Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rainer looked up, surprised that the old man regained consciousness. “Sir please, I can explain. Pirates have invaded the ship and tied you up! We need to-” Rainer immediately cut himself off by punching the old man in the head, knocking the poor man out. “Shit shit shit.” He said standing up with his hands on his head. “Dammit, I just panicked and knocked the guy out! Crap, are you dead? Did I hit to hard?” He asked as he checked the man's neck. A pulse. “Oh thank god.” He said as he collapsed to the floor.

Rainer did a small check of the room before sighing. “Engines good. The guy is .. out? Should I bring this guy upstairs to?” Rainer contemplated this for a bit before sighing. “Nah, dragging TWO tied up guys will start to give me a reputation.” He said heading back upstairs, heading to the deck to check in with Abbygail.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyy listened close to the orders of Abbygail. He nods, starting to search the ship as fast as he can, making sure not to miss anyone. He tied them up with some rope before getting to the wheel to steer. He spots Rainer getting back and yells out. "Yo, which way should we be heading? I'm no navigator."

Saki looked over as she was spotted. She gave the marine the cutest look possible, smiling a bit. "Mr. Marine?! Please help me! Those scary pirates kidnapped me! I got away with some of their treasure..."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 20 days ago

Musashi wordlessly ran after the shouts aimed at Janet and noticed the red bomber's attempt at salvaging the situation, so the white swordswoman did the thing that she did best, make it irrelevant and solving things though violence. Musashi pulled out her sword sheath and all, as Janet was distracting the Marines. The Known criminal slammed the metal end of her sheath into the back of Frank's head like a very painful pool cue before spinning it around and slamming the guard into Jack's skull.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Something was wrong. Frank could feel it in his big toe, or where his big toe would be if not for that terrible accident that transpired while he was younger,cat-fishing in a small stream. The phantom pain always spelled out trouble. It had given him a few tiny sparks when he first saw the woman in marine garbs that were far too big for her, but he assumed it was because of the thief. Now, on the other hand, there was little doubt there was something going on here. He reached for his sword. Took the handle. Slowly, at least to himself, began pulling it up out of the sheath. Then, the world when black.

No sooner had he hit the floor than two marines turned a corner. They paused, but not for long enough to allow the pirates a chance to react. Neither went for their blades. Instead, both went for their side arms, bringing them out with the intent of shooting the pirates were they stood. To hell with ordering them to surrender first.

@grandia20@Crimson Lion
Working was difficult, the young marine thought, hiding in one of the ship's store rooms. In one hand he had a bottle of saki and in the other there was a half eaten apple. How he got himself into this situation was beyond him. All he wanted was to see the world. HIs parents were poor so he figured joining the marines would be an easy enough way to go about it. Not like he could ever be a pirate. No way. That would just get him killed. Nope, it was definitely the marines. And now that he was a marine he hated it. Now all he wanted was to go home and live out the rest of his life in bed, or in the garden him and his mother made together. There was no longer any doubt he'd enjoy spending time with his mother than his grandfather. He took a bite and paused. Someone was yelling. Swallowing hard. He realize he'd eaten more apple that was healthy and found himself choking on a large chunk. He did turn blue, but manage to smack himself in the chest hard enough to force the rest down.

Death averted, at least for the time being, he sneaked up to the door and slowly pushed it open. There were three men in the room. Two of them didn't belong there. One had long red hair and the other was covered, but lacked the chest needed to be certain it was a woman.

"Shit. Shit." The young marine, Dylan, mumbled. He quickly pulled out the snail.
"Mayday. Mayday." He half whispered, half shouted into the transponder snail. "There are people over here. Lt Mario is down. I repeat LT. Mario is down. There's two strangers on here around him. Please hurry up and send back up."

After finishing the call, Dylan sucked up all his courage, stopped to take a piss in the corner of the room because he didn't want to die and piss his pants, and then tried to kick the door open and rush out in the most heroic way he could. He did get the door open, but before he could try and talk himself out of the situation, the door came back and smashed him in the head. He fell backwards and made a bang that nobody could miss when he hit.

"Pirates huh." One of the marines said, slowly pulling out his sword.
"You don't say." The other said, a pair of handcuffs appearing in his hands.
"We'll protect you from them for sure." A third marine said, as he started moving towards the young woman along with the other two.

"Okay!" A large man with a captain's rank, said as calmly as he could, after deactivating the snail. "Mark." He said to the Captain. "Tim" he said to the captain's first mate. "What's going on here? There's reports of pirates over on your ship attacking my men, and now I'm getting reports of pirates, who seemed to come off your boat, landing on here and also attacking my men."

"No idea, Breth." Mark said, shrugging before downing a mug of ale. "This is all news to me."
"Same here, Captain Arkeus" Tim said. He wasn't as good at lying as his captain so kept his eyes on the ground. "There wasn't anyone else on the ship when we left port."

Captain Arkeus opened his mouth to reply but stopped when he noted his five best men standing at the other end of the room, at attention, staring at him intently. "Well don't just stand there. Go get them!" Without a word the men nodded and hurried out the door.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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"Damnit," Janet snorted a curse at the abrupt appearance of the girl Musashi. "All my careful plans of infiltration have gone to shit!" The name Musashi was a rather peculiar name. No use of playing along with foiled plans. At least I get to know this ship enough, I'll have no choice but to go with this...

Janet's spear flickered under the rising sunlight, its tip sent towards the ground in front of the two marines as the javelin smothered into an explosion.

"We still don't know who our enemies are, I'll play it safe this time," Dozens of Janet's javelins started dotting the sky, raining it down the ship deck with the ever familiar fireballs. "Spear Barrage, I won't do anything rash, so I'll just slowly demolish this ship from the top to bottom."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 20 days ago

Musashi raised an eyebrow. Then sighed if his wasn't rash then what was utter stupidity to her?

"You do realize that all you needed to do was just take out those guys and run for it right? It's not like anyone else saw us? Not to mention the little insignificant fact that WE'RE ON THE DECK OF THE SHIP YOU'RE TRYING TO DESTROY?"

Musashi grabbed boomer and Abbygail and ran inside as the javelins hit.

"Boomer, you do realize that both ships are currently chained together? If this ship sinks then the other ship goes down with it."

They needed to get the ship free and get out of there.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rainer arises to the top deck just in time to see what looked like a small platoon of marines appear on deck as well. Panicing he immediately jumps for cover behind a ple of crates near the door. “When the hell did these marines appear?!” He asked himself in a whisper as he looked over the crates, seeing both Musashi and Janet looking like their about to engage. “Aw come on, I thought we could settle this without fighting.” He said with a sigh as he grabbed his sheathed katana. Rainer jumps out of his hiding place rushing forward, swinging at one of the marines, throwing them off the boat.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

While Kyy kept a handle on the wheel, Saki was thinking. As the marine slowly approached, she kept her innocent act up for a moment longer. As he got close, she quickly pulled her pistol and shot the hand with the cuffs. She grabbed them, rushed another marine, cuffing him and shooting the other at the hip to get the weapon holster off him. "Back off or he's dead." She puts the gun to the cuffed marine's head, backing up toward the edge of the ship.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Ugh!" The old marine in the chair mumbled. "My head." He winced after moving a bit and decided not doing so was the wiser decision. Not that he had much choice in the matter as he was currently tied too tightly to move.

"We're under attack, sir" Dylan said as he slowly crept out of his hiding space towards his superior. "I'm not sure what their after, but they left awhile ago. I'm not sure where they went."

"Bah." The old marine mumbled. "To attack a marine, we'll have their heads, we will, won't we, Dylan my boy?"

"Uhm." Dylan looked around for a way out, but there was only the exit to the room the pirates left.

"Ah. Never mind then." The old man said, wincing as he did so. The movement really did make his head hurt. "I'll do it. Just untie."

"Yes sir!" Dylan said with a crisp salute.

Freed, the old marine, who was actually quite large when you took his stooped posture into account took a moment to locate his walking stick, before motioning Dylan to move on ahead of him.

The entire ship shook from the explosions of the red woman's javelin attacks. "What the hell's that!" The marine captain snarled, bracing himself against the steering wheel. "Are those bloody pirates trying to take the entire ship down. Don't they understand that we're still tethered? Are they suicidal as well as stupid?"
"Well." Mark said as he looked down at his empty mug. "They are pirates, and pirates aren't famous for being individuals who think things through before acting."
"Right sir" Tim, nodded and continued to look at his feet.

"Damn pirates!"
"No respect for anything!"
"They think they can pick a fight with the marines and walk away?"
"They're crazy."
"They're, right above us actually. Come on!"
"Wait, not through the..... Oh. Bloody hell. The captain's going to have our asses for that."

When they stopped, a few levels below deck, Abbygail made a point of keeping Musashi's hands on hers. "Well, things are a lot better now, aren't they?" She sighed. "So before we were unknown, and now not only are we known, but we're going to be targeted with a vengeance." The woman in purple took a moment to look around before shrugging and starting in a direction she hoped would lead them.

"So here's the plan." Abbygail said, pulling Musashi behind her. "What we're going to do is........"
She didn't get to finish. One second everything, but for the panicking marines was perfectly normal, and the next, the floor beneath her exploded outwards and a large, grey man with glowing red eyes, rammed into her stomach, and forced her upwards, through all the floors that stood between them and the deck. Bright, morning sunlight poured in.

"Damn it!" A long spidery arm appeared by the hole, and then another. The muscles tensed, and the long bodied figure of the long arm tribe appeared. "I knew that dumb bastard was going to do it, again. I just knew." He stopped and turned his attention to the girls, a large smile appearing on his face. "Well, none the less, at least he did find the intruders." The marine licked his lips before pulling out the sword from his sheath.

"That's great and everything." A voice called from under the hole. "But would you mind moving so I could come up. I don't want your damn balls to bump against my head when I get up there, again."

The long armed marine sighed and stepped aside so his partner, a short, stout man with wide eyes,and thick glaces slowly pulled himself up.
Once up he took a moment to look around before settling on the shapes of their foes. He leaned forwards, but couldn't make much out.
"One second." He raised a finger and then cleaned his glasses. Once their were back on he looked and nodded. "Ah. Those are pirates alright! Definitely not the sort we want on this ship, but without a doubt the kind we'll keep on board till we take them to their new cell homes!"

"Hey, are those them!" A voice called from below the hole.
"Should we come up too?"
"Nah. We've got these, but there's still a couple more on the ship. Go and find them or the captain will have our asses for these holes not being justified."

@Crimson Lion@grandia20
The young marines weren't much of a match for Rainer. However, he didn't have much time to rest before an old man's voice rang out across the deck. "You damn youngin. No respect for your elders!" The old man appeared, and slowly started making his way towards the fishman.

"Hey!" The marine with the gun to his head, raised his arms in surrender. "Now. Let's not doing anything stupid. We're on a marine ship. Why not just turn yourself in and accept life in prison instead of a messy end on here?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 20 days ago

Just as they were trying to fix what was going wrong, things got worse! Abbyigail was suddenly given a flight and an ugly long arm tribesmen appeared from the resulting hole, who was also a marine, who had a partner, who also had subordinates, and they were informing their captain. So it went from bad to worse. However, the long arm marine drew a sword. It was currently hard to tell, but he had to be a true swordsman right? A follower of the way of the sword? It had been so long since she had such an opponent, so she had to find out and there was only one way to find out. Abbyigail would probably fine right? Of course if she found this cold hearted and blood thirsty reasoning out, she wouldn't be alright.

Musashi drew her blades as the air grew seemingly colder as she was emitting her blood lust, her twin blades screeched as they were unleashed seemingly crying out for blood. Musashi got into a sword stance and dashed towards the marine seemingly closing the distance in an instant and bring down the blades like a pair of claws marking the long arm as her prey.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rainer truned around to come face to face with Freed, "Sorry sir, but it probably would have been easier to have stayed downstairs tied up." Rainer said as he charged forward with his sheathed katana. "Drizzle!!!" He yelled as he jumped forward into the air, weapon above him moving in a downward motion aiming for the marines head.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


"Just break the chains and destroy this ship then," Janet replied without a second thought whilst being dragged down the decks. She reached for her spear as soon as she saw a marine with abnormally long arms. With one flick of her wrist, she sent her explosive javelin towards the direction of the Marines, without much regard to collateral damages.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyy looked as the old man confronted Rainer. "Damn... I know I should keep steering but I can't let him do this alone..." He runs to Rainer's side. "Lets make this quick." He smiles at his fishman friend. "First Movement: Belial's Horn! Second Movement: Abbadon's Claw!"

Saki smiled innocently but didn't move. "Sorry, I can't do that. I've got something I still need to take care of and I can't do that in prison or dead." She curb stomps him to knock him out and aims at another, slowly backing up toward the pirate ship.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Yessss." The long armed swordsman grinned from ear to ear. "Yesss." He pointed the blade at the Red-eyes swordsman and motioned for her to come at him. "Come Musashi, criminal filth. Come and prove you are worth of the legend." He licked his lips eagerly as the swordswoman, and the javelin closed in the distance. "Come pirates, fight!" The man took a long lung forwards, made possible thanks to his abnormally long limbs and struck the Javelin before it was able to explode, sending it spiraling towards the female swordsman.

"Paco" The swordsman called. "You take the girl with the spheres. I've got red-eyes." He paused for a second, sword pointed towards the ground, and gave the javelin enough time to explode near the dual swords wielder. Once the explosion came, he swung the blade upwards, towards the woman's body. He would've been happy with a kill, but doubted that would be the case. However, he'd settle with forcing her out through the hole their idiot comrade and created, so he could fighter her in a more spacious setting.

The stout man smiled, and gave his fellow marine a bow. "As you wish. I'll make sure she doesn't bother you." Without waiting for further instructions, man hands disappeared into his coat, and he pulled out two flintlock pistols, and aimed them squarely at the woman's chest. "Fare well, pirate scum! May the gods have more mercy on you in the next life than we do in this one." Without waiting, he fired both shots, dropped the guns, and reached back into his coat for more pistols.

@Crimson Lion
"Sir," the young marine shouted, as he rammed into the elderly giant, to push him out of the way of the attack. His thin body takes the brunt of both Rainer's and Kyy's strike. Blood splashes across the deck like water waves. "I'm sorry." He said, still standing for a moment before closing his eyes and collapsing onto the ground.

"Err." The old man coughed, after he finally stopped rolling. "What's that now?" Shaking his head to clear his mind, he looked around and focused on the young man. "Boy!" He whispered, starting to move towards the injured young man.. "Boy, are you alright?" Despite his feeble appearance and the fact he was so large it didn't take the old man long before his crooked form was able to reach the young marine. For a response all the, well child really, managed to do was shake his head and cough blood. "Boy, I hate to ask but..." The grisliness marine hesitated a moment.
"Do it," the marine whispered. "Do it."
The old man gave a nod, before putting his gnarled hand on the child's face. "Suck-Suck life steel." He whispered. A blue light surrounded himself and the dying marine, whose face and features began to twitch as the youth left his body, flooding into the old man's, whose skin tightened, muscles swelled, and hair darkened. It didn't take long. A few seconds at most. After it was done, the old man wasn't so old. He wasn't stooped. He was an eight feet tall mountain of muscle and rage.

"Damn pirates." He spat, tossing aside his cane. "I'll rip you in half."

The first marine goes down without any problem and the second marine, tempted to make a move, swallows hard and keeps his hands up. "You won't make it out of here alive, you know that, right?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 20 days ago

"Boomer, watch your aim!"

Musashi snarled, the marine's blade would hit the air as an explosion would have obviously sent her flying back. Despite getting an explosion in the face Musashi didn't seem all that injured, a few scuffles here, and the hat that she stole and her sunglasses (that she also stole) were blown off and where in pieces.

Musashi used the impact send her flying into the wall doing a flip and landing feet fist before bending her legs and jumping off the wall and then sent herself flying at the marine like a torpedo and swings her swords at her enemy horizontally. Causing both blades to flash silver.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


No room to dodge... Janet frowned against the clear disadvantage of the room of the battle. It made it a headache for her to fend off attacks without implicating her crew. Well, just care about allies later, for now just deal with that guy...

Without hesitation, Janet flashed out a spear of double knottings as she sends it towards the stout man. The moment the spear leaves her fingers, the back of the javelin trickled out an explosion, blasting away the two bullets as the intact tip of her spear soars towards her opponent at greater speed. She didn't expect to use that Red Lotus Spear in such a location, it was meant to be used at extended range. Her crew are of a concern for later, after all, its their fault for dragging me to such a place...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyy frowned and nodded as the man used his fruit. "You just made this fight that much easier old man." Regardless of how young and strong the man may have become, Kyy had already found the victory in his mind. He turns to Rainer. "Got any attacks with some range? If so, this fight is in the bag. If not, it still is, just more effort. Just exploit the weakness he just showed."

"Don't underestimate a pretty lady. We're pretty resourceful." She suddenly jumps overboard and a splash is heard. If he looked, she'd be nowhere to be seen. But she'd actually dug a blade into the ship, hanging on from there. "Now... How to get to that ship... They must have some hoods on board..." She smiles and spots the rope that's connecting the two overhead. "Bingo."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rainer gawked at the mountain of an old man in front of him. "God dammit, can't I NOT be fighting huge guys." He said as Kyy yelled to him about long range attacks. "Well not any sword skills, but I do have a way to attack from afar!!" He yelled as he shuffled backwards back to the barrels he was hiding behind moments ago, picking them up with one hand each and throwing them at the larger man.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Paco's bullets hit the on coming spear dead on. Each bullet struck the head, with the intent of causing the explosive to alter course, and once again cause problems for the Swordsman, the one the two had identified as the real threat of the group. However, instead of veering off course like it should've, the projectile's rear end exploded like a moose that ate too much of something a moose's digestive system wasn't designed for and propelled the weapon forwards at a far greater speed than was customarily possible for a human to attain. Normally, someone would've panicked in these circumstance, and Paco did panic, but it was a short lived panic like upon reaching your home and thinking you lost your keys somewhere down the road, only to realize you were fishing around in the wrong pocket.

Once again, he dropped the guns, aimed at the woman's chest and fired two shots. The guns fell from the man's hands, and his fists tensed at his side. For a split second, he somehow seemed larger than before. That was all he had time for before the explosive projectile reached his destination, and detonated.

The blades clashed and the long armed swordsman felt painful vibrations shoot down into his arm, and up into his shoulders like a billion ants had burrowed their way into his skin and trying to stampede their way across his body. Understanding dawned him in an instant. He assumed, wrongly, his strength was far superior to the woman's, but it wasn't, at least not on the level he assumed it to be. Victory wouldn't come as easily as knocking his opponent back and following through with a unrelenting force.

Eyes narrowed, He grit his teeth, ignoring the pain as best he could, and putting his shoulder into it, because it wouldn't do any good if he couldn't at least hold his ground. He cracked a smile. It was like ice cubes dropping into a warm drink. "Shigan" he whispered. Then, as quickly as only a swordsman was capable of moving, his other arm lashed out, and his finger pierced itself into the woman's shoulder.

Not letting giving his opponent a chance to react, the man surged forwards, finger pulling itself out of Red-Eye's shoulder, and moving to wrap around her throat.

@Crimson Lion@grandia20
The giant of an old man, at least by human standards soughed at the redhead's words. "Damn pirates, arrogant and stupid in any day and age." His face didn't exactly break into a grim, but the corner of his mouth twisted upwards in the slightest. "Which is fine by me, means I don't have to waste time trying to teach you to know your place." With that his light brown eyes narrowed, as he turned his attention to the covered up man with the barrels.

"Pirates," he muttered as he tensed his arms back, and flung them forwards, creating two blades of air that shot to, and then past the barrels the man had launched, straight for his opponent. Without hesitating, the giant of a marine disappeared out of sight and reappeared directly in front of Kyy. "In the bag, you say?" He didn't wait for a response, but instead brought down his massive firsts, with the intent of taking the smaller's mans arms off at the shoulders.

"Hey!" A familiar voice called in surprise. "Hey, you, lady with her blade in the ship. You get over here this instant, the captain wants to talk with you and your friends."

"Why are you saying that," a woman with pink hair, and sunglasses sighed. "It's not like she's going to believe that. Just pick her off so we could help with the others."

"Ugh." Her partner, with a single shot rifle rolled his eyes. "Don't you think the captain would like some info on this group of sea dogs?"

"Nope." The womans hook her head. "He just wants them dead."

The man shrugged. She had a point. Without another word, he readied his rifle and began following the target.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 20 days ago

Blood spurted out of Musashi's wound Musashi's eyes couldn't be seen, but as the marine was trying to grab her neck... his chin flattened and his neck snapped back. Musashi kicked him in the jaw, the Marine forgot one thing... adrenaline, unlike the Marine, Musashi let the flow of adrenaline rush though her body. Musashi barely even felt the attack, much less affected by it, giving her more than enough time to react. The swordswoman grabbed the Marine by the neck and then threw him into the wall.

"What the Hell do you think you're doing?"

Musashi looked up there was no excitement, nor anger in her eyes, she simply looked Disappointed.

"A swordsman, doesn't care who or what the other swordsman is. Man, woman, even children... If they're a swordsman, you fight. All that matters between two swordsmen are resolve and strength! There is nothing else you should be focused on! All you should do is give everything you have into the fight! That's what separate someone who uses the sword and a true swordsman!"

Musashi sheathed her swords. She was done, she didn't really care.

"I'm done here, I've got no time to spend on a fake. Go hide in a hole or die, I don't care which."
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