Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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The Kingdom of Asgard

Rumored all around the cosmos to be the brightest beacon in all the realms. A kingdom that shines by it's golden palace and other structures that would seem to reach out toward the heavens. This Kingdom up close and within look advanced than the rest you would ever see....Well....That was what one was able to see from afar. But that alone all changed. A war broke out between Asgard and Jotunheim, the Army of the Allfather Odin and the Army of King Laufey.

It was a bloody and gruesome war where in the end, Laufey had been defeated by Odin of Asgard, though not without leaving a reminder on the Asgard of how fierce the battle was. At least that was what some were so told. But as the saying goes: an eye for an eye. In this case, it was a child for an eye. The Allfather took the child of the King of Jotunheim as a trophy for their Victory of that war.
Many say that Laufey abandoned the boy for the reason of the boy killing his mate at birth and that he was smaller than them. Who knows but this boy was Asgard's Trophy none the less.

And his name was Loki. The son of the King to Jotunheim.

Life at the palace was not easy for any servant or slave for that matter but Loki did what he could to get by without any mistakes. But that didn't mean the abuse wasn't any easier. Practicing his magic from an early age, he would often use his magic to keep the facade of looking fine and healthy, but without it and no one around, would be bruised and cut. Sometimes the cuts were bad, others not some much. Loki would be lucky his wounds would heal within a considerable rate. But that also meant his distrust for people especially men grew more and more each passing day.

The Crowning of Prince Thor, the God of Thunder was a celebration to all of Asgard as well as his marriage to the Warrior Goddess Sif. One that brought absolute joy to Asgard, was the birth was the young Princess Silena. That too was where our young Loki would have his life changed forever when he was charged with watching over her by the Royal Family. There were celebrations of the Princess' birth and the birthdays to come. But where the Princess was, there was Loki watching her like a shadow.

One day within the Gardens of the Palace of Asgard......

A young girl running among the countless flowers planted within the gardens, chasing a butterfly till it sat on one of the many flowers, fluttering its wings a moment before resting them and spread wide to see its beautiful, colorful wings. The girl laughs as she watches, not wanting to catch it, but watch it. It wasn't till the butterfly flew high where the Princess wouldn't be able to chase it anymore. The girl seemed down about this fact when she say something fluttering and green caught her attention. Looking to that color of green, Silena could see that it was a green butterfly. Not knowing if one existed or not, she was surprised to see another, then another. Before she knew it, there were about a dozen fluttering around the Princess and a few even landing on her and tickling her skin, giving her kisses which caused her to giggle.
Off in the distance and using the foliage as cover was the Jotun slave in a simple green tunic and black trousers and boots with a small smile on his lips as the girl was amazed and in awe with the butterflies he had made with his magic. Black hair short and sleeked back, watching Silena and her surrounding. When Silena was called, the butterflies flew away till they were out of sight and soon without her notice once her attention was elsewhere disappeared so no evidence of his magic was noticeable. His smile was gone and walked away to tend his other duties while staying near for when he needed.

From that day forward did the Joutun stay within the shadows till she turned the age of Fifteen and this is where we begin our story......

Asgard since the early morning was bustling with excitement for the festivities for the Princess' Fifteenth Birthday. Servants all around were getting ready be it decorations, food, you name it and many from the allied Kingdoms were invited as well as many talents and games for the people as entertainment. Since the moment that the Princess had awaken, she could feel the buzzing of the people and their excitement topped with her own for she was Fifteen. So far all her birthdays had been exciting but this one was obviously big. Though she would have much to do as the Princess, she did wish she could be out there to participate before the Ceremony. Knowing what the event was going to entail, she decided to dress in more common clothing as she sneaks out and go see what it was that she would possibly miss out on, heading out of the palace and into the town.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Loki wasn't sure whether or not if preparing the Princess' formal gown was going to be something that was a test, or something to truly enjoy. One of the most important events was up and on the rise; everybody was hustling and bustling with the preparations, and considering that the Jotun technically helped raise the girl, he was tasked on venturing up to her room, and put to the task of preparing Silena a very special dress that she would wear for each of her birthdays. All of them were different yet coming with a new one, was a different task altogether, considering that it had to match the girl's personality, as well as her very things i.e. flowers, gems, and/or certain elementals. Color was something he had to figure out, personally, considering that her interests change, the older she got. Sometimes he would find her by the fire, reading a book, or taking a stroll through the gardens, as well as among other things.

As long as he had come to know her, just by taking care of her from the side, Loki wasn't allowed to get personal with her. He wasn't allowed to share anything that was personal, other than the fact that he was supposed to play the servant role. However, he couldn't help but try his best to get her to smile whenever she seemed down. It just didn't suit her at all, especially from someone as kind and compassionate as she was. Sometimes, he would leave a book in her room, or surprise her, with something made, with the use of his own mystical abilities. Of course, Loki had to make sure that it was all done discreetly, otherwise he would be condemned to being punished, as it was against the rules between the slaves and those above them. He wasn't allowed to form anything "special" with her. You must not be friends; you must not be soft with them.

He looked at the newly-created dress before him, and he could only smile proudly yet weakly, at the very object he had spent all morning on. He could only hope that it would meet the Princess' needs and wants for tonight, and all he needed now, was for her to try it on, and make it was a good fit, and if she wanted any adjustments done to it. He remembered overhearing from a few servants that Silena went out venturing in town. It did take long to track her down, and to be honest, only the blonde girl’s very aura could bring a rather bright and loving feel to an area. He followed that feeling, and came to spot her in the center.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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The laughter, hustle and bustle as shops, and trades set up and or ready for business. Children running and playing it was all so exciting. She saw many thing that involved flowers, streamers, ribbons, banners and even the slight breeze of petals from the blossom trees. Her lit up as she continued to walk, weave through the people till she was within the center of the Towns Square. Silena decided to help others while she was there with their set ups, handed gifts, and had come to play with some children that bumped into her at one point for a bit.

It wasn't until she felt someone watching her. The same watchful gaze from the shadows, having kept an eye on her since she could remember. She hadn't noticed it much but now that she wasn't under so many peoples gaze, Silena looks to the direction she can feel that gaze but doesn't go for being direct and going within the mass crowd. Looking for her target wasn't exactly easy, but managed to find the protective aura that she come to feel within her life that wasn't her father.

Creeping up on the servant Silena recognized and couldn't forget a face, tackled her pray with a playful roar from behind Loki. "RRRAAWW~! Got you~!" She knew that she shouldn't get close or have any ties with servants of any kind but Silena couldn't help but be happy for what today was. That and actually felt proud of herself for her assumptions so far.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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Loki jumped slightly when he heard that very playful voice come from a person that was all-too familiar around the kingdom. He chuckled amusingly, shaking his head, as he managed to figure out what Silena’s intention was, when she decided to do such a thing. Not only was he supposed to be the family’s servant, but he was also considered to be her secret guardian, shortly after she decided to call him her “fairy godfather”.

It was a rather silly title that the girl had come up with, when she was about twelve years old. But then, Loki decided to not take it personally, considering that it was just something that the girl decided to mutually call him, considering that he helped raise the child, and that it was not something that implied their relationship to be special. That was what he assumed, anyway, and/or tried to convince himself on.

He knew, by law, that slaves were not allowed to form acquaintances or friendships with anyone above them, other than the typical master-and-servant bond. Anything outside of that, or even a small slip-up, resulted in punishment, and Loki became too anxious to disobey; the beatings were enough for his mistakes, and the scars became a reminder. ‘All professional; nothing personal’, that was the rule. But the daily abuse, was what really threatened him to his edge. Physically, mentally, emotionally...even sexually. He prayed at night, for there, to be an escape, but having to be, perhaps, the only Jotun in Asgard, was there even such a thing? All he could really do, was wait for a miracle.

“Your dress is ready, your grace”, he said. “Would you like to try it on, early?”, Loki was trying to be as professional as possible, but the ache in his back, from the night before, was really making the action to straighten himself up, a lot more difficult.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Silena smiled, looking as if she had succeeded in her plan to get Loki to have a little fun when she saw him jump a little and the chuckle that she rarely if at all got to hear. She knew that even a servant needs to know how to be happy once in a while, not miserable for the rest of their days. But it sadly was not meant to be despite her hopes that Loki would. Knowing for sometime that Loki had been watching over her like any parent would. She knew there was something about him that drew her to him, hence the title but the title was a secret between her and Loki.

She honestly liked Loki. Besides the silly rules(what she thought was silly any) that they weren't allowed to have any sort of ties besides master and servant. The "master and servant" ties were what made her shiver. She liked it better then someone had a choice to serve, not be forced. She thought better than wait till she was Queen one day to change that law or at least make more tolerable. Til then she had to everything that it would take to make that happen without disrespecting traditions too badly that was.

Being brought out of her thoughts, Silena listened as Loki talked about trying on the dress that he made her to try on. Every birthday that she could recall, was always when Loki would make her a dress for the celebration. As much as she liked wearing them, she wore because Loki put in the hard work to make it for her. To put to it all that she liked and rarely if at all, would she ever change it. For this, Silena smiled, if not grinned and was about to bounce in place with renewed energy. "Of course! I would love to!" And then that was when she saw it. His hesitation to straighten up and be as he was "suppose" to. It made her sad that Loki looked hurt. So she had a plan to make it up to him. Her smile still there and not wavering, she would let him lead the way and stay with him.

Making it her room after stopping a servant to recover something for her of which she tried to keep from Loki might he refuse before she got the chance, steeled herself before opening the door to see what would be in store for her knowing that it would be amazing.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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While trying to hide much of his pain, Loki can only show that he would be able to carry on with his servitude. Ever since he was a child, he was convinced that this position was better than death, but not if the pain keeps coming, every time he made a mistake, or screws up. Sometimes he wondered whether if death was better than dealing with the cruelty they are able to inflict upon him. It was the darkness was threatening to swallow him while, and soon, he might disappear. However, the other thing that became a Ray of light was the one individual he had helped raise; from infancy, up to today.

After fifteen years of doing so, the Jotun felt this urge to overshadow her. It was practically his job to do so, but then, after all of those times to protect her and (whether purposely or not) put a smile on her face, for the sake of pleasing her parents, he was trying so hard to convince himself that he wasn’t showing any symptoms of attachment, mainly in fear of getting a beating; he was just doing his job, that’s all. At the same time, however, he was unaware of Silena’s sympathy. In his mind, he was someone below her own race and, of no-doubt, after the girl learned the stories about his own people, Loki didn’t bother to think twice on whether if she cared about the family slave or not. He could assume not.

With her smiling at him, the Jotun could only return one that was small, and a bit reluctant, but he didn’t keep the expression on his face, since they were walking by some of the palace guards, as well as past some of the nobles. As he should, he was tailing behind the princess and kept his head down. By the time they managed to reach her bedroom, Loki opened the door for her, and let her go first. Sitting on a stand was the finished product of her evening gown. “I hope it suits your expectations, your grace”.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Silena watched as Loki opened the door before stepping inside her room, Looking to the stand to see Loki's finished product that was her gown. Silena went from starstruck to grinning from ear to ear. "This is wonderful Loki!" She went to the stand to examine the gown more closely. It amazed her that Loki was so talented and had such a skill. She wondered how long it took him to do it.

Looking at her "Fairy Godfather", she was excited. "Hurry and shut the door Loki! I want to try it on!" She tells him as she takes the gown from the stand with excitement and such care. She went to her 4-panel room divider she uses for changing. She began to change from her casual dress to now her gown. She was always excited every year when Loki had made a new dress for her. Always wanting to try it on and having Loki help her so she could see it for herself and if Loki needed to make any sort of adjustment. Though she also did this so Loki could see it on her before anyone else. He had been such a huge part of her life that he should see her in such nice clothes. Especially the ones HE made.

When he got to assisting her, Silena looked to Loki and spun once to show it off to Loki. "What do you think?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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It was countless days and nights, when it came to preparing the right garment that would suit the princess. Around his teens, he was instructed to learn from perhaps the best weavers and ornamentalists in the kingdom, in order to produce many of the clothing worn by the royal family. Sometimes, such a task would involve lack of sleep and lots of pressuring, in order to meet the appropriate deadlines. Loki knew his fate and the cost, if these needs were not met.

The girl's reaction was something that the Jotun had expected; a rather normal thing that told him that she was satisfied and pleased with the results. It was the same face that each member of the royal family had come to express, whenever the garment was in the right place. It left him quite relieved, considering that he had remembered the first time he had made a mistake on the task. It wasn't a pleasant experience, since the consequences were made by the king himself. He stayed quiet, although he did let out a sigh of relief, and a small proud smile.

Silena's excitement told him to act, and he closed the door upon her instruction, so she could get enough privacy to try it on. "I thought the blue would match your eyes, milady; make you a lot more radiant upon your subjects", he said, hoping to share his thoughtfulness would help give his hard work some sort of meaning. "You look...radiant already", the Jotun added, as she spun around.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Silena could only smile more at such compliments and Loki's ideas. She had an idea by his eyes and state of how long and how much time he had put into this gown and others like it. Silena couldn't understand what it must be like, given her status. But wondered how tough it was to be a servant. Even though she had grown up with servants taking care of her more than her parents given their position, it had started to make her wonder about how well they were cared for.

As much as the princess would love to stay in the gown, she didn't want to ruin Loki's hard work before the night had begun. Every one of the dresses that Loki made was always comfortable and where she didn't need to feel that she would need to excuse herself unless she was sociably worn out. So she went behind her four-way divider to change out of the dress to the tire she had on before. Hearing a knock on the door, Silena came from behind her divider and changed, heading for the door and opened it. The servant that she had stopped earlier had come with a small box in hand. The princess took the box with a smile as the servant bowed and left. Closing the door, she looked to Loki.

With a smile, the princess gestured to a chair at her desk. "Can you sit for me please?" She asks him. SHe couldn't ignore it anymore. She was tired of his suffering. Whoever was causing it, she only hoped she could find a way to make it stop.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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Loki looked at the princess, although he made occasional glances at the floor, out of respect. He learned quite well not to look at royalty in the eye, as it was a common rule when in the presence of the nobles, authority, and royalty, no matter the height of the person. Even for those much-shorter than himself, the Jotun kept his eyes glued to the floor, almost paralyzed by the thought of daring. Even when he was in the presence of the girl, he acted, out of desperation. The king himself made that perfectly clear and sure.

Slightly fidgeting with his fingers, Loki stayed calm, and awaited for any request that could be possibly made by the princess. Whether it was an instruction, or a direct order. Taking notice of the blonde changing out of the dress that he made for her, he heard the knock from the door. Normally, it would be him immediately answering it for Silena, but out of surprise, she went to the huge golden door to respond. Once more, he put his eyes back on the marble floor, the second she faced him.

Knowing what's best, the Jotun moved, and acted of what she asked him, taking his time yet wasted no time.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Silena followed him to the desk, setting the box gently down on its surface. Opening it, inside the box was medical supplies. She may have been born with any form of magic due to her heritage, the princess did not know any healing magic. However that didn't stop her from learning the basics by normal means of medical attention. "Loki if you could please, could you undress the top half of yourself for me?" She asks while setting up the array of materials that was within the box.

She waited patiently until Loki had done as she had asked. To examine what all that had been done that made her friend so hesitant and timid as of late. She would never any harm placed on anyone, including Loki. It was just cruel and wrong for they were people too. If only she could find a way to make the suffering end for all servants.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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It was a rather alarming request, but then, the Jotun made no sign of resistance, although he did hesitate for a moment. He couldn't dare to look at her; he can't. With shaky fingers, he reached up to undo the buttons of his black tunic. He didn't know why she wanted him to do such a thing, and he dared to not question, as it was against his own free will.

He remained seated, and allowed his tunic to fall, revealing his slim yet slightly-muscular torso and back. Scars in random places, mainly his back, as well as some bruises that were recent, with others still in the process of healing. The bruises were all-too apparent.

He didn't say anything, mainly out of fear, and just let the princess do what she wanted.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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It broke her heart to see Loki like this. His reaction to her requests, how he did so in fear. Silena examined the scars and bruises on his back. Her heart felt heavy for Loki and now for anyone who may have been treated by cruel people who abused their power.

The princess got to work with gentle hands. She applied some ointment to the bruises that were more recent, then to the ones that were healing. When she was done, Silena put the supplies away before looking to Loki. She hated the rules. She saw no need to avoid eye contact when anyone spoke no matter the position.

She cupped Loki's cheek and guided him to look at her. "Please look at me Loki." Her voice broke and gentle. "No one can punish you while I am here." She continued. If he were to look at her, tears would be running down her cheeks.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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Loki slightly flinched when he felt her hands - soft and tender hands - place pressure upon his somewhat-scarred body. The Jotun became quite sensitive whenever it came to touch, whether from abusive or gentle hands. The very trauma of what her father did to him, remained with him. It never seemed to disappear, and it continues to flash before his eyes, whenever the slave felt he had made a mistake. However, he tried to shake them off, and do as he was told, with the right amount of posture that the Queen expected of him.

When the princess was younger, he wasn't permitted to look away from her, considering that she was but a child. Now that she was nearly of age, Loki showed his most-respect by not looking her in the eye, like everybody else in palace. However, he allowed her to touch his face, although he, once again, flinched from the contact. As much as he tried to not look at her, he had no choice but to risk it, at her command.

It was one of the few times he had ever looked her in the face, mainly when no one was around. There was a sharp contrast, he noticed, between the princess and the king: Her, having the touch of an angel; him, aggression. The very description fit with the tone of her voice. It sounded like she was making a promise, and Loki's eyes widened, as soon as he saw the streaks on her face. Was this sympathy? The kind that he had never seen, during his time in the palace? "Your majesty, please....", he said, looking away from her, closing his eyes.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Silena could only see the suffering within Loki and she didn't know how to make it better. No one should be treated this way, yet there was nothing she could do within her status. Coming of age or not. She didn't think she could go to anyone, including her mother and father for fear of being reprimanded for her helping servants and not focusing on the more important matters. She was always the odd ball of the family. Granted this was what made her special but all she wanted to do was to make this realm a better place for all. Not just certain individuals.

Slowly, the princess sank to her knees and rested her head on Loki's kneeling powerless in the matter that involved his life and other that might be like him. "I wish there was more I could do for you Loki. Sadly I do not have the means to do so. I am so sorry..." Trying so hard not to cry, yet tears fell and the sound of sniffling was that could be heard from her. When she had any troubles, she came to Loki or her mother might she run into trouble she was stuck on solving. All she could ask for now was Loki's presence.

"I wish there was more I could do to make this go away for you....you deserve better than this..." More allowed than to herself, but she wanted Loki to know that she actually cared unlike some of the heartless nobles within the realm.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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Loki could remember the early days, where he would normally amuse himself with his magic. At the same time, whenever the princess was down, it became his responsibility to make sure she was happily taken care of, when she grew. The many times of keeping of her happy, was on the orders, made by the queen. To him, it was a chore for these many, many years. Even if he wished to be friends, or form some sort of friendly connection, he knew it wasn't going to be possible, as the law, was the law. As of right now, it sounded like the princess wanted to change it, or at least, alter it, in some way.

Feeling pressure on his knees, and sounds of sniffling, the Jotun opened his eyes, to see the girl on her own knees, as if she was hoping for her prayers to be answered. Even he knew it was hopeless, as he had also made the same plead for these many, many years. Hesitantly lifting a hand, he swallowed, and carefully, placed the appendage on her head, as to give her comfort.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Feeling a hand on her head, seemed to being her out of her thoughts after a bit for she then lifted her head to wipe away the tears. When Silena regained her composure and looked to Loki, the princess could only smile now as she took Loki's hand in hers. "I will find a way to fix this Loki. To make sure you are your own person and live how you choose." Silena told him as a promise. "Please have faith and keep your head held high till then."

The princess stood from her kneeling form giving Loki's hand a comforting squeeze before letting it go. "Now. I believe we have a celebration to be ready for soon. Dress yourself and we will be off." The smile on her face never wavering.

The rest of the time to prepare for Silena's birthday celebration went as smooth as a flowing steam. Of course for Silena's part with the help of Loki and a few other servants, it came down to how she would look with the gown that the Loki made for her. Once it was all said and done Silena looked beautiful. Her hair down up into a gorgeous braid, makeup to compliment her and the gown with heeled slippers to make the gown.

The celebration included a feast for all within the Nine Realms that was invited to the young princess's birthday. Dancing and music to top it off. At the large table sat the King and Queen who sat in the middle with Silena who sat next to the Queen and other honored guests that sat at the large table. Throughout, nobles would come to bow to the Royal family before giving the Princess a present or two.

Serving the Royal family accordingly was Loki. He had done so every year and even on the rare occasion when they had meals together. As always Loki would make sure to be extra careful and diligent as he would every year to go without being reprimanded for his failure to serve the family according. Especially King Thor.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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It was a grand celebration in the palace, as it literally took up the throne room, the dining hall, the corridor, and even the garden. After several days of preparation, and a few hours of making sure the princess was ready, the arrival of many guests - a majority of them, having to be nobles, and a few others of importance. Thor had to don the shiniest attire, fit for a king; fit for one, standing at the top of the realm hierarchy, although some would have to debate that his daughter was perhaps the one who radiated the most, for the event.

Aside from looking after his wife and child, the king made it his all-turned duty to make sure the son of Laufey was doing his job. He was to be used, as an example, ever since the war between them and the Frost Giants ended, many years ago; to make sure their adversaries witness one of their many fates, if they choose to declare war with the Asgardian kingdom. However, Loki's case was different. Having to be the prince of a fallen, "untrustworthy" race (as it was believed), the raven-haired man represented his kind, as a whole.

Some people don't know this, especially since Loki was clever enough to cover up his true appearance with magic, and this very desperate act only made Thor's resentment of him, increase, which adds a whole new layer of control and discipline. Some measures had to be taken - even if he had to diminish his hope, and break his very spirit. He kept his eye on him, the entire time, makin sure that his glares were discreet enough, to avoid suspicion and concern.

Next to him, the queen took a sip of the drink from her chalice, and immediately felt a burning in her throat, several seconds afterwards. That was when her breathing started to become more shallow, to the point where the dark-haired began to cough and choke for air. Thor immediately cut his gaze from the Jotun, and put all of his attention to her, concerned, and with growing fear.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Silena turned suddenly when she heard coughing. "Mother? Mother!" Silena moved to her mother and queen. "Someone! We need a healer! Call for the healer!" She looks amongst everyone when she yells for a healer. She looks to her father, the king with growing fear and uncertainty. "What's happening to mother?" She asks him. Scared what could happen to her mother. All they had known throughout her childhood was safety and peace. Now. On her Name-day her mother is choking and dying if she is not helped soon.

As quick as they could the healers arrived and Silena backed away to let them try to save her mother. She moved close to her father, Thor and Loki hoping the healers can save her.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

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By the time the Princess shouted for help, her mother coughed more violently and, in her attempt to get up, immediately fell to the floor; the cup of wine in her hand, clattering to floor, nearby, making a small mess. Thor immediately appeared at his wife’s side; his daughter not too far behind. He coddled his beloved, shortly before glancing at Loki, who stood frozen in place, with the chalice of wine, still in his hands. He didn’t understand: No one else, besides the royals and the servants, could access the Queen’s favorite wine.

Did it go bad, and that Queen Sif was having a reaction?

But then, Loki remembered that he served the same wine to her, earlier in the day, and she seemed fine. Why now? How could that be? Looking away at the scene, he looked down at the empty chalice in his hands - not knowing that the king was looking at him. ‘What have I done?’

“You!”, Thor directed at him, having to move out of the way, as soon as some healers showed up. Loki raised his head in acknowledgement yet immediately looked away, once he realized that the king referred to him. One might interpret the action as guilt, but in actuality, it was fear.

Since a majority of his punishments were acted, by the king himself, Loki was conditioned to not meet eye-contact. At the same time, these acts themselves traumatized the Jotun so much, that he couldn’t even look at his abuser - if one could guess correctly - King Thor. He was approaching Loki now; the slave’s heart going faster, and his breathing picking up speed. “What did you do?”, the blonde-haired man demanded.
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