Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Elgappa
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Graviloquence Alright then! Gonna change it!
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Elgappa
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Basic Information

Name: Samuel von Altberg-Ehrenstein
Nicknames: Sammy "Sam"
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: German
Occupation: Chief-Navigator/Auxiliary Geologist

Physique: Samuel holds an almost arrogant pride in his Physical Shape, and a such, tries his best, to keep himself in a good condition, even far below the sea.

Height: Standing at 6´2 (188 cm), his stern stance often makes him look a bit taller then he actually is

Weight: Broad Chested and with an matching Physic, Samuel weights 220 lbs, still holding much to his old "Boxer" looks,

Hair: Blond and mostly cut quite short, during trips underwater he mostly starts growing a beard

Eyes: Blue

Skin: Caucasian, rather pale, yet with a slight sunburn in the neck

Scars / Markings / Etc: "Schmiss", a pale white Mensur-Scar on his left cheek, from his time in a Student-Connection in Berlin

Clothing Description: Trying to match an old "Sea-Wolf" look, Samuel prefers long white Turtlenecks, shirts in navy-blue as well as matching Trench-coats. All his cloths are of high quality and tailor-made for him, some even with the Altberg-Ehrenstein coat-of-arms, or rather the redesign made in 2010, engraved in them


  • The Iron Cross First Class, awarded for Karl Heinrich, Graf von Altberg-Ehrenstein, MIA 1917 , Personal Good Luck charm
  • Smoking pipe made out of Ebony Wood
  • Personal Laptop
  • Commander Hat of the "JGSV Salamander"
  • Hip Flask, filled with Vodka
  • Personal Notebook
  • Family picture in front of the Family Estate
  • Picture of his old Crew and himself in front of the "JGSV Salamander"
  • Picture of his three Dogs. Balu, Nana and Churchill
  • Dagger of his Student Connection, with the Inscription "Immer Voran, nie zurück!" [Always forwards, never backwards]



Samuel is a competitive Person, who either actively or Passively always will try to compare himself and his achievements with others. As such, he can either be seen as a Foolhardy Glory-dog, with an matching Ambition, or as an annoying, arrogant Snob, depending on the person holding said view. Few can deny his Spirit through, as he will attack each task he has, with a grim devotion.
His competitive spirit aside, he holds respect for all, who he either sees as his equal, or his superiors, be it in skill or rank. These people will find a good and loyal ally and friend in Samuel, be it with an constant tone of friendly rivalry and at times even envy.

There is something cold about him at times, a strong spirit, that makes him an excellent Officer to serve on board on a Submarine, and allows him to both to withstand the effects of the isolation and the pressure of the service in an Iron Coffin below the waves. He lacks the calculating nature, that many of his ancestors have been infamous for, and even when he wont admit it, many of his decision making may be influenced by emotions and personal desires.

His competitive spirit has also tainted his view on relationships, especially with the other sex, which lead him to develop a slight Sexist personality, which wasnt helped by his upbringing in both an all-boys Boarding School and an all-male Student connection. A shameless flirt and content Bachelor, he does have an inability to deal with serious relationships and personal feelings towards women, and his normal response to such things are to leave the scene, rather then solve these "problems", as he likes to call them. Strong Women, are an enigma for him, and a fear that he still has a hard time to admit.

A quirk, that runs through the Family of Altberg-Ehrenstein is an obsession with the depths of the sea, an Obsession that seems to take on every Firstborn son of the Male line. Down this line, is not a single member who hasnt at least served in some way on board of a Submarine. A more guarded secret are the dreams of the "Man in front of the Temple" which they all share, a figure in an old World-War one diving suite, standing underwater in front of an old Hellenistic Temple, filled with light, about to step into it.

Samuels Bravery is surprisingly solid, even through born out of personal Arrogance and Competitive spirit. In situations of great stress, he will keep a cool head, be it just to be able to later tell the tale about his heroics. Being a Seasoned Navigator and Officer on board on a Submarine, he is used to the running of such an vessel, and short of a full breaking of a hull, has almost seen everything, and lived to tell the tale.

Samuel is overly confident in his ability, so far that he could be called out as Arrogant. Critic and Advise are neither wanted, nor well received, as he takes it as personal attacks against himself and his fragile Ego. In such situations, he will most likely flee, or if this is not an option, lash out, attacking the person verbally with any means possible. He is a man, looking for prestige and glory, and will go to great length to achieve them, readily risking the lives of others in the way, if the end would justify the means. This thirst for glory, can turn into an addiction, clouding his judgment, and pushing him beyond a reasonable man´s fears.

- Recognition and Respect for personal achievements
- Efficiency! A skilled Crew and a well oiled machinery are enough to make Samuel Enthusiastic.
- The Deep Sea! Samuel holds, since his young childhood a deep obesssion with the deep blue sea, and longed to explore it
- History! A dilettante of personal making in most aspects of World History, Samuel is quite content with Reading for hours about dusty old Cultures and People.
- Personal Cooking and fine Food, the bitter-sweet sin of growing up in an Country-Estate with a personal, french Chef
- Affairs with no strings attached, and no lasting bounds
- Dogs, for he owns three, and still thinks that he should get a fourth one when he gets back home!
- Cowardice! Samuel can easily lose his temper, as soon as he notice a small hint of disobedience due to personal fear. For him, Cowards have no place in this world, let alone in a Submarine.
- Food Rations and Preserved Food, for a life without good food is possible but senseless
- Confident and Strong Women, more so if they surpass him in Rank. Few in this world can easier crush his confidence.
- The French, because life is more fun with enemies
- The Temple the man in the Diving Suite Stands in front of
- Mockery from his Peers and Friends
- Being seen as a "Loser" in terms of Performance, be it financially or Socially
- Being seen as a Coward himself, by people he respects and wants to be respected by


Samuel´s story begins in 1944, when his Great-Grandfather, Oberleutnante zur See Julius-Paulus, Graf von Altberg-Ehrenstein, would surrender himself, his U-boat and his remaning crew, to the American Navy, near the coast of Florida. Starving, and wounded, the Julius-Paulus explained, that a madness had overcome half his man, and that in a gruesome fight, most machinery were damaged beyond repair. Expect Julius-Paulus, most of the rest of the surivors would succomb either to their wounds, or to madness, screaming to be brought to the sea, so that they could swim towards the temple they longed for.
Julius would remain in the United States, marry an American, and find his fortune as an adviser to multiple american fishing companies and later investor in different, hightly profitable stocks, yet never would again in his lifetime would go near the sea, plagued by nightmares about a sunken city, and a man standing in front of a glowing temple.

Samuel von Altberg-Ehrenstein, was born in the Estate of his family in 2024. His family had returned, after the fall of the GDR, reclaming its estate from the newly Reunited Government, and even going so far, as to once more taking on the title of Nobility, rather then the simple Smith, their Grandfather, John-Heinrich, insisted on.
Born into Wealth, both new and old, Samuel had a cared, if not spoiled childhood. With his father, and well-connected Executive, after a short military career in the German Navy, and his mother a successful Lawyer, Samuel was mostly raised by a Nanny, seldomly seeing his parents, who tried to overshadow their lack of time, with gifts and a blind eye to what ever young Samuel would do.
A wild and willful child, he grew to a cruel and abusive Bully by the age of ten, and was thrown from his Private School with 13, after breaking a fellow students arm in a fight.

Send off to a Boarding School in the Bavarian Alps, the "Schwarzberg Internat", his childhood took a turn for the worse, as he suddenly himself learned what it meant to be bullied, after his arrogant and snobbish behavior earned him the spite of his fellow students. Growing depressed, his life took a turn, when he joined the local Boxing Club, in hopes to be better able to defend himself against the attacks of the other students, he was met with the strict tutoring of Hassan Cemcan. A former National Heavy Weight champion, and long-time bouncer, it was he, who was able to bring Samuel back on track, while also discovering his Talent for Boxing. Earning the respect of his Boarding School, by winning multiple local and National Youth-Championships, he soon found himself as a rising star in the National Boxing League.
While he before would spend every chance he got home, he would from now on remain even over the Holidays, living in a rented flat, while following a strict rhythm of Training, given to him by his new father figure, Hassan. His family had mixed feelings about his new passion, and while his grandfather, the patriarch of the family supported him, both his parents were shocked over such "Brutish Conduct" as they liked to call it.
It was shortly after his graduation, when once more, his hot headed nature, mixed with his arrogance would burn another bridge, as a simple dispute between him, and a fellow trainee at Hassan´s Gym after a night of drinking and clubing in Munich, lead to a fight, which would see the trainee in hospital, and Samuel almost in court, if it weren't for his parents influence. Yet, it was this time, that he went to far, and Hassan, without even hearing to his arguments, threw him out of his gym.
Disgruntled, Samuel´s Boxing career wouldnt recover, and after two more lost Championships, he threw the towel, and gave up on Professional Boxing.

Once more abusing his parents influence and money, he moved to Berlin, to study Engineering, rather unintrested in ever really picking up on it, prefering to remain a student as long as he could, greatly enjoying the Nightlife of Berlin. Joining a Connection, he made fast and good friends, while enjoying the good life, mixed with the thrill of Fencing, which after a drunken night, saw him with a scar over his left cheek. All in all, at this time in his life, there couldnt be enough following semesters for him.
This view would change rather quickly, after an Internship at the Growing Energy Giant "Jötunn Global", organized by his mother, who had went to University with its CEO, Ronald Korngold. Leading in Geo-thermal Energy research, its growing fleet of Submarines for Exploration and Prospecting, fascinated Samuel, in a way, that not even his still-passion, boxing, never did.

With a new fire, he rushed through his education, an constant intern at "Jötunn Global" and soon, he would even be able to join on a Research mission himself. Proofing himself capable, to handle his assigned tasks, a next one would follow. He may not like to hear it, yet in the end, it was his mothers connection to the CEO himself, who acquired him the offer to join the Jötunn Research Fleet, combined with a Full Sub-Naval Training, to turn him into a proper Misson leader. He accepted in an heartbeat, and broke of his half-done Master Thesis in Engineering. His passion would also show in his finale evaluation, as he was among the best five to ever pass the final Tests of his Subnautical Education, and in the year 2049, he was given command of the JGSV Salamander and its 20 men crew. It was on the evening of their first mission, that his grandfather would give him the Iron Cross of his ancestor, and give him the cryptic advise, not to look for the man in front of the Temple. Till this very Day, Samuel didnt understand.

What followed was a remarkable career in the Research-Fleet of Jötunn, a company, which after the energy-market Crash of 2052 became one of the leading Companies in the world, outlasting most of its competition. It was in the year 2055, when his ship was decommissioned, and Jötunn would turn to Drones, rather then manned submarines for exploration and Research. Offered a leading position behind a desk, Samuel reluctantly agreed, yet find little joy in his new challenges presented to him, longing for the tension of Deep-Sea exploration. It was during a Conference in Bern, that he was approached by representatives of an NGO, telling him about the Expedition. Rather enthusiastic about the prospect, he tried to win support in the company for the project, only to be turned down. Disgruntled with this, he resigned his position to join, what he saw as a higher cause!

Or maybe he just once more wanted to venture into the deep sea...

Skills and Stats

Gifted(+5): Hand-to-Hand | Geology
Adept(+3): Engineering | Persuasion | History
Average(+2): SERE | Awareness | Marksmanship, long guns
Novice(+1): Military Science | First Aid | Computer Science | Anthropology

- German (Bilingual Upbringing)
- Russian (Bilingual Upbringing)
- English
- Classical Latin


Relationship Status: Single
Harald-Regan, Graf von Altberg-Ehrenstein, Father, Alive
Tanjia, Grafin von Altberg-Ehrenstein (Born Skorzinski), Mother, Alive
Florian von Altberg-Ehrenstein, Brother, Alive
Karolina von Altberg-Ehrenstein, Sister, Alive
John-Heinrich Smith, Great-Father, Alive
Julius-Paulus, Graf von Altberg-Ehrenstein (later Smith), Great-Grandfather, Dead
Karl Heinrich, Graf von Altberg-Ehrenstein, Great-Great-Grandfather, MIA
Opinions of Other Researchers/Crewmembers:


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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DeadDrop
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DeadDrop Evil Arc

Member Seen 41 min ago

what is a connection :(
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Elgappa
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@DeadDrop If you are talking about my post, they are the equivalent of Fraternities and Sororities on american Collages. Just with more Fencing, at least in some cases.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DeadDrop
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DeadDrop Evil Arc

Member Seen 41 min ago

Oh ok.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Leidenschaft
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Leidenschaft Relax, only half-dead

Member Seen 17 days ago

@Elgappai like it so far, especially for the connections to a story from Lovecraft I can’t recall the name of right now. I’ll get a decent review sometime tomorrow.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DeadDrop
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DeadDrop Evil Arc

Member Seen 41 min ago

So it begins...

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Leidenschaft
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Leidenschaft Relax, only half-dead

Member Seen 17 days ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DeadDrop
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DeadDrop Evil Arc

Member Seen 41 min ago

Yum yum!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Graviloquence
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Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

@Elgappa Love the way you made the reference to Lovecfraft's work; it's tasteful and has an interesting impact on your character's background. His personality makes sense and his backstory was quite engaging, and I can't find anything that needs anymore clarification, unless Shaft finds anything. But I do like what you've done with Samuel.

@DeadDrop I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, but I've finally had a good chance to look at your CS too, and I see no problems with Scott. His past has realistic effects on his personality, and his role on the ship is believable, so you're good after Schaft's reviewed it, too.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DeadDrop
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DeadDrop Evil Arc

Member Seen 41 min ago

Thank you :)

Now I wait for the HUGE SHAFT.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Leidenschaft
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Leidenschaft Relax, only half-dead

Member Seen 17 days ago


Just like Gravsy-Wavsy said, I was hard pressed to find flaws in either yours or @Elgappa's CSs, even trying to stretch myself to analyze anything that could be seen as an issue, because I crave tension and conflict to silence my own insecuritiesbut I didn't really find anything glaring or that could be passed over.

And now, like the Japanese watching on in horror as Gojira and Mothra converge on each other on a sandy, cloudy Nihon beach, we wait for Gravy to finish her CS so we can attack each other verbally in passive-aggressive critiques of each other's characters.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DeadDrop
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DeadDrop Evil Arc

Member Seen 41 min ago

Can we move our epic CSes?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Still chipping away at my own CS, hope it will be just as successful as the two others!

No pressure on my whatsoever...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DeadDrop
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DeadDrop Evil Arc

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Leidenschaft
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Leidenschaft Relax, only half-dead

Member Seen 17 days ago

@DeadDropYOU'LL KNOW WHEN YOU CAN. Once a few more CSs are up and ready for review, we can offer a final verdict before giving some time for stragglers, GRAVSY INCLUDED.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DeadDrop
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DeadDrop Evil Arc

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@badguy28 @tfd cadets attention!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Graviloquence
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Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

@Leidenschaft With the way you’re playing this up I'm genuinely excited to see you tear my CS apart lol
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaOscarPwn
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MegaOscarPwn Daisan No Bakudan - Bite Za Dusto

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@Graviloquence@Leidenschaft This is gonna turn into a Civil War, I just know it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Leidenschaft
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Leidenschaft Relax, only half-dead

Member Seen 17 days ago

Also, and I know we're all guilty of this, but with the lack of updates from some of the others, we might give the go-ahead to move CSs to the Characters tab by this weekend. People who haven't sent in updates or finished CSs will be regularly pinged between tonight and Saturday night. Otherwise, you're considered dead.

@Leidenschaft With the way you’re playing this up I'm genuinely excited to see you tear my CS apart lol

Nothin personnel kid
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