Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Draku69
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Draku69 Tha Un4givin

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I gotta kill something. Punching something will help too. Want to do some kinda one on one group on one? Down for whatever.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 18 days ago

Got a CS?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by YourDarkPriest
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YourDarkPriest Faithful of RNGesus

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Could be down for this. Just give me a CS to fill in, and a basic ability level.

Like just street punks and up, or like hero's with powers and such.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 18 days ago


How about we fight, since the host left?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Draku69
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Draku69 Tha Un4givin

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Damn. Never noticed that there was interest in this. My bad y'all.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Draku69
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Draku69 Tha Un4givin

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I've a c/s but I was told it's fairly vague and the character pretty OP. I could post it and clear up any questions you have on it if y'all are still down.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by YourDarkPriest
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YourDarkPriest Faithful of RNGesus

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Doc Doctor

Yeah, I'm still interested. As for OP, I can do what ever at whatever level.

I might need a quick catch up on the whole rules of the sub though, like the win lose board. Wouldn't that imply a system that can be played?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 18 days ago


Let's see that CS.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by YourDarkPriest
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YourDarkPriest Faithful of RNGesus

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Draku69@Doc Doctor

What they said.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Draku69
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Draku69 Tha Un4givin

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Character you have created: Character's Real Name

Alias:Name other than their real name

Character Alignment: Three different alignments.
-Hero- Enjoy helping others, following the rules, and preventing the suffering of innocents? Ex: (Superman, Spider-Man, Iron Man)
-Walking the Line- Liking keeping a distinct balance between good and evil by living by your own set of morals, never answering to anyone but your sense of right? Ex: (Punisher, Deadpool)
-Villain- Want to create some havoc, live for only your morals and needs, and take what you want or have while enjoying the fall from the aftermath? Ex: (Joker, Green Goblin, Magneto)

Identity: Is your real name a Secret or Known to the public?

Character Personality: Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations, how they socialize and more.

Uniform/costume: Briefly describe or post a picture of what your character's costume looks like.

Origin Info/Details: How did they gain their powers, where did they originate and end up where they are now? What experiences do they have and events in life turned them into the people they are today?

Hero Type (Select one):
Normal- Average human or Non-powered characters
Brick/Muscle- Strongman or Brute type character
Elemental- Select: Water, Wind, or Earth.
Energy-What kind of energy? Ex. Electricity, Fire, Spirit, etc.
Psychic- Use your mind to toss or bend items, read minds, or even just cast illusions to make people think they're crazy!
Acrobat- Balance on great heights, twist into interesting ways and always land on your feet.
Speedster- Duck and weave, you can't catch me because I'm too fast for you.
Gray Matter- Who needs fancy powers or extreme weapons when I fully can and will out smart you.
Shape Shifter- I was a little lady once, then a young boy, and now a supermodel. What shape next, I wonder, should I take?
Mystic- Spell casters and magic users, if you're using any sort of magic then it goes here.
Supernatural- Divine agents, vampires, werewolves, zombies, angels, demons, and the list goes on...
Other- if you managed, somehow, to create something that doesn't belong in any of the above list then please put it here.

Power Level (Select one below):
A. Street Level (Ex. Punisher, Daredevil)
B. City Level (Ex. Spider-Man, Cyclops)
C. World Level (Ex. Flash, Superman)
D. Cosmic (Ex. Silver Surfer, Green Lantern)

Powers (Be Specific):
Attributes (Select one at each category):



Strength Level: Normal Human, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, or 100+ tons.
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, or 100+ MPH.
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human, 2, 3, 4, 5 hours.
Agility: Normal Human, 5X, 10X, 15X, or 20X Human level.
Intelligence: Average/Genius/Super-Genius
Fighting Skill: Untrained/Trained/Mastered

CS Skeleton. Will post my CS in a few.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Draku69
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Draku69 Tha Un4givin

Member Seen 1 mo ago

{Character you have created}

Name: Draku Rodriguez

Age: Unknown/ Appears 21

Race: Dragonknight

Height: 6'5"

Weight: Unknown/ Weighs Beyond Any Expectations

{Alias} The Unforgiven

{Character Alignment} Anti-Hero

{Identity} Secret/Known

{Character Personality}

- By nature, honor would seem to be more important to him than life itself; often becoming tied to The Dragonknight's code of conduct on the battlefield, believing adversaries should be treated with courtesy and respect, even if they would be sworn enemies. Caution and discretion are key to his survival, but fear is a disease and cowardice is a moral failing. To him, breaking an oath is the height of dishonor, and attention to honesty extends to every word. A commitment made must be carried out. Ultimately, he takes responsibility for his actions and the consequences that follow. Typically enthusiastic about life, particularly success, and brooding about failure for only a short time before disappointment is shaped into a strong drive for improvement. Being amongst the last of his mighty race, The Dragonknight actually demonstrates a humble trait that might be considered by some as reserved; but like the vast majority of his race, he has no qualms asking for what he needs or taking the time to improve himself. Trust is a major factor in the lives of all Dragonknight and each expects others to be just as open and forthcoming with them as they are.
Others may see he and his people as proud or even arrogant because of this dedication to excellence and high standards. It is true that Dragonknight are typically proud of their race's accomplishments. However, are also more than willing to recognize with respect the accomplishments of others in turn, whether or not the being in question is an ally or enemy. Part of the roots of The Dragonknight's honorable attitude lies within his drive for self-improvement, placing great value on the skill of an individual, including his own. Failing at a task is anathema to a Dragonknight and as a result they can sometimes push themselves to unhealthy extremes of effort. This aspect of the Dragonknight mind means few of the race take a laidback approach to any skill or ability, striving ever to become the masters of a particular skill and respect those among other races that approach life in the same manner. Draku is no different. The passionate nature of The Dragonknight has persuaded others to believe him to become quite brutal or vengeful over the span of his many lives and given to hasty choices that are morally compromising. The Dragonknight's sense of worth can likewise lead to greed and egoistic selfishness, often fueled by the twisted influence of his guardian spirit; the two different personalities often raging war within his mind, yet retaining the scruples and values that define his race, including respect and courtesy to enemies. Of the two personalities, one being the strong silent type; who keeps solely to himself, trusts very few, and can become incredibly ruthless at times, while the other being a kinder more lighthearted side of himself, he chooses to follow his more primal state of mind.
As a race, the Dragonknight possess a strong sense of independence and self-worth, but most however do not view this as a need to break away from society as other individuals might, but rather to shape it for the better through their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Likewise, The Dragonknight sees himself as responsible for those around him, the group ultimately reflecting on the individual. In this way the successes and failures of each member of his team are the failures and successes of the group they associate with, giving him a very collective sense of self while allowing the others of his group to retain their individuality. Ultimately, he holds himself accountable for his choice of allies and poor judgment is considered no excuse for failing to uphold the standards all Dragonknight hold themselves to.


[Hair Color] Black & Green

[Eye Color] Emerald Green

Physical Description

[Body Type] Bodybuilder Physique

[Skin Tone] Olive

[Hair] Black and Green Streaked Mohawk w/ Long Green Tipped Bangs That Cover His Right Eye and A Series of Intricate Tribal Designs Shaved Into the Sides of His Head

[Facial Hair] An All Black Goatee w/ Green Highlights

[Piercings] A Zero Gauge Anodized Black Titanium Dragon Wing Hanger Plug; Pierced Through His Left Ear, A Fourteen Gauge Anodized Black Titanium Long Spike Barbell; Pierced Through His Left Eyebrow, and An Anodized Black Titanium Spiked Labret Piercing

[Tattoo] A Pitch Black Tribal Tattoo Trailing Over His Left Eye; From His Hairline to His Jawline

Manner of Dress

[Acessories] Always wears a pair of [url=http://"miamiwholesalesunglasses.com/images/p…"]all black wrap around sun shades[/url] and a pair of fingerless black leather gloves w/ several semi-sharp metal studs embedded into them; used for beating unworthy adversaries, not worthy of his blade, into a bloody mess

[Upper body] Wears an all black leather duster w/ short sharp spikes protruding from the right shoulder, a black fishnet muscle shirt that reveals a gruesome scar across his muscular chest and an [url=http://"store.a51tactical.com/images/SHR2.gif"]all black half harness shoulder holster[/url]

[Lower body] Wears a pair of loose fitting, green stitched, black leather pants, and a pair of all black leather, steel capped, knee-high combat boots w/ metal plate accents and buckle decor.


- A legendary five foot sword forged in the flames of the Lost Society; fabled to have been made by Tiamat herself, practically indestructible and has the capability of becoming a conduit for the powerful Dragonic force he is able to cast; this can only be accomplished by speaking in his native tongue. The blade is the only memory he has of his once mighty race and can only be wielded by him. Can be summoned to him by calling out it's true name.

The Triforce Gun

- A fully customized jet black three barreled gun, each barrel etched with faintly glowing Dragonic symbols; each symbol representing that of Fire, Ice and Lightning. This firearm is unique in it's own way for it has no need for standard ammunition and runs off the unlimited Dragonic force that courses through his veins. It is always holstered on his left side.

{Origin Info/Details}

Born into royalty and the most powerful race known to man, the Dragonknights; guardian-bearing warriors who possess the soul, blood and abilities of a dragon, Draku is the only known surviving member of his kind. In years long past a wicked dictator, by the name of Evil Brimstone, invaded their lands with seemingly endless hordes of super powered demons; destroying everything and sparing no one in his path. It was in a failed attempt at ending the fighting with no further bloodshed that Draku's father, the mightiest Dragonknight since their ancestors, had fallen. In the fiery aftermath of what was left of his homeland, he made his way to the altar where his people had prayed to The Mighty Tiamat; Mother of All Dragons, for the power to avenge his family and friends. In response to his prayers Tiamat sent to him the guardian known as Bahumat the Harvester of Souls, a legendary black dragon responsible for devouring the souls of his fallen brethren in an attempt to gain ultimate power, granting Draku the strength and abilities of every soul within the Harvester's realm. His guardian’s darkness and thirst for power has merged with Draku’s rage, thus tainting his once pure soul. Due to his guardian's dark past, Draku's own soul can never escape him; he has died countlessly, but has risen from the dead time and time again.

{Hero Type} Supernatural

{Power Level} World Level



- Possesses the ability to summon the raw power of the elements and command them at will. Capable of inflicting more damage in a single strike than any other of his professions. This ability has come as a second nature to him and has no need for any sort of preparation to unleash this devestating power.

Close Quarters Combat

- A type of fighting in which he can engage the enemy with personal weapons at very short range, potentially to the point of hand-to-hand combat or fighting with hand weapons such as swords or knives. He is incredibly skilled in this style of fighting; making him extremely proficient with his fists and a master of bladed weapons.

Feral Sense

- His senses of sight, smell, and hearing are all superhumanly acute. He can see with perfect clarity at greater distances, even in near-total darkness. His hearing is enhanced in a similar manner, allowing him to both hear sounds others cannot and also hear to greater distances. He is able to use his sense of smell to track targets by scent, even if the scent has been eroded somewhat over time by natural factors.

Superhuman Strength

- Possesses the potential for limitless physical strength giving him the ability to take massive amounts of damage, resistance to most forms of injury, capability of punching through the strongest of metals and lifting several tons of weight above his head with very little straining.

Accelerated Healing

- His body is permanently shrouded in a powerful Dragonic aura that allows him to recover from seemingly mortal wounds. Injuries that would be deadly to most, take just a short time for him to recover from; time varies from a few seconds to several minutes, according to the severity of the wound.

Elemental Regeneration

- The ability to recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs by using any available element in his vicinity.

Elemental Augmentation

- The ability to augment his physical condition by reinforcing his body with various elements.

Elemental Reincarnation

- If one were to succeed in ending his life, one of several events would occur: a large bolt of lightning striking him causing a fiery explosion; immolating his form to ash, freezing to the very core of his form; shattering into thousands of tiny ice crystals or disintegrating into earth slowly from the inside out; blood pouring like sand until his form dissipates into nothing but dust. The planet itself would restore his physical being after such an event; using every element on it to do so.

Dragon's Rage

- When pushed to a certain limit, he can enter a state of being known as Dragon's Rage. In this form, he takes on certain physical attributes of his guardian dragon; glowing green dragon-like optics, huge battle-worn wings, wickedly curved horns, and a highly significant increase in strength; both physically and 'magically'.

The Harvester of Souls

- Due to the power of his guardian spirit, he is granted the innate ability to strike at the very life force of an opponent; often channeled through his natural elemental prowess giving the conjured element a certain green hue, and is highly capable of sapping the very will to survive from any living soul. This ability is especially deadly to all Dragon kind and those of Dragonic decent, capable of empowering him with the souls and abilities of any dragon slain by this power. Due to this connection with his guardian, The Dragonknight's soul is immortal and unattainable by all means.


Strength Level: 50 tons; Doubles in state of Dragon's Rage

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 69+ MPH; Doubles in state of Dragon's Rage

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 5 hours; Unknown in state of Dragon's Rage

Agility: 10X; Doubles in state of Dragon's Rage

Intelligence: Above Average; Decreases significantly in state of Dragon's Rage

{Fighting Skill} Mastered
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Draku69
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Draku69 Tha Un4givin

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by YourDarkPriest
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YourDarkPriest Faithful of RNGesus

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The sheet is oddly both limiting, and to freeing. That said, I can make something for it.


Do you want a equal fight?
A lesser fight?
Or a stronger opponent?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Draku69
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Draku69 Tha Un4givin

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Your choice.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Draku69
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Draku69 Tha Un4givin

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Blue light

Member Seen 9 mos ago

I wouldn't mind as long as you don't mind me being fresh to arenas
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Draku69
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Draku69 Tha Un4givin

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Blueflame And you're ok with the character I'm using? I could add his known weakness/limitations. Same character but dialed back a tad.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Blue light

Member Seen 9 mos ago

You can if you want to I am going to use a character of own who (idk by your standards) is a bit op
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Blue light

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Sorry forgot to mention
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Draku69
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Draku69 Tha Un4givin

Member Seen 1 mo ago

My bad. Just saw this. And I'm down to take on what ever you want to throw at me.
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