Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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"Take the girl! Leave the boy for the vultures!"

Caught unaware at night, Lucan had no knowledge that the future would soon become one of worry. His sister, Cordelia, and him had been camping in the plains of Lostgrove on their way to clear out a gnoll infestation that had been giving nearby villages problems. Thuggish and ruthless, the gnolls would steal crops and slay any traveler on the roads for their own benefits. Lucan had hoped to gain the upper hand at first against such brutes, but it had seemed lady luck was not smiling down on the twins.

The gnolls had been somehow aware that powerful mages were on their way to remove them from their premises. At first, they came only in small numbers, easy enough for them to handle. Lucan was on the front lines, blasting gnolls with magical bolts of purplish arcane, while Cordelia provided support with her own magic. An array of gnoll corpses laid dead on the ground, each burned with blast marks tinged on their armor and fur.

With the number of dead gnolls before him, Lucan thought the battle was won, but it wasn't until much later he realized what the gnolls were attempting. Forced apart by the sudden skirmish, the gnolls were pulling the twins away from each other to single them out. The realization had hit Lucan like a truck when his magic began to short circuit, creating only a minuscule spark in comparison to the powerful bolts of magic he was casting moments ago. A group of gnolls stood in between the twins, their mangy faces grinning as their plan came to fruition.

Cordelia was dragged away screaming while Lucan struggled to fend off the gnolls with his sword. For each one he would slay, two more would be ready to spar with Lucan. It was an endless horde, and Lucan was spending more energy and stamina than ever in an attempt to save his sister, but it was to no avail. Suddenly smacked hard on the head with an unknown object, Lucan fell to the ground and faded in and out of consciousness--his last memory being screams and something of vultures.

By morning, Lucan woke with a killer headache. The blow had been strong enough to knock him out, but Lucan hadn't felt any dried blood coating his white hair. Climbing to his feet, Lucan looked around for his sister, seeing nothing but dead plains for miles. As if to see something, Lucan struggled to summon a speck of magic in his hand, but nothing would appear out of thin air.
If I'm still alive, she must be too... although far away. Lucan thought, gathering what little the gnolls left behind at their campsite.

Thinking, Lucan realized the need for a plan in order to get his sister back. However, in his current state, Lucan was useless besides what he knew with a sword. Lucan needed allies, people willing to work with him to save his sister, just as they had been doing for the people of Lostgrove. Hoping lady luck wouldn't abandon him as she did the night before, Lucan made haste to the nearest town as he rubbed the back of his head where a bruise had formed.

A few hours had passed by the time Lucan reached the outskirts of Roseburgh--a town once known for its roses. Like everything else in Lostgrove, the roses wilted away under the unkind sun, their water taken by peasants struggling to survive. Despite the despairing looks the village showed, it was Lucan's best hope to see his sister again. Finding his way to the town's center, Lucan stood on the edge of an old empty fountain that was clearly no longer working.

"Ahem," Lucan said with a cough as he attempted to grab the attention of the villagers. "You may not know me, but I am in desperate need of help. The gnolls... th-" Lucan spoke, before he was suddenly cut off by a rock being hurled at him, and then what he thought was feces. Some of the villagers were sympathetic, but most who cared to listen to him couldn't careless about his problems. Get lost! They said. We have our own problems! They yelled. Whatever the case was, Lucan wasn't lucky with his pleas for help and aid.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

Member Seen 13 days ago

Today was his big day. He'd finally leave this place and begin his work as an adventurer. But... where to start? He decided he'd mess around a bit, and see what the word was. He decided to head to the tavern first. Everybody knew him there, and likely knew the word around town a little better than he did.

He approached the door and took a look at the sign. "The Open Palm Inn". He always found the name a little odd. It had Inn in the name, yet it really wasn't an inn. Just a tavern. Or at least, he though. Huh. He opened the door and stepped inside. A rush of booze heavy air rushed out towards him. He swore you could get drunk off the fumes in this place. A few nameless townsfolk sat at the various tables, eating food and drinking away their sorrows. He looked to the barkeep. A rugged man stood by the counter, filling a mug. His name was Milner. He was a usually a pretty nice guy, but could get a little pissy during the busy hours. Morti pulled up a stool and waved over to Milner. After checking for anyone needing him, he walked over to Morti.

"Word on the street is your leavin' town. Care to confirm?"

That'd be correct. Need a new source of income. Gods know I sure as hell ain't gonna find it here. Gonna be one of those adventure types. Y'know, the ones you hear about from all the barkeeps, like yourself."

"Heh, well, you're already pretty infamous here, though I don't think that's worth much. Bit of a shame t' see ya go. You brought a certain... spark to the community."

"Heh, yeah, well, maybe I'll come back here one of these days. So, what's the word?"

"The word, eh? Well, apparently a pair of kids got attacked by some Gnolls. Girl got kidnapped, apparently, but the boy still lives. Should be in town. Down by the ol' fountain."

Morti gave a nod and flipped a coin towards Milner. "Guess I'll check it out. I'll miss ya man. Take care of the place while I'm gone will ya?" Milner gave a slight laugh before waving off Morti. Looks like a customer was wanting him. Morti got up and headed outside.

So, the old fountain. Guess he'd check it out now.

Some bloke was standing up on the fountain, shouting something about Gnolls before the onslaught began. Rocks were hurled, as well as whatever could be found towards the boy. Well, he was looking for adventure. Guess this'd be a good place to start. He walked out from the crowd and leaned up against a nearby post, staring intently at the boy.

@Poi @Wick
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Nora saw the young man enter Roseburgh and thought little of it. When he tried to speak to the few people around she saw the effect on them that he had and she smirked a little. Carrying her smithy hammer she walked over to the crowd that had gathered around to taunt him. Walking through it she went right up to him and the crowd immediately stopped throwing stuff at him.

"Nora! Get out of the way lass!"

Turning to the man who had spoken she shook her head. "Nay Earl I'll not allow you to keep throwing refuse at him you are stinking up the place!" She shook her hammer at the group and they began to disperse with chuckles.

Turning back to the newcomer she looked him over and asked, "What kind of help did you need? If it's food or water you are on your own. These people here won't feed you they have too little. There is nothing left here to sustain life that isn't already being fought over. If it's something else maybe I can help."

@Lord Orgasmo@Poi
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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The plea for help had not gone the way Lucan had hoped for. He knew many people in Lostgrove cared for only their own problems, but Lucan had not known they would be so quick to shut someone down. The village folk hardly allowed Lucan to speak a word, and the odd fellow in the background staring intensely at him was only making matters worse. It was a human gaze, but seeing the man's different features from the rest of the town was enough to startle Lucan--not in a racist way, but in surprise. Gulping and regaining his posture, Lucan was ready to step down from the fountain when...

"Nay, Earl, I'll not allow you to keep throwing refuse at him! You are stinking up the place!"

Looking around to see who had came to his side, Lucan noticed a woman waving around a smith's hammer. Her display was enough to bring chuckles from the group surrounding the fountain, and they soon dispersed, leaving only the woman and the peculiar man from before. When the woman approached Lucan, he climbed down off the ledge of the fountain and met her face-to-face. "It isn't food or water that I need, ma'am. It's just that I need..." Lucan spoke, wondering if he should reveal the whole story. What would the woman think? Would she cast him off as crazy, leaving Lucan to his own doings?

Eventually, Lucan decided to explain even more so than he needed to.
"My twin sister was captured by some gnolls not too far from here. I could easily deal with them myself, being a mage of extraordinary talent, but..." Lucan sighed, bringing up his palm to show that only a speck of magic was all that he could form. "You may consider me crazy, but the further I am from her, the more my magical prowess will wane. Plus, the only proof that she is alive is that I'm still alive. The two of us are bound to a curse dictating our fates." Lucan explained, his eyes watching closely for any sign of sarcastic intent. Like the villagers, there was no reason for them to believe him.

"In short, I am in need of help to free my sister. I don't have much to give you, but I can at least offer you part of the reward we were going to receive after clearing out the gnoll infestation. What do you say?" Lucan continued to explain, hoping that the woman could be of some sort of help to his pleas. "What about you, sir?" Lucan asked, diverting his attention for a mere second to ask the man leaning on the lamppost. Even if the woman couldn't help him, the man had seemed like the type of person interested in some sort of adventuring work.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

Member Seen 13 days ago

Morti heard the whole thing. So, this was the poor shmuck who got attacked huh? His story seemed... odd to say the least, but he believed him. A curse that intertwines fates sounded pretty cool. After all, he himself was a glowing purple man, so a curse like that certainly sounded reasonable. He leaned off the post and walked towards the two.

"Yeah, I could probably help with your little Gnoll problem, but I've got a feeling that Gnolls are going to be the least of your worries. Call it a hunch, but I think this is only the start of things. Either way, count me in. Been lookin' for adventure."

At last, some action! Probably, anyways. He looked over the boy again. He seemed... worse for wear and perhaps even a little under prepared. Morti usually over prepared a little for things, but after some of the stories he'd heard from his past client, being under prepared might cost you your life.

"By the way, you sure you're ready to head out? I know a few good shops around town where we could get some stuff. Potions, supplies like torches, or rope, but expect things to be a little... limited, or pricey. Rations on the other hand aren't going to be easy to get. Town is... not in a good spot right now, as evident by the reaction to your little plea."

With that, he stood patiently. @Poi@Wick
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Nora watched the mage the tall purple man speak and her father waved her over a moment. "Excuse me a moment." She ducked out and went to her father who was already packing her things for her. "Father? What are you doing?" He gave her an odd look.

"I'm sending you off to have a life of your own! If you stay here you will starve to death. B'sides, that young man needs your help. He'll never be as good with his sword as you are." Her father hugged her to himself and kissed her cheek. "I love ya lass but I'm breaking yer plate. Now get yer armor and sword on they are too awkward to carry." A few moments later she came out with all of her stuff in a couple of bags and he handed her her sword and shield.

Walking toward the men she looked back at her father and he nodded at her with tears in his eyes and she nodded back with the same in hers. She knew there was a good chance that she would not see him alive again. He was already sick and losing weight.

Putting on a brave face Nora stepped up to the men leading her horse behind her. "I'm ready when you two are. My name is Nora. And you are?"

@Lord Orgasmo@Poi
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Lucan felt reassurance as the two that remained decided to help him with his quest. "Lucan," Lucan replied, nodding to the woman who had introduced herself as Nora. Looking to the man who had not yet introduced himself, Lucan nodded to his suggestion. Normally, Lucan would have considered such things, but he had been so caught up in his own worries that he had forgone even considering them. It was, after all, a life and death matter for Lucan. If his sister's head decided to go for a roll after a swing of a sword, Lucan could expect himself to go too.

"Yes, yes! You're right about that. I had been so caught up in my own matters that I hadn't considered replenishing what the gnolls took." Lucan explained, as he went to see what was left in his pack. All that remained was a couple of scrolls and books, along with a few scraps that the gnolls left behind. A good thing they didn't take the books and scrolls... Lucan thought, and returned his gaze back to the stranger. "Could you lead the way, please...?" Lucan asked, drawing the end of his sentence out as if he was asking for a name. The peculiar human decided to throw his lot with them, but he had been leaving both of them hanging. For all Lucan knew, this man could be plotting against them.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

Member Seen 13 days ago

"Morti. Sorry, not quite used to meeting new people. I'll give you one guess why." he said rolling his eyes. "Anyways, there's a shop not to far from here. Feather's Fall Apothecary. They'll have alchemical things there, potions, poisons, and what not. It's this way." he turned around and gestured down one of the many streets. You can come along too, Nora, if you feel you need anything, or if you just like the company."

The walk was short and straight. Several buildings lined the streets, some looked run-down, others looked fair, some had signs, some didn't. Morti stopped in front of a wooden building with a circular sign above the door. A single white plume on an orange backdrop was painted on to it. In small black text underneath were the words "Feather's Fall Apothecary"

The door swung open on surprisingly well oiled hinges, revealing a large rectangular room, filled with a strong herbal smell. To their left were two bookshelves, lined with books, as well as a few display cases with flowers, and a window. To the right, behind a long desk spanning the horizontal length of the building An old white-haired man stood mixing various alchemical fluids. His desk was cluttered with tools Morti had never heard of, as well as some he had, and various ingredients.

The old man turned his attention to the party as they walked through the door. "Ah, Morti! It's good to see you my boy! Anything I can get you? And who are your friends?"

"Hey old man!, been doin' great!" he turned to his party "This is Wrys. Probably the nicest guy here. Of about, maybe ten nice people. Anyways, he'll get you what you need. You just gotta ask."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Nora had followed the men to the shop and she waited with her horse outside. She packed her horse with bags and things that she might need on the road. She had a few dishes and utensils, a heavy blanket and a bar of soap along with many other things she just knew she would need. Her good dagger was strapped to her thigh as usual. Nora's hair had been long and it was at this point that she removed the armor and pulled out the knife and pulled her braid behind her and cut through it and she pulled the braid out in front of her looking at two feet of hair that she had just shorn off.

One of the ladies on the street looked at her in horror. Nora smiled. Her hair was between her chin and shoulders now and so much lighter. Her neck felt so much easier to turn. She grinned and tossed the braid into the nearest garbage bin. When the men came out her armor was back in place and she wondered if they had noticed or if they were as daft as most men.

"Is that everything you needed or are we stopping somewhere else also?"

@Lord Orgasmo@Poi
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Following Morti, the group walked throughout the town to a place by the name of Feather's Fall Apothecary. It wasn't a far walk, one of the more straight forward locations in all of Roseburgh. For most of the vist, Nora stood outside while Morti led Lucan inside and introduced him to the shopkeep--Wrys. "Lucan, sir." Lucan stated, exchanging a handshake with the elderly man. It was evident that Wrys was one of the more richer people of Roseburgh; his stocked merchandise and well-oiled door giving truth to such a statement. A perfect place to restock your goods, as long as you had the goods to barter or the money to spend.

Buying a few herbal pastes and potions, Lucan made sure that he was stocked up on healing supplies. The mage had yet to see any of the skills that his new companions had, so Lucan thought it was best to ensure he had some healing remedies. Additonally, Lucan made his way over towards the bookshelves that filled the outer walls of the apothecary. Most were Wrys' personal recipes, but Lucan managed to be lucky when he noticed a spell book. No matter how much Lucan offered to pay, Wrys let him have it for free. There aren't any mages around here that can use it, he said, but you seem to be a capable mage.

With the replenishment finished, Lucan followed Morti back outside with a farewell to Wrys. As they walked outside, Lucan went ahead and made mental note of the shop's location, so that he may visit it in the future.
"I think that is everything I needed. what about the two of you? Morti? No-" Lucan stopped, before acknowledging the woman with a nod. "I see you cut your hair. Looks nice." The mage explained, pointing out the difference. Not many women were eager to sacrifice their hair, and Lucan knew his sister would torch him alive (despite the curse) if he suggested it.

In any case, Lucan turned his attention back to the two companions he picked up.
"Are we ready? If you do intend on helping me, it'll be a messy one. The gnolls are numerous, so I expect a lot of fighting to come." Lucan went on to explain, waiting for an answer from those beside him.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

Member Seen 13 days ago

Morti watched as Lucan went around the Apothecary looking at things. He decided now would be a good time to check his own supply. Whetstones, a few healing herbs, rations and rope. He also checked the quiver on his lower back, hidden by his cloak. 18 arrows. Guess that'd have to do. He could always grab a few from enemy archers. He then felt the edges of his blades. Not razor sharp, but good enough to do the job. His bow, held on his back by a leather strap, probably needed a last minute inspection, too. No, it looked good to him. Was there anything else he needed?

He looked over at the counter. A small red vial sat alone, away from everything else. Morti walked over and examined it closer. It was half-full with a black viscous fluid that reeked of...tar?

"What is this supposed to be?" he asked the old man Wrys.

"Bah, an experiment turned toxic. You can take it if you want. I'm sure it'll prove useful to you some how." Wrys walked over and put a small cork in the vial before handing it to Morti.

"Heh, thanks Wrys. I'll put it to good use."

After Lucan appeared to be done, he followed him outside where Nora was waiting. Lucan then said something about her hair. The madwoman had cut it off! He then began to pay attention to his own hair. He watched as the wind blew around semi-translucent wisps of white hair. He'd never actually gotten his hair cut before. After a while, it just... stopped growing.

Lucan then asked if they were ready to go, to which Morti replied:

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I'm not quite as proficient in fighting as I am in stealth, but I'll give it my best. The two can go hand-in-hand after all."

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