Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BrokenWashing
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BrokenWashing Meme Connoisseur

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Ignoring Alexanda's seemingly antagonising comment, Director king beckoned to the elevator behind him. "You can eat, and relieve yourselves, after the tour."
He pressed the call button and once again after a few seconds of whirring the doors opened. The lift was just big enough for himself, the four guests and one guard. The words "R and D" were spoken and the lift shot downwards.

The research and development floor was essentially one giant laboratory. A large, windowless room, the walls were lined with monitors and gauges displaying all sorts of scientific data. On one of the many workbenches a pistol could be seen disappearing and materialising as a beautiful red rose. "This is where we develop the equipment our agents use in the field. Every gadget, weapon or outfit you see will have been birthed in this very room. You are standing upon sacred ground right now, recruits."

The next floor shown was the communications centre. As soon as the doors opened the sound of chatter was definite above all else. Each person was wearing a headset and a pair of glasses not unlike the failed Google Glass concept. Whilst the images on most glasses were unclear from the position of the recruits some were more prominent. One girl was having a face-to-face conversation with a member of cleaning staff whilst next to her a young man was viewing images of an industrial steel factory with a furrowed brow.

The living quarters floor was actually more of a complex than a single floor. Hundreds of apartments spread out in every direction. Each one equipped with a basic bedroom, living room and bathroom. King explained to them that they had been provided basic supplies; toothbrush, toilet paper, bedding and a television but they were free to arrange for personal belongings to be delivered later. "Unfortunately we do not allow pets after the "Jihadi Jaguar" incident." He did not elaborate on what this was.

Second to last was the briefing room. Much smaller and intimate than the others, the room and subsequent others shared similarities with a university lecture hall. A large half-ring of seats encircled and speaker's podium with a tremendous screen behind. The room was dimly lit with the display showing a T.D.P screensaver. "This will be where every mission starts and ends. If you are sent on espionage, assassination, rescue or even as a diplomatic envoy this room will give you everything you need to know.

"Last but certainly not least is the dining hall. We import chefs from all around the world to help feed the agents here. You could go an entire year and never eat the same meal twice." To the left of the entrance was a Chinese man flicking a wok full of vegetables and on the right stood a basic restaurant setup and a sign stating that Italian food would be available there. "We have food representing every major world power here. I recommend that you eat together for the time being seeing as you will be a team soon." King beckoned to let them past and then stepped back into the elevator. "You have access to this, your quarters, the transport system into city and the brief room. I want you to be at briefing for 0730 tomorrow morning, and by the way, it's about 5 pm now."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PKRaptor


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Wayne followed Director King, only half listening. He was craning his neck upwards, stretching it about a foot and a half, his head like some kind of odd probe that he swept side to side to take everything in. He picked up some agent's high-tech glasses and slipped them on, marveling at the crispness of the UI before replacing them on the same desk. "Okay, tell me we get those too."

As the tour progressed, he noted a couple times that he was getting hungry, his stomach growling for food. The cold from his comfinemt hadn't totally warmed yet, so he was quite excited when they finally came upon the kitchens. His arm snaked into the kitchen/dining area, and picked up a menu. Wayne's legs lengthened and his stride extended so as to allow him to reach the counter in a few steps. There were displays of pasta, burgers, desserts, soups, roasts, breads, snacks, curry, rice, fresh fruit and vegetables, and all the different local and foreign delicacies. He could identify menu items in at least six languages, and that's with only a passing knowledge of anything beyond high school math and one year of Spanish. Suffice to say, Wayne was in food heaven.

All of his resentment towards being captured and kidnapped and even his disrespect melted away as he perused the extensive selection before him. "Yeah sure, Kingy. This is all on your tab, right?" He asked, much too focused on filling his stomach than whatever answer he would receive. He ended up ordering three pizzas, a whole chicken, and two gallon jugs of water. Wayne settled into a chair at one of the tables and was about to dig in when he noticed the others, seemingly for the first time. "Well, this is all mine. What are you guys having?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Alexanda felt as if she had stepped into a modern-day superhero movie. In other words, the headquarters had turned out to be everything she had expected, considering the whole 'secret government agency' theme. However, that did not stop her from being rather intrigued at the projects she spotted being worked on as the group was shown the RnD department. That was probably the most interesting part of the tour, as she found the rest of the locations to be rather basic stuff. She was also rather amused at how much attention was paid to the catering aspect of the organization. She had to question the need for that, though, she was not exactly complaining either.

When told the current time and that of the next meeting, Alexanda knew that it was time to make some calls. She stepped away from the group to contact her assistants, instructing them to open the Coldshine workshop without her tomorrow. The other person she had to call was of course, Daniel. Although he hardly showed it, she knew he would be worried if she did not return home after a couple of days. Director King did mention transport into the city, which meant she could leave when she needed to. Looking back to the team, she could not help but wonder about their responsibilities outside the Defiance Project and the people who were important to them.

She returned to where the others were, seeing a heap of food already in front of the young man whom Director King had referred to as Mr. Geary. Grabbing a bowl of lobster bisque, she made her way over to the table and sat down.

"I'll decide as I go along," she responded.

@PKRaptor @Gunther @Archmage MC
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

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Light followed the group. The tour of the facility was what she expected. Both basic and secret base-like, much like a movie. Although unlike a movie, there was a lot more detail here. The R&D section was the most interesting part, even if Light herself wouldn't be able to do all that much with the stuff they were making. Toons and tech didn't mix all that well.

The other areas were fairly standard, and the others in the group had their own opinions about each. Although she looked at things with an animated expression, she got bored fairly quick on a few of the more plain areas. She didn't really have her interest peaked until they reached the dining hall, and much like Wayne, she rushed off to order food. Almost trying to one up Wayne's large order, Light ordered a ton of food as well. She ordered mostly pizzas or different meat products, and sat at the table with everyone else when she was done ordering. "Hehe. I ordered a bunch of different things Wayne. We should see who can eat more!" Light said, beaming with a toothy grin.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Velma exited her personal aircraft walking down the steps to a waiting Van that had completely blacked out windows like the sort used to transport people under witness protection only in this case was meant to prevent the passenger from seeing where she was being taken. Inside sat a nice looking young man with the type of neck usually only found on a rugby player and matching shoulders and chest. Beside him saw a middle aged female agent with short cropped black hair and piercing blue eyes who she assumed was Ms. Lancer a special agent whom she’d chatted with briefly on the phone.

”Greetings Dame Marberry welcome to America I am Agent Lancer and this is Agent Argile please have a seat” said the posh agent motioning to what Velma thought was called a captain’s chair (Bucket seat on a pivot)

Climbing in to the heavy looking seat which she couldn’t help notice looked like a BDSM toy that though concealed held several restraint points to secure whoever sat in it so they could not move the young mutant took her place.

”A pleasure to meet you Agent Lancer, Agent Argile; please feel free to call me Velma’ she said in a soft almost puring tone a smile displaying her relaxed nature

The effect was subdued but Velma could see the two Agents relax a bit as her gray green eyes took in her surroundings.

Agent Lancer smiled like a tame panther her blue eyes sweeping Velma for any hidden devices or weapons as a force of habit as she asked politely about her trip across the Atlantic which Vel told her was uneventful as the two women began the arcane verbal dance of feeling the other out with compliment and inquiry. Agent Argile as his type was expected sat in silence his muscles relaxed but his opalene colored eyes void of emotional expression studying her and watching for any hint of reaction to the conversation; they were good these two agents.

”I was curious when my government handlers asked me to lend my services to your project but they were shall we say evasive on the real details. I don’t suppose you’d care to fill me in?” she asked changing the subject from polite to business

”Well we are trying to develop a team of people with special talents to deal with others with special talents or organizations that seek to abuse their power and harm the public.

We already have a few recruits but none of them have been practicing their abilities nearly as long as you have Velma and we were hoping including you and perhaps a few others from Allied nations we might develop a team able to pursue those socially aberrant types where ever they might go.”
answered Agent Lancer giving little or no indication she was lying but only a hint that she might not be telling the full story.

The trip went on like this for another hour till the van stopped and the Door opened and the harsh smell of concrete invaded Velma’s senses and the glaring fluorescent lighting made her skin tingle as her biology was repulsed by its artificial flavor.

Then came the obligatory meetings with others of the project who were important enough to demand an audience with her; a pattern she’d experienced working on the UN relief programs and still managed to remain her calm. She eventually gained a bit of reprieve by expressing a need to refresh and feed herself and after a nice shower and change of clothes she went in search of food.

This brought her to a cafeteria that already seemed busy feeding others the sign declaring it Italian so she went in and ordered Osso buco (veal shank) and a bit of Falsomargo (Roast beef with a stuffing of prosciutto, cheese, and sausage) refusing any offer of dishes with fresh veggies.

It was easy for her to pick out those with abilities around her by how those Velma thought as normals kept an eye on them as she took a seat imagining that the stares she received had less to do with her being a mutant and more her food choices or looks as she took a seat and sampled an American Sweet tea.
@BrokenWashing@PKRaptor@Raptra@Archmage MC
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Jimmy Wu had felt reluctant about the organization initially; the Defiance Project, ever since he realized he had been abducted against his will. Upon meeting the director, Mr. King his guard slowly dissolved. He did not feel threatened or the restraint to remain. He felt no obligation to stay here. He was no under arrest. He knew he could leave any time he wanted and obviously Mr. King knew this too. But Jimmy was curious and that held him here.

He paid attention to Mr. King and listened to his briefing during their tour. He was fascinated with the gadgets and the food. This project was very well taken care of. He could wrap his head around something like this. His only problem happened to be with the other candidates he would need to work with. The toon, referred to as Light was odd, but that only made Jimmy more curious. Wayne, who appeared to be something of an elastic man was filled with arrogance. Coming from a martial arts background, Jimmy knew measured heapings of humility was the cure for excessive arrogance. Finally, Alexanda and this new blonde-haired woman appeared to be the only other well balanced mature adults available. He would keep his eyes on both of them.

The only issue Jimmy Wu had with the facility was the lack of an exercise facility. He had grown accustomed to exercise every day of his life since he was a very young man. He needed to work on his drills too. Maybe eventually, he could talk someone into helping him or even sparring with him. An octagon style ring would be nice too. He would need to continue with his regimen. He could simply jump to his own facility in Hong Kong or Boston to work out. Jimmy settled on that option until the director offered him something better.

Wu approached the Chinese gentleman in the kitchen striking up a conversation in his native language; the Cantonese dialect. He quickly realized this man was from Shanghai and spoke the Wu Chinese dialect. great, I can speak Mandarin and Cantonese. The Wu is similar to Cantonese, but he struggled to understand.

“I can speak Mandarin,” the elderly man admitted.

This caused Jimmy to smile. “Are you versed in Guangdong, Cantonese cuisine?”

“Yes sir! Yes, yes!” smiling a very warm and overly exaggerated smile. “May I prepare you some Lobster with ginger and scallions and a side of pig’s tongue and some rice noodles?”

“That does sound delicious,” Jimmy responded bowing. “May I take the teapot?”

“Please do! Help yourself.” With that said, Jimmy grabbed the small ceramic teapot and a few small cups in case the others wanted to drink some Chinese tea. He carried the items into the dining area joining his new co-workers. He placed the teapot gingerly upon the table and then each of the cups. He poured himself a cup and sipped it, listening to the others converse.

@BrokenWashing@PKRaptor@Raptra@Archmage MC@RumikoOhara

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Alexanda had gotten up from the table after her soup while the conversation had still been on the topic of the food with Light and Wayne stuffing their faces. She thought she might have figured out the reason for the organization's focus on catering - it clearly made some of the recruits they needed stay at the place, and it kept them happy. Returning with some beef stew and some potato purée as well as sliced buttered vegetables on the sides, she noticed a new arrival who had not been with them during the tour. She gave young blonde woman a light smile and a nod as she sat back down, assuming that she was another recruit with superhuman abilities.

She was pleasantly surprise at Wu's gesture of bringing over a pot of tea and laying out the cups. "Oh, that is very thoughtful of you. Thank you."

While she poured herself some tea, she began to notice the silence which had fallen among her new acquaintances broken only by the occasional audible chewing of food or chiming of cutlery. She was used to the blaring of the television during her usual dinners with Daniel. Even her reticent little brother talked to her sometimes. Deciding to start some sort of conversation, she brought up one of the more common topics used to break the ice.

"So, uh... I'm in the metal sculpting business. What do the rest of you do?"

@Gunther @RumikoOhara @Archmage MC @PKRaptor
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@BrokenWashing@PKRaptor@Raptra@Archmage MC

Then as she was partly through her meal and enjoying how sugar and Ice rendered a common leaf of teas into a cool treat when a busty redhead spoke. She confirmed her status as one of the gifted by asking mildly nervous "So, I am a Metal Sculpter" trying to get the others to begin the ball rolling conversationally.

Velma gave a soft smile thinking the best approach direct and to the point; after all she would soon be expected to work with them as a team.

She put down her tea and licked the moisture from her lips and stood expressing her presence using body language honed from time spent as a spokes person for the disaster relief and said as she walked to a more observable position in the room

"Hello everyone, please call me Velma" she offered with a slight nod to all those whose attention she had now.

"Formally I am known as Dame Marberry, Velma, Victoria, Vespa, Carter, my family adore hanging the past on its children in the form of excessive names." her eyes and expression offers her amusement at her own name honestly and friendly.

I was working with the International Disaster Relief Society as chief food stuffs procurement and development officer, I was in Agriculture.

I am if not apparent from England, my home a tiny channel island known as the Isle of Wight.
then she she stepped over to the Sculptress and offered her hand in friendship.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

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Once Light got her food, she started to eat it much like you'd see in a cartoon, notably in large chunks and an inhuman speed plates stacking high. Halfway through eating an entire chicken, half of it in her mouth, she noticed the newcomer and heard someone ask a question. Waving at the new lady, she swallowed the entire chicken like something out of a cartoon. "Hi Miss brittain. Fancy talk huh? Howdy!" Light said with a grin. "Metal huh? I'm a nomad looking for fun. Most people tend to not like cartoons. Or its my teeth, either or." Light said, answering Alexandra showing off her teeth to everyone before she dug into her food, more having been delivered.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Aside from the individual with the green eyes, the group seemed like it had some potential. Jimmy didn’t know what their abilities were quite yet, but all in due time. Understanding the value of teamwork, an individual is usually someone you cannot count on when the need arises.

After placing the tea and cups on the table and then his meal, Jimmy took a seat. The red haired woman appeared to appreciate his friendly gesture, "oh, that is very thoughtful of you. Thank you." She then turned to the assembled group and blurted out, "So, uh... I'm in the metal sculpting business. What do the rest of you do?"

The older Asian gentleman looked toward the woman and asked her, “What is your name? I am Jimmy Wu. I have been training in Martial Arts most of my life and compete in Mixed Martial Arts professionally. If any of you pay attention to the sport, you may have heard of me. If not, that’s OK.” Jimmy poured tea in the assorted cups and passed them out to whomever wanted one.

The attractive blonde haired girl who arrived most recently addressed the group, "hello everyone, please call me Velma."

Jimmy looked at her, responding, “Hello Velma. Very nice to meet you. Call me Jimmy.” The name Jimmy is usually reserved for young men, but this Jimmy was 47 years old and no where near the age where people are called Jimmy.

Velma continued, "formally I am known as Dame Marberry, Velma, Victoria, Vespa, Carter, my family adore hanging the past on its children in the form of excessive names." Her eyes spoke that she was warm and inviting; an amiable soul willing to work with others. “I was working with the International Disaster Relief Society as chief food stuffs procurement and development officer, I was in Agriculture.” Velma’s accent was completely recognizeable. She did not need to clarify her last point. Jimmy had met several British people in his lifetime either in Hong Kong, the States or in Europe. “I am, if not apparent from England, my home, a tiny channel island known as the Isle of Wight.” Velma then offered to shake the red haired woman’s hand. Jimmy would eventually shake her hand as well.

Jimmy Wu was quite curious about the cartoon person. “What is your name?” He addressed with the utmost respect to the toon girl. “How is it that you are animated, yet in the material world? Your presence is both unexpected and baffling to the laws of physics.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PKRaptor


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Wayne grinned at the Toon's challenge. "You're fun! Just try and keep up!" He began devouring his food hand over fist, making a slight spectacle that may have been a bit...disgusting. However, he didn't often get challenged, having few friends and even fewer people who knew of his abilities.

Keeping one ear and one eye on the conversation between the others as the two quickly burned through the place of food before them, Wayne was surprised to see a newer face among the new faces. He paused when Light stopped to talk, it was only fair. "My name's Wayne. Uh, I can stretch and stuff. And shapshift." He displayed that by turning his face into a copy of Director King's and extending his arm to her, all the way across the table. He gave a silly salute and said, "Welcome to the Defiance Project!" Perfectly immitating the director's voice. Voices and faces were especially fun to Wayne. He smiled and looked around the table. Not to be rude, but separate hands extended one new arms from points on his arm like branches of a tree, each one offering a shake to the others.

With his free hand he popped the top off one of the gallon jugs and took a long drink, than addressed Light directly. "Hey, I like your teeth." He smiled to reveal he had formed even his teeth into sharp ones like hers and chuckled.

The conversation flowed around him and Wayne realized that he hadn't sat down for a meal with other people in months. It felt nice. Even though these people were strangers.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The Asian man was the first to answer Alexanda. He also introduced himself and asked for her name. "Ah, that's interesting, it's nice to meet you Mr. Wu. My name is Alexanda Connolly, better known as Dynara in costume."

Alexanda then stood to shake the hand of the sophisticated blonde woman who had come over to address the group and provide them with a detailed yet intriguing introduction of herself. "It's a pleasure, Velma."

The atmosphere was gradually but noticeably changing as the other members of the team started to speak up, and it was beginning to get more comfortable for everyone. Alexanda was glad that she had said what she did, though, anything that was not outright offensive would have probably done the trick. The fish-like cartoon character was the next to answer her initial question, and when Jimmy enquired about the possibility of her existence, Alexanda found herself thinking about his question as well. She had first considered that her strange appearance and abilities might have been form of mutation like her own, or perhaps this individual was a result of some experiment? It was most definitely perplexing.

She then chuckled a little in amusement at 'Wayne's' antics, shaking one of his hands as he extended it out to her. The members of the group who had shared their professions seemed to have rather interesting ones. It did help in fitting in, knowing that many of these people also had lives outside of being super-powered recruits for the agency.

@PKRaptor @Gunther @Archmage MC @RumikoOhara
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BrokenWashing
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BrokenWashing Meme Connoisseur

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The next morning the agents found themselves in the briefing room. As they entered and found a seat, Director King opened, "Good morning agents, I trust you are well rested." He himself had not slept well and it reflected slightly in his appearance. "Normally I would have a member of staff do this but, as a formality for your first mission, I have elected to brief you this morning." King had in fact been trying to involve himself with some of the more day to day activities of a government agency. He had been cooped up in his office for far too long and needed to do something other than paperwork.
He stepped up to the podium and pressed a button causing the screensaver behind him to flash off and images of an old factory to appear up on the screen.

Some would remember that these were the same photos visible in the Communications room.
"Six days ago we received multiple reports of identical cowboys committing petty thefts and other small crimes in the south of England. Five days ago they spread to most of Western Europe. Three days ago our first murder happened in the U.S. Yesterday one of our agents intercepted one of these "C.A.R.L" units. Recovered from the body was a variant of micro SD that we traced back to the building you see here."
He paused and handed out a mobile device to each member. "This will allow you to contact hq. You can also view intelligence we have on any of your foes."
The image zoomed out to show a map. The factory was situated in the city of Birmingham, England. "We need you to infiltrate the building and try to shut down production of these machines, apprehend the man behind this and shut down any active units around the world. We have clearance to act from British parliament on the condition that we allow Miss Marberry to join our ranks." He turned slightly and nodded in her direction, "Welcome."
"Mr Wu, I understand that you can teleport your team to Manchester. You will all be transported to Birmingham by road. It should take a few hours maximum. I won't bore you with the exact route."
"Accompanying you on this mission will be one of our more experienced agents, Codename: Railgun. I have instructed her to keep back mentor you, but she will step in if she is needed."
"Do we have any questions?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Velma had been up perhaps an hour before sunrise an innerclock in her body announcing its impending arrival and compelling her to the most open space the facility might allow her to worship the morning Sun. She was dressed in a diaphanous cloth especially chosen to allow the solar radiation to penetrate without scandalizing her made into a short sleeveless sundress her feet in a pair of rope toe sandals as she entered the meeting room.

The air became fresher as she absorbed the CO2 in the air to feed the thermodynamics of her metabolism and her scent was like fresh grass or sweet flowering bamboo.

She studied the photos of the Factory. It was built sometime at the height of the Victorian Industrial age as evidenced by the roof of the center building which looked like it might be on the Old Line Canal. It showed its prosperity by the expansions first away from the canal then closer. It was a lovely example of the period which meant even if it was an active factory it would be listed on the national register of historic buildings.

Next she called up the Birmingham Historical register, then selected Brick factory adjacent to canal, the later laughably common. Minutes later she had found her building and the docent in charge of the records for the factory.

Like many such low level bureaucrat she was even available online so Vemla after an introduction was downloading building plans as far back as 1892 as well as any photos taken and in the archives.

Her goal was to use her resources to help enhance the mission by use of her knowledge of the way things were done in the UK.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Jimmy found it difficult to sleep in his new accommodations. He drifted in and out throughout the night and woke around 0430, unable to return to sleep. He decided it was a good time to get in a workout. Having noted there were no facilities presently as a gym or dojo here at the Defiance Project facility, so he planned to jump to his home in the Guangzhou Province near Hong Kong.

As soon as he arrived in the Yuangang residential district of Guangzhou he noted it was only 19.30 local time. He picked up his phone and dialed a friend named Li Shum who helped him as a sparring partner from time to time. Li arrived quickly and the two began a workout lasting about 90 minutes. They warmed up with some pad work and other exercises intended to strengthen core muscles.

After twenty minutes of warm up, they sparred for thirty minutes and then Jimmy began practicing techniques he designed integrating both martial arts skills with his jumping ability. Li Shum never knew where Jimmy was going to show up on the dojo mat and prepared himself for attacks from varied angles. It was tough on Li Shum and great training for Jimmy Wu.

After their training session, he showered and gathered up his black Shinobi Shōzoku, which would become his “costume” for the Defiance Project. He also gathered a Katana, his nunchakus and a half a dozen throwing stars. The last item he picked up was a binder filled with photographs of places he intended to travel to or places he has traveled to. He could jump to a place in a photograph as well as those places he has already traveled to without a photograph.

Later that morning, Jimmy found himself in the briefing room with Director King and the other talented individuals of his new team. This time he was dressed in the Shinobi Shōzoku with the hood hanging off the back of his head. He listened to Director King’s presentation.

"Accompanying you on this mission will be one of our more experienced agents, Codename: Railgun. I have instructed her to keep back mentor you, but she will step in if she is needed. Do we have any questions?"

“Mr King, What is this Carl unit you speak of?” was the first question or input Jimmy had. Jimmy accepted the mobile device and turned it on to see its interface. It had several prompts for him to set the device up to his own specifications. ‘I’ll have to make time to set this up later,’ Jimmy thought to himself. ‘Ah! So Velma is connected to the British government! Interesting.’ At least this is how it appears to Jimmy Wu.

"Mr Wu, I understand that you can teleport your team to Manchester. You will all be transported to Birmingham by road. It should take a few hours maximum. I won't bore you with the exact route."

“Yes, Mr. King. I could open a portal and move the team to Manchester right now. There are several spots in the city we could land including Manchester Airport, Old Trafford, Albert Square and Piccadilly Gardens. On the other hand, I could open a portal right to this building in the image here in Birmingham, if that would be simpler. I can jump anywhere if I have been there or can see it with line of sight. I can also jump to any location in the world if I have a photograph displaying the location we are traveling to. Would you happen to have a photo of a location a bit further from this building? Or would you mind if we jumped right into this parking lot on the right?”

@BrokenWashing@RumikoOhara@Raptra@PKRaptor@Archmage MC
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

"It'll be soon, I promise.... Really? What happened to 'I can take care of myself'?.... Hey, I'm just kidding.... Yes, I miss you too.... Oh come on, you do.... Alright, see you soon!"

It was a strange sight - a woman lightly clad in a metal suit trying to appease a younger sibling over the phone while trudging though a corridor of a secret superhero agency. Alexanda hung up just as she reached the briefing room, finding Director King, as well as a few of her dinner companions from the night before already settled. When everybody was there, King began the briefing with visuals. Alexanda's respect grew for the agency as it went on. These people were serious. So, they were going to be teleported to a factory in Birmingham, where they had to find the one in charge so that they could shut the entire organization down. That seemed pretty straightforward currently, though, she might be wrong.

She flipped through the mobile device she had been given, and referred to the 'C.A.R.L Units' that had been mentioned. The image of a lone man, together with some details on him came up. She assumed that what she was seeing was a single unit. Every unit probably looked the same and shared similar abilities.

"Understood, Sir," was all she had to say in response as she clipped the mobile device to her belt.

@Gunther @RumikoOhara @BrokenWashing @PKRaptor @Archmage MC
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PKRaptor


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Wayne walked through the doors of the conference room, wearing the face of an old woman, gray hairs and crow's feet bearing a stark contrast to yesterday. He couldn't believe that it all wasn't a dream and that he was actually recruited by a shadowy government agency surrounded by others that were like him. Well, not really like him. Nobody was really like him.

Still, it was happening. But just because it wasn't a dream, doesn't mean it wasn't going to be a nightmare. Sure, the food was top notch, and it wasn't going to be dull in any sense, but he suddenly had a craving for his favorite park bench in the shade, just relaxing and living life. He hadn't had any use for secret bases and missions and what was it? Carlos the eunich? That couldn't be right. He shook his wrinkly old lady head and but on a genuine gram-gram smile, shuffling in a beeline to the large plate of donuts on the conference table. "Oh Kingy, honey, it's Mama! You aren't eating enough are you?" He asked, putting on a convincing enough voice. He wasn't as good with old lady voices, but this was too good of an opportunity to pass up.

"Here, pumpkin. Mommy brought you some donuts for breakfast. I know the chocolate ones are your faaaavorite!" He said, shuffling to the front of the room and holding the plate out to him. "Are you getting enough sleep? When am I going to get grandchildren?" He suddenly laughed, completely breaking character. His voiced switched back to normal as he shifted his old mouth into one large enough to eat all the donuts at once. "Just kidding, guys!" He said in his normal voice. He handed the plate to Director King and stretched his neck over to the screens displaying all of the information. "Hey so what, we are fighting dickless robots?" He laughed again and shifted, turning into one of the C.A.R.L.s, complete with cowboy hat. He took on a gruff voice and spat out a quip. "It's high noon!" Adding in a jerky, robotic walk, he turned and took ten paces away from King and the others, then yelled, "draw!" And spun on one stirruped heel, his hand suddenly taking the shape of a stereotypical six-shooter. Despite the accuracy of his shifts, when he faced the group, he couldn't help but grin ear to ear.

Wayne chuckled to himself and let his little skit sink in for the group.
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