabin, and leaning against the wall, sliding down to the ground. She closed her eyes tightly, and hugged her knees to her chest.

Was she doomed to be alone, forever? Was she going to lose Caius to a god? And when he has accomplished what he had promised, he will ascend to the heavens, to his rightful place with the gods. If he was in Caius, Claudia... didn't it mean Caius was going to be ripped from her, like so much else? She dropped her head down against her knees, doing everything she could to stop the tears that wanted to come out.

She knew she was probably being selfish, unreasonable. But... she didn't want to lose the one bit of happiness she'd had in years. Ever since her parents had died, it seemed like it was one thing after another. Was this the karma she received for not understanding the vision she had had, for not preventing their deaths? She closed her eyes as tightly as she could, rocking slightly, anything to not just fall into a ball and cry. Her mind went back to the vision she'd had when she'd first seen Caius...

Was that never meant to be, that brief flicker at happiness she had seen there? Just the delusions of a young woman who had been searching for something to cling onto, as she floated in despair? or was she simply being foolish, over reacting? She sighed, knowing that she shouldn't have run off like she had, not when there was a witch seeking to kill her, or take down Caius. She knew she was putting them all in danger, and she made a move to get up, mumbling a few words in magic as she did so. @Kyrisse
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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As Claudia berated Darric about not telling them everything he knew, Caius stood up. It was certainly strange for him to have lived through a spell that should have killed him. Was it luck? It was stranger that he knew exactly what the spell was and what it meant to do. Did he somehow learned about it in his travels? He paused for a moment, trying to remember if he ever came across some old manuscripts or maybe some arcane books. After a few seconds, he shook his head. He had a pretty good memory, he would remember reading something about it if he ever did.

Was what Darric said possible? A god? He looked down on himself. He wasn't exactly god material. Neither was Claudia. Though I'm sure she'd be thrilled that she's possibly some sort of goddess once her temper blows over. Caius chuckled to himself.

He took a step forward, testing his body, trying to see if the spell had some residual effect. When everything seemed to feel right, he headed out, towards where Callie had disappeared to.

"Callie? he called out.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

His voice... calling to her. Callie stopped, looking towards where it had come from. The spell she had readied was waiting to be used, and she finished the incantation. ”I’m here” she said softly, knowing that he could hear. She glanced around and was satisfied for the moment that she’d at least be warned of any supernatural creature coming near them. That warning could mean the difference between life and death, she was sure.

Running a handle through her hair, she turned towards him, knowing that he was probably wondering why she had gone off like that. ”I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have gone off like that. I thought it wise to use some magic and make an alarm system. Just in case.” she said, as she made her way to him, giving him a smile.

”I... I don’t want to lose you, Caius”@Kyrisse
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Caius wrapped his arms around Callie, enveloping her in his warmth. "Of course you're not gonna lose me. I don't plan on going anywhere," he reassured. "Do you honestly believe what Darric was saying in there? If you ask me, that's all just fairy tales passed down. Something to lull children to sleep." Half of him believed in what he was saying but the other half wonders if there's truth in the old legend. "Had we known our real parents, Claudia and I would have known of this story too," he added.

Two orphans left alone in the cold. Where did they come from? Who were their parents? Caius remembered trying to find their biological parents when he was younger but without any leads, he didn't go far and ended up giving it up all together.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Callie gave a soft sight, letting herself lean into his embrace, "Caius... I once didn't think anything of something and it led to my parents death." she said, only just managing to get those words out, "I don't want to make the same mistake twice. Every fairy tale has a bases of truth in them, and if this does too... " she trailed off, falling silent, not sure how she could explain just what she was feeling.

"Well... I think being careful would be prudent in any case. The witches... they know about you now. They know that you can survive a deadly spell, and even if it was just a fluke, they will try harder to kill you than ever." She said, anger growing in her voice, "And I won't let that happen. I can't let that happen."
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"I suppose this will sound terribly cliche but I really do believe that we make our own futures. They're all based on the decisions we make, not some pre-ordained fate. Or course, I'm not saying that I doubt your abilities in seeing into the future. All I'm saying is that whatever it is, we'll get through it together," Caius said. "And then there's your unfinished business with these witches. As long as you're still tied to them, I doubt that we'd be able to avoid them completely. I'll take as much precaution as I can and I won't let anything happen to you. I'll protect you no matter what," he assured.

"And who'll protect you, genius?" Claudia spoke up, leaning against the cabin's walls, obviously having overheard Caius and Callie's conversation. "A witch is obviously not enough to keep you out of harm's way," she gave Callie a hard stare. "It's not personal. I know you and my brother are together and no matter what I say or do, Caius obviously won't abandon you even if you decide to go on a stupid suicide mission. I just don't have a lot of confidence in witch spells," she said in passing before she turned her attention back to Caius. "You have to stay with this pack. Darric agreed not to let you out of his sight until these witches are taken care of. I will stay here as well and be temporarily a part of this pack. Obviously, we'll need some sort of offensive plan." She turned to Callie once more. "What's your plan?" she asked.
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