Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 32 min ago

Henry "Hank" Dauterive / Michelle "Micheal" Jon

The two men had arrived with where the others were currently located, The two men had found nothing relating to the girl named Sage and her whereabouts. Henry was currently speaking with the person that was leading their current investigation, Micheal meanwhile was checking his weapons and asking the other agents on what information they know about this demon.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Argonaut
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Argonaut Mostly Dead BTW

Member Seen 3 yrs ago



"Well that's just convenient" Caz scoffs, scratching his head after witnessing what the pale girl just did with her water-bending abilities to open the gate. "Ah, thanks for that I guess. that ability of yours may come in handy in dealing with the tar demon, tar is liquid-based right?" Caz pondered at his own statement.

"Anyways before we go any further, who are you? you don't look like the agent-esque type based on your outfit." He ask and raised a brow at the thin girl's questionable physique and outfit.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"Thank you for the help young miss." Richard says to the young girl and offering her a friendly nod before hearing Caz divulge the information regarding the suspect we were chasing. His eyes widened, shocked that the wraith would give that kind of information freely to someone we weren't sure was part of the bureau. "Caz! We're not supposed to mention that kind of info to anyone, Heck we don't even know if the girl part of the bureau! Do you want Griffin to get mad at us again?!" Richard harshly whispers to the wraith. He gives the young woman a cautious gaze before thinking of a way to fix the situation before the senior agent comes to scold them again. Richard then reaches into his greatcoat and begins to search for his neuralizer discreetly.

"N-no need to fear mam. We're just...uh...sewer inspectors." Richard excuses lamely as he still tries to find the neuralizer on his person.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 22 min ago

Griffin growled when the woman appeared out of nowhere. He had been about to open the grate. He glared at his two companions. He really need a better team. It was clear he was the only one who knew what the hell he was doing. He counted to a hundred twice before directing his attention to the group. "Trenchcoat your an idiot. Keep your mouth shut. No one is suppose to know that we aren't humans. Roger grow a pair. You're going to mess up it's a part of life. There are worse things than getting into trouble is a part of life. It helps you learn."

He turned his attention to the new arrival. "I don't know who you are but like Roger you need to be alittle less flashy with your powers. We are suppose to be normal FBI agents. Don't attract anymore attention than we have to. I don't know if her water power will work on the tar. The creature isn't make of tar." Griffin reminded them. It was a shadow being of some sort. Water might weaken it enough for them to contain the creature.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 32 min ago


Henry "Hank" Dauterive / Michelle "Micheal" Jon

"Look buddy i don't know who crapped in your cereal today but we got her as covertly as we could, So if you don't shut your yap i'm gonna introduce you to Lucy" He said lifting his arm to show Griffin his chainsaw. "Enough you two, I did not come here to argue with each other, We have a teenager to find" Henry interjected looking annoyed at the two. "Now then what is the situation with the demon?" Henry then asked Griffin pushing Micheal back behind him.

The Lich did not want to argue or fight right now because he has a massive headache, Micheal meanwhile was grumbling and trying to chat with one of the other agents.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LightningMaiden


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Honestly you need to understand I did nothing showy…I moved through the water keeping out of sight of everyone, the clothes I am wearing is what a typical teenager would wear so I am blending…secondly, for something like hitting the door open from the inside to be showy were to send it flying….Plus that technology won't work on me nor do I really care about any of you…I was asked to be here and I am here end of story.."Replied Amaya blankly to them not really showing any care for the group infront of her "now lets go the water is tainted from the demon…easy tracking…hope you will be able to follow."She said before her body melted moving into the sewage stream leaving them behind.

'how annoying they try not to be showy but yelling at eachother is just bringing more attention to them…'She thought to herself swimming with the water following the taint. Yes it hurt her and she tried avoiding the tainted water as much as possible but this was the easiest way of getting to the demon and ending this.


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Blue light

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Mason was trying to stand back up a yard away he had fallen do to his injury and he was bleeding black blood into the water. Slowly he stood and tryed to keep going.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Argonaut
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Argonaut Mostly Dead BTW

Member Seen 3 yrs ago



Caz scratches his chin, taking lightly at his blunder and at the sight of Griffin losing his cool yet again. It seems the wraith has a develop a high tolerance against these hot-headed authoritative-like figures from his years of serving the one who cursed him in this half human half specter body. Base on his personal experience, most of his contractors is far worse than the agitated vampire he's working with right now so it doesn't faze him that much. Caz pouted as he soon realizes that they're getting sidetrack with all of this hiding their identity shtick. Before he can even react the pale girl dissolves into liquid and decided to went straight after the trail.

"So that just happened.. Ladies first I supposed," Caz snorted after witnessing the water girl swam deeper in the tunnels.

"Richard, you still remember our little plan right? Well, it seems we have an unexpected volunteer bait. Make sure you flank the demon and get a clean hit with your vials once the demon is distracted." He said to the combat medic.

"I'll follow that watery chick discreetly and take one of these for the road just in case something goes bad with her encounter, I've underestimated this demon during our first encounter and it won't happen," He said, lifting his index finger and use his telekinesis powers to take one of the vials out of Richard's pocket. "I just hope this stuff doesn't spill on me tho, cuz that will be nasty sight, but hey desperate times, right?" Caz jokingly said despite knowing the danger of that happening.

With that, Caz twists his cape and turns into his ghostly raven form bringing misty aura to his wake. the translucent Raven began to flap his wings and track down the watery girl and settle his unfinished business with this shadow demon.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 22 min ago

Griffin glared at the leech. "If you call that" he pointed to the bars the woman had blasted off with her water "convert then maybe you and everyone else should look up the damn definition. You DO NOT use your powers where humans might see! Do you think no one will notice those bars are gone?" He growled. He was pissed no one was listening. Everyone seemed to want to do their own thing. No one was working together. He was tempted to leave. He wasn't accomplishing anything.

"Fine you two think you can handle a shadow demon? Go for it." He was done. He had tried to get them to follow the rules. He was the one who would get in the most trouble when the higher ups heard but whatever. he couldn't bring himself to care. This whole group thing was a joke. It was a shadow demon for Pete's sake. Two people should be able to handle that. Unless it was not just a shadow demon. The tar made him think it might be something stronger. Something that would get stronger as it got later.

"I am going to find some blood. I don't care what the rest of you do. I am done with this little experiment for the night." Griffin shook his head. He didn't know how to work with other and no one here seemed all that interested in trying. He had a feeling the BOSA wouldn't last long.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Argus was getting coffee when his agency-issue phone beeped, indicating a text message from the containment department. He checked the message, reading it aloud to himself. "Car accident involving unidentified creature at [street address here], containment protocols broken, require memory scrub of all witnesses currently detained at the site." he gave a sigh and shoved the phone into his pocket before dumping the coffee down the sink and heading for the BOSA garage, stoppng at his locker to retrieve an FBI badge and clipping it to his belt.

The Djinn strolled down a row of agency cars, stepping into his own vehicle; A black Ford Police Utility Interceptor which had been outfitted with the advanced technological and magical systems employed by BOSA. He drove out of the garage and drove to the scene as quickly as possible. Though he would never admit it, he was jealous of those supernatural beings capable of flight and teleportation.

Argus inspected the scene of the accident from a distance as he approached, and A MPD officer attempted to stop the agent as he crossed the police tape, "Special Investigator Grau, FBI. We have reason to believe one of the people involved in the accident is a suspected terrorist and I expect full compliance from all officers on the scene. I'll need to talk to all persons involved personally and privately, and debrief all officers before they can leave." Before leaving to begin handling witnesses, he noticed the strange black substance on the car. "I want your men to stop touching that stuff, the details are above your pay grade but the materials the suspect has been working with may be toxic. Round up any samples they've gathered, but them in an evidence bin, and leave them next to my car. I'll have the boys back at our lab examine them, no need to put your people at risk. We've got special equipment for handling dangerous materials."
The officer was startled and caught off guard by the rapid-fire instructions, but allowed the agent to cross before begining to bark orders to the other police at the scene.

Argus approached one of the witnesses -based on his arm being in a sling he assumed it was the driver of the car, probably dislocated his shoulder when the airbag went off- and began to speak. "Hello there, I'm special agent Argus. I'll need to have a word with you in private about the accident, take a statement." the man nodded and allowed the agent to lead him aside from the others into a nearby alley. He looked out into the alley to the left to ensure nobody could see them before begining the process. "Nice to meet you sir, I'd just like to ask you a few questions and then we can let you go home." he extended his right hand to shake, waiting for the wounded driver to accept the offer befor transforming his right arm; the human skin and sleeve of his jacket melting away to reveal a four-fingered reptilian hand with boney claws. He tightened his grip on the man's arm as he seemed to enter a trance-like state for a few seconds.
Inside of the driver's mindscape, Argus stood in front of a seemingly endless row of picture frames containing moving images playing on a loop. "Why is it always pictures with these suburban types?" he asked himself, picking up the five pictures most recently placed on the shelves, he plunged the claws of his transfigured hands through them and a stream of glowing energy in multiple colors flowed from them, creeping up the Djinn's arm and into his mouth. Replacing the frames on the shelf, the color had been drained away and the images replaced with a scene of his car running into a street lamp, giving the police a statement, filing an insurance report over the phone, and calling a cab.
As soon as Argus was finished, his arm quickly shifted back into a human one;smokeless flames creeping up his skin and forming into his shirt sleeve, jacket, skin, and hand. "Thanks for your time sir, your cab should be here any minute. Probably shouldn't drive for awhile, you hit your head pretty bad during the crash. Probably have a concussion so things might seem a bit hazy." he checked his watch; time elapsed for first scrub, ten seconds. He lingered in the alley for another minute to call a cab for the driver before returning to the scene. He dealt with the rest of the witnesses just as quickly before dismissing them; rather than completely replace the memories, he drained them of their energy and adjusted them to remove anything abnormal, matching the story of the driver hitting a street lamp. Before handling the officers, he called headquarters. "Get a tow truck out here, we've got a vehicle coated in unidentified residue." He sniffed the air, "Smells demonic, then again everything in the city does. I'm done with the witnesses, officers will be handled soon so make it a rush job. Never know when a later night jogger is gonna turn up and complicate things."

He began approaching the officers one at a time, starting with the ones who had made contact with the ooze. He fed them the same story as the drivers and witness; driver hit a street lamp and messed his car up pretty bad. Police were brought in to make sure he wasn't under the influence and check his car for illicit substances. They didn't find anything except a broken open bottle of engine oil in the trunk. His car was totalled so they had it hauled off to the scrap yard; taking special care to strip the firsto fficer he had encountered of memories of the lie he had told them to get into the scene, replacing it with a few minutes worth of usual business and arguments about jurisdiction.

Once the witnesses and personnel had departed the scene, Argus leaned up against the nearest lamp to await the arrival of the agency car, lighting a cigarette while he combed through the collected memories for useful information before absorbing their essence.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@KatherinWinter @Argonaut @Blueflame @LightningMaiden @Eviledd1984

With everything that had just transpired in such a short span of time, it was understandable that Richard was confused. Griffin had arrived in time to scold them and talk to the pale girl. Then two other agents arrive and had an argument with him just before the pale girl left all of them in the dust to pursue the suspect. Alone. Caz then reminded him of the plan and told him that he too would go ahead, but not before he took a vial of his holy water as a contingency. Finally, it was then there that Griffin had enough of this mess of an assignment and voiced out his displeasure with the situation and desire to call it a night.

Richard wanted to convince the senior agent to change his mind, but he was smart enough to know when to keep his mouth shut in front of a person who is upset. Most especially if the person in question was his superior. He offers the senior agent an apologetic look before heading in to the sewer, hoping catch up and provide support to both Caz and the pale girl when they encounter the suspect.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LightningMaiden


Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Amaya followed the water source noticing a slight change before she left the water reforming herself on land "tainting the already tainted water...either he is badly hurt or he is a idiot."Said Amaya to herself lifting her hand over the water walking along the edge. A bubble formed taking in the tainted blood as the other flifth and sewage passed through. She followed the tainted flow "this isn't good to allow in the water supply."he said
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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@KatherinWinter @Argonaut @Blueflame

Argus sighed, not finding much of use in the collected memories; his eyes flashed red in the darkness as he consumed their energy and they rapidly faded from his mind; saving only a brief glimpse the driver had caught of the suspect. The Djinn walked to his car, placing the evidence bin that had been left behind by the police in his SUV and driving the vehicle into an alley out of the way. "Considering how badly they screwed up over here odds are the suspect is still on the run." he groaned.

"may as well join up with any other agents in the area." Argus decided, mumbling to himself as he put his car into lockdown. The vehicle shimmered and faded away, appearing as a faint grey haze in the air as the runes of intangibility engraved in the frame ignited. With the agency vehicle divorced from the material plane, only those with a natural affinity for the supernatural could detect it; and only BOSA agents would be able to restore it to reality. Sticking his hands in his pockets, the djinn followed the trail of demon's ink away from the scene of the crash.

It only took a few minutes for Argus to reach the entrance to the sewers on foot, taking a look at the other BOSA agents, and examining the scene before making his presence known. "What did I miss while I was cleaning up that info suppression disaster you people call a car accident?" the djinn asked, swallowing the cigarette butt dangling from his lips and expelling a puff of smoke from his nostrils.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 22 min ago

Griffin crossed his arms and glared at the djinn. He knew exactly what the newest arrival was. He didn't want to have anything to do with the creature but sometimes you didn't get to choose who you worked with. "Yes this whole assignment has been a clusterfuck of mess ups. Whoever decided the supernatural groups could accomplish more working together than individual agents could haven't met this group. Two less than stellar agents have gone after some sort of shadow demon with only holy water."

He wanted to walk away. This mission had gone so wrong he had no idea how to fix it. He had never seen such a mess. Even when he was training to be an agent. Of course he had been trained by aliens who were used to pretending to be professional humans. He had never tried to pretend he was a professional before.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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“I’d say it’s not inherently a bad idea to team us up.“ the Djinn offered, reaching for his pocket, “Put two agents with opposed powers and weaknesses together and they can keep eachother alive if whatever they’re up against is a specific threat to the other.” Argus shook his head, retrieving a cigarette and zippo from his pocket, sticking the cigarette between his lips. “The problem here was picking agents at random and throwing them together without any sort of screening process or adjustment period.” The redhead flicked open the lighter, revealing it had no wick, and a small flame appeared above it, “No sense of camaraderie, why should we care about the people we’re working with? Why should we listen to somebody we’ve never met?”

Argus took a few steps closer while carefully smelling the air; nostrils curling noticeably at the stench, “These sewers are a maze. Lived in them myself for a couple of months. Might take us awhile to catch up.” Argus shifted his stance, staring into the sewers as he continued sniffing the air, “Luckily those other agents are A halfer and a god touched. One hell of a matchup. Be hard to miss that scent trail.” he tilted his head back, thinking, “Once we find them we should regroup and think of an ACTUAL plan for dealing with this thing.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@KatherinWinter @Phantomlink959 @Argonaut @Blueflame

Richard stood at the crossroads of two sewer pipes, confused and lost. He had hoped to catch up with the pale girl, or the very least Caz...but the sewer system was simply too complex to navigate quickly. That or the others were simply too fast for him to run after. It was no use complaining now, he was now lost and separated from the others. He reaches into his greatcoat and retrieves his radio and attempts to contact the others on the same channel as he was. "This is agent Richard Anselm, I lost sight of agent Caz and the pale woman that were on pursuit of the suspect...and am also currently lost. Please advise." Every few minutes or so, he would repeat what he said again into the radio, hoping someone would answer him.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Blue light

Member Seen 9 mos ago


Running footsteps could be heard as Mason was running as fast as he could while being injured. He turned the corner and didn't see Richard as he was watching behind him. Unaware he was there mason started slowing down and stopping as he tryed to fix right leg. He kept looking in the direction that he came from to make sure that he was okay enough to try to help himself.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 22 min ago

"Aliens have been doing it for years." Griffin countered. He had heard that when the MIB started using aliens as agents they had had little trouble. It hadn't mattered if the aliens had known each other. The only thing they had had to be wary of was if the species had warred in the past. Even then most were willing to overlook old grudges when necessary for the sake of their new home. Of course that might have been part of the problem. Supernaturals had always been on Earth. They couldn't be evicted.

He rolled his eyes when he heard Roger on the radio. He pulled his out. "That would be the rookie who wasn't smart enough to stay with someone who might be able to stay with someone who could find their way out of the sewer. I think he is the god touched you smell." Griffin explained as he pressed the button. "Stay where you are Rookie we will find you."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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"A lot of supernaturals hold grudges against each-other, or are by nature solitary creatures. We can work together, we just need time to get used to it." The Djinn was intimately familiar with the kind of territorial disputes that often arose between the magically inclined races. His own people havd warred with others in the past, and Argus himself was born during their last great conflict; The war of the Naiads. A losing battle for beings of fire incarnate.

"They sent an untested rookie to fight a demon? Jesus..." Argus pulled out his own radio, "This is Agent Grau, I'm going to back up the other agent on this. I know these sewers and I can track your scent, so stay put until we reach you." he looked at the vampire, "I didn't catch your name. I'm Argus." he offered, "And we should get moving. I'll take point." The Djinn prepared to enter the sewers, stepping towards the entrance before pausing, "You're the senior agent on duty, requesting permission for partial revelation of my natural form. It would significantly improve my ability to track Richard and the Halfer."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Phantomlink959 @KatherinWinter @Blueflame @LightningMaiden @Argonaut

Richard let out a sigh of relief as he heard his senior answer him back as well as a new agent by the name of Grau."Understood agent Griffin, agent Grau. I will be staying put until located. " Richard was about to return his radio back into his greatcoat when he felt his hairs stand on end. 'Strange...its not that cold here and the only other time this happens is if-' Richard could not even finish his thought as he heard footsteps from his right side. He turns his head to the source of the sound and sees the suspect in question, doing its best to help himself. He slowly raises his radio again and whispers into it. "This is agent Richard Anselm, I have visual contact with the suspect. Will try to negotiate or detain suspect if possible..." He then lowers his radio, draws his handgun and hides it behind him before he speaks to the suspect. "You caused quite a ruckus back up top..." He slowly takes a step forward towards the suspect. "I understand that you are scared right now...but I can help. " Another step. "I just need you to turn yourself in and I can promise you. We can sort this out peacefully." And another step.
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