Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'll be responding to both of these posts soon hopefully. I've just been very ill lately and haven't been able to get myself to write these out properly. Sorry!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

Aww! No need to apologize. I'm SO sorry you've been feeling ill lately! Your well-being matters much more than a reply. Take all the time you need. Rest well and I hope you feel better soon!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

Hi! Wanted to let you know that I edited the last paragraph in my last post to get rid of the dogs actually attacking since that was not addressed and fits better for a response with yours overall.

Also, I want to know if I have the right mental image at the moment. Ahllasta is in a partially human form, yes? With orange eyes and a horn? Also, how is her name pronounced? The voice in my head is reading it something like, "all-AS-tuh" at the moment, but I feel like that's probably far from the mark.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Oh I'm sorry! I must have missed that part when I went to make my response. I didn't mean to do that! Thank you for your understanding.

She looks a good bit like this:
Sorry for not posting a pic sooner!

Her name is pronounced "Ah-last-uh". I appreciate you taking the time to ask, most people don't care about specific pronunciations. Makes me feel like my characters actually mean something lol :D

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

It was the last sentence or two. Basically stated they lunged at her as soon as they were fully formed. Easy change. And mistakes happen. :-) It's easy to overlook things or forget you read something. Normally I'd point it out, but it struck me as a quicker change for me to make since I knew I was on and had the time. Heh.

Ooh! Picture! Awesome. Did you draw that? Thanks for posting it! No worries about not adding one sooner. I don't expect every character to have a profile picture. Reference pictures are awesome and I love when they are used (and using them myself) in RPs, but just descriptions can work just as well, if not better. I'm weird and even when I use them, I like to pretend I don't have them and still try to remember to add character descriptions and occasional trait reminders. Basically, I like treating roleplays like writing a book. Your audience wouldn't have reference pictures to rely on (unless it's a graphic novel). Keeps me in practice. But that's just me.

Thanks much for the pronunciation! Of course. Your characters absolutely mean something! I'm honored that you're sharing them and the rest of your brain-child world with me in the first place, and letting me have a small part in it all. ^.^

Wait, what? Page three... already?!

Hope you've fully recovered from whatever illness struck you the last time I heard from you! And that all is going well (or, at the very least, semi-decent) on your end.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I appreciate the change, I imagine it's going to make things a bit smoother in the long run here lol.

I most definitely did not draw that, I wish I was that good of an artist lol. I usually have reference photos for the characters I introduce or something close. I have a Pinterest account I use for inspiration. I also enjoy using descriptors though, I should flex the vocabular muscles whenever I get the chance.

Don't worry, it's fun to share it! I've been doing some D&D styled RP's involving this same world lately and it's done wonders for me on learning how to ease people into this world. My recent learnings won't show until we're a bit in but at least things should be a bit more bearable moving forward.

Yeah, we've been marching right along lately!

I haven't really but I've been feeling a bit better. I've been going through a whole lot of illness type stuff lately.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

Sorry for the wait! I've been getting ready to move to a new place and put where I'm at now on the market. As a heads-up, because of that and a couple other things, the end of this month and the first couple weeks of next will likely be busy on my end. It's quite possible I'll end up with time daily to reply, but if I disappear for a few days, know that's why.

Gotchya. Reference pictures are amazing, to be sure! I have a couple folders of 'em, just in case. That's a good idea to use Pinterest for that! Do whatever you feel most comfortable with. :-)

Ooh, D&D! I used to do that with friends. We'd get together once or twice a month to play. Good times. Ever play it in person, or just online?

Aww! Well. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better, but if you feel like you need more time or anything, don't feel like you have to get a post in. I'll be here whenever if you need/want more time to recover. I won't be going anywhere. Long-term, anyway.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I understand, take all of the time you need. Moving and putting a house up for sale are always big time consumers. I hope you can reply daily but certainly don't expect it when you're that busy lol

I've primarily played in person but have recently taken to doing it online since I've been away from most of my friends/family after joining the military.

Don't worry, if anything posting here helps to distract me from being so ill. I'm here for the long run too though and I appreciate you being so patient with me as always.

I really feel bad about putting Anora with all of these super-bossy, ultra-powerful people! I'm about to change that though, thus the first part of my most recent post. I know it might have been a confusing mess but she'll be given much more space and perhaps be put in far more legitimate danger soon. Some story points are going to be explained soon ICly at the very least.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

Thanks for your understanding! I appreciate it greatly.

That's cool. I've never tried it online. How's that going? Is it an odd adjustment from being used to doing it table-top?

Ha! Don't feel bad. It's fun. Well, not for her, but hey. I'm sure she'll get on plenty of nerves herself. She's a novice, so I wouldn't expect her to pose any kind of threat against her well-trained peers. Doesn't mean she won't try, though. Yeah, I definitely can't wait for that first part to make sense! Heh. It's intriguing, to be sure, and leaves me wondering.

Question, though: You've spelled it Pan and Pahn. Which do you prefer? Just asking for future reference. And it is pronounced like Pan, right? I think I remember having Anora comment something like, "Only if you count Peter Pan," and I didn't get corrected for her misunderstanding, but thought I'd ask. :-)
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It's fun. Doing things purely verbally has it's pro's and cons. I enjoy it more to be honest, everything's in the head and nothing's tied down to boards and miniatures. The theater of the mind has always been more enjoyable to me.

There'll be some good developments for her as things progress. I'm hoping to get her introduced to this person because he'll likely try to help her control her magic. You'll understand as things come along but I'm hoping it'll be a fun experience for her.

I spell it as 'Pahn', but it's pronounced like 'Peter Pahn'. Maybe just with a bit more air in it to help elevate it's majesty lol
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I apologize for the long delay, it's been a rough past couple of days.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

No worries, and no need to apologize! Sorry to hear things have been rough the last couple days. I hope things get better for you soon. Take all the time you need. I always look forward to and eagerly await your posts, but there is never any rush. We are doing this for fun, after all!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sorry, I've been gone for ages, I've just been pretty sick and occupied with work and some big life changes but I think I'm good to continue posting now! I hope you have patience and I thank you for giving me space whenever I need it. I should have been more forward about my situation so you would've at least known when I was going to vanish. I apologize.

How've you been? I hope you've been doing well? It's been a little over a month now I believe.

Also, Here's what Dan looks like in a picture.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

Seems it was my turn to make you wait! I'm sorry you've been sick. I know the feeling to some degree. Hope the life changes aren't bad ones, and if they are, I hope they get resolved soon! I'm glad, though, that you're feeling well enough to get back into writing! Oh, you're welcome, and of course I have patience with this kind of thing. Thanks for the thought, but there's no need to apologize. I understand how suddenly things can come up. Sometimes you just don't have the time or willpower necessary to write something up.

*Laughs hysterically.* To keep it short, stressed and sick. Thanks for asking! Currently working on getting back into posting replies myself.

Yay! Reference picture! Thanks for that. Looks about how I imagined, actually. :-)
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Oh, you're fine, I understand as well lol. I'm glad you totally seem to get it when there are times like that in life.

I know the feeling. How's your living situation though? I know the winter made it hard, is it any easier these days now that the season is sort of ending in most parts of the country?

I'm glad I've been getting the feeling of him across properly for that picture to work. That picture was kind of like half-inspiration for him as a character. I've been excited to post for him! I'm glad I'm finally getting the chance to show him off a bit.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

*Laughs manically at the question.* That's a can of worms you might not want to open. The short version? Things are still stupid crazy, both with moving aspects and the weather. Moving fell through. And where I'm at, we can literally get summer weather one day and winter the next right now. Really. A couple weeks ago (I think...) it was in the upper 70s to lower 80s, then it snowed maybe 24 hours later. Which doesn't help anything.

You have indeed! That's awesome you used him as character inspiration. I like when that happens! Oh, sorry if Anora's a bit (or a lot) off in my next post. It's been a long... [insert amount of months/years here]. I'll reread posts and stuff again once I have more time to get a better feel for writing for her again. I'd say things should settle down a bit on my side by the end of the month, but then I think life would take that as a challenge and prove me wrong.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

That's wild! Reminds me of the time I moved around eight times in the span of a month when I lived in North Carolina, of course, our situations are both a bit different in context xD. Are you making it through okay? Any good moments throughotu all of this?
P.S. I don't mind worms lol.

Well I had an idea and he ended up being a good outlet for said idea, kind of giving him further shape then I'd even originally intended. I understand being out of it, no rush. I just dropped a lot of bombshells on Anora too so it's fine if she's super off. I don't think she'll be anything but super-off with the way the story's gone so far lol. Besides, I think you did an excellent job writing for her, the post is good!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

Dang, eight times in a month? That’s insane! Different or not, means you know the pains of moving and probably living out of totes/boxes quite well. Thankfully, I've never had to actually move a house's worth of stuff that many times. Was that courtesy of the military for you, or something unrelated? Oh, yeah, I’m surviving. Heh. Just been stressful. Current house is under contract to sell, though, which is good, and there are other rentals available right now to check out once closing gets closer. If the buyers don’t back out in their allotted time. Hmm. Well, I’ve been doing more crafting and video gaming in my free time since inspiration for writing has been stupid-low, so there’s that. Which did lead to me making a new friend. It’s great to be writing again, though. ^.^

Ha! Well, thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.

Well, I look forward to experiencing that said idea through Dan as an outlet! It’s always neat when a character takes on a life of their own. Frustrating at times, but still neat. xD Well, I meant more of an “off” than what you’d expect for the situation. Heh. But thanks, I’m glad it wasn’t as bad as I felt it was!

How’ve things been on your end in my absence? It’s kind of funny how we keep taking turns with things pulling us away from RPG IRL.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yeah, it was for other, unrelated reasons. Parent's just being people who make bad decisions led to a good number of moves in my teenage years lol. I'm glad you're surviving! Knock on wood, but, it sounds like things are a bit on the upward path! It's good you have some options coming up.

I understand the crafting and video games, I did the same for a good bit too lol. Warframe was my go to for a number of days.

He is a bit of an interesting character xD I'm actually super-glad I threw him in though because it gives Anora a chance to ask some questions and get some answers. Even if she doesn't fully believe them it will at least give her something to stand on at first.

The whole situation is a good bit unreal so I don't blame any sort of reactions she has lol. Her being as defensive as she is makes a lot of sense and I can definitely appreciate it! I've been working on my bad habit of letting characters put down their guard too soon or when they certainly wouldn't if I had stayed true to them. You've been doing a good job the whole way through! We're getting close to actually starting our journey too! I'm so excited.

It is funny we both take breaks but it does go to show that either we're interested in the story or just good RP-partners in general. I'd like to say it's a bit of both lol.
I've been doing really well! Been really putting my health in my own hands lately. I decided to accept my limitations and move on with my life recently and it's been paradoxically liberating lol. I've been accomplishing more of my own goals in general than I think I ever have before.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 15 days ago

Oh, dang. Hey, at least you made it through that. And have enough moving experience to last a lifetime. A bit, yeah. Here's to hoping something will pop up when its needed!

Ooh, you draw, right? Or was there something else you do on the crafting front? And what system and games do you like to play? I actually just switched my profile to a PlayStation theme. Then, my crafting fit ended up consisting greatly of a plushy-making binge. That isn't quite over yet, just on break. And I also now have a mostly finished Marluxia (from Kingdom Hearts) scythe for a gender-bent cosplay.

I'm certainly enjoying his presence! Poor Dan, though. He just keeps digging his hole deeper and deeper. xD

I actually have on her profile that she's both a bit gullible, but also paranoid. So, quick to believe, but not necessarily to trust. So much at once, though, is certainly overwhelming. She's trying to keep her cool, but will probably end up having a full mental breakdown later once everything's gotten the chance to fully set in. Well, I'm glad you think so! Fingers crossed I can keep it up. Heh. Yeah, it can definitely be difficult to keep a character consistent, especially if you haven't quite established who they are to yourself quite yet. Like I've said, though, I like your characters so far. I love their distinctive qualities, and could see each of their personalities getting on each other's nerves at some point, but also working together. Awesome! I can't wait to see where things go, and how much trouble our little group gets themselves into!

I'd have to also say that it's a bit of both, there! That's great you'be been taking care of your own health lately! Mmm. That's always a hard thing to do, admitting limitations. I'll admit I have them, I still tend to pretend I don't have some of mine until I'm forced to. Doesn't always exactly end well, but hey. And congrats on accomplishing a lot of your goals!
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