Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordLinguinie
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LordLinguinie Master of Pasta

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Emerging from the rocky tunnel leading from the corpse filled cavern out to the sea, a group of creatures swam up under the Rancid Eel, anchored just off the coast of the island. The infant creatures had only hatched from their egg’s roughly two weeks ago, and were now standing just under four feet tall. Two of them going under the back half of the ship, two more staying underneath the front, the last and largest of the creatures stayed under the center of the Rancid Eel. Once in place, the creatures began to claw, bite, and assault the bottom of the ship. Their sharp claws and teeth tearing into the wood, water began to pour into the bottom of the ship. Shards and planks of wood began to sink into the sea as the creatures tore into the bottom of the ship.

On board the ship, the captain and his small crew began to feel significant disturbances in the ship's weight distribution as the rocking became uneven and unstable. Sending some crewmen below deck to inspect the what was going on, only one man returned to report large holes in both the bow and stern of the boat, and rambling that his friend was taken. Sending more men down to help tend to the problem, the Captain was disturbed when he heard scream coming from below deck. Rushing down to the lower part of the stern, he froze, paralyzed by fear and wonder. It was small and scaled, with blade like fins and a mouth full of shark’s teeth and he was watching the small monster devour his crew member’s face.

It was not until the creature had noticed him watching and lurched at the captain, breaking the trance on the old man. On instinct alone, he swung his sword into the creature’s neck, the blade getting stuck in the collarbone, the creature fell hard with the blade still lodged in its body. Unfortunately, the damage to the ship had been done as the water the room was now up to his knees. Rushing back to the upper half of the ship, he heard the screams of his men again, this time from the bow. ‘Another one?’ he thought to himself as he made his way topside.

“Everyone off the ship and onto the lifeboats! We are going down!” He yelled, much too late to help anyone. The ship was already halfway underwater, and was slowly beginning to capsize. At a loss and with panic filling his body, the captain gazed at island, only a few hundred yards swim away. With no other choice available other than death, the captain lept overboard, with most his men following suit, they landed in the warm salty sea, as their beloved ship slowly submerged, sinking into the abyss below.

The remaining four creatures lurked from below, hidden in the darkness of the water, they watched as bodies landed into their domain. Swimming with unbelievable speed, the creatures began to chase after their prey, enthralled with the chase before their meal. The smallest of the bunch, with more purple-hued scales quickly caught up to the leading swimmer, closest to the ‘safety’ of the beaches. Toying with its food, it began to claw at the man’s leg, causing him to let out an audible scream scaring the others who swam behind him. Biting with immense force directly into the man's stomach and back, and digging its claws into his arms and legs, the creature ravenously pulled the man below in a flurry of blood and bubbles. Following their sibling’s example, the other three creatures began to attack the remaining members of the boat's crew, one by one pulling the crew down to their watery grave.

The captain fought to keep his head above water, the rough waves making him struggle to see and keep himself afloat. Though the ocean kept the old seaman blinded, he could hear the wales of his men around him as they were being viciously picked off around him. Thanks to some floating debris from the ship, the captain was able to regain his bearings using the large piece of wood as support to keep him afloat. About a dozen men had jumped into the water with him, and yet he looked all around him, the waters were completely empty. The dark blob of the island still remained at least two hundred yards away, the captain began to kick his legs vigorously slowly pushing himself towards land. The captain kicked hard at the creatures as they toyed with him, clawing his legs and feet. He screamed in pain as the creatures began to bite into his legs, now unable to kick. The blood curdling screams of the captain echoed across the top of the water, piercing the ears of the hunting party on the beach. Unable to fight anymore, the captain gave in, sinking into the waters below, he was quickly torn apart by the monsters below.

The waters surrounding the scaly flesh fiends were darkened by the large amount of blood released from all of the bodies. Turning their attention towards the meat on the beaches of their home, the quickly made their way ashore. The largest of the group, signified by his dark green landed on the western end of the beach. The small purple colored creature headed for the eastern end spotting two smaller prey, while the remaining two creatures, both a lighter blue color, headed for the center, close to where the party landed and where a small party still stood.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Excal
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Excal Lord of cannon fodder

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The blood curdling screams of the captain echoed across the top of the water, piercing the ears of the hunting party on the beach. Unable to fight anymore, the captain gave in, sinking into the waters below, he was quickly torn apart by the monsters below.

...while the remaining two creatures, both a lighter blue color, headed for the center, close to where the party landed and where a small party still stood.

Anastasia crossed her arms as she stood atop the crate, rolling her eye's at Donnel's dismissive remark. She sighed as a third of the group seemed to agree with his suggestion and went off on their own way towards the east and west. Her eyes twitched violently for a brief moment, unhappy to be dealing once more with idiots.

A strange movement in the distance caught her sight and she narrowed her eyes, staring far ahead, spotting the ship still moored a ways off, their primary ride home. She watched, eyes slowly widening, as the ship began to descend, slowly than rapidly, into the ocean. Many followed her gaze and gawked, gasping and pointing, a commotion stirring among them.


Her hunter rushed to their boat and picked up one of their bags, retrieving a bronze spyglass and handing it over. She extended it and peered through, watching in greater detail the sinking of the Rancid Eel, and the men jumping overboard.

She watched their struggle.

She watched them sink.

And the growing red patch blotting the sea that replaced them.

And then they heard that scream.

Her strongers senses picked up the faint motion, quickly heading for them.


"Oi, lass, wha' ya seein' out there!? Wha's goin' on!?" One of the thugs called out.

She grinded her teeth and lept off the crate, turning to her men, her hunters, armed with poleaxe and blunderbuss, her initiates, armed with spear and shield and mace.

A cold fear washed over her.

And yet.

... This was going to be fun.

She grinned wolfishly, drinking in the rising adrenaline and the iron scent on the winds, her canines bearing, her initiates briefly gazing not at their pious lady, but the devil. The eyes of her hunters gleamed beneath their masks and hats.

They stood eager, some of them giggling.

Her initiates shook, some pale.

"OUR SHIP HAS FALLEN. PREPARE FOR IMMEDIATE COMBAT. SPEAR CIRCLE!" She barked sharply, her troop bolting into position, forming a circle of spear and interlocked shields further into the beach, her hunters armed with rifles at the ready inside, herself leaping into the inner circle and preparing her own, gazing at the waterfront.

Upon her first words a mass panic spread through the crowd of sellswords and brigands, many of the inexperienced and novice bolting for their landing craft and seeking to escape the death trap they had found themselves in, unaware of the danger about to spring upon them, feet dragging through the muddy water, desperate to set off their simple boats. The more experienced drew their weapon and followed her lead, backing off into the rocky terrain and sparse, sandy forest of the inner isle, looking for danger.

She watched the fools struggle, unknowing of the coming danger, her men and her slowly backing away, awaiting the specticle like a child.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Davos turned his glare to the source of the new speaker, finding a fancily dressed woman standing proudly to the side with a grin. All it took was a glance at her and the cronies behind her loading into the ship for the trapper to dismiss her entirely with a grunt, waving her away with his free hand. Nobility were rarely worth his time to deal with and in his experience they rarely bothered to do any of the real work themselves.
Judging from the pristine grips of her weapon this one was nothing more than a figurehead.

The information he had gathered on the creature during their brief conflict was explained to the captain in painstaking detail before they boarded the ship. At the helm of the ship he leaned over the railing with his gaze stuck on the island in the distance, his mind replaying the creatures retreat every leg of the way.

Touching down on the southern most part of the island he gazed the surroundings disdainfully. Too open, lacking any charm or useful components beyond what he correctly assumed would be a series of cave mouths. If the creature thrived in water and could not sustain itself on dry land then it stood to reason the caves led much deeper. Perhaps a natural well at its core where water pooled up, a perfect place to sleep without dwelling on an ambush.

Even beasts knew they were vulnerable while they slept.

From the group that landed on the island only two of them had any worth to the trapper, one being the captain. The other was an axe wielding brigand with a hook poking out of his pouch whom shrugged off the others with that same disinterested professionalism he himself had shown earlier.
Lacking any social graces, Davos decided to investigate the potential teammates worth the same way he did with most things. Bluntly.

"Marauder. You got the look of someone worth keeping alive, and I need the right man for my work. What say you?"

@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Libe spent her time on the boat listening to what everyone else was talking about. Most of it was just idle chatter and woes about the coming hunt. Libe found a secluded spot on the ship and practiced a few swings, trying to get into the mind if the enemy. She wasn’t fighting mere men this time, but monsters in the shape of men. They likely used claws, teeth, and spikes like animals. This actually eased Libe’s mind. She could kill animals. She imagined what a battle against the monster would be like and started moving her body and sword to replicate that battle in her mind. She imagined the monster was swift for its size, as a sluggish monster would have never have survived for this long on its own. Despite that Libe was faster, avoiding its talons and fins while slicing into its unarmored body parts. It’s scales were no doubt able to foil a lighter blade, and besides Libe had learned not to bother piercing armor anyways.

By the time Libe had stained the beast in her head the ship had landed. Libe leapt off the ship and onto the shore taking in the desolate sight. This barren rock looked better off buried underneath the sea. Perhaps a prison could be built here to keep the insane isolated from society. Either way it was an ugly place and Libe wouldn’t mind leaving soon.

As she wandered the shore for a bit many have already left to go scout the island. One person, Anastasia, was trying to rally her mercenaries to assemble. Just like with Captain Drystan, Libe was familiar with the Ballanger family and their mysterious new member. A foreign woman with no known ties to any nobility or renown, best known for her swordsmanship and her sudden rise into power. She was trying to rally the other hunters, but even her own men seemed uninterested in her commands. This made Libe suspect that Anastasia was either a fool who stumbled into her position, or she never had intended for her own men to escape this island alive. Libe was all too familiar with the type of women who could throw away the lives of dim witted men who’d gladly fall into their swords for money or lust. That was the type of woman Libe vowed never to become.

Though the words of Libe’s sister rang in her mind, she figured that it would be best for her to seek out the monsters on her own for now. If she did find any, she would at least alert the others first so that they can witness her skill in battle. But little did Libe know the monsters around find her first. She heard the dying screams of sailors as Libe turned towards the water and saw the Rancid Eel go down. Libe steeled herself as drew her sword as she heard the beasts swim closer to shore.

Four creatures walked ashore. Glancing around Libe could tell they were going after other hunters. A large one went west where the captain had gone. Another went east where Libe had seen a few more hunters travel. Two more, the twins of the litter it seemed, came to the area where Libe and Anastasia was. As the aristocratic tried to rally her people, Libe wasted no time engaging the other fish monster. Taking out a dagger she flung it at the monster nailing it right in the shoulder. Some blood seeped from the wound, but her dagger did not bury itself very deep. It did get the creature’s attention.

The monster charged at Libe as she braved herself. It shot its claw forward to Libe’s face to cut her eyes out but she was able to duck underneath the swipe and sliced her blade down into the Beast from shoulder to hip. Or at least that’s what would’ve happened. But the monster’s scales were tougher than she had anticipated and while her blade dig into its flesh, it slowed her blade just long enough for the Beast to take another swing at Libe. She was forced to jump back and pull her blade out from its shoulder. ”Hmph. You’re just a little bit tougher then I thought.” The creature was bleeding heavily from its shoulder with a wound at least four inches deep. Libe knew she had cut into bone and the fish man’s right arm hung limp as it struggled to move it. Swiping the blood off her blade Libe took on her defensive stance.

The fishman roared and charged at Libe again. This time she also charged and just as he lashed out at Libe she sidestepped so that her blade would cut into the fish man’s hand, slicing through from his middle finger down to its forearm. It screamed in pain as Libe swiftly dispatched it: she kicked the monster in the back of its knee so that it knelt onto the sand, and with her blade poised above her head she sliced the fish man’s head clean from its shoulder. It’s ghastly visage left a disgusted feeling in the pit of Libe’s stomach.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jericho kept quiet, mostly enjoying the feeling of being at sea again. He smiled as the sounds of waves hit the side of the ship, the smell of salt filled his nostrils. Gods above, it was good to be home. Once they arrived to the island, he stayed quiet, playing his lute as they walked. Sure, it was to keep the group in a good mood, but it also served as a warning for any nearby animals. It was doubtful any beast would attack a group this size.

“Holy shit!” He said, his concentration broken at the sight of their ship sinking. “Great, first ship I’ve been on in years, and it goes right into the water. Not exactly a confidence booster.” He said, then saw the men being attacked in the water.

“Dear gods.” He muttered, no longer in a joking mood. This was a risk they all signed up for, but he didn’t expect it to happen so soon. He shook his head as he saw the water turn red. “May you rest in the depths with peace.” He said.

He then noticed the four creatures coming out of the water, one wasting no time rushing and attacking Libe. Jericho grabbed his trident and aimed at another of the creatures, getting ready to strike. With all his might, he tossed the trident at at the creature.

It landed at the thing’s feet, which caused it to look at the trident, and then at Jericho. “So, I wanna begin my three part apology. Part number one.” He then took off running, causing the creature to chase after him.

Jericho was only running for a simple reason. He really didn’t want to risk hitting a teammate in the crossfire. As he ran, he pulled out a pistol from his holster, cocking it. Once he was far enough away, he turned and aimed at the creature, firing. The bullet went right into its shoulder, causing it to cry out in pain. Jericho grabbed the barrel of the gun to hold like a club, hitting the creature across the face with the handle.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Excal
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Excal Lord of cannon fodder

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As Anastasia and her troop stood in a defensive circle, shields and spears raised, blunderbusses aimed and ready, they watched as the two sea monsters burst from the waves into the crowd of cowards who had dragged their boats into the water.

Within mere seconds, they shredded through them like paper, lunging on the unsuspecting, panicking brigands, many so steeped in shock and fear that they barely reached their weapons before death. Claws and teeth eviscerated bone and tissue, men and women decapitated, disemboweled, ripped apart, and torn into pieces, the shore water painted red with the gore of twenty, mounds of organ and limb congealing on the surface, boats floating unattended.

As the monsters finished tearing through the first crowd, they lunged at the rest of them. One caught a dagger in it's shoulder and charged for the source, attacking Libe, it's head cut from it's shoulders after a brief strife. Anastasia witnessed Libe's skill and smirked, taking note of the young swordswomen. More importantly, she took note that, though the beasts were savage in strength, their bodies were not as armored as she had believed, at least not these runts.

She watched as the other monster chased Jericho after his missed trident throw, staring blank faced at the humerous specticle as he turned and shot the thing in the shoulder, then bashed it across the face, sending it stumbling a step back, hissing and snarling.

She burst into a fit of laughter at the sight, a wave of calm washing over her and her hunters at these "runts", while her initiates were practically shaking and pale, staring wide eyed at the carnage the creatures had left on the shore, many muttering prayers. They glanced back at their laughing leader, who put a hand on their shoulders and parted them, picking out a small vial filled with "green" liquid, turning to her hunters and barking out quickly!

"Ballanger Guard! It is time to show the true might of royal sanctioned hunters! TAKE YOUR POTIONS!"

Her hunters let out a warcry and a cheer, repeating her gesture and taking their vials, making a brief performance of being "affected" by the "potion", shaking and grunting. She stuck her poleaxe in the sand and slipped off her cloak and blunderbuss, cracking her knuckles.


She turned and bolted for the creature attacking Jericho as it regained it's senses and began a new assault and chase. She and her men sprinted across the sand like horses, closing the distance in the blink of an eye, Boris and Daniel gripping the creature's arms, pressing their armored fingers into it's scales, digging their heels in, somehow matching the monster's strength as it sought to break free of their hold and lash out, chomping at them in futility.

Soon followed Anastasia from behind, who grabbed the creatures mouth as it let out a hissing, girgling growl, letting it's razor teeth bury themselves into the leather of her gauntlets, piercing her fingers, as she smashed her knee into it's spine with an audible CRUNCH of scale and bone, then screamed and pulled it's upper jaw back, splitting it's mouth wide open to the air, rupturing the tendons of it's cheeks, it's tongue wriggling like a worm, a painful screech resounding through the beach as spasmed in their grasp.

In unison with her men she tore it's head back, bending and crushing it's neck and spinal cord, tearing off the top of it's head, strings of taut oily tendons keeping it from fully breaking off. Boris and Daniel pulled back and twisted it's arms out of it's sockets, then gripped it's elbow joints and snapped them forward, broken, bent bones emerging from it's scales and skin. With a final tug they ripped the arms off fully at the elbow.

The tortured monster's body fell and seizured on the ground, it's growl girgling off into a soft hiss as life left it and it released it's bowels in death, as most creatures do, the smell of fish waste mixing in with the iron tinge of blood and human gore in the air.

They threw it's body parts away and she turned to the crowd of survivors, her recruits included, many staring in a mix of disgust, fear, and awe, quite a few vomitting and some weeping as the shock passed over.

"THIS IS THE MIGHT OF THE BALLANGER GUARD," she roared, smiling wide. Nobody applauded. She didn't mind, she hadn't had a good goring in some time since her last man-hunt.

She turned to Jericho, giving him a wolfish grin and a wink, chuckling, "Nice shot sailor."

Turning away, she approached Libe, the younge swordswomen, giving her a warm smile, "My commendations to your skill! You dispatched that beast with suprising efficiency. You have my respect, truly you are one to take note of. Ah, but, pleasentries will have to wait, there are still more of these beasts running afoot."

She turned back to her men, Boris and Daniel lazily rejoining the ranks, wiping the slim of the fish monsters on their pants, chuckling amongst themselves, then turning to her. She called out, "Feodore! Stay here with the recruits and watch the boats, they're our only ride home. If more of these ... smaller ones show up, handle them as you see fit.

However, if our true target arrives, fall back and throw a signal bomb. If we do not come in minutes, blow the whistle and run for cover 'til our arrival."

Feodore, one of the smaller male hunters, shrouded in black leather armor like the rest, gave a faint nod, turning to the pale, sick, trembling recruits, speaking softly to them and reassuring them of divine protection and blessings. It seemed to only slightly help.

She turned to her remaining 7 elite troop, "The rest of you, with me to the western beach, the Captain requires our aid!"

She looked over shoulder at Libe, nodding at her to follow, "Come, I am sure your skill will be needed. The others on the eastern beach are the only other skilled hunters I have seen besides us, they will handle the other creature."

She looked over the rest of them, looking at Jericho in particular, "Anyone else wishing to impress the Captain come with me!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordLinguinie
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LordLinguinie Master of Pasta

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

*Meanwhile in Rothenburg*

Kristof Grux & his small posse of four enforcers walked the streets of the easternmost shopping district of Rothenburg, making their way towards the docks. The guards walked in a tight box around Grux, with two behind & two in front, each armed with a steel mace, shields and some of the kingdoms most finely crafted armor. Only a handful of people could afford armor of this quality, and luckily these men worked directly for one of them. People filled the shopping districts, children in the streets playing while their parents shop for the day, it was a happy & lively seen. The fresh aroma of warm breads & cookies filled the commander’s nose as they walked by a family owned bakery. The delightful sights and smells had Grux at ease, if not only for the moment. Walking closer to the docks now, they could hear many people shouting and creating a ruckus just out of sight. A number of scenarios crossed Grux’s mind as he and his rushed down the docks to a small gathering crowd of sailors and citizens.

“What is the problem here folks?” the old commander said as he approached the crowd. The chatter and comotion ending when he approached was a normal part of Grux’s life.
“Commander… I think you should just see for yourself…” one of the sailors said, passing a small scope to Grux. Following everyone’s gaze, Grux looked at the island not far off in the distance, barely visible over the light fog and dim cloudy day lighting. Through the scope, he was taken aback by what he saw. In the distance, he could just make out the hind quarters of The Rancid Eel, sticking up out of the water, slowly sinking down to the deep. He had a sinking feeling in his stomach that the first hunt of the council’s new Guild was going to be a bust.
“Do any of you know if anyone got off that boat?!” The commander spoke with much more urgency, passing the scope over to his guard.
“I saw some silhouettes in the water heading for shore but the fog and the distance made ti hard to tell, I’m not sure anyone made it to land.” The same sailor replied back.
“Alright, I need a boat and a capable captain to take me and my men over their for a rescue mission. There could be survivors on the island waiting on rescue.” The commander said with a reassuring and firm voice.
“Sir, excuse me for speaking out of turn, but we don’t know what sunk that ship. For all we know the monster is still out there, and is likely to sink any ship that goes out there.” A different sailor from the crowd spoke up this time, older and more worn down that the previous.
“This man is right. I am not forcing any going to force anyone here to help me. I am only asking for a captain with a ship capable of carrying me, my men, and any survivors we may find.” Grux explained to the crowd.
The first sailor spoke up again, raising his arm into the air swiftly “I’m your captain sir, I would be honored to help serve, Sir.” the man spoke, giving an attempt at a proper salute.

Making their way down the docks, Grux, his new captain, and his four guards made their way to the man’s meager ship. It looked a capable & sturdy vessel though it lean on the slower side. With enough room for extra passengers above and below deck, the small crew of men prepared to set off. As he was about to step on the boat, Grux turned, looking around for a local patrol. Just as he expected, the southern dock patrol made their way up the docks towards his position. The guards changed their posture and attitude the moment they noticed just whose presence it was they were in. Of the three guards who approached, the center one carry only a broadsword, while the other two both carried short bows, loaded quivers, a sheathed shortsword, and a reinforced shield over the quiver.
Pointing to the center guard the commander spoke “I need you to run as fast you possibly can directly to the castle. You stop for no one and you will only speak to the king. If anyone asks you or stops you, you tell them you are on my orders to talk only to the king. When you see him, tell him that the Rancid eel has been sunk and I am leading a search party for survivors. You tell him to begin planning a full on assault on that island. Do you understand me?” Grux spoke with such speed and urgency the guard just barely comprehended what he had said, only shaking his head to acknowledge his orders, quickly turning and darting back for the castle.
“You two, help get that boat ready to sail, were setting off as soon as the captain says we are ready.” Grux commanded the other two guards. It only took moments for the crew of now eight men total to get the ship up and ready to go.
“Commander Grux! We set sail for the island on your orders!” the captain shouted now ready to take hi ship out on the water.
“Full sail ahead captain!” the commander roared, staring off into the distant dark island, becoming ever more cloaked in the setting sun.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Migyudon
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Migyudon I just really really like gyudon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Location: Rothenburg]

Lia had to make camp after her hunt. She was severely hurt and tired; she couldn't leave her wounds to fester.

Three days later, she ambled towards the city gates. Without the signs of nature, Lia was left to use a walking stick to navigate the kingdom-ward roads. Each bump against the stone path disconnected her more and more, until the chirp were replaced with rabble, and the trees were now stands of merchants. It was a cacophony that left her unable to sense anything around her. She would hit a person or two along the way-- yet nobody dared to shout nor reprimand the blind hunter, not out of pity but respect.

Her cranial trophy was hoisted and slung snugly on her back. It's blood had already dried on her leather tunic, along with the battered armor from the ensuing struggle. It had been marked down to the bone, clearly with her name: "Irelia" This was her way of fending off would-be fame seekers, believably more capable of her achievement.

She navigated around the city, reaching where she last remembered the guard's barracks would be.

"I've come here for my reward." She boldly announced, as if the thing she's carrying didn't alert the entire city of the blind girl with a giant head strapped to her back.

Lia had something to show the captain, even a king's guard if she would be allowed to. Clutched in her hands would be a tattered, barely recognizeable hunting notice from two weeks ago.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nymeria
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Captain Drystan

Drystan stopped, suddenly noticing a small, abandoned campsite in his path. Strange. There was very little reason for someone to be on this island, especially with a dangerous monster lurking about. And he doubted that the creature was skilled enough or even had a use for building a fire. He stared, skimming the ground, looking for clues as to who or what had been there. His gaze turned to the trees, looking carefully for any sign of....

He was suddenly pulled out of his deep concentration by a loud shriek. His head+ shot around to look towards the sea. From where he stood, he could barely make out the Rancid Eel in the water. Or what was left of it. The unmistakable crimson cloud in the water grew larger and larger as he watched. The vein on his neck pulsed as his blood pressure rose. His lips slowly curled up into a smile. 'So it begins.'

He turned and took a few steps towards the beach when a bit of movement caught his attention. He stopped mid-step and froze, his eyes slowly moving towards the dark green blur. There it was. While it wasn't the creature they had set out to hunt, it was clearly of the same species. Most likely it's offspring. 'So the monster is able to procreate. We'll have to be sure to destroy it's nest...'

The creature let out a loud, gestural screech, showing off it's razor sharp teeth in the process. Drystan grinned as his hand slowly reached for his blade. Detecting his movement, the creature lashed out. It lunged forward with surprising speed, slashing it's sharp claws towards the Captain. He darted to the side, his sword now out of it's sheath and gripped firmly in his hand. "You want to play? Let's play." He swung forward, bringing his sword down on the back of the creature with an audible whoosh. The creature screamed in pain as the blade cut deep into it's leathery skin, only stopped by it's spine. Drystan pulled the blade out and took a step back. The creature reared and slashed, bringing it's claws across Drystan's arm, slicing three large cuts between his leather bracers and his shoulder guards. Unaffected by his new wounds, the Captain drew his sword back once again and brought it down atop the creatures skull.


His blade made contact and the creature, once again, roared in pain, blood spurting from it's new wound onto the man who caused it. It staggered backwards, clawed hands pressing against it's skull, trying to stop the pain. Drystan dropped his blade to the ground and reached for the dagger at his belt in one fluid motion. As the creature tried to regain it's composure, the hunter again lunged forward and sunk the dagger deep into the fishman's throat. It squelched as blood shot out of it's mouth, it's airway punctured. With a grin, Drystan pulled the dagger out and dealt the finishing blow: one last swipe through the thing's throat, leaving it's head barely attached with only it's spine in tact.

It fell to the ground, lifeless and bloody. Drystan stood above it, covered in a mixture of the creature's blood and some of his own. His hair fell about his face as he breathed heavily, a smile still on his face. It had been far too long since he had had a good fight. He straightened up and wiped his dagger on his pants, cleaning the blood off. He returned it to it's sheath and went to pick up his sword from the ground when another sound caught his attention. He glanced behind, towards the sea and spotted it: far larger and angrier than the lifeless husk that lay on the ground, the sire, the fabled fish creature stood. It's stance was aggressive, it's arms held out to it's sides, claws poised and at the ready. It let out a blood-curdling screech so loud, those at the docks heard it and shuddered.

Back in Rothenburg...

The guards barracks were noticeably quiet today, as many had left with the Hunter's Guild and those who hadn't, were on patrol. The guard left in command sat at a desk nearest the door, clearly uninterested in his new position, scribbling a few notes on a piece of parchment.

As the door opened and a new figure emerged, he glanced up from his busywork. It was a bit of a strange site, not one he had expected. A woman, not much younger than the guard himself, entered with a boldness not often seen among the populace of the city. His eyes widened at the sight of the thing on her back.

"Oh. I....uh...." he stumbled, clearly caught off guard. "The Captain is out right now....I...er..." He glanced to a pile of paperwork to his side before looking at the tattered parchment in her hand. He shuffled a few papers before finding what he was looking for.

"Oh...ah, the Ogre." he said, clearing his throat. "Fine work. If I may, how was something as small as you able to slay a creature so massive?"

As he spoke, he pulled out a ring with a number of keys hanging off of it. He sifted through them, finding the proper one and unlocking a draw. He searched for a moment before pulling out a small coin purse. "I believe 40 coins was the agreed upon price." He placed the bag on the table in front of him and offered a small smile.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Migyudon
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Migyudon I just really really like gyudon

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Lia, sadly, was part of those left behind. She had insisted to come, but never begged to. Her dignity could not be reduced to pleading, when she clearly knew her worth as a hunter; everyone else was the problem, as if vision was the only sense to have. A pitiful being to be, depending only on one's sight to see.

She hitched the trophy, pulling on one of the fastening that was starting to come undone. It rattled once again, this time against her armor and pack. Lia listened to the guard, squinting at the direction of his voice as he asked. "Fine work. If I may, how was something as small as you able to slay a creature so massive?"

"I used a snare and shot it in the eye while trapped." She tried to speak calmly. Even then, a hint of spurned anger tinged her speech. "Was there another way to behead an ogre alone?"

Lia wanted to take back her sarcastic question, but she was tired, and the ogre head was getting heavy. With heft, she propped the giant bulbous organ on the ground. It sat neatly; whatever fluid would have leaked had dried up on her trek back to civilization. She could hear the guard behind the desk fumbling about, followed by the distinct chinkling of a bag of coins.

"I believe 40 coins was the agreed upon price." Lia reached forward until her fingertips touched the edge of the table; she then continued, now palming for the bag of coins. Her vision never strayed from the nothingness it was staring at until she grabbed the bag by the tie and pocketed it.

She returns to the ogre and, twisting it until it oriented in the guard's general direction. Lia felt its forehead, looking for the marking she had carved. "Do you see this?" She ran her hand on letters that spelled "IRELIA"

"If you are to announce this creature's demise, I want my name mentioned. Irelia Vyntr." Emphasis on the last name. Lia had a glassy look, yet expressed so much just by the way her eyelids twitched, and her brows furrowed. Her glare was absolute passion.

"Do you understand what I am asking of you.., sir?" Lia stood firmly, waiting for his response.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Walking eastward Donnel wasn’t expecting anything too excited, honestly. Even if half of these hunters were nothing glory seekers and fool, their sheer number ought to allow them to overwhelm the fishman with heavy casualties. And as long as Donnel gets out of t alive he wasn’t too concerned about the casualties. The current crew were a mix group. Some seem fairly rough-and-tumble, with a small handful who carried themselves like Anastasia. That is to say, noble. ”Pfft. I’ll show em… Don’t need no fancy upbringing ya slay monsters.”

As Donnel was closer to the cave someone came up to speak to him. It was the trapper who had met the beast before, Draven or Dravos one of the two. He was straight to the point: he wanted to work with Donnel. Donnel was equally blunt. ”S’long as the work is killing monsters and the I get money from it, sure. What should I call yer, partner?” Donnel extended a hand to seal to deal with Dravos. But whether or not Dravos did take the hand or not the two had a surprise guest: a fishman. Looking down the beach Donnel could vaguely make out the silhouette of more fishmen, so Donnel assumes these guys were just the minions. Taking his shield out Donnel looked to the lone purple fisher. ”Time to earn my pay.”

The fishman roared at the two with a high pitched screech. In response Donnel threw his hook at the fishman, the stars pointed blade digging into its inner cheek. ”Ha! Gottem!” With a swift jerk Donnel pulled the fish man towards him, using just the one arm to drag the monster closer. It tried to struggle and did put up a decent fight against Donnel, but once he was close enough her just ripped the hook out from the fish man’s face and chopped at its head with the edge of his shield.

The blow would’ve killed a normal man if not cut his head clean off, but these fishmen were made of slightly sterner stuff. It reached out and ya led Donnel’s foo from underneath him and caused him to fall prone. The fishman took this chance to pounce on Donnel, dripping blood and saliva all over his face. It tried to claw into Donnel’s neck but his helmet and chainmail foiled the monster’s talons easily. In between it’s futile attempts at cutting into Donnel’s neck he reached out and grabbed the fishman by the flab of torn skin, pulling its head close to be smashed by Donnel’s own armored forehead. This stunned the creature long enough for Donnel to push the beast off and rolled back into his feet.

The marauder readied himself for another attack as the fishman got to his feet and lunged at Donnel. He was ready this time, he let the monster slam into his shield and impale itself onto the spike on Donnel’s shield. Using the momentum of the creatures tackle, Donnel carried the fishman over his head and slammed him into the ground. In one swift motion Donnel drew the axe from his back and chopped downward, sinking his axe into the fishman‘s chest, splitting ribs, lungs, and cutting into its heart. The fishman screamed in pain as Donnel braced his foot against its arm and hacked it to death until he had chopped it in half. Blood and viscera seeped from the beast’s body and flowed down to the water.


Cleaning his axe of gore Donnel noticed a bigger, angrier fish in the water approaching. Donnel pointed his axe at the beastie. ”There our mark.” Turning back to Dravos, the brigand smiled underneath his helmet and motioned him over. ”Yer a trapper ain’t ya? Let the others play with the big fish for now. We should set up a nice lil ambush for it.” Donnel smiled as he pointed inland a bit more away from the water where it could flee into.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

When their foe had arrived, two poisoned arrows flew towards it's gaping maw as it roared at the hunters. Iva had been waiting for this moment and trusted her arrows to land true. Regardless if the arrows had struck or not, she would vanish from her hidden location among the rocky crags and quickly dash away out of sight, letting the others interfere and slow it down. Hopefully Iva's arrows had managed to pierce the monster's flesh inside of it's mouth so that the Addle poison will take effect. Having observed the others fight the lesser Trieste Iva was certain that even her broadheads would have a hard time piercing this monster's scaly skin without careful aim to it's less armored vitals. Thus it was only practical to let the others with heavier weapons deal with the beast and weaken further alongside Iva's arrows and poisons.

As she escaped Iva spotted two other hunters furtherest from the Trieste. She knew them as Marauder and Davos. Davos had encountered the beast before with no visible injuries, so she assumed he was a hunter who specialized in either range attacks or traps. Marauder looked like a brigand so he must be strong, and possibly cunning if he had survived for this long. At the very least they didn't seem to be charging straight to battle and from what Iva almost caught, it sounds like they wanted to lay a trap for the Trieste instead of taking it head on. Iva liked this idea. She approached them calmly, her bow and body hidden underneath her cloak, only the lower half of her face seen underneath the hood. She coughed loudly to get their attention and when she got about ten feet she extended her hand out. In her hand was a vial of one of her paralysis poisons. It's sickly yellow coloration and clearly deadly label (A skull) hopefully made it obvious to the both of them that it was a poison. But if they decided to drink it instead, then she wanted nothing to do with such fools.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

One by one the fishmen fell to the blades of the hunters. The damage they did was fairly minimal as far as Libe knew. It was more shocking than dangerous, but she knew such over confidence could kill her. Still she took solace in the fact that she could, in fact, kill these creatures. She gripped her arm as it was shaking. It was her first kill on a creature that wasn't an animal. She's hunted rabbits, foxes, deer, wolves, and even slew a bear, but this was her first monster kill. She took a small sheet of cloth and wiped the blood from her blade as she looked to the others. Sure enough Anastasia's mob was no match for even one of these creatures as Libe watched in quiet horror of the ghastly scene before her. Men and women torn apart like hens attacked by wolves. And it was just one of these monsters that had done this. Libe wasn't sure if she should be horrified or proud that she managed to slay one of these creatures on her own. She did have to turn away to vomit a little.

Wiping up her bile from her mouth Libe looked towards Anastasia as she made a spectacle of her kill. Her two minions had tore it's arms off while she had grabbed it by the head and kept it still with inhuman strength. Perhaps it was the power of the potion, but Libe herself still couldn't believe such a potion could grant a mere mortal that level of strength. "Inhuman..." Libe shuddered. Anastasia approached which made Libe straight up but hide her eyes underneath the brim of her hat. The woman congratulated Libe on the efficiency of her kill to which Libe spoke curtly. "Expect nothing less. If I had not, more of your men would've died." She motioned towards the pile of mutilated corpses without looking directly at them. Libe wondered if she even cared that she had brought these sheeple to a slaughter.

Anastasia was going to head west where the captain had gone to assist him. Libe figured he could take care of himself, however it was possible that he may have also found the creature. If so Libe wanted to be there to fight it. So she followed Anastasia for a short while until she heard a deafening roar that was so loud it caused Libe to kneel and clutch her ears. "Goddamn! What was that!?" Turning to the source of the roar Libe paled before the sight. Even from her distant position the creature was huge; easily twice as tall as Libe, and likely eight times as heavier. Compared to the ones they just fought Libe could tell this one wasn't going to be nearly as easy to slay. Hell, one arm was bigger than Libe's entire body. If she even gets a glancing blow from that creature, Libe doesn't expect to leave without broken bones if not a limb torn off. Fear shook her body.

But it would not control her. "No! I won't let this creature end me! It will be nothing more but a stain on my blade." She had already slain it's spawn and this monster would meet the same fate. She would be faster, strike swifter, and cut the creature into ribbons before it could lay a finger on her. This Libe was determined to do. Readying her sword once more Libe watched as two arrows flew into the monster's mouth. Libe barely caught sight of the mysterious archer who fired them and by the time Libe looked she saw nothing but rocky crags. Still Libe couldn't let this opportunity go to waste as she charged forward, blade poised to strike, as she readied for the monster to come at her. "Foul wretch! You belong with the rest of your kind in a slum market: gutted and hanged."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 12 days ago


Zande cocked his head towards the ruckus. Screaming and yelling and who knows what else. He'd been out foraging, and hadn't expected to see any other humans on the island. His interest piqued, he darted towards the battle tatty black cloak streaking behind him.

Reaching the skirmish, he bounded up onto a boulder and squatted there, watching Captain Drystan take on a butt ugly fish thing. He took out a small bag of dried banana slices and began stuffing them into his mouth as he viewed the spectacle.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordLinguinie
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LordLinguinie Master of Pasta

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Silently emerging from its nest through one of the tunnels leading out the surrounding waters, the large sea creature watched as it’s spawn had been slain by their prey, something that it had not expected. Filled with rage over the deaths of its children, it roared after watching a large male man, quickly dispatch his largest and most dominant offspring with a series of combos. As it attempted to lunge for the attacker, it felt a small tap as two small flying objects bounced off it’s chin., cracking two scales on impact. Before the creature could make contact with it’s target, it saw something coming in it’s peripheral vision. Quickly turning, it thrusted its large armor-scaled claws sideways into the oncoming blade, with immense force while simultaneously sidestepping and while swinging its claws and razor blade like fin covered arm in the direction of the oncoming assailant with brute force. Now two enemies in front of him, plus the hidden enemy who had thrown pebbles at it earlier.  The creature quickly realized the odds were not in it’s favor, and stepped back, rethinking it’s strategy. The impending danger in the air made the creature all the more feral, heightening it’s senses but also impeding its judgement. Needing a quick advantage, the creature shoved it’s massive foot-fin into the sand and kicked it up into the the air at the enemies faces in front of it, hoping to blind them, specifically the smaller one.
Glancing around the beach, the creature saw more silhouettes converging, all coming to try and take it's life. Realizing it’s own dire situation, the fury in the creature's roar doubled as it charged again at the enemies, this time at full speed, teeth barred, claws out, the massive creature ran towards the massive male once more, attempting to crab onto him and take a bite.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nymeria
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Captain Drystan

Eyes narrowed, mind focused, Drystan lowered his center of gravity in preparation for the creatures attack. He waited until the very last moment to jump aside, barely dodging the thing's massive claws. He grabbed at his dagger, once more unsheathing it from his belt. His sword was still on the ground some ways away so his dagger and his fists would have to do for now.

Blood pumping, things almost seemed to move in slow motion in his mind. A mixture of adrenaline and the liquid strength that pulsed in his veins heightened all of his senses, reflexes and strength to almost inhuman levels. This fight would be fun.

The creature regained it's bearings after it's first attack missed. He turned, letting out another snarl before lunging forward again. Instead of dodging this time, Drystan barreled right into the creatures attack. He avoided it's clawed hands and brought his dagger down onto the thing's hunched shoulder with immense strength. The creatures skin was tough, covered in rock-like scales, but because of the strength behind the blow, the dagger first cracked, then broke the scales below it. The blade sunk into the soft skin beneath, blood spurting out of the new wound. The creature let out an inhuman scream before swiping at the man who had caused the pain.

Drystan withdrew his dagger just in time to be swiped aside by the creature's massive claws. Instead of letting it knock him to the ground, he grabbed ahold of the creature's arm and used it to launch himself over it's body. He landed on the other side and struck another blow to it's side, cracking and breaking more scales with it.

More blood. More shrieks. Drystan rolled under the next strike, slashing at it's legs. His blow didn't have enough strength behind it, this time, to get through the tough scales and only left mild scratches to the surface. He regained his footing and slashed again, this time leaving a long gash in the creature's left arm. As he drew back to strike again, the creature was able to land a blow. It's right hand swung around and smashed into Drystan's side. The strength of the attack knocked him off of his feet and threw him several yards to the ground. It knocked the wind out of him briefly and he quickly gasped for breath. The pain in his side could easily cripple a novice hunter, but it was nothing to him.

He got back to his feet as the creature charged again. He quickly scanned it's body, trying to find a point of attack that would do the most damage. It's neck was not a viable option, as the creature's hunch kept it covered by it's chin and a massive amount of scales and bone. It's stomach seemed heavily armored as well, covered in large, bone-like scales. Spotting no soft spots to take advantage of, Drystan decided on the stomach. He tightened his grip on his dagger once more and aimed for a spot where two scales met. He plunged his dagger deep, splitting between the two armored scales and sinking into it's flesh. It went in so deep that he wasn't able to retrieve it before rolling to the side to avoid the creatures attack.

Now unarmed, Drystan considered his options. The fight had moved him even farther from his sword. If he ran, he could probably make it before the creature could catch up with him, but it currently stood between him and his weapon. It turned, infuriated by the new, deeply painful wound in it's stomach and braced to charge. Making his decision, Drystan darted just to the left of the creature. As he reached to grab the creatures head, it's claws caught his torso, tearing through his shirt like nothing. If it weren't for his leather armor, he would have easily been disemboweled. The creatures strength was enough to tear through some of the leather, but only ended up piercing the surface of his skin, leaving deep scratches, but not damaging any vital organs.

Ignoring this new injury, the Captain gripped the creatures skull, sinking his thumb into it's left eye socket. Blood spurted as it screamed in pain. Drystan landed and sprinted to where his sword lay in the rocks. He grabbed ahold of it and turned to face the creature who was grasping at it's now blind left eye. He surveyed the damage: right shoulder pierced, once long gash on it's left arm, right side slashed, scratched scales across it's legs, dagger planted deep in it's stomach and now a bloody and blind left eye. Yet the creature still seemed to have it's strength. This thing was not going to go down easily.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Excal
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Excal Lord of cannon fodder

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Expect nothing less. If I had not, more of your men would've died." She motioned towards the pile of mutilated corpses without looking directly at them. Libe wondered if she even cared that she had brought these sheeple to a slaughter.

Anastasia snorted and let out a hearty chuckle as they walked, "Those people are not mine. They are the filthy degenerates who answered the public call of the Hunt, looking to take royal coin by brute strength. Mine are there who proudly bear the Ballanger crest, I would not let my patrons name be tarnished through such cowardly deaths.

Ah, but anyway, of course I should expect nothing less, your mannerisms betray you! Are you noble per chance? That blade is exceptional!"

Anastasia continued here snd there with small talk as they walked briskly to the western beach.

As the banshee like roar pierced through the air and assaulted their ears, her and her hunters also covering them, but more out of sensitivity, she dropped to her knees and took out her spyglass, examining the massive beast in the shallow waters. She grinned, "Aha, there's the wretch."

One of her female hunters whined, picking at her ear, "Blein, kakaya golis eta cyka yest." (Damn, what a voice this bitch has)

"Oh shut up and throw a signal already!" Anastasia barked back, her female hunter sighing and pulling out a thick, small black leather bomb with a sling rope tied around and a fuse. She pulled a match and lit the fuse, spinning the bomb around and tossing it maddeningly high into the air above the beast, a flash of neon red illuminating the sky with a firework pop, mellowing into a large hazy red cloud seen by any and all on the island or on the docks, marking the creature's location.

Shortly after, her initiates, Feodore, and the other brigands from the center beach came to her on the crest of the hill.

In the meantime, Anastasia watched as the young swordwoman Libe and the Captain both moved in to engage the monster. Hissing softly and clenching her teeth, she screamed, "Fucking idiots, are you mad?! Does no one plan beforehand?!"

She sighed and turned to address the group, "Very well, the Captain has ordained an immediate assault and so we shall assist.

LISTEN UP. When I give the command, my troops will encircle the beast and trap it in a cage of spears, my hunters will line up behind and fire upon it, then assault it with poleaxe behind the spearwall. The rest of you, if you have bow or rifle or spear, join in, otherwise, stay behind and be ready to rush in if it breaks free!"

The sellswords muttered nervously amongst themselves, quite a few stepping away, others joining in with additional pistols and crossbows. Her recruits stood in numb shocked rank, her hunters held their blunderbusses eagerly. She looked over the force and nodded, turning to watch the action. She took a deep breath and steeled her nerves, expecting a complete mess.

As the beast was suprisingly injured by the efforts of the Captain, Ani whistled softly and grinned, unslinging her own gun, commanding, "CORRECTION. HUNTERS, WITH ME. EVERYONE ELSE, FOLLOW AS PLANNED!


She sprinted forward at lightening pace, her hunters at her side. As the Captain recovered his blade and turned to face the beast, she stopped in front of him, falling to a kneeling firing position, her hunters following her movements perfectly, all blasting the beast with gunfire pointblank at once.

Not waiting to see the results, they switched blunderbuss for poleaxe and circled around the creature swiftly, spear ends raised, as the rest of her troop caught up and begin to press on the creature with spears and shield, the brigands following behind and firing loosely at the beast, hollering like lunatics, some even throwing stones.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Norschtalen@Lucius Cypher

Davos glanced down at the extended hand and briefly considered not shaking it but ultimately chose to deal with that simple formality of agreed alliance. Firm gripped, they shook hands. Donnels concern about payment was precisely why he would be an ideal partner in the hunts to come under the guilds authority.

"I am Davos. I hear you are called Marauder."

A fish creature, far smaller than the one fought on the beach the day before, ambled out of the bushes with a wail as it threw itself upon the group. Lacking the same imposing physique of its older equivalent the will to slaughter what could be considered an inferior or immature threat was at an all time low, the trapper choosing to watch his newly made accomplice in action.
The man was strong, stronger than Davos as he took the creature head on with matching ferocity and a deft display of skill with his hook. A true angler would be proud of the catch as it was reeled in. The ensuing struggle and subsequent execution of the fish spawn served as a fine interview.

Davos had watched with arms crossed observing man and beast alike with a burning intensity to his stare, making note of Donnels honed reflexes at work mid-fight. Had they not proven themselves it was likely the trapper would have helped after the fish man had gotten a fresh kill.
Such was the way of trust in the mountains.

”Yer a trapper ain’t ya? Let the others play with the big fish for now. We should set up a nice lil ambush for it.”

"The big one is coming. There are still others on the beach. These lesser creatures cannot be the only spawn thus far, I'd wager. Better we finish the real threat quickly,"

A quick glance over his shoulder gave him a good view of the unfolding scene on the beach as the other hunters circled the adult monster, Drystan proving his worth at avoiding the razor sharp fins and the maw of his prey all at once while armed with a mere dagger. To Davos it seemed like every other player here was ready but that nagging feeling of doubt at the pit of his stomach was growing bigger by the moment.
Could it really be so easy for something that claimed so many victims?

If it had born children, did that require a mature partner?

Other questions bubbled to the front of his mind but were pushed aside as the trapper glared off into the distance, unbuckling a leather strap from the front of his coat while his free arm freed it from beneath the folds of his cloak. Obscured by the cloth was a large pair of metal teeth, a metal plate located across it with a large spring on the bottom.

Setting up the trap was easy. Snap it open, lay it down, lure the monster over it. Simple. Problem was the monster stepping onto it could be troublesome if it wasn't baited properly or missed the trap making it an unreliable strategy.
The shield from earlier stuck in his mind as a new plan was formulated. From the side, an archer stepped into the open waving a bottle marked with a skull and crossbones.

"What 'ye thinkin'?" Marauders voice cut through his thoughts.

Davos thrust the bear trap into Donnels arms, the leather strap dangling down to the ground.

"Strap that to your shield. Whoever you are, coat the trap. Once it clamps down its not coming off easy." To Donnel he continued. "Bait out an attack and get its hand crunched in the jaws, or see if you can snap it on a leg. Poison will do the rest. Myself and, I assume the archer girl, can back you up from behind. Not enough time to make a proper pitfall anyhow."

With preparations done, the trapper advanced on the scene with the mature fish creature. A tap of his wrists felt the reassuring metal of his contraptions in the event they would be required. At his hip was a sharp dagger and a bladed whip should the need arise. In all, there was a good amount of confidence that they could pull this off.

"Marauder, lead the charge would you? Bow girl, behind me. Try to get its attention on us would you. If it remembers me it might just try to charge past the others."

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Captain Drystan charged right pass Libe and engaged the monster head on. Libe could do little but watch in awe as he faced off against the beast with nothing more than a simple steel dagger. Even augmented with his Titan Potion, Drystan was able to outmaneuver and even at times overpower the giant beast with relative ease, taking only minor injuries and some tattered armor. As he tore the beast’s eye out Libe chose this moment to attack, bringing her sword across the monster's leg. But sure enough it’s armored scales were more than enough to foil Libe’s slash even as she sliced the entire length of the blade from hilt to tip across the shin. She barely left a scratch!

This fight reminded Libe of her lesson against foes armed in full plate. Trying to slash at their armor is an endeavor in futility. It was more pertinent to strike at weak points or utilize takedowns over trying to pierce such strong armor. And despite the considerable size disadvantage even Libe could potentially take down this monster if she knew what to do. And she had an idea.

After her cut Libe reached down and scooped the two arrows off the sand. She noticed a faint gleam of poison on the top of the arrowheads and knew that whoever shot them intended to poison the fishman, but the arrows had failed to pierce through the monster’s armored flesh. But thanks to Drystan there were a few openings on the monster’s body Libe should shoves these arrows into. The beast kicked its leg at Libe, who simply jumped onto its leg and up to the monster’s shoulder. There she stabbed one of the poisoned arrows into the first wound that Drystan had made with his dagger, flipping forward just as the beast was shot by Anastasia and her posse. ”Reckless fools, watch your fire!” Libe hissed as an arrow nearly struck her. Fortunately the volley was at least distracting the beast from attacking Libe. As she fell Libe spun her body midair to stab the second poisoned arrow into the monster’s stomach, right where the Drystan had lodged his dagger.

Libe felt a sting on her shoulder as she noticed something had cut her shoulder. At this very moment it was impossible for Libe to tell if the beast had managed to nick her or if the other hunters were just shooting recklessly, so Libe dashed away while clutching her cut. It wasn’t very deep and fortunately wasn’t her sword arm but it was very painful. Libe bit her lips and held back her tears as she readied her blade for another go. She hoped that whatever poison was on those arrows would weaken the creature considerably.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Excal
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Excal Lord of cannon fodder

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

[Damage report from volley and npcs]

As the beast sought to kick and smack the bothersome swordwoman off it's body, the stings of the muscle toxins initially barely felt as they slowly but surely spread through it's bloodstream, it halted and widened it's functioning eye at the line of flintlock barrels aimed at it. Flashing, painful memories of a hail of gunfire from a drunken mob of sailors hit it's mind, and it remembered well not to make the same mistake.

Snarling, it turned it's back to them and ducked to the side with great speed. Several bags of lead balls missed, but three shots hit it right in the center of it's upperback. Most simply crushed it's scales inward, bursting it's armor through it's own flesh. Those that made it in bounced off it's bones on impact, but three lucky little balls ricocheted right into it's right lungs, causing laboring breaths.

It screamed in agony, blind fury filling it's mind in renewed waves, and it recovered fast, right as the rest of soldiers and sellswords fell upon it.

Two soldiers let out a warcry and thrust their spears into it's stomach, but the second hand spearheads merely bounced off and broke, the men crying out in panic as the monster cleaved their torsos off in one swipe.

It brushed off the strike of another, grabbing the woman by her breast plate and slamming her into three other soldiers, crushing the bones of all, legs and arms twisted like broken branches in a groaning heap.

It felt the petty stone throws of the screaming brigands, letting out another great, ear splitting roar and charging at them as they grasped their bleeding ears, a maw of razor teeth crushing the leather and bone of a poor man.

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