Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Hmm. Well, perhaps we can compromise.

We could say that through hard work, his mother's support, and a bit of help from Rust Warrior, Asahi managed to at least scrounge together a sort of weaker version of his father's Warrior One exoskeleton suit. If nessisary I'd even include that Asahi did have to do some "shady" work to get the money he needed, though nothing that would get blood on his hands. Just the sort of work you'd might expect someone to do at say, midnight to six in the morning.

Also Asahi's suit differes from his father's Warrior One because had it's own self-contained and highly power efficient battery; he fought against heroes the whole day, only defeated after Rust Warrior had used his quirks to strip Asahi's father of his armor. Asahi's on the other hand not only lacks all his father's upgrades, but also relies on batteries with limited power. Which may be fine if Asahi only has to fight one or two battles in quick succession, it's far less useful if he's caught in a situation were resupplies are limited, like trapped in the middle of nowhere. The batteries themselves are, in my mind, a sort of crude arc reactor that can produce an insane amount of energy, but the lower quality ones burn out quickly while the best would require materials Asahi can't legally access.

The exoskeleton of course still gives Asahi super human strength and durability (Asahi can safely fall from great heights in his armor, a fact he will capitalize often). But the rest, including armor and supplies, are provided by the UA. By offering them the schematics of his Guardian One exoskeleton (They couldn't get the Warrior One since Asahi's father destroyed it along with himself, and his notes were too vague to make use of even after the law took his stuff), they give Asahi some extra armor and supplies to use.

There's really only two concepts I have in mind for Asahi and his armor: being very tanky, and being oddly fast. The super strength is a necessary secondary power simply to use his shields, but his true strength lies in his durability and agility. Asahi needs to be fast to block incoming attacks from villains towards his allies, while also tough enough to withstand said attacks. having the enemy focus on him because he's the toughest to kill is precisely what he wants to happen. His offensive ability is certainly on point, but it's not quite as flashy or even as effective as some heroes. He just bashes things with his shield, maybe turns himself into a human bullet if the circumstances are right. but you won't see Asahi wiping out a whole gang of bad guys in one blow.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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We probably will need to work a bit to figure out some things with your character, besides me and you using the same appearance lol. since he does have to fight robots to enter U.A. (it will be skipped rp wise but it still happens) so will need to find a way to make sure you character can actually get into U.A.

@Lucius Cypher
ya chances are anything close to an arc reactor would be incredible hard if not near impossible for him to actually get this early on lol, making crude ones would be fairly hard as well. I do understand the concept you want for him. with the more of a starting feel then he'll be accepted. Which I will stat in the roleplay like key story points for improvement on suits and even abilities, which may be near the end of each arc so he'll be able to improve his suit a lot of times throughout the roleplay so in those times do so reasonably.

@Heckno12 @Lucius Cypher
It's very late for me at the moment, (2:33AM) so I wont be up much longer and not thinking as clearly, so if anything else will probably be later before I assist with anything, NighmareInd can help as well when he is on, his been pretty good at helping with balancing and having good amount of knowledge of Boku no hero academia. While Kreutzer even though his new to the site he has had pretty good ideas to help with things and can be good to bounce ideas with when me and NightmareInd isn't here.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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The appearance thing was actually an accident. I have the actual one there now (or it would be if I could get the damn link to work). As for the entrance exam, he could probably take one or two out (the last episode showed that they aren't all that durable) Oh, and rescue points would probably be necessary.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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lol, well they have to get approximately like at least 35+ points in order to pass the practical exam. Which rescue points are easier to get, that entire part of the exam is kept secret so he wouldn't understand or know of it, while the robots (points 1-3) aren't incredibly strong, they are still strong enough to be a slight challenge. Which the 0 point robots aren't going to be the same concept since me and Nightmare had agreed that part should be slightly changed, probably going to be more dangerous. I don't know what the last episode shown so far for season 2 is so I can't say much there currently.

Also the new picture works for me.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Hmm. Perhaps Rust Warrior gave Asahi a sort of burnt out version of his father's arc reactor, after he self destructed? Rust Warrior would claim that it's useless now, so much that his quirk (which allows him to control machines) doesn't work on it because it's so borked. However Asahi knows he lying and that with a lot of hard work in between jobs, school, and making the exoskeleton, he manages to get the old arc reactor into a semi serviceable order.

And if your wondering why Rust Warrior would give Asahi something as important as the power supply to his villain father suit, it's because Rust Warrior doesn't believe in "sins of the father" and believes that Asahi can do right where his father did wrong. Taking everything away from Asahi would just prevent him from properly making use of the boys talent, or worse make him inherit his fathers grudge and force Asahi into shadier business just to try and do what his father once did.

Not the whole go mad with power and wreck the city bit. But making mech suits.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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@Lucius Cypher

Well with it being pretty much destroyed as could be told by his power then it probably wouldn't be wrong for him to give it to Asahi, since it wouldn't be like people could just believe he could even slightly fix it, especially after knowing his school grades lol. There is a good amount of heroes who do understand the finer things, like the 'this is one only things to remember' among other things. So I don't mind something like that if it is explained properly enough. Though Heroes don't have a lot of authority since the police still have more authority then they do, since heroes are heavily regulated with rules funny enough, they still can do a good amount of things though.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kreutzer
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@Heckno12 Can I just say I was thinking yesterday of how best one would do a teleportation quirk, and I think you've knocked it out of the park in terms of drawbacks, I absolutely love how you've done it. as @olcharlieboi says it's one that'd need to fight giant robots, i'm thinking more along the lines of zipping all over a few of them and having them hit each other, physical power isn't everything in a fight after all. Also, rescue points are a huge factor, which would be super good if it was possible for him to teleport whilst holding onto someone else!

A side note, I appear to be in a timezone 5 hours ahead of you @olcharlieboi to let you know :P it's 10 in the morning here now

@Lucius Cypher I'd say one thing definitely to bare in mind is that even though its main use is for compensating for shortcomings of the character's quirk, starting with that kind of extra stuff is a huge advantage over other characters when you take individual quirks out of the equation. Arguably, obviously, it's necessary as you say because of the quirk, but it's not like anyone's forcing you to have a quirk like that. I personally don't really have an opinion on it and I think GMboye @olcharlieboi is better to confirm everything with but I think you should just bare that in mind especially IC, I can't see many people liking the fact someone has a full-fledged power suit.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Looks like I've missed a lot... Let me make a quick list.


You could start out with a small pocket kinetic generator but without the generator part. Those things have a small object in a casing that can move around, so when you have high speed and you suddenly stop, a part of the lost kinetic energy is transfered to it, making the small object inside move. She can use this not only to save energy when starting to move again, but also she could drain small amounts of it to make new constructs.


Looks good so far! And I can't help but smile every time I read this:

Other: Her deepest, darkest desire is to ride a giant llama (one that won't be crushed under her weight).

@Lucius Cypher


I actually disagree with @olcharlieboi on the part where he wouldn't get many points in the practical entrance exam. I mean, even people like Toru (the invisible girl) got through. The robots are able to get beaten without being very strong, as long as you play it smart. Key elements where the UA looked at during the practical were information gathering, mobility, discernment and pure combat abilities. Having even one of those abilities would be enough to get points. So far he looks good to me though.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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@Lucius Cypher I'd say one thing definitely to bare in mind is that even though its main use is for compensating for shortcomings of the character's quirk, starting with that kind of extra stuff is a huge advantage over other characters when you take individual quirks out of the equation. Arguably, obviously, it's necessary as you say because of the quirk, but it's not like anyone's forcing you to have a quirk like that. I personally don't really have an opinion on it and I think GMboye @olcharlieboi is better to confirm everything with but I think you should just bare that in mind especially IC, I can't see many people liking the fact someone has a full-fledged power suit.

I mean sure, if no one had their quirk at UA the guy in the robot suit obviously has and advantage. The suit was made for s guy without a quirk after all. One eye in the land of the blind is king and all. Now the only issue I have with the other bits is saying "I'm not forced to have a quirk like that", which of course is obvious. But as odd as this may seem, I'm not too concerned about my quirk at all. Hell if it wasn't for the fact I'm sure a hell Asahi would never make it it into UA without shinagigans, I'd make him quirkless.

Also I am almost positive that without his armor, Asahi probably couldn't actually make it to the Hero Courses. I actually intended for him to gin into Support Classes.


While I understand your concern, is like to point out that The Guardian is no Nobu. Stand up to All Might? Maybe if he was holding back, but somehow I imagine that All Might would have no problems punching through Asahi's armor, or even lifting and tossing a one thousand pound robot around until Asahi is too battered to do anything. He may not feel pain, but his bones still break. He just wouldn't know it.

One thing I would like to point out is that the Guardian One, in its first form, is really only good against conventional threats (guys with guns and only use brute force that isn't All Might strong) and maybe a few extreme situations like using his body and shield to withstand collapsing buildings. it's made for urban enviomentd with the intent for rescue operations. It's actual combat applications are fairly limited; it doesn't have any build in weapons, and certainly no death ray. It can be a threat because speed+durability=ouch, but if your slugging it out with the guy in the robot suit, you'd best have a good plan or just the raw strength to overcome it.

Not to mention, as I said before it's use is mainly urban. Take it somewhere else and you'll see problems. In a forest the thing is too big to weave around trees so good luck trying to be stealthy. If the ground is muddy that will definately bog the Guardian One down. Using it in a water environment is out of the question: the Guardian will sink and it isn't sealed nor has its own oxygen supply, so Asahi would drown if he doesn't escape. In a hot environment Asahi may not feel the heat but his armor would. Prolonged exporsure combined with rigorous activities will eat away at his battery life and will overheat him.

Now onto the solutions. As I said before, there are only two things I want most from this suit: durability and mobility. It needs to be tough enough to withstand most of the situations that Asahi intends to stand in front of (things like rushing cars, bullets, falling buildings, etc) and fast enough to get there. And while his armor would certainly give him greater strength then usual, I wouldn't say it's particularly super human. I don't know what the right level of strength for him would be, but at least good enough to carry a tower shield that's a few inches thick.

I'd rather not make a sort of mighty glacier who is strong but slow, but a sort of odd stone wall that's tough and fast, but not very strong offensively. Like a boulder rolling down a hill. So I'm willing to decrease his strength to maintain some level of speed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Well he can also teleport large objects (Though obviously not an entire bot) He could probably teleport the 1 and 2 point bots' heads off of their shoulders if he could make contact. I only really say this because they seem to be modular and not built as one solid piece. It wouldn't be too practical as it would drain his stamina quickly, but if he had to get some quick points in at the end of the exam...
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Lucius Cypher

You can either have a fast tanky armor or a strong tanky armor, but not a strong, fast and tanky armor. However, if your idea of using this 'strength' is to hold up structures and stuff alike, you could change 'strength' to 'thoughness' and use the thoughness of the suit to support the structure instead. That way he is tanky and mobile, without also having OP offensiveness.

Also, I like for you to have some weak spots in the design. Not only for the sake of having some flaws to work on RP wise, but also because if a villain with a quirk that could enhance the armor steals it, the heroes at least have a chance. Stuff like reduced plating in between the shoulders as a result of the mobility. Otherwise heroes who can't do anything against it have to rely on heroes like Frin, Yuzo or Endeavor to take him out of his shell.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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Went to work like crazy moment you came back wow. I will emit I always did wonder how Toru get past the exam, when looking at class 1-A she is pretty much one of the weakest yet managed to past the exam without a lot of problems from what it seemed. I'll leave Lucius to you since it seem you was able to pick things out crazily more than me. I just knew it felt off putting.

I'm kind of now seeing him being able to teleport onto the machines in their blind spots and being able to possible take out some important connecting in the exposed plating on the neck, arms, and body, there are also methods Kreutzer suggested, so there would be many ways for him to fight the machines that I didn't think of immediately since i was tired. since nightmareInd says your character looks good then his accepted.

Wow lol, thanks for the attempt at helping and that time zone is crazy lol, you must be crazily east than me lol
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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@Lucius Cypher

You can either have a fast tanky armor or a strong tanky armor, but not a strong, fast and tanky armor. However, if your idea of using this 'strength' is to hold up structures and stuff alike, you could change 'strength' to 'thoughness' and use the thoughness of the suit to support the structure instead. That way he is tanky and mobile, without also having OP offensiveness.

Also, I like for you to have some weak spots in the design. Not only for the sake of having some flaws to work on RP wise, but also because if a villain with a quirk that could enhance the armor steals it, the heroes at least have a chance. Stuff like reduced plating in between the shoulders as a result of the mobility. Otherwise heroes who can't do anything against it have to rely on heroes like Frin, Yuzo or Endeavor to take him out of his shell.

This sounds good to me. I'll go with fast tanky armor since that's what I was going for anyways. Just lemme edit my sheet to reflect this more accurately.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kreutzer
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@olcharlieboi I'm from the UK, but I'm a University student so the time I can/will be online is VERY flexible as I can go to bed anywhere from 11pm to 5am here sometimes, but when I'm around and able to rp i'll pretty much just be here sitting refreshing so don't worry about activity :P I'm also gonna throw another character in just waiting to think of a quirk
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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lol I'm from USA in Ohio. With pretty much nothing except free time since I can't really just leave the house when I want yet, or really get a job... besides a youtube thing which I am waiting for the new internet provider to finish setting up so I can do so extremely easily.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

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@Kreutzer If you need help coming up with Quirks you can ask me in PM or in the RPG Discord.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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Application would be closed by next Sunday, the 23rd at latest, then the roleplay will start. It can be closed earlier depending on applications.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kreutzer
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kreutzer
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@olcharlieboi in case you've suddenly made it a thing, does a thumbs up mean a character app is accepted? :P
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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It usually just means I like the character for one reason or another. since you worked with NightmareInd in terms of the quirk no real need for me to go through anything since he been good at finding a balance so far. Seen nothing really wrong with the backstory so pretty much already accepted.
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