Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Juniper laughed as the teen went around the room handing out somewhat offensive nicknames, "Blondie will do just fine."@Tenma Tendo

She felt 'Blondie' was much better than being called a witch, which might become the case after her ability became clear. It seemed to her as if they were all somewhat well acquainted with what their powers were and while this could have been an exaggeration Juniper felt left out. What was even stranger was that Juniper knew what they could do too, just by looking at them she had a strange sense of the technicalities of their abilities.

Looking at Thalia's wounds it was clear she needed to stitch herself up but Juniper refrained from commenting, after all she couldn't explain why she knew that or if it was even right. Maybe there was some meeting she had forgotten about where she had been told everyone's predicted powers. Though it was unlikely she had a prior briefing Juniper did not want to accept that her magic was based on the others. The last thing she wanted to be was a leach or some kind of mind reader. Her eyes rested on the man with fangs and a deep shudder ran through her, as scary as he looked his powers had the potential to be terrifying. At the moment it felt best to duck out of the room rather than stumble across another ability that made her almost as fearful as magic did.

Following the doctors, Juniper entered the break room. "Hey Doc, I feel like I need to ask what this whole 'magic powers' thing is going to really mean for me? I don't even know where I would start if I had to craft my own spells. Maybe some ancient civilization got it right but that's a lot of studying I'd have to do which would require quite a bit of historical texts I'm pretty sure don't exist anymore..." Juniper sighed, she was trying really hard to understand what exactly she was supposed to do. @Majoras End
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Interactions: @Tenma Tendo@Majoras End

The thought of having to workout wasn't something Thirteen was particularly fond of, and considering his scrawny small body structure it wasn't hard to tell why. Even that he would put up with but... a team?! How? How could he get to know all of these people to work as a team? His 'brother' couldn't even get Thirteen into the habit of cooperating with another person. No no no, Thirteen had already decided to completely avoid the others at all costs and work solo.

But the avoiding others part had already seemed to go straight down the tubes.

While Thirteen was in frightened shock, nose buried promptly into his scarf, he hadn't noticed a girl peering at him with the curiousness of a circus goer peeking at a freak show. He hadn't noticed her up until she crouched down before him, pushing herself into his personal bubble without warning and making her existence known to the otherwise oblivious Thirteen. Though his face didn't show it, he was very surprised and uncomfortable with her so close, and scooched his body as far back against the wall as he could get away from her and personal contact.

"Hey, are you okay? Um...Thirteen?"

Thirteen? Oh, right... Thirteen brushed his cheek with the tattoo into his scarf, not even a twitch in his facial muscles, as if they were set in stone. He just gave a simple nod, hoping that was enough to make her go away. Thirteen was never a conversationalist since he was a street rat... who would he talk to, the dumpsters? Even so, he simply just didn't like getting close to people, he didn't want his bad luck to rub off on them. Thirteen pulled his knees a little closer and avoided eye contact with Thalia, doing his very best to silently tell her to back off with his body language.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tojin
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Tojin literal sea monster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After holding her smile for a little bit, Esther closed her mouth and instead decided to see who exactly was in the room with her. There were only a handful of them; apparently not many people had decided that something like this was worth the risk. Though the waiting room could fit many more people if needed. Either they expected more people to sign up, or we've got more poor sods on the way. Speaking of, let's see who else is here...

There was a young man in one corner of the room who was staring off into space, and another young man seated near Esther who seemed like he was running a fever; his face was flushed quite badly. There were also two older (comparatively) women sitting in another corner, who seemed to be... together? Maybe? Esther was getting mixed vibes from them, to be honest. They seemed like they knew each other, at least. Finally, there was a pale boy who couldn't have been older than 14 or 15. I think he's actually shivering, poor thing. Hopefully the person talking to him, a young woman with deep bags under her eyes, would be able to help in some way.

At some point while Esther was taking stock of her soon-to-be co-workers, she noticed that she had started using her new eyes to look at multiple people at once. She grimaced, but kept them open. Sure, they creeped her out, and probably creeped other people out too, but it wasn't like she would go back to being a normal person any time soon. Best to get used to these new changes while she could.

At that moment, another person entered the room that Esther couldn't help but notice. Mostly because of the bright yellow jacket, though the fact that he was also amazingly tall and pale (though his cheeks were a startlingly bright red, almost as if they had had red paint applied to them) also helped.

Despite a small start when he entered the room (Because of my giant spider ass I bet), the newcomer quickly recovered and strode towards her with a grin, showing off a menacing set of shark-like teeth. Esther just rolled her eyes; even here was she not safe from fuckboys.

“So,” he began, drawing out the “oh”, “gonna take a quick stab here and say...fear of lawsuits?”

...Okay, that had not been what she expected.

Esther gave a surprised snort that quickly morphed into a chuckle, with a hand held over her mouth delicately. (Esther went through a major princess phase that had lasted well into middle school; she had thought the hand thing made her look more "prim", and the habit had stuck.) "I wish. Then I wouldn't have to deal with all the extra legs. You've definitely not got fear of lawsuits, either; if we gave you a clown outfit and a red nose you'd be a dead ringer for Pennywise." Alright, so maybe this guy was less of a fuckboy than she had thought. Anyone who used jokes as a coping mechanism like Esther did was someone she liked immediately.

Unfortunately, after a little while their conversation was cut short by a scientist walking in, holding a young girl who was evidently out cold. She was also bleeding a fair bit, which was worrying. Esther managed to get out "D'you think she's-" before the door opened again, and a lady doctor walked inside, shepherding a woman about Esther's age, who looked as though she had just gone for a swim, into the waiting room. The doctor walked over to the unconscious girl and handed her over to the pale boy, who was apparently her brother. Well, at least she's alright. Probably.

The doctor moved to the middle of the room and began to introduce herself, only for someone to come flying through the door and land right in between Esther and the fevered boy. Esther jumped backwards instinctively, and was just about to calm down when the fevered boy, who had also been quite shocked, spawned flames in each hand! Since jumping backwards farther would be hard, as she'd just about end up in clown boy's lap, Esther just looked back at him and made an exaggerated "yikes" face.

Everyone calmed down after a bit, and the flying boy, as well as another girl with cat ears who had come in earlier (She's cute, but also ????) took seats with everyone else. The doctor introduced herself as Jane Williams, and the other two as James and Miriam, respectively. At this point, the two ladies in the corner both got up and stood directly in front of Dr. Williams, with one requesting that they get straight down to business. Now, on one hand, I can understand being kinda snippy, but also, dude, she was just about to tell us stuff anyway. Chill. Dr. Williams seemed to echo Esther's thoughts, as she told the two women to take a seat.

Of course, what she said next was a very bare-bones speech that left just about everyone confused, including Esther. After Dr. Williams said her piece and took her leave, everyone was left to their own devices. One guy just left the room entirely without saying anything. Esther glanced around the room, unsure of what exactly to do, and noticed a couple of new arrivals: a blond, kinda sporty-looking young woman, and a small... (Girl? Boy?) person who had concealed themselves in the corner closest to the door.

"...Spider Woman."

Esther heard the high-pitched voice before she saw the owner, and turned back to see that the KO'ed girl from earlier was back on her feet. She was still bleeding a fair amount, but it didn't seem to bother her much. "Oh, good, you're awake! I was worried-"

"...Pedo Clown."

...Well alright then. She certainly didn't waste time. After the girl left, Esther nudged clown guy and said "Damn, unconscious to bitchy in .2 seconds. That's gotta be a record of some kind." She turned more fully to face him, an act that required a fair bit of shuffling around and quiet cursing. You'd be surprised at how hard eight legs are to manage when you're not used to them. "Well, since we're here, we may as well introduce each other." She stuck out a hand for him to shake. "Esther 'Spider Woman' 'Walking Copyright Violation' Al-Mubarak. Nice to meet ya." @EchoicChamber
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 11 mos ago

It was a blessing that they weren’t being sent off to a mission right off the bat. It didn’t take a mind reader to tell that the serum had left most- if not all- of the subjects reeling in one way or another. There was also the matter of the powers that the doctor had mentioned. Dawn found it likely that her own abilities would be connected to her dreams or sleep, given how much trouble they had given her throughout her life, but...in all honesty, it was hard to say how that would factor into a superpower. The man who had scoffed at her had sparked a flame out of thin air, and there were the several who had had their phobias manifest physically, but sleep was sleep. Dreams were dreams.

Perhaps it would be some sort of hypnosis.

Shaking herself out of her little musing, she smiled at Eiko, watching as he went to work in patching up his sister. Much to Dawn’s surprise, the girl , Thalia, had woken- seeming incredibly, understandably shaken. “It’s good to see you’re awake,” Dawn said. She drew the hat from her head to better let the girl see her face, and had opened her mouth to speak again when the girl suddenly pointed at her and blurted something out.

Dawn blinked, surprised.


James, too, got a nickname in the form of “Odd Eyes”, before Thalia slipped off to dub the others with new titles. Dawn watched her leave for a moment before placing her hat back in its rightful place, shaking her head and laughing quietly under her breath. “It’s alright. I probably should’ve put on a bit more makeup before I came here, really.” And, at any rate, it was somewhat reassuring to see that the girl had seemed to have recovered so quickly.

“I think I might head to the training Dr. Williams mentioned. See what I can do now.”

A pause.

“Or look for a coffee maker. Whichever comes first, really.”

@Tenma Tendo@Majoras End

At Esther’s response, Percy snapped his fingers, feigning disappointment to the point of absurdity. “Damn. Really thought I had it, there.” He kicked his legs up onto the arm of the chair he was in, letting the feet dangle. “And I wouldn’t be so quick to say that. Maybe I have a fear of clown-centered lawsuits. Gotta think outside the box, here.”

This chick wasn’t so bad. The whole spider deal was still creepy as all hell, but considering that he looked like the unholy lovechilld of Bozo and Clarabell the Clown, he was in no real place to cast judgement. The doors swung open just as Percival had shifted further into his seat, and he turned his head over to see who it was.

While Percival had figured out by now that the serum had screwed some people over more than others, it still came as a shock to see one of the researchers carry in a very wounded, very unconscious young girl. His grin faltered and he quickly scrambled into a proper sitting position, lips pursed. The researcher handed the girl over to the greenhead on the couch before leaving just as swiftly as he had arrived.

“I’m sure she’ll be fine,” Percy said.

Although the wounds had looked pretty deep.

Luckily, before he could think too much about it, the door slammed open once again- sending the Tall, Dark and Brooding looking guy lighting his hands on fire, and spider woman backing up in surprise. Percival himself had jolted a bit, only to let out a loud curse as he accidentally bit the tip of his tongue. The flesh wasn’t severed, but his mouth soon filled with the sharp tang of blood.

Percival wiped his mouth, then turned his attention back to the crowd. It seemed that the Doc and Doc family had arrived, with the former being bombarded with questions almost immediately after introducing herself. Deciding that now wouldn’t be a good time to ask if there were any dentists around who could file his teeth down, he settled in to listen to what Dr. Williams had to say.

It was pretty simple. “Work together, learn how to use your new powers, see ya later”. Nothing too shocking or ground-breaking or anything. One guy promptly left after the dismissal, while most others grouped up in bunches to chat or what have you. Percival moved to stand upon seeing that the green-haired girl from before had woken up, inhaling sharply through his teeth upon seeing just how bad the cuts were. “Hey, how’re you feeling?”

Then the girl opened her mouth, and Percival plopped back in his chair, brow raised. “Well, hello to you, too, Sunshine,” he drawled. It seemed that spider lady was just as unimpressed by the whole thing as he was, and he found himself chuckling at her comment.

He quickly stopped himself upon hearing the sound. It was high and sharp and shrill. More of a cackle than anything. Recomposing himself, Percy took spider-lady- Esther’s- hand with a grin, giving it a firm shake. “Percival R. Pelacour, Monster Clown Extraordinaire. At your service.” He hopped to his feet, did an over-dramatic bow, then sat back down.

“So what d’ya plan on doing on our day off, Miss Copyright -Violation?” Percival, himself, wasn’t too sure yet. Grab a granola bar, maybe. Talk to the doctor about his little transformation. Wander. The possibilities were endless.

@Tenma Tendo@Tojin
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
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Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Eiko Tachibana

Eiko couldn't help but slouch in his seat, placing his head on the table and covering as much of he face as possible. Thalia could be so rude and embarrassing when round new people. He knew that she meant no harm, but he couldn't help but think so. Eiko might have been more embarrassed if he wasn't so tired, and the fact that Dawn didn't seem too upset with Thalia pointing out her very noticeable bags.

"Th-That's not true! I-I think you look nice.' Eiko attempted to reassure the girl, despite his expression not being able to hold a similar reassurance. Even the ghosts around Dawn seemed to agree with his statement, but Eiko just felt like that would make the situation even more uncomfortable. He also knew that later on he would have to go and apologize for her sister's actions later on.

When Dawn stated what she planned to do currently, Eiko nodded slowly in understanding.
"W-Would you mind if I join you? I-I don't have anything better to do..." The ghostly boy questioned, his smile fading ever so slightly.


Thalia Tachibana

"Well, you don't look okay to me." Thalia answered truthfully before settling down to a sitting position directly across from Thirteen. She could tell that the other was pretty quiet, maybe anti social? Regardless Thalia kept her gaze on the pale boy, tilting her head curiously to get a better look at his face. He clearly didn't want her company, but that just made the green haired girl want to talk to him more. He seemed a lot different in comparison to the others, and it looked like he was in need of someone strong that could protect him. Luckily for him, she was a perfect fit.

"Hey, don't expect me to leave you alone or something. No one deserves that, even if they look like they don't want it." She hummed as she copied Thirteen's posture. "Get use to my company. I'm sticking to you like white on rice!" She grinned, giving the boy a quick thumbs up.

"Oh, I know! Thirteen is way to obvious of a nickname to give you. How about something else? Any ideas?" The girl questioned, feeling she would have to do most of the talking in order to make this not as awkward as it might look.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Interactions: @Tenma Tendo

"Well, you don't look okay to me."

Thirteen twitched at the words, mind suddenly racing with worried neurotic thoughts. I... I don't? What, why? Do I look worse than I thought? I mean, I obviously don't have half of my body turned into a spider, but... He fell into his anxious habit of chewing his lip, starting to pick at the skin on his forearm as if trying to see what was wrong with him.

Once he was sure everything was in order, Thirteen "relaxed" back into his place curled as far away and into himself from the green haired girl as he could get, dark Asian eyes darting quickly away and to his feet which he shuffled uncomfortably. Just get going... can't you see I'm not your friend here?

Just as he thought that, she spoke again, explaining that against his wishes she would in fact not go away. Thirteen tried not to visibly wince at the thought of someone always by him... just like, his "brother"... always with that idiotic grin trolloping along next to him wherever he went.

Thirteen's eyes widened slightly. N-no! I do deserve it! If you stay by me, then, then you'll... The dark haired boy lowered his face deeper into the warm safety of his scarf, shaking as he held himself tighter. She seemed like such a sweet girl... she didn't deserve to die from his stupid bad luck.

Before Thirteen could just flat out tell her to back off, she asked him for nickname ideas for himself. Though he wasn't sure why he was humoring her, he hesitantly started thinking. On his chart he caught a glimpse of in the nurses arms, the only thing he could remember was...

"Tr...Triska. From triskaidekaphobia." He mumbled quietly, voice almost muffled from the scarf on his mouth.
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