Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nymeria
Avatar of Nymeria


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(Three Days Prior to First Post)

Ryker stepped through the pair of large, wooden doors and let them shut behind him. He had a troubled look on his face, his eyebrows furrowed and sweat beading up on his forehead. He stood, unmoving for a long moment to gather his thoughts. What just happened?

As he stood in the castle hallway, his mind raced. The hall seemed so long and so empty. Normally the castle seemed so busy and full normally, but it just seemed so quiet at this moment. He took a few steps forward and leaned against the wall, bringing his hand to his head. There were so many things going on and he felt rather overwhelmed. It seemed like everything he had known and come to stand for had started crumbling and he was falling right along with it.

After a long moment, he shook his head and pushed himself away from the wall. Standing there in shock wasn’t going to help anyone, especially not Fenros. He had to get out of there and figure out what to do next. Get back to the guard barracks, maybe talk to Ritza...

Ayla was carrying some embroidery to the princesses rooms when she saw Fenros’ friend Ryker. Realizing he was seriously distraught she changed her direction. Upon reaching him she put her hand on his arm.
“Ryker? What’s wrong? Did something happen? Come and sit down.” She led him to a bench in the hallway as he looked like he might fall down at any moment. She was getting more worried. “Are you sick? Should I get the doctor for you?”

Ryker jumped slightly at Ayla’s touch. He had been so lost in thought that he hadn’t heard her come up. He followed along with her quietly and sat down. He quickly wiped the beads of sweat off of his forehead and forced a smile. ”No no...I’m fine.” he replied.

This was Fenros’s sister. He needed to tell her. But the guards told him not to tell anyone. He swallowed hard and looked up at her. It wasn’t like he hadn’t already given away sensitive information that would easily get him killed. But he didn’t know if he could trust her. Over the years that he had known Fenros, he had only spoken to his sister every once in awhile.

”I’m sorry, you’re probably busy. I’m fine I probably just need some water.”

“Ryker, you are pale and you don’t look well. Are you sure that you are alright?” When he mentioned water she nodded and left her embroidery on the bench to get him some water. She was getting more nervous about it. She wasn’t used to seeing Ryker like this and it was bothering her. There was something that was very, very wrong. She retrieved the cup of water and took it to him. She handed it to him and while he drank she took a moment to admire his features. He was a handsome man and one of Fenros’ good friends. Something occurred to her and she hesitated to ask but she did anyway.

“Ryker? Is something wrong with my brother?”

While Ayla was off getting water, Ryker used it as an opportunity to get himself back together. He sat up straighter and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes briefly and focused on what he could say to her.

She returned and he gladly accepted the water she brought. He took a long drink, almost choking when she mentioned her brother. It was no use trying to keep it from her. She worked in the castle and she would find out about it anyway. He lowered the cup and sighed. Glancing up at her, he was about to speak but was taken aback by her eyes. He had noticed the oddity of her dual-colored eyes before but he had never really looked at them before. They were gorgeous. It was rare enough to see someone with green eyes let alone one green and one blue. They seemed to shine looking at him….

He realized he had been staring and quickly looked away. ”You’re going to find out anyway….” he trailed off, looking at the floor. ”Yes. Fenros was….he was arrested.”

His eyes quickly shot back up to her at his last sentence, a sudden intensity burning behind them. ”You can’t tell anyone I told you. They’ll have my head. But….the King has accused him of treason.”

His mind wandered for a quick moment, back to earlier that day when Fenros had confessed his love of the princess to him. It was a moment of weakness, his friend needed someone to talk to and Ryker had always been a good listener. He wondered if the King had found out and that was why….

But he couldn’t tell Ayla that. He was telling her too much already. ”I don’t know what his treason was,” he half lied. ”But I fear for his life.”

Ayla looked at Ryker confused. “No, Fenros? He would never….” She thought back to the times he had mentioned rebellious things and had been discontent with the king over punishments and other things that would be considered treasonous to the king. Her eyes locked onto Ryker’s and she felt her breathing shallow and her throat dry. She was nervous because the king was admittedly kind of... well, she personally thought he was madder than a hatter. She herself had helped the man many times to cover up small inconsistencies in his behavior. “But the king wouldn’t….”

Panic set in as she realized that Fenros was in real danger. She looked around the hallway as it was getting busier. “Come with me we aren’t safe to talk here.” She grabbed her things and headed around the corner to her room.

Ryker glanced down the hallway towards the exit, thinking of his friend, wondering where Fenros was now. But there was nothing he could do about it. So he followed Ayla to her room. Yet again he was the bearer of bad news. His mind flashed back to the night he told Ritza of her father’s death. That was the night that seemed to change her. He wondered if this would do the same to Ayla. Am I cursed?

Ayla opened her door and closed the door behind him. She caught herself winding her hair around her fingers again. It was a nervous habit she had been doing for years. What in the world did he do? Taking a deep breath she looked at Ryker and she offered him a seat. She sat down and said, “We have to get him out of there. The king has been very easily agitated lately. That is not a minor problem with him. Do you have any idea what he is accused of doing?” She seemed beside herself. “The king is a sweet and gentle man when he isn’t having one of his episodes but when he is he is….difficult.”

Ayla felt more and more panicked as she thought about the king’s erratic behavior of late. She began to pace. “I can try to talk to the king and see if he will drop the charges. I might be able to persuade him. He likes me.” She looked to Ryker. “Do you have any suggestions? We can’t leave him there, we can’t!”

Ryker’s eyes followed her as she paced. He could tell she was upset, that wasn’t a surprise. She had just learned that her brother had been arrested, that is usually cause for alarm. He stayed near the door, not wanting to be presumptuous.

”I don’t know. They didn’t say,” he replied. ”All I know is that he was summoned, then he was arrested. The guards said he was accused of treason, then took him away.” He lifted his shoulders in a slight shrug.

”It’ll be okay. I don’t know what will happen but….they can’t kill him. He’s the general of the Vanguard and the people love him.” He spoke, trying to reassure her. This was never his strong suit, however, and he didn’t quite believe in his own words. She seemed so sweetly ignorant, thinking that the king was a sweet and gentle man. It was hard for him to see him that way, after all his years of service, but perhaps she had seen a different side of him. Either way, he didn’t think the king would be reasoned with. But he also didn’t want to dash her hopes.

”You know the King better than me. I don’t know if I’ve ever even spoken to him. Maybe he’ll listen to you. But…” He paused. ”You should probably wait to speak to him. I doubt he is in the mood to talk right now…”

Tears welled up in Ayla’s eyes and she immediately turned away in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I’m just really surprised I guess. Ryker? I’m really scared that they will kill him.” Ayla turned and leaned into him and cried. How was she supposed to handle this. She had to do something to save her brother. The king had not been in a good mood lately and he had been snappish even with her. She would literally be putting her own head on the chopping block if she asked him at the wrong time. Was she crazy to believe the royals were good decent people? The only normal one was Princess Eleanor, and Ayla adored her.

Ryker’s body went rigid as she fell into him. He spent most of his days surrounded by men, fighting with men and talking with men. He wasn’t used to the delicate nature of some women. He awkwardly brought his hands up and softly stroked her shoulder, placing the other hand on her back. ”It’s okay…”

You gotta think of something better than ‘it’s okay’... He tried to relax, letting his left hand rest gently on the small of her back as his right hand continued to lightly stroke her shoulder. ”Don’t worry, I’ll think of something. Fenros is my friend and he’s my general. I owe him my life.”

As he attempted to comfort the young woman, his hand brushed across her hair. He paused and slowly let his fingers run through her blond locks. They were soft, softer than anything he was used to. This was such a far cry from what he considered normal. He lowered his voice, now speaking in a quieter, calmer tone. ”I’ll talk to someone...I’ll figure something out. Don’t worry. I promise you, I won’t let your brother be killed.”

Can you really keep that promise? He doubted himself, but he wouldn’t let her know that.

Ayla looked up at him through her tears which made her eyes glisten in the light. “Don’t say that. I know you mean to try, but please. I know it isn’t in your hands. Please don’t do anything that would get you into trouble too. I- I couldn’t handle being responsible for your death.”

Ayla wondered if he could tell that she cared for him or not. She had been very aware of him every time she had seen him or been around him but she never expected their first real conversation to be about her brother’s possible execution. “Ryker I care too much for you to watch you do something that would hurt you. Please whatever you do, be safe.”

He was shocked by what she said, but he kept his composure. She cares about me? He had always been rather oblivious to things like this. This wasn’t the time to dwell, though.

”Please don’t worry about me. I can handle myself.” His voice was stern and confident this time. He had already done plenty to put his life on the line. Some of it he was less than proud of. If he were to do something that actually did kill him, he would prefer it be something like saving a friend. ”I know some people. I might be able to help. It’s just…” He paused and glanced around the room. He knew they were alone in the room, but he wanted to make absolutely sure. ”You can’t say anything about it. You can’t say anything about any of this. No one should know that I spoke with you.”

Ayla nodded. “I would never say a word. You can count on me. No one will even see you leave here.” She smiled a little secretively. “I know where all of the secret passages are in and out of every room in the castle.” She looked up at the light that brightened in his eyes when she said that. “If you need help getting in or out or hiding. I’m your girl.” She smiled, she trusted her brother’s judgement when it came to men.

“I’ll do anything to help you and Fenros. Just let me know what I can do?” She reached up and kissed him lightly on the lips. “For luck.”

Ryker felt his cheeks flush slightly but he kept his face calm. ”Thank you. I might just take you up on your offer.” He shot her a quick smile before glancing around the room. ”I don’t suppose you have a secret passage out of here, huh?”

Ayla smiled and nodded then she took his hand in hers and pulled him with her. Behind her dressing screen was a panelled wall and she pushed it and it slid inside of itself and she took him into a dark tunnel that met up with another tunnel after they followed it down an decline of steps. “If you go to the right it will take you to the door that will lead out to the training fields. You won’t be seen coming out of there this time of day. The door is covered in ivy as is part of the wall and there is a building keeping it from plain sight.”

“Ryker? Please don’t leave me alone. What I mean is...if something happens to Fenros. Please come visit me I don’t want to hear it from anyone else. These people are sick and I’m trying to help them but...if things get too bad. Just please, don’t forget about me.”

Ayla was scared and unsure. Her entire world had always been in this castle and she had always lived here with these people and she felt like they were part of her family. Not that they were evil or cruel but that they were mentally addled and maybe they could be cured with good diet, time and patience.

Ryker paused in the doorway and looked back at Ayla. He grabbed her hands and squeezed lightly, attempting to be comforting. He flashed her another quick smile. ”I won’t forget about you,” he replied. ”It’s hard to forget those eyes.” He paused for a moment before speaking up again. ”I will try to keep tabs on Fenros for you. If worse comes to worse...well, we’ll figure it out then.”

He flashed her another quick smile before turning and making his way, silently, down the dark tunnel. He followed her directions and found himself coming out into the empty fields. He looked around before slipping outside. He felt slightly relieved but also apprehensive. It was good she didn’t lie to him about the exit tunnel but he was still a little unsure if he could fully trust her. She was Fenros’s sister and she was clearly worried about him, but she also worked in the castle closely with the royal family. It was a tough thing to figure out based solely on their brief encounter. That wasn’t the most important thing at the moment, however…

He made his way to the city, walking down familiar streets. The townsfolk were milling about, some shopping, some selling, others making their way to their job. He spotted a patrol he recognized and simply nodded in acknowledgement at them before continuing. His pace quickened as he neared his destination.

The smell of fresh baked bread filled his nostrils as he opened the door to his mother’s bakery. It was empty for the time being, the fire in the oven still burning told him that she was not far. It didn’t matter, though, since he was not there for a social visit. He made his way to the back of the shop, going through a small, inconspicuous doorway in the back. He found himself in a dim-lit room filled with various baking tools, utensils and bowls. He grabbed a parchment off of a small pile near the door and began writing with the paper pressed against the wall. He rolled it up, glancing at the door before moving to the back of the room. He pushed a table aside to reveal a small hole in the wall. He reached in and pulled out a small cage containing a single pigeon with a red tie on its leg. He rolled the paper up and attached it to the creatures leg. He lightly held the bird in his hand and cupped his other hand atop it, keeping it covered in his arms. He got to his feet and pushed the cage back into its hiding space and moving the table back to its original spot. He went to leave when he heard movement inside the shop.

He stopped in the doorway, slowly cracking it open with his foot to look outside. He spotted an elderly woman walking in from outside, a covered basket in her arms. He recognized her right away as his mother. While he knew he could trust her implicitly, he also didn’t want to get her involved. He gritted his teeth, watching her move through the shop towards the oven. She wasn’t likely to leave anytime soon but he needed to send this message out now. He looked around, taking in his surroundings. He didn’t want to leave the bird in the back room alone while he went to speak to her. But he also didn’t want to wait there until who-knows-when. While he stood there, thinking, the door opened once again and a middle-aged woman walked in. Maybe she would be enough of a distraction.

His mother spoke a greeting and moved to speak to the woman. His eyes shot to an open window near the oven. If he was quick and quiet enough, he could get out without either of them seeing him. He waited until both of them had their back to him, looking at some rolls she had recently finished, and made a break for it. He tucked the bird against his chest and ducked out the window, quickly crouching down and moving away from the building. He walked quickly behind the building to a small alleyway and made sure it was empty before releasing the bird into the air. It’s wings fluttered quietly and it took off into the air. He watched it go for a short moment before heading back to the guard barracks. All he could do now was hope that the message would reach the recipient without incident.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Wick
Avatar of Wick

Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

(Day of the arrest)

A heavy sigh escaped Victor as he walked towards the kings room. He had always felt nervous when visiting the king, but as one of the kings Vanguard he felt it was his duty to ensure his lords safety and health. Plus it was his turn to check up on him. Victor tightened his grip on his swords hilt as he neared the kings room, but paused as he noticed Ayla reaching the door before him. “Lady Ayla!” Victor called out to her as he hurried to her. “Apologies for stopping you, but I was hoping I could assist you with the king,” he said as he removed his helmet. His face was covered in dirt and a few scratches thanks to his daily training in the yard with his men.

Ayla looked up to see Victor coming up to her. She smiled at him. He was a nice guy and one of the only vanguard members she saw somewhat regularly. “Hello Victor, I hope you are well this day. I was just going to take the king’s tea in. Is there something I can help you with?”

Victor shook his head and gestured to the kings room. “Well I was actually hoping to check in on the king, but I feel it is better to accompany you seeing as how you are the one who takes care of our lord,” he said with a small smile. He thought it was somewhat an honor to be so close to the king, but knew it was more of a womans job to aid the king with such things.

Ayla smiled. “I dare say I’m hardly the only one but I do help wherever I can.” She looked at the king’s door and quietly said, “Don’t speak to him. Just stand inside by the door and observe. He is getting worse a little more every day. He has been very irritated lately.” She returned her smile although it was a little sadder and much more tense than it had been. “I have to ask him some questions about something and I’m not sure how he will behave.” She looked at him and slowly opened the door and stepped inside the room.

Ayla saw the king sitting at his desk looking at a book. He was scribbling something into it and he paid her little attention. He looked up and he had a paranoid voice as he spoke to himself. “It was him… I know it.” After that he mumbled something she couldn’t hear and appeared to try to make himself small. Ayla put his tea on the desk out of his book’s immediate vicinity.

“Sire, I have brought you your tea and some cookies.” The king hesitantly pulled the cookies off of the plate and shoved them in his pockets.

“Be gone, I won’t let you starve me!”

Ayla smiled at him. She felt so bad that he was so sick. “Sire I can bring you more if you like.”

The king seemed like he disappeared inside of himself for a moment and suddenly asked her, “What time?”

Confused she asked. “What time for what sir?” He started pulling on his shirt a little and ignored her. Ayla had to ask about her brother. She leaned on the edge of the chair nearest to the desk. “Sire? What happened with Fenros? Why is he locked up?”

The king’s demeanor became volatile and accusatory. “He is a traitor! That Fenros is a bad apple... and I like apples you can cut them and make cider with them.”

Ayla could see she wasn’t getting anywhere and tried again. “Fenros is a good man sir. Did he do something?”

The king stood up and grabbed a goblet and threw it at her hitting her in the arm with it. ”Fenros is a traitor, and threat to my crown!”
Holding her tongue she backed out of the room. As she got to Victor she ushered him outside.

Once out of the room she couldn’t seem to stop shaking as she leaned up against the door. “Some days he has good days. Today is not one of them. I wish I had some medication that would make him feel better, normal.” She looked at the scratch from the goblet on her arm.

Victor wore a blank look as he looked towards the kings door and felt a sense of dread to see his king in such a condition. He wished he could use his skills to help his lord somehow, but he knew he was useless in that field. He looked back to Ayla and frowned slightly. He felt sad for her as she was struggling with her brother and the kings health. He prayed she would be able to handle herself and be able to help the king. Victor was taken from his thoughts as he saw the scratch on her arm and let his instincts take over. He quickly reached into the pouch on his waist and pulled out a thin white rag. “It’s not much and I’m no healer, but I would feel better tending to it,” he said before he held out his hand as he offered his help.

Ayla watched him and let him tend to her arm. It was not too deep but she wasn’t used to getting this much attention unless it was orders to do something. Men never paid her any attention unless it was to stare at her eyes and that usually made her uncomfortable. She couldn’t help blushing at his touch. He may look big and bulky in his armor but she realized he was very deft with his ministrations. Once he was done she smiled more than a little pleased at the attention.

“You didn’t have to do that Victor. It’s not very deep but it does feel better now.” Ayla wasn’t sure what else to say. Her mind wandering back to the king she thought to remind him. “Please don’t say anything of the king’s behavior. He is much better on most days than he is today.” She put her hand on his to strengthen her plea.

Victor looked to Aylas different colored eyes that he honestly hadn’t noticed until now and nodded his head. “Of course, the reality of the kings poor health is nothing to spread around the castle. You have my word, Lady Ayla,” he said with a smile as he gently patted her hand.

Ayla felt such relief that he wasn’t going to tell anyone that the king was out of his mind. Her smile brightened. “I know some people wouldn’t be so kind. I appreciate it very much. How are things going for you in the Vanguard?” She started slowly walking down the hall and so did he.

Victor couldn’t help but chuckle as he rubbed his dirt covered chin. “Ah, well if I’m to be honest it is actually sort of slow. My men and I are of course training hard, but we’ve been assigned to train new members of the Vanguard. Nothing but a pair of noble blooded boys who have a hard time making a fist,” he sighed and gave a small shrug. “Though I will admit it is fun drilling them until they drop, I can see why our old drill instructors enjoyed it so much,” he admitted with a smile. “What they really need though is a actual mission out into the country, but sadly I’m only allowed to teach them how to swing a damned sword,” he said with disappointment.

Ayla chuckled at the disappointment on his face. He looked like he really enjoyed fighting and training. “You never know when things will turn violent so you must get them trained up. I can tell you one thing is for certain. If the kingdom ever had to depend on my ability to fight we would all be doomed.” She grinned and laughed at herself. “So what do you have to do now? Do you have to get back to the others?” Her thoughts went back to her brother. “Have you heard anything about Fenros?”

Victor shook his head and sighed. “I wish I could help ease your mind, but sadly I was not told much of your brother. Apologies,” he apologized with a small bow. “I will ask around about him and see if I can help, but I can make no promises,” he said. He stood up straight and sighed as he looked back towards the direction of the training yard. “Would you mind taking a walk with me? My men have things under control with the training,” he said with a smile.

Ayla smiled and nodded. It was past her time to work. “I would like that.” Ayla blushed a little and walked next to him. Once they were outside she visibly relaxed and gave him a sidelong glance. “So when you are not training or fighting what do you do? Are you one of the men who gamble and get into trouble at the taverns?”

The look on his face gave little away. She was teasing him and she was enjoying herself. She looked at his armor and asked him. “Do you wear your armor all of the time? Wouldn’t you be more comfortable without it?”

Victor chuckled and shook his head. “I’m not much of a gambler and I’d rather stay out of trouble, but when I have free time I mostly take care of my sword and armor, or do patrols around the castle. I must always be on the ready,” he said before knocking on his helmet with a grin. “As for my armor, it is a symbol of my service to the throne. I will live as the thrones guard dog and this armor shows it,” he finished with pride.

Ayla smiled with pride at his answer. She was glad that she wasn’t the only one who cared so much for the royal family and what they stood for, unity and strength with compassion thrown in. She reached over and took his hand in hers a little shyly.

“I’m glad I’m not the only one to notice the good that has been done in their name. I know recently...there has been a lot of unrest about what happened with Fenros and….I’m pretty sure it’s just a misunderstanding and it can be fixed...somehow. I feel that you and I are on the same page with them though."

Victor was silent for a moment and avoided eye contact before sighing. “Lady Ayla, your brother is an amazing fighter and brings the mens morale higher up, but I have no say in whether he is innocent or not. I can only follow the king’s orders, but if there is a chance I can aid your brother in proving his innocence then I swear I will make sure it is done. You have my word as one of the thrones Vanguard,” he promised with a smile.

Ayla looked around as it was getting dark quickly. Shivers ran down her spine. Uncertain as to what happened the other day on the training field she kept a little quieter than usual. “Did something happen the other day on the field with you and Fenros? It seemed to get quite intense there for a while.” Ayla looked as the outside torches were lit and the entire kingdom had a soft glow around it. She smiled at its beauty.

Victor chuckled nervously and scratched his dirty chin. “Ah that whole exchange,” he paused as he glanced to Ayla and mentally sighed knowing he could tell her the truth. “We were just trying to put a fire in one anothers belly. Seems I lit more than enough of a fire within his gut,” he chuckled as he recalled that duel. He noticed that Ayla was shivering and began to look for something that could help. With no blankets around he looked to a nearby torch and took it from the wall. He lowered it down to where it would keep Ayla warm and nodded. “It’s cold and I’d rather not have the Generals sister get sick,” he said with a smile.

Ayla felt her joy fall just a little bit when he referred to Fenros. “Oh, thank you.” Ayla was tired of being seen as Fenros’ younger sister, or one of Eleanor’s ladies. No one ever seemed to realize she was more than that. The fact that Victor referred to her that way just proved that she would always be stuck that way.

Victor nodded once again and looked at the sight Ayla was so attached to earlier. “Stunning sight isn’t it?” he mumbled as he let his eyes travel along the beautifully lit kingdom. “So many have laid down their lives to preserve this sight, yet many wish to see it to ash,” he muttered with a hint of sadness. “Many like me fight to preserve this beauty. We protect the beauty of the throne, the beauty of our culture and of course the beauty of our people, including your beauty of course,” he said with a chuckle. Victor will admit that the females mind is rather confusing to him, but he figured they like compliments like this.

Ayla dropped his hand and reached up to pluck a flower from a nearby bush and tucked it in her hair behind her ear. Hearing the backhanded comment about her beauty she gave a half smile. [i]Well he isn’t very good at this boy girl stuff[/] she thought to herself. Ayla was becoming convinced he only asked her to go with him on a walk so he wouldn’t be alone.

The feeling that Victor was doing something wrong lingered in his mind. DId he say something that would offended her? Did he do something wrong? He glanced over to Ayla and saw that she had placed a flower behind her ear. Victor was a bit confused at why she put it there, but he felt himself simply staring at her. Something just forced his eyes to stay on her. He finally shook the odd feeling when she smiled and looked away with slightly warmer cheeks.

The more Victor stared at her the more she wondered why he was. Did her hair do something weird or was there something stuck in her teeth? Then she realized it was probably her eyes. Men liked her different eyes. “Victor? Why did you ask me out here with you tonight?” She was truly curious. She was getting mixed signals from him and she needed clarification.

Victor cleared his throat and shook his head. “Apologies Lady Ayla, but I’m not very sure myself,” he admitted. He thought for a moment and looked back to her. “If I were to be honest I would say that I wanted your company. You are very pleasant to be around and I thought this night would be perfect to share with you,” he said before rubbing his chin. “Though I should apologize for staring earlier, it was just something that caught me for a moment. It wasn’t just one thing about you that kept my eyes, but it was everything. It’s odd really, I’m not sure how to explain it,” he paused for a moment and felt his cheeks warm up once again as he looked into her eyes. “I can only describe it as beauty,” he finished, not certain of his own words.

Ayla felt her cheeks blush and she warmed at his words. “I don’t know what to say. I’ve never been complimented in such a sweet way.” Slipping her hand gently into his again she felt his hand clasp hers in his and she smiled.

Victor cleared his throat and chuckled. These type of feelings were strange for Victor, he’s never had them before. “I will admit Lady Ayla, I’m a bit lost on what is to happen next. Do you have these rather odd feelings as well, or am I just crazy?” he asked. Maybe he needed some sort of training to control this sort of behavior.

Ayla stopped walking and looked at him. “Being around me gives you odd feelings?” She smiled. “I guess you could say that I have them as well.” She reached up without thinking and fixed the part of his hair that the wind had shifted and was sticking out. Realizing afterwards that she had done such an intimate thing she blushed and thought about stepping back a step. “I’m sorry, I probably shouldn’t have done that.” She stepped back and ran into a wall. Not wanting to embarrass herself further she stayed there as a blush crept up her face.

Victor was a bit surprised, but he only smiled slightly and shook his head. “It is fine,” he said with a chuckle. A small moment of silence was between them as Victor began to piece together his next words. Soon he took a deep breath and spoke. “Lady Ayla I must apologize for my odd behavior, I’ve never dealt with these sort of complex emotions before and never thought I would. I know it is most likely not appropriate, but I would like to see you more in attempts to better understand and control these feelings,” He finished before realizing he had grown a bit closer and was now holding both her hands gently in his. He had also been staring at her face once again and found himself trapped in her gaze a second time. When he regained control over himself he felt his cheeks warm up a bit and took a step away. “Apologies,” he said.

Ayla found herself breathing slightly heavier than normal and she found herself lost in the depths of his eyes. His eyes were so very, very blue and they seemed to go on forever. She hadn’t even realized that he was holding not one but both of her hands. She wasn’t aware of how close he had gotten until he moved back. She squeezed his hands in protest. “You’ve done nothing wrong but you keep apologizing to me.”

A nervous feeling filled Victors gut as she squeezed his hands. With a nervous chuckle he shook his head and smiled sheepishly. “I just do not want to ruin what is happening right now.”

Ayla could feel her chest pounding hard and she was worried that he could hear it too. With her voice almost a whisper she asked him, “What do you think is happening...what do you want to happen?” Ayla was almost positive that asking those questions went against all she was taught, ladies should never be so forward.

Victor thought for a moment. What did he want to happen? He let his eyes return to Aylas and it was as if it held the answer to his question. He took a step closer and raised her chin up with his finger as he grew closer to her face. “I want to continue to have these feelings and I want them to be for you,” he whispered before closing the distance between the two and gently planting his lips onto hers.

Ayla kissed him back and instantly wished he wasn’t wearing a breastplate of armor. She wanted to feel his chest against her hands and his body against hers. She was quite out of breath when their lips parted. Her fingertips automatically went to her lips and felt the swollenness of his kisses on her. Her mind blazed a single thought. That is why ladies don’t ask men what they want. Ayla reached her arm up and pulled him back in for another kiss. In her mind she thought screw etiquette!

Victor was caught off guard as he was pulled into another kiss, but he simply went with it and wrapped his arms around her waist. As the second kiss ended he pulled back and chuckled softly as he stared down at her. “I must admit, I’m more than happy with these feelings,” he admitted before resting his forehead onto hers.

Ayla grinned. “I think we definitely get to know each other better, like you suggested. I’m quite thrilled by our feelings as well.” Realizing that it must be getting very late she hesitated and said, “I’m afraid it’s getting late though and I need to get back inside. Will you walk me to my door?”

Victor nodded and took a step back with a smile. “Of course my Lady, I’d be more than happy to see you to your room,” he said before gesturing her to come along. He was still a little filled with his new emotions, but he regained control of himself and waited for Ayla to lead the way to her room.

Alya smiled and hoped others passing inside the castle couldn’t tell that they had just been kissing. Wondering why he was behind her instead of next to her she turned and reached her hand back for him to take.

With nervous hesitation he took her hand and chuckled. “Are you sure you wish to be seen with a knight of the Vanguard? Some may not see it to be appropriate,” he said as he reached her side.

Ayla smirked to herself. “Who better than a knight of the vanguard to walk me to my door. You are a protector of the realm and any girl would be honored to have a man such as yourself by her side. Why would that not be proper?” Ayla stopped when she got to her door and turned around and looked at him with a shy smile. “I hope I’ll see you soon. I really enjoyed our walk this evening.”

Victor smiled softly and bowed to Ayla. “As did I Lady Ayla and I look forward to our next walk. Please have a good night,” he said before planting a quick kiss on her cheek and turning to walk way. He was new to this whole kissing thing, but so far he has no complaints on it.

Blushing Ayla turned and went into her room. She closed her door and leaned against it. She raised her fingertips to her lips which still seemed to be swollen from the kissing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Kitty
Avatar of Kitty


Member Seen 4 days ago

Two days later…

Fenros sighed as he entered his room and shut the door. He took his sword belt off and placed it on his chair before falling into his bed, armor and all. He didn’t care, he was too exhausted after dealing with new recruits, paperwork, planning security details for separate trips for the King, Prince Aaron, and El. As well as dealing with a few incidents with some of his men. The day wasn’t even over yet and he came back to his room to get some time alone. He closed his eyes for a moment...perhaps a quick nap would help.

Eleanor had been looking for Fenros and was told by a servant that he had been seen going towards his room. She knew he was probably taking a break but she had enough of their friendship being in rambles for much too long, and she was going to see to it that things would be fixed today. Besides, she had already informed Ritza of the plan and thus needed a guard to accompany her for her afternoon ride. So once she arrived to his room she knocked on his door and waited for him to answer.

The knock on the door jolted him from his sleep. Apparently he was really tired as he passed out almost immediately after laying down. He grunted as he rolled out of his bed and onto his knee, pushing himself up as he got leverage with his arms. ”IF I HAVE TO KNOCK ONE MORE HEAD IN…” He yelled as he opened the door, stopping suddenly as he saw Eleanor. His eyes wide for a moment before Clearing his throat. ”Pr…” He stopped himself with a quick glance behind her. ”El… forgive me for that.”

With a smile and a slight laugh Eleanor shook her head, “Don’t worry about it, I assume the men have been giving you trouble?” She asked, cocking her head to the side, trying to have one of their old normal conversations with him.

Still surprised that Eleanor was standing in front of him, it had been awhile since they had spoke actually, not counting official business or trips. But here she was standing before him and with a smile on her face. Something he had not seen in awhile as well...directed towards him that is. Suddenly realizing that he was silent for a few moments...staring. He quickly scratched the back of his head and gave a slight smile of his own. ”Uh...y-yes. For stupid reasons, but enough to cause a ruckus. I feel like being a General to these men can be like herding cats at times. Unbelievably frustrating,” He said looking down at the floor for a minute. Not realizing his hair was all out of sorts from laying down.

The smile on her face ever so slightly faltered as the General began speaking and stuttered, almost feeling as if he didn’t want her there but she mentally shook the feeling away and kept the smile on her face as he spoke, laughing as he compared the men to cats. “I personally feel they are more closely related to dogs than cats.” Eleanor commented watching as he looked down, finally noticing his hair which caused her to let out a giggle. She tried covering up the giggle with her hand while looking at his hair but it was rare to see him with hair like that so she couldn’t help but to continue to giggle at the sight of it.

He nodded with a smile, it was a fair statement. Though they were not as obedient as a dog. However before he could say that he looked up to see her covering her mouth as she was giggling. Her comment was funny...but he didn’t think it was THAT funny. He was confused for a moment and could not help but smile at her contagious giggle. That is till he noticed her eyes looking above him. Well not above him but at his head. A few moments and he suddenly realized he had just woken from a nap, and did not bother to even quickly run his hand through his hair.

His face suddenly turned red at the thought of how his hair looked in front of the princess. Normally, he wouldn’t care and laugh it off. But with the princess it was different. He quickly raised his right hand and ran it through his hair a few times, still red with embarrassment. He then cleared his throat no way he could pass it off, so he decided to just go with the embarrassment.”You caught me after a nap. Not everyone looks as radiant as you do when you wake up from one,” He said with a smile, as his mind finally clicked into gear.

Eleanor’s giggle turned into a soft laugh as she watched him turn red and run his hand through his hair, fixing it. To get herself to stop she cleared her throat and bit her bottom lip while smiling. Watching him fix his hair with simply just his hand made her realize she was a bit jealous of the fact he could do such a thing and look good, even though he still looked good with the wild hair. Upon him complimenting her, El’s cheeks began to heat up and become tinged with pink.

“I beg to differ on that statement.” Eleanor began, placing her hands on her hips. “The amount of time I am forced to sit in the morning while they fix me up to the beauty standard of royalty is ridiculous. I do believe I have ranted to this about you many times before.” She pointed out raising an eyebrow at him, questioning if he had forgotten with the look in her eyes.

Fenros only smiled more when she turned a tinge pink at his words. She then defiantly disagreed with his statement. Bringing up an old Rant, to which he nodded with her statement of going over this before. “Indeed you have, many times about a process which highly unnecessary for you.“ He said as he closed his eyes and bowed his head to her. He smiled, as his day's worries seemed to just float away while speaking to El once again, just like they used to. He caught onto this as well, and a small ache reminded him of the past few years of awkwardness between them. It felt like lost time to him.

Looking back at her he then wondered why she was here again...being so pleasant with him. ”Yet again El, you have brightened my day with your beauty and laugher, for which I am grateful. May I ask what I can do for you in return?”

When he bowed his head she sighed, remembering why she originally came here in the first place. That small formality left a small ache in her chest, had it been five years ago before the assassination attempt he wouldn’t bother with such a thing when no one else was around. Sure he was using her old nickname but she could still feel that he was withdrawn, that there was an awkwardness between them that she didn’t care for.

Just like before his compliment once again warmed her cheeks and she wasn’t sure why she was blushing so easily. It didn’t matter though, she had a task she needed to focus on. “Actually there is something I need right now. I need you to come with me on my afternoon ride. I already had the stable hands ready your horse and mine, it’s best we don’t leave them waiting much longer.” Eleanor turned and left towards the stables, leaving no room for argument.

Fenros raised his eyebrows when she told him that she needed him to come with her on her ride. He blinked a few times. Wondering what happened to Ritza, as she normally rode with her of course. But before he could ask, she turned and promptly left clearly for the stables. ”But…” he started, realizing it was foolish to try and speak to her when she was walking away. He quickly reached over and grabbed his sword and belt and tied it on as he jogged after the princess. His armor clanking and chainmail shifting as he did. He then came up behind her and to her right, Memories flooded his thoughts when he got into such a familiar position.

Oh he longed for the more simple days when he spent them with the princess. He looked to her as he asked, ”Of course I would be honored to join you on your ride, but may I ask what for? It has been so long since we rode together.”

Hearing him run up behind her and settle into walking besides her gave her a feeling of nostalgia, so many times they had been in this exact position before…. Oh how she missed it. “Well that is part of the reason, but you can know more later.” Eleanor informed him.

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

Pulling the horse to a halt she slid off her horse and led it to a place where she tied it up so it couldn’t run off but could still feed on the grass near by. Eleanor had brought them out to the old clearing the two of them used to train Eleanor in archery. She thought it would be a good place to bring up the conversation she was going to be bringing up. While waiting for Fenros to get off his horse she strolled up to the tree that used to hold the target and traced one of the holes in it from an arrow, memories running through her head of the old times, when things were easier between them two.

Fenros admittedly was worried as they rode, being silent most of the way. The way she avoided his questions, he knew it was not a ride just for old times sake. When they came to the old clearing He couldn’t help but smile a little bit. He had too many fond memories here with her. Even though they haven’t been here together in many years… he found himself here many times himself to think.

He quickly tried to get off his horse to help her off, but she was already down. He frowned slightly, then realized things definitely changed when Ritza took over as her guard. He hesitated for a moment before dropping down and allowing his horse to wander off. Never did he worry about the horse, as he was well trained. Making his way over behind the princess as she traced old holes from her arrows he then said softly. ”Something tells me you didn’t want to come train today...unless…” He glanced around the tree to make sure she didn’t have a bow hidden. ”I’m the target?”

Eleanor shook her head with a soft forced smile, “No, no you aren’t the target…” She sighed and looked at her hands as she picked at the pattern on her dress. “I brought you out here because I want to fix our friendship. I don’t know what I did five years ago that upset you and made our friendship start to just fall apart but I can’t take it anymore Fen! I miss the old us, it hurts every time you are formal with me. Until today you always just acted like the General around me, not Fenros. What is wrong? Please tell me.” She looked up at him with a pained expression, her eyes begging for an answer.

Fenros lowered his head. For a split second he was relieved, happy and excited for this. The next he was pained, hesitant and once again worried. He opened his mouth to speak. His eyes connecting with hers and his voice got stuck where it was. After a moment he sighed and turned away, unable to look at her with that pained expression on her face. The fact that he knew it was his fault for her pain. He didn’t want to tell her, he felt childish and selfish for even thinking this all these years now.

He looked to her and remembered his own pain as well though. He turned back to her and said. “El… I never wanted this. I never wanted for our friendship to end up like this, but I couldn't help it. Five years ago when Ritza became your new bodyguard… you seemed more than thrilled to have her, and to get away from me. I tried to make it so we could spend time together in SOME way. But you clearly were happy just with her.” He was shocked at what he said, he wasn’t expecting himself to say it like that or at all. But it was out now. At least part of it.

Her eyes widened in shock, she could not believe what he was saying… that he was bringing Ritza into it nonetheless. “Do NOT bring Ritza into this. This is between us and has nothing to do with her!” Eleanor exclaimed glaring at him.

”It has everything to do with her! That is when it all started!”He quickly shot back waving his arm to the side. His irritation flaring up. ”How does it not?!”

“Because it doesn’t! Other people shouldn't matter when it comes to OUR FRIENDSHIP! You don’t think I missed having you as my bodyguard! Cause I did, but Ritza is also my friend and if I had to have anyone else guard me… I am glad it was her.” Eleanor began pacing angrily, “Also if either of us tried to make it so we could spend time together, it was me! You always tried to spend as little time around me as possible! Maybe this friendship isn’t worth saving since I was the only one who ever tried for the past five years.”

Fenros narrowed his eyes, ”I tried El. But there were many times I would only get the cold shoulder from you! Then I finally got it and stopped trying so hard. It would never be as it was, not with my new responsibilities. Not with your father watching me so closely. When I get the opportunities to be near you, things happen, and I turned into the bad guy because I got worried about you.” He stopped himself and cursed silently while turning away from her. He didn’t feel like he was being clear enough.

Crossing her arms, she rolled her eyes at him. “Yeah it’s my fault…” She sarcastically commented while he spoke. After he finished she scoffed, “The father excuse! How original! The Fenros I used to know would never let his job or my father stop him from being my friend, when has it ever done so before! I guess I don’t know you anymore, no matter how much it hurts..”

Cutting her off. ”Think about it El? If I did such a good job protecting you that day… why...why!? Would he put me in charge of the Vanguard a month later? There are far more talented men than me! Hell we are speaking about your father… who locked away your own mother! What would he do to you if he found out you were so friendly with me? Execute me, I don’t care, I was worried about you. I’m not sorry about that.” He said walking closer to her.

“DON’T BRING MY MOTHER INTO THIS!” Eleanor shouted before taking a deep breath, her mother was a sore topic for her. “Why the hell would you worry about me? You think I care about my father’s opinions. He is insane, all the lords are insane… Who I care about are you, Ritza, the people. But right now I am focusing on you! Fen, I just want my friend back!” El ran her hands through her hair messing up the fancy braid in it, but not caring at all. She was stressed, angry, and so many other emotions at once. All the emotions caused her to start pacing again, it was her habit when she became stressed or angry.

Fenros sighed. He knew in his heart not to talk about her mother. No one even knew the reason why she was even locked away in the first place. His shoulders dropped though as she continued. “Well I’m sorry for caring so much for what your insane father could do to you!” he threw up his hands and began walking away. He stopped, debating if he should even say anything. Her father was part of it of course, but her saying she just wanted her FRIEND back felt like a hot dagger cutting into his heart.

Suddenly turning around and walking up to her again. ” I’m sorry! But we can’t just be friends anymore El. You wanna know why I stopped trying to be around you? Do you really want to know?” He said as he stopped a foot away from her.

“Why!? Is it because of Ritza? Because I’m related to insane people? Please do tell me why?!” Eleanor exclaimed stopping in front of him glaring at him.

“Because it HURTS! I am physically and mentally in pain when I’m around you. I felt this pain for the first time we were here! When we were almost caught when you almost hit Lord Grier. I’ve felt this pain every day since. From the time I wake up, till I go to sleep.” He stopped himself. He knew he shouldn’t say it. It would only make things worse. There was no way she would ever feel the same way… he was JUST a friend.

Blinking in shock Eleanor didn’t know how to respond or how to feel. She knew what he was getting at and it had her confused in so many ways. Of course she had thought about them like that a few times but she immediately stopped thinking about that, knowing she would never get any relationship outside of an arranged marriage. Plus when she thought of it, she became confused by how she felt towards him and now those feelings were intensified. She opened her mouth a few times trying to form words but she couldn’t think of anything to say, instead just standing there in shock.

Fenros took a breath and lowered his eyes. He after a moment he looked back at her and saw the shock on her face, he just felt even more pain shoot through him. The thought of it was so shocking to her of course she wouldn’t have expected him to think that about them. He was just a lowly Lord… and glorified bodyguard now.

He shook his head ” I know… because of our positions, any notion of being more than was quickly dismissed, you are the princess, I just a lowly guard. So I said nothing. I forced myself to ignore those feelings. I tried to move on, but I can’t fool myself any longer. “ he looked at her for another moment, her shock still present. Which only made him feel worse. He didn’t know what else to say, or know how she would react. He hoped… this didn’t ruin everything.

It took some time but eventually her shock passed and she was able to finally put words together, “Fen…” Eleanor looked at him, worry and a mix of sorrow on her face. “I-I never knew and I wish I could say something back that would make you feel better, make the pain go away but I can’t. I don’t know how I feel. I’m confused by my feelings towards you now more than ever so I have no way to respond.”

She looked down, no longer able to look at him, and let out a breath, tears forming in her eyes. “I will understand if you wish to not be friends with me anymore, I do not want to cause you pain… that is the last thing I would ever want to do to you. You mean to much to me Fenros. If it would be better for you to no longer see or talk to each other except for business reasons then we should do that, but just know… I will always see you as a friend. Dependent on what I learn after deciphering my feelings, maybe even more. Eleanor whispered the last part to herself because deep inside she knew it was true, but all her emotions were much too confusing for her right now to really see it.

There it was, just like he expected. He did not dare look back at her, he was feeling different emotions himself. He was angry, heart broken, full of guilt. It didn’t help when he could tell even without looking she was getting teary eyed. Which only caused him more pain. He was hurting her because of his selfishness… He glanced at her but immediately closed his eyes as his heart wrenched again.

He’d rather die a thousand deaths than know he hurt her...and continuing to hurt her by saying he did not want to more time with her if it were like this. Honestly it sounded horrible...he loved her, she knew it now...and yet still just wanted to be friends. Act like everything was normal. Every girl seemed to think that would work...it just didn’t. But he couldn’t see her cry anymore...He would willingly put himself through hell to stop it.

Sighing he said,“I’m sorry… for bringing it up. I’m sorry for ruining our friendship these past five years… I don’t want to hurt you anymore either. Honestly I think even avoiding you even more would only make it worse…I just want to see you smile, as long as you’re happy...I'll be happy.” He said wanting this conversation to be over...to forget about it as best they can.

Eleanor did the only thing she could think to do at the time, she latched her arms around his waist and buried her face into his chest as tears poured down her face. The pain of five years mixed with the emotions of the conversation had come to a peak, she just wanted to move on for now. So she hugged Fenros tighter, despite how hard it was to do with his armor on.

Fenros froze at her hug. His eyes wide as he looked down at her with her head against his chest. He tried to remember the last time he held the princess like this… definitely not in the last five years. Conflicting emotions rose yet again for him as he slowly wrapped his own arms around her. He was felt it was like a slap in the face to him...yet at the same time he was grateful for it. He held her tightly to him, but not too much. He did still have his armor on. He closed his eyes and and lowered his head, his cheek resting on her temple lightly. He didn’t know what to say right now…. he didn’t want this moment to end.

Minutes passed as Eleanor refused to let go, they hadn’t ever had a fight as bad as that one had just been. But the hug… it was helping to push that all to the back of her mind and remember all the good times the two had once shared. She also was reminded of when she almost lost him, this fighting causing her to come close to losing him again. El couldn’t imagine life without him, she honestly didn’t believe she could fully function without knowing she could see Fen. That’s how much he meant to her, now she just needed to fully figure out what that truly meant.

Eleanor sat up on her bed and placed a hand on her chest. Her heart was beating fast as bits of the memory replayed in her head. It had only been days prior that the two of them had that argument... that lead to his confession. Now? Now Fenros was locked in the dungeons considered a traitor! The one thing she knows he could never be. But that didn't matter, in days he would be executed and she'd have to learn to live life without him.

Life without Fenros? The princess didn't even know what that was anymore, even in these past five years he was a constant in her life. Even trying to imagine living without the possibility of hearing his voice, his laugh; of seeing him training or talking to the other men of the vanguard or even flirting with the ladies of the court... imagining that life hurt El too much. Caused her too much pain. If only she had figured them out sooner, she could have told him. They could have run. But now it was too late. Fenros was going to be executed without knowing. Without knowing that...

She loved him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Day of Fenros escape (Half a day ride from coast city to Capital)

Alexander pulled hard on the rope that held up the little dingy that hung on the side of his ship. He and his crew had spent the better part of the morning loading the ship up for another voyage up the coast. He was thinking they might head up and hunt in the forests up north. It had been too long since he had been able to go sailing with his crew. After his last little escapade his steward had almost imprisoned him inside his own office. His steward had even given the guards double pay for keeping him locked in the room. Only after catching up on all the paperwork had his steward finally let him leave. Alexander couldn't stand all the boring and mundane paper work he had to put up with. A majority of it was small things he thought really shouldn't have made it all the way up to the earl's office. A few of them were even just disputes between farmers that had been given to him for no apparent reason.

Alexander took a deep breath and looked out at the sea, no more paper work and no more disputes about goats. He looked back towards the dingy he was holding and realized he had been letting it slip. A few of his crew noticed the boat dropping and moved out of the way, but one poor sod didn't move fast enough and got knocked on the head. It wasn't fast enough to do any real damage, but it still caused a scene. Alexander ran over to apologize only to stop in his tracks when he saw it was the bosun. He was the man tasked with keeping discipline among the crew and wasn't afraid to yell at Alexander. The bosun's face nearly turned red with anger and immediately started his tirade.

Anna climbed into the rig and urged the horse forwards. She was heading to the dock this afternoon. Several of her casks of ale were empty and she needed to send them back to be refilled. Hopefully her refilled ones were on today's ship. Glancing at the street she took in the surrounding people on the road. Most were still running their daily errands or shopping for wares in the market. Chester always helped her load the casks into the cart so she waved as he went inside the tavern to await her return.

It had been awhile since she had gone on her own. Since her father died she had sent someone in her stead to get them or she had just had them delivered. She missed the sea air so she was excited to go today. As she approached she saw a decent sized ship at the dock she was supposed to make her pick up at. Chester had told her that they had changed captains since she had gone. She brought the horse and wagon as close as she could without putting them in the way.

After jumping down she went round to unload the casks. Anna looked around for the captain and saw a man get hit by a falling dingy that had been hanging above him. Her eyes widened and she hurried over to the ship to see if he was alright. After things calmed down she asked the boy nearest her where the captain was and he skittered onto the ship without saying anything back to her.

She sighed a little irritated at the boy's manners or lack thereof. The sun was glaring in her eyes so she was shielding them with her hand. She could only see a figure coming towards her but not who it was.

The bosun had been yelling at Alexander for a good minute before a cabin boy ran up and asked to speak with the captain. The bosun walked away glaring at Alexander all the way until he turned a corner and was out of sight. The boy told Alexander that a woman was in front of the ship asking to see him. Alexander thanked the boy and sent him on his way, and began to walk around his ship towards the front. As he rounded the corner he looked for whom the boy could be talking about and immediately saw her waiting. Unlike the majority of women nearby she was wearing breeches instead of a dress, something that was fairly uncommon for a large town such as this. She was also standing a bit away from a wagon that was undoubtedly hers. He began to walk over curious who would be asking for him seeing as most of the people in town knew him by name seeing as he was their earl. As he got closer to her he called out, "What can I do for you today Ma'am."

Anna still couldn't see the man in front of her for the sun's glare. "I have empty casks from the Ale House do you have the refills on board and can someone help me with them? They are nearly bigger than I am." She stepped to turn around and she caught a glimpse of him as shadows from the ship temporarily covered the sunlight from her eyes. Her interest was piqued.

Alexander nodded his head while he listened to her question and smirked at the comment about the casks. "I have ale aboard my ship, but I don't believe it is for you. You probably want to talk to the captain of the Sea Serpent. He docks about two ships down." He felt sorry she had gotten ready to unload the casks only to have to put it all back together and go even farther. "How about me and some of my crew head over there with you and help you out? My name is Alexander by the way." After he said that he whistled over at his ship and called a few names and told the men to get over here. Now that he was closer to her he could see that she was quite beautiful, but had a glint in her eye that said she wasn't a pushover.

Anna shook her head. "My order comes in on The Earl's Folly every time. You would be used to dealing with Chester though. I haven't been to the docks in a while. I'm Anna, the sole proprietor of the Ale House. The order is under A. M. Smith."

While Anna watched the men leaving the ship she was sharply aware that most of the men were tanned, shirtless and muscular. She cleared her throat and wondered again why she hadn't done more with the romantic side of her life. Then she pictured Chester in her mind and realized that none of the men she ever met looked like these men. She felt her cheeks flush and hoped it was thought to be the heat of the day.

Alexander rolled his eyes when he heard Chester's name and nodded when she finished her sentence. "Sorry about the confusion, I didn't know you were with Chester. He has never told me who the deliveries are for, I just bring them as a favor to him. He just enjoys the free deliveries, and even pays my crew to tell him when I am thinking of heading out, so he doesn't have to pay as much. He just knows I am the only person in town who won't ask for money. I'll have my crew start unloading from the hold and hopefully it won't take us too long." Alexander asked her to wait for a minute then started to jog back to his ship. He told the men already walking out to get the empty casks out of the wagon. He grabbed his first mate and a few others and climbed down into the hold to find the ale. As he and his men started to pull the casks out of the hold Alexander was thinking he should tell Chester to at least tell him who the order is for next time.

By the time he was done Alexander had become extremely sweaty from the hard work. He had taken off his shirt and was now using it to wipe the sweat from his forehead. He walked back to Anna with a grin on his face gesturing towards the men loading the casks onto the wagons. "I hope we did a satisfactory job, and I was wondering just where exactly your Ale House would be, because me and my men are looking for a new place to spend some money and unwind."

Anna smiled, "It's right up the street across from the mercantile store. If you'd like you are welcome to come up with me." Anna handed him the money for her ale and she climbed up in the seat and waited for his answer.

"I'll make sure to stop by and get a drink, I believe I deserve it." As she held out the money he shook his head and smiled some more. "No need for the money miss. If I pay these men any more they might be able to buy their own ships, and I can't sail my ship alone. They needed a good workout, and sad to say so did I. If only paperwork exercised more than just my hand." Alexander sighed and looked towards the center of the town where his manor in the town was and muttered something about next time he will make the farmers share the goat. He looked back up at Anna. "It was nice to meet you and I hope it won't be the last time either." He was somewhat disappointed that the conversation had ended, but he became determined to visit her tavern, if only to get another chance to talk to her. She intrigued him, because she didn't try to curry favor with him which was fairly unusual. It also didn't hurt that she was beautiful.

Anna glanced down at the earl and thought he was extremely different than she had thought he would be. "It was my pleasure. Have a good day sir and thank you for your help. It was appreciated." She hoped that he couldn't see her blush when she smiled.

Urging the horses forward she turned and went up the street and turned once more to look at the sea. She would come back later and take a walk by the water when it was less busy, she thought to herself. Heading back to the Ale House she chanced another quick look at the captain and smiled.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
Avatar of Aerandir

Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Later that same day...

Anna was standing on top of the tavern bar shoving a crate into place. Chester was laughing at her and offered help if she needed it. Struggling with the weight of the crate she pushed it harder and literally pushed hard enough to throw her balance off.

"Whoa!" She said catching herself barely as she almost fell off of the bar. Turning she looked at Chester who had dropped his cigar in anticipation of having to jump up to help her. As he shrieked at the sudden heat on his pants she chuckled and dropped down to the floor safely.

"Chester you better watch out before you set yourself on fire."

Alexander's horse was plodding along the road in no significant haste. Alexander was taking the time to look around the capital and see how the people were faring. He had brought no one with him seeing how he was in the capital, perhaps the most heavily guarded place in the country. He turned a corner in the road and came upon the Ale House. It was a two story building with people constantly going through it's doors. Whether it was a drunk patron leaving or a customer coming in for a late meal the door seemed permanently open.

Alexander brought his horse into the stable and handed the stable boy a few gold coins. He then walked through the front door and looked around. There were many patrons scattered throughout the room. Somewhere gambling in the corner while others just sat and ate. Alexander saw someone standing on the bar trying to push a crate up, while a person next to them were laughing. The person on the bar nearly fell off which caused the other person jump in his seat. As he heard her laugh he recognized the voice of Anna. Alexander smiled and began heading towards the bar to buy a drink.

Alexander walked over to the bar and looked over at Anna.

"Hey I was wondering if I could get a drink of that Ale you got from my ship the other day?"

Anna turned towards the voice and her eyes lit up when she saw the earl. "Of course you can." Anna reached around and grabbed a glass and poured him some ale and slid it to him gently.

"So did you get everything loaded for your next trip?"

Alexander grabbed the drink and took a deep drink from it. "Thankfully we did, and were able to spend a few days in the north. It really had been too long since we had been up here. Sadly I wasn't able to take my ship up this time and had to ride."

"Is it always this busy in here, or is tonight something special?"

"Tonight is pretty much the regular state of things in here. It stays pretty busy. That is why I don't get to the dock to collect the ale that often, although I might have to make time for it more often." She said grabbing a cloth to wipe the bar down with a smile.

Verrick made his way on foot to the ale house. Where he was supposed to find this mole who tried to blackmail a servant to a local Lord. He was taken back of course when he heard the name of the tavern. Mixed feelings arose in his chest as memories flooded his mind. Returning there was going to be one of the hardest things he did.

When he did finally arrive, he paused, standing in the shadows of a nearby alley. He had heard rumors that the previous owners daughter had sold the place... but he didn't have the chance to really check out if that rumor was true. After taking a few breaths he shook his head. Here he was, a woodsman...put in deadly situations almost daily, and barely had enough courage to walk into a tavern owned by a girl he knew when he was a kid.

He finally pushed himself and strode into the building in false confidence. Making sure the cowl of his hood was covering his face as much as he could. Not that it would do him any good. She knew he was trying to become one. But the hope was there.

As soon as he walked in he looked to the bar, his heart skipped a few beats as sure enough...there she was, cleaning the bar...smile on her face and chatting up one of the customers. He didn't look at the customer but decided to find the darkest corner and put his back to it and do his job. After finding a spot, he sat down, placing his bow just right so it was an easy grab if something...anything happened.

"I hope you do make more time to come to the docks."

Alexander smiled at her and took another long drink of the ale. He honestly enjoyed her company and was glad she might come down to the docks more. "I was wondering if you sold rooms here, because I honestly don't want to spend my night at the castle." He felt there was a scheming noble there for every brick in the cities' walls.

Anna had an extra room but she rarely rented it out and she thought about it a moment. She knew some of the patrons told her that she needed to be more careful but she didn't see any harm in him. Whether or not it was there and she was choosing not to see it remained to be seen.

"I may have an extra room you could rent." She heard Chester cough hard and ignored the flagrant cry of attention for her she could hear in his strangled forced coughs."Drink some water Chester." She said.

Alexander smiled at her and had an idea. "How about a bet? Do you have a target board for knife throwing?"

Anna's eyes became suspicious and pointed to the left of the bar. Her eyes fell on someone sitting in the corner with a cowl covering his face. Her eyes took in the manner in which the man was sitting and how he looked relaxed to anyone just passing by but she had seen enough of them throughout the years. He was either a bounty hunter or possibly a woodsman.

Looking back at Alexander Anna grinned. "What's this bet?"

"We each get one throw with the knife, if I win I get the room normal price, but if you win I pay double price for everything I buy and I'll pay the Tavern's taxes for a year. How does that sound to you?"

"It sounds like you are about to get ripped off. The laughter in her eyes was obvious. Now why would you only want to pay normal charges? You should at least demand the room for free for the night."

"Hey I am a earl and-" in between the sentence he took a long drink of the ale again,"I will soon be too drunk to care how much money I lose. At least that's the plan anyways." He grinned again.

Anna grinned at him and slid another drink in front of him. Grabbing another one she said. "I'll be right back."

Walking with the ale towards the man in the corner she set the glass down in front of him and she could see part of his beard. There was something familiar about him but she couldn't pinpoint it. Not one to mince words she asked him, "Evening, I brought you a glass of ale. Who are you? You seem familiar somehow."

Despite the distance between the bar and the corner, Verrick could hear what was said, with the help of watching their mouths. This little bout between the two made him sick personally... It seemed like a two bit act with the male action trying way too hard. It was painful to watch, the man was clearly trying to impress her with the fact he was a earl, throwing his money around, trying to get into her pants. It was so disgusting he had to look away for a moment, and realized how quickly his emotions were effecting his judgement. Closing his eyes for a moment to readjust himself mentally he looked back as he heard the bet between them. No way this guy was going to win....not with her aim.

She made her way over to him, just as a good hostess would do. He tried to shrink back into his cloak as much as he could without moving when she stood in front of him. At her question he was silent for a moment, daring not to move as he wondered if she recognized him immediately and was just playing it off. No, he didn't have a beard last time they talked...well fought. He was also confident his cowl was indeed covering the rest of his face.

For what seemed like ages he finally spoke, "Thank you..." his voice rough and low, as if he didn't speak much at all. " I don't know why...you only see my beard I'm sure. Unless you remember beards....which would be a little odd."

The instant she heard his voice she knew who it was. Her eyes flashed in pain first then in anger and she put the glass on the table harder than she had anticipated and it splashed over the top and onto the table. Her voice shook a little for a second. Getting a hold of herself she remembered why he was there. Obviously he was spying on someone and it would put his life in jeopardy if he got caught.

She kept her voice low but it was angry. "Don't worry, Verrick. I'll not tell anyone it's you."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

He let out a scoff, besides that he was still as a stone. How the hell did she figure out it was him? He knew this was not a good idea from the start. Clearly she was still angry about their fight all those years ago. Hell he was as well. "Appreciate it." He said rather shortly. This was not how he envisioned ever speaking to Anna once again. He looked down at the drink that was spilt. "Honestly thought you would get better at handling drinks after all these years."

Anna hadn't realized that she was holding her breath till he spoke. She turned away from him. Good, he was being an ass. That made it easier to treat him like she didn't care. Without saying anything else to him she stormed back to the bar. Rounding the corner of the bar she picked up two knives and put one in front of Alexander and forced a smile while she tried to calm down.

"My turn," She raised up her arm and threw the knife into the middle of the bulls eye as if it were nothing at all. She had barely looked at the target before throwing it. Her eyes passed over Verrick and kept on moving back to Alexander. She smiled at him.

"You are up earl."

"Wow......", Alexander looked over at the knife in the bulls eye and winced. He already knew he probably couldn't hit the target so he decided to just throw as hard as he can. He walked over to where she threw from and looked at the target. He took a step back from the throwing point and cocked his arm back. He took a large step forward and swung his arm with all his strength.

He didn't hit the bullseye, that was pretty obvious from the start of the throw. He hit around the third ring on the target, the outer edge of the third ring. The part that was fairly impressive was how far it had gone into the wall. He had thrown it with all his strength causing it to bury itself nearly up to the hilt.

Alexander walked over to the knife and gave it a tug, and it barely moved. Alexander put both hands on the knife and pulled hard, stumbling back when the knife came out of the wall. He smiled at her and turned around and shouted to the tavern, "All drinks are on me the rest of the night!!!"

Smiling he walked back to Anna and just handed her all the money he had on him. "That should cover the wall and the drinks." He had seen how angry she had been when she walked back from the customer in the corner and was hoping the extra business would make her happier.

Verrick let out a sigh when she walked away angrily, immediately regretting his words. Honestly it was better this way, now he could focus on his work...if this man ever showed up that is. He watched as she threw the knife effortlessly into the bullseye. Memories of him teaching her the basics came to mind. The fond memory was quickly put away at the back of his mind. He didn't deserve to think of that after what he just did.

After the man threw his blade, Verrick wondered if the man was genuinely that bad or did it on purpose. He imagined the latter...but it was hard to tell. He didn't reach for his drink at all, only folding his arms under his cloak as he prepared for a long wait.

Anna had chuckled when his throw had landed. When she realized how far in it had gone she cursed under her breath. As he pulled on the knife it really gave him a lot of resistance. Anna had on occasion done this before but not in her bar. She half grinned as it came out.

Looking at the money he gave her she smirked and stuffed it into her pocket. She felt her eyes welling up and she looked up at the ceiling and then quickly went behind the curtain to the back room and started wiping her eyes so there wouldn't be wet streaks down her cheeks. Her sniffles were quiet and she took a moment for herself. She couldn't understand how he...she got mad and turned and kicked over a mop bucket full of water. Frustrated the tears wouldn't be held in check and she got down on her knees to mop up the water.

Alexander saw the tears well up and watched her rush into the back room. Alexander thought for a second on what to do then decided to follow her. He opened the door to her mopping up the water, and moved to help. He began to mop the water with her and stayed silent. If she was going to talk to him she would talk to him. He didn't want to push her to say anything she didn't want to, and he silently feared he did something wrong. Maybe she was sad about the wall, or he said something hurtful without knowing it. He would just wait until she either decided to talk to him or told him to leave.

Anna stopped and looked at Alexander mopping the floor on his knees. She reached over and stayed his hand. "Why are you mopping my floor with me? This is not a job for a baron." She looked away and wiped her tears away and forced a smile that refused to stay put.

"An earl's job is to lead his people. Whether that is commanding an army, making legal decisions, or mopping the floor, a leader must always be there for his people."

Alexander was sad that he had to explain that. To him that meant the lords that ruled today did not do so for their people or for their countries, but for themselves. To him that meant they were a failure. For the privilege of ruling they must pay through service to those they rule.

"In fact I do believe it is my job to mop the floor."

Anna listened to him speak and she couldn't believe that he was that honorable. She hadn't seen that kind of chivalry and thinking since she was a child. She took his hand and stood up pulling him with her.

"Please, go and enjoy yourself. I'll be out in a moment. I just need to wash my face." Anna insisted. She couldn't walk out there as she was and have Verrick see that he had had that much of an impact on her. She didn't want him to have this effect but it had happened. There was little she could do at this point. She dropped her chin just a little a little embarrassed that he had caught her crying. "Please."

Alexander wanted to stay and try to help, but he knew he wouldn't be any real help. He nodded and walked out of backroom and searched the room. He looked towards the corner of the room and saw the man sitting in a chair. He began to walk over to the man in the corner and stared straight at him. He raised his eyebrows as he noticed the mottled cloak of a woodsman, and started to wonder what he was doing here. As he reached the table he looked down at him and growled, "What do you want here woodsman?"

Verrick watched as the earl walked out of the back room and made his way directly towards him. Raising an eyebrow, wondering what was said between the two... clearly having missed the fact that Anna was crying. He didn't move as the man spoke to him. Asking what he wanted.

Growling under his breath clearly she told him something. He moved his head, looking to the Ale on his table...then back to the man. Then back to his drink. Raising his right hand, palm up. He indicated the drink. "I would imagine the drink on my table would be a little obvious..." He said in a gruff irritated tone.

"I know you aren't here for a drink, I have worked with your organization too many times to not recognize a woodsman on the job. In fact I believe you are waiting for something or someone. I don't know what or why, but I do know how to ruin your plans. You see, you are going to agree that after your job here is done you will leave and never come back and bother Anna again. If you do not ,all I have to do is say the word woodsman loud enough for those around us to hear. We both know how suspicious the commoners are of your order. You will be immediately singled out and isolated. Do you understand?"

Verrick eyed the idiot before him. Yes as an earl, he was sure that was true, but it was the fact he was saying he was going to ruin his plans. He leaned back in his chair and cocked his head to the side, barely revealing more of his face to the light. He acted amused, though his lips were straight as a board. "If you did work with the woodsman before...then you do realize getting in our way makes you an enemy to the throne?"

"Oh I know that, but can an earl really convicted of treason for accidentally raising his voice? You know I am pretty drunk right now, and I don't know if I can keep my voice this low. It is a weird thing I do when I am drunk. I end up yelling for some reason." As Alexander said those last words he let a smirk come to his face. Even though he hated all the sneaking and conniving he had to deal with when talking with the other nobles, he was bound to pick something up.

"Yes." Verrick said flatly, Not backing down from this earl. He's dealt with these types so many times. "I've heard of dukes being set for treason on less. Just a simple look. A drunk earl's word against a woodsman wouldn't hold for a second in the king's ear." he said confidently. "Just because you threw away your money, trying to gain favor of the lady of the tavern, doesn't give you the means or reason to get into her business or mine for that matter. Now move along before I put you down." He said low, a clear edge to his words.

"Maybe, but your mission would still be ruined. I don't care if you are a Woodsman, you will not harm anyone that has committed no crime, king's justice or no-"

He cut him off. "Honestly I don't know what your talking about now. " He said waving him off, "Get back to trying to woo the owner and leave me be you drunken fool, before you do anything stupid." He said with a growl.

Anna came out of the back room and looked up for the earl and when she spied who he was talking to she grabbed a bottle of whiskey and rushed over to that table. She put the bottle on the table and her hand in Alexander's hand and squeezed it. Looking at Verrick she said, "Sorry it took me so long, it's on the house sir. Enjoy." Pulling Alexander behind her she took him back behind the curtain and when they were far enough away from the others she turned and leaned against the wall and gave him a worried look.

"What were you doing? You can't do that. He can get my place shut down and us hung. Well he wouldn't get me hung, but he sure as hell would you!" Obviously more than a little freaked out she began to pace back and forth in a three foot space.

Alexander watched her pace for a bit then decided to get to the bottom of all this. "Why are you so mad with him. What is going on between you two, because I am really confused and starting to become annoyed." Alexander looked at her and sighed. This was much more drama than he was planning when he decided to make the trip up here.

Anna took a deep breath and said calmly. "We were a couple a very long time ago and we hadn't seen each other since then. Not until tonight. I guess old hurts still hurt sometimes. Please just stay out of his way because I can't do anything to mess up his job. It just hurts that he chose a job over me."

Anna was surprised that last part came out and she looked almost as surprised as she felt. Was that really the part that hurt so much? She did still care about him and the pain was almost as bad as it was eight years ago if she let it get to her. She really didn't want to cause him trouble but he chose the man who caused her mother's death over her. That part really cut her deep.

Alexander looked up at the ceiling then back down at her. "If he hurt you so much just let him go. You shouldn't hold something so painful so close to you. If he chose his job over you that means he is just too stupid to see what is really important. If he could see clearly he would realize that is you." After Alexander said that he tilted her face up to look at his and said, "I can see what is truly important." After he said this he leaned down and kissed her.

Verrick shook his head as she dragged him back into the back room. Looking at the bottle of whisky she left behind. He glanced at the others in the room and noticed a few people looking towards him. Well done, his cover is blown. Growling as he decided what to do next.

He stood up and grabbed the bottle and quickly moved to the bar, and whipped the curtain back seeing the earl holding Anna's face and kissing her. Seeing this felt like a donkey kicked him right in the gut. Without looking he placed the Whisky bottle rather roughly on one of the shelves. When they would obviously hear it he would be there standing with a look of disgust and pain on his face."Oh I'm sorry, Did I interrupt? I hate it when someone screws up someone elses plans...." He said rather pointedly to the earl. Just be careful, she might give you an ultimatum to give up doing some good in the kingdom in your position."

Alexander looked down at Verrick when he heard the bottle being set down and listened to what he had to say, and thought for a second. "Unlike you, I will make the right decision. I am willing to sacrifice a simple job for someone so much more valuable than any of that."

Anna was surprised at the kiss but Verrick appeared immediately afterwards and she felt like she was doing something wrong suddenly. She felt like it was eight years ago suddenly and all of the pain came back instantly.

"You can't do this to me. You can't! It's been eight years and YOU left me! You don't get to keep me trapped in this world of pain that you put me in." Anna was nearly shaking with emotion and she couldn't do anything about it. "Verrick, please."

Verrick scoffed at both comments, cutting off Anna "Easy there killer...you just met her what today?" Looking to Anna, "I'm not trying to hold you back. You've done that yourself, perhaps that saying something?" He wanted to tell her he did it for her, but he couldn't...not now, not then. He would keep his promise though....not that she ever heard the promise from his lips.

Without another word he turned and left the bar. Dropping money onto the counter for the ale that was spilled, and for the bottle of unopened whisky. Pushing this out of his mind he would now have to wait for this informant outside of the bar.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Belching, Josie stumbled up the street, his heavy stomach already warmed from the last bar he stepped into. Looking around he tried to find the Ale House, he needed the money to get some more ale!

Rounding the street, he saw the warm windows, and could hear the din of a busy Tavern from where he was. Excitedly he trotted up the street faster. Coming to a bit of a pause when he saw some small man exit the building. Shrugging he passed the man, noting his short beard and badly dyed cloak quickly, but not placing their importance flying past his brain from the drink.

Pulling the door open, he fell into the warm inviting atmosphere, already searching for the fine little handful of an owner. Maybe a little coin could talk her into his bed tonight, those strange people paid him well enough to get most whores there. Coming up to the bar, he saw the woman talking to some handsome tanned man, and he became cross. He'd been looking to get her tonight and this man here thinks he can swoop out of nowhere and steal his lay?

That wouldn't work. "Bah' maid! I wanna drink Bah' maid. " calling out to her sloppily, he hoped to pull her attentions onto himself.

Anna heard the call of the newest patron and she left Alexander at the bar and walked over to the man. He seemed to be about thirty-ish, not a soldier but definitely an ale drinker by the gut on him. She smiled welcomingly as she stepped up to the table.

"What can I get for you tonight? Will it be whiskey or ale?" Anna appeared to be normal to those around her but she was wondering if this was the guy Verrick was looking for.

Seeing her smile caused a tightness to the man's core, one that would to a tightening of his trousers given half a chance. Leaning forward, he peered at her and said "I'm not looking for a drink yet. Why don't you come here so we can talk about that, eh?"

Reaching forward, he showed her some gold clutched in his callused hand, the glint of it drawing the eye." If this isn't enough, I'll be getting paid tonight" the confidence from the alcohol rolling through his system, had Josie sure of his success.

When Verrick left the place, he glanced to his left to see Josie walking passed him, drunk as hell. Why couldn't the prick come sooner? Grumbling once again, he turned back around and reached for his bow...only to realize he left it in the corner in his fit of anger. Cursing himself silently he moved back into the bar. As he did though, he unclasped the brooch that held his cloak on, quickly rolling it up in his arm. He did this, only because of the whispers of him earlier after that bout between him and the earl. Feeling awkward now, for two reasons, One being without his cloak, feeling much colder now without its warmth, the second being him walking back in just moments after an awkward confrontation between Anna and him...and this dillweed of a earl. Verrick moved passed Josie, and towards his old chair. Grabbing his bow he turned around and moved closer to the bar. Getting close enough to study Josie, and figure out where he was holding onto the paperwork. He looked at Anna, with a grumpy look. "I'm sorry miss. I just need to sit here for a minute or so...then I'll be out of your hair."

Anna was instantly aware of the way the older man was looking at her. "I'm sorry sir the only things on the menu are ale and whiskey. If you are looking for companionship there are a few brothels in the capital but there are no whores here. Could I interest you in some ale?"

She was so focussed on the man in front of her that she noticed Verrick coming back in but didn't take notice of what he said very well. She glanced up at him and nodded. She was more concerned about keeping the demanding man in check.

Hearing her turn him down brought red to the man's cheeks. How dare the bitch deny him. That's fine with him. He'll just come back tonight. She can say no as much as she wants then, it'd only make it more fun.

Pulling his hand back, he decided he'd make his current visit hell for the woman. What did it matter to him? He was getting his payout tonight. "I want ale, but this isn't over yet." Leaning back, he looked at her, his face showing his displeasure with her refusal. This was fine.

Tugging on his beard he waited for her to bring him his drink thinking about his plans that night.

Anna turned and went to the bar taking her time to get the ale for the obnoxious man. If he weren't the one that Verrick needed she would kick him out right now. She suspected that was the case when Verrick had spoken to her as if nothing had happened just mere moments before. Filling the glass up, she kept her eyes on the man as she walked back to him. She didn't trust him as far as she could spit. Upon arrival she set the glass down and turned to walk away.

Okay, Alexander was somewhat confused. Anna went to go deal with a patron like normal, but then the little runt of a woodsman walked right back in. Alexander just watched him as he got his bow and sat down at the bar saying something to Anna. Then after all that drama she just nodded at him and kept on talking with the patron. Seeing that she wasn't bothered by the woodsman being here Alexander shook his head and looked around him for his drink. There was something he didn't know about and he really didn't feel like learning right now.

Leaning forward when the woman went to get his drink, Josie watched the sway of her hips, eyes drawn to the muscles in her pants dipping down to her legs and back up to the curve of her backside. Licking his lips, he whistled lowly "I will get my hands on that ass." Shifting in his seat, he leaned further forward, propping his elbow on the table and resting his chin on his hand, his eyes planted on her lower half.

Seeing her come back up, his eyes drifted back up her body, drifting along the swell of her breast for a moment before settling on her face, before she walked away again, if she'd passed closer, he would have made a pass at her, one she couldn't have refused even if she wanted to.

Alexander had his head tilted back taking a long swig of the ale. He put the cup down and looked over at Anna. As he looked over his eyes panned over the room and glanced back at the woodsman. As he looked at the ranger he noticed the drooling creep staring at Anna. Alexander just glared at him for a second then looked over back at the ale. He then sighed then began walking over to the staring man. The man was so intent he didn't notice Alexander walk right up next to him. Alexander looked down at him for moment then whistled. As the man turned his head to look up all he would see is Alexander's fist swinging straight at him. Alexander's fist hit the man in the cheek bone, knocking him to the ground. Alexander then turned around and walked back to the bar to get back to his drink.

Verrick growled as he watched the josie eyed up Anna in a disgusting show of unbridled lust. He couldn't deck the man, he needed him still to lead him to the people he was selling information to. However he was about to forget about the mission and break the man's wrist for the way he looked. He glanced at Anna, but suddenly heard a whistle, then when he looked back Josie was sprawled out on the floor, knocked out cold.

Facepalming himself he grumbled a few choice curse words for the brute seafaring noble.

Anna turned around at the sound of something breaking. Her eyes widened as the somewhat drunk earl punched the man known as Josie in the face. She had no way of knowing that the man was staring at and making comments about her backside and his plans to have her later that night. She did know she was extremely uncomfortable around Josie. She felt she had to at least ask him if he was okay, but first she was going to give Alexander some grief.

Anna walked back over to Alexander and looked at him. She couldn't tell if he was annoyed because of the man or that his glass was empty again. It was very hard for her not to laugh at the expression on his face. "Why did you just hit one of my customers?" She asked calmly and Chester was staring at Josie like he might strangle the man. "What happened?" She asked the earl quietly.

Alexander looked at her when she asked him the question. Alexander felt a grin come to his face and he knew he was pretty drunk. "He was staring at you wrong, and I didn't like the feeling he gave me." Alexander looked over her back at the man still crumpled on the ground. "I am pretty sure he isn't dead." He felt his stupid grin get larger at his own joke. He then leaned down, picking up the man's wallet. "Here, this is for the emotional distress."

Great... he's drunk. And he thinks he's funny. Verrick rubbed his face, Anna was about to buy into the whole knight in shining armor routine as well. He watched in pain as these two flirted back and forth, it was painful to watch for the reason it was cheesy. He had to say something.

"Wonderful. You knocked out a man who was about to fall over himself." He said while giving a sarcastic clap or two.

"Didn't see you doing much to stop his staring. Maybe you were afraid he would fall over and crush you?"

"Or maybe because this was the man I was waiting for so he could lead me to the people who was buying his information. Thank you for getting in my way once again." He grumbled.

"Hey just search his body, maybe he left some evidence. Or follow him when he wa-"

Cutting him off "I DON'T NEED THE EVIDENCE you fool I need him with his senses." Verrick snapped back at him.

"I really don't see how this is my problem. I was just defending the Anna's honor." Alexander was smirking when he said this. He knew how much the Woodsman hated all the pomp and show that went with "honor".

Verrick literally fell back against the bar in disbelief. "I'm sorry...Not a fool then. A complete and utter moron. Anna, can defend herself by herself, I've seen it many times." He growled as he moved over and slapped josie a few times hard on the other side of his face.

"Yes, but why should I bother her with that when I could just solve it in one punch?"

Anna looked over at Josie then to Chester who nodded to confirm what had happened. A shiver ran down her spine and she looked at Josie again. "I'm not moving him but we can't leave him there." She looked up at Verrick and frowned. For a fleeting moment her mind forgot about the pain between them and her eyes softened. It was gone so fast that no one would have seen it but him.

"I'll move him, but he might be a little too heavy for me. Maybe the woodsman can finally make himself useful and help me carry him. He will probably take the man to the king's torturers since he couldn't talk then kill him once the drunk's usefulness was over."

Verrick looked like he was about to knock the earl out himself. His lips a thin line and his eyes closed as he calmed himself. He glanced up to see Anna frowning at him.... That was too much for him to bare. Looking quickly away he grabbed his bow, slinging it over his shoulders and quickly putting on his cloak one more time, with out the hood before putting his arm in front of Alex and shoving him back against the bar rather roughly, and surprising strength for a man five inches shorter than the baron.

He held his hand on his chest and Growled. "I think you've done enough. I don't need your help with him. He reached down and with a hard pull, yanked the man up enough to hold him with his shoulder and by the collar Then dropping to his knees, he allowed the bigger man to fall over him, shoving himself up once more, catching him across his shoulders and holding him much like hunters did with deer. His years of pulling back a longbow has given him great upper body strength.

Alexander growled back at the man, but he was not speaking. It was a low guttural sound, more primal than anything.

Looking back to the Earl, He raised an eyebrow. As if mocking the fact the Earl needed a smaller mans help to carry this piece of garbage. "I don't need torturers to get my own information. he said coldly before glancing at Anna... it was clear he wanted to say something....anything... to her. Just pain she could see in his eyes though, after which he looked away before he started to walk out of the Tavern and over to the hitching post.

Anna looked at Chester and downed another shot and said "Take over." She walked outside behind Verrick and followed him.She stood there as he walked over to where the horses were, just next to the water trough.

"Verrick, we need to talk." Her voice shook and she waited for him to turn and say something awful to her.

He lowered his head as he heard her voice, stopping in his steps. He closed his eyes as he heard how her voice shook, and turned around. He looked at her long and hard, His eyes not angry, nor his body language. He just stood there...knocked out fat drunk just draped over his shoulders. "What is there to talk about...? he asked Genuinely. All signs of his sarcasm and anger gone.

Anna had expected him to put the fat bastard down first but she wanted to say this before she lost her nerve.

"I'm sorry...I never should have pushed you away. It was the grief talking and I....by the time I realized what I had done you were gone." Her eyes filled with long held in pain. She stood there in silence afraid he would walk away without saying anything to her.

Verrick looked away from Anna, seeing her eyes. Why now did she have to say this? Why did she make him feel like the asshole. Despite the fact he usually was one. He looked at his life, since then. He doubted she would even love him the same way. He was a different man now. More harsh, and rough around the edges. "I'm sorry I left. There isn't a day I don't wish I would have told you then and there why I did what I did. Leaving you to your grief alone was not right. But you were right about one thing... he choked... as he turned back around. I can't put you through anymore pain. It's better for me to just stay out of your life from now on. You deserve better than me. He said as his eyes welled up, close to tears breaking free. But he shoved them back in as he continued his walk to the hitching posts.

Anna looked as if she had been slapped. She didn't know she was crying until the tears blurred her vision. "Why did you leave? Tell me now. Why would you think that you aren't good enough?" She ran over to the horse and she could see the pain in his eyes. "Tell me. I waited eight years for you to come back."

He stopped with this fat bastard still on his back, It was a cruel tactic of her to use this man for her so he couldn't slip away fast enough. He sighed as he looked away from her. Deciding if he really should tell her... He growled, as he then said, "I wanted to find that guard. I didn't stop till I did, and could get close enough. The ONLY way I could was to be a Woodsman Anna. It took me a few years, But I finally was able to get him..." He said trailing off. Hoping it would be clear that he killed him. " I came back...but I was not the same man anymore Anna...Your father could sense this, he told me to stay away. You looked so happy I did. You don't need a killer like me in your life.

Anna was shocked that he actually killed the man who killed her mother. It had been what she wished for for so long that it should have brought her happiness to hear he did it, but somehow it didn't. When he mentioned her father she knew why he said what he did and it had nothing to do with that. Anna wasn't sure what to say. She hadn't been happy except for shortly after she realized she was pregnant and her father had been furious about it.

Anna looked even sadder. She needed to tell him but she didn't want to hurt him. "You aren't a killer. You forget how well I know you."

He growled. "Eight years ago Anna I wasn't. You don't know me anymore." He said as tried to move away, and towards the water trough.

Anna nodded. She knew what she needed to know and she could see it in his eyes. "Do you still love me?"

Verrick stopped just beside the water trough, looking back at her over his shoulder. "There will never be a day I stop." He said with a tiny hint of a smile....before dropping the man on his shoulders into the water trough suddenly.

Anna smiled through her tears. She put her arms around him and whispered into his ear. "I still love you too and I always will. So what do we do now?"

Verrick felt his heart jump with joy when she said those words and held him, but he couldn't...he just couldn't hurt her anymore...not right now... not during this time. He had to keep her safe. "Anna... You're not getting it... I won't stop loving you. My life as a Woodsman is extremely dangerous...more than I imagined... I don't want you to get hurt because of it.'

Anna read the determination in his eyes and realized that he wasn't backing down. He was really leaving her again. She shook her head in disbelief. "You know, I just heard you telling the earl that I can take care of myself. You know this to be true. We could be married and no one would bother me because of your job. So I'm not buying this."

It's not that simple An..." He looked at the man trying to get out of the trough and kicked him back into it. dealing with drunkards is one thing, dealing with my world is another. Especially now. With the rumors of rebellion starting up once again, and with what just happened to Fenros... He would have to leave her again anyways.

Anna just shook her head, leaned forward and kissed his cheek and walked back into the tavern. She wasn't going to listen to more excuses as to why he thought they couldn't be together. She wasn't going to wait for him either. She had already wasted eight years waiting on him
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

(day of escape)
Anna had gotten some kind of closure at least. It oddly felt like she was lighter even though she was not happy about the ending of their conversation. She wiped her eyes and went back to the bar to talk to Alex.

"Hey, sorry that took so long. Can I get you another glass or do you want to do a shot with me?" She said handing him a shot as she slung hers down.

Alexander looked back at her and downed the shot right as he got a good hold of it. He set it back down and went straight back to the ale he had in another cup next to him. After finishing off the tankard he looked up at her with a grim face. Gone was his smile from earlier, there was no cheer in his eyes. "Just give me anything you have that has alcohol in it."

Anna had been hoping the earl would make her laugh some more. "What happened? Why are you not happy? We can't both be unhappy who will cheer us up?" She poured herself another shot.

Alexander shook his head when she asked him the questions. "Turns out a man I knew and respected was arrested yesterday. He was one of the few good ones up in that cesspit of a castle. This is why I stay away as much as possible. It corrupts everyone who goes there, but the few unlucky ones who don't get corrupted die. Too many good people die for saying something the king just doesn't agree with."

"I'd love to k-..." she stopped and looked around. She grabbed a bottle of whisky and two glasses. "We shouldn't speak about this stuff in public. Come on I'll show you to your room."

Anna smiled at Chester and said "Thank you." She led Alex up the stairs and pointed to his room. She sat down near the small table and poured them shots. Handing him one she told him how her mother died and what over. "I was told the guard died sometime later but it was her attack on the king and I get it, but it was too extreme a punishment. I'd love to kill him and all of the ones that think like him."

Alexander shook his head in disgust when she told him what had happened to her mother. "I would like to shake the hand of whatever man killed that guard. Maybe in the beginning the kings lineage were good kings, but no longer. They are all twisted and depraved, only looking out for themselves. I swear someday those people will get their due, and when it comes I plan on being as far away from them as possible."

Anna shook her shot glass in her hand absentmindedly as she spoke. "I have heard rumors of a rebellion and I would love to be a part of that." She was serious. "I get information in here all the time so for me it would be easy to help." She stretched and realized how tight her muscles were from all of the stress she had been through today.

"What I wouldn't give for a good back rub."

Alexander smirked at her as she said those last few words. By talking it out for the first time in awhile Alexander had been able to actually deal with his emotions instead of just penting them up. "It would almost seem as if your asking me, an earl, to give you a back rub." As he said this he stood up and stretched his back. "Well now I am offering a back rub. What kind of host would I be if I didn't do that." As he said host he swung an arm around the room in the most lordly way he could.

Anna laughed at him and repositioned herself on her stomach on the bed. "This is going to be something I can tell my grandchildren about." She frowned and murmured. "Assuming I have any." She stretched out and kicked her boots off onto the floor and waited for him.

Alexander frowned as she murmured about never having grandchildren. As Alexander leaned over and began to massage her back he decided to speak about things that might calm her.

"Did you know that far away from here, there is a country that sticks needles in people as a massage? I tried it once, but it was more stressful than relaxing. I learned that day that I don't like watching needles going into my skin."

"You mean like a sewing needle? That's crazy. Who would do that?" She began to relax as his hands massaged the tension out of her back. She kind of liked the pain that it inflicted as it released the pressure on her muscles and she sighed happily. "By the way that feels so good. And why would you let someone stick needles in you?"

"I was intrigued by it, it was something different and I wanted to try it. I think I was 19 at the time it happened. And down south there are massive animals. As large as a building with massive tusks, and they are extremely gentle until threatened then they become unstoppable. They actually train them for war and fight with them. It is terrifying to watch."

As he said this he continued with his massage now reaching her lower back.

Anna groaned as he found a hard knot and focussed on it. She realized he couldn't get to it quite as well because of her pants so she wiggled them down a little so he could reach the spot. She was drunk enough she didn't think about it being something she might not do normally. She trusted Alex. "Try that spot again? I think you can reach it now."

Alexander saw her move her pants down and raised an eyebrow at that, but followed her instructions nonetheless. As he massaged her lower and lower he then began to reminisce about the days he sailed without a worry in the world. Maybe it was the alcohol, but he was saying it aloud. From the time he survived waves 30 feet tall, to his first drink with barbarians far to the north. He told her of the friends he had made while in the south learning to ride elephants and his enemies in the west who raid and pillage for a living. He didn't know why, but he was sure this information was safe with her.

Anna sighed happily and raised up and turned over onto her side. She was enjoying listening to his stories of his travels. She patted the bed next to her and moved over so he could lay next to her. When he lay down she laid her head on his shoulder and asked him questions until she fell asleep in his arms. It was the first time in a long time that she slept well.

Alexander didn't notice she was asleep till some time after. He didn't want to disturb her by moving so he just lay there, boots on and everything until he fell asleep. His last thought before falling asleep was that this just might be better than sailing.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raylah


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Eva slowly made her way into the dungeons beneath the House of Questions. Finally, she was getting somewhere in this whole Ouroboros mess. She passed the cell where they held the blackmailed servant. Such an unimportant person and such valuable information he gave them. A traitor still. No matter what his reasons were, providing his master’s military secrets to stranger is treason, even if he didn’t know anything about the Ouroboros.

When she got to the right cell, she was almost trembling with expectation. She is going to get some new information today, one way or another. The man behind the door was a huge disappointment. He looked drunk and reeked of vomit. “You sure you got the right one?” she asked Garret, who was silently standing behind the prisoner.

He just nodded. “Not many men with such funny names.”

Eva lifted her eyebrow. So many words from him in one sentence. “Well, let’s see.” With those words she turned to Josie, who was still gagged. “We don’t have much time, as I believe you have a certain… appointment to attend,” she said to him. “Now, you have probably already figured out what I want.” The man nodded vigorously and muffled something through the gag. “To be clear, I don’t want just the information you stole, but I also want you to lead us to your contact, do you understand that?” Josie’s face became hesitant. That was good. He could clearly lead her to someone he was afraid of more than a very imminent threat of torture.

She smiled slightly, her eyes remaining cold. “As I said, we don’t have much time,” she nodded to Edward and he handed her a cleaver. “This is my go-to tool, when I don’t have much time. It is surprisingly… convincing.” She lifted the cleaver in front of the prisoner, so he could take a proper look on it, his eyes widening in fear. “The question remains, are you a leftie, or a rightie?” Josie desperately tried to say something through the gag. “Actually, why don’t you choose, Garret?”

Her assistant untied one of Josie’s hands and held it on the table. The man was trying to scream now and shook his head in terror. “You want to know a secret, Josie? EVERYONE starts saying things when they see something sharp around them. The problem is, most of those things simply aren’t true. So I will spare you the effort of making up any lies, and we will jump straight to you telling the truth. Because if I hate something, it’s LIES.” With the last word she swung the cleaver against his fingers. Josie screamed and tried to move away, but Garret didn’t let him move an inch. The cleaver got stuck in the table, just at the tip of Josie’s little finger, barely scratching his fingernail.

The man sighed with relief, when he realized she didn’t hurt him. “Yea, maybe I am just messing with you. Maybe I wouldn’t really hurt any law-abiding citizen, right?” She asked in a sweet tone, while freeing the cleaver from the table. “But then again, you hardly are a law-abiding citizen, are you?” Still looking him in the eyes, she swung the cleaver again, removing half of his little finger.

It took him almost a second to realize what happened and start screaming. “Now listen to me,” she leaned across the table and grabbed his face with her free hand, lifting the cleaver up again, “there is no nice way for you out of this. You will either tell me everything and do everything I say, in which case you will be hanged for treason. Or you will lie or try to screw us up, in which case I will come to this cell every single day and chop a small part of your body off. Understood?” Josie nodded desperately, his eyes fixed on the blood stain and part of his finger on the table.

“So, where is the information you were supposed to sell to your contact?” She nodded on Garret and he removed prisoner’s gag.

“In my wallet, I put it in my wallet!” Josie yelled immediately.

Eva looked at Edward, eyebrow raised in question. “He didn’t have anything with him,” he shook his head.

“Wrong answer.” Cleaver swung again and removed the rest of the finger.

Josie screamed in pain. “I am not lying, I swear I had it in my wallet. I had it when I went into the Ale House.”
“The Ale House? Send some people there, tell them to find it at all costs,” Eva said to Edward. “Try to bring the owner back alive though, I might have some questions for her. Now, I would like to know everything about this contact of yours.”

It took one more finger before Eva was finally satisfied with the answers. She ordered Garret to patch up Josie’s wound and take him to see his contact. Along with a squad of armed man to capture the suspect.

Eva remained in the cell for some time after everyone else had left, massaging her knee to remove at least some of the stiffness. She was satisfied and couldn’t wait for the return of her men.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Meanwhile, during Fenros's Escape....

Well that went to shit... Verrick said to himself, standing over the body of Josie, apparently the meet didn't end well for him. He had lost track of him for a couple of hours after waking him back up with the bath. Something didn't feel right though. If he gave them the evidence...why didn't they let him live? There was no reason for it them to kill him if they've worked with him before.

Kneeling down next to the body he saw the cause of death, a slice to the throat. However he could see the beginnings of bruising over his face and chest. He also noted his little finger was missing, and bandaged up poorly. That didn't make sense at all, why would they bandage him if they were just going to kill him?

Grumbling to himself, he stood up turning and leaving the body there as he walked away. They must have not found it on him...or they realized he was compromised....or both? But still doesn't explain the bandages... He suddenly remembered Alexander taking the wallet. Was Josie that stupid to put the information inside that? Suddenly it clicked why he would have a bandaged missing finger, it looked all too similar...Eva.

From a a standing position, he went to a full sprint back to The Ale House. If she got the information out of him, and sent him still to the meeting knowing he didn't have the documents. She would send men to The Ale House. Cursing himself, he sprinted as fast as he could.

Anna was sleeping when she heard the sound of a loud crash and she was jolted awake immediately. Looking over she realized she was laying in bed with Alexander who was also fully dressed. She heard yelling and she scrambled to the end of the bed and grabbed her boots.

"Alex! Something is going on wake up!" Throwing the door open she practically fell down the stairs in her hurry to find out what was going on. Hearing men's voices and Chester's scared voice she stopped just short of the curtain.

A man's voice demanded, "Where is it? Where is the information?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about. Please mister we are just a friendly little tavern."

She shifted her weight and the floorboard creaked and Chester saw her through the curtain's opening and he shook his head ever so slightly. Reaching to her left she grabbed a sword off of the wall. She had a few in the back just in case. Her knives were under the counter but she had to get to them first. She heard another scream on the other side of the room and saw many men with their faces covered fighting with customers. She looked back to Chester but the man had stepped in front of him and Anna couldn't see him.

Alexander's eyes jolted open as Anna told him to wake up. He sat up and looked around just in time to see Anna shoot out the door and down the steps. He sat there somewhat confused for a second, mind still addled from sleep before coming to his senses. He immediately stood up and ran to the door after he heard a scream from downstairs. He ran out the door and turned sharply to go down the stairs. At least that is what he would have liked to happen. He turned the world seem to turn the other direction. He sat on the ground for a second thinking while the blood came back to his head and the adrenaline started to get rid of some of the effects of the alcohol.

Once his head cleared he looked down the stairs to see Anna standing behind the curtain watching what was happening through the curtain. As Alexander stood up he reached down to his boot and pulled out the dagger he kept hidden there. It couldn't hurt to carry a hidden weapon when a lot of people would like to see you dead. Alexander silently moved up behind Anna looking over her to see what was happening in the tavern.

Alexander was looking around the room and counting out the men he saw. He saw 4 from his point of view so he estimated somewhere between 8-12. As he was shifting around he felt something poke his back and looked behind him. Only an army rushing through the door would have made him happier; it was a sword. Alexander quickly grabbed the sword and tested its weight in his hands. He the leaned close to Anna, "So what were you thinking of doing?" Alexander felt the adrenaline start pumping through his veins. He was ready for a fight.

"Save Chester first, then the tavern." Anna watched as the man between her and Chester raised his arm with his weapon and she shoved her sword into him as she stepped through the curtain. His body was heavy on the sword as he started falling. On the other side of him was a gasping Chester. "NO!" Anna yelled as she kicked the man out of the way and bent down to see Chester.

Chester's wounds were fatal but he smiled at her and said, "You were always like a daughter to me." As the light left his eyes Anna's mind exploded and she grabbed her knives and stood up and started throwing them. She thought she felt Alex go past her so she kept her eyes open for him so she didn't slay him.

Alexander saw Anna rush out of the curtain and moved to follow her. All he saw was the man fall over and Anna bend down to check on Chester. Alexander quickly rushed past them, not wanting to lose the element of surprise. He rushed up to the closest man to Anna and stabbed his sword through the man's foot. As the man reacted by bending down to try to get the sword out of his foot, Alexander grabbed the man's left hand and impaled it to the table with the dagger he had in his left hand. The man screamed and Alexander pulled the sword out of the mans foot. He knew he had lost the element of surprise.

Alexander heard a dagger fly by his head and hit a man coming at him from behind. From the sudden silence behind him he knew it had been a killing throw. Alexander moved on to the next man in front him and stabbed for the man's stomach. His strike was blocked, but Alexander kept on moving forward with the momentum. He reversed his grip on the sword at the last second, nailing him in the ribs with the pommel, cracking a few. As he turned around he had to quickly block a strike to his face then began to duel with the man. He was much better than the other goons Alexander had fought. He was going to take a while.

Anna threw her last knife and started going towards one of the men and she pulled a dagger out of a man on the floor and stabbed it into the shoulder of one of the attackers. She grabbed his hood and pulled it off. He came round and she saw his face. He angrily swung at her and she was off balance enough that it caused her to lean too far back. She fell into a table and he ran out of the tavern.

Anna stood up and was grabbed around the waist and hoisted off of her feet. She began fighting with all of her might but she couldn't see who it was. She did however make contact with her boot and his shin.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by pandapolio
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Member Seen 1 mo ago


Verrick ran as fast as he could through the silent streets of the capital, hardly making a sound as he vaulted over stalls and wagons parked for the night, as he neared The Ale House he ripped off his cloak, while smoothly pulled his bow from his shoulder and four arrows from his quiver. Holding them in between his drawstring fingers while moving. As he drew even closer he saw a man run from the building, he didn't know if it was an attacker or a patron, so he didn't attack him.

He saw Anna struggling with a cloaked figure, while Alexander was being surrounded by more men now. As much as he didn't want to help the drunken dill weed, he decided it better not for him to get killed over something he messed up on. He notched the first arrow, drawing his longbow he took quick aim at the more important target, the man who was holding Anna. Within seconds of drawing his longbow, he let the arrow fly, his bow strangely more silent than any other bow. The arrow flew, hissing through the front door and into the man’s eye.

He didn't hesitate though, notching his second arrow just as quickly and smoothly as the first, he pulled back the bow once again and aimed at the next target, letting it loose as he continued to walk towards The Ale House. The second arrow thudding into the back of another hooded figure trying to kill Alexander from behind.

Two more arrows flew just as quickly, and two more men fell around Alexander with arrows in their necks. Verrick entered the building, and knelt down. "Are you alright Anna?"

Anna had fallen when the man holding her did. She landed on him with his knee in her back and she had rolled to her knees just as Verrick reappeared.

"Yes, I'm alright. I'm still drunk but you wait til I'm sober you are gonna hear it!" She got to her feet and swayed a little and she grabbed a knife out of a body near her and tossed it hitting her target but not where she had wanted to. He had moved too fast and got it in the shoulder. "Damn it!" She looked at Verrick.

"This is because your mark screwed up or you did right?" She glanced over at Alex and decided he was holding his own so she let him. More importantly was the look on her face when she looked at Chester's body. "They killed Chester."

Alexander was somewhat surprised when two of the men surrounding him dropped to the ground, but just adapted to it. One of the men's eyes lingered just too long at his dead comrades and Alexander took advantage of that. He rushed in lightning fast and skewered the man on his sword. He left the man on his sword using the body to block another sword stroke coming at him from his left. He then pushed the dead man at his comrade and spun around. The man he was now facing got hit in the shoulder with a dagger and stumbled back. Alexander kicked the man square in the chest, causing him to go sprawling on the ground. Alexander then spun while swinging his sword catching him by surprise. Alexanders blade bit into the man's leg causing him to drop to the ground. Hearing the man behind him start to get up Alexander kicked the dagger in his shoulder making it rip through more muscle.

Alexander looked around for more enemies, but saw none. He let his hands drop to his side while he took a deep breath, calming himself. He looked for Anna, and seeing she was okay decided she probably wouldn't mind him getting a drink.

Verrick narrowed his eyes at her when she accused him, without thanking him. He didn't answer her as he glanced at Alexander when he finished off this last opponent before going around and collecting his arrows. He'd rather not have any proof he was here.

" You can thank your prince charming here...." He looked to Anna, " All because he knocked out my mark and screwed up the meeting." He growled. Your welcome... As he ripped out the last arrow.

"Wait...there is no way he could have known that this would be the result. Drunk people get into fights all the time and it doesn't cause this."

"Where is my marks wallet Anna!?" cutting her off, grouchily

Anna pulled it out of her pants pocket and handed it to him. "This is what it's all about?"

He took the wallet and ripped it open. Sighing angrily as he pulled out a paper that was folded as much as it could be folded. Dropping the pouch of money on the counter he slipped the paper into his pants pocket. Your drunk earl took it off of him, and he couldn't pass it onto the ones he worked for.

As Alexander saw the two fighting and just decided to ignore it and do something useful. As he was walking to get a drink a sad look came over his face. He bent down and closed Chester's eyes and went back to finding a drink. After he got a bottle he pulled a chair over to the table where he had his little captive. He pulled the dagger out of the man's hand and poured some of the ale onto the wound. He then let the prisoner drink some of the ale to take a bit of the pain away.

"Can't have you screaming when I am trying to ask you some questions can we?"

He then poured some of the ale on his sword looking the man in the eyes. "Can't have you running away either though." As he said those last words with a violent motion he stabbed the sword back into the original wound.

Alexander looked up towards the arguing pair in the center of the room. "Hey I think this man wants to apologize for destroying your bar." He leaned back towards the whimpering man and said, "Next I think you will be a nice gift for the nice man over there for helping me out."

Anna looked over at Alexander and whipped a knife into the head of the man he was talking to. "Apology not accepted!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Anna looked scared when the woodsman said he was leaving, Alexander felt a flash of jealousy. Did she really think he could not stop the intruders if more came? Did she think that the only way they would survive was if the woodsman was here? Fine then, he will leave them to their worrying.

Alexander put the drink down and walked over to Anna and put an arm around her. "I am going to head back to bed, and if you feel like joining me again you are welcome. If not please wake me when the guard gets here." With that the baron turned around to head back towards the stairs.

Verrick tilted his head to the side as he inspected his last person he dropped on the ground before nodding to himself. It was then Anna came and touched him on the arm, and asked him worriedly if he was leaving. He sighed, but before he could say anything the baron came over, wrapped his arms around Anna's shoulder and said he was going back to bed, and clearly putting out that she was in bed with him before.

A sharp pain cut through his chest, as a clear change in his face could be seen. Any look of compassion now gone as he grabbed the earl by the back collar of his tunic and yanked him towards the front door. "No, you lazy bastard you are not going back to bed." He quickly made it to the trough and shoved his head down just enough so only his head was submerged for a second. He then pulled him back up and out, getting right in his face, as if inspecting his handiwork.

Alexander was caught off balance by the small man dragging him forward. As he shoved him back in Alexander closed his eyes and was shocked by the temperature of the water. As he was pulled out of the water he began to yell, "What are you doi-!!!"

"Nope...not yet..." Verrick said to himself ignoring Alexander and slapping his cheeks, as he tried to demand what was he doing. Then he shoved him into the water once again, without remorse.

Anna's heart stopped and she was about to explain what Alexander was referring to when Verrick grabbed him and dragged him outside to the trough and started to dunk him. "What the hell are you doing Verrick? Stop it you'll drown him. Nothing happened we were talking and fell asleep. STOP!"

Anna grabbed his arm and pulled hard trying to loosen his grip. Verrick might not be a huge guy but he had a lot of strength and she knew it.

Ignoring Anna at least visibly, with his head moving side to side like an internal clock while Alexander thrashed around just a wee bit longer than before under the water. He finally pulled Alexander out and while he was gasping for air he dragged him back inside, throwing him into a chair while grabbing a towel from the bar. Tossing it to Alexander so he could dry himself off. He then said, in a low but highly controlled voice that was clear his raw hot anger was just millimeters below the surface. "I can't have you go back to bed just yet, Prince Charming. You have to act the hero."

He stopped in front of Alexander bent down and inspected his wounds, after that fight he didn't do too bad. Just a small cut on his chest and on his jaw. He nodded his head. "Impressive...but it needs a little more..."Without finishing his sentence, a quick powerful right jab slammed Alexander right in the nose, instantly drawing blood from it. But not knocking him out.

"I will turn your life into a living hell." Alexander glaring straight at Verrick. "You are from here on out forbidden to step foot into any lands I control or preside over. If you ever do enter my lands you will be tied to the ram of a warship and crashed into the beach. Your corpse will be spread to the four corners of this kingdom, unburied and unmarked. I will find any of-"

Verrick quickly backhanded him, cutting off his monologue before adding "I'm shaking in my boots Sire" his words dripping with sarcasm. " But why Lord Markos? " he leaned down once again and pulled one of his larger blades out of his sheath. "I'm about to make you a Hero."

"Any organization you are affiliated with I will work to destroy. To whoever brings me your head I will offer a lordship within my lands. Images of you will be spread throughout the kingdom stating both the bounty and that you are a woodsman. I will hire any man who will take the money to find you and spread your location and ruin any mission. You will never be able to stop and rest, you will forever be looking over your shoulder never quite sure there isn’t a dagger in the dark waiting for you. I may not kill you, but I will ruin your life."

Anna was shrugged off and when they went back inside the tavern Anna followed. She wasn't sure who it would be but she was pretty certain someone was going to get hurt. Alexander was still drunk and his reactions were a lot slower than Verrick's right now. When Verrick pulled out a large blade while speaking of making Alex a hero she stepped between them.

"Verrick stop before someone gets hurt. Please! Nothing happened." Anna grabbed his arm with the blade and held the blade against her chest. If he pulled or pushed it too fast he would cut her. "Stop... you made your point."

She could hear Alex still going on behind her and she wished he would quit antagonizing Verrick. Even though he had right to be upset with Verrick it was kind of his fault that he had set him off. "ALEX ...Please be quiet!"

Verrick sighed when she suddenly pulled the knife to her chest. While she held his arm he looked her in the eye, clearly not amused. While she was focused on trying to explain that nothing happened, he managed to pull the blade back enough with his wrist movement, and spun the blade downward and reversed his grip. Pulling her close to him with the arm she held, dropping the blade he caught the blade with his free hand. He then pulled her to the right and swiped at Alexander. The sound of fabric tearing and a hairline cut appeared on the man's leg.

He looked back to Anna. "NOW. I'm done." Sheathing his blade as he moved away from Alexander and Anna, reached down and picked up a sword. He then looked to Alexander. "As much as I want to imprison you for those treasonous words against the King's Woodsman, I need you to to PLAY the part of the HERO. He said, slowing his speech so the idiot drunk could understand. "You killed..." motioning around to most of the dead bodies behind him. "All these men. Protecting the fair lady honor and life, yadayadayada. Whatever it is you lords do,"

He looked at Alexander as he flourished the blade in his hoping the idiot would catch on."You understanding me now Lord Markos? Oh and you're welcome for saving your life earlier as well you ungrateful bastard." He said with a straight face, while pointing to the three men he shot around him. Totally ignoring the fact of the few things he did to him to make up this cover story.

"I was wondering why you showed up just in time, like you were expecting it. Could it be that you let your man get away from you with the information that the coin purse was here?" As Alexander said those last words he grinned up at Verrick.

Anna felt her stomach start to fight back and she ran through the curtain and out the back door and to the bushes before she lost the contents of her stomach.

Verrick glared at Alexander when he grinned at him. "Would not have happened if you didn't fuck the plan up in the first place you damn drunk."

After several moments she washed her mouth out and walked slowly back into the bar. She looked up to see both sets of eyes on her and she felt embarrassed. "I feel better now...sort of." She looked at the last man she killed and shook her head and mumbled ...."I shouldn't have killed him. I should have let them hang him."

She continued to the nearest table and put her head on her arms. "So many mistakes tonight..." She groaned in frustration. When she looked at Verrick her emotions were raw and bare to him. She remembered what he had said earlier and asked him, "Are you leaving me here?"

Verrick sighed, as he glanced back at Anna. "Yes. But I won't be far, and the town guard is coming any moment. They wont make an attempt again tonight, I am sure."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Anna inspected Alex for wounds and remembered the ferocity with which Verrick had attacked him and she became thoughtful. Maybe he really wasn't the same man she remembered. Her heart sank and she nodded slowly her voice almost cold.

"You should probably go. I need to take care of ....this." She looked around the room, at all of the death and her eyes watered. They threatened to spill over.

"We won't mention that you were here or that these men were anything other than just men that started a fight."

He eyed Alexander one last time. " You better, because the Inquisitors even hint either of you have dealings with me...They will torture you." He picked up his things and said to Anna as he walked out. "I'm sorry this happened to you Anna..." Before disappearing into the night, as the sound of men in chainmail running started to faintly be heard.

Anna turned and hugged Alex before the inquisitors got there. She said, "I'm sorry for what happened between the two of you. He is different than he used to be and that makes me sad and frustrated. Whatever I do when they get here just go with it ok?"

Alexander grinned up at her and nodded. "Whatever you say, I am really too tired right now." Alexander leaned back into his chair and muttered, "I am going to make that man's life a living hell." As Alexander slowly closed his eyes and remembered one thing. His hand reached into a pocket in his pants and pulled his family ring out. Putting it on his fingers he held it up to the light, letting the blood red jewel reflect the candlelight. "This should help deal with the city guard."

"Thank you for stopping him from doing what he probably wanted to do with that knife. I am pretty sure he was going to slit my throat and say it was an accident. You don't mind if I stay the rest of the night, do you?"

Alexander looked up at her face and got serious for a second. "If you ever need a safe place to rest and take shelter you are welcome to use my home. If you look in the left pocket of my saddlebag you will find a key in there. It will let my guards know to let you in. You are welcome to use any of my feif's resources anytime. I don't know how I can ever thank you enough."

Anna smiled and looked at him and decided that he wasn't messed up enough. She reached over and took a knife to his shirt and then she reached over across her own shirt and pulled it forwards and ripped it so it was exposing most of her breasts. Then she stuck the knife into her thigh and pulled it back cutting her leg so that it bled all over her pants. Her eyes teared up as she realized how much that one hurt.

"Well now we should look bad enough I think." She could hear them coming down the street and she leaned down and kissed him soundly and sat on his lap and put her arm around his shoulder and looked at her leg. "Remember, follow my lead."

Alexander thought for a moment that he finally knew what true happiness. Maybe this wasn't such a bad day after all. That was before the guards came rushing in ruining his moment. Maybe he should get in more tavern fights.

A few moments later, the town guard came rushing in the front door. Suddenly surprised at seeing all these dead men with only a man and a woman in the center of the room, both looked beaten and injured "What happened here?"

Anna had let the tears fall after she cut her leg and so now there were streaks run across her face. She played it up.

"These men came in and started trouble. We were upstairs ....when we heard a crash and came down the stairs to find the bar under attack with my bartender being killed." At the thought of Chester real tears formed.

"Luckily he took a couple of them down and then my... uh...the earl here was able to take most of them down. I'm pretty good with knives but I still got cut up a little." As she held her shirt closed she said, "One of the men grabbed me and tried to...." At this point she turned away and feigned crying into Alexander's shoulder.

Alexander put his arms around her and held her close. "I am very sorry this has been very traumatic for her. Do you mind if I answer the rest of the questions? I just don't think she would be able to do it right now. Let me continue..... oh yes. So the man comes up to her from behind and attempts to uummm you know, but she managed to get a nice kick in which led the way for a blow from my sword. After that a few more of the vicious brutes tried to come at the lady, but I managed to fend them off. After seeing my brilliant swordplay the remaining bandits ran off into the night back to whichever foul hovel they came from. After that you men arrived to protect us from any further incursion by those fiends. Any other questions?" Alexander was doing his best to copy the style of speech often used by the nobles who thought they themselves as little kings.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Raylah


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The man who had run away from The Ale House was drenched in sweat as he came to Inquisitor Eva's office. He pushed his way in, stumbling as he did. "Inquisitor Gallard! We encountered extreme resistance at The Ale House and they began attacking our men." He said, breathing heavily. He was in charge of the men who had gone in, and clearly a coward.

Eva raised her head from the papers on her desk. She was confused for a moment about who the man even was, but then realized. "What do you mean extreme resistance?? I don’t remember sending you to storm some fucking garrison. It was a TAVERN,“ she was almost yelling now. "I take it that you haven’t been able to recover the information?” She calmed herself down. Of course these idiots would screw up. “Who exactly was that “resistance”?”

The man gulped as he said, "No, we tried to get the information, but the man resisted, so we were going to give him an incentive, that's when they surprised attacked us, killing most of my men before we knew it. I knew I had to get to you and tell you right away."

"They? Who exactly were they?" As far as she knew, the owner of that tavern was a single young woman, without any close family. What is she keeping there, a squad of mercenaries? That doesn’t make any sense. Although… Eva stopped to think for a while. Could it be just a coincidence? That important information going missing, most of her men slaughtered. She already knew that the information was meant for Ouroboros, so what if the owner went ahead and contacted them herself?

Eva felt like the right solution to this whole situation is just outside her reach, but she was still missing a piece of the puzzle. And this all happening just when HE got back into town. Eva grinned her teeth. Maybe he could be the missing piece? But what would possibly be his agenda?

Too many questions and no answers. She turned back to the man. "So, you left your associates to die and ran away?" she said with a cold smile.

He just raised his hands in confusion, "I couldn't tell ma'am. A couple? Maybe more? They were trained that's all i know, and the owner girl could fight as well!" He paused as he realized how bad it sounded with him leaving.

"I-I-I-I knew I would have to come and tell you what was happening, I waited as long as I could but my men were already dead, I felt it necessary to come and tell you what happened."

Eva smiled again. "Of course, you shall be rewarded for your... quick thinking." She took a small bell from her desk and rang it. After few seconds, Garret's head peeked into the room. He never sleeps, she thought to herself. "Garret, please, get rid of this idiot." The mercenary commander didn't even have time to react. Two huge hands grabbed his head and his spine broke with an audible crack. Garret put the body over his shoulder. "Oh, come back here in the morning, we have to make a small trip to a certain tavern," she told him. He silently nodded and left her office. Last thing she saw was the mercenary captain's head, swinging around in weird angles as Garret walked.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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Sadie Unknown

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Minutes after escape)

Was he avoiding her? It was probably the most intelligent thing that Fenros had done in days. The two had been going at it hot and heavy for years now- and then suddenly, he professed his love for the princess. Called it off with Ritza. The man was a complete and utter fool- yet, in truth, she was as well. She had known Fenros was in love with Eleanor, and had been since before she had taken up residence in his bed. But still...The betrayal caused a rage to boil within her. She wanted his jewels and his head on a spike for all to see. How dare he dump her? And now he was gone. Nobody had seen him in days. Apparently he was shacked up with the princess right now.

Ritza’s hands clenched into fists and she paced her small room. She was lucky at times to be the only woman within the Vanguard- meant she had a room all to herself. In times like these, she enjoyed the peace. As nobody could have known of her relationship with Fenros, her current attitude would be out of the norm...Well, actually, it wouldn’t. Once a seething bitch, always a seething bitch.

But, seriously. Where exactly had he gone? Even if he was avoiding her, he had duties to uphold. Nobody in the Vanguard had seen or spoken to him in three days. Which, for Fenros, was concerning. She hadn’t spoken to Elle in that time frame either, for fear of her lashing out at the woman in irrational jealousy.

She needed to find out. With a long, slow exhale, she quickly exited her room in time to hear muttered whispers around the common area. Raising her brow, she made her way to a small gathering of soldiers. They spoke of treason, of someone being branded a traitor to the crown. Had she been found? How had her agenda been realized? Then, it hit her. Her stomach sank as Fenros’s name reached her ears.

Quickly heading back to her room, she grabbed a few daggers and hid them in her boots. She sheathed her sword at her hip and looked over at her bow. Ritza was a master at archery and it would be good to use when taking the guards out. Slinging it and the quiver over her shoulders, she snuck out past the mob in the main area. As she made her way to the dungeons, she kept her eyes on her surroundings, waiting for someone to take notice of her.

Thankfully, no one did. News of Fenros’s capture had reached everyone’s ears, so the townsfolk were too busy spreading gossip to care about the heavily armed female soldier. She soon made it to the dungeon and notched an arrow in her bow. Holding the string taut, Ritza kept her ears and eyes open as she made her way to the cells. The smell of blood hit her quick. Biting back a growl, she peeked around the corner and stopped.

Two guards were dead at the floor of a cell. Fenros was nowhere in sight. Raising a brow, she lowered her bow and hesitantly made her way over. It was then that she spotted the old man, causing her to raise her bow immediately, an arrow notched and waiting to be fired. ”Where is he?!”

Sighing Marcaeus leaned his head on the wall. Heart just starting to slow from that last sentence of the General's. He knew the King couldn't be trusted, but he avoided politics and knew how to look like a weak old man who was beaten half to death when it was needed. Taking a deep breath, Marcaeus made to leave when a sudden voice filled with loathing reached his ears.

Looking up quickly, he saw that woman from the Vanguard staring at him. Cold purpose in her eyes, an arrow pointed at him. Stepping back in fright, Marcaeus bumped into the wall the soft thump reminding him that he could also be frightening when he needed to be. Stepping forward he spread his arms out, and prayed she would believe him. He didn't want to kill innocent people tonight. ‘’Ritza, listen to me. I had nothing to do with this, I had a vision of a Misto rescuing him. I don't know why, but when I came upon the scene it looked like this, and they were running through a portal some mage of theirs summoned.’’

He wanted to squirm, would Ritza call him out and expect him to know where they went. He was strong enough to know and if she knew who he was then he'd have to tell her. Hopefully this guard just believed him. Because he'd hate to have his next piece of jewelry be a necklace made of hemp. ‘’Listen Ritza we must report this to the King at once. This man was a traitor to the crown and was obviously working with some kind of powerful group. We need to hurry!’’

The man seemed frightened of her. Good. He seemed oddly familiar to her, but Ritza couldn’t quite place him. Her hand started to loosen on the grip when he fell backwards. Before she had time to speak, he took a quick step forward with his arms out, causing her hands to tighten once more on her weapon. She raised it slightly and her eyes narrowed more. Her hand was itching to release an arrow into the man’s skull. The sound of her name from his lips startled her.

As he continued to speak, she became more confused. Why would a Misto rescue Fenros? Sure, he was kind to all groups and factions, but the mistos...How would they have known that Fenros was captured, when she didn’t even know until now? And then the man spoke of the portal. That bit of information definitely grabbed her attention. In all her years, she had never known him to consort with mages. So, why now? What the hell was going on?

The damn man was speaking again. Her hand had never wavered from her bow, and she kept it steadily aimed at his head. Ritza couldn’t help as her hand added tension to the bow when he mentioned Fenros being a traitor. Her voice was low and menacing as she snarled at the man. ”General Fenros is many things, but he is no traitor. If you take one more move, this arrow will take up residence between your eyes.”

She looked him over and raised a brow. If he had seen a vision of Fenros being rescued, then he definitely knew more than what he was letting on. Ritza needed that information. She should have been here sooner. Yes, the ass broke it off with her, but he didn’t deserve to be hanged. Well, by someone other than her, that was. Keeping her stance, her eyes darkened at the man. ”You know of me, so you should know of my skill and reputation. I have no problem with leaving you littered with arrows in this cell. Casualty of war, I’d say. Now, mage...Tell me what you know.”

Hearing her snarl that Fenros was no traitor gave the man a jump. She knew who was here? More importantly she was on his side. A grave mistake on my part, Marcaeus mused to himself. ‘’I know not what his apparent crime was, only that the King ordered his arrest on claims of treason. We must be careful what we say, and to who. I did not know you were a friend of his as well.‘’ Speaking carefully he considered his options. Should he tell her… ?

No. Like he said, you had to be careful what you told to people. Seeing her firm grasp and angry eyes convinced him that he had to say something. ‘’I don't think the General knew the man who rescued him. They were unfamiliar with each other. It is possible that he was sent here to rescue the general without his knowledge. But I must go, I have to tell the King what happened. He'll know I entered the castle, and I'll have to tell him the truth and what I suspect. Even if it is not General Fenros, there is a traitor in the castle and they must be stopped. ‘’

Edging towards the doorway, he prepared to make a second jump tonight, while not the safest thing to do, he had no choice, she'd keep him here until she knew everything he did.

Ritza was getting more confused by the minute, but she couldn’t let that emotion show through her tough exterior. If Fenros didn’t know his rescuer, then that meant the rescuer had an agenda...Who would go through so much trouble to break him out, that he didn’t already know? Fenros knew everyone...Which meant it was someone outside the castle. Maybe one of the outside guilds? What would they get out of rescuing the General of the Vanguard? Her eyes immediately narrowed. Ransom. They would want something out of it.

But who would bother with ransom for a man set for execution? The mage’s last statement snapped her from her thoughts. Blinking, she eyed the man and tilted her head. A traitor inside the castle? Well, Ritza knew who she would brand as a traitor. The King himself was the number one on her list.

Even if it were a slight movement, she quickly caught on that the man was moving. She growled and pulled the string of her bow back further, the arrow begging to be released. The woman had been betrayed by Fenros, but that didn’t stop all feelings she could have ever had for him. Ritza wasn’t leaving without an explanation. ”You aren’t going anywhere near the King without telling me everything. I know you’re hiding something, and I won’t hesitate at putting an arrow in your jewels.”

Marcaeus was done. He wasn't to be trifled with, even if this woman was a stronger fighter he had something she didn't. Breathing out slowly he focused on what he wanted to happen. Sucking air, he imagined his lungs holding more than ever, and as his chest began to ache and feel like it would burst from the pressure, he suddenly breathed out, letting the air and magic rush from his lips in an explosive force, the corners of his mouth cracked, his chest aching, and he could finally leave without killing anyone today. The price of a conscience as they say.

Reaching toward the doorway, he focused on the king, for once he would get away with lying, he looked like he'd lost a fight. Sweat pooled along his forehead as he pulled the energy from his last jump to be redirected to the king. He'd make it to him even if it caused him harm. Seeing the light gather, he tugged the door open and saw the king. With a relief he had never experienced for the man before, Marcaeus quickly crossed the doorway, letting the path close behind him.

Watching him closely for any sign of movement, Ritza rose a brow at the man. She didn’t know what he was doing- he simply looked like he was trying to calm his nerves with all that breathing. It brought a small smirk to her face when she believed he was truly terrified of what she could do to him. He needed to be scared; her aim was impeccable.
Suddenly his entire demeanor changed. The man looked like he was going to suffocate himself. Holding firm to her bow, she prepared herself for letting her arrow fly. However, she wasn’t prepared for the sudden onslaught of air that hit her face. Swearing under her breath, her eyes instinctively shut to block out the power coming at her. Ritza lowered her bow and moved it to the side. Wouldn’t do her any good if she couldn’t even see her target.

When the air finally cut out, her eyes shot open and she looked over at the man. Only, the man was stepping through a portal. ”NO!” She swore and raised her bow, quickly releasing her arrow towards the man. The arrow flew in the air and landed firmly in the wall, just seconds after the portal had closed. Ritza growled and lowered her bow, her eyes firmly on the back wall. She had him. And yet, her hesitation for wanting further information, allowed him to get away.

She was patience herself as she waited. Watching the pieces fall into place as each little pawn moved upon her chessboard. She'd known that it would be easy in the beginning to get every move to go according to plan with minimal interference. She's had years to perfect her art, and these young mortals did not know to watch for themselves. As the foolish wizard entered the room, she held her breath. He was the only wild card, if he struck now then she'd have to start over again.

But thankfully the man was foolish enough to let the general go, ah the mercy of the short lived. Relaxing, she leaned back against the wall, until suddenly Ritza showed up.

The Vanguard woman? What was she doing in this corridor? Peering closely, the lady watched as Ritza interrogated the wizard for news regarding the general, and finally she had another pawn in her hands. ‘’Where only the soul may know, on this path I must go.’’ Falling into the shadows, she came out behind the Vanguard Woman. Her ‘’skin’’ tight from the astral travel. It wouldn't due to need healing this night.

‘’Tsk, tsk, Ritza letting your back be open for just anyone to come upon, your trainers would be ever so disappointed.’’ Smirking, she allowed the shadows that made up her current form to give the semblance of a face in twisted amusement. Reaching forward she twitched her fingers saying ’’Come child, we simply must talk.’’

Her eyes travelled along the cell, taking everything in. If Fenros had been here, this whole time...As she continued to look, she noticed several spots of fresh blood on the ground. She snarled and squeezed her hand into a fist. They not only captured him, but had tortured him as well? Ritza would kill them all.

As she was about to turn and leave, a strange sensation crept up her spine. Someone else was in here, watching her. She gripped her bow and slowly reached her hand back to grab an arrow when the entity spoke. Her brows furrowed in confusion. Here was yet another person who knew her name. Yet, this time the voice sounded awfully familiar. Tilting her head, Ritza slowly turned and eyed the woman. She couldn’t quite place her finger on it, but she knew this woman. But, how?

She looked down at the woman’s hand before lowering her bow. Everything within her said to listen to the woman, yet her mind was extremely apprehensive. Yet, she had to listen to her gut. Her gut was never wrong. Slipping her bow behind her back, Ritza looked back up into the woman’s face. Clearing her throat, she folded her arms across her chest. ”You had something to do with this.”

There was hope yet. The woman was bright enough to find her hand was in this. Not that that was too difficult considering the evidence, but it was a good sign. She'd been looking for a member of the Vanguard to perform some duties. Now, what could she do to make certain the woman would stay faithful to the duties assigned? ”Yes, I certainly did. I have connections, and I wanted the General, getting him out of this cell became a necessity once he'd been branded traitor. However, I must know, what do you have to do with this?”

Cocking her head to the side, the woman thought about it, and there weren't many options for flying off into the night armed to the teeth and arriving at a traitor’s side. This had to be some kind of personal, it was time to find the right buttons to get the answer.

”The General became a problem for the king. This was meant to clear the problem up. I liked the problem remaining for him so I made certain he escaped. But, you never do know what might happen on the dangerous roads.

Watching the woman, Ritza tilted her head to the side. For the life of her, she couldn’t pinpoint where she knew this person. Who were these people who suddenly had an interest in Fenros? And how did they all know her name? Her eyes narrowed slightly. Bringing her hand up, she let it rest on the hilt of her sword. ”He’s my General. And I don’t happen to believe he’s a traitor to the kingdom.”

Her eyebrow rose when the woman looked her over. What was she looking for, exactly? When the woman spoke next, Ritza became far more interested in her. So she wanted to keep Fenros a problem for the king. She took the General to spite the king. With a small smirk, she looked the woman over. ”I hardly believe you would rescue the General, only to have harm come to him once you had him. Obviously the king doesn’t care about his life. So. What is it that you want, exactly?”

Folding her own arms across her chest, the woman looked Ritza up and down again, thinking that she had some courage in her to question her statements so openly. That or she was foolish, but she’s always been optimistic in the end. ”I must say it takes someone used to the royal treatment to question someone who holds greater power than yourself. But I need Fenros to do some things for me. He’ll be fine so long as he keeps doing those things. You on the other hand seem to be a smart woman. While you aren’t wrong about me not just harming him for no reason after getting him, there is a bit of an issue with that that thought. He’s become a bigger issue for the King now that he’s gone. No matter what, just making him disappear has cause the king a lot of problems, and there is no reason to kill him off or keep him alive beyond my own fancy. He is my toy to play with as they say.”

Looking away, the woman wondered about how to get this Vanguard on her side, she didn’t need her affection, just her conditional loyalty. Looking back at Ritza the she continued ”I know you care for him, I’ll not only keep him nice and safe if you do me a few favors but more importantly I’ll give him back to you.”

Who did this woman think she was? Ritza clenched her jaw and looked away from the woman. Used to the royal treatment? No- just really tired of people playing games. If she bit her tongue anymore where the King was involved, it would surely fall out of her mouth. But until she knew who this woman was, she would have to keep a better reign on her temper. For now.

The woman paused, causing Ritza to glance back over in her direction. When the reason for her visit was finally announced, she scoffed and shook her head. So, in order to have Fenros returned, she'd have to be a lackey. She didn't deny that she cared for the General, but she cared for the princess even more. She'd have to get Fenros back safely for her. ”Fine. Say I'll play along. I don't know who the hell you are, and my patience is running thin. What are these favors?”

“Nothing to difficult. I just need you to do your job is all. I won't ask of you what you do not already do, you'll just have either advance notice of your skills being needed, or I'll need you to guard specific locations. Nothing to major! I swear.” Looking her up and down, the woman in the shadows was certain she could handle it, ”Tomorrow, some of my kids will be breaking curfew and I'll just need you to go discipline them and tell them to go home, nothing at all to worry about. Think of it as a test!”

Ritza blinked as the woman continued to speak. All she had to do was her job? She was Elle's bodyguard. That was her job. But, if her skills were going to be used for something, at least she was going to get Fenros back out of it. Or, the princess getting him back, for that matter. Ritza didn't want him back. She was done with him.

She was about to agree until she heard the woman's last statement. Scoffing, she raised a brow. ”Kids?! You want me to babysit?! What kind of-who the hell do you-ughh!” Ritza looked away and scowled. ”Fine. But I don't play nice.” With a last glare, she slipped her bow over her shoulder and headed out of the dungeon.

Watching the Vanguard woman leave had the older woman musing. Could she really trust her with this? Ah but it was too late, hopefully she would not lose her life tomorrow.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wick
Avatar of Wick

Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

(night of escape)
How could that woman expect Ritza to babysit children? She could barely stand to be around the drooling monsters. Her mind continued to run as she stormed out from the dungeons from where she had met with the mysterious female. All she had to do was cooperate, and Fenros would be returned safely. But, why her? There had to be another angle that the woman had wanted...How did she know about her feelings towards the General? Or lack thereof, in all actuality. The two had years of intimate moments, but Ritza knew she wasn’t the one that Fenros really wanted. If anything, she was a distraction and a substitute for the princess. The very thought made her growl in frustration.

”Not doing this. At all. Fenros can get his own ass out of trouble. Not putting up with little maggots for the idiot.” And yet, she knew deep down that she would do anything to get him safely back to the princess. Elle was like family- the only family Ritza had left. She knew the princess felt strongly for General, so if there was anything she could do to reunite the couple, she was all in.

As she continued to contemplate different ideas on how to rescue Fenros, her feet carried her to the outer walls of the castle. She clenched her hands into fists and continued to look around at her surroundings. Ritza was getting severely frustrated and badly wanted to injure something- or someone.

Mattias was discussing trade routes with a tradesman when he caught sight of Ritza. “”Excuse me Johann, I have other business to attend to.”

Mattias walked so that his path would cross hers. Keeping his eyes on her he noticed that she was in full armor and carried a full set of weaponry. He couldn’t think why she would be doing that without a confrontation on her mind. He couldn’t help but notice that she had grown into quite a beautiful and strong woman. He chuckled to himself slightly thinking about the last time he had seen her angry with someone. She certainly had a temper.

“Ritza.” He called her.

She was growing more frustrated as her mind ran. Ritza could see no other choice- she had to follow the strange woman’s direction if she wanted the General back alive. The very thought irritated her. Nobody told her what to do. But, as she didn’t know where Fenros was and he was branded a traitor by the king, she had no other option.

With a shake of her head, she noticed a large figure entering her peripheral vision. He seemed to be walking towards her, yet she didn’t want to glance at him. She didn’t have the patience, nor the time, to deal with anybody else for the time being. Yet, he continued towards her before addressing her directly. Ritza quickly recognized his voice and she sighed inwardly. Last person she wanted to see at the moment was a noble. She rolled her eyes and continued walking. ”Not now, Matt, unless you wish to be on the wrong side of my sword.”

Mattias was unswayed by her threat of fighting. It actually concerned him slightly that she was that upset.

“I see you are set to war. What is going on? I’ve heard rumors of Fenros being arrested. Is this true?” His deep voice resonated between them.

Her stance was both defensive and telling. Her posture was straight as if she were tense and her jaw was set in defiance. Something was troubling her and he was pretty certain it was Fenros.

“I also heard that there was secrecy as to what the treason charge entailed.” He watched her carefully and saw the involuntary clenching of her jaw when he had mentioned the treason’s secrecy.

“Have you been to see Fenros? What has he said?”

She was getting more angry by the second. As he caught up to her, Ritza never slowed her pace. She needed to keep her attention on the people around them, especially if he was only going to speak about the arrest. The kingdom had ears in every nook and cranny; she was not about to get arrested for speaking out against the king.

And the man just kept asking questions. Her face quickly set into a scowl and her hand moved to the hilt of her sword. She spoke to him as she looked around, her voice lowered and steady. ”Hes no traitor. Nobody outside the castle knows what's going on. And no, he was gone when I got to the cell.”

Ritza decided to keep her conversation with the strange woman a secret. She scoffed and shook her head. ”I have no idea where he's gone, or how he left.”

“Ritza, I want to help. Where are you going?” He sensed that she wasn’t going to tell him much more but he had to be able to help Fenros. They had fought side by side for many years and now would be the time that his influence could help sway the king.

He reached out and took hold of her arm firmly but gently. In an authoritative but low voice he said, “I want to assemble some people so we can get things....accomplished. I would like to join you on your quest to find Fenros. He is a good friend, like your father was. I’m not going to allow him to suffer the same fate your father did.”

He looked at the young woman in front of him and saw the anger in her. She’d had it ever since her father died. He had always been suspicious of Liam’s death. He was positive that the king had something to do with it. Mattias looked at Ritza with a softness for just a moment. His other hand was on the hilt of his own sword. If she wanted to fight, he would fight her, and he would win.

She wasn’t going to tell him anything. The less people that knew about the situation, the better the possible outcome. Ritza would do her favor to the woman, get Fenros, and get back to the princess. Maybe even behead a king in the process…

The thought was definitely in the front of her mind- until he grabbed her. She quickly stopped in her tracks and eyed the hand around her arm. Her eyes darkened as she slowly looked up
into Matt’s face. Ritza was about to make a remark until he mentioned her father. With a growl, she quickly pulled back, releasing his grip on her. Her face became hard as she kept her eyes locked on his, her own flashing with pain and rage. ”Do not talk about my father. This has nothing to do with my father’s death. Nobody is ever allowed to talk about him. Or what happened.”

Her eyes caught sight of his hand going to his sword. She snarled her lip and turned back around to walk off. ”You must have a death wish, Matt. I don’t need anyone’s help. I never did.”

Calmly but with an edge to his voice he admonished her attitude.

“You are a stubborn girl! Be mindful you don’t get yourself killed. You say you don’t need help but what if Fenros needs more than just your help. You are not thinking straight Ritza. I’ll try to speak to the king.”

Mattias sighed deeply and decided to follow her for a while and see where she went.

He continued to build and poke at her rage. Clenching her hands into fists, she kept her pace steady as she walked. She knew from experience that Matt wouldn’t back down so easily. The man was mistaken if he thought she was still the girl from her childhood. Everything had been easy back then; so simple. Maybe she could have even imagined a normal life with someone like him. However, fate had different plans for Ritza. She had to toughen up. She had to be strong. She needed justice.

It took a lot for her to keep the hatred from her voice as she responded to him. ”I don’t need you to speak to the king. He obviously is not of sound mind at the moment, what with him accusing his best soldier as a traitor. There’s nothing you can do to help me, Matt. So stop.”

Mattias watched her with a combination of frustration and heartache. He knew she was just a ball of rage but he remembered her before she shut down her feelings. He knew the girl who danced and sang when she thought no one was looking. The happy girl, the girl he had fallen for all those years ago.

“I don’t like the king anymore than you do but right now he is the one holding all of the cards and we need answers. Fenros’ sister works in the castle. I’ll see if she has heard anything.” He glanced at her and wished he had told her a long time ago how he felt. Maybe it would have made a difference.

Normally he didn’t open up much to those he wasn’t close to but he wanted to tell her. However he was almost positive that it wasn’t a good idea just yet. He felt a change of subject might be in order.

“Ritza, did your father ever tell you anything about anything he and I were working on before he died?” Couldn’t hurt to see if she knew anything, right? Part of him laughed, it could hurt. It could hurt a lot when she skewered him.

What was with this guy? He was the only one who treated her as if she was still the girl before her father was murdered. That girl was long gone, never to return. Ritza of the past died when her father did. Yet, she couldn’t deny that there were certain moments that made her want to go back. When Fenros spoke of the princess, when Elle glanced at Fenros when she thought nobody was watching…

She quickly shook her head at the thought. That life wasn’t for her. All that mattered was getting the truth from the king about her father’s passing. His life would be her consolation prize. Glancing at Matt from the corner of her eye, Ritza bit the inside of her cheek when he spoke of Fenros’s sister. The girl was loyal to the crown and the king, and Ritza was definitely not a fan. But, would Ayla side with her brother? She wasn’t too sure the girl would.

Stepping aside to let a few servants passed, she barely caught Matt’s last question directed at her. She rose a brow at the man and looked over at him. He was working on something with her father? ”I thought I said to not talk about my father, Matt.” Though, her curiosity was now piqued. Folding her arms across her chest, she narrowed her eyes and tilted her head towards him. ”Why would my father work with you on anything?”

Realizing he had her attention he gave her a soft smile and said, “I asked your father for your hand in marriage six years ago. We were planning on talking to you about it when he got back from that battle.” He waited for her to strike him at this news. He couldn’t help but think if he had asked her before her father left things would have been different.

Well. That was definitely not what she expected. Ritza couldn’t do anything but to stare at him. If he spoke to her father about this, and they were going to have a conversation together, then that meant her father had accepted. Her stomach sank at the thought. All her father had ever wanted for his little girl was to be happy. And, apparently he saw Matt as being a part of that…

She finally broke eye contact and blinked. No. There was no way her father could do that to her. Her and Matt weren’t even a couple! Sure, there might have been some innocent flirting, but nothing had ever developed past that. Clearing her throat, she looked away from him. Maybe he was lying. But then, why would he lie about something like that? Matt had always been honest with her. But again- this was six years ago, and now she was in a desperate search for Fenros. Had Matt heard about their relationship? Was this a man reacting in jealousy? Ritza wouldn’t be a pawn in some man’s game.

Shaking her head, she looked back at him. ”Why the hell would you bring that up? Why? Where does that get you right now? Sure, you may have asked for my hand, and my father might have allowed it. But the girl you asked to marry isn’t here anymore. She’s dead. Which makes your offer invalid.”

He nodded his head. “I’m not asking you for anything, telling you gets me nothing but rejection.
I am aware that things are different now. I just wanted you to know that there is still someone who cares very deeply about what happens to you.”
Mattias awkwardly answered. He leaned forward and softly kissed her forehead and turned away towards the castle.

Ritza couldn’t do anything but stand stock still. What had just happened? Slowly bringing her hand up to her forehead, she lightly dragged her fingertips across the spot his lips had touched. She cleared her throat as she gave a slight turn of her head to watch as he walked away from her. Maybe there once was a time where she would be giddy and gushing over how handsome the man was. Now, she couldn’t afford that luxury. Any simple act of softness from her would ruin her spot with the men.

Letting out a quick breath, she rubbed the back of her fist against her forehead. She tried to erase the past few moments from her memory to no avail. Ritza couldn’t allow this revelation to be at the front of her mind. She had a job to do. Quickly shaking her head, she turned and hurried back to her quarters to await word from the strange woman.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raylah


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Next morning (after Fenros’ escape)

Anna woke up with part of the covers over her, and Alexander's leg and arm over her. As she moved slightly his arm pulled her back against him. Never having had a man stay over before she wasn't sure how to disentangle herself without waking him up. She was comfy and she decided to lay there with him for a little while longer.

Alex had made her feel both wanted and secure whereas Verrick...Verrick and her were complicated and she had trouble figuring them out. At that exact moment she knew they were different then they had been, even though there was still love between them. She wasn't going to keep chasing after him since he didn't seem to want her. That was asking for repeated heartbreak that she didn't need. She was clearly wanted by someone else and he made her laugh and feel important.

Alexander felt a small movement next to him and opened his eyes to see Anna laying next to him in the bed. He wasn't sure that she was awake until he saw her move her head a bit, and her eyes were open. "I feel like the second we get out of bed some assassins are going to attack, or an earthquake will bring down the city. At least those kinds of things seem to happen often. In one day we got assassins and obstructing the city guard. You don't mind if I ask to wait a little longer to start the day, do you?"

Anna looked at him and smirked. "My lord, you talk too much." She smiled and then kissed him. They didn't come out for quite a while.

Eva sat on her bed, trying to convince her knee to move at least a bit. Her little morning ritual. Some people had a hot tea, or breakfast with their families. She had to convince her rebellious limb to cooperate. "You will not betray me today, you hear me," she mumbled. Finally, she was able to get out of bed and stand up, slowly trying to put weight on her useless leg. "Not today of all days. I finally have a chance of getting him and I sure as hell won’t miss it because I’m a cripple." She made a few small steps, leaning against her cane. There were some tears, maybe pain, maybe anger, who knows.

She slowly got dressed and headed to her office. Garret was already waiting there for her, with breakfast and some papers. She quickly glimpsed on the papers, while chewing on a piece of bread. The city guard reported that there had been an attack on the Ale House tavern and the attack was repelled. There were several dead attackers, all with stab wounds. One dead bartender. The only survivors were apparently the owner, Anna May Smith, and Lord Markos, both with light injuries.

With the mention of Lord Markos, Eva raised her eyebrow in surprise. Wow, that girl sure does aim high. She vaguely remembered him, handsome, tall, rich. He is probably having a girl in every inn he goes to, just because he can.

There was another report, describing a fight in the tavern last night. So that’s how Josie got his bruises. Well at least the first ones. No mention about any hooded figures or archers. There was a bearded man arguing with the earl over Josie though. Could it be him? Could his stupid “guild” be after the Ouroboros as well?

The Woodsmen. Even the name was a joke. Dirty peasants running around in the woods, thinking they are important for the kingdom. The inquisition would use them to gain information from time to time, but ignored them otherwise. They were merely crude tools. Eva chuckled. This one was a special tool, to say the least.

After the breakfast she and Garret headed to the tavern. Eva walked very carefully, ignoring the looks the people gave her. They knew who she was, most of them probably hated her, but no one dared to even look her in the eye, let alone say anything. Garret paced slowly next to her, his long steps covering three of hers.

When they arrived in front of the inn, Eva tapped on the doors with her cane a couple of times. "Well, we tried to knock. Open it," she said with evil smile. The doors were damaged, probably in the attack last night, and only repaired to the point they stayed closed. Garret opened them with one swift kick.

The bodies from the fight were taken away by the guards, but there was no time to clean all the blood. Eva quietly moved around the room, only sound was made by her cane tapping on the floor. She tried to imagine what had happened here, and if the attackers could really be killed by one man and a young girl.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Garret’s quiet growl. Someone was coming.

Anna was already in the process of pulling her boots on when she heard the door open. Her heart jumped into her throat. She just knew in her heart it was the inquisitor. She looked at Alexander as she grabbed a couple of her knives and hid them on her. She put her finger over her mouth to shush him and she went downstairs closing the door behind her so he could finish dressing.

Anna walked down the stairs and turned the corner and she walked into the tavern and looked at the woman with the cane and the man who was with her. There was a shiver of warning that went up her spine. She jumped slightly as if startled. Anna's voice shook a little nervous or it could be attributed to the events of the night before to those that didn't know her.

"Oh! I'm sorry I didn't expect anyone to be down here. I'm sorry but the tavern is closed today. We had an attack or a brawl or....I'm not even sure of what to call it so if you don't mind I have a lot of cleaning to do today."

"Miss Anna May Smith? You are the owner of this place? I am Eva Gallard, from the Royal Inquisition. I came here to ask a few questions about the… attack. And more importantly, the events that preceded." Eva carefully studied Anna’s face, looking for anything she might try to hide.

"Did you recognize any of the men that attacked you? Were they saying what they wanted, or searching for something?" Eva looked Anna straight in the eyes, trying her best to make her as uncomfortable as possible.

Anna looked her straight in the eye and was pretty honest, she only left out tiny bits. "Well my ...." she blushed unsure of what to refer to the earl as. "The earl and I were upstairs, both of us were drinking heavily earlier so we were sleeping it off when I heard a crash that woke me up. I almost fell down the stairs because I was in such a hurry. When I got down here I grabbed a sword and shoved it through the man who was killing my bartender. The patrons were fighting back and they took out a few of the men. I remember Alexander passing me as I checked on and cried over my friend Chester. He had been a second father to me so I was terribly distraught."

The tears that slid down her cheeks were very real at this point as she remembered the last words Chester had said to her. She wiped her face with a bar towel. "Please excuse my tears, I will miss him terribly." She took a minute before starting back up.

"After that I got mad and joined the others in the fight with my knives. I'm not so great with a sword but with my knives...I almost never miss." Anna picked up the closest knife to her and looked at Eva and then she threw the knife into the wall to Anna's left without looking and it was a bullseye.

She shuddered at this point and said, "When I ran out of knives one of the ...attackers grabbed me about the waist and lifted me off the ground and tried to...take advantage of me. He ripped my shirt open and cut my thigh with his knife. Luckily for me the earl was close by so when I screamed he killed the man with a knife to the eye. It was really quite gruesome."

Anna stopped and then said, "Pretty much there were only one or two left and at least one or two ran out of the tavern. We really have no idea who they were or what happened. I saw that one of my tables had a hand impaled to it. That leads me to believe that the man was playing cards and might have been caught cheating but that is all I can tell you."

"I really wish I could tell you more but I wasn't down here." She rubbed at the injured hip. Her bandage was itching and it helped that it was convincing. "If there is nothing else I need to change this bandage."

Eva watched Anna carefully as she talked. Even a blind person would notice the blushing when she talked about the earl. She sure doesn’t waste any time, I wonder if he is still here? She was thinking to herself, when Anna threw the knife. Hmm this girl could be dangerous. Eva tried to look as unimpressed as possible and Anna continued talking. Poor thing, saved by the handsome earl, what a fairytale. There is no way that he didn’t spend the night here, consoling her. She really wants me to believe that all of this mess was caused by a bunch of card players?

"I heard that that wasn’t the first… disturbance here that night, am I right? There was a fight here earlier, between one drunk and your earl. And one of the other guests also got involved with the earl. So, this drunkard, do you know him by any chance, is he a regular? "

Anna just shook her head. "I can’t say that I have ever seen him before, but lots of people come through the tavern."

"And the other man, the one that took the unconscious drunk away? Friend of yours, or maybe earl’s? He could be a witness to a very important case, and I am sure you wouldn’t want to thwart an official investigation, would you?" Eva asked quietly in an ice-cold tone.

Anna wondered how she knew about that but said, "I hadn't thought about that but I don't think the two are related. Apparently the jerk was being lascivious behind my back and it pissed off a couple of patrons. I wasn't familiar with who took him outside. He didn't come back in to my knowledge. I just went back to doing more shots with the earl."

Eva frowned. This wasn’t getting her anywhere. Suddenly she got an idea. Let’s put all the cards on the table, she thought. "Was that man by any chance Verrick O’Conner?" she added, just to see what happens.

Anna didn't blink when she said Verrick's name. She also didn't breathe, then she got an idea. Her face became angry. "Yes it was, he is my ex fiance and the earl and I are newly together and he came in and started a fight with him. It was so awful!"

Eva’s eyes widened in surprise. Ex-fiancé? She really did not see that coming. Who the hell is this girl that a Woodsman and a baron fight over her? But she got what she wanted. Finally, a proof that he was involved in all this. Now she can legally go after him. She almost sighed with satisfaction. "Thank you for your cooperation," she smiled at Anna, for once with an honest smile. "I don’t think your ex-fiancé will be bothering you anymore." Eva turned to leave. "Oh, and sorry for your loss. I am sure you can’t think about anything and anyone else right now," she grinned, but hid that from Anna, so it would look at least slightly sincere.

Verrick sat outside The Ale House door listening in to their conversation. Honestly he was surprised that this woman Eva. Gritting his teeth at this realization on how dedicated she was to getting him only made things worse for him. He even growled when Anna went on to explain he was her ex-fiance, cursing when she just gave Eva a clear target for her to use as leverage. He will have to fix that...and quick.

Hearing footsteps he hunched down, and slowly started moving towards the door, He wasn't wearing his normal cloak, just an old...and really raunchy dung smelling brown tattered one, His arrows and bow under it, causing a hump in his back, but they were covered and could not be seen. He leaned heavily on his walking stick, keeping his head down waiting to get in the way of Eva. By all accounts and purposes he looked like a homeless old beggar.

Eva stepped out of the door, with a satisfied smile on her lips, already planning on how to best use this new information. The ideal plan would be to talk to the Superior, but he was at the castle today for meetings with the king. She frowned when she looked at the way going all the way up the hill to the castle gates. Well, we all must make sacrifices, she thought to herself.

Sudden horrible smell struck her nose. It seemed to be coming from a beggar standing in her way. She crinkled her nose and looked away, disgusted. "Get out of my way," she growled. She would have used her cane to hit him or push him away, but she was afraid she would lose her balance. It really wouldn’t be good if she fell on the ground here in the middle of the street. Instead she just nodded to Garret, who roughly shoved the man, pushing him out of their way.

Eva was slightly annoyed, but decided not to let this meaningless beggar ruin her happiness. She continued to the castle.

Anna followed behind them and as they left she went to close the door and noticed an odd beggar outside of her door and looked up to see Eva down the street. She looked harder at the beggar and grabbed his arm and yanked him inside.

"Are you crazy? She could have recognized you and MY GOD WHAT IS THAT SMELL?" She said nearly gagging.

Verrick grunted as as he was shoved to the ground, rolling hard and acting like it hurt him badly, he only grinned. He took his time to get up, just in case she looked back. He was about to throw his cloak when suddenly Anna recognized him and dragged him into the tavern. How the hell does she always recognize him? He thought to himself as she then started to gag, complaining about the smell. "Only way to get close enough in broad daylight. No one ever looks twice at a smelly homeless old fool.

He took off his cloak and threw it outside. He sighed, You shouldn't have told her we were together...It's only going to cause you more trouble.

"It's public knowledge. If I didn't the guys on the street would have been able to tell her. If I treated her like she was stupid she would have come back for the spite of it." She put distance between her and Verrick after shutting the door back tightly.

"I can handle trouble in case you haven't noticed." She sighed heavily. "So now what do we do? I need to clean this place up because the smell of blood and ale in here is just disgusting. Where can we go that would be safe? I think I need to close up for a little while and let things cool down."

Verrick growled, "She can still come after you to get to me." He said softly, as she walked away, "The inquisitors are not just trouble Anna...they are the last thing you want, or I want to deal with.."

"You should get out of town-"

Alexander pushed the curtain aside as he walked into the front room of the tavern, still tightening the belt on his pants. He smiled at Anna before pulling his shirt on over his head. That was when the stench hit him. "What smells like the inside of a rotting corpse?" As he noticed Verrick his smile left his face. "Oh it's you. I thought we had gotten rid of you."

Verrick noted him putting his pants on still...and with what he heard Anna say... He closed his eyes as he growled. "Just thought it's time for your second bath Mi'lord." he said as he looked at him.

"I actually could use one, it could be relaxing seeing I didn't get much sleep last night; after the fight of course..." Alexander let the words hang in the air, giving Verrick a big grin.

"And I assume a close shave would be in order as well?" He said, pulling his knife from his belt. No grin on his face still, his tone serious.

Alexander rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "No I don't believe I need a shave, but -"

Anna sighed and stepped between them almost getting squished in all the male posturing. "Hey, hey! Stop it!" She put her hand both of their chests and pushed them apart. "Verrick!"

She glared at both of them and then she thought about letting them at each other. She was clearly just a pawn in their angst with each other.

"I am sorry Verrick but you said we can't be together. You REFUSED me entirely. Apparently our love makes no difference to you." It killed her to say that and there were tears welling up in her eyes. Her stomach literally hurt with the pain of stress.

"Alexander wants to be with me. He cares about me and he makes me laugh. You don't get to push me away and keep me at the same time. I'm not a toy you put on a shelf to play with later."

It's not clear and cut as you made it sound. He said as he sheathed his knife. His tight gripping on the handle of the blade. "Get out of town, tonight and quick. Go run off with your new drunk on his fleet of ships for a while, till things have cooled off. "

Anna looked at Verrick and she felt like she had been gutted. The anger and hatefulness was just so strong from him and she could take that from anyone but him. She grabbed her weapons and walked outside and went to the stalls and saddled her horse. Tears were streaming down her face and she climbed up on the stallion and kicked its sides and took off back towards where she had been the happiest.

When she ran off he looked at Alexander, after saying nothing, he turned and walked out the door to find her, only to see her riding off. He knew where she was going...He didn't want to get any closer to her right now. Now wasn't the time. He couldn't tell her the real reasons to be with the Woodsman. Not yet. But he had to make sure she at least left the kingdom.

He reached his own horse, hesitating as he reached the saddle, he grabbed his cloak that he had left in his saddlebags. Quickly putting it on he got onto his horse and rode off to their place...where he was sure she went. Though he had to be quick, as he had to make it to the castle before Eva could speak to Superior Jennal.

When he caught up to Anna he jumped off his horse before it even came to a stop, throwing back the cowl of his cloak as he then said quickly in his gruff tone. Anna... I asked you eight years ago to trust me, you didn't then. Now, I ask you to trust me again that I don't refuse you because I hate you, It's because i'm doing so to protect you, just like I was doing eight years ago. Even more so now, I can't stop you from moving on if you wish, that's your choice, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. But what I can do is make sure you're safe, so I was serious in going with...Alexander, and travel a bit with him.

Anna looked at him a moment and wiped the tears from her face. She was sitting by the lake near where the old blanket had been in their past. It had long since rotted away from the damage of time. She got to her feet and walked over to him. She slid her arms around his waist and looked him in the eyes. "How does us being apart make it "for me?" I know your job is dangerous. I can handle danger. I can handle us not having kids and the conventional life if we are together but if we are apart....it's torture trying not to love you."

"Not this kind of danger, not with what’s coming...." He looked down when she mentioned having a family, something they both wished for back then. While he still did... knowing about the constant threat of rebellion and this inquisitor constantly at his back. He feared it would not be a good time to start.

"I know you can take care of yourself, But I need to do what I need to, to ensure that you are safe." He looked towards the city, he had to leave now to still get ahead of Eva. He pulled away from her and got on his horse.

" I'm sorry but please... will you just go with Alexander?"

Anna looked at him and knew he had to go. "Verrick, I'll wait for you as long as I can." She felt the hitch in her voice and watched him ascend his horse. As he left she thought about Alex and looked around. She needed to bathe. A few moments later she was in the water.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 4 days ago


The king grumbled still at the news that Fenros had escaped his cell. Who even knew he was there? There was clearly a traitor in his mist. But whom was it? In the meanwhile, he told the men to spread the rumors that Fenros was executed last night. Surely this news would spread quickly through the land and any attempt of him to even use his name will bring doubt of the legitimacy of that claim. He entered the dining hall to have a meal with his Son, and Daughter. Hopefully, the new head cook made something good, that last one fouled up the dinner so horribly he was butchered just like the food he prepared. He sat down and waited for his children to arrive.

Eleanor walked into the dining hall, she had heard the men talking earlier about Fenros’ execution last night. She had already broken down earlier in her room at the loss of the man she loved. Now she had to have dinner with the man responsible for his death. She was fuming on the inside but for now, she hid it behind a calm exterior, knowing she should wait to question her father on what he did. The princess looked at her father for a moment before taking her seat, “Good evening father.” She said, her voice void of all emotion.

The king nodded as he watched his daughter. Memories of her crying over a bloody Fenros five years ago. One of the few reasons he pulled them apart. He narrowed his eyes as he noted the lack of emotion. He was surprised, perhaps she didn’t hear of it… or did she finally grow out of caring for the boy? “Did you sleep well?”

“Perfect.” The princess snapped at her father. She was slowly losing the battle of keeping her anger at bay. But she wanted to enjoy a family dinner with her brother at least once more before she ruins what bond she had left with her family members. She closed her eyes and let out a shaky sigh.

The king frowned at his daughters snap at him. A spark of anger ignited within him. However, he decided to ignore it… for now.

Loud footsteps sounded outside the dining hall accompanied by the steady clink of golden spurs. Aaron Cordathian strode into the hall a puzzled, thoughtful expression on his face. The young man played with the hilt of his ornate sword as he walked, seeming calm and collected to the casual observer. However, anyone who took the time to eye the young prince more thoroughly would have seen the signs of agitation. The stiffness in his stride, a vein throbbing near his temple, whitened knuckles clenching and unclenching.

“Greetings Lord father,” Aaron gave a slight bow towards the head of the table, unmistakable venom in his tone. “Sister…” He claimed a seat, easing himself into. He had a sore buttocks from hard riding to return at speed to the castle. He’d been out hunting when the news of Fenros’ sudden and bloody fate reached him. At first furious, and without question curious he made good time in order to learn the full story, and the truth.

It helped that at this time, his son walked in. Distracting him for but a moment. “Aaron. Back from yet another hunt I see?” As the prince entered the food was brought in by the servants, plates already filled and the platters placed if they wished for more. Far more food than they would eat in this sitting, but nevertheless it was there. He took a bite of his food, and after a moment of deciding if it was worthy of another bite he waved his hand to the nervous chef. Who sighed in relief and bowed multiple times before leaving.

After a few minutes of him eating his food. He then went on, ignoring the elephant in the room. “I have been thinking this month, and have made some major decisions that may be sudden, but necessary for the kingdom to survive. After my meeting with the Superior Jennal, we have the Prince of Corrida coming for diplomatic purposes.” He looked directly to Eleanor. “You shall be on your best behavior, hopefully, he will take you as his wife, to solidify our relations with them. And open up relations with his neighboring kingdom.” Then turning to Aaron. “I’ve talked with High Lord Casterly and have arranged you to marry their daughter Elize. With this marriage, we will secure all of their business and money purely for the kingdom.” He said casually, as If both would just accept it, as they were taught to do.

The princess scoffed, “No.” Her eyes were ablaze as she turned towards her father glaring at him. “He is but a child compared to me. Younger than even Aaron. I will not marry someone so young. I told his father the same thing over two years ago.” Her hands were balled into fists as she kept herself from yelling.

Aaron gave a mental pause, his loaded spoon hovering just beyond his lips as he tried to digest this new revelation. For the moment all thoughts of Fenros and executions were cast aside, but they hovered in the background like so many angry bees mingled with his confused and righteous ire at being betrothed without so much as a fabricated request. He couldn’t even recall what Elize really looked like, very pale if he remembered right. The last time he’d met her was when they were much younger, he recalled her being pretty enough but not what he wanted. Not who he wanted; and so his resentment peaked.

“Are we mere political pawns in order for you to ensure your expensive tastes are met Lord Father?” He accused, only held back from joining Eleanor in louder verbal protest by the tiniest strain of self-control. His fist banged upon the tabletop rattling the plates with the force of the blow. “First you execute my friend without so much as a trial, than to betroth us to ladies in waiting and children for partisan gain? You must think us still in our infancy!”

The king froze mid bite as his daughter said no. He dropped his spoon when his own son joined in on the rebel against his order. Flabbergasted at the disrespect they showed him. Leaning back in his chair on his right elbow he pointed a finger with a Jab at Eleanor. “YOU are twenty-six now Eleanor Rose. Any prince or noble worthy of marrying you near your age is already married off or is looking for someone younger. You are almost considered a hag now, You should be grateful a handsome young man like Cornelius has even the eye for you when there are younger maids at his beck and call. Your grandfather married your grandmother ten years his senior and they had a happy marriage. Also, he’s hardly a child anymore, he’s already been leading his people for almost a year now, and has done a better job than his father in that year alone.”

He then turned to his son...his spoiled brat of a child who was aimed to rule this kingdom who seemed more interested in wearing fancy clothes and hunting whenever he had the chance. He growled with anger as he brought up Fenros. “MY EXPENSIVE TASTES? Coming from my Son? Who insists on wearing Gold spurs, and having a ridiculously expensive sword and that you SURELY do not know how to use. Despite me trying, again and AGAIN, to get the best swordmasters in the realm to teach you? Who also has his own collection of Horses, bloodhounds, and falcons? And finally insists on spending every waking moment in the woods with your friends.” He slammed his fist on the table, “Excuse me for thinking both of you are still children in my eye. You both don’t seem to want to move on in your life yourself. So Something must be done!”
He then narrowed his eyes. “As for Fenros, he was hardly your friend. He was a threat to the throne and dangerous with the men. Don’t you dare lecture me on how I rule MY Kingdom.”

Eleanor sat and listened to her father, more and more anger building up within her. Upon mention of Fenros though, she broke. Standing up so quickly her chair fell over behind her as she slammed her hands on the table also knocking her drink over. “Don’t you DARE speak of him like that!!” She shouted her face red in anger as she turned her burning eyes to her father. “Fenros was more of a man than you will ever be! And he cared for the Kingdom AND ITS PEOPLE more than you ever have and a thousand times over! So you don’t dare get to speak of him like that. He was no traitor, no threat to the throne. You are the only threat there is!” Eleanor finished yelling and was breathing hard in anger.

“I-no you…”

Cowering before his father’s lambasting of his entertainments and distractions Aaron fumbled for some retort, some way to maintain his stance against the king’s stinging words. The prince knew he stood no chance in a heated verbal discussion against King Willum, but foolish pride implored him to continue on some track. But every trick of word and tongue had been taught to him by his father, and surely the master kept a few wiles to himself.

Fuming Aaron conceded, bowing his head in an attempt to win back some standing, even with Eleanor’s charges still ringing. “P-p-please accept my-our apologies Lord Father, I-we spoke out of turn.” He glanced towards Eleanor, silently pleading with her to accept defeat where no victory could be found. A look that said we will talk later.

With a glance to her brother, she saw his look, pleading for her to accept defeat but this time she couldn’t back down. Not now, not knowing the one she loved was dead because of him. So she shook her head at her brother and looked back to her father. “He may apologize but I do not. You aren’t worthy of calling yourself king after killing off the man who truly cared for our kingdom!”

The king slammed his fist on the table once more, with such fury and power it would seem he would almost break the table with that blow. He stood up, glaring at his daughter. “That is ENOUGH ELEANOR ROSE. You’re acting like a spoiled brat! Fenros was threatening the foundations of the Vanguard itself. Highly Classified intelligence only he and a few others knew got into the hands of the enemy! It didn’t take much to put two and two together. HE WAS A TRAITOR AND THAT’S FACT. Stop crying over him like a little child because he was YOUR FRIEND. NO ONE IS OUR FRIEND FOR THIS VERY REASON!” He roared at the top of his lungs right back at her. Part of his reasoning was true, he feared that Fenros was indeed turning the men of the vanguard against him, their loyalty clearly to him rather than for him. It was clear half of the vanguard was changing their loyalties. He had to act quickly. The fact of intelligence being lost was true...but there was absolutely no proof it was him.

Eleanor had tears streaming down her face now, a mix of anger and sadness. “HE WOULD DO NO SUCH THING! FENROS WOULD NEVER BETRAY US! HE WOULD NEVER BETRAY ME!” Eleanor yelled back at him, even before Fenros told El he had feelings for her he would never have betrayed them but now knowing how he felt… how he had felt only set that more in stone. “YET YOU NEVER SPOKE TO HIM! NEVER GAVE HIM A CHANCE! YOU KILLED HIM WITHOUT WARNING! YOU DIDN’T EVEN LET ME SAY GOODBYE TO HIM! HE WAS MORE THAN JUST A FRIEND TO ME! BUT THAT’S NOT SOMETHING YOU’D EVER UNDERSTAND SINCE YOU LOCK THE PERSON YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO LOVE IN A ROOM!”

The king boiled in rage as she yelled at him. The fact she admitted she cared more about Fenros than a friend confirmed his suspicions years ago during that attack on their caravan. “ALL THE MORE REASON TO KILL HIM, A PRINCESS AND A BARON FROM THE SAME KINGDOM IN LOVE? JUST A DISTRACTION FROM YOUR DUTY. I’M GLAD HE’S DEAD. GET OVER YOUR STUPID FANTASIES AND GET WITH THE WORLD ELEANOR. GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!” He roared as he moved around the table and quickly moved upon her. He stopped himself, a foot away. He was tempted to slap her for mentioning what he did to her mother. But he restrained himself. Just sticking to ending the conversation with yelling in her face.

Glaring at him she stood still, refusing to move at first. So many thoughts running through her head, a part of her wanting to slap him, another wanting to grab the knife upon the table and kill him, but instead she turned on her heel and stomped out of the room.

The whole confrontation left a bitter taste in Aaron’s mouth. Watching from the sidelines Aaron had, again and again, wished to join in, spit his own venom at his father but better judgment held him silent in his seat. Following Eleanor’s passage out of the hall, Aaron turned once more to his father, at last finding his voice.

“He was our friend, and a loyal man. To Eleanor the most. He would never have put her at risk, nor dare defy you.” Aaron said, more out of spite than actual brotherhood to Fenros. “We’ve lost a powerful asset within the Vanguard by your spur of the moment decision. But do tell, was that before or after you decided to marry El away to Cornelius, that you put him to the axe?”

The king watched her storm off and after a moment his son spoke up again. Only looking at him from the corner of his eyes, he decided to answer the question in a roundabout way.“You would have a man who was more loyal to the princess than to you, the future King of Cordath? A man trusted to guard you. When one ‘slip’ could put her on the throne instead of you? Having a loyal and powerful ally is good...as long as they are fully loyal to YOU.” He said as turned and walked out of the dining hall himself. His hand twitching a great deal at his side.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Verrick grumbled as he found out the princess was currently with the King. It would do no good to hand her this letter in front of the king. He racked through his mind to think of who would be the most trustworthy to deliver said letter discreetly….as it came from a traitor to the crown. He would have normally waited… or snuck into the princess’s chambers to leave the letter there. But during the middle of the day. Would be foolish beyond belief.

As he remembered all of the ladies in waiting..one popped out in his mind. One that had a slight connection with Fenros through her older brother. Not one to likely turn on him or the princess.

Making his way to where she should have been, waiting for the princess to finish her argument with the king no doubt. He came to a corner and looked to his left, seeing her standing alone...and to his surprise...she was practicing magic. He smirked as this new information gave him a sure way to keep her in line to follow his ‘request’. He pulled back behind the corner and gave a casual footfall, which was MUCH louder than his normal silent steps, but loud enough for her to hear it and stop her practicing..

Elize waited in a small corridor outside the king’s personal chambers, trying to ignore the yelling coming through the walls. Princess Eleanor was beyond angry. Somebody did something to General Fenros and she knew it. Elize thought it was a bit obvious to throw a big fit like that over Fenros. She’d met the guy before, and he took maybe one look at her before gluing his gaze to Eleanor for the rest of the night. This temper tantrum with the king only made things more clear.

But Elize still felt bad for the guy. He seemed like a good and honest man, and this disappearance was beyond bizarre. Wild rumors were flying around the court. Some of Elize’s favorites were that he had run off with a peasant girl, or that he was captured by the Ouroboros and was being held for ransom. Ridiculous, Elize thought to herself. Every single one was absolutely absurd, considering none of them thought to mention the undeniable culprit: the goddamn king.

It didn’t take much to bore Elize. After listening to the princess squabble with her father for a good ten minutes, the noble girl teased the air around her fingers, letting it wisp in a little tornado around her ring. Elize wasn’t the best elemental mage; she needed to work on it. After peaking around both corners to make sure nobody was coming, Elize allowed herself to summon small wind torrents. They dispelled in her palms and grew with each breath. By the time she had managed to make a controlled cyclone as high as her knees, her lungs felt like balloons in her chest. Her fingertips tingled and her mind buzzed with that mystic high she so loved, but the moment was ruined by the sound of someone approaching. Startled, Elize let her cyclone loose. It slashed through the air around her skirts before billowing in her hair, leaving blonde strands standing straight. She looked up to find a hooded figure standing closeby. The person was short but obviously a man by his athletic and wide build. A bow and quiver were slung over his back. Something about him seemed familiar and almost otherworldly. Her heart quickened as she realize he must have seen her. FUCK, she screamed the unladylike language in her head.

“Welp,” Elize muttered miserably. “Can’t quite get out of this one.” She didn’t even bother trying to lie or explain herself.

Verrick, once she noticed him, slowly moved over to her till he was close enough to speak privately. He positioned himself just right that the sun from a nearby window caused the cowl to black out his upper face, so she would only see his mouth and beard. He then spoke to her, his voice low and gruff.

“Lady Casterly... an interesting pastime you have.” He said simply and matter of factly, as if he knew about it all along. “I must ask a favor of you, if you don’t mind?” he added, getting straight to the point.

Elize stared the man down, trying to study what little she could see of his face. The women in the court, the foolish, foolish women all spoke about a hooded man with blackmagic and immense knowledge and power. Please be another ludicrous rumor, Elize begged in the back of her mind. “Seems as if I must. It would only be polite,” the noble girl finally responded. “What do you wish of me?”

Verrick reached into the pouch directly behind his back, under his cloak. Pulling out a folded letter with a red wax seal on it. He then said, “Well… You don’t HAVE to m’lady. For it is a favor.” He offered the letter to her, the wax seal facing up. If she were to look at it, she would see Fenros Allaway’s recognizable crest on the seal. “I was hoping to get this to Princess Eleanor about a mutual friend. However…” He moved his head to the door at the still audible argument between the royal family. “I’m sure the princess’s meeting with the king will take some time. Of which I don’t have.” He turned and looked directly at her, despite his face being blocked out it was clear he was staring into her eyes. “I can trust you can give it to the princess...discreetly?”

Elize hesitantly accepted the letter, letting her fingers press into the wax mold. She held her breath as she gazed down at the small scrap of paper and the seal. Fenros. Without speaking a word, Elize looked back up to the mystery man and nodded, still completely breathless. “My princess will be pleased to receive this...thank you, sir. May I have your name?”

Verrick remained silent when she took the letter when she then asked for his name he sighed, which almost sounded like a growl. He didn’t want anything to do with being connected with this letter if it indeed got into the wrong hands. He didn’t like anyone even knowing his name in the first place. He stood there for a few more seconds before just saying. “That's not important.” Before turning and walking away.

Elize finally let herself breathe as the man walked away. So many people would have asked much worse of her with that kind of blackmail. She would make sure the princess took the letter, it was the least she could do with the…”kindness”? that the man had shown her. Whatever grace he had given her, it certainly wasn’t pure malice. The girl examined the letter closer, letting her nails scrape over the wax seal. Yep. Definitely Fenros, she thought to herself. Elize could envision the look of disbelief and joy on Eleanor, especially after this fight with the king.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raylah


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


After Verrick handed off the letter to Elize, he sighed. Favor done, now he could get back to cleaning up the mess of last night. He paused after turning the corner to lean against the wall to think of his next move. He pulled the documents that Josie had had out of his pants pocket and unfolded them. He knew exactly what was written on them, as it was Verrick’s idea to have the servant pass along false information just incase the man gave him the slip. With Eva now renewing her chase of him, it would seem fitting to head her now.

Folding it once more, he turned and made his way to the way to the main courtyard. Surely by this time, Eva Gallard would have made it back to the castle. In which, with her new ‘evidence’ would surely try to make a case to the king...while the head of the Inquisitors, Superior Jennal was scheduled to meet with the king soon after his meal with his children. This would mean he would have some time to distract her enough to throw doubts in her theory. Eva was one who wouldn’t wait to jump onto something...feeling that her own sense of ‘justice’ needed to be dealt out immediately, he was sure she would visit him immediately. Verrick would make sure catch her on her way up.

Eva finally made it to the castle, with curses on her lips. She asked one of the servants about Jenall, but apparently he was still on a meeting with the king. No matter what information she acquired, she would never dare to interrupt any of the king’s meetings. Maybe it was for the best, at least she could rest for a bit. Her whole body was aching, spikes of pain shooting from her crippled knee up to her spine, her arm tired from leaning against the cane.

“Stupid way up here,” she mumbled to herself, her good mood gone. She sat on a bench in one of the hallways to rest a bit. “Go get me some water,” she growled on Garret. He bowed slightly to her and left. Great, now I am being mean to one of the few people I actually trust, she thought. But she knew Garret wouldn’t mind. He was used to all sides of her. She leaned against the wall behind her, enjoying the touch of the cold marble and watching people walking around. Eva wondered which of them are actually loyal to the throne, and which of them are traitors.

Verrick walked slowly, but sure enough eventually he spotted Eva’s faithful servant...Garret. Bumbling about looking for something. Surely something for Inquisitor Eva, he thought. He changed his course and while Garret was solely focused on the task of hand, would not have noticed him slip by and go towards the direction he came from.

After a minute of walking, he came upon Eva, sitting on a bench in the hall resting her leg. He paused in the shadows for a moment, actually studying the woman. For years this woman had her aim trained upon Verrick and the Woodsman. He honestly did not understand what tipped her towards this route in the first place. But from what he gathered while keeping tabs on her is that she loved uncovering secrets...which the Woodman, was just chalk full of. Perhaps she was trying to make her career by bringing down one of the Woodsman.

As he looked at her leg, he genuinely felt sorry for the lady for having such a crippling wound. Perhaps if she didn’t receive that wound so many years ago, that led her on the path to become an inquisitor. She might have been a very influential Lady of the court with her beauty and brains. Yes, he learned as much as he could about Lady Eva. As one should against an enemy.

Walking over silently to her bench, his footsteps quiet against the stone floor. He came to a stop just to her left, and turned his back to the wall and leaned against it as he then asked. “Out for a morning stroll? I hardly see you this tired in the morning…” His tone light and almost friendly, but still in his usual gruff voice.

Eva didn’t even notice him at first. You have to give these Woodsmen one thing, they know how be sneaky. He came to her almost as they were longtime friends, just casually meeting for a chat. She decided to ignore his hint that he had been watching her. The House of Questions was one of the safest places in the city, and anyone who would be caught spying around it would soon get much closer look at it than he would wish.

All right, if this is how he wants to play it. It was probably for the best to be on friendly terms out here in the public. “Woodsman O’Connor,” she smiled, knowing he is really secretive about his identity, “I didn’t expect you would be up so early. I imagine last night must have been very exhausting.”

Verrick glanced at Eva when she mentioned his last name. Her smile to those who didn’t know her was sure to be sweet and kind, but to him it was full of smug and sarcasm. She tested out the waters, knowing full well she had no proof he was there at the Tavern late at night. But to just see if she could trip him up. He shrugged his shoulders. Every night, is exhausting for a Woodsman, yet there is so much to do, and see in the mornings we are always up early.” He said casually. For instance, seeing your beautiful smile this early in the day is worth the lack of sleep. He added, bowing his head to her ever so slightly.

Did he truly think that he can fool her with flattery? Or was it possible he really meant that? It was a very long time since anyone has given her an honest compliment. But she would be foolish to believe this man anything he said. “Well I am sure watching an ex-fiancé flirt with this rich handsome earl must have been devastating.” She was actually being honest there, but he didn’t need to know. She knew what it felt like to watch a man she was supposed to marry end up with another girl. “But a man in king’s service should know better than to start bar fights.”

Verrick glanced at Eva as she mentioned his ex-Fiance. He gritted his teeth at the thought of it, and while it clearly could have been taken as a sincere statement, with her marriage that fell through years ago as well. He felt it more of a jab at him for finding more of his past. He looked away and then said softly, “Admittedly, not my finest moments last night. But despite what you may have heard...I didn’t start a bar fight. That earl knocked out a suspected traitor that I was tracking to a meeting. I admit, him flirting with my ex, did not help the situation.” He said matter of factly.

Eva thought about what he said, it sounded surprisingly honest. So the Woodsmen were after the same traitor as she was, almost destroying her work in the process. King should have disbanded that party of fools long time ago. “Do you not realize that your reckless involvement in this entire situation has caused a problem? There is now an important piece of information missing, that could jeopardize the kingdom. Even such a bunch of amateurs like the Woodsmen should be concerned about that. If they don’t want to become labeled as traitors,” she added.

Verrick almost smiled, just a ghost of a hint of one on his lips. He wouldn’t have called his involvement reckless...despite the missing the fact that the wallet had the document. ”My reckless involvement? If my mark wasn’t kidnapped and tortured, I would have had the person paying for the intelligence already.” He sat down, with no invitation next to her. ”Calling us amateurs is just down right rude. There is a reason we have been an integrated part of the courts for over three hundred years.”

He gave a small smile now as he pulled out the documents from his cloak. Offering it to her. ” If you only had come to me in the beginning...I would have told you I’ve been working on this for a while now, and that if the info had somehow been passed onto who ever was buying it. It would have been completely useless. Because it was of my complete fabrication.”

Eva shook her head when he blabbered about the courts. Purely an old custom, nothing more. “Well thanks to the kidnapping and torture, I actually have the person paying for the intelligence,” she said with a self-satisfied smile. “I could have hardly come to you directly, as no one has been informed about your actions.” There was supposed to be a deal about cooperation between the Woodsmen and the inquisition, widely ignored by both sides. “I don’t like when someone is making fools out of the inquisition. You think you are so smart, mocking me when I can’t take you out directly, but you are forgetting about your… weaker sides,” she said with a distinct threat in her voice.

Verrick caught the threat, and knew who it was directed at. His hidden hand touched the hilt of a blade on his hip, but relaxed upon it. He sighed and added, “That is what the Woodsman are here for. Intelligence, Sort of like a library...you want information, you come to the librarian to guide you. I would have told you.” Trying to drop it on her plate. He got up, leaving the fake document on the bench as she did not take it from him.

He looked directly at her now, “You should think on your own words, perhaps there is a reason why you can’t take me out directly.” He turned to walk away, ” Often the weak sides, are the most protected…Not that I need to anymore. Anna...” He gritted his teeth as he hesitated. ”She made her choice… and after last night she decided she needs to get away with her new...Prince charming.”

Eva didn’t try to hide her surprise. Was he actually offering her his help? She shook her head and took the document. Knowing that it’s fake made it useless to her, but it could cause problems if an uninformed person got to it. When he talked about Anna, she could see sadness hidden deep beneath the anger. He still loved her. For a moment she almost felt sorry for him, enough to not threaten him any further. At least for now. “Good things come to those who wait, Woodsman,” she said. “And… thank you,” she added quietly, but still knowing he can hear her. These people could hear everything.
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